In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Loki chuckled. "and who knows my daughter better, hmm? you or me?" he demanded. "just don't stare at her and she'll be fine." he promised with a grin. "i know! Totally creepy! it's awesome!" Grant replied with a grin. "i take it that i'm the Beta Tester? are you going to mass produce this? you could help millions of kids with this." he admitted as he smirked at the other. "sorry, can't say it again. it's one compliment per amazing incident. maybe if you risk your life or develop something so amazing it could change the lives of millions again." he offered. "Reed knows you are of superior intelligence to him." Loki stated suddenly. "Osborn is too stupid to know he's stupid, Xavier doesn't hold Intelligence in high regard." Loki explained Calmly, he was now reading a book as he lounged against Tony, Grant's lips twitching. Loki got bored easily, once the excitement was over he'd gotten bored with the conversation. "oh another positive note, i have discovered what the Carving's mean." Loki admitted suddenly. "i need Thor to return and gather something for me before i can be one hundred percent certain which realm, but it is a star map pointing to a specific realm." Grant looked very, very curious about that.
"...fine. you do. It'll be okay I guess."tony huffed making a face. Before nodding a little."you are. If it works well for you. Kyra wore it for awhile, but it wasnt a long test. I want to see how it works long term before I reveal it to the public."tony smiled before sulking." should still do it." "Sorry tony. You'll just have to be amazing more often....and grant. This is going to be so weird during sex."she snickered thinking about it cause hearing him talk when his mouth was otherwise busy would be a interesting experience. "...fine....are you bored with my invention already?I'm insulted. I'm going amaze steve now. Cap stays fascinated with me."tony grinned looking up at the blond before looking at the other looking interested."what?what is it?"heasked wanting to know even if he knew loki wouldn't tell him till thor got back.
Loki chuckled. "it will be fine. besides, she's already met you." Loki admitted simply. "she checks up on me all the time." he admitted with a smile. "she rather Dotes on me even." he admitted with a smirk. "she thinks that you have perfect petting habits." he teased. which gave Tony the hint he needed. Hela was a shape-shifter like Loki and had taken Loki's place as a black cat at one point. "Tony's always amazing, it's not often he supersedes his own intelligence you know." Loki teased with a grin as he turned the page in his book. "it is going to be weird during sex! just imagine, i can call you dirty names while i'm eating you out." "TMI!" "i didn't mean to say that..." Grant admitted, blushing hard as Steve and Loki both started to laugh. "it's a universal map." Loki admitted. "it shows all of the known universe." Loki admitted. "it will allow me to specifically pinpoint which realm the blue alien is from. once that is done i can create a bridge of sorts and travel there and see about how to fix the problem." he admitted. "as well as inform them of the Alien's demise. well, so long as it's a peaceful planet."
“...Why am I not surprised you’re daughter likes tricks.”Tony snickered a little amused as he realized hela had indeed already checked on him before grinning at the other’s words. “I always outdo myself. I mean, I built my first suit in a cave.”he said snickering a little. “Hm, but with stuff culled from the best stark tech had to offer, not simply just crap.”KYra teased just to watch the genius get defensive. Flushing brightly at the words as she ducked her head as tony started to laugh.”You know, I should totally do this to myself....I could sing while giving blow jobs.”Tony said looking interested in the idea before tilting his head as he considered a universal map, “Good. At least we can fix this then.”Tony said sounding pleased with the idea of getting his friends back, before frowning a little. “When is thor supposed to be back anyways?”
"Well she is my daughter after all. You should have met Jori. He used to so the most amusing pranks." Loki admitted, sounding sad and wistful but allowing himself to talk about his sons now that he fully trusted the people he was with. Now that they knew. "Of course it was built with his things. Even an idiot knows the only tech woth having is Stark Tech." Loki pointed out before Tony got hurt feelings. His lover was really tmoo sensative sometimes. "No Tony." Both Steve and Loki chorused at Tony's idea of fitting himself with a device. "What so you call this thing anyway?" Grant asked, fingering the earring. Loki didn't admit that he wasn't sure it could be fixed but shrugged. "Tomorrow I think. He's visiting with Jane." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "I believe they are attempting to conceive." Loki admitted with a snicker.
