The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve smiled a little. "it would be pretty fun. too bad i'm pretty sure that he doesn't know what a friendly spar is." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you? Careful? i'm pretty sure you stick that metal arm in electrical sockets just for the thrill." he scoffed before settling in to watch Hulk rip everything apart. he had not been attracted to Mariah. but he had loved her just as much as he loved Betty Ross. he still looked in on Betty from time to time, from a distance so he wouldn't get her into any more trouble. she had barely survived her last encounter with him. "hey Cap." Tony chirped as he walked in, examining Hulk for a moment before heading to the door. "Tony! what the hell are you doing?!" Steve demanded. "easy. i know what i'm doing." Tony promised as he moved over to the door and hit the intercom. "Hulk, Buddy, i'm coming in! i have Popsicle!" Tony called, Hulk snarling and growling even as he sat down, indicating that he was in control enough that Tony could come in without fearing damage. all the people in the world, only Tony and Betty Ross could approach the Hulk without suffering severe physical damage. Tony moved into the room, sat himself on the Hulks massive leg and chattered away, handing Hulk a Popsicle here and there from one of the five boxes he'd brought in with him. the more Tony talked, mostly about science stuff, the more Hulk seamed to calm down until he grunted, laid down and went to sleep amidst the piles of twisted metal, torn cloth and piles of stuffing. "he'll revert back soon." Tony promised James and Steve, who was astonished at the amount of courage and trust Tony had just shown. or maybe it was stupidity? either way that had been one hell of a thing to see.
“hey! I would never do something like that. I mean, it would upset tony if I messed up the tech cause I messed it up.”James snickered a little amused before sighing as he watched bruce. He hated it, while he knew the other wasn’t attracted to her, he knew bruce had loved her. It was hard seeing him like this. “Hey tony.”He muttered before laughing a little, “Trust him. He does this alot.”James said relaxing as he realized hulk was indeed in control. Running his hand through his hair before pulling it back into a ponytail as he watched the other two, smirking a little as he watched steve.”It’s trust. I thought he was insane the first time I saw this, but he knows Hulk wont hurt him like this.”James said shrugging a little relaxing a little as he realized bruce would be okay. “Tony?”Farian said looking sleepy and starting to wake up as she stepped into the room, dressed in casual jeans and a hoodie, looking more like a teenager crawling out of bed, rather then a merc who’d been hired to come after him.
he rolled his eyes. "you totally do it just to take your mangled arm to Tony." he scoffed. "any excuse to get his hands on you." he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. "i bet he plays doctor real well huh?" he asked with a grin before watching in shock as Bruce ripped apart the room. "a lot? like... seriously?" he asked, astonished. "and Hulk never hurts him?" no, because Tony wouldn't go in if Hulk didn't acknowledge him first. "really? so Bruce is really in there somewhere?" he asked curiously. yes, he was, a little more everyday, but no matter how much Bruce was aware, Hulk was not Bruce. "morning Farian. sleep well?" Steve asked, offering her a sly grin. "Tony's calming down Bruce." he admitted, indicating the mess inside the room. "we... well, James told Bruce about Mariah." he admitted with a sigh. "he didn't take it well." he admitted. "you look really cute like that you know." he admitted with a grin. "i might have to adopt you if you keep looking all cute and snuggly."
“Hm, no cause he’d totally put me in time out or something for it.”james snickered a little before nodding a little. “But I do like it when he plays doctor. He’s good at it.”he smirked a little before nodding. “Any time this happens, tony’s usually the one who talks him down. And no. They have rules about it. Tony makes sure hulk knows who he is before he goes in, and he never gets hurt.” “Morning. And I did. Amazingly so.”Farian said blushing ever so slightly before wincing.”Damn. I had jarvis dig through some of her files and computer, apparently she’s working to take over SI so she can have everything after he had tony dealt with.”Farian said rubbing a hand over her face before frowning at the blond, tilting her head a little. “Cute and snuggly?Really?”
he snorted. "you'd enjoy that too i'm sure." he teased. "got a daddy kink going on there somewhere?" he teased. "i bet he is." he admitted with a snicker before nodding as he realized Tony was more careful than he'd expected. "that's rather amazing. so this is how they've managed to get Hulk to fight for Tony? because Hulk... trusts? likes? Tony?" he asked curious before looking at her. "so all this time, McKenzie was only friends with Bruce because he was close to Tony?" he asked, looking rather outraged. "that's sick. poor guy..." he muttered as he watched Hulk snoozing and Tony trying to cover him with a massive blanket. "yep, cute and snuggly. Tony's going to be all over that." he teased, watching as Tony slipped through the door, closing it gently so as to not wake Hulk. "you're supposed to let me be present when we tell him horrible news." he chastised James, not really all that upset. "morning!" he chirped to Farian. "sorry about slipping out of bed like that but we had an issue." he admitted, indicating the sleeping Hulk.
