In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Clint whimpered as he moaned hips jerking at the idea."'d have to spar with me if youre going to do that."clint demanded because he knew just how hot itd be to be filled with a captain dildo and to be fighting the man himself. Moaning louder as he heard the lube spop open he whined squirming. Yelping a little in surprise,not pain as the finger was slipped into him he shuddered,starting to drop faster."you could. Totally.awesome.bclintsaid because while he was talktive when he went under,it was also more agreeable and happy then normal.

"Yea. I was worried when you didnt come back.."skye said sitting down next to him amused a litttle that he'd tried to hide in a house that literally had someone watching all the time."you okay?"

"I didnt...mean to manipulate him..i just gave him a nudge...he'll be happy. I know."kyra swallowed hard staring at the floor." asked me if I was still just seeing seconds before still...I lied. A little."she swallowed."grant ward is the only person I've seen years ahead...a saw him with her...before I even knew who she was,james."she muttered sounding so defeated.

Tony winced glaring a bruce."i told you not to teach him that."he grumbled before aighing realizing he was going to complicate his life but he couldnt let loki just go out and about either.besides steve would rather loki here then out causing havoc."...hecan stay here. There. Just stay away from the people who want to beat you up."tony sighed softly shaking his head a little.this was so going to blow up in his face. Glancing at loki as he sulked."...youre putting a 2 year old to shame with your sulking loki."he teased a little.
he smirked. "totally." he agreed with a smirk. he knew he'd have to ask again when Clint wasn't under. he wouldn't trust anything Clint agreed to in this state until he talked about it again when Clint wasn't 'under the influence'. Steve never did anything new when Clint was this deep under, because Clint couldn't be trusted to make those kinds of decisions. he smirked at the other and slid in a second finger, stroking and touching, teasing relentlessly. it took him ten minutes to work Clint open when it normally only took three. Steve was a sadistic bastard. "you want my cock Bird? you want me to fuck you? beg for it." he ordered. "i want to hear you beg me for my cock."

"sorry. i didn't mean to worry you. i'm just... struggling." he admitted as he smiled sheepishly at her. "i don't know what i'm feeling anymore. everything's so god damned complicated it makes my head spin. i guess i just got overwhelmed." he admitted. "this is the first time, in my entire life i am capable of making my own choices and i don't know what to do with that." he admitted. not about to tell Skye about how he was certain he'd just had his heart ripped out and stomped upon.

he nodded. "you didn't mean to, but you did. you know he doesn't love her. he told you so himself." James pointed out. "wanting someone physically isn't enough. if it was me and Tony would be fucking and married right now." he admitted. "he is one sexy bastard." James admitted with a snicker before he looked worried. "yes. i see. but how do you know he STAYED with her?" he asked. "people have sex. hell, you could very well have just made your own vision come true. i told you before, Kyra. the future is never something you can predict, even with your precognition you can't see something and decide it's true." he stated simply. "besides. isn't Grant the only person your Precognition can see further than a few seconds? doesn't that tell you something?"

Bruce smiled innocently. "you call him Thunder head, why shouldn't he insult you back?" Bruce asked with a snicker as he sipped at his tea, looking highly amused. Thor too was highly amused. he didn't know why Loki had done what he'd done, but since Odin hadn't bound Loki's magic or punished him anymore than what had already been done told Thor that Odin knew the reason why Loki had done what he'd done, and thought the reason to be moderately understandable. "i refuse!" Loki complained, sulking even more before pouting at Tony. "you mock my pain!" he complained, huffing. "i liked my cell." he whined, pouting. "Steve is not going to like this." Bruce admitted with a grin. "Clint might have reached some form of forgiveness but Steve hates his guts." "Clint's forgiven him?" Phil asked as he walked in, looking sleepy but as immaculate as always. Loki blinked at him and then vanished in his usual puff of emerald smoke and shadows. Phil just snorted. "it's not forgiveness as it is an... understanding. Loki doesn't pester him and Clint doesn't kill him. following up, if Clint's having a really bad day, Loki let's Clint beat the shit out of him." Bruce admitted, making Phil blink. "Natasha on the other hand, hates his guts and has in fact, shot him. several times."
Clint was a whimpering mess by the time steve asked him if he wanted his cock shuddering as he looked up at the other whining wordlessly as he was finvered squirming as he searched for the words."please cap,my captain please fuck me please please oh please just plow me."he begged.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure you're need anything?"she muttered sitting next to him and rubbing his back."well. Just make a simple decision for today. What do you want to do today?"

"...oh my god. Tony stark has to many people already trying to fuck him if you're actually considering that."she rolled her eyes looking so torn apart and scared because for her,the idea of letting anyone that close,especially ward, left her a screaming mess. The idea of letting herself be vulnerable killed her "I dont know!i just know they have something together. Its always the same. Him with her. I just dont know what happens after!"no wonder she'd been avoiding getting involved because she didnt know what happened after she saw grant and skye together. "Only pieces and never that long....i dont see him alot. But..yes. only grant."she said before burs5ing into tears to overwhelmed and emotional over the last few days for anything else.

"I insult everyone."tony huffed but didnt protest the nickname anymore before sighing."I'm not mocking you...well not alot.I just know you'll cause worse problems out there then you will here."tony sighed a little before looking at bruce."I know he wont but I'll talk to him about it. I can convince cap about anything."he grinned a little. "And they talk on occasion. 5hough clint using the god as a punching dummy is more common of a sight."tony said smiling a little ecause he knew clint talked to loki about the mind control more then he was comfortableeveryone knowing he did. Talking to the god cathartic for the archer,not that he'd ever admit to it. "Its cathartic and its not like it'll kill him."natasha said simply snickering a little as phil blinked."and as you can see loki's already promised to stay away from you."
Steve smirked. he loved how wrecked Clint sounded. he knew it was mean to make Clint talk when he was like this. then again, Steve himself was mean. still, Clint had begged, and Steve's patience had run out. he slipped into his sometimes lover, moaning eagerly as he worked his cock, slowly into the other, taking his time, teasing them both as he fucked at a slow and gentle pace, a stark contrast to the harsh way Steve was holding Clint's hair and stroking his cock. "Don't you dare cum." Steve warned, vicious and mean. "don't you dare cum until i tell you that you can."

