In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

he nodded. "it's okay." he promised her. "i don't really 'get it' either. i just know it makes me feel safe and protected and loved." he admitted as he rubbed the bracelets before smiling at her. "i'll get you a new one." he promised. "if you want one. you don't have to... i as going to have Tony put a tracking Chip in it, so we could find you if you got lost or something." he admitted before he grimaced, casting a wary look out the door. "i think she's mad at me..." he admitted even as he did as 'ordered' after kissing her back. "Skye?" he asked, pausing at the doorway, offering her a smile. "i love you." he admitted before he headed off to find Kyra.

Steve grinned at him. "you can try again later. i do have a pretty large cock." he admitted with a grin as he pounced on Tony and sulked and licked him with all the refined skill Tony had taught him. he fell mostly still when Tony muttered that it felt weird, letting him adjust to it. he never imagined that Tony had dominated Loki, he just assumed they hadn't had the time or inclination to have sex yet. it made him feel very light headed to think that Tony had waited for him, and then the guilt slammed into him. this wasn't Tony. this was not Tony and the man would hate him for taking advantage of him like this. he pulled away, conflicting emotions rushing across his face as he sighed and set a hand over his eyes, struggling to sort through his emotions even as tears started to trickle down his face, again. god how he wished he would stop crying.
Skye smiled a little, watching him, before tilting her head. “A necklace then. Not a bracelet. A necklace.”She smiled at the request, leaning in to press a kiss to his forehead, before sighing softly. “I don’t think it’s you she’s mad at Grant.”She muttered before smiling, blushing at his words.”Love you to.”she said watching him go. Kyra, like clint, had a long habit of finding the most closed off, high, hidden places to hide out in when she was upset. And here, for a woman who’d never met him before, had trouble bonding with people, somehow Phil had managed to get to her. Had managed to make her feel safe. So it wasn’t any surprise that when grant tracked her down, that she was hiding between the wall and phil’s bed, with the man himself standing guard. Upset and so so scared of grant being mad at her, she was hiding.

“Hm, kay.”Tony grinned at hte idea, whining and whimpering as he squirmed, shuddering as the other fingered him, swallowing hard. Yelping as the other pulled away, he looked up at the man, eyes hurt and confused as he watched him, “Steve?”He said anxiety slipping into his voice, the utter fear of being left even as he reached for the blanket to hide under, not wanting to be left when he was naked and so vulnerable. Clint sighed quietly sitting back on his heels watching steve for a long moment before shifting, gently wrapping his arms around tony, and steve, shifting them all so they could all snuggle. “Shush, its okay, you’re okay Cap.”clint muttered stroking his hair, wincing a little as he felt his chest getting wet where tony’s face was pressed against him. Dammit, they’d messed this up enough that they’d managed to make tony cry without dropping him into subspace. This was going to be bad. So bad, knowing that when he did give in without subspace and cried and was upset, tony was going to be utterly mortified and lost.
he beamed at her and nodded. a necklace, he could do that! no problem! he gave her a kiss back before he shook his head. "i'm sure she is." he admitted as he headed off, offering her another beaming smile before he left. Phil was sitting on the edge of his bed, reading something from a tablet when Grant hunted Kyra down and he paused, giving Phil a wary look. he had avoided the man as much as he avoided Fitz and Simmons. which was as often as he could get away with. no avoidance possible here though. he would have to accept it. "Kyra? are you okay? i'm sorry." he muttered. "are you mad at me? do you want to beat me up? or... uh," he paused, searching for a better alternative since she didn't like hitting him. "make me write lines?"

Steve shook his head. "i'm sorry. god i'm sorry." he gasped. "i'm not leaving. i swear i'm not. but i can't... i can't..." he whispered, letting Clint make him lay down because he couldn't bring himself to leave Tony when everything was all his fault. "i'm sorry. Tony i'm so sorry." Steve gasped, crying himself because he couldn't stop. "i'm sorry." and that's all he would say for some time until he'd calmed down. "...Tony? i'm sorry." he finally whispered after he'd finally stopped crying. "that was... i didn't mean to..." he sighed. "i need a psychologist." he admitted. "can't control myself at all anymore..."
Kyra stirred from where she was curled up on the far side of the bed, peeking over the edge of the bed at the man, frowning slightly, eyes widening as she looked at the man she loved. “...You’re not mad at me?I broke skye’s bracelet!”She sputtered eyes wide and tearful as she looked at the other man, whimpering softly before shifting to move around the bed, looking up at him.

