In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

he shook hi head. "it's not the same thing." he muttered as he snuggled into the woman he loved, realizing it was going to be the last time he held her until they found out what was wrong with him. "no we don't." Loki agreed softly as Steve nodded, Grant scowling as he realized that Loki was going to have to see HIS woman. he was able to force down the jealous reaction to that and nodded. "okay." he whispered as he carefully let her go. "i'm sorry." he whispered, jumping as Steve set a big bowl of grits in front of him. "what's that?" "your breakfast." "oh." "don't tease me Tony." Loki protested, blushing even more. "i'll go get the stuff set up and get Skye ready."
“I know, but I’m trying to make you feel better you know. You could at least let me.”Kyra mtutered nuzzling him a little, clinging to him, because to do anything else when she wouldn’t get to hold him for a long time, was unthinkable. “Hey, its okay. I promise. I don’t want loki. He wants Tony, not me.”She reassured gently stroking grant’s hair jumping a little when grant did, shifting to eat her own breakfast. “Thanks Loki.”Farian said smiling softly at loki. “I can’t promise that. You like it when I tease you.”Tony snickered smirking at loki
he huffed. "i don't want to feel better." he muttered unhappily. "i know." he muttered as he snuggled her. "but i don't want anyone else to see you naked." he muttered, pouting a little. "what if he gets ideas?" "no offense. but ewe." Loki admitted as Grant released he. "no. i like it when you tease me in bed. there's a difference." Loki grumbled as he left to get Skye, letting her know that he was going to work protections onto her as well as Kyra since Grant was so close to both of them.
“I know. But I doubt he’s really going to.”She said pressing a kiss to grant’s head, looking worried for him before relaxing a little. “Oh stop whining, brat.”Tony rolled his eyes a little watching him go, glad to see him like this. This was so much better then what they’d found yesterday. Smiling as he leaned over to kiss steve.’Thanks Stevie.”He muttered knowing the man would know he meant for making him check on loki, for willing to try this. “Okay. What do we need to do?”Skye said as she followed loki into the room.
he nodded. "i know." he muttered, still unhappy about it but not protesting. anything to keep Kyra safe. "i won't stop whining." Loki scoffed. "you love it when i whine." he stated as he stole a few pieces of bacon off the pan when Steve wasn't looking as he headed off. "no problem." Steve promised with a smile as he kissed Tony back.

"you need to wait for Kyra." he admitted. "i'm going to do you both at the same time. otherwise i'll have to wait till tomorrow to do yours and i don't think we have the time." he admitted as he started setting up his supplies, looking up as Kyra came in. "good. now. both of you are going to have to be naked, and i will take turns writing anchoring points on your bodies." he explained. "your forehead, neck, back of the neck, the center of your chest, your sternum, your belly, your... er... well just above the pubic hair. the base of each foot. the tailbone, the middle of your back, in-between the shoulder blades and then the back of your neck as well as the upper arm and inner wrist." he explained. "it's going to feel weird and it's going to be uncomfortable but you can't move an inch or i'll mess up the designs and that could do something very, very unpleasant to the magic." he admitted. "i can, of course, reverse it if that does happen. tomorrow." he admitted. "so if you twitch, and later turn into a man, your stuck that way until i have the strength to undo it."
“I’m here.”Kyra said as she walked into the room, listening to him talk before blushing ever so slightly even as she started stripping down. It was fairly uncomfortable to be undressed in front of the others, knowing that while Grant tended to overlook things, she knew the scars. Not only the ones from missions, but the ones christian had set in her skin simply to see just how long it would be to heal. “...Twitch skye. I’m sure bruce would enjoy you as a man for the day.”Kyra teased as she stripped down, resisting the urge to cover up again as she laid down. “Shut up kyra.”Skye rolled her eyes a little as the two women laid down to get comfortable and let loki work.
Loki snorted a little as he watched them examining Kyra for a moment and then. "i have a cream for that." he decided. "i'll give it to you later." he admitted as he started to brush ink onto their backs before making them flip. he was very focused and didn't even pause to ogle them aside from the once in the beginning when he'd noticed Kyra's scars. "there." Loki muttered once he had the last one in place before running his hands down their bodies, powering up the markings. "...all done." he muttered, slowly sitting on the floor before he collapsed. feeling dizzy. he probably should have waited until tomorrow, but he hadn't wanted ti take the risk. "you can get dressed now, the spells are in place and he..." he paused to yawn. "won't be able to touch you... help me to Tony's room?" he asked. "that took more out of me than i expected."
Kyra flushed brightly as loki examined her, nodding a little.”Thanks, I will.”She said smiling a little as she settled down, sighing softly as he worked. “You okay?”Skye said as she sat up hurriedly when he was done, leaning at his side, looking over the godling worriedly. Wondering if she should track down steve and tony, knowing they were either in the gym with grant, or down in the lab.”Come on then.You should have waited loki. Grant has his guards, we would have been okay.”Kyra said looking worried as she and skye helped him to tony’s room, settling him in the bed.”You want me to get tony?”She asked pressing a kiss to the godling’s head like he was skin instead of just tired.
he nodded. "m fine." Loki promised her. "it just made me more tired than i thought it would. i felt pretty damn good this morning so i thought i'd be fine." he admitted. "i am fine." he corrected. "just tired." he admitted as he managed to get to his feet. there was no way in hell he was letting her carry him. "yes." Loki decided when she asked him if he wanted Tony. he was tired and wanted snuggles. he was asleep before Kyra even left though, so getting Tony was a bit pointless really. he only slept for three hours anyway before he was up and feeling fine again. even if he did inhale about three pounds of food once he was up.
“Okay. As long as your fine.”Kyra said looking worried still as they got him to bed, looking amused as he was asleep before they could get tony, deciding to let the genius know, but told him loki was just sleeping, not truly needing him just yet.

