In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Steve smirked. "good. i should." he admitted as he licked his lips and studied Tony, watching him struggle to comprehend the orders. he moaned eagerly as he took Tony's slender hips in hands and did as promised, rocking his hips so deep inside of Tony he didn't wonder if Tony really could taste his cock. "look at you, my good boy, good little Vixen, sexy little Vixen, taking my cock like the good boy you are." he growled, thrusting his hips up now, as he pulled Tony down, fucking him even harder. he knew Tony would be feeling it in an hour, but wasn't that the plan? "My Good Boy." he groaned as he heard Tony calling his name. that was one reason why he loved Tony so much. Tony never really thought of Steve and Captain America as different people the way most of the world did. for Tony, Captain America wasn't an icon or a superhero or a role model. he was just Steve. "that's it. that's it. cum all over me. make Captain America all yours." he moaned as he shuddered and came deep inside of Tony, gasping and twitching as he flooded Tony with cum, Loki mewling as he watched, halfway into subspace already just from watching Tony be in subspace.
Tony whined and squirmed as the other fucked him, groaning, “Oh gods...”He whined dropping his head a little simply enjoying it. Shuddering as the other praised him, squirming, because it was so utterly pleasing to him, to know he was doing good. That in subspace, it was the only time he admitted to needing to know he was doing okay. “Yours.”He muttered leaning forward to nuzzle the other, biting down on the other’s neck before letting go before he could leave a mark, whimpering in pleasure as the other came, clinging to him as well as he could with the ropes still in place. Whimpering as he leaned back looking at him, looking at the mess he’d made of them both.”Mine.”he muttered stealing a kiss. “Mine, no matter what. No matter what happens with pepper, you’re mine.”he growled shuddering as he slumped into him, already starting to feel the dull ache of being well fucked.
Steve chuckled a little as Tony called upon the gods. he was looking forward to the day one of them answered. that would make an awesome story, plus awesome sex too no doubt. "that's right. your mine." Steve purred with a smirk. "and i'm yours." he murmured as he kissed Tony, tangling their tongues together passionately. "Pepper's no threat at all to me." he promised with a grin. "she can't do shit to us." he promised as he kissed Tony again before nudging him to look at Loki, who was wriggling on the bed, on his back, doing his best not to touch himself or rut against the bed. "poor Loki. i think he needs attention." "yes. please. fuck. please." Loki mewled, thrusting his hips into the air, trying to look as delicious as possible so they would fuck him. "please. please. Tony. Steve. Don't care. fuck me!" Loki only ever begged when he was down far enough into subspace to not care how people would think of him. he only begged for 'anyone' to fuck him when he was with people he trusted. before it was only Tony, now it included Steve and Clint. he was really starting to overcome the trauma of his past Dominants.
Tony whined a little at the chuckle, knowing the other was laughing at him before sighing, relaxing utterly at the idea of belonging so completely to the other. While he’d fight and scream over admitting it, or that he wanted it when he was totally in control, in these unguarded moments, steve would see the truth. Tony wanted to be owned, needed to know that steve was there for him. “No, she can’t.”He said believing his captain, that no matter what, pepper wouldn’t hurt them like this. That whatever he did, wouldn’t destroy his happiness. Whining a little as he was nudged he looked over at loki, looking at him before grinning. “I think so to.”he said starting to come up enough to be aware and wanting to take care of loki. Smirking as he carefully eased off steve he smirked at the super soldier. “You fuck him, soldier boy, I want to swallow his cock.”He said sounding utterly pleased and happy that loki was being like this, because he knew it meant loki trusted steve, that they’d really be okay.