Tony sniffled a little pressing his face into clint’s chest, swallowing hard as he tried not to cry, going quiet. Hurting and scared, so very upset because steve was upset. “...I think we all do.”Clint muttered gently stroking steve’s hair, sighing quietly as he looked down at the two men who looked moments away from another breakdown.”Hey, Tony?How about you get dressed, go grab some ice cream for us.”Clint said smiling a little at the utter happiness that shone on tony’s face at having a task as the man bounded out of bed, pausing long enough to get dressed before walking out.”Cap?How are you really?”Clint said once he was gone, looking the man over.
he blinked at her, confused. "of course i'm not mad at you, it was an accident. i don't know what's wrong, but it was just a fight. we can work through it." he promised her. "i'm going to get her a new necklace instead." he promised her. "she gets weirdly upset at the idea of a claiming bracelet." he admitted, looking a little bit concerned. "are you sure your okay? you've been crying..." he muttered, gently pulling out a handkerchief and gently wiped her tears away. "i hate it when you cry, i never know how to make it better." he admitted as he kissed her cheek. trying to make it okay and make her feel better.

Steve swallowed thickly, hating that he'd upset Tony. "thanks Tony." Steve stated, smiling as he watched Tony bounce about getting dressed before heading off to get, not Ice-cream, but Gelato. because Tony was picky and refused to have 'substandard crap' in his Tower. "i'm not sure." Steve admitted, setting his head in his hands. "it was going great! and then... and then all the memories came back and i realized..." he shook his head. "Tony's going to hate me once he comes back to himself, because i took advantage of him, and because it's my fault it happened in the first place. god Clint how can i make love to him when i know Tony will hate me for it later!?"
Kyra sniffled a little, rubbing her tears away, looking relieved as she realized that yes, he was okay. They were okay. Her one person who she relied on, didn’t hate her. “Well, she has different needs then us.”Kyra said, willing to try and understand at least, why skye found it disturbing. “I’m fine. I was scared you were upset with me.”She said shuffling a little, leaning into his chest, resting her head on his chest, hugging her, before blushing, glancing at phil.”Sorry. We’ll go.”She muttered embarassed at being so very upset.

“Welcome.”tony grinned as he left. “Damn.Cap...”Clint sighed softly watching him, glancing towards the door. Knowing because he hadn’t tried to hide it, they had hurt tony. He might not say it, but they’d hurt him badly by pulling away. “Tony loves you. He might not admit that to himself, or you. But he does. He wont hate you, and he’s going to be okay.”He sighed quietly, shaking his head. “But I don’t think this is a good idea anymore. Not if it’s going to upset you this much, if we try having sex, it’s just going to hurt him worse.”Clint muttered smiling slightly as tony bounded back into the room with bowls of gelato.
he smiled at her as he shrugged. "i guess so. she doesn't seam to understand why we need it either so i guess we need to work on our communication more." he admitted. "i could never be upset with you." he promised. "certainly not over something so silly." he admitted. "though, i still can't figure out why you two dissolved into a fist fight..." he admitted, looking puzzled. "no worries. come any time you want to, stay as long as you need." Phil promised with a smile. "i do need to go talk to Skye though." he admitted as he stretched and headed out, Grant making a face. "i freaks me out. i keep waiting for him to punish me." he admitted. "i know he wont, but he keeps looking at me like he wants to." he admitted.

Steve shrugged. "i know. i'm fucked up." he admitted as he sighed and rested his head on Clint's shoulder. "i'll just.. wait, until Tony doesn't hate me anymore." he decided. "i was celibate for years, i can handle a month." he admitted with a smile. "and i know he loves me, but i want to hear it from HIM, not... well, he doesn't even remember me. it feels like it's cheating somehow." he admitted before smiling as he accepted his bowl of Italian ice-cream. "Thanks Tony." he stated, humming happily as he stuffed a spoonful into his mouth. he had to admit, this was the best.
“probably. We didn’t really get to learn how to communicate well.”she shrugged a little leaning into him, smiling softly. “It was a little silly.”she muttered before blushing brightly. “I just tried to get the bracelet back...I guess she didn’t want to give it back, even if she didn’t want was silly to fight over it.”She said blushing, stealing a kiss before looking over at Phil.”Thanks.”She said relaxing, looking thoughtful as she watched phil leave before looking up at grant. “None of them want to...and he looks at everyone like that sometime. I mean, if we’re around clint.”She pointed out, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him down for a kiss. “I love you.”She muttered relaxing, gently running her fingers through his hair.

Skye looked up at Phil as she flicked through the channels on tv, raising a eyebrow. “Everything okay?”She said glancing towards the door, looking for grant or kyra, worried.