Later Tony snickered as he walked into the room, raising a eyebrow as he watched the man down the food, “Feeling better now?”He said walking over, running his fingers through the other’s hair, sighing softly. “So, I need your input on something.”Tony said looking only vaguely upset, having spent the time trying to get grant’s voice over thing working, he was utterly frustrated that he couldn’t help the mute man talk again, and it was utterly driving him insane.

“Grant?”Kyra grinned as she walked into the gym, smiling softly at the sight of her boyfriend, having needed to see him, simply because she wasn’t feeling good, and she wanted cuddles, even if they couldn’t touch, he could still sit with her, a silent comfort. Because no matter what, or how dangerous it was, she always felt safe with grant.
Loki chuckled. "i am fine, i promise." he murmured as he snuggled into bed.

Loki mumbled through a mouthful of food and nodded before leaning into the touch with a hum. "mmm?" Loki asked, chewing on his food, looking curious. he gulped down the last few bites of his meal tossed his dishes into the sink and followed Tony into the Lab. "what are you working on?" he asked, his head tilted as he examined... whatever it was.

Grant was pounding a punching bag with Steve. grunting as he hit the thing before turning to blink at Kyra, looking quite worried that he was within striking distance of her even as he peeled his gloves off and signed a greeting to her, moving over to take her hand, looking surprised when his hand just slid off of her as if it was covered by an invisible glass shield. he blinked, confused before realizing Loki must have put on the spells and he smiled at her, pleased they could be together again, even if they couldn't touch.
Tony smiled a little as he held up the small ear piece, it looked like a simple blue tooth ear piece, looking frustrated with it. “Something to help grant talk. Or at least give him a option of doing it. It’s hooked to jarvis, using sound bites of his own voice, I programmed it so he could talk in his own voice, jarvis replicating the man’s voice back, but I can’t figure out how to make it read his thoughts or vocal movement, I mean, at his throat, cause if he acted like he could talk. It would still make the motion of trying, even if the cords were gone, its still muscle memory, this could read the vibrations of trying to make the sounds but I can’t...get it to work. I thought maybe magic would be better.”He said looking pained though at the thought simple tech couldn’t fix it.

Kyra grinned widely as he watched towards her, looking so very happy as his hand simply slid away. “Thank god. I love you.”She said softy, relieved as she realized they could be together, that loki’s spell really did work and they’d be okay. Glancing towards steve, “Also, it’s almost time for your meeting you know.”She said looking slightly worried at the idea, wondering what could be wrong if they were requesting a chance to talk to everyone
Loki blinked a little, his head tilted. "interesting." he muttered as he looked it over. "you have the technology to read brainwave patters, i know you do, you just can't get this to access it right?" Loki asked as he examined it. "where does it talk from? if it talks right in his ear that's going to hurt." Loki pointed out. "have you tried working with one of those brain scanners?" he asked, tapping away at a computer and showing it to Tony. "some German Scientist invented it, remember? you sulked for a week because he did it before you thought of it." it wasn't simply tech, not at all. the machine was massive, bulky, but could read the specific parts of the brain, from emotion, to sensations, to thoughts. Tony could tinker with that until it read only the thought patterns, and then remote transferred those patterns to another item that translated it into English and relayed it to the world at large.