Steve smirked a little as Tony whined. he loved it when the man made those cute little noises. "your so cute." Steve purred with a grin as he nuzzled the other. "that's right. she can't, because we know she's a bitch." he agreed with a smirk. "oh, if you want me to." Steve agreed with a chuckle, knowing Tony needed more than a few minutes to get his cock interested again. not like Steve and Loki who had no refractory period. "okay. please. oh god." Loki pleaded as Steve moved over to him and slowly pulled the Toys out of Loki's ass and slid his cock in. Loki didn't last long at all under the combined force of both Tony and Steve, cumming hard with those eager sounds he was so good at, right down Tony's throat, Steve laughing a little as Loki just srt of laid there, pupils so wide he looked Stoned. "wow. that was amazing." Steve admitted with a grin as he slid out of Loki who grumbled at the loss. "mean." Loki complained, sulking a little as he closed his eyes and huffed. he'd loved every second of that, watching Tony and Steve fuck had been the most amazing thing ever.
Tony made a face at the other, groaning.”Though maybe I should be nicer to her, she doesn’t accuse me of being cute when I’m not.”Tony huffed shuddering as the other nuzzled him, nodding.”I do.”He said smiling knowing that by the time it was over, he’d be interested again. “You just got called a god, by a god there, Captain. Does that make me a god for fucking you both?”Tony questioned grinning as he took care of loki, swallowing before he raised his head, looking down at the other man. “It was. And don’t complain, kitten. I’m going to top you, then we really have to be going.”Tony snickered as he nudged steve over and slid into the godling, not as careful as he usually was since loki had been well prepared, fucking him as hard as he wanted until he came with a sigh, slumping down into the other, clinging, arm wrapped around loki’s waist, a hand clinging to steve’s arm, holding onto them both with a desperation you knew he was more worried about pepper being here then he said. “Sir?Ms. Potts has just landed at La Gargantua airport, and will arrive iwthin the hour.”Jarvis said, having just gotten the notice from pepper, and wanting to give the men time to clean up. “...Damn.”Tony sighed softly as he got up, shuffling towards the bathroom to shower, already starting to draw away into his own head.
he snorted. "trust me, your adorable." Steve teased, mostly because he knew it annoyed Tony. "i did get called a god. and no, it makes ME a god because i fucked both of you." Steve teased with a smirk. "i'm the one that did all the work here." he teased with a snicker. mostly because he liked to be the one who did all the work. showing off his strength was something that drove Tony insane with lust. "i will complain. i'm good at complaining. yes please." he moaned at the idea of Tony fucking him when he was still limp and loose from his last orgasm. Loki mewled as he felt Tony sliding inside of him, arching and clenching and doing his best to make it last. he groaned as he realized Pepper was there already but with a snap of his fingers they where all free of sweat, felt as if they'd had a long shower and where perfectly groomed, if a little naked yet. "want me to heal those welts?" Loki asked, examining Tony's chest and back, knowing Tony loved the feeling of them, but they didn't want to fuck with their plans for Pepper either. "don't forget, my name is Liam now."Loki pointed out with a grin. "
“Am not.”Tony growled resisting the urge to bit the other before laughing softly, smirking at the other. “You like doing all the work. You like watching me fall apart because of it.”Tony whined a little because he knew the other knew exactly what he was doing when he did things like lifting tony effortlessly to fuck him, and doing other feats of strength. Startling a little as he stopped half way to the bathroom, tony looked down at himself as the other cleaned him, before smiling sadly, closing his eyes for a moment. “...Yea. You better.”he said biting his lip, knowing he was walking funny to, but not wanting to lose it, looking torn before swallowing hard.”heal everything, loki. I don’t want to make this worse then it’s going to be. She’s going to think I’ve been abused if you don’t.”Tony said rubbing a hand over his face before nodding.”Liam it is. Liam, you do know that you’re going to have to stay with Kyra, james or grant right?Otherwise they might disobey and kill pepper just out of principle.”he snickered a little as he started to get dressed.
