In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Tony whimpered softly at the other’s words, pressing against his touch, pouting ever so slightly. “Not silly.”he grumbled before nodding, staring at the floor. “...We have. Howard didn’t know anything.”he agreed before shuddering at the idea of the captain in the bedroom, looking up at the other with wide and hopeful eyes, so hopeful it was sure to make steve want to kill howard for hurting his son so badly. Groaning as he was kissed he pulled back, still pretty far under, but having come up enough for the talk that he could focus and relax, and enjoy being with steve, and do whatever he wanted, simply because he knew steve wouldn’t hate him for it. Cause while he had known it, he’d still hid the kink about the captain, because he hadn’t been able to trust it. “Good?”He muttered looking hopefully as he shifted, nuzzling his cheek against the other’s hand, sighing softly at the feel of kevlar against his skin,rolling his eyes to look up at the other as he stripped, swallowing hard. “Mine. Me. I own you.”he muttered, something tight in his chest relaxing at the idea. Even if it still freaked him out, steve was his.
Steve snorted. "very silly." he teased, tone affectionate. "your still being punished for steeling my shield." he admitted. "Howard was one dumb shit." he agreed, smiling at the other as he saw those wide, hopeful yes, his heart hurting for poor Tony. if he could go back in time and beat the shit out of Howard... "my very good boy, even if you are naughty." he teased as he stroked Tony's face. "that's right. i'm yours." he agreed, grinning. "and you belong to me, Loki, Barton and whatever random lady you decide to bring home for the night. and Phil, because he owns all of us." he teased, eyes dancing. "now. stay there." he ordered as he headed over to the closet again. when he stepped out, he was fully dressed and in full captain mode. "on your feet Soldier!" he ordered. he even had the shield out, which he threw onto the bed. "lay on it. i'm going to fuck you over that thing, and your going to cum so many times you won't even be able to recognize the pattern on the front of it. maybe i should tie you down too?" he mused. "i plan on striping your ass well and good." he admitted.
“I shouldn’t be. It wasn’t my idea.”Tony sulked at the punishment, looking cheered at the idea he was good. That steve thought he was good. “You like me naughty.”he smiled a little grinning at the idea of belonging to them, of having someone, all of them. “Phil does own us all. We’re all ducklings.”Tony agreed snickering a little frowning a little as he was left before looking up at the captain as he walked out, eyes wide, already moving to his feet before he’d made the conscious decision to do so. Shuddering at the sight of the shield he looked at steve eyes blown so wide there was nearly no brown left, body curling in a little, so hard and needy that it was literally hurting as he nodded eagerly. “Please, please tie me up over the shield. Please.”he begged even as he laid down, settling in, oh yea, this was going to be amazing. Hours later tony panted as he slid to the side, panting as he closed his eyes, a arm tossed over steve’s body, and amusingly enough the shield snugged onto his arm, resting it over both of them, as if protecting both him and the good captain. “...that was amazing.”he muttered tiredly, utterly strung out and relaxed, starting to fall asleep, for the first time in weeks, utterly totally at ease with everything.

A few days later Kyra smiled slightly as she walked into the gym, smiling slightly at the sight of tony and grant sparring under steve’s watchful eye, supervising to make sure the two didn’t hurt each other or themselves. “How’s he doing?”she muttered moving to sit down next to steve, having needed a few moments of privacy to just relax and not worry about grant, having left him in the avengers care, not that she told grant she’d gotten him babysitters, but she still freaked out about the thought of him trying to leave again, so he got babysitters.
he huffed. "you know exactly how much i like people touching my things Tony Stark." he chastised. "you are being punished for taking the shield no matter whose idea it was. particularly with what happened LAST time you had it in your possession!" he growled, shaking his head. "i do like you naughty, naughty boy. your still being punished." he teased with a smirk as he watched the other intently before doing exactly as ordered and tying Tony down, that cold metal pressing into all of Tony's most sensitive places as Captain America gave him the fucking of a lifetime. "it was amazing. god. why didn't i do that before?" he wondered with a smile, watching Tony handle the shield. "looks good on you." he admitted.

