In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Kyra sighed softly, “Don’t move. It’ll hurt.”She muttered sounding so upset she couldn’t make this better, closing her eyes before nodding a little. “I know it is. It’s still hard to not be able to do anything.”She smiled before relaxing, “You’re right, you can.”She said after awhile dropping back to sleep, simply exhausted.

Tony was tense and annoyed before wincing at the growl.”About this you might.”He grumbled annoyed and still disbelieving that anyone could want to be with him as he was right now, because he was perfectly aware of just how annoying he could be he couldn’t believe anyone wuld be happy like that. Frowning as he ducked his head, staring at the floor as he frowned a little.”....I’m always submissive to you.”he frowned sounding slightly confused before realizing what the other meant. He wanted him fighting the whole way down. “...I’m not...I...”He stuttered, even know resisitng admitting he was in love, he just couldn’t. Because he never got to keep good things, he always lost them. Culdn’t admit that he wanted steve, because it meant he’d lose him.” still have your piercings....I’ve given it some thought. They’re fairly hot.”He muttered, as close to saying sorry for freaking out when he’d first seen them as he’d get, cause despite having just apologized, when it was something big, something this painful for him, it was like pulling teeth and he wouldn’t, couldn’t do it. Twitching a little as he realized steve was making a effort, wanted him enough to figure out how to tell what he meant when he talked.”Speaking tony huh?”He muttered before whining a little. “Something to help him speak...can’t talk...but I can give him something to use...something better then a tablet, or pen and paper...”he muttered sounding exhausted not fighting to get up and work, which said he was already giving in, simply arguing because he couldn’t not.
Steve shook his head. "Didn't I promise when we first started fucking that I would never lie to you?" He asked with a smile. "There is a difference Tony. Between being submissive, and being a slave. I don't like slaves. I don't like it when you just so what your told to." He admitted, smiling at Tony. "I like your obstanane ans stubborness." He admitted before he smiled and kissed the other deeply. "You so, ot's okay if you can't say it. Or hear it." He admitted. "Because I know it's the truth and that's all that matters." He promised with a smile before letting Tony drop it. "Of course they're hot. They have your face on them. Your narcassism insists that you like them." Steve teased him. His way of accepting the opology. He was learning to speak Tony very well. "Well you can't work on it now." Steve ordered as he stood up, still cradling Tony. "Your going to come have a nap with me. I've been having nightmares that only go when I'm snuggling someone and Clint's been too busy cuddling Phil." He lied, aware that Tony wouldmn't sleep for himself, but would happily help Steve sleep. "Then we're going to eat. Because I have new recipes to try on you. Then you can have some coffee, I got some fancy stuff from arabia. It smells like shit so I know you'll like it."
" did. Thats true."tony muttered frowning a little as he turned his head into the others chest, unabashedly snuggling."hmmm I'll remind you of that next time you call me a stubborn bastard."tony snickered a little before laughing softly moaning as he was kissed. Closing his ryes as he nodded a little."...okay."he muttered accepting that steve knew he loved him,and that it was okay."hm I'd protest being a narcissist but we all know its a lie."tony smiled a little glad that the other accepted the apology. "Okay. Sleep then food."he decided glad to be able to help and glad to keep the nightmares away.