"are too. bite me and i'll spank you. and i won't fuck you after." Steve warned with a grin. "and i do like doing all the work, you nearly turn inside out with lust." he admitted with a smirk before blinking as Loki cleaned them both up. "i'll heal everything but the two bottom lashes on your belly. you can claim you lost control of some wiring." Loki offered, running his fingers down each mark and then stroked Tony's sore little hole , vanishing all hints of damage. he couldn't do anything about bruises, but Steve was always careful not to leave any bruises. he didn't like seeing bruises on Tony's perfect skin. mostly because bruises made him think of battles and fighting. "i'm staying with Phil and Clint, they already agreed." Loki admitted. "story is, i've been heavily abused and rarely leave Phil's side." he teased with a wink. "which will explain any panic attacks i might have with her here." he admitted. "also explains why i avoid everyone." he admitted as he slid out of bed, one second naked, the next second dressed in a pair of rough jeans and a baggy sweater. "how helpless do i look?" he asked, letting them look. "human eyes tend to skip over people who look 'beneath' them according to Natasha. Pepper won't look at me too much if i look rather homeless and abused." Loki admitted with a grin. "you know. this could be really fun if we really fucked with her head." he admitted.
Tony sighed softly, grinning at that. “You know, I’d be upset that you think I’d lose control of tech somehow, but I’ve done it before.”he snickered a little, relaxing, enjoying it, simply enjoying the idea of having some mark on him while he dealt with this. Whimpering quietly as loki slid his fingers over him, shuddering under his hands. “I know, but I’m still taking bets on who’s going to try and kill pepper first.”He said looking mused leaning in to kiss the other slowly, “Very helpless. And you are never beneath her, Loki. Never.”He said sounding posesssive and annoyed with the idea before tilting her head. “What do you have in mind, loki?”He said raising a eyebrow.
Loki snorted. "hardware mode." oh how Loki hated Hardware mode. ugh. all that mess, noise and Tony tended to injure himself constantly. "oh, it'll be Clint." Loki stated calmly, Steve nodding. "he's very protective of Loki." Steve agreed. "but i think it's going to be James. he's overly protective of everyone in the tower. he's probably taking this as a personal attack against someone under his protection." Steve admitted with a smirk. "i know that." Loki scoffed. "as if she could compare to a God." he stated with a grin before he smirked at Tony. "well. she seams to think your a whore right?" he asked, smirking. "lets prove her right. of a sort. we'll set up situations to make her think your fucking your way through the entire Tower. and then when she accuses you of it, we'll bring up the video feeds showing that everything she thought you where doing, was actually innocent interactions. like playing Battleship, or getting your hair cut. make her feel three times as bad bout thinking the worst of you. like a game, only she's the victim."
“Stop complaining, I didn’t ask you to help. You just showed up.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, knowing loki and steve had only showed up when he was rebuilding stuff by hand because he DID tend to hurt himself that much when doing it. “....Clint. Yea I can see it.”He snickered a little before smiling. “Scary thought, all our assassins teaming up to do it. We’d never find evidence on it.”Tony snickered a the idea before tilting his head before nodding.”Yes...I can do that. That would be amusing actually.”he said smirking a little, already planning. Glancing at steve. “I’ll leave it to you to let the others know?If I tell them, pepper’s liable to figure it out.She wont pay attention to you.”he said before smirking a little, before wincing as jarvis announced pepper had arrived.
Steve and Loki rolled their eyes. "if we hadn't shown up you'd have killed yourself." Loki scoffed. "you are not in the least bit safe when doing Hardware." he grumbled with a chuckle. "you know... i think they could probably pull it off. but if they where going to, they'd have done it before she got here so none of us would have been implicated." Steve teased, Loki nodding. "i'll tell them." Loki promised with a smirk. "you and Steve should stage a huge fight." he teased as he vanished to spread the word as Steve wiggled his eyebrows, cleared his throat, waited for Jarvis to give the cue and started the fight, screaming at Tony in German which Pepper didn't speak. but Tony did. being told that he was the sexiest man alive when Steve looked like he wanted to snap him in two was kind of hot really. Steve snarled at Pepper as he stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut. it was hard not to start laughing as he snapped and snarled his way down the stairs, only stopping when he was out of earshot, watching Loki explain the plan to a snickering group of Ducklings.
