In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Kyra smiled as he rested against her, sighing quietly, utterly relaxed and quiet as she hugged him. “Love you to.”She muttered yawning as she nuzzled him back, shuddering as he kissed her wrist, pressing her own kiss to his wrist as she shifted snuggling against him as he slumped, yawning as she closed her eyes, settling in to sleep.

“He might. But I would definitely enjoy you naked.”Tony grinned, leering a little teasing. “It does, but it’s okay. I’m used to not being introduced to people.”Tony said shrugging a little because it was true, he’d never had to worry about being introduced to friends, because his only serious romance was pepper, and he’d already known her friends when they got together. Looking at sam he raised a eyebrow, frowning at steve. “You called me short!?I am not short!”He sputtered punching him in the arm before perking up looking at sam.”You have your wings?I’ll definitely be okay working on them.”Oh yea, definitely the way to get on the man’s good side, offering him something to work on.
Steve chuckled before nodding. "good point." he agreed as he gave the other a small kiss. "Sam will love you, you'll see." he promised with a smile. "i did call you short." Sam admitted with a smirk. "look how cute and tiny you are... seriously. how do you manage to handle American perfection?" he asked, grinning wickedly as Steve sputtered. "Sam! no sex jokes!" "but i like sex jokes. and i've seen that thing! there is no way someone as big as you fits into someone as petite as him." "he's very flexible." Loki commented as he walked in, eyes fixed on the screen as he moved over, snagged a book off the shelf and looked through it as it floated at his head, muttering in a foreign language as he walked back out, Sam staring after the godling. "was that?" "yes." Steve grumbled. "and he?" "yup." "...that's really cool." "it's a pain in the ass." Steve grumbled again, making Sam laugh before he grinned brightly at Tony and handed him a rather large backpack. "what's left of it is in here." he stated calmly. "knock yourself out." "not literally Tony! i mean it, be careful." Steve ordered, amused as Sam chuckled.
"Lots of practice and many renditions of 'god bless America.'"tony snickered laughing at steve's order for no sex jokes,making a face at the words that he was short. He hated being callled short. "I am very flexible. And a genius. I come up with ways of having sex."tony snickered looking over at loki,looking at steve,nervous about their talk but willing to not ask about it. "What?what are you talking about? He what?"he frowned looking bemused before grinning happily as he took the backpack before frowning at steve."I wouldn't knock myself out!shut up steve."he sulked
Same couldn't help it, he started laughing so hard he bent double at Tony's quip. "oh Steve i LIKE him!" Same admitted, still laughing as he wiped his eyes free of laugh tears. "we where talking about Loki, god of Fire and mischief." Sam explained. "i never expected him to actually be here." he admitted. "i can now honestly say i have met a God... kind of." he admitted with a shrug before grinning as Steve snorted. "it wouldn't be the first time Tony." he admitted, kissing his forehead. "you go play, i have to have emotional girl talk now." he admitted with a sigh as Sam rolled his eyes. "men can talk about their feelings just fine! you have the emotional range of a teaspoon!" "i do not! it's at least a tablespoon!" "that's not much of an improvement Steve!" "it is so!"
"I would hope so. Im very likable."tony huffed making a face at the two smirking a little pleased greatly that steve's friend liked him."oh...he's here alot. Besides, the good captain cant lie. So if he says something its usually true."tony said smiling before frowning."working on the suit doesnt count as knocking myself out. You guys cant work the suit. Have to test it on myself."he sulked as he left grinning widely at the two's arguement,feeling like he was leaving steve in good hands.
Sam chuckled. "you are very likable." he agreed with a nod. "and i've seen Steve lie. he's terrible at it." Sam admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "besides, Steve, asshole that he is, won't keep in contact with me through Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or... what was that?" he asked as Steve mumbled. "i said! i don't understand why you can't just use a phone!" "i have a phone." "yeah well... i can't make mine work!" Steve complained, making Sam laugh all over again. "you do realize that of the three times you've knocked yourself out, Jarvis warned you not to do what you where doing." he pointed out, looking amused before sulking at Sam as they bantered and sniped at each other as best friends do. well, males anyway. female bonding was another matter entirely.

