In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

"there's no way Steve Rogers is letting any of us leave until he get's some answers." he admitted with a smile. "so we'll be here for a while." he admitted. "and it did go a bit better than i anticipated, but it could have gone better." he admitted before he looked up at Skye. "i'm..." he paused, hesitating. "i'm not hurt. but it... feels odd." he admitted. "i've been afraid of Thomas ever since he beat me up the first time with my parents watching... i was three." he admitted. "i remember it so vividly. he raped me, when i was twelve and continued to do so until i was fifteen when i was rescued... only not so much... i know that now." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "my entire life... was Hydra, from the very beginning and i never knew it." he admitted. "everything i did. was to make Garret happy and keep myself from Thomas." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he shook his head. "other than the emotional trauma, i'm peachy."

Phil stared at Tony, a bit startled before he sighed. "oh for... you haven't changed at all. i had hoped you would have matured just a little bit." he admitted with a shake of his head, Tripp and Hunter both grinning at Tony. "well. if i can't seduce her, can i seduce you?" Tripp asked playfully as Hunter rolled his eyes. "do you really flirt with anything?" "yes. yes i do. you're just jealous because i asked first." "only a little. i'm more hoping to get my hands on that Captain." "you couldn't handle the captain." "i could so." "both of you shut up. you're annoying May." they both clammed up. "alright." Phil agreed as he followed Tony up, rubbing his face. "you have to understand, some of it i am uncertain of still. there are... no answers, i'm looking for them but i can't find them. not anywhere." he admitted, frowning. "but i'll tell you everything i do know and most of what i suspect." he promised. "some things aren't mine to tell though." he admitted. "it will be up to others to answer if they want." Phil admitted.
“Nope, I doubt Steve’s going to let James go anywhere.”Kyra pointed out with a smile. “...I’ve been there.”She said biting her lip, the emotional trauma of discovering he’d been hydra, had been nearly as bad as this, of having everything turned upside down. “now you have a chance to do what you want. And the people to help you do it. I mean...I doubt Stark’ll make you do anything, you can have time to discover what you want to do for the rest of your life....and no, sex doesn’t count as a thing to do, you slut.”Skye teased him a little, raising a eyebrow, silently inviting him to try this friendship again, maybe try everything again.

“...You and pepper both. I turned 39 this year. I doubt maturity is going to set in.”Tony said smirking at phil before raising his eyebrows at Tripp as he looked the man over. “...I am not anything. And no, I have a feeling if I do, the good Captain will be killing one of us in our sleep.”Tony said, well. At least he understood that cap was bothered by how many people he slept with, not aware it was more because steve like-liked him, instead of a simple jealousy of his attention. “They are.”May smirked a little as they shut up before following the others up. “Fine. Tell me whatever. J?Pipe it through the vents when Coulson starts singing like a carnary.”Tony said as they stepped into the living room, while he knew clint wouldn’t handle seeing him, he knew the other would at least want to hear what phil had to say, and to hear his voice, proof that the man was alive.
he nodded. "i never really believed the rumors that the Winter Soldier used to be a friend of Captain America, but i guess it is true." he admitted, looking a little stunned. "oh my god." he breathed. "i rode in the car with THE Winter Soldier!" he breathed, stunned as he realized his entire life Idol was in the same building as him and he'd TALKED to the man! without squealing like a fangirl! yes! Win for him! "i don't know what i want." Grant admitted. "i've never... never had the chance to want things. i just, do what i'm told to." he admitted. "i don't know...." he wasn't sure he could make his own decisions. "Sex counts!" he protested. "Sex is awesome!" he complained. well, no, Sex with girls was awesome. Thomas had cured him of any gay tendencies he might ever have had. "i need help." Grant finally admitted. "a lot of help..."