“I would not have!”Tony huffed making a face. “I like it. Totally can go for getting yelled at by the captain.”Tony snickered before settling in himself, starting to yell back in german, looking ready to put on the suit to beat him, but was totally demanding sex and to be allowed to top the good captain, totally hot going at it like that before wincing as the door slammed shut, slumping tiredly as he rubbed a hand over his face. “Hey pepper.”He muttered looking up at the woman as she rushed over, looking him over. “Tony!how are you?Are you okay?”She asked looking him over to see if he was hurt. “Do I need to get bruce?” “No, he didn’t hurt me. I’m okay. We’ve been fighting lot.”Tony muttered tiredly.

“...You know, I like this side of you, Captain.”Kyra said smirking as he walked into the room, looking up from where she was curled up with grant, absently stroking his hair as they watched a movie. Looking worried about him, but glad they'd figured out a way to deal with pepper.
Steve smirked a little as he winked at Tony before Yelling back that Tony could fuck him if, and only if he could find a way to make sure it wouldn't hurt, bearing in mind that any attempts at opening him up would be healed in a matter of seconds before stalking down the hallway.

"no one fucks with one of ours and get's away with it. did you know that screaming sexual innuendos while looking like you want to rip each other apart is actually really hot?" he asked with a grin as he studied them. "so we have a new plan." he admitted with a smirk. "we're going to make it look as if Tony's fucking his way through the entire tower and then when Pepper calls him on it, Jarvis is going to show her images of Tony watching movies with you guys and shit. stuff that can sound really filthy but is totally innocent." he admitted with a grin. "you in?" "as long as he doesn't actually try to kiss me." Grant promised with a chuckle. "what do you guys want for Dinner?"
“...I did actually. Getting in fights with Grant is amazingly hot. Even if he can’t talk these days, getting dropped on my back in the middle of the fight is hot.”kyra snickered gently stroking grant’s hair before her eyes widened, laughing. “I like it. And that goes for me to. No kissing....”She looked down at grant, smirking. “I doubt you can keep him from kissing you. He likes you.”She teased simply because she could before smiling. “How about...something utterly insane, and something pepper wouldn’t want to eat, but tony loves?” “Brooklyn pizza and pineapples?”Natasha smirked as she walked in. “Yes. I like it. And it’ll give tony a reason to come down and eat with us, take a break from alone time with pepper.”Kyra said snickering a little amused, because she knew the genius was probably already regretting inviting pepper.
he smirked as he watched them. "i'd imagine so. too bad you guys can't spar anymore." he mused, Grant shrugging. he didn't mind, he was still with Kyra and they still loved each other, that was enough, even if he had started doing the carving as well. he didn't like to do it on the walls though. he had gone to the hardware store and got a few dozen sheets of their largest available panels. he laid them out on the floor and then laid on it and carved with a curved carving tool. 'he better not kiss me! i don't care how gorgeous i am!' Grant protested, sulking as Steve laughed. "...okay. gross. no. how about Sushi? Pepper can't stand Sushi. or maybe something with strawberries? she's allergic." Steve mused before smirking. "i think i can solve it." he admitted, glancing up. "Jay? would you have Clint go run a rescue mission?"

as promised, ten minutes after Steve left Pepper and Tony alone the terrible looking Clint knocked on the door. "Tony? can i stay in here for a while? Phil's carving again and... oh, hey Pepper... i should... leave..." Clint mumbled, backtracking out the door, acting more meek and submissive than anyone had ever seen him. even after Phil had died Clint hadn't acted like that. Pepper was going to flip her lid. it was perfect too because Phil really was carving.
“I know. It’s saddening. But at least I still have james to beat on.”Kyra smiled a little, trying to not worry to much, because it utterly freaked her out that he was craving, and utterly trying to not show it, but they were at least together. “You are very gorgeous. Everyone wants to kiss you.”She teased before smirking at Steve. “Get strawberry shortcake and sushi. Tony loves both.”Natasha pointed out before smiling as clint was sent after tony. This was oging to be amusing.