“I wish I could have.”Tony muttered stroking a hand over loki’s hair, offering a silent comfort before snickering at loki’s words. “Well, no. Osborn couldn’t figure that out.”Tony added to amused by the idea to feel the sting of hurt feelings. Despite being overly sensitive about things, for the moment he wasn’t giving it any thought. Because he trusted these people to not intentionally hurt him, so even if the words would have stung from someone else, from them it was okay. “But I wanna sing the star spangled banner.”Tony sulked a little. “ about you name it?Since it is your thing.”Tony said shrugging because he’d invented it for grant, so it made sense to the genius to let him name it. “That’ll be like the world’s cutest baby. Did you know people named your brother the sexiest man alive?I tried getting him disqualified, cause its not fair making us mere mortals compete with a god.”Tony sulked even as he snickered, simply relaxing.

The next day though, found the man nearly having a heart attack as the avengers alarm went off, wincing as he started suiting up.”Jarvis!What is it?”He yelled even as he knew the others were being told to prepare, for whatever it is. “Sir, there seems to be a...alien ship hovering over the city and demanding the return of their prince, otherwise we will suffer the consequences of not doing so. We have a hour to return the man before they will kill us all.”Jarvis said sounding worried
Loki smiled and leaned into the touch with a sigh. "Osborn is a fool and deals more in genetics than he does technology." Bruce pointed out. "you know that old bastard had the audacity to steal from me once?" Bruce asked with a smirk. "he did, he took one of my PATENTED ideas, slapped a new label on it and thought that because i was some little no name he could get away with it. he never counted on Shield getting involved." Bruce admitted before paused. "actually, neither did i." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "No Tony." the two men chorused again, Steve actually rolled his eyes again. "i will name it the Chatterbox." Grant declared, mostly just to make Tony wince. "they did. yes." he admitted with a grin. "that is why he is trying to conceive, he seams to think it is a title that needs to be passed on." he paused. "i did not dispute that idea. i want a nephew." he admitted simply before blinking as the Alarms started going off, leaping to his feet as the others all rushed off to get suited up. "...Phil. i think you and i are going to have to go talk to them. those are the Kree. technologically superior they are run by a class system. they are usually quite benign but can be very, very viscous if they even think one of their own has been hurt. i think they might be sensing you, Grant, and Skye." he admitted.
“What?Seriously?I thought he couldn’t be viewed more stupid then I already thought he was, but still, that’s so much worse.”Tony snickered a little. Tony winced, swallowing hard at grant’s name before nodding a little. “Fine. Chatterbox. I’ll talk to SI then and get it all taken care of.”he said not about to change it when he said he could let the other name it. “You know its not right?”Tony snickered at the idea of thor passing on the title, rolling his eyes a little at loki’s need for a nephew. Trying to not think about if the man wanted kids of his own or not, tony was so not ready for the idea of kids. “What?Should Grant to?”Kyra said as she pulled on her body armor, looking worried and scared as she looked up at the ship, swallowing thickly. “How do we get in contact with them?I would rather they didn’t blow up my city, loki.”Tony said frowning a little.
Bruce nodded, amused by Tony's anger on his behalf. Grant just smirked as Tony did indeed wince. 'It will appeal to children, and it's children who will be mostly using this device." Grant pointed out. "i know." Loki admitted with a smirk. "but Thor doesn't. and that's what matters here. a harmless prank that will lead to me getting a nephew, the Throne of Asgard getting an Heir, and Jane getting the child she wants so badly. it's a win win!" he admitted with a grin. "no, your not coming either." he ordered. "Phil was the first... er, afflicted." he stated calmly. "he's the only one who really knows where the Alien came from so it's going to be him they'll want answers from." he pointed out. "they won't blow up the city for at least an hour." he pointed out. "besides, we just head down there and they'll lower a drawbridge." he admitted simply. "then we'll just walk up. they aught to recognize me as a Jotun at the very least." he admitted. "come along Phil... we're lucky these ones speak English." he admitted as he led the way. "come along Tony. as Earths Savior and the destroyer of the Chitauri you will hold sway here. consider yourself Earth's new representative. wear a suit." Loki ordered as he turned to Phil. "you too." he ordered. Phil nodded and rushed off to put on his best suit as Loki adopted what looked like a Saran. it was blue, shiny, left his left shoulder completely bare and the right side of his stomach bare. "...shut up Tony." Loki ordered, blushing because he knew the traditional 'noble' dress wear of the Jotun nobility looked a lot like an earth dress.