“Hm, maybe. Want to spank me?”James smirked. “Yea, pretty much. Well, bruce liked him before, I mean, him and tony could go for hours talking about science until you want your head to explode, the fact that tony can calm hulk, is just a bonus. They get along amazingly.”James snickered a little before wincing at the information. “Yes. Jarvis found funds siphoned off to europe and switerland, I’m seeing if any of the mercs in that area know anything. We might not always work together, but I am friends with alot of them. Between them and jarvis, we should know everything she was up to.”Farian said before blushing a little at steve’s words.”he will not.” “Oh yea he will be. Especially if you’re really as cold as your looking.”James snickered looking amused at the jeans and hoodie, she did look a little chilled, but not worryingly so. “I know, but you were sorta laying on farian at the time. Bruce said you were actually sleeping for once. Figured it was better eto let you sleep.”JAmes said totally unrepentant. “It’s okay. I spent some time talking to jarvis while you came down here.”Farian shrugged a little.
Steve smirked. "you know i do." he teased before nodding. "so it's a combined thing. Bruce knows Tony won't use him and Hulk knows Tony won't hurt him." he tilted his head. "fascinating." he admitted. "i bet Tony plays with him too." he mused before shaking his head. "oh Bruce isn't going to like that either..." Steve muttered. "maybe we should leave him in the room when we tell him that part." he muttered before looking up as Tony came out, and indeed he was all over Farian, snuggling into her so she could have some of his super heated body heat. "i was sleeping." Tony admitted. "but you could have waited until i was awake." he grumbled as he sniffed at Farian's neck. "oh? where you asking him about me?" Tony asked with a grin before focusing on the window. "there he goes. James would you go carry him to bed? Steve would you tell Dandy Bruce needs his Hulk Out food?" "uh... sure." Steve muttered. "does he need a special diet?" "no. but hot soup makes him feel better and he needs a massive amount of calories after he hulks out. he won't be able to transform again for a few hours after he wakes up. his body simply can't sustain another Hulk out." "well. that's interesting." Steve admitted.
“Exactly. And tony trusts hulk to not hurt him when he’s in control, and hulk knows that. It’s a combined effect.”James smiled a little before laughing. “he does. They draw things and amuse themselves, and I’ve even seen Tony suit up and help him blow things up with the Iron man suit when the mood taken him.”He said before wincing. “Yea...probably. Might be a good idea.”he agreed. Farian laughed a little as she snuggled into the billionaire, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning against him, warmer within moments, even as she shuddered as he sniffed her neck, knowing she smelled like him having not showered from sex yet. “No...I was asking about Mariah. Found out some interesting things, she’s...well, was trying to take over SI, and funneled most of her fortune overseas into blanket accounts. I have a few friends tracking down what she was doing when she went overseas, and Jarvis is tracking the money.”She sighed softly wishing she’d been asking about tony instead of mariah, knowing it would have been more enjoyable. “yea I got it.”James said smiling as he walked in, picking up bruce before heading for his room, “Maybe we should wake him up and tell him the rest, while he can’t hulk out over it.”James frowned looking worried about his friend.