“I think we all are.”Clint muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s head as he leaned against him, before smiling a litle. Nodding. “He doesn’t hate you.He’s just upset.”he said before smiling a little. “We’ll just enjoy him while he’s like this, but be prepared for what happens when he remembers.”Clint sighed softly, grinning as he took the ice cream.”Thanks tones.” “Welcome.”Tony grinned happily, relaxing, pleased with having them there, and it seemed okay. They were fine. Everything was okay.
he nodded. "communication wasn't important. we just did what we where told to." he admitted before he smiled. "well. even if she didn't like the sentiment behind it, it was still pretty, and still a present." he admitted. "she wouldn't have let go." he admitted as he smiled at her. "your very welcome." Phil stated with a smile. "well... true." he agreed. "it's still creepy." he admitted as he snuggled her. "i love you too." he admitted as he kissed her, stroking her back and humming into the delightful kiss.

Phil examined her and then shook his head. "no. not really." he admitted. "do you really love Grant, or are you just trying to convince yourself that you do?" he asked as he sat next to her. "i'm only asking because apparently, you got into a fistfight over a bracelet of all things. not exactly the actions of a woman who is at peace with herself."

Steve nodded. "i think my PTSD is acting up too." he admitted softly. "every time i look at Tony sleeping, i swear he's covered in blood..." he admitted. "he looks so dead when he's asleep..." he muttered with a violent shudder. "i might have to go talk with Sam for a while." he admitted. "he's good at helping me focus." he admitted before smiling at Tony as he reached over and stole a dab of Tony's ice-cream. just like he always did. Steve's reasoning was that it was Tony's ice-cream, so it had to taste better.
“Exactly. We’ll figure this out, even if we have to figure out how to talk.”Kyra smiled a little before huffing. “I just made me angry, we spent so much time looking for the perfect thing, and she didn’t like it.”She grumbled shuddering a little. “It is.”she agreed teasing him a little, before whining as she was kissed, hands fisting in his shirt, leaning back to look at him, blushing slightly. “...I want you.”She whispered quietly, tugging at his shirt a little so he’d get what she meant, she so wanted him naked and panting, all that sex was made of, but she was nervous, for once, glad that while she could always see grant long term in her future seeing, if she was skin to skin with him, it was sort of...muted. Let her live in the moment, instead of what was coming.

Skye sighed softly, wincing a little as she sipped her coffee. “....I...I don’t know. I thought so...but...I don’t understand him. Not like Kyra.”Skye said biting her lip a little.”And kyra started that fist fight. I might not have liked why she got him the bracelets, but it was still beautiful, and I wanted it.”

“...Sounds like it is. This thing with Tony, proably didn’t help.”Clint sighed softly stroking the other’s hair, looking worried for him before nodding. “I’ll call Sam. He said he was going to be in town soon, he might already be here.” “Sam?Hey!Don’t steal mine!”Tony sputtered scuttling to the side like he usually did, holding his bowl possessively, growling at steve for stealing it.
he smiled a little and nodded. happy to agree with her. "i don't think she realizes how long we spend looking for that bracelet." he admitted. "she did like it though, she just doesn't like the idea of being owned, or controlled. she didn't like a life like we did." he admitted before kissing her back, moaning back before gasping at her. "now?" he asked, startled. "are you sure?" he asked even as he followed her out of the room and headed for the bedroom, feeling deeply excited to be having any sort of sexual contact with her after the trauma she'd suffered at the hands of his brother. he would value whatever she could give him, even if she had to stop before they where even ready. he loved her too much to try and push her into something she just wasn't ready to do.

Phil nodded. "he's not the same as he was. not the person you want him to be. but you can't change him Skye, not now that he's finally free of people who manipulate and make him what they wanted him to be." he admitted, studying her. "and the reason why Kyra was so pissed, was because Grant spent four hours looking for that perfect bracelet just for you." he admitted. "Kyra is just as broken as he is. no doubt she thought you didn't deserve it if you where going to be angry he gave it to you." he admitted, roving he knew more about what happened than he aught to.