an hour later Steve reemerged looking a lot like he had been crying. not that he'd admit to that. he settled himself close to Tony and sketched in silence for a little while. letting Tony sooth his jangled nerves. Grant was also up and been raiding the fridge for a moment so he and Kyra could eat something before heading out to get Skye's necklace. he knew exactly what to get her and where to go to get it, he'd seen it in a shop while looking for the perfect bracelet.
“I am. I’m totally awesome.”Tony smirked. “And he really is. Even if I don’t remember seeing him lie about important stuff, he keeps lying about how he’s okay with me being like this. And he’s totally not. So he’s horrible.”Tony made a face before laughing, “Well, I’ll make your phone work for you.”Tony snickered at the man’s complaint, vaguely insulted because he’d taken so much time to make steve’s phone and he still didn’t like it. “Well!I had to do it. Shut up steve.”Tony sulked as he left.

Tony looked up from the tablet he was working on, looking over at him before returning to his work, simply letting the man sit with him. “...You okay?”He muttered after a moment not looking up from redesigning sam’s wings, looking serious.

“So, you want company on this shopping trip?”Kyra asked as she ate, looking worried about him going out in the city by himself. While she knew he could, it still worried her to send him out on his own.
he grimaced at Tony's comment, guilt flushing across his face at tat. "sorry Tony..." he muttered shamed that Tony had noticed. "ugh. Tony! it's not hte PHONE i have isues with, it's everything IN the phone! i start typing in a phone number and all of a sudden all this CRAP pops up!" he groaned. "i don't know how to make it work and Jarvis is no help at all! i don't know how to disable a phone or what an App is." he grumbled, sulking at his phone. "i won't shut up! you like it when i'm mouthy!"

"...i'm fi..." he paused and then sighed. "i'm a bit torn up. might as well be honest since i'm such a crap liar." he decided, smiling at Tony to show he was just joking. "we went over some of the more prominent nightmares today and it... got to me a bit." he admitted. "i'll be alright, it's just hard for a while." he admitted. "Sam says i bottle everything up inside, and once i finally let it out, it takes a lot of effort to calm back down." here he made a face. "i just wish he'd stop telling me that crying isn't anything to be ashamed of." he huffed before looking at the Wings. "hows it going? James really tore those things up from what i understand. he keeps leering at Sam too the little asshole. Sam's half convinced James is going to kill him." he admitted with a chuckle.

Grant smiled at her. "yes please." he asked. "i don't want to go out on my own. there's too many people." he admitted. "i know what i want to get her though, and where to get it. we could stop and get that Tattoo you wanted too if you like. maybe i'll get a matching one?" he offered. liking the idea of having matching Tattoos.
“Its okay. I know I’m not who I am normally.”Tony muttered smiling softly, before sighing. “I’ll figure it out, make it easier to use.”Tony said smiling as he watched the other, “And I do. Really.”

“...You are a crap liar. I remember you telling me everything was fine, when I called you during your time in DC. Stupid moron, I would have come after you.’Tony said fondly, leaning into him a little, showing the memories were starting to come back, starting to surface, even if he had been really annoyed about when he had remembered steve freezing him out and not leting him know exactly what was going on as the winter soldier hunted him, he was okay with it now. “Well, it’s not. At least, not when your subbing. I cry alot.”Tony said, admitting it before frowning. “Do I?Cry I mean?”he said thoughtfully before before smirking. “Yea, he did. It’s going well. Easier to tear them all apart and start over, redesigning the whole setup, making it more flexible, more like my suit then what he had....and I’m half convinced his romance with Natasha is going to result in world domination with him and her ruling things, so sam might be on the right track.”

“Well, it is the city. Always alot of people, but we’ll go out.”She smiled kissing him before grinning. “I would like that to.”She said eager to erase the memory on her skin of christian before smirking.”You hsould.”She said, fingers absently stroking over his wrist, just enjoying the feel of the leather under her fingers, before frowning slightly. “...Should... We ask Skye if she wants to go to?”She said, offering, because she didn’t want to leave the other woman out, even if she wanted grant to herself. Grant loved them both, so she’d try hard, to include her in things.
Steve pouted. "but i want to use THIS one. you made it special for me.." he admitted. "i'm just too dumb to figure it out..." he grumbled.

