In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

"Hopefully that's all. I know he said he'd be fine with the spell but I don't want to strain him if he really is sick."she said frowning a little before laughing."I'm sure he's suffering."he snickered.

"..."Tony stared at them both not sure what to think about them wanting to watch him have angry sex."I might. Matters just how bad she's going to act."tony said after a moment.before nodding shifting to get the notebook from his nightstand and writing it out,having gotten into the habit of keeping paper there to write ideas on when they hit him if he needed to."here deliver it."he said before frowning a little nodding."I'm not going to be hitting her or anything. I'll be utterly polite and nice....but you should know I'm a bastard. I'll figure out how to get my point across.....ohhb..."he shuddered as the other stroked his back enjoying the touch.
they both just grinned at him when he stared. "she's going to try to assume command over you again. she'll want to dominate you, you can't let her. we should hide Loki until she's gone. maybe have him change his appearance and pretend to be on Phil's team?" he mused. "that would be fun." Loki agreed sluggishly as he took the letter, a black twisting shadow sliding out of the rest of the shadows and formed into a raven which took the letter and winged away. "good. no hitting." Steve agreed with a smile as he nodded. "i'm sure you will. and me glaring at her every time she comes within sight will help too. we should get Clint in on this. Loki can make him look really bad, like super depressed. without me and Tony he'd be wrecked, especially with what's happening to Phil. she likes Clint a bit so she'll feel really back about making him so depressed he won't even look anyone in the eye. he'll get a kick out of playing tricks on Pepper." he admitted with a grin as Tony moaned before pausing. "...Loki fell asleep..."
“I know. I might even let her think she can. It’d amuse me.”Tony sighed softly, rubbing a hand over his face, closing his eyes a little. “Hmmm. I like it. Let loki be gone, she wont attack him like that.”Tony said softly, sighing quietly before laughing softly, “You do glare well. It’s like getting glared at being stared at by a puppy. A disappointed puppy.”Tony teased nuzzling the other, before wincing. Even pretending, it made him hurt to consider how clint would have been without them, before nodding a little. “We should. She likes clint, she’ll be upset.”tony said before laughing softly, looking down at loki, pressing a kiss to his forehead.”Good.”he muttered closing his eyes a little as he shifted to get comfortable, relaxing starting to fall asleep himself.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "how did you know that was what i was worried about?" he asked, his head tilted. he was worried she'd attack Loki again. verbally or even physically if she realized he was still here. "i glare like a boss." he agreed with a smirk before stroking the other's hair when he winced. "hey. it's okay, i never would have let you leave us even if it was for our own good." he promised. "and even if she had succeeded, Clint would have smacked up all around until we got it sorted out." he promised. "it's fine." he assured Tony, smiling as he held them while they slept.

when he woke up, Loki was gone, but there was a letter taped to Tony's forehead saying that he'd just gone to get food and take a piss and that he wouldn't do any magic until Tony was there to supervise, just in case. Steve had to snicker, amused that it was taped to Tony's face so Tony absolutely couldn't miss it. he decided to leave it there just to see if this was a common occurrence.
“Because I always worry about her being around loki. Made sure when she’s in the city that loki’s either always with me, or with you. Even when you didn’t like him, trusted you to protect him from her, because he mattered to me.”Tony muttered before nodding. “We’ll be fine.”Tony muttered as he fell asleep.

Tony blinked slowly as he laid on his back, his breath ruffling the paper a little, frowning as he blinked at the paper. “....I think I’m glad it’s not stuck in my hair this time...”Tony muttered to himself, nto realizing steve was awake, going a little cross eyed to read the note cause the godling had taped it just so that he could read it without taking it off. “Annoying little brat. Gonna punish him for this...steve sees this, he’ll start getting ideas about giving me notes.”Tony muttered reaching up to gingerly pull the note just in case it was indeed stuck to his hair
Steve nodded. he hadn't really noticed until now, but everyone was a bit careful when Loki was around Pepper. an almost instinctive need to keep the two apart. "honestly the only reason why i didn't like him was because i thought he was dominating you better than i was..." Steve admitted, blushing a little. "i was a bit jealous is all. i know better now." he admitted.