"i don't, no." he assured her. "though i wouldn't mind another waffle." he admitted before smiling as he leaned into her. "uh...." he stuttered to a halt, struggling before. "what are my options?" there, that was easier. if he had options, he could pick the one that sounded the most appealing.

he grinned. "i wouldn't mind it. save for that Steve would gut me." he admitted. "i'm more interested in Natasha at the moment." he admitted with a grin as he settled onto the couch next to her. "your being ridiculous." he admitted. "yes he might get with her. actually, because you told him to, he probably will. does that mean you don't deserve to have a chance with him yourself?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow before sighing as he pulled her into a hug as she started to cry. "hey. hey it's okay. it really is going to be okay." he promised her gently, stroking her hair. "it's going to be okay." he promised. "we'll work it out together, okay?"

Bruce smirked and awarded himself a mental point. Bruce 26 Tony 24. "you are mocking me! you peon!" Loki complained, sulking even more. "i don't cause problems!" he grumbled. "i play pranks! that's all." he muttered, Bruce nodding. "that's true. you can. he trusts your judgment more than anyone." Bruce admitted. he knew Clint talked to Loki more than anyone wanted to admit. "it could kill him. we have no idea how his physiology works." "human bullets won't kill Loki." Thor promised. "they hurt like hell, but they can't kill Asgardiants yet." Thor admitted. "bombs could kill us. and some of those high energy output weapons that Tony's been working on could certainly hurt us." Thor admitted. "...huh." Phil muttered, a bit surprised that Loki was actually doing as ordered. "did we ever find out why Loki did what he did?" "no. but my Father seams to think it was more or less excusable." Thor admitted. "i'm inclined to believe him in this case." Thor admitted. "Loki has caused mayhem for sure, but has caused no actual damage. not even hurt feelings. just mild annoyance." Thor admitted. "causing death was horrible, and he's certainly being punished for that." Thor assured Phil. "or he was punished for that." he admitted. "well. so long as he stays away from me."
Clint whined as he tried to move back against the other man as steve slowly fucked him,the bonds keeping him from squirming no matter how much he wanted to.panting as he was fucked squirming as his head was he still trying to push into the other's hand as his cock was stroked."please please steve please let me..."he begged sounding utterly wrecked.

"Well illget you a waffle then."she smiled a little before tilting her head."well,you could go spar with kyra and james, we could watch a movie, or see if we can go explore the city."she offered smiled a little gently running her fingers through his hair just trying to make him relax.

"Yes I'm fairly certain cap would kill you for it."kyra smiled slightly shaking her head a little."you're not supposed to sleep with your students."she teased."I wont be good for him james. I i dont deserve it. I wont hurt him by telling him what thomas did...and if we're together he'll figure it out. No."she trembled leaning into him as he held her shuddering."o-okay.together."she muttered.

"I always mock you.stop being a drama queen."tony rolled his eyes a little before smirking."while fun, I keep getting a call to assemble when you play pranks. So yes,theyre problems."he said rolling his eyes."and the fact is despite being a annoying asshole,and generally pissing off everyone who isnt stark, loki tends to curb tony's wanton need for explosions. They haven't accidentally blown up themselves or the building in weeks. Its progress."natasha said sighing. "He will. He's enjoying a active sex life that willend if he's not behaving. So he'll stY away."tony said smirking. Cause he was such a switch, depending on who he was with. Steve and clint he was submissive but with loki the billionaire enjoyed being in charge just so he could say he could play god.
Steve smirked a little as he watched the other beg. he was such an asshole. he loved being an asshole though so he kept fucking the other, nice and slow. "no. not yet. hold it back or i'll make you suffer through the butt plug with a cock ring." he warned, smirking as he yanked harder on Clint's hair. "almost there, almost there." Steve moaned, panting as he buried himself in to the balls, shuddering. "cum. cum now Bird." he ordered, his own cock spilling spurt after spurt of his own seed, stroking Clint harder, letting him have his well earned orgasm.

he smiled a little before blinking at her. "" he decided. he couldn't face Kyra, and he didn't want to face the crowds of people in the city. he had to admit, the fingers in his hair felt wonderful. it wasn't often that he let people touch him in such a manner. not even the women he slept with. it was always fast, hard, very little affection though there was plenty of passion. he rather liked it.

he smirked. "she's not my student anymore. and even if she was, she's not my blood. i can have her if i want her." he stated simply. "besides. i got her when she was ten so there's no fatherly feelings for me." he assured Kyra with a smirk. "scary isn't it? knowing that she's the best i have and i only had her for five years." he admitted with a smirk. "now your just being stupid. who else would be able to handle him?" James asked. "you know very well that Skye won't 'help' him, she'll enable him. besides, you think he doesn't already know? why do you think he finally stood up to the rat bastard after thirty one years?" James asked, lifting an eyebrow. "he did that for you, not for himself." he admitted, holding her.

Loki huffed. "peon." he grumbled. "Pranks are not problems." he complained with a sniff. "all my pranks wear off after time." he stated sourly. "no, he pisses off Tony too." he admitted with a chuckle. "but yes. i agree. somehow he and Tony seam to curb their more... disastrous tenancies." he admitted. "so Tony controls Loki, and Loki controls Tony." Phil mused. "god help us if they ever work together on anything other than the betterment of the human race." Phil muttered wryly, making Bruce snicker. Phil just stared at Tony and then. "gross." he declared as he started cutting up his own waffle into small bite sized pieces followed by doing the same to his sausage. "oh, you'll get used to sex chatter sooner or later." "i get enough o it from Hunter and Triplet. i don't need it from stark too." Phil complained, absentmindedly using a fork to carve things into the wooden table. "Phil." Hunter warned, making Phil blink and then curse. "sorry. sorry..." he muttered, rubbing at the carving as if he could rub it away.
Clint whimpered at the threat squirming, tbiting his lip as he struggled for control."steve!"he gasped sounding strangled as the other came, the captain's orgasm triggering his own as he spilled come over the others hand, collapsing bonelessly into the bed,still and quiet,for the moment the thoughts he tortured himself with quiet.

"Movie it is then. Jarvis? Lets watch chroniclesof riddick."skye asked as she shifted back onto the bed tugging him with her as the tv fli kered on,getting comfortable. And while she'd started out hating him when they started the mission,she'd started to find the rant in him that she'd loved was going to be such a train wreck for really woule be because she was falling for him again.

