In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

“I like it. I’ll have jarvis set it up. Definitely worth looking into.”Tony said looking interested at the idea, and having every intention of getting in contact with Xavier, at least that would give them a control group to look into. “No!I wasn’t!Loki was laughing to!”Tony whined making his way to steve’s side, and snuggling against him, hiding against the good captain’s side. Natasha laughed, smirking as she rested her head against his shoulder, “Hm, that was hot.”She teased snickering as kyra moved over to grant’s side, staring at him for a long moment before looking at alterrion. “can you fix them?Soon?” “Of course. It will take a few days, and you will not be able to be near them, but I can do so.”The kree diplomat smiled at them, having a feeling that kyra wanted it done soon not only because she wanted grant back, but because she wanted to yell at him for not even discussing his plans.
Loki nodded. "i'm very curious now. a lot of the other races from the nine realms come in and out of Midgard." he admitted. "i bet there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of half Aeser running around in the realm." he admitted with a grin. "thank you Jarvis." Loki called before rolling his eyes. "i was amused, i didn't actually laugh at the poor man." he scoffed as Steve chuckled and wrapped his arm around Tony. "oh Phil stop tormenting my lover." he ordered with a grin and shook his head. "of course it was hot, i'm me and your a slut." he pointed out with a snigger. "i wasn't going to do it now!" Grant yelped. "i swear! it was going to be a year or two before i started actually planning on leaving!" he promised her, wincing and cringing and cowering and looking so pathetic it was like trying to be mad at a puppy. which was why he was doing it. "why can't we be near them?" Phil asked curiously. "will we get worse while this is happening?" he asked, looking worried even as he etched something into the table he had sat down at. he hadn't been sleeping well at all, so he was tired easily. he was carving the star map again. Grant at least was controlling himself.
“You wanted to.”Tony whined at loki’s protes as she leaned into steve’s side, “Yes phil, just leave me alone.”he huffed. “I’m just a slut for you.”Natasha teased smirking a ltitle as she watched the others amused at how utterly like a puppy grant looked. “....”Kyra frowned at him trying to stay angry but nodding a little at how like a puppy he was being, “It’s okay. It would have just been nice to know about it.”She huffed as she looked at him, calm and wishing she could hug him, even if she knew he was using the sad puppy look. “You will. While it will fix things, I will have to overload your systems, and reset your bodies back to what they are supposed to’s...hard to explain, but yes, it will get worse for a bit.”Alterrion said sighing softly before looking at the man as he carved."Yes. We better get started soon, there is no reason to let you two keep suffering this."
Phil just smirked. "it's not my fault your scared of me." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yes, i wanted to, but i have more self control and thus, this is why i am not in trouble." he teased with a smirk. "it's not like i was just going to leave Kyra. i was going to talk to you about it if it ever came to that. i just didn't want to ruin your life and i was so worried..." Grant admitted as he settled his hand against the shield protecting her, getting as close to stroking her cheek as he could get. "we don't have to worry about that now though. it's going to be okay." "it will be like the Genetics and hormones are fighting to stay. it's like when a hormonal woman suddenly doesn't have hormones anymore. like menopause. they get twice as bad for a while." Bruce explained. "it throws your body into a state of hyper awareness that will cause the few remaining hormones in your system into a massive overdrive." Phil nodded, it made sense. "i'm willing to do anything if i can only hold Clint again." Phil admitted, Grant nodding in eager agreement. "...sorry Tony." Phil stated, blushing as he realized he'd ruined yet another table. he had about six stacked up in his rooms completely covered in etchings because he'd gotten overly possessive of them. "just tell me what you want me to do and Don't Touch That!" Phil hissed, puffing up like an angry rooster as Bruce leaned in to examine the markings. everyone took several steps back, well versed with Phil's possessiveness need to hide and contain his etchings. "....sorry."