Steve watched Tony, looking highly amused as he talked to himself. he loved Tony before he was awake, he could get so much blackmail material. "morning Tony." Steve chirped once he realized Tony didn't want him to see. "starting a new fashion statement are we?" he asked, sounding very much like he was going to start laughing.
Tony yelped, nearly bashing his head off the headboard as steve spoke, sitting up quickly, blowing his breath up to make the note move to look at the other even as he smacked a hand up against the tape to start carefully taking it off. “Nope, this wasn’t my idea of fashion. Its the dork’s.”Tony huffed sounding annoyed as he glanced at the other. “Stop laughing.”he sulked, still sounding sleepy and cute, definitely still in that sleepy mode that let steve see him without his shields up, he was more relaxed before he had a chance to get coffee, and these days, even if he couldn’t say how he felt, he was less liable to immediately to go scampering for coffee if it was just him and steve then he used to be, willing for a few minutes, to give steve that look into his mind for a bit.
Steve had to bite his lip to keep from laughing when Tony almost brained himself. "Don't give yourself brain damage Tony." he warned, sounding even more amused as he reached over and carefully removed the tape from Tony's forehead. "there. all better." he promised with a chuckle as he read the letter. "well at least he let us know where he was." he admitted before he grinned at Tony. "you look adorable with your hair all messy and your eyes all tired." he admitted as he kissed the other. "come on. up. we have planning to do." he admitted. "we need you to call Pepper today, it's been a while since she started working on Loki so she'll start getting impatient before too long and i don't want her here on her own volition." he admitted. "and i want her to pay for hurting Loki like that." he admitted. "for hurting US like that."
“I never give myself brain damage. I always make me better.”Tony huffed sleepily, smiling quietly as the other pulled the tape off, sighing quietly as he snuggled into him, before laughing. “Well, yes. At least the brat did do that.”He snickered before frowning, “I’m never adorable. Always sexy.”He huffed as he kissed the other back before pulling away and getting dressed. “I love you plotting. This is a sexy side of my captain.”he said looking amused as he wrapped his arms around the other as he got up, leaning into him for a moment. “She did cause alot of trouble. She’s going to pay for it.”Tony growled before getting dressed and heading for the kitchen to catch up with loki before he settled in to get back after pepper, already plotting.
he chuckled a little. "Tony. do you not recall the concussion you gave yourself a month after i moved in?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "that most certainly caused brain damage." he admitted. "you call him that to his face?" he asked curiously, looking amused. "you can be both adorable and sexy." he promised. "and you are both." he stated with a smirk. "and i'm good at plotting." he admitted. "we'll have to talk to Clint, he'll want to be a part of this, you know how he loves to pull nasty jokes on the deserving." indeed he did. no one in Shield fucked with Clint. because if they did they got very nasty pranks pulled on them in retaliation. one man had his hand super-glued to his cock. another found Icy-Hot in all ov his underwear. Loki was still in the kitchen, eating a bowl of oatmeal and reading the days newspaper when they walked in. "morning." Loki chirped, looking so much better than he had yesterday.
“I did not. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”Tony made a face at the other before nodding, smirking a little. “I call him alot of names of names to his face, including but not limited to reindeer games, rock of ages, godling, brat, damned brat, and dear abby.”Tony snickered a little before making a face at the idea of being sexy and adorable, but for once, not protesting to much. Still to tired to do so. “I know he does. It’ll be epic.”Tony grinned at the idea of including clint before smirking again.”And phil. And kyra and grant. Grant’s a evil bastard sometimes.”Tony laughed a little smiling at loki, looking pleased at how well he looked, looking him over. “Morning. You look better.”He said tilting his head a little. “Have we seen the parts of our wayward couple yet?”He asked, for the moment distracted from pepper at the mention of grant and kyra.
he snorted. "you do too, you're a terrible liar." he scoffed with a grin and a shake of his head. "...Abby?" he asked, looking confused. he didn't get that one. at least Tony had kept his promise not to call Loki Kitten in front of other people. "we might as well tell the whole Tower if you're going to tell them." he scoffed, shaking his head. "we should probably tell them anyway, they won't hurt her if they know we're getting our own revenge." he admitted. "i fee better." Loki admitted. "i can't believe i listened to that bitch." Loki admitted with a sigh. "i'm sorry i didn't have faith in you Tony... i should have known better... and no. Grants too busy crying and i think Phil spiked Kyra's hot Cocoa so she's still asleep. so is he actually."
“Uh-huh. Dear abby, it’s a newspaper advice column, and since Loki offers me terribly annoying advice at the drop of a hat, he gets the name dear abby when he’s trying to be helpful.”Tony explained after a moment before grinning. “I should. I mean, they might prank her and help with the revenge, but if we tell them, and natasha, cause if we tell clint, you know natasha has to know, otherwise she’ll kill us, they’ll hold off from actually like...killing her. I mean, could you imagine natasha and kyra tag teaming to deal with pepper? We’d never find the body.”Tony snickered a little looking pleased that the other was feeling better, moving in, pressing a kiss to the other’s head before shuffling towards the coffee machine to get some. “It’s fine. I have issues having faith in my self so I don’t expect others to.”Tony shrugged a little as he poured himself a huge mug of coffee as he sipped it, before sighing. “Well, good. Tehy both need the sleep. Though Jarvis, will you tell grant to come on out, we have breakfast ready for him.”He asked wanting to get a look at the man himsefl
Steve blinked a little and then. "oh. boy i bet he just loves that huh?" he asked with a grin. "besides, he can be pretty helpful sometimes.... on the rare occasion." he admitted with a chuckle. "i really do think the others all need to know, especially if Clint's going to be acting all depressed and passively suicidal. they'll panic otherwise." he admitted. "and your definitely right, Natasha and Kyra can't be allowed to help." he agreed with a snicker as Loki leaned into Tony. "that's not true. i always have faith in you. when i'm not being stupid anyway." he admitted. "you think i would trust just anyone with my secretes?" he asked with a small smile. "your my Sir." he admitted. "if i didn't have faith in you, i'd be scared of you, just like that first week, remember?" he asked with a smile. he had cowered and cringed anytime Tony so much as raised his voice when Loki was nearby. that had been before Steve had moved in. he looked up as Grant shuffled in, his eyes red from crying and looking like he hadn't slept at all. he sat down, eyes fixed on the table, as if waiting for them to yell at him for hurting Kyra.
“Well, he loves giving me a hard time sometimes, especially when he leaves me notes taped to my forehead cause I complained he didn’t make sure I heard him, instead of just nodding along while I was working and not really paying attention.”He grumbled, hey, well at least tony was aware that he didn’t really pay attention when he was working. “Exactly. They’ll freak out if they don’t know, might try to kill us if we don’t tell them.”Toyn pointed out before snickering. “Definitely not able to help. Though they’re scary all on their own...maybe if we convince them not to kill her, they could give her a good scare...”Tony frowned a little before sighing softly as he glanced at tony sipping his coffee. Not sure if he believed him, but willing to let it go for now. So long used to no one having faith, that the last year with his team, and their utter faith that he was trying to be good, trying to be normal, was hard on him to believe sometimes. “...True.You don’t trust everyone.”She sighed softly before tilting his head, wincing at the memory of that week.”I remember. And you sorta deserved to go cowering. You did throw my out my own window.”Tony pointed out before looking up at grant, sighing quietly as he looked at steve, muttering a quiet question for him to make him and grant some food, knowing better then to try and make himself some food for them both. “Hey grant. You want some coffee?I’d be willing to share, since you’re having such a bad time.”Tony said quietly already pouring the man a tony sized mug and setting it down in front of him. “Kyra’s going to be fine.”He reassured him.
Steve snorted a little. "it's a good idea." he admitted. "i might have to use it. even you can't ignore me when i'm taping something to your forehead." he teased with a grin. "yes. so. we'll call a house meeting. everyone will be involved. especially Natasha, who will be furious that Clint is upset. Phil will be furious that Clint is upset. all of Phil's ducklings would be upset because Phil is upset which means Kyra would be upset because Kyra is upset." he admitted with a smirk. "i'm upset because you left me for pepper. Sam's upset because i'm upset. so the entire Tower is angry with Pepper save you. at least, that's how she'll see it." he admitted. "hopefully if we play this right, she'll never touch Loki again, i never realized just how important he was to tower life here." Steve admitted suddenly.