Phil just huffed and rolled his eyes as both Hunter and Tripp examined the scowling captain. "...right. well. maybe the Archer?" "touch the archer and die." Phil snarled possessively, making both men scramble behind May as Phil followed Tony up and settled onto the couch, frowning as he struggled with how to start. "the first thing i remember is... darkness, and fear." he admitted softly. "the memories in the beginning are disjointed and mixed together. they cracked my head open and implanted new memories." he explained. "memories of Tahiti..." "for the first months, he'd repeat "it's a magical place" anytime he heard Tahiti." Grant supplied helpfully. "none of us really noticed. not until Rena..." he fell silent at Phils scowl. "i remember only bits and pieces of my supposed time in 'Tahiti' and those are overlaid with my memories of agony. of wanting to die." Phil admitted softly. "i was begging for it. begging to die because it just hurt that bad... it makes me wonder, how we can be the good guys, when my own people basically tortured me, and yet a God just killed me." he admitted. "i was confused at first, i woke up in a hut in Tahiti and Fury was there, telling me that my vacation was over and that he wanted me to put a team together. turns out it wasn't 'my' Team." he admitted with a sigh. "but i made them mine. it wasn't until after Rena... after the memories came back that i realized... i forgot Him." he whispered. "i forgot who Clint was, i forgot Clint's face, i forgot Clint existed... they took him from me. whether that was intentional or not..." he shook his head and continued explaining, every last detail about himself and his team, letting them explain when they needed to. finishing with how he had alien DNA inside of him, how his temper had been slowly dissolving, how he thought he was going mad, how he knew he was dangerous. to Clint specifically though he didn't know why. he never outright said it, but he was sure he was a monster. a monster no better than Garret.
“It is.”Kyra smiled slightl tilting her head, before smirking, nudging James a little. “Yes, yes you did. Don’t look like such a fangirl.”Kyra teased rolling her eyes a little, smirking at james. Because she knew just how much grant had to be squealing on the inside. “I’m sure you can find someone to give you orders, if you want them. There’s a whole subcategory of sex to the dominance of someone else.”Skye teased, just to see if he’d blush, because teasing him, amused her. And well...she was trying to figure out if he still was as attracted to her as she was to him. “...Sex does not count. You cna’t just have sex all the time.”Kyra broke in, anger just under the calm of the words, rolling her eyes. “You’ll have help. You’ll be okay Grant.”

“...You have no say in what Clint’s doing now. Even if you have a good reason for this disappearing act. No say.”Tony scowled, and despite how screwy his relationship life was at the moment, he was very very protective of the people he liked, and clint was damaged and tony was so so overprotective of the man. “It was a original program to revive a dead avenger, if needed’s not good. It’s so bad.”May muttered looking worried, wincing as tony shuddered at the idea of going through this, on top of everything he had already done. “...You’re staying here. I mean. Unless you have someplace else to be. Your team, not only would you be protected by my security system, most of the agents of shield that survived Hydra, are here. Hydra and the goverment have to go through my lawyers to get to any of them, so you’re standing in what’s left of your organization, Director.”
James looked extremely amused to say the least. "there's a what now?!" Grant demanded, looking at her in stunned shock. "no, in sex i'm fine. giving orders or taking them or just fucking. it's... everything else." he admitted, snorting. "i can hardly bring myself to eat without someone telling me to." he admitted. "Garret had me on a scheduled. i eat every day at six, noon and six. no deviations. i take a shower every night. if i miss that from a mission or something, then i reset the scheduled at the next available opportunity. either at six, noon or six." he admitted. "i can't do that here. there's no scheduled. there's nothing to tell me what to do, who to be, how to behave, when to shave when to shower, when to eat..." he shrugged. "at least in the Cell it was easy. eat when given food and don't talk until someone tells me to." he admitted. "Sex does too count. i'd make a great stripper."

Phil flushed. "i know... it just slipped out." he admitted sheepishly, looking a bit baffled at the same time. "i don't usually loose control of my mouth like that." he admitted, frowning before he started to tell his tale, looking at May. "i didn't remember, still don't. not really. but i was the one heading the Tahiti program. the subjects where... they..." he closed his eyes. "a lot of them exhibited signs of being completely normal, and when we let them go for field tests, they went to the people they loved most and slaughtered them before killing themselves. it only happened twice before we canceled all field tests." he admitted. i think part of me knew that if i ever saw Clint again...." he shuddered violently. "the rest of them just died. grew boils, went mad or...." he swallowed thickly. "or killed themselves." he admitted. "in a test of over three hundred different people, the only ones who survived was me. and Garret and you saw what happened to him." he paused. "or. maybe you didn't..." he muttered before he stared at Tony, wide eyed. "i don't think it would be safe if i stayed here Mr. stark." Phil admitted. "i can't be trusted."
Skye grinned, “Sex. You know, domination and submission, BDSM, control play....”Skye smirked amused at Grant’s shock, before tilting her head a little as she considered that. “...Well. How about I can tell you what to do. Or Kyra. Until you get used to deciding things for yourself, we can decide things.”Skye said slanting a glance at the silently fuming blond, wondering just what the former hydra agent was thinking. “We could do that.”Kyra said something softer and less harsh in her voice in normal, before smirking. “You would make a good stripper. I’m sure Stark’s hiring.”

