In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

he nodded. "when it's an honest to god Order, she obeys. if it's just someone telling her to do something to be an ass or because they think she should do it, she'll usually ignore them." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "she won't stand for anyone trying to dominate her." he admitted as he gritted his teeth when she healed his ribs. "your not fine." he scoffed as he helped support her now that he wasn't hurting so much. "thank you." he admitted before shaking his head. "i was young. stupid." he admitted. "Naive. i honestly thought he was doing it all for me." he admitted with a huff and a shake of his head. "i know better now." he admitted. "i wouldn't have come back at all you know, if not for you." he admitted. honestly, he would have just ditched Skye in the parking lot had he thought Kyra was dead or something. " he's touched you." he grumbled as he closed his eyes. "i'm sorry. no one should have to suffer his sadism." he admitted. "here. lay down... i wasn't going to!" he protested, sulking as he put his arm down. "you should get a bit of rest. i'll stand guard until you catch your breath." he promised her.
“good. At least she’s more intelligent then you when you first showed up.”She muttered before sighing, frowning as he held her up. “Welcome.”She sighed softly letting her head hang a little, taking a deep breath, relaxing slowly, “You should know better. Sorry it took Garret going bat shit insane to make it happen.”She muttered before frowning a little, “...You shouldn’t have then. You switched one devoted Hydra agent, for another. If you wanted out, you should have left.”Kyra said before shrugging a little. “I heal faster. And he finds me more interesting then my agents.”So she offered her body up as the sacrifice, to protect the agents under her command. She might not be able to make normal emotional attatchments to them, but she could protect them. Not that she was ever going to tell him that because of her ability, she actually healed slower then normal, not much, but enough that compared to James and some of the other agents, it was weakness. “Kay. Then we’ll go check in with your girl.”She said feelign tired enough that she let him boss her around, simply laying down and closing her eyes as she waited for a few minutes.
he smiled a little. "well. i'm glad it was then and not when he turned me over to Thomas's personal control to curry favor." he admitted. "Garret was thinking about it, you know." he admitted before he smiled at her. "and who says i'm back?" he asked, offering the slightest hint that he wasn't as loyal as he seamed before he scowled darkly as he realized she was sacrificing herself for others. again. "stupid woman." he grumbled, shaking his head. "honestly." he muttered as he stroked her hair. "you're still a terrible liar. you heel like shit." he scoffed, shaking his head. "that's why he likes you. you mark for a lot longer than most of us." he admitted, standing guard at the door to make sure no one came in. she got up just in time. "Agent Cruel!" a man yelled, rushing in, panting. "The Winter Soldier! he's back!" he called out, sounding amazed. and indeed he was, and now standing right behind the overly excited door guard. "all of my Safe houses where empty." James Barnes accused, sounding highly annoyed. "i had to hide in a tree house while i healed. why are my Safe houses empty!?" he demanded. once Shield and Hydra had been 'outed' all of the safe houses had been cleaned out. which explained why James had been missing for so long. he'd been hurt, and then he hadn't known where to turn in to. "oh... my...god." Grant whispered, staring at the person he had idolized ever since he'd been accepted into the Hydra Program.
“....Oh. My. God. I would have killed him then you know, for that. Put you in charge of things. At least you I can stand. Thomas deserves a bullet in the brain.”Kyra muttered frowning at him, looking thoughtful and bemused at the idea. “You say things like that to people, you’re going to get yourself in trouble.”She pointed out, not about to tell anyone that she was questioning his loyalty, not when it would get him killed. “So I do. And I am not a horrible liar. I can always lie to you.”She huffed recovering, straightening her clothes as she got out of the bed, for all the world looking like they’d had a quickie instead of having been utterly exhausted. Pausing as she stared at the doorman, “I hope he kills you.”Her eye twitched a little a before staring at James. “Because you outted Hydra in a major way. Totally wiped out the safe houses. You’re sounding amazingly put together for a man who dragged Steve Rogers out of the river.”She said staring at the man, twitching, because this many new people, was starting to drive her insane with having them all there, not knowing who to trust.
he nodded. "i intend on killing him." he admitted. "i won't let him hurt people anymore, least of all you." he growled. "i'm not telling it to anyone else." he promised her. "i just wanted you to have a heads up." he admitted, staring at her. "give you a chance to come with me." he admitted softly. "you can't lie worth shit." he scoffed, shaking his head before smirking. "you look like i fucked you." he teased with a grin, knowing it would annoy her before he turned to glare at the doorman who squeaked in terror as he realized The Asset was standing behind him. "i did what now?" James asked, lifting an eyebrow. "how is it my fault that Hydra fucked up? i just did what i was ordered to do. nothing more. nothing less." James stated with a sniff before he smiled at her and spoke in Russian. 'come now. how is this any way to great the man that hand picked and personally trained you? not even a hug my little warrior?' He asked her with an impish smirk. "i need to go check on Skye..." Grant stated after a minute, eyes flicking from Soldier to Kyra, hoping she wasn't in any real trouble.
“Good. And I would have done it before now, if it hadn’t been leading to more problems then it solved.”She muttered wincing a little, at the idea. Because she knew she had done the cowardly thing, and simply stood aside while thomas hurt people, but it had been the least of two evils. “Good. Don’t. And....”She trailed off, staring at him, because she so didn’t want to think about the idea of leaving. It was much to consider yet. “I would hope I’d look better if you fucked me, rather then like I’m about to fall over.”She rolled her eyes a little not voicing the agitation the words had caused, shying away from the thought despite enjoying his company before smirking at james as the doorman squeaked and ran off. “Because, somehow everything is your fault, including the extinction of the dinosaurs.”Kyra said sighing softly before making a face at him, “Not in front of grant, anyways. You know I have a rep for being Cruel.”She muttered before slanting a glance at grant, nodding to reassure him he was okay. “Go. Make sure she hasn’t gotten in to much trouble, and I’ll be down soon.”she said watching him go, slouching a little. Relaxing a little as he left. Looking james over.”How are you. Really.”
he nodded. "i know." he admitted with a shake of his head. "there are worse than Thomas around. if you'd killed him, then they would have killed you and sent someone worse." he agreed before turning to look at her, well aware she wouldn't be able to come to a decision just now. "oh, if i fucked you, falling over is about all you'd be capable of after." he teased. "how ?Hydra has fallen. cowards and weaklings, the lot of them." James scoffed before smirking at her. "and why should the opinion of this fool matter any? i'll simply kill him if he comments." James assured her as he studied Grant who left quickly. "i'm fine." James assured her, casting a glance around the room, checking for bugs, cameras or mics before wrapping an arm around her in a half hug. "i'm fine." he promised her. "i had a few broken bones. nothing that wasn't healed in a matter of a week. i holed up in a park until they healed and then tried to find my safe-houses only to find them all empty." he admitted. "i was completely intending on slaughtering everyone who ever touched me. turns out they're all already dead, or in prison." he admitted. "i'm not going under again." he admitted. "they will all die before they put me on Ice again." he growled.