"Fine. Go seduce the scary assasin. At least that seduction wont get you killed like seducing stark would."kyra snickered a little shaking her head a little before nodding."it is fairly scary yes."she said before wincing staring down."Idont know...I...I dont."kyra said so upset at not knowing anymore what to think. Flinching as she slumped into james' arms, crying hard as she realized james was probably right. Grant knew. Shame and pain twisting her stomach,sending her scrambling for the bathroom to throw up, feeling so sick at the idea.

"We dont work for the betterment of anything but amusing me."tkny smirked a little before making a face."I'd make a awesome super villian now that you mention it." "No you wouldnt tony. Youd be saving those puppies you're always accusing steve of saving. You'dbe horrible."natasha teased snickering a little."and he's probably the only person who could get sex free talk. I dont want to watch him taze me and watch supernanny."tony made a face before tilting his head at the carvig."dont worry about it. I want to redecorate that the writing?"he said looking curious as he studied the small carving.
Steve smirked a little as he watched the other come completely undone. "what a good boy." he purred. "my good boy. such a good Bird for me." he murmured, stroking Clint's back until the man finished writhing and twitching in the after orgasm bliss. he left the other tied up, knowing Clint would float longer if he stayed restrained. he could stay like that for a good while yet without having to worry, so Steve simply laid back and stroked Clint's hair as he relaxed, his own thoughts quiet as he basked in the flush of power.

"never seen this one." he admitted as he sank back into the pillows and watched the screen. "hey Skye? thank you." he muttered, glancing at her. "i'm sorry... about what i did. i never meant to hurt you." he admitted softly. "i never wanted to..." he sighed. "i don't know how to apologize for it... do you want to beat me up?" he offered, well aware she was going to tell him no. particularly after watching his elder brother beat the shit out of him. but he had to offer.

he smirked as he shook his head. "it amuses me that you are more afraid of Captain America than you are of the most frightening and capable assassin i have ever trained." he admitted before holding her, comforting her as she cried, following her and holding her hair back as she threw up, making soothing noises and offering her a glass of water, a toothbrush with toothpaste already on it, and a bottle of mouthwash.

Phil smirked a little. "you work for people Tony, don't think i can't see past your self obsessiveness." he teased. "and unfortunately, you could make a good Super-villain." he admitted. "why do you think you where originally denied for the Avengers initiative? with the way you where before, no support system at all save for Pepper, we knew if anything happened to her, you'd go down a very bad road. you have an immense support system now, and we're not worried about you going bad anymore." he admitted. he twitched when Tony looked at the carvings and slide a plate over the markings, as if he was possessive of them. not that he seamed to notice because he had resumed eating. "
“Good...thanks...”Clint muttered sighing softly as he relaxed, floating as his back was stroked, simply enjoying being with the other, knowing that he was being well taken care of.

“Good. It’ll be new to us both then.”Skye smiled a little before nodding, “you’re welcome.”She muttered and swallowed thickly, looking at him. “I know you didn’t. And no, I really don’t want to.”She said before leaning over to kiss him lightly, closing her eyes as she leaned against him, the beginning of the movie momentarily ignored. Pulling away after a moment to watch the movie, blushing brightly.

“...That’s cause Natasha would have already killed me if she was going to. Cap is a walking time bomb until he gets things sorted out.”She pointed out. When she finished throwing up she trembled as she leaned against the wall, sipping the water, amused at the sight of toothpaste and mouthwash, cleaning up before looking over at him.”I’m going to go lay down for awhile...Grant’s...doing stuff. I’m going to go sleep through it....and maybe go for a walk later....or something.”She muttered sounding sad. Despite her acceptance she probably deserved a chance with grant, she wasn’t certain he’d want to. Or if she could survive doing it.

“You can’t. Because there’s nothing but self obsession.”Tony huffed smirking a little, before laughing. “Is that why?I just thought Fury was jealous of how amazing my ass looked and denied me on that. Oh well.”Tony snickered a little glancing at the clock as phil covered the carvings. For the moment, just letting it go. “Better go check on birdbrain and cap. Later people.”he grinned amused as he walked out. “...They’re doing okay together, Phil. Neither are great...but...they help.”Natasha said looking worried about phil, and how he’d handle just how sexually tied up with everyone in the tower was with each other.

“Hey, you two awake?Or sleepign in post cotial bliss?”Tony called as he climbed the ladder, smiling as he leaned over the edge, a small happy smile twisting his lips at the sight of the two of them in bed. Glad to see that clint was indeed looking calmer then he’d expected, and as always, the sight of steve after sex was amazing.
Steve smiled as he continued to stroke Clint's hair, not bothering to say anything, talking would just pull Clint up from his subspace and Steve intended to let Clint float for a while. he needed it.

he smiled a little as he relaxed into the bed, his eyes widening as he was kissed. well, Kyra had said he would be good with her. and he did want her. physically anyway, maybe the emotions would come later? he kissed her back, humming softly. kissing Skye always felt like wonder and delight and he broke the kiss reluctantly. "that was nice." he admitted with a smile. "may i have another?" he asked hopefully. because Sex was something he understood. something he could do to make her feel better. something he could do to make himself feel better.

he nodded. "good point." he agreed with a chuckle. "just don't flirt with Tony and you'll be fine." he promised with a smile before he examined her, a bit worried. "you could always go stop them." he suggested. "just because you saw it, doesn't mean you can't stop it." he pointed out. "are you going to be alright on your own?"

Phil smirked a little. "Fury is jealous of your ass." Phil admitted. "it's not as good as Captain America's ass. but it's a good ass." he admitted before tensing at the mention of Clint, as if he'd forgotten Clint was there and was horrified as he realized that Clint was fucking Captain America... and probably Tony Stark too. it took him several moments to force down the rage that wasn't his own. "i know. Clint as specific needs." Phil admitted. "i'm glad he found someone safe who could provide it for him. i never cared if he slept with other people. this... jealousy and possessiveness is... new. it's hard to control." he admitted, shaking his head. "very hard to control..." "you where a split second away from attacking Tony..." "i was. it's getting harder to control." "we're going to the lab. i want to run a couple of tests." "a couple, or a couple dozen?" "...ten or twelve."

Steve looked up at Tony. "hush. he's subbing." Steve ordered, voice a hushed whisper so he wouldn't disturb the blissed Clint, stroking his fingers through the Archer's hair still because it made him feel nice to do it.
“It was nice.”Skye agreed smiling a little, blushing before she laughed a little. James was right, she wouldn’t do anything but enable Grant. “Yes, you can.”She smiled kissing him again, sliding her hands through his hair, kissing him slowly, closing her eyes as she held him.