A few days later kyra smiled a little as she watched grant pressing a kiss to his forehead."you okay?"she muttered stroking his hair trying to not fuss as much as she wanted, so weirded out that he was actually healed. That he was was hard to think about.
Grant offered her a beaming smile and nodded as he carefully stretched and moved. Wary of stiffness or pain that might be lingering. Nope. There was nothing. He was fully healed. He could still make sme sounds, and if asked a yes or no question could grunt an assent, or hiss a negative. "He's fine." Bruce promised her as he stared, stunned at the mri and x-rays he'd taken. "He'll never speak again, but he's healthy and strong." He promised her, wondering if he aught to admit that Grant's recovery was impossible. He had a huge puckered scar across his neck, one that should have taken at least a month, more likely two to heal, instead of two or three days. "You need to take ot easy for a week or more still. While your healed, your still week and you'll tire very easily. If you get tired you need to rest." Bruce ordered Grant who nodded. He would be extra careful and rest when he needed it. Kyra would skin him alive otherwise. "Make sure to drink plenty of fluids. I want you to eat only soft foods and fluids for a while. Your stomach is going to be sensative for a bit." Bruce warned. "If you get dizzy, have any pain at all, or if you start showing odd signs I want you to come to me immidiatly." Grant nodded again and grunted his aggrement, "good. Now, Steve has a massive pot of chicken soup upstairs, go eat."
Kyra swallowed, relaxing as he could get up on his own, and move. Pleased that he seemed to be doing okay, looking at bruce. “Thank you.”She said softly, so glad that the doctor could at least offer that much. At least she trusted him enough to know that he wouldn’t lie over something like this. “I’ll make sure he’s okay.”She muttered fussing over grant a little as she wrapped a arm around his waist as they headed for the kitchen. “You better come to, bruce. You need to eat to.”She pointed out pausing, nearly wanting to walk out of the kitchen she saw skye eating her own bowl of soup, but willing to do this, if it helped grant. “Hey grant.”Skye said looking up at him, looking a little anxious having been kept away from visiting by kyra, it was teh first time she’d seen him since he left.
He offered her another smile and gently kissed her cheek, as if he thought she was the one who had been hurt. "No problem." Bruce peomised with a smile, looking a bit worried es he examined Grant. "Keep a close eye on him though, tell me if he exhibits any unusual symptoms at all okay? Ticks, or fidgets he didn't so before." He ordered. "We don't know if Skye's... unique blood carried over to him pr not." He admitted. "She saved his life you know. She was the only viable blood donor in the tower." He admitted. "Try to cut her a little slack, okay?" Bruce suggested as Grant finishd making himself presentable and paid attention to them again. He nodded at Kyra's suggestion. "Yeah, food would be good." He agreed with a smile. He was a bit worried how Kyra was going to hamdle Skye. He knew Grant had forgiven her, Bruce had explained to Grant, and apologized greatly to the man for being the cause of such a heartbreak. Grant smiled at Skye and moved over to her, gently tugging on a lock of her hair and kissed her forehead. Trying to tell her that it was okay.
Kyra smiled, leaning into him for a moment as he kissed her cheek, closing her eyes for a moment. “I will.I...I talked to phil, to see what to look for.”She muttered looking worried before frowning, giving him that look and reluctantly nodding, knowing he was right, but she still wasn’t happy with the girl.”I’ll try.”She muttered because she had so many problems, when both skye and bruce had made him bolt, and she was trying so hard to not feel to much, tightly wound and in control, refusing to feel to much, because if she did, she was afraid of just how much anger she’d show. “I know, I know.”She muttered knowing what he was trying to say, gently pushing out a chair. “Sit, you’re about to witness a miracle. Tony stark, cooking.” “Wait, what?” “Okay, not really cooking. Steve’s allowing him to stir the noddles and pretend he’s cooking.” “I can hear you guys talking about me, you know?” “I know.”