" remember that huh?" he asked with a sigh. "at least i'm being honest now, right?" he asked with a small smile. "i was... honestly i don't remember what i was thinking much." he admitted. "those days in DC when i got really bad, i don't remember much of it. all i really remember is you calling me, and then waking up with tubes down my throat and up my nose with Natasha screaming at me and informing me that once i was better i was moving into Stark Tower." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. you cry." he admitted, smiling. "it's delightful. your so gorgeous when you cry. Clint cries too. it's amazing when i can tie you both up and make you bawl." he admitted. "i did that once. Jarvis recorded it i think." he admitted before he snickered at Tony. "Tony. i hate to tell you this, but everything that isn't yours? it's easier for you to just rebuild completely because everything else is crap compared to your amazing genius." he admitted with a grin. "besides, James and Natasha would get bored with World domination once they got there." he admitted. "they'd abandon the world to it's fate before the week was out."

he nodded. "i know." he admitted as he kissed her back. "i'll do that then." he agreed. "and no. i don't think we should. it'll ruin her surprise and she doesn't like the idea of marking her skin like that." he admitted. "i asked her if she'd mind me getting a Tattoo a while back and she was fine with it, but she doesn't want one for her own." he admitted. "i'll let her know i'm taking you to get a Tattoo though, hold on." he promised, heading up to find Skye and explain that he and Kyra where getting Tattoo's to get rid of Christian's mark and that he was going to pick her up a present while they where out and warning her not to hack the video feeds to be nosy and find out her present before he gave it to her or he'd make her go without sex for a week. though, he was laughing at that threat so clearly it wasn't a very serious one.
Yea, I do. Not..well. I just remember talking to you.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “Good. Right.”He smiled kissing the other’s cheek, nuzzling him a little before nodding. “I know. I’m sure I’ve had a similar response to things, to busy and stressed to remember to do stuff.”he smiled slightly before smirking. “Good. You should always be in Stark Tower. It’s safer.”he muttered before flushing brightly, ducking his head, embarassed. “Well, as long as you like it.”He muttered embarassed at the idea of crything before laughing. “Well, I am a genius. Of course it’s better then everyone elses....and you’re right. They would abandon it after a few days.”He snickered.

“Ah. Well as long as you’re sure she wont care.”Kyra said smiling a little as she got ready to go herself, laughing at grant’s threat. “Like you could go a week without. Have fun. And call if you need anything.”Skye said looking worried about the two of them, smiling as she kissed grant lightly, shooing him towards teh door. “I promise, I wont go looking for the video feed to find out. Go.”Skye snickered amused as she watched them go. “So, let’s get your necklace, then we’ll go get our tattoos. Tony suggested a place.”Kyra said slipping a hand into grant’s, smiling as they walked the city.
Steve nodded a little. "You talked to me a lot when I was recovering. You would't leave my bedroom for days when I was still too weak to so anything. You just sat there for lord knows how long and talked and fed me, talked and bathed me, talked and fixed me." He admitted with a rather loving smile at Tony. "That's why I kissed you. So you remeber? You stared at me for a good twenty minutes and I kept waiting for you to punch me or something. We never stopped fucking after that. I honestly don't know if I would have recovered if it hadn't been for you." He admitted softly. Watching Tony work. It was safer in the tower. He had never felt so safe before. Now if only Tony was more himself so he wouldn't hate him when he was himself.