he smiled at her, looking quite sad as he signed that he loved her too. he wished he could touch her, but he knew Loki would work on the spell until they could be safe, and touch. "fuck. the meeting. i forgot." he grumbled, shaking his head. "Jarvis order lunch would you? i don't care from where so long as it's here in ten minutes or less." he admitted. "and ask everyone to go into the Kitchen would you?"
"Exactly. I have the tech but it's bulky. Sizing it down and still having it be useful is causing problems. Cause I could do it to hear all over the tower, and just have the ear piece connect to it,but it's not going to be useful when he does leave the tower."tony sighed a little."I can do it it's just taking me longer then I wanted to and it's driving me insane..."tony sighed quietly leaning up to kiss the other relaxing slowly."...I also talked to pepper....she's catching a plane out this afternoon..."tony said sounding vaguely worried. Before wincing a little as Jarvis relayed steve'so request. Setting down the project before heading for the kitchen with the other.

"Already done sir. Indian is on the way up with agents Barton and romanoff."Jarvis said smiling."you three and sir are the last ones to arrive for your meeting,captain."
indian? XDD)

Loki nodded as he examined it. "there is a magic that can read his thoughts, but i don't know if i could get it to work with your technology. i'm not nearly smart enough in technological science to be able to magic what you have without... you know... exploding it." he admitted as he examined the machine. "and i don't think i could use only magic to get him talking again." he admitted. "all attempts previously have failed." he admitted. "i think if we could get my magic and your technology working together we could do it, but it's going to be rather difficult when we know very little about each others science." he admitted before looking up at the order, grimacing. "i wonder if Steve would be mad if i didn't attend?" he muttered, not really wanting to watch everyone sneer at him when they realized how weak he was. they wouldn't, of course not, but he didn't know that.

"oh... thanks Jay." Steve muttered before turning to them. "come on then." he ordered. "let's get this show on the road." he sighed as he let the way up to the Kitchen, glancing at everyone. "we just need to wait for Tony and Loki." Steve admitted as he picked up a box of Pizza. not the best kind of breakfast but it would put everyone in a bit of a better mood. plus it was here fast and still hot.
“True. It would probably make a epic explosion though.”Tony muttered enjoying the thought of that ,before sighing quietly, nodding. “It has. And I don’t want to say anything to him, until I can get this working, don’t want to get his hopes up, but I just can’t fucking do it.”Tony growled utterly frustrated with himself for not being able to do this, not because him and loki couldn’t figure this out. “...Probably. Or not angry, he’d do that disappointed puppy look, and you’ll feel bad for it, cause it’ll make you feel like you kicked his puppy. Come on, it’s fine. Just a few minutes Loki.”Tony said herding the other towards the living room, nervous himself about this. He just knew how very defensive his friends were going to be.

“We’re here.No need to wait Cap.”Tony said as they walked into the living room, settling in to watch his friends as they all started to eat. “Okay, what’s this about?”Natasha said looking at the three of them as she daintly ate a piece of pizza from where she was leaning against james’ side, looking as content as a well relaxed and contented cat.
he snorted. "it would make an epic explosion. Steve would kill us both." he admitted with a grin. "i'm sure we'll get it working, we'll get started on it right away." he promised as he poked and prodded the machine as he tried to find an excuse to miss the meeting. "yeah i guess." Loki mumbled as he followed Tony up the stairs, doing his best not to make eye contact with anyone, making most of the room hyper aware that whatever this meeting was about, it involved Loki, and the godling wasn't happy about it.