“...No I can’t. You didn’t see him, James. He was so upset when I told him to go....I can’t...if he wants her, he should have a chance....”Kyra swallowed hard, hands fisting her hair as she buried her head in her knees, before nodding, using the wall to get up. “I’ll be fine. Go seduce your other student.I’ll talk to you later.”she swallowed, knowing he wasn’t going to leave it alone. He’d bother her about talking to grant later, but for the moment, needing away from what she was seeing, to emotionally crippled to even think about going to interrupt because she thought that was what grant wanted, for the moment to emotionally vunlerable to do anything but stumble to their bedroom to sleep.

“Nothing is as good as Cap’s ass.”Tony smirked a little. Natasha looked concerned, nodding a little. “He’s very safe with them. Safer then anyone else he could have found. And I thought it was better to tell you know, rather then when Clint eventually ventures out of his nest.”Natasha smiled a little at him, having wanted to tell him simply because she didn’t want to have him react badly when he finally saw Clint. “...Go. I’ll clean up.”Natasha said already starting to clean up the breakfast dishes, waving them away.

“Kay.”Tony smiled a little as he quietly got up into the nest, moving over to the bed and squirming his way into the bed, snuggling up against steve’s other side, dropping a little himself simply by being in the room with them like this, sighing quietly as he rested his head on his chest.”...We need to talk later.”he muttered sounding distantly worried, to distracted by his naked captain to be to worried just yet.
"very nice." he agreed before leaning in and kissing her again, settling his hands on her hips, stroking the skin there as he ran his tongue along her lips and then inside her mouth, teasing her because he wanted to. because teasing her was always going to be fun.

"he was upset because you where basically rejecting him." James pointed out, knowing that this was not going to end well but he wouldn't interfere. not this time. Grant needed to learn to walk on his own two feet and Kyra needed to learn to accept other peoples opinions. "i'm not leaving you alone." he stated simply. "i'll sit and read something while you sleep." he decided, making a pit stop at Tony's well stocked library and helping himself to some Charles Dickens. not many would know it, but James Barnes was a reading addict. he'd read anything he could get his hands on. so, he did just that, read some Oliver Twist while she slept.

"i know. i never anticipated Steve rogers being into Kink though." he admitted with an impish grin. "and your right, it's better i know now. i can control myself a lot easier if there aren't any big surprises." he admitted as he watched her before heading u and ambling off to his room with the massive wooden wall that could easily be removed and replaced. he needed to carve.

Steve smiled and started dragging his fingers through Tony's hair too. glad to have his two favorite men by him. even the dreaded words 'we need to talk' couldn't tug him too far out of his own head-space. "okay. but not now." he ordered, just relaxing.
Skye shuddered as he stroked her skin, letting him be in control, cause while she wasn’t a virgin, she knew he was more experienced. Just following his lead. After skye sighed in contentment, shifting to snuggle against his side, head resting on his chest. Quiet and content in his arms, panting ever so slightly. “...that was amazing.”She muttered sighing quietly.

“I was trying to do what I thought he wanted.”Kyra swallowed hard, anxiety twisting her features, because she was trying so hard to just relax, and try to figure out what grant wanted. What she wanted. Having never thought she could have it, she was still reeling from realizing she could, if she just trusted herself. “Goodnight.”She muttered as he settled into bed to read, snickering quietly in amusement as she realized that some things never changed, and he was still a reading addict, smiling as she drifted to sleep, despite the visions floating behind her closed eyelids, hoping sleep would let her escape. When she got up she smiling quietly at the dozing James, making a little bit of noise before gently touching his arm, shaking him slightly.”James.”

Tony whimpered in pleasure, dropping even further at the simple touch snuggling closer. Only with steve could a simple touch drop him into subspace, sighing quietly as he relaxed under the other’s touch. Needing the comfort, needing to just be with the other man, before he screwed up everything by telling him loki was going to stay. Worried steve would be so pissed about it, he’d just leave. “No, not now.”Tony muttered already drifting in his own subspace. Later Tony whined a little as steve undid clint’s bonds, whining at being disturbed. “Stay Tones, you’re okay.”Clint muttered stroking the billionaire’s hair, sensing his mood, and need to stay where he was. “I’m...I’m going to go see...Coulson.” “...You want us to come?” “No. You said you needed to talk to him, go ahead. Stay up here. You said no one besides you two can get up here, so you’ll have privacy.”Clint said already starting to get dressed, stealing kisses from them both as he scampered down the ladder, anxious and nervous, but taking advantage of still being mostly relaxed from sex to see phil.
he kissed her again and again before slowly stripping her of her clothes and lucking her just the way she like best. "hmm. i liked it too." he admitted with a chuckle, trying very hard not to feel as if he'd betrayed Skye all over again. "we missed pretty much all of the movie..."

he smiled. "and making assumptions makes an ass of you and he." he pointed out. "it'll work out." he assured her. "goodnight." he assured her with a smile. when she shook his arm he lashed out, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the wall, but he didn't squeeze, he didn't hurt her. h just held her there while he struggled to wake up enough to tell who it was. an action she was well used to from her training. if he was woken up in the mornings, he had no problem, but waking up from a nap, he woke up confused and discombobulated. so long as she didn't struggle he wouldn't tighten his hand. "sorry." he muttered once he remembered where he was and who she was. "you alright?" he asked, tucking his metal hand into his pocket, hiding it. the last thing he wanted was Tony Stark getting a look at it and touching him, or worse, his arm.

Steve smiled at Clint, ignoring Tony's huffing whines at being disturbed. "...don't go alone Clint." Steve warned. "you heard him, before? when he said the people who didn't show symptoms slaughtered the people they loved most? take Natasha with you." he ordered. "she'll leave you in peace to talk and will be able to contain Coulson if he flips his lid." he admitted before smiling at the promise they could stay in the nest. it showed a hell of a lot of trust, Clint was very possessive of his spaces. of his nests. it had taken them months to get Clint to trust them enough to let them into this nest at all. "i'll get you a present." Steve promised Clint with a soft smile as he kissed the other gently before turning his attention to Tony, having a bad idea what he was going to say.