He nodded. "Then you knpw what will happen if he starts getting overly possesive of you?" Phil had done that just the other night, took a butchers knife to Natasha for snuggling with Clint. She'd kicked Phil's ass of course, and Loki's spell kept Phil from hurting Clint but it had been damn scary to see. "And Kyra? I'm sorry too, for the part I played in all of this." He admitted softly. "I was only trying to help, so we wouldn't hurt him. Guess we fucked that up." He admitted with a sigh watching at Grant interacted with Skye. The big tough assasin man dove to the floor when he heard Tony was cooking, as if waiting for an explosion, making both Steve and James laugh. James still wearing his long sleeve and glove. Still hiding his metal arm astonishingly well.
“I know. I’ve already asked Loki to be prepared if we need him to do the same spell he did for clint.”She took a shuddering breath. “It would be hard, but I wont let him hurt me, he’d lose it if he did.”She muttered quietly, still shaken at that night’s events. “I know. I know....I’m not...”She took a deep breath.”Okay, I’m still angry, but I’m not going to attack you. Or skye.”She said, hoping that it was true. That she’d be safe around them. “Yea, but you had good intentions.”She muttered laughing as he dove for cover. “Hey hey hey, even I can stir noodles. Stop overreacting.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he huffed, turning his head as the dark haired assassin neared him, watching james reach out for natasha, tilting his head, eyes glazing over a little as he started to put the clues and peices together. “It’s not fair hiding amazing tech from me.”He pouted at james as he sipped his coffee.
He nodded. "We might need to so the same for Skye." He admitted. "We're not sure though. We know Phil attacks the people he loves, as did all of the others. But we don't know of it's all love or just specific ones. We know Phil doesn't attack his freinds or get overly possesive of them. But Grant does love Skye like a sister and he might target her too because of that." He admitted before he smiled at her. "You really don't want to attack me. While hulk is better... he still takes exception to that. And Skye's just helpless. You wouldn't hit her knowing she can't fight back right? She's pretty hwlpless you know." He admitted with a smile as Grant crawled under the table for deeper cover. He had seen Tony cook. Not even water was safe with him around. James tensed and yanked his arm back, yanking his sleeve back down to fully cover the arm, offering Tony a furious, panicked look, as if he was wondering if he should shoot them all in the head or just go underground.
“I’lll tell the others. She’s avoiding me. And while Grant probably wont leave my company for awhile, just in case, I’d rather everyone be ready to stop him from hurting her if it is indeed is specific people or what.”She frowned worried about exactly how grant was, hating not being able to figure out how this was going to go. Rubbing a hand over her face she smiled a little,”I know, I know. It’s just...I don’t know.”She sighed quietly, hating just how angry she was, and having no outlet, because seh didn’t want to yell at them, “I’ll probably ask james to spar now that grant’s up.”She smiled a little, because she hadn’t felt comfortable leaving grant alone, so this way, at least she could get grant to go down to the gym with her, not leaving him alone. Smirking a little as she looked at grant, gently reaching down to run her fingers through his hair.”Hey, if you’re down there, you might as well be useful.”She smirked, leering a little as she tugged on his hair a little, teasing him as she spread her legs just a little, teasing. “...”Tony met james’ look before returning to what he was doing. For once, not glomping on new tech....and people said he was incapable of resisting or indulging himself. Maybe figuring out things with steve had soothed not, there was still issues with him being accepting on that front, but it seemed knowing james was upset was enough to make the genius leave him alone, at least for now.”....Soup’s done.”
Bruce nodded. "If he does start exhibing some symptoms, you'll most likely be his main obsession." He warned. "So you'll have to be careful around him once he starts exhibiting. Fortunetly, the collar and drug system I've made for Phil works very well. If Grant does start exhibiting symptoms I'll make another collar for him as well." He promosed. "We so have an advantage when dealing with Grant at least. We already know what's going to happen, if it happens. We already have safety measures in place." Bruce admitted. "Having Grant get some light exersize would be very good for him." Bruce agreed. "And you really need to pound on someone." He admitted with a smile and a chuckle.