Steve glanced at her and smiled before turning his attention back to the ring. "well Tony's doing better. he's stopped lowering his guard, finally. i guess he realized pretty damn fast that Clint doesn't have any regrets punching him in the face. Grant on the other hand is like a sponge. he sucks up everything fast. his only issue right now is his still lagging energy levels." he admitted. "Time!" he called as soon as he saw Grants swings going wide. a sign he was getting tired. Grant shot him a sulky little glare but obediently slide out of the ring, panting and looking rather delectable as he stripped off his shirt so he could use it to wipe his face free of sweat.
”That was epic...we’re doing that again. Later.”Tony shuddered shifting getting comfortable holding onto the shield, as if it had oepneed a part of him open, a comfort level that he wasn’t sure would last when he let go of it. So he was hanging onto the shield as long as steve let him. “Cause you’re not as kinky as you think you are...and I make anything look amazing.”he smirked tiredly.

Kyra nodded, laughing softly. “Good. It took him long enough to realize that.”Kyra snickered amused because tony might bitch and whine about having to do the hand to hand fighting, but it was good for him, and tony knew it. Smiling softly as she watched grant, “He was always like that. Always a quick study.”She said quiet pride and happiness in the words, the dom in her taking pride in knowing her sub was doing okay. “He’s doing better. Each day, he’s not getting as tired as fast.”She smiled a little, eyes going wide at the sight of that much bare skin, shuddering as she watched him. “...Grant?How you feeling?”She said watching him, for once, not watching his face to see his response, having gotten good at ready his expressions, instead utterly distracted by the sight of all that glorious beautiful skin.
Steve chuckled and nodded. "i know. he gets lazy when i spar with him because i won't actually hit him." he admitted with a shake of his head. "ge really is an amazing study. he's picking up sign language like he was born to it." he admitted. "he's learning it faster than the rest of us are." he grumbled, amused because he knew Tony was still working on that gadget to help Grant talk again. sort of. "he is doing a lot better. and he's not showing any possessive displays or territorial issues." which Phil had started displaying. he would chase people away from Clint for hours at times, or away from Clint's 'nests' or away from his drawings. he could get pretty nasty about it too. "i'm a bit worried though.. i haven't seen Loki in days. i know he's still alive, because he's been staying with Clint, but Loki hasn't been interacting with us the way he usually does, i think he might be ill or something." he admitted watching Grant as the man signed 'i am feeling well.' to her since she wasn't watching his face, looking amused.
“Exactly. This way he gets both a good workout and grant gets a sparring partner at his own pace.”kyra grinned a little before nodding, “He really is amazing. Makes me feel silly sometimes trying to keep up.”She said snickering a little because she knew tony was still fiddlign around with a gadget to help grant talk somewhat if he wanted to, it just wasn’t going well for the man, and it was utterly frustrating the genius. Hence why he was down here sparring. “Thank god. I was worried, but I think he’s going to be okay. No signs or drawings or anything.”kyra smiled before frownign a little.”Tell tony. He’s probably bouncing between projects and sparring and thoughts to fast to realize it’s been that long since he’s seen loki. Check on him.”Kyra shrugged a little lookign worried to before startling a little as grant signed, flushing as she looked up at his face.”Sorry.”She muttered blushing as she looked up at him.
Steve nodded with a grin. "he gets a bit frustrated with me holding him back though." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's really very clever." he agreed. "he's kind of like a child yet." he admitted. "and he'd be the first to admit it. he's never been able to flourish and grow the way he is here." he smiled. "i'm really glad we could give him that." he admitted. "i was a bit worried too. i don't know if he could have handled being separated from you." he admitted. then again, they weren't really aware of what had set Phil off either. it was either seeing Clint on the news, or seeing the drawings, or something they hadn't discovered yet. but everyone was breathing easier the longer Grant didn't 'display' as they where calling it. "i think i'm going to have to. i tried to check on him yesterday and he just told me he was busy and to not disturb him please. he didn't even open the door." he admitted, looking worried as he moved over to Tony, gently touching his shoulder. "Tony? when was the last time you saw Loki?" he asked, ignoring Grant and Kyra. Grant just grinned at his lover, highly amused as he signed 'wanna go fuck?' to her. 'Bruce said i was cleared for Sex'.
"I know but its good for him. He can't handle a full workout yet."she looked worried before nodding."youre right. He is....neither of us really had a be simple kjds. So being here,is like... rediscovering that."kyra smiled so very glad grant was growing and finding himself, even if she still enjoyed giving him orders and all."...i dont think either of us would have done well with being separated."she shrugged a little nodding."do...I'm worried now that you mention it."kyra said before her eyes widened at grant'swords nodding eagerly as she leaned up for a kiss."oh yea."she smiled kissing him lightly.