"I totally could go a week without! You watch! I'll so it!" He warned with a grin. "Don't worry, we have Jarvi with us." He promised, lifting hi right wrist with the cuffs that Tony had placed various extra goodies, including a limited access to Jarvis. If anything at all happened Jarvis would tell the closest Avenger and send them to help. "Okay. That sounds great!" He agreed, taking her hand in his as he practically dragged her down the street. He was super excited. It took him all of thee minutes to find the necklace he wanted. He was beaming happily as he had it wrapped for Skye. "There! Perfect don't you think?" He asked Kyra with a grin. "Now let's go get those Tattoos. You'll pick them okay?" He asked with a smile.
“Well, I’ve been told alot that I enjoy talking alot. About anything. And of course I wanted to bath you, have you looked at yourself?”Tony flirted smiling a little before tilting his head a little, blushing at the idea he’d just sat there for awhile and thought about a kiss. “Well, good.We should always be together.”Tony grinned at the idea, still removed enough from his memories that he could easily admit to things and how he was feeling, he was going to be so angry when he started remembering even more, hate himself for being so utterly open. After awhile yawning as he slouched into the other a little, “Meant to ask you something yesterday. You have a iron man tongue ring.Why?”He muttered looking curious.

“I don’t think you could.”Skye teased before nodding, “I know. Just be careful.”Skye smiled watching them go, kissing his cheek as she waved them off. Kyra laughed a little as she was dragged, snickering a little as she walked. “You’re so excited. You’re totally not going to make it a week without sex at this rate.”She teased looking amused as he got the necklace, eyes widening. “Perfect. Really, it is.”She said before nodding. “I will. I have a idea.”She said smiling as she led him down to the tattoo parlor, showing him the design she wanted.”Well?”
Steve chuckled and nodded. "You like to call me 'the american dream." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. More than a little amused. "You where always the best at getting under my skin, whether in anger or... other emotions." He admitted. He nearly winced when Tony said they should be together forever. "Oh, the tongue ring? I have an Iron Man nipple ring too. It was, well, it was." He sighed, struggling to contain his emotions. "It was my way of promising myself to you. Showing you that I would always be yours. You, well you didn't take it very well. You just took off when you saw them. I guess that's why I have so many.. uh, issues? With you being like this. You rejected me earlier and now you don't remember it. So I don't know if this is how you really feel or if it's a product of you just not remembering." Headmitted softly. Figuring he might as well be honest.

"Oh I see how it is! You girls are going to hang up on me!" He complained with a smile and a shake of his head. "So cruel to me! Even if you are right." He admitted as he followed her to the tattoo shop. "An idea?" He asked with a smile as he let her lead him about, blinking at the tattoo. It was perfect! "I love it!" He agreed, soon they where both in the seat and getting tattood. It was a perfect day, it really was.
“Hm, you are teh american dream.”he snickered a little, before frowning as he felt the other tense a little, raising his head off the other’s shoulder to look at the other, frowning a little as he watched the other try to figure out his emotions. “Really?That’s awesome. Totally.”Tony grinned at the idea before flinching, realizing what had sent him running and interrupting loki’s spell. Biting his lip as he considered it. “..I’m sure I like you normally. I mean, why would I let you move in my room, or stay with you so long, if you weren’t special?I’m sure I’ll tell you when I’m back to myself.”He said biting his lip a little, “We’ll be okay, Cap.”He said quietly looking up at him, kissing his cheek.

When they got home, Skye grinned at the sight of them, tilting her head.”So, how was the tattoos?”Skye said smiling amused at the two of them. “It was good. My stomach hurts now though.” “So what did you get?”Skye said studying the two as kyra settled onto the couch next to her, setting her book aside as she looked at the two. Despite not being sure about her relationship, she was feeling a tad bit hurt, despite not wanting a tattoo, that the others had yet another thing going for them without her in it. She really did need to get out of this. Sighing quietly, she bit her lip, knowing she needed out of this, but seeing just how happy they were to see her, she couldn’t. She needed advice, but had no idea who to ask."Yin yang. see?"Kyra smiled happily as she tugged the bandage off her stomach to show her, to excited to really notice that skye was having second thoughts.
He huffed a little. "I know. Ans I smell like apple pie and freedom." He grumbled with a small smile. "I don't even want to imagine what you think I taste like." He admitted with a chuckle before he shrugged. "I'm sure you like me. I just don't know if you want me." He admitted with a shrug. "I'm sure I ruined everything by trying to make a claim on you. It's not like I wanted you to stop sleeping eith other people I just..." he shrugged. "I wanted to feel a bit more special to you I guess. Someone who was loyal only to you. I was greedy and selfish really but I can't bring myself to take them out in case you so want me the way I want you to." He admitted. "It's all messed up in my head and the PTSD certainly isn't helping. Everytime I close my eyes I dream of ice and water and everytime I see you sleeping I see you dead and cold..." he admitted. "Makes it so hard to sleep in the same bed. Not that it's your fualt." Great, now he couldn't shut up.