Grant rushed into the Computers room, pale as he looked at Natasha, Clint and Skye. "the Winter Soldier is here!" he hissed, wide eyed, frightened, ecstatic, delighted, horrified. "what are we going to do!? Fuck... he's going to kill us all..." he looked at Skye, looked her dead in the eye. "we might have to leave..."
“Exactly.”she muttered tilting her head, slightly amused that he wasn’t pushing her on the subject of what she was going to do, before snorting in amusement. “I’m fairly certain you’re not as good at sex as you think you are.”Kyra rolled her eyes before sighing a little. “Because somehow, it’s always you. Even if they are cowards and weaklings, and we need to clean house.”Kyra said, while she was loyal to hydra, or had been in the beginning, the more she was hurt, the more she was used for her other ablities, it had frayed at her loyalty till all that it would take to break her free was one hard shove. “He matters to me. Leave him alone, James.”She said before relaxing, “It’s clean. Only place in the whole compound that is.”She muttered leaning into him as she was hugged, hugging him back, before squirming away, shuddering at the touch, swallowing thickly. It was to much for her most of the time, to be touched, even just casually, more more then a few moments. “Good.”She said before sighing staring at the floor. “Grant. You. Two Avengers. Why do I have the idea you four are here for the same reason?”She muttered because the pattern was to easily laid, made it easy to make the connections as to why they’d turned up now.