"Hm?"tony frowned as he pulled the tape off his hands tilting his head."uh"he frowned really thinking about it."a few days?"
he nodded. "i know." he admitted before smiling at her. "you've grown a lot too since you first came to stay with us." he admitted. "your not so skittish anymore, and you assert yourself in conversations instead of waiting to be spoken to. you even go into the fridge with other people watching now." he grinned at her. "and you've become very opinionated too." he teased with a snicker. "probably not." he agreed. "but if he does start to Display, it's the only way to keep you both safe." he admitted before heading over to Tony since Grant was entertaining Kyra now, kissing her back eagerly before nearly dragging her out of the gym and up to the bedroom. he was horny as hell!

Steve shook his head. "Tony it's been over two weeks. i haven't seen him since you got your memories back." he admitted, looking worried. "three weeks then? i don't know. i tried to check on him yesterday and he did respond but he wouldn't open the door. i'm worried. i think somethings wrong." he admitted, looking at Tony. "go and check on him? he always responds to you."
"Its alot cause of him. Of knowing he liekes me no matter what and I'm guys gave me that. So its great."kyra grinned happy to be here and to be so utterly liked by the people with her."i know it will be but I dont like it."kyra sighed smiling a little before grinning as she was dragged out smirking a little."horny are you?"kyra teased.

"...really?oh. Yea its been that long."he frowned thoughtfully before nodding."I'll go talk to him."he said heading for the sorcerervs room knocking lightly having learned his lesson about just walking in."loki?"
he smiled at her. "your a wonderful woman, of course we like you." he promised. "even Skye likes you, despite being super terrified of you." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. 'very horny! it's been days.' he signed, pouting at her. 'i don't like Dr. Bruce.' he complained as he started stripping once they where in the privacy of their bedroom, kissing her deeply trying to unbutton her shirt at the same time. he was going to finally get laid! woohoo!

he nodded. "thanks Tony. i might not like the little shit, but i kinda do, you know?" he asked with a smile. admitting he liked Loki as a person, now that was a big step! "go away please. i'm busy." Loki ordered, sounding exhausted and rather ruined. but he didn't have his 'Magic in Progress' things up so it would probably be safe to enter. Loki was too tired to work magic anyway. if Tony did test the door, he would see Loki standing in the middle of the room, muttering under his breath as he examined hundreds of drawings, of carvings, paintings that had the same design as Phil's carvings. all of them matching up to different sections of stars. other people where carving. where making the marks if this was anything to go by. Loki himself looked terrible. he hadn't bathed in days if his limp greasy hair was anything to go by. he was emaciated, you could tell he had lost weight, when he'd already been too thin. he had dark bags under his eyes, indicated he hadn't slept in a long while. he looked like shit, and honestly he looked like the time Howard had a psychotic break.
“I am fairly wonderful. And she’s rightfully terrified.”Kyra snickered a little amused before smirking at grant. “So it has. I told you you couldn’t go a week without sex.”she teased smirking, raising a eyebrow. “And why don’t you like dr. Bruce?”she smirked as she kissed him, moaning deeply, hands tangling in his hair, for a moment ignoring the need to get undressed in favor of kissing him, even as she slid her hands over his bare stomach.

“Yea I know. It’s good.Makes me feel better.”Tony said smiling, relieved that at least the two main people in his life got along. Frowning at the sound of loki’s words, he growled. Snarling to himself as he pushed open the door, frowning at the man. “Loki Laufeyson, what the fuck are you doing?!”Tony snarled sounding utterly pissed at finding the man in such a state.
Grant just rolled his eyes and pouted at her. his way of asking her to be nice to Skye. he understood that she hadn't meant to hurt him. he just hadn't handled it well, that was all. 'he wouldn't let me have sex or do anything fun. i like Bruce a lot better when he's not my doctor.' Grant signed, smiling as he kissed her eagerly, desperate to have her naked and beneath him. he worked her body like the expert he was, humming through his nose as he finally found himself inside of her after so long. he knew he was being mean to her, teasing her so much, but god he loved the way she moaned.