Grant grinned brightly at Skye as he bounded over to her with his pretty box, not bothering to show his own Tattoo since it was the same as Kyra's. "Open!" He ordered, looking delighted. "I thought it was perfect for you! Now you can look and see that I will always love you!" He admitted, beaming at her happily. He had thought about buying two, so he and Skye could match, but she had hated the idea earlier with the bracelets so he had forgone the idea. "Open it Skye!" He begged, practically vibrating in place he was so excited for her to see the perfect necklace.
“Hm, probably hot dogs and beer. Traditional american ball game things.”Tony snickered smiling a little, before frowning setting his tools down as he stared down at his hands. “I want you. Right this moment, I do.”He swallowed thickly, “I can’t...I can’t promise this wont freak me out later. Or if I’ll handle this well when I remember....or even if I’ll remember this. Loki wasn’t sure if I’d remember my time like this in pieces, or whole, or what I might forget...but right now. I want you. And...just don’t leave real me, cap. Please. No matter how difficult I am...and I did talk to clint, ask him just how difficult I usually am,”he sighed quietly, because clint hadn’t told him everything he knew, or anything about himself really, but clint had given him enough of a look to know this wasn’t going to be well when he remembered. “Just....don’t leave me, Cap.”he muttered before shuddering, shifting, wrapping his arms around Steve. “I’m sorry....I know it’s not my fault, but I’ msorry.”he muttered stealing a kiss, nudging him. “Come on, let’s go get some food, see what our archer is up to, I heard he was thinking about trying to kiss phil...”he said, wanting to distract the other from to heavy thoughts, already feeling the memories starting to crash into him, so he knew soon, he was going to be drowning in so many memories that he was going to lash out at this man, and he wanted to enjoy this while he could.

“You look excited.”Skye snickered a little as she took the box, smiling as she looked at it. Eyes widening as she looked down at the necklace, pulling it out, eyes wide as she put it on. “Oh, oh Grant, it’s perfect.”She said eyes tearing up both at just how thoughtful this was, and how utterly screwed she was because he was so excited over this. Leaning in she kissed him lightly, “Thank you Grant.” “I told you necklace would be better then a bracelet.”Kyra said relaxing, looking utterly relaxed, pleased that this gift had been accepted where the bracelet hadn't been.
Steve snorted. "that is NOT what i taste like! for one thing, Hot Dogs are disgusting." he pointed out. "for another, you don't like the beer i drink." he pointed out with a grin and a shake of his head before he tensed. "i'm sorry Tony. i want you too. so much. but it feels... it's as if..." he groaned, frustrated. "it's like i'm raping you when you don't remember enough to tell me no..." he admitted. "i know it will freak you out. everything freaks you out." he admitted with a small affectionate smile as he reached over and slipped his hand into the others. "i have you pierced into my Nipple Tony. i won't ever leave you." he promised. "even if you hate me, i'll always be there for you. i love you." he had to say it, how could he not? he loved Tony, always and forever. "it's not your fault." he agreed. "it's the goddamn War,s fault. and Hydra's fault. and... and... god dammit it's Sam's fault!" he decided with a grin before nodding. "you just want me to feed you... hey Tony? thanks.. for being so understanding. and for not being angry with me. i feel a lot better now." he admitted, holding Tony's hand as they walked.