"No sex." Bruce ordered. "He hasn't the strength for it." And he didn't want to run the risk of Grant attacking her during intercourse. Grant sulked even as he laid his head on her inner thigh, a little surprised ny how much he really liked sitting at her feet, hidden from everything. James on the other hand, looked a little shocked that no one was making a big deal of his mechanical arm. Maybe it would be okay? His arm had been getting steadily more painful, maybe Tony could fix it? He decided to ignore it for now and settled, cautiously as the table as Grant finally emerged and took his own place at the table, enjoying his first meal in days. He'd been fer intraveinously while he'd been in his healing coma.
“...I know. I go to bed armed normally, we both do. I’ll just make sure to be careful if he does, and not to be worried about asking for help.”She muttered hating that she was so scared that things would go badly with grant, but glad that they ready in case he did start showing signs. “I know we have them ready...I just hope we don’t need them.”She muttered smiling slightly before laughing quietly. “Maybe I’ll get tony down to the gym, he’s usually working out a little, might be a good partner for grant to have...and I’ll beat on james.”She snickered a little, knowing she was going to want to pound on someone who could actually tire her out, and james was always good at helping her work things out.

“...Damn. Later then.”Kyra teased smiling a little as she looked down at grant, gently stroking his hair, enjoying the feel of him sitting against her legs, blushing a little. Wondering if this was a new kink or something. Smiling softly as they all settled down in to eat, tensing a little when tony spoke. She should have known he couldn’t leave well enough alone. “Hey. Barnes.The arm. You know Hydra tech sucks right. I’m amazing. I can fix it if its wrong.”Tony said glancing at steve, hoping he was saying the right thing in asking to help, instead of being demanding to help.
Bruce nodded. "good. we might consider disarming him for the time being, though i don't know how well he'll handle that." he admitted, frowning a little. "good. and don't worry, we're making a lot of progress with Phil. and Loki hasn't stopped working on the problem since Tony and Steve go back together... i think he thinks Tony's going to abandon him now that Tony and Steve are pretty much a couple now." he admitted with a sigh. "Tony and Grant would make good sparring partners. Tony needs to do some fighting without the suit." he admitted. "unfortunately he's a human amidst meta humans so there hasn't been anyone to spar with him before."

Grant grinned at her. he had no intention of following that rule. no sex indeed, Brue was a mad man if he thought that rule was going to stick. he sighed, relaxing into the stroking touch, a smile on his lips. he had missed touching her. he'd been too sick for her to touch him much in the last few days. James tensed as Tony spoke again and gripped his metal arm, staring at Tony, his dark eyes boring into Tony's as if looking for something before he relaxed a little. "yeah. okay. it has been causing a few problems." he admitted. he had seen nothing in Tony's eyes that indicated he wanted to do anything... bad, so it would be okay, he was sure.
“...he’ll freak. I’ll keep it in mind...but not until I have to, will I disarm him.”She siad knowing what it would mean to grant if she deprived him of his weapons, that she didn’t trust him. She couldn’t do that to him. “I know...and I don’t think tony’s going to abandon anyone. He likes loki...even if he’s still having problems. They should just all sit down and talk really.”Kyra said rolling her eyes a little at the silly before before nodding. “I’ll mention it to him then.It’ll be good for him.”

Kyra smiled amsued because she knew grant wouldn’t follow the rule, simply glad for the moment to touch him. Knowing he was there. “...”Tony stared at james, letting the other to decide what he wanted before grinning. “Awesome. You want to go down no-” “Tony. Finish eating.”Natasha said already seeing the manicness starting to set in, intending to feed the man as much as they could before he went off on a science binge
He nodded. "alright. sounds good." he agreed. "the last thing we want to do is frighten him or make him angry." he admitted with a chuckle. "no, but Loki is very much used to being dropped and abandoned." he admitted. "as far as i know, every single person Loki has ever loved left him, abandoned him, or betrayed him." he admitted. "can ou really blame him for thinking Tony will too?"

"no i don't." James stated firmly. "we will do it after i have eaten three times as much as the average human being." he informed Tony. "i get very grumpy if i miss a meal." Steve just nodded. James had always been like that. a hungry James, was a pissy James. of course James always tok his time eating, savoring every little mouthful. for all the years he'd lived in the control of Hydra, he'd mostly eaten tasteless protein bars and slop.
“No, I can’t.”Farian sighed, hoping the boy’s would figure it out.