“I know. Which is why I’m warning you, Phil. In all seriousness. Not just because I’m enjoying being a dick or anything, but because Clint really wont be able to handle it if something goes wrong again. He just wont.”Tony shuddered a little sighing quietly. “...Fucking hell. So glad we never had to test that theory of it bringing us back.”Tony shuddered a little swallowing thickly as he realized just why phil had stayed away, but it didn’t make it any easier on him. “...We did. Fury made sure we knew about it, even if he didn’t tell us about your involvement.”Tony sighed before tilting his head. “And you’re safer out there? You might not be trusted, but do you really think I’ll let you go when...”he trailed off not finishing the thought before refocusing. “Besides. You’re safer here, your team’s safer here. On your own, you can only out run both hydra and talbot so long. Here, I can keep the general away....and, if we’re not capable of handling you, no one else is. Me, a living legend, a man with breathtaking anger management issues, two demi-gods, your two protege master assassins, not to mention your team, and our resident former hydra assests. If we can’t, you’re not safe anywhere.”
he nodded. "i've had it like that." he admitted. "there was this girl, an S.O. she liked it like that. we'd switch off. sometimes i was tied up, sometimes she was. it was fun. nice." he admitted before he stared at her for a long moment. "yeah. okay. i'd like that. yeah." he agreed before he smirked at Kyra. "i was a stripper for three different missions. i've gotten very good at it." he admitted. pleased with himself, he knew more than one person was thinking about just how good he might actually be.

he nodded. "i know." he admitted. "my reactions... they're not always my own these days." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i usually have better control than this but i saw Clint on the screen and... then Lo...Lo..." he swallowed convulsively, unable to say the name. "i'm more than a little off kilter today." he admitted. "good. so you know what happened to him. the madness is creeping up a lot slower on me but it is coming." he admitted before staring at Tony. "...good point." he muttered. "are you aware that i'm the Director now?" he asked. "i'll need to be able to come and go. often." he admitted. "i still have around seventy agents in various missions depending on me." he admitted. "and i want safety restrictions. no one is allowed to be alone with me. i'll need a large blank wall that can easily be replaced. or a large slab of wood that i can carve into." he admitted. "and yes, Bruce can have all the blood samples he wants from me. maybe he can... fix me. and Lo... HE, is not to come within sight of me or im shooting him in the head. at least thirteen times. and then i'll shoot him in both hearts. just to make sure." he warned. "and then i'll taze you and leave you on the floor drooling and go watch either Super Nanny or Extreme Home Makeover. whichever i feel in the mood for." well, he was still Phil at least.
“...”Skye stared at him, swallowing hard as she considered him having sex like that before smiling. “Good. We can do that then.”Skye said smiling a little. “...I feel the need to express a desire to see this stripping eventually. If only to compare my own stripping skills.”Kyra said looking equally pleased with herself.

“Good.”Tony said relaxing as he realized phil was aware of just how bad this was going to be, before sighing. “We do. And we can handle the madness, and hopefully figure out how to stop it.”Tony smiled a little before nodding slowly. “I figured, when Skye said she worked for the new director.”Tony sighed before looking thoughtful. “Does it have to be carved?I mean, whatever you’re doing. Cause I totally have a hologram drawing wall you can use, easily redone at a flick of a wrist.”Tony said shrugging a little before smiling. “Easily done. I’ll make sure Reindeer understands that he has to stay away from you.”He said before sputtering. “What?!What no, you’re not allowed to threaten me with tazing! No. This is unacceptable.”Tony huffed sulking. “ this a regular ‘tony threat’, to taze him?”
he grinned. "okay." he agreed, looking so much more relieved and relaxed at the promise that she would help him. would make him a schedule at least so he wouldn't starve to death. with Kyra and Skye he would be okay. he was sure of it. "Mine are totally better than yours." he scoffed at Kyra.

he shrugged. "i don't think anyone can handle the madness. i need you to understand. if it gets too bad... you'll have to deal with it." he raised a hand at May, who, as always, went to protest. "no. we've discussed this. if it get's bad. you'll take care of it." he ordered sternly. "yes. has to be carved." he admitted. "with a knife, or a nail, something sharp." he admitted. "it works best in wood, but plaster and concrete work well too." he admitted. "i don't know why." he admitted before staring at Tony and pulled out the latest Stark Tazer and made it pop and crack in warning, looking amused. " in the hell do you keep getting Stark Tech!?" Steve demanded, snatching it out of Phil's hands. "don't Taze tony! he'll sulk for months otherwise."
“...If it gets bad, we have a world class assassin living with us. I’m sure one of them would be willing to help.”Tony said slanting a glance towards James and Kyra, the woman silently nodding. Because while she hoped it didn’t come to that, she would do it, before he hurt clint, before phil did some unrepairable harm. Would keep everyone safe. “Okay. There’s plenty of rooms to choose from, have your choice.”Tony said shrugging a little before yelping, squirming away and putting steve between him and phil. “Stay away from me, Agent. And he’s super Agent, he could pull stark tech out of thin air.”Tony whined a little. Kyra shook her head amused, yawning, running her hand through her hair. “We should all get some sleep. It’s been a really long day.”She said looking around the room, seeing the signs of exhaustion settling in.
James also nodded. if Phil was a threat, he would do his duty. he would keep Steve and his people safe. James opted not to take a room for himself, uncertain he could be trusted alone and crashed with Kyra who could snap him out of it, control and contain him if he woke up as the Soldier. Grant couldn't decide where to sleep because options weren't his strong suit and ended up having a minor panic attack until Kyra got him set up with her and James. he was more broken than he'd thought when a simple choice of rooms threw him into a state of panic. Hunter and Triplet both chose randomly and Phil stayed with May, trusting her to control him if he went off the deep end.