Phil was in his room with his favorite knife, carving things into the wood wall. Melinda May and Natasha where both with him, documenting the writings. carvings. he had only covered half the wall and didn't seam to notice Clint at all. he never noticed anyone or anything when he was working, though they could pull him away without worrying about being stabbed if they had to. he didn't like being interrupted, but he didn't raise a fit about it.
Skye laughed quietly as she glanced at the tv, watching the credits start. “Hm, well. We could watch it again, or go see about getting food.”She said just as her stomach growled. “Food then we’ll go see what everyone else is up to.”She smiled a little.

Kyra gasped a little, barely getting a arm behind her to keep from bashing to hard into the wall, the instinct well planted, keeping her from bashing her head into the wall from training, keeping him from hurting her, not struggling, limp and quiet under his hands. “It’s okay. And I’m fine. I’ve had worse wake up calls.”She teased a little before rolling her eyes as he hid his hand.”I do hope you realize you’re not going to be able to hide that forever. Stark’s not a idiot. He’s going to notice. It’s only luck that he’s to busy being pissy about Coulson to have noticed yet.”She poitned out as she got dressed for the day before heading for the door.

“I wont. I wont put him in that position. I’ll find Natasha.”Clint promised a little smiling as he left”You always get the best presents.”. Nervous and anxious as he left. “....He’s come a long way.”Tony muttered into steve’s shoulder, knowing just how much trust it had taken for clint to allow them to stay here, in his space, when he wasn’t here. Something tight and hard relaxing at the sign of someone trusting him that much. Still self hating, but being trusted like this, of having steve seek him out when he needed help, clint clinging to him in the mornings, it made him think maybe, he wasn’t so bad. Looking up at steve in sleepy contentment, he swallowed thickly, not wanting to tell him, but knowing he had to. Fingers absently dancing over the dip in steve’s hip as he cuddled him, clinging mostly, not wanting to let go, and so scared he’d walk away.....even if he’d never admit he wanted steve for longer then just sex. Having his own problems with it. “...Odin’s changed Loki’s punishment....sentencing him to live here on midgard....I...I gave him a room here at the tower. And he’s promised to stay away from coulson, and you if you want him to...”

Clint frowned a little watching the two women as they worked on recording the data, before sighing quietly, realizing that it was better to let the episode end, settling onto the floor next to phil, simply watching him work, waiting until he came up on his own.
he smiled. "food it is." he agreed as he started gathering up their clothes, handing hers over as he got dressed himself, his own stomach growling.

"...still. i'm sorry. it's going to take a while to break that habit... do you think i should warn the others?" he asked, looking a bit worried. unaware that Jarvis had been watching and had issued his own warning that they shouldn't wake up James. "i can too hide it forever. i'll snap his neck if he tries to touch it, and then Steve will be pissed at me." he grumbled. not that he'd mean to, but the arm was the one thing he was so possessive over, even Hydra had to sedate him to properly run updates on it. he slid the glove on and flexed his arm to make sure no metal would peak out before following her out for lunch.

Steve nodded. "good." he ordered, smirking at him before smiling at Tony. "he has. i'm glad." he admitted. "you've really helped him a lot." he admitted. he had only recently come into Clint's life. it was Tony who had kept Clint functioning, kept Clint from eating his own bullets, kept Clint from overwhelming depression. "i can't believe he left us alone up here. not even Natasha gets to do that." he admitted with a smile. "it's a pity we can't keep him." he muttered. well aware that if Clint could get his Phil back, then he'd probably stop coming to Steve and Tony. still, he had Tony, and that was enough. he stared at Tony, looking wide eyed... and relieved. "oh thank god." he breathed, flopping back into the bed. "when you said we had to talk... i thought maybe..." he bit his lip. "it's okay. just. keep him away from me okay?" he asked. "i can't stand the little fucker and i'd rather have him here than god knows where doing god knows what." he muttered, not about to admit that he had been terrified that Tony was leaving him for Loki. that Tony had been about to dump him. he was too relieved to be pissed that Loki was staying.

Phil continued to crve and stopped just short of the edges and stepped back, examining the markings. "time?" Phil asked, not yet noticing Clint. he made a face when Melinda gave the time that he had spend carving. three hours and some odd minutes. "i'm getting faster..." he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. "...Clint?" Phil asked, looking utterly stunned before panic overtook his features. "you shouldn't be here! i'll hurt you! i can't be trusted!" he protested, dropping the knife and backing away from Clint, ignoring the fact that Melinda and Natasha could, and would stop him if he tried to hurt Clint. it took him several long moments to realize he wasn't going to attack Clint and stopped backing away, eyes wide, frightened but less panicked now. "...i thought you wouldn't want to..." he swallowed thickly. "i'm sorry i shouldn't have...." he shuddered and set a hand over his eyes. "i'm so sorry Clint..."
“Probably. Not attacking the other residents of the tower, would probably be a good thing.”She teased a little smiling as she shook her head. “No you wont. It’s Tony, tech is his thing. Even if it’ll be taking his life in his hands, he’ll want to work on it...might even be able to make it better. Though that’s up to you.”Kyra shrugged, flinching a little as the door next to them opened, glancing up at Grant as he walked out, eyes wide and pained as she took in the sight of him and skye, even if she’d made the choice to not stop them, it still was obvious the sight of them was hurting her. The quiet longing in her features there for a moment, just long enough to be seen before she shoved it away. “We’re making lunch. Come on you two.”She said walking quickly towards the kitchen, bustling around the kitchen to get food, when all she really wanted to do was cry.

“Me to.”Tony said smiling before blushing a little. “I try. You’ve done well to. Nearly made me die laughing when he first told me he had the hots for you. Totally thought I’d be jealous about having you two here at once. But I mean, come on, being with two hot guys at once, perfect.”Tony smiled happily, because while they were very recent together as a sometimes threesome, tony had been sleeping with them both since a month after new york. He liked sex, he especially liked sex with steve, but the man was neurotic and utterly self hating, so he had issues trying to make relationships work, so his response to teh pressure he sometimes felt from steve, from wanting him, was to sleep with anyone who got near him and showed interest. Though clint and steve, and loki, were special to him. “I know, I feel like I should clean or something, and get him presents, for letting us stay up here.”Tony muttered smiling a little before laughing quietly. “I know. I wouldn’t mind keeping him...but he’s half the man he could be, without Phil.If he can have him back, good.”Tony muttered knowing better then anyone, just how much of clint was missing because he was missing phil. Looking at steve in startlement, he tried to figure out what the other was feeling. “...What?I’m...confused.”he frowned a little trying to figure out what the other thought he wanted to talk about before sighing a little. “I thought that’s what you’d say...was still nervous though you’d kick me out of bed for months cause the trickster’s staying...”He muttered staring at the blankets, despite his ego, there was a quiet vulnerability there, that steve would leave him for a small mistake, a emotional miscalculation he made, because the genius didn’t understand people. Which had him always bracing to be left.