"i don't trust anyone." Loki scoffed. "i don't even trust Thor." he grumbled as he flipped the newspaper open. "you trust Tony." "yes." "you trust me." ".....i guess." "i feel all warm and tingly inside." Steve admitted, making Loki snort. "asshole." he muttered before tilting his head. "huh. someone blew up Normandy." he mused. "that's not normal right?" he asked Tony. he read the paper everyday to get himself more accustomed to human life, but he didn't understand it most of the time. why would someone murder another person and then kill themselves? why shoot up a school full of kids? Loki didn't understand it. "i was more terrified of what you'd do to me sexually than i was of you repaying the favor." Loki scoffed. "besides, i knew you'd be fine." he admitted with a shrug. Steve nodded as he was asked to make breakfast and got up to make Grant's favorite Southern Style Grits and toast. Grant blinked at the coffee, sighed a little and took a rather obedient sip. it was back to doing what he was told to. he seamed to backslide anytime something emotional happened to him. "no she won't. i killed her." he mumbled. quite unhappy. "she's not dead Grant." Loki assured him. "hell she didn't even have any broken bones." a stretch on the truth, seeing as how Loki had healed those broken bones, but he hoped it would make Grant feel better. it didn't seam to, he just stared at his coffee. he probably wouldn't feel better until he saw Kyra for himself.
“no its not. You can’t put things on my head, unless its your dick, I wouldn’t mind getting that taped to my forehead, but no, no notes.”he grumbled before nodding. “It’ll be amusing watching every be upset. And grant’s going to be scary...well, so is phil, since their protectee people are going to be so very upset, they’re going to be wound up even more.”Tony snickered at the idea before nodding. “Neither did I really, but he really is fairly important.”He muttered.