Steve chuckled a little. "okay that must have been totally awesome." he agreed with a grin. "Tony and Hulk must be a hell of a combination." he admitted. "oh? Mariah, that's McKicken right?" god, even now Tony couldn't get her name right. ", she was going to, what? make me sign over my company at gunpoint?" he scoffed. "we have steps in place to prevent that sort of thing." he admitted. "even if i was dead, she couldn't have taken SI." he admitted. "i'm sure she didn't know that though." he admitted. "in my will i have a list of thirteen separate people the company is to go to." he admitted. "no one will have full company power after i'm gone unless i have a child." he admitted. "which probably won't be happening anytime soon, i'm not stable enough for a baby." he admitted. "i might consider adopting later in life when i'm not so crazy." he admitted. "ooooh, you have connections! you have no idea how much more attractive you just got." he teased with a chuckle. "no. he's fine now. Bruce is nothing if not controlled. now that hes expended his rage he'll be able to talk about the woman without hulking out unless we find out something else, like she was going to murder him in cold blood or something." "...uh..." Steve glanced at the sleeping Bruce as James came back with the man in his arms. "besides, he won't wake up for another hour no matter how hard you shake him." Tony admitted.
“It was. I nearly died laughing at the sight of them blowing shit up together.”James snickered before shaking his head at Tony’s words. It amused him that tony was incapable of remembering names when they weren’t important to him. “McKinze, and something like that. I’m sure there was some elaborate plan that probably didn’t take into account that you’ve had your will and rules set in place to keep that from happening.”James shrugged a little even if he was going to keep diggign and see just how the woman was connected to, maybe there was more to it then they thought. Smirking as he watched teh two cuddling, he bit his lip to keep from offering his advice and teasing on the idea of a child, because it would totally just be mean. “Probably no one out of your inner circle and lawyers probably knew about the rules. Makes sense she tried to take the company.”Farian muttered before laughing punching him in the shoulder. “More attractive then?Shall I tell you about my broad knowledge of things overseas, and tell you how things are?”she smirked a little. “...I dismantled those guns the guys had. Posion made specificially to take care of Bruce.”James said looking worried because he was afraid of what this would do to bruce
he chuckled a little. "god. you know, before i was frozen, i would have thought this was the weirdest shit ever. i don't know if it's the people i hang out with or just what happens when you wake up in a new century but this is about as normal as it gets for me these days." he admitted shaking his had. "yeah i'm sure. people just haven't come to accept that i am, and always will be smarter than them." he admitted. "i'll have you question her once Bruce calms down." he decided, smirking at James. he'd enjoy the job, she'd hurt Bruce after all. "hmmm. yeah, pretty much. and my Inner Court wouldn't blab. they're far too loyal. i hand picked them myself and taught them everything they know and even have most of them going to collage for business management so they can help me run this shithole once i start expanding." he admitted. "oh yes, more attractive. if you keep impressing me you'll be too beautiful to look at." he admitted with a smile as he nuzzled her neck again. "i'll have to fuck you with my eyes closed." he teased before growling as he realized McKenzie had actually tried to kill HIS Bruce. "have a sample of the poison sent to my lab." he ordered. "i doubt it would have killed Bruce but i want to test it to make sure." he had about three dozen samples of Bruce's blood, because he was still working on Bruce's 'problem'. Bruce didn't want to get rid of Hulk anymore, but it was a handy thing to have in case anyone else managed to replicate Bruce's condition.
“You know, it really would have been weird, but after being frozen and rewoken....yea, this doesn’t seem that weird anymore.”James said smiling a little before the smirk grew cold. “I would enjoy that. And I’ll take the good Captain with me if he wants to join me. IF I remember correctly, people just couldn’t stop spilling secrets to you.”James said looking amused at the idea, but also enjoying the idea of hurting mariah. “Good. You need good people with you.”Farian muttered shifting, snuggling more, ignoring that she probably looked like a lovesick teenager cuddling against their boyfriend, but she felt better snugged up against him, before laughing softly. “Hmmm, you could always just not fuck me if it gets to that point.”Farian teased before wincing as she realized just what the posion met. “already did. It’s waiting for you in the lab.”James said as he settled bruce into his bed. “I’ll put out a quiet word, see if anyone else has heard of the drug. If she has it, others might.”Farian said frowning a little.
he nodded. "yeah exactly." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "oh, i'll definitely feel like helping." Steve agreed, cracking his knuckles. he was a Brooklyn boy, he knew how to get rough. "people just love to tell me everything i want to know." he agreed with a smirk. "i do have a lot of good people around me." he admitted as he stroked her back with a grin. "oh no, i don't think i could ever stop fucking you, your just too addicting." he admitted with a grin. "good. thank you James." Tony stated, sighing a little. "this is a mess. and i doubt it's a drug. drugs don't work on Bruce. it would have to be something natural, poison or venom, something potent since cyanide doesn't work on Bruce... don't ask." he ordered with a chuckle. "let's just say the Drug cartel in the city was VERY surprised that day.