“You’re right. I’ll just have to live with the name.”Tony snickered a little as he realized grant was right, even if it made him want to cringe. Looking a little relieved as she realized she wasn’t going to have to go out with grant. Scared for them though all the same. Swallowing hard as she watched the others get ready. “...See, I knew blowing the Chitauri would just lead me to trouble, if meeting other aliens is the result. Does this mean I have to act more responsible and all?”Tony whined a littel but looking amused before wincing as he realized just what kind of ‘suit’ loki meant, sulking a little as he realized he couldn’t wear the iron man suit. Sighing as he went to change, he smirked a little as he walked in wearing one of his own dark blue suits, looking dashing and amazing before smirking at loki. “I wasn’t saying anything.”he said smirking as he walked out onto the balcony, looking at the ship, who did indeed lower the drawbridge as they approached, showing two darkly skinned kree coming down to meet them. Tense and worried, but trying not to show it as they neared.
Grant smirked and nodded before looking worried as well as he realized that Phil was going to have to face those Aliens. "you're more likely to get a feast of Honor." Loki admitted. "and do try to act civilized at least, don't forget these people are here to blow up the planet." he pointed out. "let me do the talking, I've been a delegate most of my life. Thor is ill suited towards politics." Loki admitted. "speak only if spoken to." he warned. "the Kree do not take interruptions very well, particularly when they think humans are mostly intelligent monkeys." he admitted. "you where thinking it." Loki scoffed as Steve chuckled and gave Loki, and then Tony a kiss for luck before watching them walk up the Ramp, Loki offering them a fancy... curtsey. dipping his knees like a curtsey but bowing as well in a shockingly complicated maneuver that would have seen most humans on their asses. Phil, ever practical, simply bowed in the tradition of humans, from the waist.

Loki greeted them in their own language before speaking in English. "Greetings to the Noble Kree. i apologize but my companions do not speak anything but English or other Earth languages." Loki apologized. "i will act as translator for anyone who cannot speak the human dialect." Loki assured them. "I am Loki, son of Laufey King of Jötunheimr and Fárbauti Queen of Jötunheimr. Adopted by Odin, King of Asgard and Freya, Queen of Asgard. this is Phil Coulson, Leader of the group Shield. they defend Earth from invaders as well as themselves. this is Tony Stark, Slayer of the Chitauri and Master of Earth's technology." that certainly got a reaction from the Kree, shifting and muttering, those that could understand English anyway. all had suffered by the Chitauri. "We come to speak to you of your missing Prince and explain." Loki admitted. "We would have your promise of a Peaceful interaction." this would keep them from being attacked during the discussions.
"I'm always civilized."Tony made a face looking amused. Following after loki he paused considering for a moment before simply bowing like phil. Holding himself before straightening after a long moment.

"We accept that the monkeys are unable to speak,and prepared for it. We all speak English here."the slightly older looking kree said watching the three before indeed looking impressed at tony's actions. Tilting his head before nodding."yes a peaceful negotiation. Our prince traveled here,and we have patiently awaited his return. It was recently that we got a message that he was seking home and couldn't get there. So we came to bring him home."