“Not sure if that’s good or not.”Natasha said even as she closed down the video, and have jarvis send the video to bruce and tony, hoping that the two would be able to figure out things. “Yea..”Clint said looking nervous and bracing as he looked up at the other from where he was sitting on the floor, something hurt and broken filling his face as the other backed away from him, despite knowing why the other was leaving him, it still hurt to watch him back away. Glancing around he scrambled to his feet, already taking steps back towards the door “....I should go...”
he shrugged a little. "might as well just go sleep in the sewers." he admitted. "you know i can't help my responses. he touches the arm and he's going to get hurt, no matter if i want it to happen or not." he admitted. "besides, it works fine." and the pain was easy to ignore. "oh... hey." Grant muttered, recoiling when he saw the pain in Kyra's face. it wasn't anything he did, nothing physical, but you could almost feel him pulling into himself and curling around his own kernel of hurt and confusion. he didn't understand why she was hurt and upset when she'd told him to be with Skye. didn't understand why she wasn't pleased. James just sighed and shook his head as he followed them into the Kitchen. this was something the three of them was going to have to work out on their own.

Steve chuckled. "hell i almost died when you suggested it yourself." he admitted. "i was convinced you where playing a prank on me. and then all of a sudden he was there and kneeling and god he looked so shattered i just HAD to." he admitted. "watching him break, it's beautiful every-time." he admitted. because sometimes Clint didn't need a gentle subspace. sometimes he needed to be completely broken apart, made to cry, and then pieced back together again and those where the times Steve adored the most. "we better not clean, it'll upset Clint." he warned. well aware that the 'mess' wasn't a mess. it was organized to Clint's specifics and Steve wasn't about to mess with the man's personal space when he had only just been trusted with it. "i was thinking of getting him a present." he admitted. "there's this thing called Laser tag." he admitted. "i saw it on the TV. we could gut one of the unused floors and turn it into a massive laser tag arena for the whole team." he smirked. "Clint would love it." so would everyone else. "it's nothing. i was being stupid. letting my insecurities out." he admitted. "Tony. even if i did kick you out of my bed, i'd break before a week was out. i'm totally addicted to your tight little ass." he admitted with a smile, refusing to admit to hating Loki just because he was fucking Tony. he just assumed that Tony was submissive to Loki. like he was submissive to Steve. he wrapped his arms around Tony, nuzzling the back of Tony's neck. "we should go check on the others." he finally admitted with a sigh as he sat up, examining Tony. "and you should go check on Loki. he's been silent all day. i don't like it." he admitted. "he's probably up to something nefarious again."

Phil gasped as the other moved to leave. "no! Don't! please!" Phil gasped, taking several steps forward, looking even more panicked at the idea of Clint leaving. "i'm sorry. i don't.. i can't control myself." he admitted, wrapping his arms around himself. "there are... emotions, inside of me that aren't mine." he admitted. "they want me to... do things, to you." he admitted, sounding frightened. of himself. "i can't be trusted near you. never alone. i'll... i won't be able to... i can't..." he groaned, frustrated that he couldn't explain. "i'm sorry..."
“I know. And no it doesn’tm but whatever.”Kyra rolled her eyes a little. Swallowing thickly when she saw him reel away from her, shuddering a little as she worked. “...”Skye looked between the two of them, sighing softly as she helped them get the food, before looking at kyra, trying to figure this out. Settling in to simply watch them, before saying anything. Having no idea what to do. Kyra sighed quietly as she finished eating, glancing up at Grant, biting her lip. The look of wanting to talk, needing to, but having no idea how to bring this up. Because she had no sense of what to do, the woman was cracking. “Careful.”Kyra warned just as Skye reached for her glass, nearly dipping it over just as kyra’s hands steadied her, the two women staring at each other as skye put the pieces together. “Oh my god. You can see things. Before they happen.” “Do not.”Kyra said sounding anxious as she stood abruptly and heading for the door, feeling to torn apart to deal with anything and falling back onto a lifetime of habits, of running away.

“I know. Your face, it was great.”tony snickered before swallowing thickly at the memory. “It is very beautiful.”he muttered before snorting. “I know better then to clean. But it doesn’t stop me from doing it.”he snickered a little before his eyes widened, grinning. “We should. We can go get it today, and give it as a gift to everyone.”He looked interested and happy at the idea, before studying the other man. Biting his lip before nodding, not wanting to press, even if he wanted to know, because if he pressed the insecurities, he knew steve would dig into his, and he wasn’t ready for that. “Hm, I do have a nice ass I know.”Tony snickered a little moaning softly as he was nuzzled, squirming to get comfortable, sighing quietly not wanting to get up yet. “Kay. You go make sure no one’s killed each other and check on James,”Tony said knowing it was the one person who could take steve away, and hating the assassin for it.” and I’ll make sure loki’s not doing anything.”he snickered a little as he got up and going in search of loki.

Clint stopped looking around before biting his lip, looking at him.”Okay. I wont go away.”he said before nudging closer, looking at him, “...I wont be alone. Never. I already promised cap I wouldn’t...but I....I miss you.”He said softly, brokenly.
he shrugged. "it works the way it's supposed to." he corrected, watching the three people dance around each other, or rather, dance around Grant who was too broken to know what to do. not that a normal, unbroken man would have a clue either. James was moving as soon as Skye put the peices together and gripped her around the throat with his flesh hand, not squeezing, just holding her there, threatening and holding Gabe back with the metal hand when he tried to interfere. "you don't say a word." James ordered, staring at Skye, looming over her. "you don't say a sound about it, do you understand?" he demanded, waiting for her assent before releasing both Gabe and Skye before following after Kyra, leaving Gabe to gather Skye into his arms, shaking from fright as he realized just how effortlessly James could kill them all. how easily James would kill them all if they threatened him, or worse, Kyra. who he seamed to have adopted as a daughter.