“Good.”James said sounding pleased that steve was still the person he knew, and was willing to help with this. Smirking a little. “You just inspire people to start talking.”James snickered. “Hmm, you’re fairly addicting yourself. All warm and cuddly.”Farian said smiling a little as she rested her head on his shoulder, shuddering as he stroked her back. “It’s a mess, but it’s a mess we can figure out. We stopped the plan from working, and now that we have the posion, we can figure out what it is.”Farian said gently running her fingers through his hair, mouth hanging open a little at the idea of cyanide, before sighing, pressing a kiss to his forehead.”Come on. You better get downstairs to the lab. I know you’re going to want to do science things all day.”She said, knowing it was true despite him having planned on having the day off.
Steve smirked a little and shook his head. "oh yes. i'm the American Dream after all, people just fall over themselves to give me what i want." he admitted before rolling his eyes at Tony and Farian. "they're so cute it's gross." he admitted as Tony smirked at her. "good. if i'm addictive then you'll be unable to resist my charms." he purred. "we can figure this out." he agreed with a grin before hesitating. not wanting to abandon her, but wanting so, so much to find out about that poison. "come on, James and i will go question the woman while you and Farian do lab stuff. she can assist you." "...okay." Tony agreed. "but i don't like being handed things, so just lay whatever i ask for next to me. and don't move my stuff because that bugs me." Tony warned. "and don't pay Dum-E any mind. he's an idiot." he admitted. "and don't touch the Coffee Maker, it spits." he admitted. "haven't gotten around to fixing that yet."
“You really are. And they do. It amuses me really.”James said smirking a little before laughing softly as he looked at tony. “IT is fairly gross. But it’s nice seeing him being this adorable with someone. I mean, he’s totally not like this with anyone else.”He snickered a little before looking amused at how torn tony looked. “Go do lab stuff.”he ordered looking amused as he headed for the door, having every intention of being hard on mariah, this was going to be bad. “I can do that. No handing, and don’t pay attention to Dum-E, an why do you have a spitting coffee maker?”She asked curious as they split off from the super soldiers heading down towards the lab.
"I'm always a funny man." he admitted with a smirk before glancing at James. "really? not even with you?" he asked, his head tilted a little. wondering if it wasn't a little weird how close they had become to each other in such a short time. "i love Lab stuff." Tony admitted happily, skipping along as he headed for the lab. "well, i was trying to make it intelligent enough to start making Coffee on it's own when i woke up, but it has an attitude and seams to think 'serving the inspiring species' is a waste of it's time and deems us deserving of blistering burns as punishment for such an insult... i'm working on it." he promised her with a smile. "i'd ask you to help, but Bruce's blood is too dangerous and the poison is too dangerous so there's not much you can actually do." he admitted as he picked up a vial of the poison and moved it over to a large machine that would allow him to work on the stuff without actually touching it. several dozen arms and needles inside of a glass case with a few dozen microscopes. "hey... uh... don't tell Bruce? or James okay?" he asked as he reached behind his head. "and... uh. don't freak out okay?" he asked before removing something from the base of his skull and twisted it, forming what looked like a jack, which he plugged into machine, glancing at her again before focusing on the machine, which began to move as Tony's eyes glazed, looking at something other than what he was actually doing.

Steve smirked a little as he followed James to the room where Mariah was being held. "so. how shall we do this?" he wondered with a smirk, knowing she could hear him. "break her fingers first?" he mused. "or maybe we should test that new nerve targeting pain solution?" he mused as he unlocked the door and stepped inside, examining the woman. "or maybe we could just take turns raping her? she's pretty enough and it's been a while since i've had sex."