Loki chuckled. "no your not." he scoffed before nodding at the Kree. "Monkeys. i assure you, they are not." Loki stated simply. "their accomplishments are many in the last hundred years. they have already begun the space travel. i believe your own kind where three times this age before you sought the stars? my own still has not bothered to attain such a feat. they are extremely advanced for their young lives and short life spans." Loki admitted before grimacing. "oh... well that's..." Loki offered them a pained look. "we where actually looking for you." he admitted. "please. let us go inside. this is not a conversation that is done in the open." he admitted, allowing the Kree to lead him inside. once inside Loki allowed Tony and Phil to gape at anything they saw fit, the Kree loved to show off to the inferior species. "Your prince landed here around a thousand years ago, correct?" Loki asked the men. Kree lived for hundreds of thousands of years. a thousand years for them was like going on a year long vacation.

"i am very sorry to say that your Prince..." Loki hesitated and then continued. the Kree wouldn't appreciate dancing around the subject. "your prince is dead." he admitted softly. "what happened, i do not know." he admitted. "but i suspect he got into a fight with a polar bear or something. perhapse his ship crash landed or something else." he admitted. "he was found in the arctic tundra by some humans of... ill repute. being a young species, human's are often fighting each other." he took a moment to explain Hydra and Shield and explained his thoughts, that Phil backed up, that it was Hydra who began the experimentation on the Kree prince. "i admit, i was involved in the experimentation." Phil admitted, sounding tired and horrified. "i didn't know when it was happening that we where working on an actual body. i had thought it was an extension of Dr. Banners work. that is what i was told. it wasn't until after i died and was then brought back using the same experimental method that i realized just what i had been doing. it was too late by that point, two others where also..." he shook his head. "it's me that's been sending signals to you. i think. i carve. i HAVE to carve. it's an obsession i can't shake." Phil admitted. "worse, i've been attacking the person i love most, trying my best to kill him and i have absolutely no idea why." Phil admitted. "Loki has been trying his best to try and figure out which people we had unknowingly defiled." "i didn't have the chance to pinpoint the exact realm before you showed up." Loki admitted. "as far as i can understand, Phil and Grant, the two afflicted, are having an extremely negative reaction to Kree Genetics in their systems, which is odd because the third human, Skye, she has not been showing any signs or symptoms at all." Loki admitted. "we wanted to find you to let you know one of yours was dead and what had happened, but also seek help for the humans who where experimented on. most of them have died. Phil, Grant, and Skye are the only ones who have managed to live this long. primarily because of my attempts i think, but also because of their mental strength."
The kree leader tilted his head a little as he considered that, before smiling a ltitle.”You are correct, Loki.”He said sounding reluctant to admit that the monkeys had advanced well for being as young as they really are. Frowning slightly as he followed the other inside, he sighed softly as he looked around. “I am Alterrion.”He said deciding these people could be trusted, at least for the moment. Nodding slightly at the question.”Yes. That is correct. It was only reccently we grew concerned for his wellfare.”He said before paling slightly as he realized what had happened.”What?How?”He asked before sincing slightly as he realized what had happened. Anger filling his face before he realized that it wasn’t these people that had done so. While he was angry at the humans for killing their prince, and he blamed them, he was reasonable enough to know that not all the humans would be at fault. Listening to them he studied the others, realizing what had been done. Frowning slightly.

“It’s a obsession because our prince, was killed at a time, that he most likely wanted to go home. Kree feel the call to go home, every few hundred years, if you were trapped and couldn’t go home, like the DNA in you is trying to give you a way home, despite you not being able to go.”Alterrion frowned before tilting his head a little, before sighing. “Our prince, Alexion, was on his walkabout....his...”He frowned searching for the word that would describe a human at that age.”He was a teenager, before he would become king, he was given leave to travel as he wanted. Kree’s have a higher sense of emotions, and hormone changes as such, since we live so long. We become extremely possessive over our chosen during those years were we’re passing through to adults. You were simply overloaded from being given the DNA.”Alterrion said explaining as he frowned slightly.