Steve nodded. "i think Tony's... mental state, the stress... they say huge changes can set it off." he admitted. "this is a pretty huge change." he admitted before smiling. he'd like to see Sam again. he missed the man's sarcasm and he knew Tony would love him too. "Sam is a friend of mine. helps at a local VA." he admitted. "he's a 'superhero' too and he helps when my PTSD starts kicking in. i think that's whats wrong with me." he admitted. "usually my emotions aren't so volatile and the memories..." he sighed before grinning at Tony. "but yours tastes better than mine."
“Probably not. It’s okay. We’ll find her a necklace.”Kyra smiled flushing a little as she looked up at him, slender fingers stroking over the fabric of his shirt, nervous and cautious, before nodding. “yea.I’m sure....I’m not promising anything. But I want to.”She said the slight weight of the bracelet at her wrist, seeing her own bracelets on him, was giving her enough feeling of being safe, of being with him to try. Swallowing hard as they got to their bedroom she smiled as she shut the bedroom door, smirking as she tugged off his shirt, whistling softly. “I used to dream about you like this. Naked and wanting me. Those years you were gone....the idea of seeing you again, was all that got me through.”She said blushing brightly, nervous and anxious about getting naked, not because she didn’t trust him, but she knew just how much of a mess thomas had left her body in scars and burns, having delighted in using her slower then normal healing against her, the eldest ward having simply delighted in hurting her.

“I don’t wnat to.I want to love him, want to be with him...but it seems we’re just upsetting each other more then we are enjoying it.”Skye said looking upset before wincing, looking down. She hadn’t realized he’d spent that much time. “It’s fixable. It broke at the clasp...I’m going to ask tony if he could fix it.”Skye said biting her lip, upset because she had upset grant.

“It is. And the only reason tony’s not having his own flashbacks probably, is he has no idea what he could see.”Clint sighed softly, “He Jarvis?Will you give Sam a call please, and ask him to swing by.” “Of course sir.” “See. Easy enough. Tony will like him to.”Clint snickered a little. “Ah. Okay. Well, you need to get help, if you think you’re not doing well.”Tony said, the open worry on his face hurting because while the regular tony would have been worried, the depth of the feelign wouldn’t be showing. “Of course it does. It’s mine, anything mine tastes better. But you still don’t get it.”Tony whined huffing a little as he ate his gelato, groaning as he finished, shifting to snuggle between them. For the moment, the pain of the rejection of sex forgotten in favor of simply enjoying them.
he nodded. "i know just the one to get her too!" he admitted happily before he smiled at her. "okay. and if you have to stop, do it immediately. okay?" he ordered, stroking her hair. "don't do anything just because you think you have to. i don't want you to feel pressured to have sex with me." he admitted. "only when your ready. okay?" he asked with a smile as he let her strip him, chuckling. "i used to dream too." he admitted. "about holding you at night and waking up in the morning with you." he admitted. "i missed you so very much once i was sent out on assignment." he admitted as he stood there, half naked, just letting her set the pace. "you can touch." he promised with a smile. "take your time."

Phil nodded. "it's just a lack of understanding. the real question now is, if you don't love him, can you live with yourself after?" he asked, studying her. "with time comes understanding. you will grow with him, he will grow with you, and Kyra will grow with the both of you." he admitted. "you just have to be more patient with them. they've lived their entire lives conforming to other people and following orders. Kyra was able to grow out of that a little bit when she became the one giving the orders, but Grant hasn't had that chance." he admitted before he smiled at her. "go and get it fixed." he agreed. "Supernanny is on in ten minutes." he admitted happily.

he nodded. "i agree." he admitted with a smile before flushing a little. "Thanks Jarvis." he muttered before smiling a little at Tony. "i'm okay. i stopped being Suicidal some time ago." he promised before grimacing, realizing Tony would have forgotten about that. after the invasion of Manhattan Steve had moved back to DC and lost touch with pretty much everything and everyone. his PTSD had kicked in overtime and he'd tried to kill himself three times before Natasha helped him. he'd even gone so far as to drink Bleach and Ammonia at the same time. it had very nearly worked. the old Tony didn't know the details, but he had been alerted when Steve had been wheeled into the hospital nearly dead to get his stomach pumped and other such things. that was when Natasha, the annoying bitch, started hanging around constantly. "Sam will help, he always helps. you'll like him." Steve promised with a smile. "and he flirts constantly with Natasha, so it will be fun to watch." he admitted before pouting. "but Tony! i want some of yours! so greedy!" he complained, smiling at the other as he gulped down the last of his own Gelato, settling in next to Tony for a good nap.
“I will. Don’t worry.”Kyra smiled a little butting her head against his hand as he stroked her hair, before smiling quietly. Amused at the quiet concern in his tone, something tight and scared relaxing in her chest at the sound, because it showed just how very different he was from thomas. “Okay.”she promised flushing a little at his words, stepping close, fingers stroking lightly over his skin, tracing scars, muscles, just enjoying the feel of him under her fingers as she explored.”Someday, I’m going to know the story behind each scar.”She muttered hesitating for a moment before undoing his belt and jeans, flushing brightly as she let them drop, sliding her fingers under his briefs, pulling the underwear down, kneeling at his feet, looking up at him, smirking as she rested her cheek against his hip, knowing just what a pretty picture she made kneeling at his feet, cheek nearly resting on his cock as she looked up at him.”You, I definitely want to see for forever.”She muttered biting down on his hipbone lightly before standing again, blushing as she looked at him.”Okay. You’re turn.”She said fidgeting, trying not to be to nervous about his reaction to the scars and pain written on her skin.