“No, I’m not cuddly. We cuddle, sometimes, but not like this. It’s...odd.”james muttered low enough for only steve’s super hearing to pick it up as he watched the two, wondering just how emotionally starved farian had to be, or how close to that line she had to be treading to sociopathic herself, to have been drawn that quickly to tony. It was interesting, and he had to keep a eye on her, just in case this went badly. “...I think you just put to much of your own personality into the machine. Serving people would be beneath you.”Farian teased looking around the lab before making a face. “It’s okay. I’ll just sit here and watch, and play on the tablet here. I’m sure there’s plenty of research I can be doing.”She said watching him for a moment before picking up one of the tablets off the table, trusting him to tell her if he didn’t want her to use it as she settled in to work before frowning. “Uh...okay?”she said before startling eyes wide, swallowing thickly. Okay, she said she wouldn’t freak out. Wouldn’t...wouldn’t...”Working now...”Farian muttered a little freaked out, but not nearly as much as you would think. Because it really hadn’t hit her yet, she’d probably freak out with time.

“I’m thinking hands. Hands always hurt to break.”James smirked as he watched the woman, before tilting his head. “Though you’re right. I have been wanting to test out that solution.”He said before making a face. “I’m not so hard up for sex, that I’d consider sleeping with a woman, but if you would like to, Captain. Go right ahead.”He said snickering as mariah’s eyes went wide as she recognized the captain. “C-captain, please. There’s been a misunderstanding.” “So you didn’t try to take SI, or betray Bruce?I’m so glad we cleared that up.” “N-no!I-I they threatened me, said I had to do this.”Mariah said eyes wide and scared as she studied the super soldiers.
he nodded. "could be the body temperature thing." Steve mused. "or maybe it's cus she's a girl." he wondered, his head tilted. "they have different emotional needs than men do so maybe that's why?" he wondered, less worried than he probably should have been about the two of them. "nah. i'm pretty sure it's Jarvis's fault." Tony admitted with a grin. "oh yes, do research! i forgot about that." he admitted sheepishly before shrugging at her wide eyed expression. at least she wasn't screaming. he spent a good while under the machine before he sighed and disconnected from it after the robot hands tossed the samples into a Hazardous waste bag and then dipped themselves back into sanitizing solution to soak. "well, the Venom wouldn't have killed Bruce, but he'd have been down for the count for a good twenty minutes and woken with one hell of a headache. and Hulk with a headache is never a good thing." he admitted as he slipped the, whatever it was back into the base of his skull. "okay. you can freak out now." he promised her. looking rather amused.

"yes. hands are always the most fun to break." he agreed before shrugging. "your loss. she is pretty." he admitted before staring at her, his head tilted, looking curious. "they?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her before snagging a chair and sitting in front of her, leaning forward. "you just tried to kill a man who loved you, because 'they' threatened you. so either your a liar. or a self serving coward. neither f which are people i tend to take pity on. however. if you tell me the things i want to know. i might consider not torturing it out of you. for now. start talking. and be warned. we have one of the most sophisticated AI watching your every move. if you lie? we'll know it. and every time you lie? i'll snap a knuckle. fourteen on each hand. once i reach twenty eight. i'll let my Soviet friend there have at you. he used to be Hydra, before Tony rescued him. he knows all kinds of fancy ways to make you scream."
“Might be. Girls are weird. To hard to date.”James muttered, which coming from him was amusing, as he had dated once nearly as much as tony had. When he was done, farian looked up from the tablet she was working on, a relieved look crossing her face. “Well that’s good. At least she didn’t find someone who had something that’d kill him.”She sighed quietly wincing as he slipped the thing back on his skull, turning off the tablet as she looked at him, wincing as he realized he was amused.”What in the world did you do to yourself?Doesn’t it mess you up to have a open wound like that to hook up the computer to?”She said indeed looking freaked out.

“Yes. Hydra!I think. I don’t know. They approached me, asked me to do this, otherwise they would kill me.”Mariah said with wide eyes. James tilted his head. “You are a self serving moron, who just ook the eppurunity when it was presented, using the threat as a simple excuse to do what you wanted to do anyways.”James tilted his head before smirking at steve’s words, sounding amused as mariah’s eyes widened at the mention he’d been hydra.”Oh yes, you would have been turned over to me. Now, answer the good captain’s questions, otherwise I will indeed get some practice at torture.”