Loki smiled. "of course i am right. also, just as a warning, you should never insult a human. they become extremely obstinate if you do." he admitted. "if you have a Memory Modulator i'll show you just why you should never insult a human." he offered, eyes twinkling with repressed amusement. "we don't know. even the oldest human on earth wasn't born when the Prince died. human's only live a hundred years or so, if that so anyone who could possibly know what happened to the young prince has been dead for a long time, as has any children they might have had." Loki admitted. "there is a bright light in all of this. my daughter is the Queen over the dead, i had worried that where he died in Yggdrasil his soul would have gone to her, and indeed it has. she is offering to place his soul in a transporting crystal so that he can be released in Thainan." here he glanced at Tony and Phil. "Thainan is their little cluster of realms that are interconnected, not unlike Yggdrasil, or as you know it, the Nine Realms." he admitted before turning his attention back to the Kree. "i'm sure once you have him back to your own realms, your Soul Keeper can ask him what happened, but being that my daughter doesn't speak Kreelian and the living are not to witness the dead here..." he shook his head. "we are incapable of knowing what happened until you can find out for yourselves."

"...wait a second." Phil demanded, his voice gone high pitched. "are you yelling me that i almost gutted the man i love most in this world, and attack people every other day just for looking at him, is because i am essentially going through a mega puberty!?" he demanded, mortified. Loki couldn't help it, he made a strangled sound as he tried to hold back his laughter. "that was never something that occurred to me." Loki admitted honestly. "Puberty... it kind of makes sense. Human genetics are... weak, as of yet. young, but in many circumstances human genetics also amplify a lot of things. Bruce is a fine example of this." Loki admitted. "so the carving where the Young Prince's genetics screaming at him to be taken home, and the other things, the rage and possessiveness are from his hormones at the time... fascinating." Loki admitted, ignoring Phil's glaring at him. "unfortunately, no one in the Nine Realms has the technology or the know how to reverse, fix, or alter this. would you be able to help us?" Loki asked. "it's too dangerous having the Prince's genetic materials running around in human bodies." "i just don't understand why Skye isn't affected. is it just because she's a woman?"
Alterrion smiled, “I shall remember this. It is always good to know how to handle others....and we do have a modulator. I am always willing to see things.”Altterion said curious about what the jotun could find amusing about the humans before sighing quietly as he realized that no humans knew what happened before startling, eyes widening a little. “Yes. That would be for the best, to let him return home.”He said sadly because it wasn’t how he wished it’d be, but it could be done. Tony tilted his head biting his lip to keep from demanding answers or asking questions, looking utterly fascinated with the information, no matter what he heard, he loved learning new things before his eyes went wide over what he was hearing.

“...Of a sort.”Alterrion said looking indeed amused at phil’s reaction. “Oh man, I can’t wait to tell Grant that. He’ll freak out.”Tony snickered unlike loki, not even bothering to hide he was laughing, because he knew phil would be perfectly aware that he was laughing at him. “I will be able to. While it is not a normal thing for us to suffer because of the hormone influx, we do have ways of controlling it. It will take time to separate the human-kree genetics, but I shall be able to help.”Alterrion said before frowning.”Female?” “Yes. She’s different. And she was injected with the same serum, but is not suffering at all.” “ should have been affecting her indeed, as both our males and females have similar responses to puberty. I would like to meet this woman, I might be able to tell you why.”
Loki nodded. "Human's are a proud species, and noble in their own way. it is exceptionally difficult to break a human, and even harder to make them submit or subvert." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Hela will be sending me the Crystal just before you leave. she is worried about releasing a soul, and for good reason. too much harm could be done with a single soul, no matter the species." he admitted. "it would be worse if the Crystal where to be damaged or lost, he'd float alone for the rest of his eternity. truly she is only allowing it because he himself is willing to take the risk from what i understand." he admitted. "...he'll shoot you." Phil growled dryly. "i'd shoot you too if Loki hadn't made me leave my guns inside." "this is a Peaceful meeting. weapons aren't allowed. even my Magic has been temporarily negated, as has any of the Kree Sorcerers." he admitted calmly.