in the morning, it was Hunter and Triplet who headed for the smell of cooking food and set about helping Steve make food for everyone. Agent Simmons and Fitz had arrived in the middle of the night once they knew it was safe and they where currently still hanging out in the R&D departments, in awe over all the amazing things and chattering at the scientists they knew from their Shield days. so they at least would be well occupied. "Clint?" Steve asked as he stepped into the Lab. "i brought you breakfast." he promised as he headed up the ladder, carefully balancing the tray so he wouldn't spill the food. Clint's favorite foods. he settled at the edge, feet dangling as he slid the tray over to the 'birdbrain'. "eat something, okay? how are you feeling?"
Clint edged to the opening of the landing, sitting next to steve, leaning against the wall, nibbling at the food. “...Hungry.”He muttered focusing on the food before sighing quietly, slanting a look at the other man as he ate his waffles, biting his lip a little. “How is he?Really?”he asked, swallowing thickly, looking like he hadn’t slept at all.

“Morning. Waffles?”Tony grinned pushing a plate across to grant and skye walked in, looking amused. Finding it amusing that skye, who’d said she hated grant, was the one that went seeking his company, as if she couldn’t quite help herself. “Did you make them tony?”Natasha asked as she followed them in, eyeing the food nervously. “Of course not. Steve did.”
Steve chuckled at Clint's obvious ploy to get out of talking about emotions and let him have the small win. he knew Clint would talk when he was ready. "he's fucked up in a big way." Steve admitted. "whatever happened to him..." he paused and then. "it's. i've kind of seen it before. like James." he admitted. "he's himself. but there's something else in there too and occasionally it asserts itself. not unlike the Hulk and Bruce. you know? how Bruce will be sitting there, calm as day and then all of a sudden he says something and you just know it's the Other Guy. Phil's absolutely terrified of himself and thinks he's going to go mad and slaughter us all." he admitted. "he might be right."

"yes, thank you." Grant agreed as he sat down next to Skye and helped himself to a waffle, smothering it in strawberry syrup and blueberries. "why should it matter who made them?" Grant asked, Bruce chuckling from where he was turning some Bacon next to Hunter, who was working the waffle iron now. "Tony can't cook. if he ever hands you something that he made himself it's usually inedible and will typically cause extreme gastric distress." Bruce admitted, growling as Loki appeared, smiling far too brightly. "good morning Loyal serfs!" he declared. "is the Blonde around? i don't desire another beating." Loki admitted as he examined the Waffles curiously. "and what are these fluffy confections?"
Clint sighed softly as he ate, staring down at the plate. “...I know. Tony did have jarvis let me listen...I could hear him...”clint swallowed thickly, because he’d heard his phil there, but there was something different, something off. Something new and no way to handle it. “If...if he’s right. I wont let you guys take responsiblity for it...I think it would kill you all in some way...It’s...I owe him that.”He swallowed, because it would kill him to do it, but if phil needed him to end it, he would. He smirked a little, deciding to throw a curve ball, simply because he didn’t want to talk about this anymore. “So, has tony figured out why you’re really bothered by him flirting with anyone with a pulse yet?”Clint asked, a slight tone of guilt to the words. Because he knew it bothered steve that tony was sleeping with anyone that he wanted to, but he was to desperate for some human contact, to gain some measure of control, and tony was so amazingly submissive, that it was the only release clint allowed himself, the only way to let off some pressure that broke him most days and left him reeling the rest.