Natasha’s eyes went wide at that, looking him over.”What?” “The here?!”Skye hissed looking utterly lost, swallowing thickly. Because coulson had told them to walk away, if at any point they thought they were in danger, they were supposed to leave. Clint swallowed hard, realizing they were going to have to take a chance, knowing steve had just heard his best friend was here, they needed to get out of here, and soon. Otherwise this was going to go badly for them all, if the soldier really was here to kill them.
Grant chuckled a little and shook his head. "i am so as good at sex as i think i am. i fucked The Calvary after all. let me tell you, Melinda May was one firecracker in bed." he admitted. "all of Hydra is full of Cowards and weaklings. even the bosses." James admitted simply. "Fine. i won't kill him. can i scare him a bit at least?" James asked with a smirk before offering her an honest smile at the promise that it was clean. "how have your abilities been handling?" he asked, worried about her. since he'd helped her train most of the things she could do, save for the newest ones. "if that reason is the complete and total destruction of Hydra, then yes. we're all here for the same thing." he admitted before pausing. "...there are Avengers here?" he asked, sounding skittish now. "i'm not ready to face..." he couldn't bring himself to say Steve's name.

"yes. the Soldier. if he's here to destroy Hydra, then we're all fucked. he'll kill us simply because we're here. if he's here because he's loyal to Hydra then, at the very least, you two are fucked. considering you outright tried to stop him in DC and he knows you where never under Deep Cover." he admitted, his voice a scant whisper. too low for Mics to catch. "Sarah, what does... Team Leader say?" he asked her, worried. "we don't know what he's here for yet... maybe... maybe he's under control?" Grant muttered, anxious, twitchy because he couldn't protect Skye in these conditions. he was a horrible person, but he kept his promises. and he had promised both Phil, and Skye that he would keep her safe. he cared about her, he didn't want the Winter Soldier to kill them all.
“...”Kyra stared at Grant for a long moment watching him leave before sighing, nodding at james.”So they are.”She muttered before laughing, nodding slightly. “If you must. He could use some scaring.”she said a little before sighing quietly, “Better. At least the healing part of things. I’m not out of commission nearly as long anymore, when I heal someone else. The’s gotten worse.”She sighed. “With so many people upset and so many things uncertain, hanging in the’s been working overtime. I gotta tell you, if I had to have one talent, precognition is not what I would have chosen.”Kyra sighed. “I still don’t see more then a few seconds into the future-”Well, that explained how she usually was quicker then her oppenant in a fight. It wasn’t that she was inhuman fast, she was responding before they’d made the move. “It’s sorta hard focusing most of the time...but you know, I’m handling.”She said sighing a little, while he hadn’t trained her with them, he had been the only one she’d trusted with a complete list of the powers she’d gained. “Not that one. The assassins are here. Most likely on the Captain’s request, but yes ,there’s avengers here.”

“...Get out. If we can.Before it gets bad.”Natasha muttered, making the call to step away, without the winter soldier, even if she knew it would upset steve, but she had a duty to her partner, to get clitn out of here alive. “You know...he...made us promise to leave.”Skye muttered careful not to say phil’s name, remembering grant’s warning, “We can get you out. If we go now.”Clint said, knowing that steve and tony would be waiting soon enough."Do you two need a exit?"
"all men need a good scare now and again, keeps them strong. proves they have balls." James admitted with a chuckle before he smiled at her. "i'm glad." he frowned. "how much worse?" he asked. "has it been driving you to distraction?" he asked, worried. "you haven't been having the migraines have you?" he asked. "we might have to find another way, meditation doesn't seam to be helping you." he muttered. "in any case, i can't see you needing to see any further than that. if you could see days into the future, what use would it be?" he asked with a smile before shaking his head. "we'll have to find ways to help you cope." he admitted as he gently tucked her hair behind her ears, touching her as little as possible before relaxing at the promise that Steve Rogers wasn't there. "good. they can lend a hand then." he admitted. "i'm not sure exactly what it is i want to do yet. but i want it to be painful." he admitted.