Steve snickered a little. "so goddamn pretty." he agreed. "it's gorgeous watching you break too. i love making you cry." he admitted with a smirk, he was such a sadist. "well... we could sweep at least." he agreed with a chuckle. "good thing we don't have pest problems this high up." he admitted. "it'll take a week or so to make the floor right." he admitted. "i'll leave that up to you." he admitted. "i have no idea how structures work." he grinned. "we could make it almost Maze like, with pits and stuff. ladders and bridges and all kinds of things." he was getting excited. "...fuck. i forgot about James." he admitted, sounding startled. "shit. he's probably killed half the tower by now." he groaned as he headed down the ladder with the tray of stuff he'd brought up. "we should check on Clint and Phil too, make sure nothing bad has happened. and Loki is always up to something." in this case, he was watching Phil carve through a video feed on Tony's bed, frowning at the still picture of the finished carvings.

Phil took a shaky breath and relaxed as he came closer, relaxing even more at the promise that Clint wouldn't be alone with him until Phil had control of himself. "i've missed you too... you know. once i remembered you existed." he admitted softly as he stared at Clint, as if drinking him in, his fingers twitching. he wanted to take Clint, lock him into a small dark room and take him apart piece by piece, break him and leave him broken. it frightened him, this possessive need to break Clint until he was completely dependent upon Phil for everything. he wanted to mark Clint, carve his name into that pale flesh so that all the world knew Clint belonged to him. but even as he wanted it, he felt sick for even thinking about it. no wonder the 'sane' ones had attacked and murdered their loved ones. "....yes. i definitely cannot be left alone with him." Phil stated, sounding vaguely like he wanted to run to the bathroom to be sick. "not for any amount of time. not even a second...." he muttered, swaying in place, about ten seconds from blacking out and passing into unconsciousness. his two 'halves' both wanting entirely separate things was wrecking havoc on his mind.
Skye gasped as she was held, looking at james with wide eyes as she nodded quickly, “Wont. Not a word.”She gasped stumbling into grant as the man caught her, clinging to him. “...This is bad. So bad.”Skye cried quietly, in shock and surprise, responding to the shock of realizing just how easy it would be for james to kill them if they threatened him or kyra.

Kyra looked up at James as she shoved her things into a bag, not that she had a lot, but enough to get by. Silently crying as she glanced over at him before returning to finishing packing, hands shaking and trembling. “....I didn’t think it’d be you coming after me.”She muttered swallowing thickly, looking around as she wiped her eyes. “I...I need to go.”She said so scared of having someone besides James know, especially for grant to know, because it would kill her to have him know exactly what had been between her and thomas, that beyond her inability to heal, thomas had liked her because she was the perfect bodyguard and fuck, perfect for missions for him. It...she couldn’t stay. Really, really couldn’t. It was actually amazing she hadn’t bolted before now.

“You are such a sadist.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before nodding. “We could. And I’ll take care of getting it set up into a avenger worthy laser tag room.”he snickered a little looking amused at how excited cap was over it. “Well, he’s sorta quiet and easy to brush aside. Go look in on him. I’ll take care of the others.”he said snickering a little as he did indeed leave steve to check on james, and headed for his bedroom, knowing where loki would be hiding, and tilting his head.”If you’re watching porn in my bed, without me, and frowning, you’re doing it wrong.”Tony said as he walked in, leaning over to look at what loki was looking at, humming slightly.”I was going to ask you about that.”

“...Well, I would hope so. I’m to awesome to not be missed.”Clint said, definitely spending to much time with tony, his ego was rubbing off. Watching the other, he seemed to sense his thoughts before moving a step back, tilting his head a little. “You wont be. I rarely go places without Tony or Steve these days. And if they’re not enough protection, you might consider relaxing your rule about Loki. He’s a bastard, but he’s strong enough to stop you if you attack me.”Clint said watching him, because even if he was strong enough to stop phil himself, the man couldn’t hurt phil, even to save himself.
Gabe trembled as he held her, held her close. he couldn't think of anything to say. what could make the knowledge that you where helpless better? nothing at all. "we won't tell anyone. Kyra's just scared, that's all. i knew she was a Metahuman but i never anticipated that... explains a bit." he admitted, soft, shaken. "i don't... i don't think James meant it." he admitted. "i think he was just reacting to Kyra..." he admitted, trying to calm himself down as well as Skye. "...what happened?" Steve asked, walking in, looking worried. "n...nothing! nothing at all. just gave myself a fright." Grant stated quickly. entirely too quickly.

James smiled a little. "i scared Grant shitless. he's back there trying to calm himself down." he admitted. you don't need to go." he promised her. "the people here are good people. they won't use you." he promised her. "Grant won't think anything less of you." he promised her. "neither will Skye, the Shield agents here, the Avengers. we could make an honest to god home here Kyra. You could make a life here, a happy one." he admitted. "just give it a chance. and if you really can't do it. then we'll leave. together." he promised her. "okay? just give it a chance." he suggested, kissing her forehead.

"you like it when i'm a sadist." he teased with a smirk as he nodded. "thanks Tony." he muttered, giving Tony a kiss before he headed off tot he kitchen to drop off the dishes before heading to find James. Loki looked up at Tony, amused. "not porn." he admitted. "these, carvings. the Son of Cole made them just now. it took him a while." he admitted as he went back to studying them. "they are not something that i am familiar with. that is... troubling." he admitted, leaning back into Tony. "whatever this is? it's complex. extremely complex." he admitted. "and there's something inside the Son of Cole. something very dangerous."

Phil grinned a little. "you are awesome." he agreed. "i heard you kicked up your draw speed." he admitted, meaning of course, the time it took Clint to have the Bow out, ready to fire, arrow in place. he relaxed a bit when Clint stepped back, there was a bad glint in Phil's eyes that dimmed a little when Clint took a step back. as if that other thing inside of Phil realized it was being watched. was being noticed. "good. yes. good." he muttered. "Steve can stop me. and i'm sure Tony doesn't go anywhere without a repulsor on hand... you know, you would look very nice with red..." he muttered rather vacantly, eyes fixed on his neck. "yes. lines of red would look very good on you..." "okay." May stated. "times up. you need to leave." she warned Clint, gently moving him for the door. unexpectedly, Phil went bat-shit at the sight of her hand on his, scooping up the knife in a fluid motion and moving to attack her, eyes wild with that something else.
Skye swallowed hard leaning against the other, nodding a little. “Considering how hydra would have used a talent like that...I’m sure she’s frightened.”Skye muttered shaking herself, resting her head on his shoulder, swallowing thickly before pulling away to look at Steve. “we’re okay. Just startled james, who in turn startled us.”Skye said calmly, lying easily as she squeezed grant’s hand smiling slightly.