He beamed at her and nodded. "i am! or maybe i'm just hyper, i'm not sure." he admitted with a shrug. "isn't it!?" he asked, beaming once more as he kissed her back. "i think we should all go out on a date now." he decided. "three of them. one for just me and Skye, one for just me and Kyra, and one for just Kyra and Skye!" he decided. "i read it on the internet that it's important to have time singularly." he admitted. "so we can grow and connect to each other and stuff! and then we'll have a big Date with all three of us! that would be awesome right? we could... uhm..." he paused and then. "what do Dates usually consist of?" he asked, frowning. "we can't just go buy things on every date, can we?"
"Hot dogs are disgusting. I nearlt threw up when clint gave me one."he made a face before making a face."your alcohol is not beer. It doesnt count as alcohol."tony said primly before sighing hanging his head a little."i know...i wasnt demanding sex right now...only expressing the need to have you. Even if I know why we shouldn't."tony sighed a little."not everything freaks me out!"he huffed making a face before smiling a little.""...well I guess thats true. You did put a ring in your nipple for me."he said blushing slightly before blushing harder."love you to."he grinned before laughing as he headed for the door."i do want you to feed me...and hm?"he paused before tilting his head."you're welcome. And I'm glad you feel better. I do to."he smiled holding the other's hand before smiling as they walked into the kitchen demanding chicken soup for lunch,not feeling well enough for anything else.

"You are very hyper."she agreed before nodding."it is indeed."she nodded before tilting her head amused at his idea and her heart aching as she realized just how much,and how hard he was trying to make this work."sounds like a idea." "I like it."kyra agreed tilting her head a little before smiling."we could go to museums or something....something quiet and that wouldnt be to crowded."kyra said biting her lip and shaking her head."no we cant just buy stuff for each date."
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. Hot dogs had always, and always would be disgus ting. It was one of the few foosa that Tony and he honestly agreed upon. They didn't even like the same kind of popcorn, let alone the same kind of pizza. Even alcohol often became a passionate debate that often ended only when one of them kissed the other silent. "Yes I did. And for future reference, it's thrice as sensative now." He admitted with a smirk as he gave the other a gentle kiss that he wouldn't normally get. He needed it though, no matter if Tony would be enrages at him later for it. He made a huge pot of 'real' chicken soup and heavy butter rolls jist for Tony. Nothing pulled tony away from work like steve's butter rolls.

Grant grinned at her. "I'm only a little hyper." He agreed as he watched, happily as his girls agreed. Good! Maybe now they could get along? No more fights hopefully. "We could go look at the captain America exhibit and look for blackmail material!" Grant agreed with a snigger. "Still. You girls so like buying things. We should make one of our dates a fun shopping day. We can go get clothes and jewelery. I was thinking of getting some new shoes. Girls like shoes right?" He asked with a playful grin.
“ohhh, that’s something to remember.”Tony grinned, smiling as he kissed the other back, snuggling against him for a moment settling in to eat. This was going to be great. He loved steve’s cooking.

Kyra laughed at that, snickering. “Hm, always good to look for blackmail material.”She snickered. “That would be great. I’m sure there’d be interesting stuff.”Skye said enjoying the idea of going to the captain america exhibit before smirking a little. “Girls do like shoes. We’ll go shopping.”skye said snickering amused at grant’s utter delight in finding something for them all to do. Her heart hurting because it was hard to know she was going to hurt him, hurt them both. But having no idea what to do.

Days later Clint frowned as he stepped into the kitchen, pausing at the sight of a angry looking tony actually trying to cook, or at least, that appeared to be what he was doing. Hovering for a moment he retreated quietly before tony noticed, retreating to the bedroom even as he heard tony slamming his way down to the lab. Heading for the bedroom, he whimpered sadly as he crawled in bed with cap, pressing his face into the other’s chest. Knowing instinctively what the anger and annoyance meant, and even though he was utterly glad to have him back, it was hard to know Tony was going to be utterly pissed for days now. “Tony’s back. Our tony’s back.”He muttered starting to cry. Because while he was utterly glad, so very happy to have tony hack and he loved tony no matter how scarred or pissed the man was, this was going to be painful for them all. Because he knew just how vicious and heart wounding a angry tony could be as he lashed out at everyone.