He smiled a little at the other. "hey. i have accepted his presence in our lives. i still don't like him." he lied with a smile before letting Tony go deal with Loki. Loki gasped, turning to face Tony with wide startled eyes. Tony never used his full name! he hated his full name and it was only ever used when he was really in massive trouble. oh. he WAS in massive trouble. he cringed and looked at the star charts and drawings. "i'm... uhm... solving?" he asked, well aware Tony wasn't going to find that an acceptable answer. nor was the truth of 'i was drowning myself in work so it wouldn't hurt as much when you left me.'
Kyra sighed softly, rolling her eyes. “I know I know, stop looking like I kicked your favorite puppy.”She muttered sighing softly. Snickering at his answer as she nudged her nose against his cheek, nuzzling him. “I think we all do.”She snickered a little moaning softly as they got undressed, whining, whimpering as the other slid into her, growling at the utterly slow pace as the man teased her.

Tony growled softly looking at the man as he was stared at. “So I can see. Well. You’re done for now.And you’re going to shower. Then eat. And then we’re going to go get scolded. Cause behaving like me is not a acceptable pastime loki, and there’s no one who delivers a disappointed look like the Captain. Jarvis?Tell steve to meet us in the bedroom in a bit.”he ordered even as he directed loki to the shower and turned it on, settling in to help the other shower and clean up
he just doubled the pathetic 'you kicked my puppy' look. he hummed happily as she nuzzled him and grinned impishly as she growled at her, speeding up as he matched their lips together again. kissing her with an intense desire as he slowly sped up, stroking her body with his hands because he just couldn't not touch her. she was his. all his. only his. he would make sure she never left him. never. the next thing she knew, his hands where around her neck, squeezing tightly as he strangled her, even as he thrust in and out of her, fucking her to death as it where.

Loki swallowed thickly. "but i'm so close Tony! i'm..." he fell silent at the orders, because he couldn't not follow an order. he slunk into the shower attached to his room and was soon getting clean with Tonys help. he hadn't even realized how long it had been, not really. he knew Tony was going to leave him for Steve, it was only a matter of time, he didn't want t be there to witness it first hand. "! Tony, you can't!" Loki gasped as he realized that Tony was going to let Steve see him, helpless. he wasn't ready for that kind of thing, especially when Tony was going to leave him anyway.
“Kyra laughed softly, whimpering as the other thrust into her, kissing him back slowly, hands running over his back before her eyes widened as she realized she couldn’t breath, kicking at him.”Grant!G-Jarvis!”She choked, going still under his hands, blacking out.

“I don’t care. You’re taking a break now.”tony ordered cleaning up before sighing, “I can. Or at least ask if he wants to watch, I heard from a little birdie he enjoyed the thought of it.”Clint and his big mouth. “A-” “Sir!Loki, Kyra needs you right now. Grant is attacking her.”Jarvis said sounding worried and upset, which said just how the attack was going for what had been a defenseless surprised kyra.
Grant didn't seam to realize she was speaking at all as he strangled her. "yes. you'll be mine. mine forever now." he whispered, shivering as he came and tightened his hands around her throat, eyes glassy as he made sure she couldn't get away.