"we do need to get out." Grant agreed. swallowing thickly. "i can't believe this went sour so fuckin fast..." his face hardened suddenly. "no. he made YOU promise to get out... there's something i have to do first. i'm a dead man anyway no matter what i do. might as well make my death worth something." he admitted as he pulled out a gun and started loading it. "i'm going to go kill my fucker of a brother. go with them." Grant ordered. "they'll keep you safe until one of your Team can come and get you. either Agent May or Agent Tripp or Agent Hunter probably." he admitted as he slapped the clip into his gun. "that fucker isn't gonna rape another soul." he growled, giving Skye a gentle shove to Natasha and Clint. "get her out of here. i'll find my own way out."
“Not to distracting, vicinity works, the closer someone is the longer I see for them, where it used to be they had to be touching me.”Kyra sighed softly before nodding. “I don’t want to see further then that. It’s bad enough to see what I do, I don’t want days and days of maybes.”Kyra said before nodding. “No, no migraines, at least not if I don’t heal anyone. I get them if I heal.”She sighed quietly before smiling slightly. “Well, we’ll make sure it is painful, I am sure they’d be willing to help...though you might consider getting out of here, teaming up outside of here.”She muttered because she knew just how bad it was to be in the compound, and plotting rebelling.

“You have a habit of making things go sour fast.”Skye muttered pointing it out, smiling slightly. “....Are you sure?”She said watching grant. While she didn’t like him like she had, she didn’t like the idea of leaving him behind either. Clint nodded tightly as he watched the man, swallowing thickly. “ get out. Stark Tower.”He ordered quietly, even as he casually looped a arm around skye’s shoulders, acting for all the world like he was going to seduce her, as they headed for the door. Acting like the three were going for a walk, instead of breaking for it.
he nodded. "your gaining more control in some areas, and less in others." he mused, his head tilted a little. "we'll work on that." he promised her. "and that's the problem with precognition beyond a few seconds. there's no telling what stupidity people will do. your git can only show you the most likely outcome. with people constantly changing their minds, the future would constantly change as well." he admitted as he shook his head. "heal what? minor cuts? gaping wounds? broken bones? does specific healing effect you different then general healing?" he asked curiously before he shook his head. "no. i had to come and get you and see if i can't find my other apprentice, Natalia." he admitted. "i can't for the life of me remember what happened to her and wasn't able to find any information on her when i was able to hack into Hydra Databases." he admitted. "i'm not going to leave you here alone." he admitted. "so. we will decide together. stay, or go." he promised her. "if we stay, we can just take over from the inside and then do what we want, or stay where we are. if we go, we can run to another country or go to war. plenty of options." he admitted.

he grimaced. "i managed for years. i think it's your fault." he admitted simply. "yes. i'm sure. as long as your safe i can consider my duty done. i have to help Kyra." he admitted. "she's... all i have left." he admitted. "i was stupid to choose Garret over her." he admitted as he shook his head. "i won't be getting out." he admitted to Clint before watching him lead Skye away, scowling a little before turning on his heal to find Thomas and teach him a right proper lesson.
“At least with only a few seconds warning, it gives me a chance to react without being overwhelmed.”Kyra smiled a little swallowing hard. “Broken bones and major damage leaves me with a migraine, where minor cuts just make me tired some.”KYra said before frowning a little. “Natalia?She’s here. You’ve met her to. She’s currently a avenger.”Kyra said studying him before sighing, biting her lip. “...If we go. There is one place we can go, and have help. If you’re willing to try.”She said studying him for a long moment, because without any of the others here, she didn’t want to be here, not if she was going to get the ones out who wanted out, and be left on her own.”Let’s go. We have people to round up.”She said stepping out of the med lab, pausing as her phone rang, frowning as she answered, making non-commital noises before glancing at James. “Time to choose. It seems our timetable’s been moved up.”She said heading for thomas’ rooms, the notice that someone had tripped the alarm in that part of the building.