“Welcome. And I can to cook.”Tony frowned as he snagged his own plate of food and started to eat. “Tony, you burned water and melted a cast iron skillet last time we let you cook on your own. You are not allowed feeding people.”Natasha said snickering, before looking up at loki, shaking her head a litle. “He’s downstairs feeding Clint. And these are waffles. Which you get none of, until you listen to a new rule. We have new guests here, and Agent has no desire to see you, at all. And has threatened to shoot you if he sees you. So new rule, no screwing with people who’ve shot you before.”
he nodded a little. "Kyra is going to do it." he explained simply. "she has no emotional connection to Phil, she'kll do it if it needs done." he promised Clint. "we couldn't let you do that to yourself. you'd turn the gun to your own head if we let you... do that." he admitted. "but Bruce is going to work on it first, you know how good he is." he promised with a smile before snarling. "i don't care about him flirting. he can flirt with who ever the hell he wants too." he growled. out of all the people Tony flirted with, and slept with, the only one he didn't mind was Clint. because for one thing, he fucked Clint too, for another, he knew Clint and Tony didn't have emotions for each other. it was just sex. not to mention that Clint actually NEEDED Tony. Needed to have Tony owning him, fucking him, possessing him. he didn't mind Clint, but he did mind Loki, and the dozens of other people that Tony fucked with abandon. he huffed and laid his head on Clint's shoulder. "Tony can do what he wants... it's not like i want him after all. it's just sex. him and me." he stated decisively. well aware he was lying.

"...i wasn't aware you could burn water..." Grant admitted slowly, Hunter and Tripp both snickering. "and i'm certain that you can't melt Cast Iron on a stove..." "Waffles. fascinating." he muttered before glaring at Natasha for daring to tell him what to do. "i do as i please." he scoffed. the only person Loki actually listened to was Tony on any given day. though sometimes he'd listen to Thor. if the God asked nicely. Loki did however, tell himself not to go anywhere near the Agent in question. "so. this Agent. is it the one i think it is?" he asked curiously. "Hela, my daughter, was most pleased to return his soul." he admitted. "seams to think that the Son of Cole is destined for greatness or something. i don't listen much when she starts going on about Fate and Prophecy." he admitted as he munched on a Waffle,blinking. "it's sweet!"
“...Okay. She...okay.”Clint swallowed thickly, before nodding, smirking a little. “Bruce is good. Between him and Tony I’m sure they can figure something out.”he muttered before wincing at the snarl, sighing softly. “Uh-huh. You do realize if he flirts with Grant to much, Kyra’s going to hand him his balls, right?”Clint snorted amused, before sighing. He knew hated seeing two of his friends like this, each denying what they felt, and unwilling to try. Though he knew tony’s reasons for holding steve at arms length, he had no idea why steve kept resisting, when it was obvious to anyone that got near the two, that it was steve tony paid the most attention to, that kept his attention even when he was buried in a project. “No, what you and me have is just sex. You and tony...I’m not sure what it is, but it’s not simply sex.”Clint needled him, knowing he was going to get yelled at for saying it, but needling steve was what he did, running his fingers through blond hair, he pressed a gently kiss to his head. “Wanna fuck?”He said after a moment.

“...You can’t.” “You can when you’re name’s tony stark and you’re trying to make roast without taking your suit off cause you’re ‘testing the new repulsors’ for heat signatures.” “Hey, I figured out how hot they were.”Tony huffed before rolling his eyes at loki’s response. “You might do as you please, but for me, don’t bother Agent. I do like him, and you, so digging bullets out of my walls cause you pissed him off and made him go protective over you being anywhere near Barton will be annoying.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before nodding. “It is. And...fates?”Tony perked up, remembering what phil had said about the writings, maybe he was seeing something coming? “It is.” “...Good morning.”Kyra smiled as she walked into teh room, smiling as she slid into the chair next to Grant, looking pleased that he was feeding himself, even if she suspected it was because skye was sitting on his other side and made him eat something.Trying so hard to forget anything she’d ever thought about grant in that way, because it was over. The playful flirting days were so done for her now. Sighing quietly, almost sadly, as she started to eat her own waffles
he nodded. "yeah. Bruce is pretty cool." he admitted, looking a little sour. because out of everyone in the Tower, Tony lusted after Bruce the most. well, that's what Steve thought anyway. it wasn't true in the least since Bruce had laid down the law with Tony that touching above the belt and flirting was fine, but Bruce would break Tony in all the wrong ways if he did anything more than that. "yes well. she's going to have to get in line because i think Skye had him first." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "that poor man is too mentally broken to realize they honestly want him. besides, he's not gay so even if he will let Tony flirt, he's going to go ape shit if Tony so much as touches him." he admitted. "'s just sex. Tony barely tolerates me." he scoffed. "and i can't stand him." he admitted as he shook his head. "he'll find someone better and i'll be alone again soon enough." ah, so Steve just didn't want to have his heart broken. "sure. if your up for it." he agreed easily. he liked having sex with Clint, everything made sense when he succumbed to Clint's easy nature. "you want Top or bottom?"