“Clint?”Tony looked up from where they were curled up on the couch, talking, wincing a little as he squirmed away, hustling over as the man tried to back out the door. For a moment forgetting it was just a act, and utterly fussing and worried over the man.”No!don’t go. Its okay. You can stay.”he reassured. “Clint?Clint what’s wrong?What happened?”Pepper said getting up looking at the man before giving tony that look. “I told you it was a bad idea having loki here with him.” “I know I know, stop. We’re having enough problems getting him to talk,without you spreading the blame. Just stop.”Tony growled fussing over clint. “hey. You hungry?We can get food.”
he chuckled a little as Grant grinned. because they all knew that James only let her land hits because he was nice. 'i am gorgeous. the only person i want kissing me is you, thanks.' Grant signed, sulking at them. "Strawberry Shortcake and Sushi. agreed." Steve promised with a grin at Natasha. "we'll claim you put the order in." he promised.

Clint looked up at Tony when he was called back in and let Tony fuss. he knew how Tony felt, it was hard not to fuss over Phil when he looked like that. "...Shut up Pepper. i happened to like Loki." Clint mumbled as he snuggled into Tony. "why did he leave?" he whimpered as he pressed his face into Tony's chest. "...want shortcake..." Clint mumbled, letting Tony 'comfort' him. "Phil's getting worse." Clint said after a moment. "i can't help him... and i think the spell is wearing off. i'm scared..." the spell wasn't wearing off at all, they all knew it, but Pepper would at least feel bad about fucking with Loki's head if she realized the only reason why they hadn't had to hurt Phil, or Grant, yet was because Loki had worked protections onto the people Phil and Grant tried to attack.
“Hm, I’ll be kissing you again soon enough.”Kyra said smiling softly, “It’ll be perfect.”Natasha snickered.

“I don’t know sweetheart. I guess seeing me with Steve was just to much. I’m sorry.”Tony muttered letting the other snuggle him, pressing a kiss to his head, before smiling. “Jarvis, some shortcake please.” “Already done sir. The other’s have put in a similar request for takeout, and it will be here momentarily.”Jarvis said. “What?What’s happened?”Pepper said looking worried. “The spell on Kyra and Clint to protect them from their lovers are going to wear off now that loki isn’t here. We’re going to have to hurt them now to get the away if they attack.”Tony muttered inwardly smirking as pepper paled. Quietly simply holding clint until jarvis announced the food was there. “Come on, let’s go down and eat with everyone okay?”He muttered
Clint nodded as he snuggled into Tony. "it's not your fault..." he murmured as he relaxed in Tony's arms, simply enjoying his rare cuddle time with the billionaire. Tony was usually too manic to just sit down and snuggle. not that Clint minded, he just valued the short times he had to do the cuddling. he couldn't hide the muffled giggles that he was uttering into Tony's chest, though Pepper would thin him to be crying. "kay." he murmured once he was told it was time to go, getting to his feet slowly and heading to the door. once upstairs the entire time was gathered and Pepper saw for the first time how terrible they all looked. even the people she'd never met before, from Grant and Kyra, to Skye and 'Liam' who was staring at the raw fish. "uh, this isn't cooked." Liam muttered to Phil, looking confused. "it's supposed to be that way Liam." Phil admitted, sounding incredibly tired. "...." Liam was giving Phil that look that said 'i can't tell if your fucking with me or not but i'm not sure i believe you either way'. "we have Pizza too." Bruce promised, sounding just as tired as Phil even if he didn't look it. his illusion was taking into account how long it would take for his superhero body to break down. "hey Pepper. guys, this is Pepper. Pepper this is Kyra, Skye, James, Hunter, Fitz, Simmons, Triplett and our newest addition, Liam. don't mind him if he gets upset." Phil suggested to her softly. "he's had a hell of a life. he's been abused for the last fifty years or so." he admitted, voice low enough that 'Liam' shouldn't have been able to hear her. of course, Loki heard every word and pretended to be too enthralled in poking the raw fish to notice they where talking about him.