Steve nodded. "and they're squishy." he muttered. "it's kinda gross." he admitted with a grin because he knew James had only dated so many girls to hide the fact that he was gay. "yes. very good. and we could probably use this." he admitted, picking up another vial of poison. "if it can knock out the Hulk, imagine what it will do to a God? you've heard about that mess in New Mexico right? Thor, God of Thunder." he mused. "plus, there are other super soldiers. i wonder if Steve would let me have samples of his blood for a few tests?" he wondered before he chuckled at her. "one, it's a bio-mechanic system that acts a little bit like a secondary brain. i can store up to three hundred gigabytes of information that i can access just as i would a computer." he admitted. "the 'open wound' is in fact, not an open wound it is an internal port system, not unlike my Arc reactor and it was necessary at the time because i was leaking my brain juices out all over the floor after Pepper stabbed me in the back of the head with a screwdriver." well that was new information. no one had realized that Pepper had tried to kill Tony first. "and before you start to freak out, i didn't do this surgery, Jarvis did. so there. it's very useful in any case, my actual brain can process up to three times faster than it used to, giving me the brain power i need to do what i just did." he admitted. "it's not like i just decided 'hey this would be cool let's do it' it was YEARS of research that was implemented on me to save my life. if i threw a little extras in there what's it matter?"

Steve narrowed his eyes as he stared at her. "so. you decided you just had to Kill Bruce then?" he demanded, slapping the gun down on the table. "that it? you where going to kill him just to save your own skin? you know Hydra wouldn't have let you go after this. they never let anyone go." he admitted. "you would have died, or you would have served. better you had died than betray Bruce like this." he hissed. "now then." he picked up a notepad. "why did you Transfer all of your money to Switzerland of all places? why Europe? planning a hasty getaway?" he demanded, staring at her. "for that matter, why try to take SI? what's the big deal here? why take this place when it's Tony's that's the brains of everything. everything these people work on here? most of it comes from Tony, he makes it, they find practical uses for it or make other technology by taking it apart and seeing how it works. there's a word for that but i forget what it is." he admitted. "are you aware that Tony has steps in place to prevent someone like you from taking over SI? at least thirty wills are in the hands of his most loyal. every one of them is charged to go to a different Lawyer after his death. so if even one survives, the world will know his last wishes. aside from those thirty loyal, fifteen of his Inner Court, are set up to immediately take over upon his death." he admitted. "so you would have failed anyway and then the seven hundred and eighty loyal soldiers he has at his command here in the tower alone would have cut you up and served you for breakfast."
"It'd slow a god down probably. I heard about it...I think everyone ever connected to shield heard something about it. Him and James would probably let you use their blood as long as you explained why you needed it.."she sighed a little before listening to him explain,calming as he was most matter fact about it frowning a little in thought,running her fingers through her hair. A little freaked out but calming." know. It's not really that surprising to consider you have alot of tech things anyways."she muttered sounding amused and just a tad weirded out. Eyes widening."...she kill you?seriously?how did you keep anyone from knowing about that?"she said before nodding relieved he hadn't done it himself."fine. This is weird but...I guess it would be helpful to..."she muttered frowning a little."as long as it wasn't a spur of the moment...."she swallowed hard rubbing a hand over her face.

Mariah looked pale and shaken with the man hovering over her shoulder and captain America hissing at her. Years wfilling her eyes before she wiped them away swallowing hard."...Switzerland haso no extradition. It's were hydra sends their more...high profile people. Because once your there you can't get forced out...and the money's mine. If I had to go into exile I wasn't going to live like a begger."she sighed quietly."SI has a lock on the world's texh. If it's broken apart or not in toys control anymore...a more hydra approved company could be used. They'd lose the reliablyof stark tech but they'd have someone hydra could control."she said flicking a glance at james."hydra knows he set you loose. They're done playing games with the genius.""no...we didn't know...but even if we would have failed taking stark tech, it would have still thrown everyone into a chaos that hydra could control."
he nodded. "i don't think i'd use it on a God unless i knew they where a threat, don't know what kind of reaction they'd have to something like this, but it could certainly take down the Abomination if he ever escaped, and i'm sure it could take down a super soldier." he admitted. "gotta be careful with that though because it might kill them." he admitted. "well... sure." he agreed. "i have lots of tech stuff." and a lot more inside of him that few people knew about. he was actually more cyborg now than anything else. "it wasn't hard." he admitted. "since all people care to know is that i killed her." he admitted with a shrug. "actually, James killed her, but it's the same difference." he admitted. "people want to think the worst of me, so i let them. why bother fighting against what people think when i have more important things to worry about?" he asked with a grin. "it is very helpful. seriously though, don't tell James or Bruce. or the Captain either." he decided. "they'll just get mad."