“well. Good luck.”Clint muttered pausing, stripping off his watch. “That’s stark tech with a weapon if you hit the buttons. It’s Stark, it’ll make a big boom if you want to blow this place sky high.”Clint muttered as they left.
he nodded. "it might be a matter of needing to build up your skills. sort of like how a person can feel sore after walking, and then build up to a run." he admitted before freezing. "Natalia... red hair. fuck. i tried to kill her." he groaned, setting his forehead on his fist. "didn't recognize her until now. she was only a little brat last i saw her. sixteen i think." he admitted. "at least she's not stuck here." he grumbled before he stared at her, paling a little. "you want me to go there..." he muttered, closing his eyes. "you want me to go to him..." he shook his head. "i don't know if i can. not after..." he paused as he realized their time was up and checked his weapons. "let's go." he agreed. "i'll go wherever you choose." he promised her. "even if it means going to..." he swallowed thickly. "even if it means going to Steve." he promised her. "shall we head up and see what the commotion is and see about stealing a few goodies before we leave?"

Grant nodded and blinked at the watch. "Thanks. keep Skye safe, someone will be along to collect her once it's safe to do so." he promised. "we stole some Stark Tech." he admitted with an impish grin. "so they're watching all of this." he admitted. "they'll know she's leaving." he admitted as he tucked the watch into his pocket and strode out of the room and straight up, intending to torment his brother a bit before killing him with as many witnesses as possible. he was being the distraction, not that he expected Skye to realize it. Natasha and Clint would though.
“Probably.”Kyra said, well that made sense why it hurt more to do bigger stuff instead of smaller stuff. She was trying to run before she could walk. “Hm, you try to kill alot of people.”She pointed out trying to make him feel better, “We all were young when they took us away.”She added having only recognized Natasha because more then him, she’d spent time within shield, had watched Natalia become Natasha. “...I do. Because we’re going to be hunted for this. And Steve Rogers is one of the few good men left. He’ll help.”she muttered before nodding, checking her own weapons, “Let’s. And we have the most interesting weapons here to take.”Kyra smiled a little as they headed for thomas rooms.

“...Huh. I’m sure Tony’s freaking out over that.”Natasha snickered silently as they left. Knowing that they were leaving a good man to die as a distraction. “...Grant?”Kyra muttered as she stepped out of the elevator just as he appeared, tilting her head as she paused in front of thomas’ doors, raising her eyebrows before glancing at James. “You know. I think of all of us. He deserves to be this distraction.”Kyra muttered stepping back to allow Grant to go inside.
he shrugged. "true. but most of the people i kill deserve it." he stated simply. at least, that's what he was telling himself. he didn't have time to worry about his own morality. "yeah. i know." he admitted with a sigh and shook his head. "i was always going to be hunted." he admitted simply. "there are places i could go. hideouts that Hydra doesn't know about." he admitted. "but they are just bolt holes, not much else." he admitted. "Steve is always going to do the right thing." he admitted as he followed her up.

"i bet he is. our... Leader, never told us how he got the stark Tech though." he admitted before leaving. he looked up at Kyra, his head tilted. "your going to have to explain his history to me at some point." James admitted to her in Russian as Grant smiled. "you'd best leave." he suggested. "if your going to leave that is." he admitted as he turned and walked into the room and laid down a furious beat down on his elder brother. a beat down he'd wanted to give Thomas for years. with a cold smile, he put an end to Thomas with three bullets. two to the chest and one to the head. then he pulled out the Watch and examined it for a moment before clicking the button and turning to walk out while James and Kyra looted. "you have three minutes before the building blows up." he warned, heading for the elevator. if he lived, he intended to vanish. what he would do, he didn't know, but he wasn't sure he could handle anything other than living alone for a while. of course, he never took into account Kyra.
At some point, if we survive this, I might.”Kyra said blushing ever so slightly as she tilted her head at Grant, nodding. “We are.”She confirmed quietly before turning to loot and raid all the best stuff hydra had, anything she could get her hands on and be able to carry at the same time, looking up at Grant at his warning before following, grabbing him moments before he got into the elevator.”Nope. This way. Elevator’s rigged to blow if anything happens inside.Come along.”Kyra said pulling him along with her, she might be weaker then him, might be less able to drag him along then james would, but she was counting on him not fighting her as she directed him and james down through her rooms, her own personal exit way built in when they put up the building.