Skye frowned down at her coffee cup as she looked over at Bruce as he worked, looking tired and frustrated. Her date had gone so well with grant, and even their joint three way date had gone amazing at the musuem, it’d only been when her and kyra had gone by themselves that she’d realized just how different they were. How different grant was, the life experiences shaping him into kyra’s perfect boyfriend not hers, and even if she wanted out, she knew it was going to hurt them. And she had no idea how to do it without doing so. So she’d come down to talk to bruce, who was so very understanding about stuff, to get advice. Having gotten advice from almost everyone else, she was trying to figure out how to not hurt them. “I don’t know how to tell them, Bruce. They’re going to be pissed. And hurt. How do I tell him that I love him, but not the way he needs. Or wants.”Skye muttered staring down at her glass, not realizing that grant had walked in looking for her. She was only lucky kyra wasn’t there with him, otherwise she’d been killed for upsetting grant.
Steve looked up as Clift walked in and wrapped his arms around Clint, wondering if this was what a broken heart felt like? "Yes, I noticed." He admitted, rubbing his sore face. Tony had slapped him pretty good. He knew Loki was already on his way down to 'handle' Tony. "We can handle this. A few weeks of emotional pain will be easy. It will be okay right?" He asked with a smile as he stoked clint's hair. "On the plus side. We have some angry Tony sex to look forward to." He admitted with a grin. Trying to cheer the other up.

Loki slipped down the stairs and through the glass walls as if they didn't exist. Sharp eyes looking around for Tony. In his hand he carried a small bag of new toys he thought tony might like. Magical sex toys that he'd make himself. A set of restraints that would heep any godling, or super soldier, restrained. A cock ring that wouldn't get in the way of Intercourse and prevented orgasm completely, even worked on women. a small 'sticker' to be pressed onto the forehead that blocked all the senses Tony requested. Sight, sound, smell, hearing or any combination of the four. "Tony! You in here? Thought you could use some stress relief." He admitted as he dropped the bag on the counter. "I made you some presents!" Nothing got Tony's attention more than presents.

Bruce studied her a little while he sipped at his tea. "You need to be honest first of all." He admitted, just as unaware of Grant as she was, not realizing he had fled, heart shattered. "You so love him, right?" He asked with a smile. "You love him like he's a brother. And for someone who grew up without siblings, it's very easy to confuse those two loves. You need to promise him that your not leaving, I don't think you could ever abandon him even a little. He'll take comfort in that. Explain that the love you feel for him is brotherly. He'll be hurt, ues but he'll recover. Especially since I don't think he loves you the way he thinks he does. He acts like your his older sister more than he does like he's your lover." He admitted. Patting her hand. "Be honest that you where confused. It will be hard, but in the end it's the best for all of you."
Clint huffed a little, sighing as he cuddled into the other, wincing a little as he realized that the other had already gotten confronted with a angry tony. “Just how hard did he slap you?And why?”clint muttered wondering what had provoked the violence as he looked at the other, before nodding, “Of course it’ll be okay. We’re not going anywhere, no matter how much of a bastard he’s going to be over it. We’ll just have to prove it.”clint grinned sighing, relaxing under steve’s hands, taking the other’s confidence as assurance that they’d indeed be okay, nuzzling his hand a little before laughing a little. “With the real overly dominate insane tony. Oh gods. We’re screwed....totally angry sex...hell, you might get to see him being dominate for once, instead of your cute little vixen.”Clint teased.

Tony frowned from under the car he was working on, hearing the godling’s footsteps even over the blaring AC/DC, which meant it had to be loki walking in because only loki would be able to use magic to make sure he was heard even without asking jarvis to turn down the music. The startled yelp escaping, followed by utter angry cursing as tony cracked his head off the undercarriage of the car, sliding out from under it, looking pissed and angry, the slightly bleeding welt across his forehead making the genius look even more out of sorts. “What did you get me?”He said even as he stood, moving over to see what the other was holding, digging into the bag before pointing to the floor. “Knees loki.” He ordered even as he pulled out the ‘sticker’ and put it on the man’s forehead, leaving him only with his hearing as he settled in to venting some of that anger and stress, though for once leaving the other untied, knowing he was unstable at the moment, so he was leaving loki with the ability to stop him physically if he needed to.