“Yes it is!”Tony whined making a face. “I know. I just don’t like not being included when your thinking over things.”She said sighing softly as he reached out, closing her eyes for a moment as she wanted to touch him, smiling qlietly. “I know it’ll be okay.”She smiled gently. “Yes. Like that.”Alterrion said looking thoughtful. “It’s okay. You’re just giving me excuses to buy new tables.”Tony said smiling a little before moving back. “Hey, its okay. We dont’ want it.”Clint reassured the man, looking worried about phil. “I will need a private room to be able to do magic, and not be disturbed.”Alterrion said looking at loki, figuring the jotun was aware of just what he’d need to do to do the magic, sighing softly. He knew this was going to be hard on all of them,
he smiled at her. "it wasn't a 'thinking it over' it was more an honest to god terror that it would end up that way." he admitted, sighing as he imagined he could feel her touching him. "yes well... it is pretty." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "maybe i'll sell the ones i've already carved?" he mused playfully. "of course, the last thing we need is someone thinking the tables honestly important and starting shit over them, maybe i'd better let the Kree take all the physical evidence?" Phil mused before relaxing as he was reassured no one wanted his carvings. "it might be best to do the actual magic on your ship. i don't have the resources to honestly ward a room in this tower. the earth technology can sometimes cause canceling particles that mess with my magic." he admitted. "plus you'll be able to control everything on your ship, including who can go into those rooms. if it is a painful process, the Chosen of these two won't be able to help but go to them if they scream or cry in pain." "will it hurt?" Grant asked, his head tilted. "we're having our genetics pulled apart... i'd imagine that would hurt." Phil admitted. "i agree with Tony. better to d it on the ship where you can control and contain us even from ourselves."
“It is really pretty.”Tony agreed tilting his head, before laughing at the idea.”With our luck, someone would think its a religious writing or something, and make a cult out of it.”He teased smirking at phil. “I would take them with me, when we go home.”Alterrion said smiling slightly before tilting his head considering that and nodding. “Yes, I shall do it on the ship. For both their safety, and their chosen.”Alterrion said realizing that they were going to be in alot of pain. “Let us go then. It will be about a day, so say your goodbyes, and we will get started.”Alterrion said leaving phil and grant to say their goodbyes for the moment. “Be safe okay?”Kyra said looking at grant anxiously, but being brave and calm for him, knowing he’d need it to be able to go. “You’ll be fine. And then we’re going to test out my bed, in the nest okay?”Clint said smiling at phil, biting his lip not looking as worried as he felt.
Phil nodded. "they already did. remember the painting?" Phil asked Skye with a huff. "that was a pain in the ass really." he admitted with a smile. "we'll have everything gathered up by the time your done with... whatever it is that your doing." Steve promised. "i know where Phil stashes all his stuff. Grant hasn't been displaying long enough to be getting possessive over his carvings yet." he admitted as he watched Grant say goodbye to both Kyra and Skye and Phil said goodbye to Clint. "be good for Tony, Steve and Loki." Phil ordered Clint. "would you mind letting him sleep with you tonight? he's not going to do well on his own." "i don't mind." both Loki and Steve promised, looking at Tony to see if he was okay with it. "i can't wait." Phil promised with a smile as he hugged the other as best as he could before he and Grant headed over to Alterrion, Phil pausing before he moved over to the table and cut off the carving on it, narrowing his eyes at them before he went back to the aliens. Loki chuckling. "well at least we won't have to worry about Phil taking off with various pieces of furniture anymore."
“oh, yea. That was a pain in the ass really.”Skye agreed smiling a little. “Good. We’ll have everything ready.”Clint agreed smiling a little before making a face at phil.”I’m always good.”He pouted a little. “Of course he’s not sleeping on his own. We’ll have a puppy pile, and it’ll be all my favorite people in it.”Tony grinned at the idea smirking a little watching them go. “No, we really wont.”Tony smirked amused as phil walked away with the piece of furniture.