Steve studied her, his head tilted. "really? fascinating i didn't know that." he admitted as he wrote that down. he'd have Clint and Natasha send word to Fury about that. or he'd tell Tony, Tony was more likely to actually do something about it. "SI does have a lock on the worlds Tech. for a very good reason. no one else can be trusted with it." he admitted, smirking. "and there would have been no chaos." he scoffed, gently patting her cheek. "what people like you fail to understand is that Tony is smarter than you, and that means his people are smarter than you." he admitted. "this place is a well oiled machine. not an ants nest that will spread and scatter once you kill the queen. this Hive? it works independently of Tony, that's what makes it work so well, and Tony has over thirty contingency plans and Jarvis to control things if he where to be murdered. Hydra failed, again. and to be honest, Tony's tired of playing with them too." he admitted with a smirk. "why do you think i'm here?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "now the real question... how much do you know about Hydra? names? plans? hangouts? hideouts? safe-houses? start listing or i'll do worse than let James have you. i'll let Bruce know exactly what you did and let him have you."
“Good idea. If it didn’t work well, it’d go badly since they would be a god.”Farian said shrugging a little, before nodding. “Might, but if you test it on steve and James’ blood, you might be able to get it to work as a traq or something.”She said sighing softly before watching him. Twitching a little. “Don’t make fun. I have no idea how to respond to this.”She grumbled, her shoulders tense and anxious, feeling like he was teasing her about her reaction, because she had no idea what to think about this before sighing softly. “You do have more important things to worry about.”She agreed softly before nodding, “I wont tell them.”She promised.

“Yes, really.” “...Germany has a long standing with Switzerland since the war, when they didn’t join in either side. It makes sense that hydra sends her brightest and best there if they’re found out.”James frowned a little looking thoughtful snickering as mariah flinched as steve patted her cheek. “You are here because shield is tired of dealing with him.”Mariah said staring at the man, eyes widening a little. “I know some. Their list of contacts. The people they talk to to get things done overseas, since I helped them get their money and resources overseas.”mariah said willing to talk and be spared the pain that was written all over james’ face, knowing he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her. “They plan on taking tony out of the equation. They have mercs, well trained ones working for them. Safe houses are in some cities everywhere, there’s a few here in the city actually...Doctor Nicolas Whitehall, he was a student of red skull’s, is one of the leaders of hydra now, along with adrian pierce, and saw the good idea of dealing with the mercs who would do anything for money. A Farian Frost, she’s a hydra child, born and raised, and the leader of the mercs at the moment.”
he shrugged. "if the Gods not here to slaughter all of humanity i'd rather not kill them by accident." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "that's the plan. this is a bit deadly to be passing out to anyone really, but it's a good idea to have it on hand, just in case and i should be able to duplicate it if i can find a more practical use for it." he admitted. "hey. i'm not making fun." he promised. "this is weird, i know." he admitted. "but i'm a weird guy." he admitted. "you'll get used to weird shit like this.... or you'll " have a psychotic break. it varies from person to person." he admitted. "now. wanna go get a coffee?" he offered with a smirk.

"Steve lifted an eyebrow, writing that down as well. "very interesting indeed." he agreed as he glanced at James. "i wonder how many scientists there are over there? they would be much more useful here." he admitted. "we'll have to tell Tony." he admitted. making a note to do just that. "no. i am here because he wants me here. you think he wouldn't just shoot me in the head if he thought i was here to kill him?" he asked, scoffing at her. "your a bit stupid. i'm Tony's way of choosing a side. sort of. he might not work with shield. but he certainly won't help Hydra." he admitted simply before smirking a little. "names and addresses." he ordered, writing everything she said down, well aware that Jarvis was probably recording all of this as well in case he missed anything before he smirked. "oh? Farian Frost? you mean the woman who is currently here, having sex with Tony on a regular basis?" he asked. "she is in charge of the Mercenaries, unfortunately for Hydra, she works for ME." and indeed that was mostly true. Steve was in fact the one paying her. he had been giving her jobs off and on since he first woke up. mostly just hunting down information. "she was hydra born and hydra raised but never Hydra loyal. it's a shame you won't be able to get any of this information out." he admitted.
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