“Now. Decisions boys. Disappear, or get help in taking out our bosses.”She said as they emerged miles away in the outskirts of town, having been quiet and calm as she thought as they walked, and while she was utterly weirded out with her betrayal of the organization she’d been with all her life, she was still willing to help them do what they wanted.
James snorted. "as if we won't survive. people like me don't die. and people like me don't let people like you die. so therefore, dying is not an option. it's a cowards way out anyway." James admitted before examining Grant. he knew that look all too well. the look of a man who was simply giving up. he knew Kyra would kick Grant into gear, and indeed she was, forcing him to follow. Grant, as expected, didn't fight back. he was a little too stunned at the knowledge that his brother could never hurt or rape him ever again. he was as free as he was ever going to get, yet that left a sour taste in his least Skye was able to get a ton of stuff from Hydra. hacking into files and studying everything she could while she'd been 'tested'. Fitz and Simmons would be swimming in information.

"both has it's options." James admitted. "although, i'm not sure we can disappear effectively. not all three of us at the same time." he admitted not feeling much of anything as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, one of the strongest kinds of Tobacco available and started to smoke. "we might be best off going to Stark an getting help from him to vanish." he admitted as Grant shrugged. "i should go there anyway." he admitted with a sigh. "got nowhere else to go." he admitted. "it's really why i stayed with Hydra as long as i did." he admitted as he looked at Kyra. "you too right? it feels... weird, to abandon Hydra like this..."
Kyra winced making a face at the smell of tobacco having given up cigarettes when she was younger, it made her want one now at the smell. “We can’t, not if we’re staying together.”She muttered biting her lip. Willing to walk away if it kept them safe.”We might.”She said before studying Grant. “You said you had a boss. Who are you working for?Agent Coulson still?”She asked studying him, wondering if it would be better to go to the last of shield instead of the avengers, but nodding a little. “Me other place to run.”She muttered swallowing thickly. “It feels....really weird.”She muttered sighing quietly. "Stark tower. You said your boss would go after Skye. We'll meet there then."She said after a moment
he smirked at her and offered her one. he knew she couldn't get cancer. she had enough meta human healing to prevent it. she just didn't like not having control. "we're staying together." James ordered firmly before Grant could say a word. "well... sort of. i'm technically his prisoner." he admitted as he accepted a cigarette and promptly choked on it. he was used to American Tobacco. "i tried to kill him, his Agents... basically betrayed them all because i thought Garret had my best interests at heart soo..... not on his good list." he admitted making James snort and continue to puff as he pondered, grinning as the building they had been in... imploded. "Stark Tech?" "yeah.... wasn't expecting that..." he admitted before sighing. "Stark Tower." he agreed, James chuckling. "don't worry. Kyra likes you. i'll make sure they can't do naughty things to your person." "i'm more worried about being put in the plastic box again. it's boring as hell."
Kyra twitched a little as she took the cigarette, a contented sigh escaping as she lit it and took a drag. “Staying together then.”She said a small relieved smile, the closest she’d ever say to that she was so, so happy that she didn’t have to be alone. “...So. That part was true. They really did keep you prisoner. Your girl in love with you?”Kyra asked thoughtfully snickering as grant choked on the cigarette smoke, “I told you following garret would get you in trouble.”She teased a little, as they started walking, smiling a little, knowing they’d have to steal a car soon enough to get to new york, but for the moment, content to walk. Snorting at james promise she rolled her eyes a little, “I’m sure that we’ll all be in a box. Maybe they’ll leave us together.”She snickered, “we’ll entertain ourselves.”she looked amused as she stopped at the beat up car on the street, looking around to make sure no one was around and hotwiring it quickly. “There we go. Lets get out of here.”she smiled as she slid behind the wheel. It was going to be a long ride to new york, just a few hours.