"as you all might have noticed, shortly after Tony regained his memories Loki took to... avoiding us." Steve admitted, eyes flicking around the room. "some of you saw Loki when we finally got him out of his room yesterday, he looked like shit. drowning himself in depression." Loki huffed and hunched up even more, unhappy with being here for this discussion. "this is because a certain someone convinced him that Tony was going to leave him, kick him out, and abandon him for me." Steve admitted, his lips tightening to a very angry thin line. "Pepper Potts very nearly caused Loki to kill himself. and i'm sure you don't have to guess..." "i wasn't suicidal!" "yet." Steve stated, staring at Loki. "admit it. if Tony had left you, you wouldn't have been able to take it." "i don't want to talk about this." Loki muttered, looking away rather than admit that he probably would have killed himself rather than face a world without Tony. "Pepper very nearly tore apart Loki and Tony, and that in turn would have affected the entire Tower. because of this, Tony and I have decided that we're going to teach Pepper a mighty fine lesson about getting involved in other people's personal lives. without killing her." he ordered, fixing a firm look on Kyra, James, Natasha and Grant. "Tony has invited her to the tower and Loki is going to change his appearance and pretend to be here on Phil's team. i don't want him left alone with her, ever. while Tony is doing disgusting acts with her, we're going to pretend to be dissolving at the seams. we'll make her regret ever even laying eyes on Loki. Glare at her, stage massive fights with each other. Clint? with your permission Loki's going to make you look suicidally depressed." he admitted. "we'll eat her up with guilt."
“He really would. But it might be amusing enough to do it anyways.”Tony grinned a little.