“Hm, I could make you warm and tingly.”Tony smirked looking amused at the other, before frowning, looking startled. “What?No, no it’s not.”He frowned looking concerned as he pulled the paper over to read it himself before huffing. “Still, throwing me out of my own window is not cool.”He said still sulking about it even a year after the fact. Looking at grant he sighed quietly as the man simply obeyed, hating this. He’d been so glad to see grant getting himself his own food, this was horrible to see. “She’s alive, sleeping on Phil’s couch actually.”Tony said smiling slightly as phil, kyra, and clint walked in clint and kyra in a heated debate about weapons as they gestured and walked, ebfore growing serious. “Grant?”Kyra hesitated, before edging closer, wanting to cuddle but not sure about it.
he snorted. "i think you just like the smell of my cock." he admitted with a shake of his head. "everyone's going to be scary, and it'll only teach Pepper a lesson she really deserves. she could have torn apart the entire tower and caused two suicides with what she'd done."Clint would certainly have tried and Phil would have followed if Clint had succeeded. "everyone's going to be very wound up." he admitted, shaking his head. "Jarvis? will you tell everyone we're having a meeting at Lunch?" Steve asked, it would be best to tell everyone after they had been up and fed and awake for a while. less grumpy that way.

"i do like being warm and tingly." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "yeah. see? right here. someone launched an attack and blew up Normandy. i don't know who this Volcano person is but he seams to be pretty nasty." Normandy didn't HAVE any volcanoes! the report was that a massive volcanic eruption had taken place in Normandy caused by what appeared to be a massive tectonic bomb that had been buried deep in Normandy for about fifty or more years. that was rather troubling. at least it didn't appear to have been set off on purpose. the Avengers probably wouldn't be needed. Grant stiffened as soon as he saw Phil and Kyra and he curled up, as if waiting for her to start screaming or shooting at him.
“Well, you do smell like motor oil and apple pie.”Tony teased before nodding. “We are a group of very scary people.This is going to be good.”Tony said smiling as jarvis let everyone know.