“...How are you three?”Tony said looking them over as the three agents walked in, moving over to skye, clint and natasha looking them over though it was obvious they were okay. “We’re fine,Tony. Stop fussing.”Natasha ordered softly, but didn’t try to stop the man from looking them over, knowing he wouldn’t until he was satisfied they were okay."
he chuckled a little as he smoked. "that's right. we stay together." he admitted as he followed her. "well yes. you know we can't lie to you, only alter the truth a little." he admitted with a grin. "she thinks she is. i thought i was." he admitted. "i know better now. not sure if she does." he admitted. "can't exactly talk to her about it, considering she hates my guts, and rightfully so." he admitted. "i did try to kill her, and her friends..." he sighed. "i have no idea why either." he admitted. "i cared about them more than i did Garret. i don't understand why i keep Choosing Garret over people." he grumbled. "it made so much sense at the time." "he played to your weaknesses." James stated simply. "Hydra is good at that. and brainwashing. he probably brainwashed you in a minor, undetectable way. a single Code Word and your loyalties would shift and you'd never consider why." "that son of a bitch." "indeed." James agreed as he slid into the backseat, letting Grant have the front seat.

"Tony, they're okay. they weren't even scratched." Steve promised him with a smile as he examined Skye. "come in. we have a room ready for you." he promised her. "until one of your people can come get you. you're with Shield right?" he asked, looking hopeful. "i hadn't realized there where any loyal left." he admitted as he ushered them all inside. "when the Director fell..." because he wasn't sure if these people knew that Fury was alive. all the Avengers knew. Steve had told them, uncaring that some slightly fat man had ordered him not to. he was a Captain, he gave orders, he didn't take them. "we have hot chocolate and some pastries in the kitchen." Steve promised them. "you can debrief in the kitchen."
"Well maybe this will give her a second thought to dealing with you. I mean, you did get her out this time. Choose her over hydra."kyra pointed out as she drove going quiet as she listened to them talk making a slight annoyed noise."fucking hell. I hadnt even considered that when you walked away...i should have questioned it. Im sorry."she muttered sighing quietly swallowing thickly as they drove going quiet because she so rarely spoke about things and what had happened,this whole talk was edging into uncomfortable territory for her."tell us who we can expect to have greet us when your team shows up. Willdirector coulson come himself?"she asked slanting a glance at him, moving the talk into comfortable territory.

"I can see that."tony said rolling his eyes a little as he stepped back smiling at skye."thanks...and yes. I am. There are a few. My team is loyal."skye smiled at him, seeing the hopeful look on his face. "We know hes not...gone. the director saved some of my team after he helped you."skye explained not sure how to explain without outting phil and looking at the coolly ollected archer, she suspected that would be a bad idea."tony you know the important things in life. Food and coffee."clint grinned as they headed into the kitchen
he shrugged. "i doubt it." he admitted. "she's a stubborn bitch." he admitted with a chuckle. "she'll probably never forgive me." he admitted simply. "that's okay. i didn't think about it either." he admitted. "makes sense though. i loved you more than i loved Garret. i liked Phil and the others more than i liked Garret..." he shook his head. "but Garret is dead now, i don't have to worry about it anymore. "i doubt Director Coulson will show up. i've no idea why, but the Avengers still think Coulson is dead. Clint in particular would be very hard for Phil. he and Clint have been long term lovers for several years. i don't have any idea why, but Phil hasn't let Clint know he's still alive." he admitted. "he'll probably send either Melinda May or Tripplett. someone capable of containing and restraining me and protecting Skye. they may, or may not come as a pair." he admitted. "i'm more worried about their reaction to the Winter Soldier." "call me James."

Steve smiled at her, looking delighted. "so you've seen Fury? he's still okay?" he asked as he studied her. "we've been waiting for him to contact us on Shield orders, or something but it's been dead silent." he admitted. "we where hesitant to do anything Via Hydra in case he was doing something in regards to Shield." he admitted, shaking his head as he let her sit down. "so... you... saw him then?" he asked softly. "The Winter Soldier? the man with the metal arm?" he asked, his voice filled with hurt as he looked at Skye and Natasha. "he returned to Hydra?"
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