“We did.”Kyra said frowning looking worried as she listened, anger circling the room the longer Steve spoke, all of them taking their que from the good captain, and since he was allowing himself to be angry about it, the rest were to. This was going to be a amazing explosion. “I know, but we’re going to.”Tony muttered wrapping a arm around loki’s shoulders pressing a kiss to his head as he settled the godling tighter against his side, hiding his smile against the other’s hair as he watched the four former hydra agents look ready to commit murder. “he’s staring at us. Why does he stare at us when he’s saying not to kill her?”Kyra said sulking at having been restricted into not killing her. “Because you four are more likely to quietly send her out to sea in a wooden boat and then set it on fire and send her off in a true viking funeral, a way of honoring the gods and making sure loki knows about it in true viking fashion. Oh hey, can we do that?I like that.”Skye said sounding so cheerfully violent you knew this was going to be bad. “Fine, loki, go for it.”Clint said looking angry and pissed on his friend’s behalf, and even more so when he realized just how upset tony would have been had things gone as badly as pepper had been setting it up to do.
Loki just curled himself a bit more into Tony, frightened of the anger circling through the room, hiding himself against Tony. the only person he truly trusted. he liked the others, knew they wouldn't hurt him, but emotionally Tony was the one he always went to because Emotionally Tony was the only one he truly trusted. "i mean it! you don't even touch her! not even a slap! we don't need her bringing down some fancy pants lawyer on us for something stupid like that." he warned. "and no, we can't do that." Steve grumbled. "it'll upset Loki." Loki un-tucked himself from Tony long enough to make Clint look, a lot like he had when Phil had first died. thin, pale, dark circles under his eyes, bruises on his forearms from hugging himself too tightly. Phil asked for the same and soon he too was thin, pale, dark circled and looked as if he had started to loose control over his grooming habits. only made sense that if Clint was that depressed, Phil would be too. "wow. Loki that's amazing." Steve admitted as he examined the two. "i can do timed ones too. that will slowly change a persons appearance." he admitted softly. Grant accepting that one as well as most of the others. "it will stay on until i remove it." Loki admitted softly as he tucked himself back against Tony. "what will you be looking like?" Phil asked curiously as Loki shifted in front of their eyes. becoming one very cute young man. innocent sky blue eyes and a head full of soft blond hair and rather short. he looked so unassuming that Pepper would probably never even notice him. "just call me Lain." Loki ordered with a smile. "Demi-God. earth raised but Asgardian trained. i've used this disguise before so i have the details worked out already. you can claim you only just picked me up as your magic expert before we moved into the Tower which will explain why you guys don't know me very well." "Excellent." Phil agreed, Steve nodding. "she'll be here sometime this afternoon. probably around Dinner. we'll start the act then." he decided. "Thank you." Loki whispered, touched by how much they wanted to help him.
“Fine. No viking funeral. Though it would be truly epic.”Kyra huffed looking amused though, for the moment her anger set aside in favor of watching loki work magic. “Thanks loki. This is amazing.”Clint said looking startled as he looked himself over, wincing a little as he saw phil. Even knowing it was a illusion, it was horrible to see still. “Me to. If grant’s breaking down, I will be to.”kyra said smiling softly as they all started to show signs of falling apart thanks to magic. “You look lovely.”Skye said looking amused as she looked over the blond loki. “...Is it cheating to say you look good like this, and I want to screw you?”Tony asked smirking a little as he looked at him. “You’re welcome. Your part of the family, Loki. We protect our own....even if we’re not allowed burning her alive.” “Or drowning her.” “Or letting James ice her.” “Or throwing her out a window.” “Or knocking her out with the shield.” “Or shooting her with clint’s bow.” “or-” Tony smirked listening to the three women as the discussed the best ways to kill pepper, before leaning forward to look at steve. “I have a new found fear. These three, are going to take over the world someday.”He said gesturing towards kyra skye and natasha.”And then kill everyone who disagrees with them.”
"it is amazing." Phil agreed, his heart clenching at the sight of Phil looking so terrible. "thanks." Loki murmured with a smile. "i spent a good fifteen years like this once. studying humans." he admitted with an impish grin. "that was a few centuries ago though and things where a lot different back then." he admitted before looking up at Tony. "i can be anything and anyone you want Tony." he promised, looking amused. "i can even make myself look exactly like the good Captain." "oh... that would be fun." Steve admitted, eyes glittering playfully as Loki grinned before the godling startled, staring at them with wide eyes. he'd never really been part of a family before. yes Odin had taken him in and treated him well, but Odin had never really loved Loki, which all the others in Asgard had picked up on and emulated. this was. it warmed his heart that they could accept him even after... maybe it would be okay to tell them? no. he wouldn't, not now. couldn't. "they are." Steve agreed. "come on. we need to move my things out of your room and hide Loki's stuff." "already did." Loki admitted with a shrug. "magic is an amazing thing."
“You’ll have to tell me about it sometime. I’m sure you have plenty of stories.”Kyra said looking very interested at the idea of hearing what the world had been like when loki had fiirst come. “what?Really?”Tony looked startled eyes wide as he looked up at steve, blown pupils, to distracted at the idea to pay attention to loki’s reaction to being part of a family. “...Well. Since we don’t have to move things, we’re going to go have sex one last time before she gets here. If I have to touch her in the near future, I want good things now.”Tony demanded already heading for the bedroom, and leaving steve and loki with the option to follow.
Loki smiled a little. "i'll do that." he promised. "although, i was burned as a witch at the end." he admitted. "apparently Humans are supposed to age in the course of fifteen years." he admitted, looking amused. "yes, really." Steve agreed as Loki chuckled, looking more than a little nervous about having sex with the good captain. "i like sex." Steve agreed as he followed Tony, Loki hesitating, not sure Steve would want him there or not. "come on Loki!" Steve ordered once he realized the Godling was hesitating. "we can't have a threesome with one of the three missing!" Loki snorted and followed, hesitant but more than willing to obey Steve. trusting Tony to make it all okay if it didn't work out.
“...Yes. Even super soldiers age over 15 years.”Tony snickered a little looking amused absently stroking loki’s hair, not wanting to upset him “it’s okay.”Tony muttered stealing a kiss when the godling walked in, leaning in close to wrap a arm around his waist, kissing him slowly before stepping back, looking up at steve, biting his lip. Looking for once, utterly lost in the bedroom. Because he usually dominated loki, but submitted to steve....loki had never seen him utterly taken apart. And despite wanting this to work, and trusting loki utterly, he was still nervous about it. Because he didn’t want it to change things. And he knew it would. And tony had been left to many times to not think that he’d be left behind when things went badly. “ sure you want to try this?”Tony asked looking up at steve nervously, absently twisting his iron man bracelets around his wrists, a nervous twitch, one of the few that he had kept, simply reassuring himself that he was safe, that he could protect himself.
Loki shrugged. "i'm the God of Fire, Ice, and Mischief, they couldn't hurt me." he admitted simply before smiling at Tony as he leaned into the other. "well. first, you're going to fuck Loki while i watch." Loki blinked at that. "and then i'm going to fuck you while Loki watches. and then Loki will decide if i fuck him or not. easy." Steve decided with a smirk as Loki fidgeted. "but... Tony and i..." "have incredibly Kinky BDSM Sex. yes i know. so do me and Tony." he admitted. "and as much trauma you've undergone, i think you really need Tony to take you apart. if you really don't feel ready for me to be in here, then i'll leave, and come back and fuck Tony, or we'll wait until your out of subspace enough and then Tony and i will go into a separate room. no one here will make you do anything your not ready for." he promised. "either of you."
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