“Oh.Okay.”Tony said pouting a little at not being able to go do it right now, but willing to let james eat first even when he took his time, fidgeting and nervous. “You know, steve next time you get angry with tony, I think you should let james punish him by doing this. I mean, look at him. Tony’s about to twitch apart.”Kyra teased amused as she ate herself, stretching, “Hey, when you two are done doing the tech thing, come find me okay?”She said looking at the two. “...Why?”Tony said looking supicious. “Cause Bruce said it’d be okay for grant to work out, and you’re the best work out partner for him, and I really, really want to spar with james.” “...If you could spar with Cap. If he wanted to. I mean...he’s a super soldier. He’d wear you out just as fast.”Skye offered nervously looking at the two, having not drawn kyra’s attention on purpose to her for days, she was nervous, but relaxing when the woman simply took a deep breath and relaxed. "Cap?"Kyra said looking up at the blond, who was in all reality about to get abandoned in favor of tony doing tech, so it'd be awhile before tony surfaced for anything as mundane as sex or food.
James smirked, pleased when Tony simply backed down. good, he could at least moderately control Tony then. hopefully he could then keep the other from doing anything too outrageous. "you know. you might be right." Steve admitted, looking amused. "especially since withholding sex is an impossible feat." he admitted. "certainly." James agreed with a nod, knowing Kyra needed to beat something up before she exploded. "yeah i can do some sparring." Steve agreed. "i'm not as good at hand to hand as James is though." he admitted. "i do have a longer reach and a stronger constitution though, he's as fragile as a flower." he winced when James punched him, but gamely refused to rub the spot where he'd been punched. "we'll go beat on each other after we're done eating." he agreed. "Tony's going to be gone for hours, and i have a gentle enough touch i could spar with grant after too." he admitted. "if he wants." Grant just nodded, pleased to know he could still spar despite his lagging energy levels.
"Just tell him when something bothers you. He's horrible at understanding people,but if you tell him, he'll listen."natasha said studying james and understanding why he was worried."hm I'm so irresistible even angry you couldnt say no. Im awesome.i have the good captain wr-" "oh god,you got his ego going."kyra said snickering a little."awesome. I'll still spar with james after.but it'll be nice getting a workout now."kyra smiled so happy with the idea, to get the agression out before she hurt someone."switching partners is always good for a workout."kyra smiled amused at the two friends bickering even as tony looked ready to explode with impatience even if he was being calm and quiet about it.
he nodded. "i'll keep that in mind, thanks." James muttered, giving her a small kiss before snorting as Tony started going on about himself again, Steve just rolled his eyes. "of course i got his Ego going, he gives the BEST Blowjobs when he's smug and self satisfied." Steve admitted with a snicker before smiling at Kyra. "sounds like a plan. oh, and Skye? your meeting Bruce at Three." "she is?" "yes. your going to teach her that eastern fighting stuff you do." "oh. alright. sure. it is a little sad how helpless she is." Bruce agreed, smirking at Skye, teasing her. "Fitz and Simmons will be taking lessons from Natasha. she already agreed." Steve admitted as James finished off his meal and stood. "come on then Squint." he ordered Tony, winking at Steve who promptly choked on his juice because he'd tried to laugh. calling Tony a Squint was just mean.
"...i could have lived without that visual when I'm restricted to no sex."kyra sulked a little."what?"skye looked up startled before looking amused as she looked at bruce smiling."cool. I'll enjoy that....I'm not helpless!" "Youre worse then tony.just stop protesting."kyra snickered amused as she finished eating.

"What?what?!I'm not a squint. Shut up!"tony huffed sounding excitedly annoyed as they headed for the lab smiling happily as he settled in to work, careful to not startle the other as he did indeed get into the zone of working and pretty much ignoring james' presence as he worked unless he needed the other to do something. So very focused on the tch
Steve just smiled ever so innocently at her as Grant made the soft snuffling sort of sound that was his laughter. it was made mostly though the air going through his nose, it was really kind of a cute noise. "Tony has a giant metal can he fights in. i think that's an unfair assessment of his skills. besides, didn't you hear what he did to Killian? he did most of that without a suit." Steve admitted. "she's still worse than Tony." "true, but she's better than Fitzsimmons." he admitted with a grin.