“I know. I just...I don’t know how to.”she sighed softly as she sipped her tea before nodding at his words.”I do. Just not...not how Kyra does. I like being with him, like taking care of him, but she watches him like he’s her world. And for her, he is. For me...he’s not. I love him dearly, but...not in that way.”Skye muttered relieved that he understood, that he could help her understand this before nodding. “I’d never abandon him.”she said sighing quietly before rubbing a hand over her face. “It will be...”she bit her lip, looking up at him.”come with me?I mean, I trust him not to freak out and hurt me. Kyra?Nope. She’s going to kill me without someone intervening.”
Steve smiled at him. "Well. I woke up. Wished him a good morning, and then told him I loved him. He's been in a fury ever since." He admitted. "He slapped me pretty damn good too, though it was open handed. Would have broken my jaw if he'd punched me that hard." He admitted with a chuckle, "we will prove it." He agreed before he frowned. Confused. "Clint. Tony doesn't dom. I have never o ce heard of him ever being 'on top' ever." So he really didn't know. No wonder he was so furious that Tony had let Loki in the lab when he was like this.

Loki smiled as Tony cracked his head. "You got a concussion?" He asked as he gently examined Tony's head. "I made them." He admitted, pleased with Tony's responce. He shivered and knelt in front of Tony. Shivering as the sticker was applied, his vision, taste ans smell turning off. It was frightening, and wonderful all at once. "Tony... make it last." Loki breathed. Eager for a long lasting lashing. Letting Tony so as he wanted. Loki have very few pain limits. All he didn't like was burns, broken bones and needles of any kind. There where others, but that wasjust what Loki had told Tony when they first started and Loki had yet to come across anything else yet.

Bruce nodded. "It's understandable for you to get your emotions confused. No mean to be rude or insensitive but before Phil and Grant you had no love or affection in your life. It's only to be expected that you would cling to the first positive emotion you come across." He smiled at her. "No one will ask you to." He promised her, well aware that anyone trying to make her leave Grant, even Grant himself, was going to face her wrath. "Jarvis? Would you ask Grant and Kyra to go to Grant's room?" "Agent Grant has left the building Sir. Would you like me to ask lady Kyra anyway?" "Wait. Grant left without Kyra? Grant never leaves alone, whose with him?""no one Sir." Jarvis informed him. Bruve wondered if it was normal to feel ice I. His veins?
“...Well. That explains why he’s in a mood. You know he hates hearing it.”Clint sighed quietly, because he knew it was going to be hard to not cuddle up to him, and tell him all the time how he felt. Because while he wasn’t in love with tony, he did love him, and he just knew tony was going to be even worse about it. Raising his head he stared at the other man, his mouth falling open a little.”I...I thought you were kidding before. Saying he didn’t...he really have no idea what tony’s like when he’s not with you do you?”Clint said starting to laugh, biting his lip. He knew what was going on in the lab, and knew loki wouldn’t apperciate clint outting him to steve, but if it made steve feel a little better about tony sleepign with loki...”Jarvis, pull up the video feed for the lab on the TV, would you?”Clint asked shuddering at the sight of tony being utterly dominating and demanding as he topped loki.

“Nah. I’m okay.”Tony grumbled gently figuring the spot before smirking as the other knelt, looking him over. “You’re making demands of me, kitten? I think you’re mistaking yourself for someone in charge.”Tony growled even as he strapped the other into the cock ring before finding the flogger he kept in the lab, settling in to lashing the other with a utter single mindedness that said he was so, so angry at the moment, working on getting the stress out as he took care of the other.

“You’re’s hard to look back, and feel like a idiot for not realizing it, but it makes sense that I didn’t see it before.”Skye sighed softly trying to relax, biting her lip nervously as bruce talked to jarvis before tensing, sharing a worried look with bruce. “Did he say where he was going?”Skye said even as she headed for the door, not waiting for a answer, having every intention of tracking down kyra herself and asking. “Kyra, where’d grant go?” “He was going down to see you. Why?”Kyra said looking up from her book, tilting her head a little in confusion.
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