Two days later Alterrion ran a hand over phil’s body, checking, making sure before stepping back, looking grant over for a long moment before nodding. “You are free. You will not eel well for a few days, as your bodies recover, but you will be fine given time.”The kree said as he looked over the tired looking humans, offering a small smile. “You two were very brave at doing this. Are you prepared to go see your chosen again?”The kree smiled pausing to get help, knowing they were probably to weak on their own to get up, and getting another kree to help him get them back to the tower.
Phil smiled a little and chuckled. "thank goodness it's been burnt up." he mused with a shake of his head before he smirked at Clint. "no, your good when you want to be." he pointed out before chuckling at Tony's promise. "am i not one of your favorite people Tony?" Phil asked with a rather sharp grin as he stroked the butt of his nerf gun.

Phil was trembling and pale, but he looked so damn happy as they looked them over. Grant was just laying there, looking much less affected. mostly because he had the genetics for a lot less time, it hadn't achieved the same amount of bonding to his own genetics. he managed to stand on his own two feet, not like Phil who couldn't even sit up on his own at the moment. "Bravery." Phil scoffed. "this wasn't bravery it was selfishness." he admitted. "i did it for Clint and for me, so i could hold my lover again without having to worry about trying to kill him." he admitted as he let the Kree help him to his feet. "i am so ready. you have no idea. it's been nearly a year since i've had Clint in my arms." he admitted. by the time they reached the Ramp though, Phil had to be carried and Grant was nearly as bad. thankfully, Loki had already removed the spells, so Skye, Kyra and Clint could easily assist the boys.
"Considering you'll punish me if I'm not good, I'm going to be on my best behavior."Clint smirked laughing softly as tony let a sound out that sounded dangerously close to a squeak."you totally know you are.but you can't yet. I mean you have to be fixed then you can join in."Tony said with eyes wide,afraid his friend really thought he wasn't one of his favorite people.

Alterrion raised his eyebrows tilting his head slightly before nodding."it was selfishness but also bravery. A less in love man would just write it off as a loss cause. The fact that both your chosen affect you both this much is a sign of both your own and their commitment."Alterrio smiled as he helped the other two out slightly worried about how badly phil looked."hey hey hey I got you. Be careful."Clint said as he wrapped his arms around phil nearly sobbing with relief at being able to hold him as he helped him into the tower,followed closely by grant being helped by kyra and skye
Phil snorted. "considering this is you, it would only convince you to be naughtier." he scoffed, looking amused before he snickered as Tony squeeked of all things. "relax Tony, i'm just freaking you out." Phil promised as he pulled the other into a tight hug before leaving.

Phil scoffed. "you want to talk about bravery you talk to Loki." he ordered before he smiled a little. "Clint is my life, and Kyra is the only reason grant is even sane. how could we not be affected by the people we love so much?" he asked. "i'll admit most humans aren't so loyal, most humans are... frivolous with their mates but... when you see so much pain and suffering as i and Grant and everyone in the tower does, those close to us are even more important." he admitted before he smiled at the Alien. "i'm alright. i'm just old." he grumbled before beaming as he wrapped his arms tightly around Clint, holding him tightly, simply holding him as Grant raced down the ramp and leaped onto Kydra, kissing her all over her face in what looked almost like desperation. he had missed holding her so much.
Alterrion tilted his head as he considered that."I might have to do a walkabout of my own has been...a very long time since I was among your people."the alien said looking interesting indeed to see how the humans were. "Old? I think're not allowed being old. Ihave every intention of making you go through the kama sutra."Clint teased bearing his face against the other's neck clinging to phil, swallowing hard as he held onto him. Kyra laughed delighted as she clung to grant crying and laughing. So overwhelmed at having him again."oh. I love you. I missed you."she swallowed hard."you okay?"she asked looking him over.
Phil chuckled a little and nodded. "we would be glad to have you." Phil admitted. "Tony's been excited to interact with other realms ever since Loki told him about them." he admitted with a smile. "he'll probably ask you a million questions once he realizes you'll stay around for a little while." he admitted before groaning at Clint. "god... Clint. i couldn't do the damn Karma Sutra when i was sixteen." he grumbled. "you can't honestly expect me to do it now!" he protested. "it's not going to happen." he admitted as he clung to his lover. "can't we just have kinky BDSM sex? after a nap?" he offered with a smile as Grant laughed and held her, crying in relief as well. "i'm fine. it hurt like fuck but after that all i was, was tired. i need a few naps but other than that i think i'm fine." he admitted with a smile. "they where very gentle with me." Grant promised. "some of them didn't seam to like us too much, but Alterrion made them stay away as soon as he saw their nasty looks."
Alterrion smiled a little, “Curiousity is a good thing in a race so young. I will speak to him.”The alien said looking amused at the idea. “Well, I would hope not. It takes skill to do it. And I totally have every intention of-oh. Yes. Well, I guess that would be okay. Nap and kinky sex.”Clint teased smiling softly as he pressed a kiss to his cheek, nuzzling him as tony, loki, and steve watched on, simply happy to see the archer so happy as he helped phil off to the nest of his bedroom, intending on fussing over him until the end of the world. “Good.”Kyra said looking worried, but utterly trusting him and that they really were okay. “Naptime then.”She ordered nudging him towards their bedroom.
Phil smiled. "to say i was impressed by Tony is like saying the sky on earth is blue." he admitted with a chuckle. "it takes Skill? Clint i'd have to get rid of a couple of ribs to do most of those poses!" Phil protested, looking at Clint as if he was insane even as he nuzzled the other back, happy to be fussed over. "yes. nap-time." Grant agreed with a chuckle. "and then sex. lots of Sex." he ordered as he followed her, Loki chuckling a little as he shook his head and held something out to Alterrion, cradling it as if it was some precious, fragile tiny animal. it looked like a diamond, a rather large one at that. "this is the young princes soul." he explained as he carefully settled the gem into Alterrion's hands. "we can never thank you enough for what you've done for us." he admitted, smiling at the alien. "all of us here in the Tower are extremely close, it was... hard, to see them suffer so much." he admitted. "you will be welcome here anytime." he promised.
“So?I’m super bendy. I can get into them.”Clint grinned, amused that he was being stared at, and to really happy to let the other snuggle him. “Yes, definitely lots of sex.”Kyra grinned. Alterrion looked at the diamond, gently cradling it into his hands, bowing his head. “No, I can never thank you enough for returning our prince to us.”The kree said smiling slightly.”I will be taking the prince home, then I will return. It is time the kree learn more about your curious humans.”Alterrion said bowing a little before walking back to his ship.