“Huh. Wonder why it was there in the first place. I mean, the bomb’s been there nearly as long as Cap was on ice.That’s...weird.”he frowned but looked pleased that the avengers wouldn’t probably be needed before watching the two. Gently squeezing loki’s arm, already preparing to interfere if it went badly. “Grant?”Kyra paused looking anxious as she sat down next to him, moving to look at his face, absently twisting her bracelet around her wrist, letting the cuff bracelets ground her, remind her that she was his.
he snorted a little. "very good." he agreed before picking up the paper as well. "it was probably Hitler." he admitted. "or the Red Skull to assure Normandy's compliance." he admitted. "it must have been done at the tail end of the war so no one noticed it. i imagine Hitler or the Red Skull never got around to using it as a threat." he admitted before watching the interaction intently. Grant glanced at her and winced when he saw all the bruises on her neck. "i'm sorry." he whispered. "you shouldn't be near me. i'm dangerous. you should hate me." he whispered, head down even more now, hiding his face with his hair. "i'm a monster."
Tony tensed a little looking at steve, having no words on how to help with this. Or fix things, all he knew was that looking at kyra and grant like this, was making his heart break. They’d both come so far, only to have this push them back. It was hard. “Grant, I think if something happened, Cap, Phil, Clint, tony and Loki....and James and Natasha...”She added as the couple came in. “are more then enough to protect me. But you wont hurt me. I trust you. You’re mine Grant....and you’re not a monster.”She said trying to see his face, looking angry and upset, not because of what happened, but because she couldn’t stand hearing him talk about himself like this.
Grant finally looked at her. "but they weren't there... and i was strangling you. i was going to kill you." he whispered. "i wanted you to die... and i don't even remember why. only that if you where dead, you'd never leave me..." he admitted, tears spilling down the sides of his face. "i'm a monster." he whispered even as he wrapped his arms around her, leaning into her because he was desperate to make sure that she was real. whispering that he was sorry over and over again because he couldn't not apologize for what he had almost done to her.
“I know. But they stopped you. I was hurt, yes, but they stopped you. And loki’s going to protect me. He’s going to do the spell clint has, so we can see each other. We wont be able to touch, but you wont be alone.”She said looking relieved as he leaned into her, wrapping her arms around him, holding him ever so gently as she stroked his hair, not trying to stop the apologizes knowing it was useless to try and stop it, but simply holding him.

“Loki?you feeling up to doing it?”Tony muttered looking at loki, knowing they should wait, that it might harm loki to do it, but willing to risk it, if it meant giving grant peace of mind in not being able to hurt kyra.
he shook his head. "i almost killed you." he whispered, mortified as he simply let her hold him, clinging to her so desperately. "yes, i can do it now." Loki promised. "i'm not all that tired." he promised. "i'll need a nap again after but it won't hurt me. i'll do Skye at the same time, just in case." he admitted. "we don't want him getting any worse than he already is." Loki admitted as he watched them, looking worried as well. "let me eat and then we'll go and set up the protections... you'll have to be naked you realize?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i'll need to paint the anchors onto bare skin in some... awkward places." he admitted, blushing a little.
“I know. And I’ve nearly killed you a few times, you know.Missions gone wrong and all.”kyra muttered hoping to make him feel a little better even as she looked up at loki, features filled with relief. “No, we don’t want that.”Tony muttered sighing softly, worried about them all before snickering at the look on kyra’s face. “ I do. I guess if it allows grant some peace of mind, I can be naked....though...grant?Sweetheart, you have to let loki see me naked, okay?”She said having guessed that his protective possessive streak wouldn’t like that. “You’re blushing so cutely.”Tony muttered kissing loki’s cheek.
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