“...It’s not nice scaring him. He does have a fairly big hero-worship crush going on for you you know.”She teased him a little looking down at her bag, biting her lip, swallowing hard. “I can’t....I can’t, James. It’s no more then a few minutes, but it gives people a edge in a fight....and with shield in such a mess, they’d want it...I can’t...”She swallowed thickly, wanting so much to stay, so much not wanting to lose grant again, but this scared her more, trusting them to not use her talent for both precognition and healing against her. Looking up at James she swallowed hard, trying to stop her shaking hands, before nodding. “...Okay. I’ll stay.”She said softly, slumping.

“It did. He says he’s been carving them ever sense they brought him back using alien DNA. Drove the other man who was injected, insane, and now he’s starting to lose it.”Tony said sighing. “I wanted your input on figuring it’ll break clint if we have to put phil down.”He said looking worried about them both.

“I did. Tony’s been messing with my bow. Between him fixing things up, and fighting with steve, I’ve gotten faster.”he grinned happy and content, before swallowing hard as he looked at phil. “Nope, I’m fairly certain he has a couple repulsors really. He’s sorta paranoid.”Clint said before eyes widening, stumbling back a step even as his arm flashed up, the shield hologram flairing between them, definitely steve’s shield even without the trademark captain colors, a repulsor flairing in his other hand, knocking phil out. Two trademarked weapons, gifts from the two men who always wanted to make sure clint had a weapon, the bracelet and watch tony had created with steve’s input, perfect for a archer who didn’t always have his bow on him.
he nodded. " one here would... would use her right? Phil wouldn't use her. not like that..." he muttered, trying to reassure himself that Kyra would really be okay. "...dammit. i knew i shouldn't have let him run around on his own." Steve muttered, examining them. "he didn't hurt you though?" "no. jut scared us half to death." Grant promised Steve who nodded and set about making lunch. he's talk to James after he made sure Grant and Skye weren't out of their minds with terror.

he grinned. "i do know. he said so, right in front of me. i don't think he realized i was there." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "you can. no one here will use you. i'll kill them first." he admitted, promised as he wrapped her up in his arms again, helping her calm down.

"not according to the... Skye? she said he's been carving them ever since he saw the carvings from the 'other' man who was injected. i think, whatever this is? it's triggered." he admitted, frowning at it. "but i don't recognize it. not at all. and the girl, Skye, was injected with the same thing. she has had no reaction at all. that doesn't make any sense at all." he admitted as he looked up at Tony. "i will not let the Son of Cole suffer for this. i will take him to my mother if i have to." he admitted. "though, i don't know if she could help." he admitted with a sigh as he closed his eyes, relaxing against Tony. "and how did Steve react?" he asked, curious to know if he was going to have to stay hidden from the Captain America as well.

Phil smiled. "good. i'm glad to see your continued improvement." he admitted. because he always praised Clint for improvement. because it seamed to make Clint all the more eager to improve. "good. good. yes." Phil muttered, pleased that Clint would be well protected. Phil slapped into that barrier so hard you could hear something inside him break. a rib probably. he slumped to the ground as soon as that repulsor hit him, out cold and May sighed. "well that was new." she admitted softly, checking Phil's pulse. "i'll take him to...." "i'm already here." Bruce promised as he walked in. Jarvis called me as soon as Phil started exhibiting unusual signs. Clint? you okay? Tony's in his room if you need him. Steve's in the kitchen." he admitted. "you can stay, he'll be down for a good while." Bruce promised, slipping a needle full of clear liquid into Phi's arm to be sure that the man stayed down for a while.
“No, she matters to James. I think if anyone tried, they’d have a walking time bomb exploding early. Steve’ll take care of her. And everyone else. I doubt they would either way, but the threat of both cap and the soldier?Yea. Totally not happening.”Skye said calming down before smiling a little. “Np, we’re okay.”Skye promised smiling a little as she helped steve cook.

“You’re going to have to tease him about it. He’ll blush and be adorable.”She snickered a little, slumping, clinging to him as he held her, nodding slowly. “Okay....well..”She swallowed thickly stepping back. “We better just go face the music.”She said looking worried at the idea of facing grant and skye, but needing to know how they were reacting to. Swallowing hard as she headed for the kitchen, looking nervously as she realized steve was in there to, glancing at grant and skye, wondering if they’d said something.

“Well, that actually makes sense. Phil was just a carrier, until it triggered....hmmm..”Tony frowned a little before sighing. “No it doesn’t. Means there’s something about skye that doesn’t fit in the other two. Maybe because she’s female?”he frowned before nodding a little. “Good. And we’ll figure it out.”He agreed smiling slightly, glad loki was willing to help with this, pressing a kiss to the man’s head as the godling settled against him, fussing over him a little, because despite steve’s thoughts, he was the dominate in this relationship, and usually spent a inordinate amount of time fussing over him. “steve’s decided he rather have you here, rather then anywhere else. Though he does ask you to mostly stay away from him, he’s not forbidding you from being in the room with me...I wish you two would get along, but maybe being here, will ease him into being okay with you around. He was surprisingly calm about it really.”he muttered nuzzling the other, because really, he was utterly, utterly stupid and oblivious about why steve really really didn’t like loki.

“Thanks.”Clint perked up, smiling pleased at the other’s praise, wincing though as he heard phil’s ribs break, swallowing hard as he glanced at may. “It was. He did say he was reacting to me though.”Clint said looking worried, before nodding as he looked at bruce. “Fine. Gonna have to inform Tony that his shield is workable and awesome though. It’s going to make him unbearable to live with for a bit.”Clint snickered strained, because of this, not because he didn’t find tony utterly adorable and amusing when he was crowing about a new invention working. Because it was utterly adorable watching tony be so excited about something. “...Okay.”He muttered swallowing hard as he watched phil and bruce for a bit before shaking his head. “I’m going to find Tony.”He said before bolting from the room, looking worried and strained as he past the kitchen, ignoring the drama in there for the moment before walking into tony’s room, pausing at the sight of the godling and tony, nearly backing out before diving into the bed, squirming inbetween them with a shuddering breath. To upset at seeing phil so unlike himself, so broken, that he couldn't stay and watch bruce take care of him, no matter how much he wanted to.
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