Grant blinked, then blinked again, and then started to snicker before watching the interaction between Loki and Stark. "oh fine." Loki grumbled before blinking at Tony. "well. of a sort. Destiny and Fate are two different things. Fate is what will happen no matter what you may decide. Destiny is what you make happen. some have become villains, like Hitler. others have become noble leaders like Lincoln." he admitted. "all had great destinies. but each used that destiny for purposes of their own design." he admitted. "well good morning to you Kyra, my sweet." he purred, smirking at her because he knew she HATED it when he called her that before frowning. "Kyra? you okay? do you need sex? because i could help you with that." he promised her. even broken as he was, he was still a horny little slut.
“...Don’t look so sour. You know Tony doesn’t want him like that.”clint rolled his eyes quickly having figured out that steve thought tony wanted his science bro like that, when really, tony was so socially awkward that he didn’t understand the lines between showing his friends that he wanted them simply around, and wanted them for sex. For him, he liked bruce cause he could start a tangent of science stuff without totally losing the other man. He flirted, cause he was tony stark and not able to not flirt, but he really didn’t want bruce for sex. He simply wanted him around. “Maybe. It’ll be amusing watching them all figure it out though.”Clint said before leaning his head back to look at the other, “...You are a idiot.”Clint rolled his eyes good naturedly, not pointing out the obvious that tony did more then tolerate steve, he actually sought out the other’s company without prodding, and even asked him to help with projects even though steve knew nothing about tech, and normally the idea of working with a tech idiot would drive tony insane, but with steve, he just found his captain’s inability amusing. “I’m always up to satisfying your super soldier libido.”He teased nudging him towards the bed in the nest. “Bottom.”He said already starting to strip, his almost finished breakfast forgotten in favor of sex.

“”Thanks.”Tony muttered smiling slightly at loki before tilting his head a little, frowning looking thoughtful as he considered what that might mean for phil before smirking. “I find it amusing that you didn’t use the obvious choice for the opposite of hitler, there, Reindeer Games.”Tony pointed out, smirking as he considered his Aryan colored captain, a slightly softer smile twisting his lips for a moment before raising his eyebrows at grant’s question. Well, that was certainly blunt. Biting his lip to keep from laughing as he watched the two. “Fine. And-what? I-I’m fine.”kyra stuttered nearly choking, looking pale and shaken as she bolted from her seat and towards the living room. “Grant?”Skye muttered glancing at him, wondering if they should go after her or not, looking concerned at the woman’s reaciton.
he growled, unhappy that Clint didn't seam to get it. but then, Steve didn't really get it either so it was to be expected. "it will be amusing. if they don't kill each other anyway." he admitted before scowling at Clint. "i am not. just for that, i think i won't fuck you." but he would, because he needed the comfort and fucking Clint always made them both feel better. "Bottom it is. you want it kinky this morning?" Steve asked, heading over to the small 'sex chest' Clint had up there. it had all if Clint's favorite things in it, the blindfold, the restraints, the lube. he plucked out the items Clint ashed for and took a moment to just examine Clint. who was soft and pale and perfect in all the right ways.

Loki sneered. "you mean your boy wonder?" he asked with a scoff. "no. the Fates have little to say of him. he startled even the Goddess of Destiny when he popped up, alive. but what else would expect when Hela said she never got his soul?" he asked with a roll of his eyes. "no one listens." he grumbled before chuckling as he watched Grant interacting with his women. "...Kyra?" he asked, looking startled before he looked at Skye. "uh... maybe i shouldn't have? but she never minded before..." he admitted looking both hurt and worried. "i better go apologize..." he muttered as he followed her into the living room. "Kyra? i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you... Kyra?"
“Yea, hopefully they wont.”Clint snickered a little before rolling his eyes.”You are, and you totally can’t turn me down. I’m uncomplicated. Which is what you need right now.”Clint smiled a little before tilting his hands. “The restraints.”He said smiling as he laid back on the bed, the archer all muscle and utterly tall and lean, “like what you see?”He smirked watching the other.

“Hm, yes.And don’t call him that. He might beat on you.”Tony snickered a little before smirking. “Well, it’s good to know steve surprises everyone.”Tony snickered a little. Skye frowned watching for a moment before biting her lip.”No, I don’t know. You two are weird together.”Skye muttered because she didn’t understand why the two had never been together, when it was obvious that they both enjoyed each other’s company. “You better.”She muttered watching him go.

Kyra frowned a little from where she was sitting on the couch, head in her hands, swallowing thickly, flinching a little as her mind supplied what he was going to do next.”Yea?”She muttered hoping to derail the conversation a bit, cause she totally didn’t want to have it. “You didn’t.I’m fine.”She muttered.
he chuckled and nodded. "i know." he admitted as he leaned in and gave Clint a deep kiss before gathering up the restraints and the lube and moving over to Clint. "i always like what i see." he admitted with a smirk. "such perfection." he praised as he kissed the other again. Steve liked kissing. it made him feel connected. made him feel as if he wasn't taking advantage. he carefully slipped the fleece lined leather cuffs around Clint's wrists, tying them tight enough that Clint wouldn't be able to escape without popping a wrist out of joint. once he was content with that he used more straps to keep the hands tied tight to the lower back, looping the leather cord around those slender hips and tying them down. that done he pushed Clint forward so he was kneeling, ass in the air, knees pressed to his chest with his face pressed into a pillow for comfort. "there. look how pretty you are, all tied up and helpless." he purred, stroking that long expanse of skin. "i wonder if you'd let me cane you someday?" he mused. "raise nice red welts up on your pretty white skin."