"thank God." Phil whispered, nearly breaking down into tears. "i'll be able to hold Clint again..." he hadn't even realized how terrified he had been that he might never be able to even touch Clint again. "thank you Alterrion. that is a very great relief, for all of us." he admitted softly before he nodded. "if you would like, i am sure Tony would not mind offering you lodging in our Tower during your stay. Human's have a great many fascinating things i thin you would all rather enjoy. including this remarkable device called an X-Box, it is as thrilling as it is infuriating." Loki admitted. "and their Internet is simply indulgence!" he admitted with a smile. "you could meet some of Earths most influential peoples. from the most intelligent, to the most powerful, to the most skilled. Phil's Chosen is Earths best Archer, and can even put many of our other realms to shame as well." he hoped Tony didn't mind him offering the Kree a place to stay, but he knew they would all be more comfortable if the Kree could come and go as they pleased. plus it would forge a good chance of opening proper interactions. the Kree where an ancient and important race. it would do the human's good to have open communications with them.
Alterrion nodded slightly, “But if we leave him there, Alexion will be alone for eternity, a high price to pay for simply having wanted to travel.”The man said sighing quietly as he considered his prince, before nodding quietly. “We will be careful and see him home.” “You can’t shoot me. You’d make captain america cry.”Tony pointed out with a quiet snicker, because that might keep phil form shooting him, but grant and kyra would have no such qualms about it. Maybe he should let Steve tell them?Steve would be able to not laugh at them.

“Yes, you will.”Alterrion smiled gently, and while he was still smugly superior and sure that the kree were better, seeing the human react so strongly to the idea of being with his chosen again, was hearttouching. “You are very welcome.”He said before nodding slightly, “I would greatly like that.”He said sounding a little fascinated at seeing a human’s home. “I would be pleased to house you until you return to your home.”Tony smiled before smirking a little. “Hm, where do you put me and cap on your list of the best?”Tony said resisting the urge to lean over and steal a kiss from loki, finding this diplomatic loki extremely sexy. Leading the others inside he smiled slightly, “Jarvis?Can you ask the others to come up please?”He said snickering quietly as Alterrion jumped at the sound of jarvis’ answer. “It’s just my AI, he controls my house, and doesn’t have a body. Don’t worry.”Tony explained watching the man look around the penthouse.
Loki nodded. "all Kree travel." he pointed out. "i wish we could provide the body for you, but Hydra buried it." he admitted softly. "we could excavate the site but i don't know that we could find anything even if we did." Phil admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "at least his soul will rest in peace now." he mused before shooting Tony an annoyed glare. "you think that would stop me?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i said i would shoot you, i didn't say where." he pointed out. "so long as i'm careful Steve won't be upset at all." he pointed out, Loki chuckling before smiling at Alterrion. "please, be welcome in our home then." he offered with a smile as he lead the way back outside and into the top level of the Tower. "Cap is a Super Soldier, and Earth's most noble warrior. you are the master of technology, as i said before." Loki stated simply. "Natasha is Earth's most skilled Liar and thief." his lip twitched in amusement because he knew she'd take that as a very high compliment. "Jarvis is a mechanical intelligence." Loki explained to the Kree. "a Program that has gotten so intelligence it updates and learns on it's own just as any other sentient creature. Jarvis is the only known Free Willed AI in known existence..." he paused. "as far as i know anyway." he admitted, watching as the others came up, Loki giving introductions.

"You can really help us?" Grant asked, not moving his lips. "This is Grant. he is also displaying, as we've taken to calling it." Loki explained. "he was injured during a Hydra attack and it was only by Skye offering her blood that we where able to keep him alive. the attack left him completely mute so Tony developed the technology to allow him to speak without the use of his vocal cords." and Loki sounded so, so proud of his mate. "the earring actually reads his brain wave patterns, picks out his 'thoughts' and then transfers them to the speaker around his wrist." Loki admitted, well aware that the Kree was going to be super impressed by that. as far as Loki knew, no species had developed such technology. so much for smart monkeys. "this is Skye. she has the same serum inside of her, the exact same as the one in Grant, but she hasn't been Displaying at all." Loki explained.