"you are a Squint." James scoffed as he followed Tony. it was clear what the problem was right away when James had to actually soak his shoulder in warm water before he could remove the arm, because dried blood had basically glued it in place. the metal parts where rubbing against his skin, to the bone in some places. which wasn't as bad as it might have been, considering he healed such injuries in a matter of minutes, half an hour tops, it still hurt like a bitch, anytime he used it. he sat and watched as Tony worked on the arm, which had a habit of locking up when he tried to do anything more complicated than throwing something or bashing someone's skull in. surprisingly, he still had a pretty decent stump which the arm was anchored to, giving it a lot more fine motor skills... if it had been made with the same skill as Deathlocks technology had been. it wasn't though, that metal arm was pretty much the very first arm ever created. Hydra had never bothered to update it because James was replaceable.
"True. He does have the suit."skye smiled a little before nodding."I had heard. I just hadnt believed i5."she smiled a little before making a face."I'm not that bad."she sulked a little as she followed bruce out. Kyra smiled softly at grant's laugh,it was adorable."come on.lets go see how you're doing. And then you can rest while me and steve spar."she smiled genlty fussing over grant as they headed for the gym.

"I feel depressed and worry as a whole that you had to deal with this. This is just horrible tech."tony said talking mostly not because he was talking to james but he was incapable of being quiet. Looking at the man as he finished setting the arm in place he bit his lip looking nervous,afraid the other would absolutely hate the new arm."okay?"he asked glancing at the other man
Steve chuckled a little. "he also boxes rather regularly." he admitted. "he likes to think that someday he'll land a hit on me." he admitted. "silly of him to think such a thing." he admitted as he smiled at Grant. that was like, super adorable. he was glad the man still smiled and laughed. being muted hadn't seamed to affect Grant in the least. he followed Grant and Kyra out, watching them. "you know, it's super cute how you two dote on each other." he admitted with a grin. "you sit down and rest while i put your upstart girlfriend in her place." Steve ordered, making Grant snort and sit down to watch.

James shrugged. he didn't care about the level of Tech so long as it worked properly, or at least well enough to do what he wanted it to do. he grunted a little as the Arm was slipped on and he glanced at Tony before he ran a 'status check'. flexing the fingers, rotating the wrist, bending the elbow, rolling his shoulder. "it responds better. there's no delay." James stated, mostly for Tony's benefit. "fine motor skills are up to 87%. no glitches." he muttered before reaching out and picked up a pencil. "dexterity, 90%." he sounded highly pleased. "Gentle touch. 98%. Strength control, 100%." he muttered as he drew a funny little stick figure. "i'm going to need practice to get my hand eye coordination and my fine motor skills back, but by and large this is at least 95% improvement." he admitted, looking rather ecstatic as he rolled his arm, testing for limits. "and there's no pain at all. very impressive. i can't believe i was afraid to let you work on this. you didn't even do anything weird."
"Im sure you're always willing to give hand on lessons if he wants to learn boxing."kyra snickered because she knew that while it was a simple obsession for tony, for steve it was just a way of making sure tony could defend himself if needed."oh?and you're just as bad with tony...not that he'd ever let us call it doting."kyra smiled as she taped up her hands raising a eyebrow as she waited for steve. Barely waiting for him to be ready before punching him."upstart am I?"

"Its better hooked into your nervous system.its responding-"tony started rambling explanations and helpful things until he saw james' eyes start to glaze."sorry...yea. and its made out of the same stuff steve's shield is so itll be really light."tony smiled before looking slighty offended "what do you mean weird?of course i didnt fuck around. I dont mess with...okay I mess with people and tech, but I woulent have been fucking with this just cause i could."
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