A year later found tony studying the two men sitting in his lab, amused despite looking ultra serious as he observed steve simply drawing and fidgeting nervously, and grant watching him work on the chatterbox, simply doing updates to fien tune it even more. Clearing his throat he smirked. “So. Gentlemen. Which one of you wants to go first, and tell me that their lovers are pregnant?”He said smirking, because he knew the two had been utterly worried abotu how he’d react to the idea of children in the tower, and had been fretting over it for nearly two weeks, along with loki, with trying to figure out how to tell him that both kyra and loki were pregnant. Might as well have fun, and shock them by proving that he already knew
Phil rolled his eyes. "you are such an over-dramatic little twink. there is no way you can pull off those poses." he scoffed, mostly because he wanted to see of Clint really could. "it was only the right thing to do." Loki protested, shaking his head. "he belongs with his people. just be careful with that crystal, it's much more fragile than it looks." he warned before looking startled and then utterly pleased. "we would be welcome to have you!" he promised. "perhaps we could talk Magic when you return? i've had this theory for a while about trans dermal subatomic particulate space travel." he admitted with a grin. "i'd like to have opinions on it." he admitted.

Steve and Grant both jerked, startled by Tony's sudden comment. "uh..." Steve mumbled, fidgeting even more. "Loki'spregnantwithtwinsandoneofthemisyours." "Kyra'spregnantandi'msorryididn'ttellyoubutwewantyoutobethegodfather." Grant said very quickly through the chatterbox in Tony's hands. both men glanced at each other and smiled weakly, waiting for the freakout. "uhm... also, Natasha's pregnant, Skye thinks she might be and Jane is a month overdue and is moving into the tower.... oh... and Phil's adopting."
“I can to!”clint grinned as they headed inside. “I will be very careful.”Alterrion said smiling a little before nodding. “I would enjoy that. I shall see if one of our more knowledgeable sorcerers will travel with me, it will be great enjoyment to talk about magic.”The man said.

Tony smirked even wider as he looked at the two, very,very amused at seeing the two normally unshakable men fidgetting and nervous. Raising a eyebrow he nodded.”I know. Jarvis does talk to me you know. And I am a genius. I know things.”Tony smirked amused before processing what grant had said. “Though I didn’t know about you wanting me to be godfather.”he said looking utterly pleased at the prospect, grinning. “So. Any other news while you two are spilling your guts?”He teased.Looking utterly calm, having had his freakout in private weeks before, so now he was simply enjoying teasing them for it,
the two boys stared at him, completely unaware that Phil had talked to Tony about adopting before he'd gone out to look at children with Clint. nor had they realized that Loki had told Jarvis to tell Tony about him and Kyra. they didn't know that Natasha had panicked right along side Tony and James when they discovered her pregnant nor did they know that Thor had begged Tony to let Jane and Darcy and Dr. Erskine move into the tower so the baby would be safe. they just stared at him because they had expected a panic and instead Tony was smirking at them. "uh.... no, i think that's it." Steve admitted, staring at Tony.
Tony grinned, laughing as he watched them. Simply refusing to let them to know about the freakouts he’d had when he first found out. Simply enjoying the idea of being the one to surprise them for once. “Good. It’ll be awesome to have kids around.”Tony grinned as he worked, simply enjoying the feeling, and his life in general. It wasn’t often that he knew things steve didn’t know about, so knowing all this, maybe him so very happy, it just amused him.

The end?
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