“I would wish for that to, but it will be enough for the kree to know that our prince’s soul will be at home.”Alterrion smiled a little before laughing quietly at the friend’s bantering. “No, no no he’d be very upset no matter where I was shot. Don’t shoot me.”Tony whined a little. Alterrion smiled as he walked in, looking very impressed with what he was seeing, tilting his head as he listened to their titles. Maybe he was wrong about the humans after all. “It is. In all our travels, I have never seen another such intelligence.”Alterrion said smiling slightly as he realized just how proud loki was of his mate. Taking it as a good sign if the jotun was willing to claim a human as their own.

“I can.”Alterrion smiled as he looked surprised hearing grant’s voice, looking at loki for a explanation before looking startled as he realized just what grant’s problem was. “Indeed, the kree must revise their thoughts on the monkeys, if this is what they’re capable of.” “Thank you.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly, because it was something to be complimented by friends, but to know other races were impressed with his tech was even more. “Hello.”Skye said as she stood next to kyra and grant, even if they weren’t dating, she felt safest with the two. “...”Alterrion stared, looking very startled at her appearance, tilting his head a little. “She is kree. I would have to test her to be sure, but if she has not been displaying...” “What?”Skye looked startled.
Phil nodded. "at least we can be sure the body will never be mutilated again." he admitted with a small smile. "i will shoot you. you have no idea how much i will shoot you." Phil growled, looking rather sadistic as he smiled at Tony, Loki snickering again as he shook his head. "Phil stop frightening Tony." he ordered. "i've met a few." Loki admitted. "Asgardian's have a high intelligent..." he paused. "okay, a few Asgardians have a high intelligence." he corrected. "and the Kreya are just mind boggling." Loki admitted as he took Tony's hand, simply holding it because he wanted to. "thank you, so much, you have no idea." Grant said, his 'voice' colored with such deep emotion. "i was so scared i would never get to hold her again. or kiss her goodnight or even be around her." he was crying now, struggling to stop the tears. "i was so scared i was going to have to let her go before i ruined any chance she'd ever have at a life. and i shouldn't be saying this but i haven't worked out how to make the thoughts separate from my thoughts and now Kyra's going to be really mad at me for admitting that i was going to run away again so she'd have a chance at a decent life... i'm going to shut up now...." Grant decided, having worked himself up so much he'd gotten the hiccups.

"you know. if your going to revise your thoughts you really should stop calling them monkeys." Loki pointed out. "or would you like to be called Femmorai?" he demanded, lifting an eyebrow at the other. the Kree had evolved from the Femmorai, or a species connected to the Femmorai not unlike humans where thought to have evolved from a species of ape. "Kree?" Loki asked, looking startled before he snorted. "walkabout. right. there's probably a couple dozen of you're princes offspring running around by now." most Kree just loved to sow their oats when on walkabout. one such Kree had sampled over twenty three different species before the planet called him home. "Human's have an extremely high reproduction rate. a single human can give birth to a dozen or more children in the time where they are fertile. most don't though, they tend to cut off the limit at two to three." he admitted. "their genetics are extremely flexible as well, they can breed with a high number of other species." he admitted. "so it makes sense that there are people with 'alien' genetics within them. i don't wonder if Mutants and Meta-humans are more displaying the powers of their ancestors rather than being mutations." Loki admitted, head tilted curiously.
“Stay away from me!Come on, Agent!”tony whined squirming away to get closer to loki, indeed, looking rather frightened of the man. Cause well, phil had always frightened him. Alterrion laughed quietly, nodding. “You are correct, but for such a young race, they are well ahead of the asgardians and kreya.”he pointed out before looking startled at grant’s words, smiling softly. “You are very welcome. I will help you correct this, and have your life again.”He promised tilting his head as he looked at kyra’s face, the anger there and the utter sadness. “Hey, hey you’re okay.”Tony muttered as he moved over, hugging grant because his girls couldn’t.