“Hm, you say that, but seeing me argue with the blond popsicle has caused problems for all of us.”Tony muttered pressing a kiss to the other;s head, knowing the other was giggling, and enjoying the fact that he was simply enjoying the cuddle time. It was such a rarity that he cuddled without sex or alcohol being involved. Pepper stared at them all, looking shocked at how bad everyone looked. Wondering what had caused all of this. “It is supposed to be that way.”Kyra reassured liam as she flinched away from grant, glad that the two of them had discussed this before hand, otherwise acting afraid of him would have damaged one of them. “Hello.”Pepper said watching them all before nodding. “Okay....”She said watching liam for a moment before dismissing him, returning to watching tony as he settled in to eat. “Want some?”Tony said holding out some shortcake towards the woman. “Tony. I’ve told you I’m allergic to strawberries.” Tony winced, because really, he was truly horrible at remembering facts like that, before realizing the others had set him up to do that, because they’d known he’d mess up and offer it without thinking. “Sorry. I’ll eat it then.”Tony muttered as he started to eat, looking a little cowed himself, obviously the genius was just as distraught as the rest of his team. Pepper stared around the table swallowing thickly. “Tell me what I’ve missed.”She said focusing on phil
he shook his head. "you only really started fighting with Steve after Loki left. it's not your fault." he mumbled as he snuggled Toy. "if you say so." Liam muttered as he gamely tried a piece, spitting it out immediately and let the others have at it. "you are?" Steve asked, looking startled. "i'm sorry. i didn't realize..." he admitted before wincing as Pepper asked what happened, the entire table going still and silent as Phil swallowed thickly. "as you know. i died during the Chitauri invasion." Phil stated softly before going on to explain about the blue alien, the gathering of his team, finding out about Tahiti. told her about how they had infected Skye when she was dying, about how they had moved into the Tower after failing to infiltrate Hydra. explained everything including how they had used Skye's blood to save Grant's life and how he was now dumb and showing the same symptoms. "Loki was looking into... everything." Phil admitted. "he put something called a protection on Clint, Skye and Kyra so that me and Grant couldn't hurt them. it's still there." he moved to take Clint's hand, his hand glancing away. "but it's getting weaker. Loki was really settling in here." he admitted. "Loki'd even started opening up to us you know?" he looked at her. "i know you didn't get to meet him really but... he was just a hurt kid. like a child really." he admitted. "he was spending... hours, trying to figure out what those damn carvings meant... they drove him almost as crazy as it drives me and Grant. then one morning he was just... gone." Phil admitted. "taking any hope we had with him." Clint whispered.
“I do.”Kyra said smiling slightly, snickering as liam spit out the fish. “It’s okay.”Pepper said waving off steve’s apology, while she might not like the super soldier, and wanted to hurt him most of the time, she could play nicely knowing if they argued it’d upset tony. “Yes I know.”Pepper said growing paler and paler as she found out what was going on. Swallowing thickly, “I’m sorry....this is horrible.”She said with wide eyes before getting up abruptly. “I’m going to bed. It’s been a long day.”She said looking upset as she walked out. Kyra barely holding it together long enough for her to leave before she started to laugh, stuffing her fist in her mouth to keep from laughing outrageously. “Oh man. That was great.”She snickered looking upset though, it was hard pretending, knowing that they still had no answers for what was going on.
Steve shook his head, not offering to make her something else. she cook cook on her own or order food for herself. "it's pretty bad, yeah." Phil admitted softly as Liam watched them all, looking a bit concerned as everyone shifted and twitched. "uh.... sure. goodnight Pepper." Phil offered her before snickering as soon as he was sure she was out of hearing. "did you see how sick she looked!?" "...i was... uhm..." Loki hesitated and then. "if you... want to know... about... why..." "about the Chitauri?" Clint asked, looking hesitant as Loki nodded. "i figure if anyone deserves to know... it's you guys." he admitted, looking quite upset, but he did have a point. he wanted to stay, he wanted to be liked by these people. wanted to be trusted. they deserved to know. "and this way, later, we can... if she starts, bitching about me... well we can tell her... i guess." "Loki... if your not ready to tell us..." Clint tried, Loki shaking his head. "i'm not. how could i be? i'll never be ready. but i NEED to tell you... i need to tell someone and i might as well make it someone i really trust... make it people i trust."
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