Loki snorted. "he desires to beat on me anyway." he admitted as he popped another piece of Waffle into his mouth. "yes, Steve threw a lot of things into disarray and i certainly didn't help matters." he admitted. which was as close as he ever came to commenting on his actions within Manhattan. he had never offered any explanations, nor excuses for what he'd done. the closest he'd come was admitting it was wrong of him to do what he did to the Archer and allowed Clint to beat on him anytime Clint needed it. "what do you mean we're weird?" Grant complained, looking baffled before shrugging it off as Skye being weird.

"i did something wrong." he protested, looking upset. "please... i'm sorry whatever it was. if it was calling you my sweet again i swear i'll stop. i didn't know it bothered you so much i swear!" he was so clueless. "your not fine... do you want me to let you beat me up? i can do it." he promised her. falling back on the only experience he had with apology and forgiveness, which was Hydra's method of beating up anyone who failed.

g'night! sleep well^^
Clint moaned as he was kissed, shuddering a little as he watched steve watching him, flushing ever so slightly. He wasn’t usually one to blush, but in the bedroom, stripped of all his weapons and defenses, he did. Shuddering as the cuffs were settled into place he smirked, amused that steve had figured out to tie them tight enough he couldn’t slip out if he tried. Whimpering as he was tied up and pushed around he sighed a little as he relaxed, responding to the submissive pose, turning his head to look at the other, tensing violently at the question. “Anything but the cane, Cap.”He muttered even as he relaxed under his hand again, enjoying the petting.

Kyra swallowed hard, “No, go ahead. It’s stupid, but you’ve always called me sweet.”She muttered snickering sadly, because he really was clueless, and she’d rather keep him that way, because it meant she didn’t have to explain further, didn’t have to explain why skye really bothered her. “....No. That’s hydra’s trick, I want to break hydra’s habits.”She muttered sighing quietly, rubbing a hand over her face. “Just don’t offer sex, Grant. Please.”She said something soft and broken in her voice, “I know you said you don’t want her, but you do. You and skye would be good together.”She muttered, for a woman who wanted him, the fact she was trying to encourage him to someone else was odd, but not totally atypical for kyra. She’d always stepped away from that moment, the moment that could have changed everything for them, always shied away from trying.
Steve grinned. Clint was a mouthy little shit, stubborn, arrogant... but once you had him restrained, helpless he was malleable, quiet and eager. Steve loved the control he had over Clint in these moments. he knew they weren't lovers, and was always more cautious when handling Clint than he was when handling Tony. Clint was more fragile than Tony. "shh. alright. no cane." he promised. "maybe i'll just slip a nice red white and blue Dildo inside you and leave it there for the rest of the day?" he mused, smirking a little as he ran his hands along the others back, mapping out every scar, stroking every mark. the touch soothing them both. Steve didn't like Clint to drop too fast the way Tony would do sometimes. it frightened Steve when Clint dropped faster than he was expecting, so he eased Clint down, which, depending on Clint's mood, sometimes frustrated the archer. not that Steve cared if Clint was frustrated or not. "your such a good boy aren't you Clint? get those ropes around your wrists, make you helpless and all of a sudden you're nothing but a good little whore for me aren't you?" he asked, smirking as he tangled his fingers in Clint's hair and yanked his head back. "who do you belong to? who owns your ass right now Bird?"

he frowned, looking even more confused before he shrugged. "don't know any other way to apologize." he admitted, somehow saying 'I'm Sorry' never seamed enough. not for the kinds of mistakes he made. "oh... okay." he agreed softly, looking almost hurt. he did want Skye, on a physical level anyway. he knew it would never work between them. he glanced at Kyra and sighed, gently patting her hand. "okay Kyra." he agreed, kissing her forehead. "i'm sorry i made you feel bad." he admitted before heading off, not back into the kitchen, but into an untaken room to sulk by himself for a while. though, why he was sulking, he didn't know.