“I really should. I must call them humans then. And no, we wouldn’t.”Alterrion frowned at the jotun, huffing a little before nodding. “Yes. Distantly, but she is kree. And most likely. Walkabout has had many times resulted in children for the kree.”Alterrion said smiling softly, thinking that it was good, that their prince wasn’t completely dead. “What does that mean?” “That means, you will be honored as our princess, and you can come home if you would like, but I have a feeling you would rather stay here, in your home.”Alterrion said, because while she was royal, he had no intention of forcing her away from where she wanted to be. “From what I understand, many of the ‘mutant’ powers that show in humans, are shared by other races. It is likely that they are just throwbacks to the alien races.”the kree added after a moment.
Phil just smiled even more and Loki rolled his eyes. "hmm. indeed." Loki agreed with a grin. "i'm honestly quite excited to see how the race evolves." he admitted. "they have such a thirst to prove themselves." he admitted with a chuckle. "thank you. thank you so much. thank you." Grant repeated as he leaned into Tony, holding him because he needed the comfort and because he knew he could hide from Kyra so long as he was hiding behind Tony. Loki just smiled sweetly at Alterrion because he knew he had annoyed the other. "it means, Skye, that there is a chance you are the great great... great? Granddaughter of their dead prince, whose genetics are currently causing complete chaos in Phil and Grant." "apparently." Phil grumbled sourly. "we're going through Puberty." "we're WHAT!?" Grant demanded, mortified as he gaped at Phil who nodded. "you know i wonder what a world wide blood panel would show?" Loki mused. "too bad humans are so touchy about people taking their blood." he grumbled before smiling. "ah! Steve!" Loki chirped, beaming at the man. "Alterrion this is Steve, he is the leader of the Avengers, earth's mightiest heroes." Loki explained as Steve shook the Kree's hand. "a pleasure to meet you." Steve chirped with a smile. "sorry i'm late. there was a fight in the lower levels. two of tony's Squints wanted to claim the same project." he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "we where talking about mutants?" he asked before blinking. "Phil? why are you aiming that gun at Tony?" Steve asked, looking startled. as soon as Tony turned Phil pulled the trigger and a dart shot out. one of the foam nerf ones with the rubber tip. it stuck to Tony's forehead ad Phil smirked. "i told you i'd shoot you." Grant howled with laughter.
“You are very welcome.”Alterrion smiled watching the two. “You’re girlfriend looks ready to murder you.”Tony muttered into grant’s hair as he held the slightly taller man, smiling slightly. “....Puberty?What?”Skye’s mouth fell open even as kyra made a quiet noise that said she was trying hard to not laugh. “They are touchy, but I bet we could convince them to let us see what it’d show.”Tony said looking utterly interested as he studied the two affected men, grinning at steve. “Thank you for welcoming us to your home. It is good to be here.”Alterrion said bowing his head slightly towards steve, before nodding. “We were. Wondering if they were just the results of other races having children among them.”Alterrion said before his eyes widened in surprise at the ‘shooting’. “What?No Stay away!”Tony yelped as he moved to squirm away, yelping as he was hit, freezing, looking utterly confused as he stared at the man. Kyra snickered shaking her head in amusement as natasha smirked watching them all. “You need your own dart gun.”She muttered to james smirking a little
Grant nodded. he knew Kyra was going to murder him. but he hadn't been planning on running away yet. he was going to wait a few years before he took such a drastic step. wanted to be certain there was no other option. "we could always do a small sample just here in new York." Loki admitted. "we'll just put an add in the paper saying we're doing a genetics search to try and find a cure for something or other. we'll be non specific and ask for only a few drops of blood. that's all we'll need anyway." he admitted. "just a small sampling of new york would be enough to see the connections between alien genetics and meta humans." he admitted with a grin. "we're glad to have you. we've been trying to figure out this stuff for a while now." Steve admitted with a smile before blinking. "you know. i hadn't thought of that." he admitted before looking baffled as e watched Phil torment Tony. "...Tony are you picking on Phil again?" "yes. yes he is." Phil stated with a sniff. "i have one." he admitted with a grin. "more than one actually." he admitted with a grin as he raised a gun and 'shot' Phil three times in the face with his own fake dart gun.
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