Loki winced a little. "...Tony please... anyone but him." he pleaded before pausing as he realized that Steve might... want to watch? he got dressed slowly, not at all willing to expose himself to Steve like that, but wanting to obey Tony anyway. "fuck." Loki breathed, realizing that his own emotional state was going to have to wait as he followed Tony out of the room and into the hall. it was Steve who had gotten there first, backhanding Grant off of her and then holding him still, pinned to the floor as Loki rushed over to Kyra, checking her breathing and performing the magical equivalent of CPR when he realized she wasn't breathing.
“If you’re really that against it-”Tony sighed softly cursing as he bolted for the door, running out and nearly running into steve’s back as the good captain got there first, wincing at the sound a the smack even as he knelt next to loki and tried to help him revive kyra, breathing out a sigh of relief as she jolted, choking as she rolled to her side. Whimpering as she curled up. Tony sighed softly, glancing at steve,”Grant?”he asked trying to see if the man was back to himself.
Loki shook his head, he wasn't against it, he just didn't want to watch while Steve said no and Tony chose Steve over him. he raced down the hall, worries about Tony and Steve forgotten in light of saving Kyra's life. Grant was still now, tears streaming down his face as he realized what he'd done. "he's going to need to be put on suicide watch." Loki warned, Steve nodding as Loki carefully healed the broken bones in Kyra's neck. she would bruise pretty bad but she wouldn't have to wear a cast or eat soft foods or loose her voice. Grant had cracked, not broken the bones in her neck so she was lucky. "Loki, Jesus you look like shit." Steve admitted as he examined the man. "are you ill or something?" "yeah. sure. ill." heartsick more like.
“We’ll put him up in our room. Between me and cap, either of us is usually up.”Tony frowned a little watching grant, his heart hurting as he realized the mute man indeed knew just what he’d almost done. “...grant?”Kryra muttered blinking slowly, rolling her eyes trying to see more of the room without moving to much, not wanting to hurt herself more or anything. “He’s going to rest himself after we take care of these two, and no arguments about that.”Tony said twitching a little, annoyance at loki’s current state still showing in his voice.
Steve shook his head. "we're going to be busy tonight." he told tony, glancing at Loki so Tony would get the message. it was time to make this work. for all of them. "he'll stay with Bruce or Clint. they'll do rotating shifts with Natasha and, Sam?" he decided. "Sam can certainly help him through this emotional mess. he is still here isn't he?" he asked, not sure since he had seen Sam hanging around. "James too. James can keep him calm, he's good at that." he admitted, watching Loki wince and cower a little under Tony's annoyance. god, how had he not noticed how submissive that little shit really was? "he's right here Kyra. he's pretty upset." Steve explained, carefully letting Grant up and letting him hug her, sobbing as he signed he was sorry and that he loved her and that he was sorry over and over again because he didn't seam to understand what had happened, other than that he had nearly killed her.
Tony raised his eyebrows, looking at the godling himself, looking startled at steve’s words, tilting his head a little before nodding. “That works. And yea, sam’s here. He’s staying put for now, since he said we were all to much of a emotional mess to not have two pyschologists to talk to if we wanted.”Tony said snickering a little, knowing sam was staying because he was worried about them all. Tony sighed softly, absently reaching out and stroking the other’s hair to calm him.”Its okay.”He muttered before looking at kyra. Eyes so very pained as he watched the couple. “Loki, you’re going to need to do that thing for kyra you did for clint, when you’re feeling up to it.”He muttered absently stroking loki’s hair. “Hey,hey, we’re okay. I’m sorry. You’re good. I’m okay, Grant.”Kyra muttered her voice and throat hurting even as she hugged the sobbing man back, clinging to him, eyes closed as she leaned against him. Knowing that whatever came next, was going to utterly hurt them all.
Loki grimaced as he realized he wasn't going to be able to slink his way out of this one. "good, we'll all take turns watching him." he promised as he grinned, pleased that Sam was still there. he had a feeling that they where all going to need a good psychologist when this was over. "yes. i can do it. not now. i'm to tired, i'll do it wrong in the state i'm in..." Loki admitted with a sigh. at least he wasn't stupid enough to pretend he was fine when he was so clearly not. he couldn't help but lean into the hand, certain it was going to be the last time Tony touched him. he wondered if he'd have to leave? Grant just sobbed and shook his head. he wasn't good. she wasn't okay. it wasn't alright. he had tried to kill her. the woman he loved more than anything and he'd tried to kill her. "we're going to need to Sedate him." Steve sighed. "he's too worked up and he's not calming down." "i've got it." Bruce promised as he walked in, medical kit in hand as he gently sedated Grant, giving him just enough that he was floating on a haze, without putting him to sleep.
“And kyra. You get to spend time with Clint. You can keep each other company. Compare notes on the events that triggered things.”Tony said watching the woman, before looking at loki. “I know. Later. She’ll be okay for now. We’ll just keep them apart for the time being.”Tony muttered sighing softly as he watched the couple, hating this. This was horrible, he’d hoped that the man wouldn’t show signs, but this was going to be hard. “Hey, hey I got you.Stop grant.”She muttered stroking his hair, wincing a little before nodding as he was sedated, smiling quietly as he moved back to help lay grant down, pain showing in her face as she leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead. “Rest Grant.”She said quietly looking so worried about him. "Jarvis, will you get clint and sam to come here?"Tony asked smiling a little when the AI relayed the request, looking at kyra. "You need to go. if he wakes still upset, it'll be worse if you're here."
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