Loki was smiling as he sat in his chair, pestering the various people around him when a crack of lightning hitting the balcony signaled Thor's return. probably here to collect his brother. again. "Thor." Loki greeted, looking amused. "Brother." Thor agreed holding something out to Loki, Thor's eyes holding unconcealed glee that set Loki on edge. "what is this?" he asked, taking the scroll from Thor and cracking the wax seal on it. "just read it." Thor ordered, laughter evident in his voice. "....what?!" Loki demanded, outraged, Thor just nodding. "No! That's not FAIR! he can't do that!" Loki complained, outraged. "he can. and he did." Thor admitted, quite gleefully. "It's a PRISON! he can't kick me out of Prison!" Loki protested. "he can. he did." Thor admitted, grinning wildly. "Father has decided that if you are going to spend all your time on Midgard then this is where the remainder of your sentence will be spent." Loki dissolved into some rather strange language that the humans didn't understand, but whatever he was saying had Thor just a snickering.
Clint whimpered a little pressing his face into the pillow he was laying on sighing quietly,relaxing at the promise of no cane, a desperate eager whimper escaping at the idea of the dildo,squirming." did come up here to bribe me out of the nest...cant have a dildo all day if you want that..."clint whined, he was still a mouthy little shit,but he was just as eager to please and malleable as ever as he started to drop. Moaning as his head was yanked back he panted looking up at his captain whimpering."I'm your good little whore. No one else's."they both knew that was a lie,he was still phil's,and tony and steve's most recently as the two had a habit of tag teaming sometimes to get him off, but right in this moment, he was steve's.

"...well. we'll figure out a way to apologize that doesnt involve fighting."kyra muttered sighing softly before flinching as she realized she'd hurt him curling up a little more, head resting in her hands."its okay grant."she muttered watching him go,letting out a shuddering breath before slanting a glance at james as he watched from the hallway.bshut up. I didnt ask your opinion."she scowled responding to the question he hadnt asked yet, feeling to raw and emotional to deal.

"Grant?"skye knocked lightly on the door looking concerned as she stepped inside.

"Hey thunder head."tony grinned at the arrival of the thunder godnbefore pausing to stare eyes widened."odin wants him to stay here?he cant!he'll get himself killed!"tony said sounding anxious at the idea."hes right of them will kill him...Tony'sthe only one who'd really enjoy having him around."
Steve grinned as he stroked the other. "oh. i never said i was going to leave you tied up." he teased. "i think it would be glorious, watching you walk around the tower with a cock stuffing up your ass. watching you wince every time you sit down, watching you spar with your ass full." he smirked and kissed the back of Clint's neck. "wouldn't that be wonderful Clint? i know you'd love it." he teased as he popped open the lube one handed and managed to lube his hand up without releasing Clint's hair. "that's right. my good little whore." he purred, grinning because he too knew Clint belonged to others too, but for now it was the truth and that was all that mattered. he took his time massaging that tight little hole before slipping in a single finger. he was always overly careful about this part too, though that was more to tease than it was worry that Clint or Tony might tear. "what a good boy. i wonder if i could fit my whole fist in you? make you all sloppy and loose."

he nodded. "that would be nice." he agreed. "i might let Fitz beat me up though." he admitted. "if anyone deserves it, it's him." but Fitz wouldn't, because he'd seen the life Grant had lived and understood better than most that a person was willing to do anything if it meant they where safe. he headed off to 'parts unknown' and looked up at Skye, looking startled. "you found me?" he asked, looking a bit annoyed. he had picked a room specifically for the purpose that it was a bit out of the way and filled with dust. Tony, and the rest of the tower seamed to have forgotten this one existed. "...traitor." he complained, sulking at the ceiling as he realized the A.I he had been chattering with had told Sarah his location.

"No you didn't. but your getting it anyway. you like him. a lot. why not go for it? why hand him over to a woman who won't love him? who he doesn't love? you know he'll go with her just because you told him to. that's not fair, using his broken to manipulate him like that. and it's not fair to you either, not when you want him so much."

Thor beamed at him. "Greetings to you as well Rust bucket!" he declared, happy with the nickname that Bruce had shared with him. "no. he simply wants Loki to stay on Midgard." Thor admitted, his grin only growing wider and Loki paled. "the good Lady Jane has offered to take him in." "no! no, no way! Hell no! forget it! i'm not staying with that psychotic bitch!" Loki protested, sounding horrified, Thor just grinning more widely. "then where will you stay?" "she threatened to cut off my cock Thor!" Loki protested. "she STABBED me! multiple times! for no reason other than she wanted to see if i could bleed!" "then i suppose you will have to sleep on the streets." Thor mused. "oh. and Father has decided you can keep your magic, so long as you do nothing malicious." Loki just burst into further cursing in that pretty language of his. "you are enjoying this you sadistic bastard..." Loki snarled at Thor who just snickered and nodded. "i'm telling Mother! she won't stand for this!" "it was mothers idea." Son of a damned!" Loki cursed flopping into his chair to sulk, and what an impressive sulk it was.
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