“...I don’t know.”skye swallowed thickly, running her fingers through her hair, before nodding. “I’ll try.”She muttered before laughing softly. “You are such a geek.”She teased kissing his cheek as she left, before returning in a few minutes, settling on the couch with him. “I think I’ll watch supernanny with you.”She said blushing ever so slightly.

“...what?!”Tony startled, twisting to look at his super soldier anxiously, eyes wide as he looked at the other, looking upset that he hadn’t known this rubbing a hand over his face, hating that he couldn’t remember such important things. Whining quietly as he nuzzled the other. “Tony, it’s okay. You took care of him, don’t worry about it.”clint muttered gently stroking tony’s hair to calm him, smiling a little as he relaxed. “...kay.”he said not looking sure but laughing a little. “No. You can’t have any.”Tony demanded smiling as he settled down to nap.
he smiled at her. "each scar?" he asked before pointing. "Thomas. Thomas. Thomas. Hydra. Stray bullet. Agent May shot me. Thomas. Hydra, fell on a cat... don't ask..." he ordered, pointing again. "Mother, Mother, Mother, Father, younger brother bit me when he was five aaand a rabid dog. all done." he was teasing her the twit, but it would probably calm her down even more. he gently stepped out of his pants and used his foot to toss them out of the way before simply standing there, watching her carefully for any signs of distress. he had to swallow hard when she looked up at him and flushed when he realized that alone had made him as hard as a rock. he gasped at her gentle bite and shivered as he watched her. "fuck, Kyra." he whispered. "that's sexy as hell." he admitted before he gently got her to her feet and slipped her shirt off, pausing at all the scars before doing something quite surprising. he kissed each one.

Phil chuckled a little as she called him a geek. "i totally am." he admitted as he turned on the TV, watching her return. "Kyra finally having sex?" he asked as he glanced at her. "that's okay, you can help me mock bad parents."

he flushed harder. "it was... it was just a bad time for me, that's all. it was before i moved in here." he promised Tony. "you brought a lot of stability into my life." he admitted. "depression isn't one of my high emotional repeats anymore." he promised. "and i can recognize it now too so i can get help right away. plus most of the Tower knows to keep an eye on me, just in case. it's fine now." he promised, smiling at him. "as soon as Natasha told you what happened you made me move in here." he admitted. granted that had been after he was finally released from the hospital three weeks after very nearly succeeding, but that was besides the point. Tony hadn't asked either, he'd just went in removed all of Steve's stuff from his apartment and put it in the tower and refused to let Steve leave. they'd had some pretty massive fights over it too. then all of a sudden they'd gone from fighting to fucking and Steve wasn't sure there had ever been a middle ground between them. not that he'd change a thing.
“...I’m surprised there’s not one here from Natasha, for callign her eye candy.”She teased lightly, before tilting her head.”....Someday, you’re tleling me about the cat.”She muttered curious, shaking her head a little as she realized just how bad his family had been, all of them really. Laughing as she watched him, looking and feeling relaxed at the moment, swallowing thickly as she realized the motion had gotten him hard so quickly, blushing a little as he whispered, “Hm, well you’re really sexy yourself.”She muttered smiling as he undressed her, flushing brightly as she felt his lips sliding against her skin, toes curling into the carpet as he did. Really, it wasn’t horrible, the knife scars, the bullet wounds, ciagette burns...just a little bit of everything, whatever thomas could use to hurt her, just to test her healing. Sliding her fingers through his hair, she whined a little tugging him up for a kiss.”Love you.”She muttered squirming, so nervous, and horny. So very horny.

“...Yea. They’re totally having sex.”Skye snickered a little before laughing. “I’ll help you mock, and hope tony doesn’t need tazing in the near future, we don’t want to interrupt supernanny.”Skye snickered a little.

“Oh.”Tony frowned looking annoyed that he couldn’t remember anything, wanting to know so he could help the other. Smiling slightly. “Good. I dislike the idea of you unhappy.”he muttered smiling quietly. “Well, at least I knew to take care of you.”Tony huffed pleased with himself as he fell asleep.

When he woke tony made a face, burying his face against the other’s shoulder, pinching steve a little to wake him up. “Go make me coffee. I want coffee, and my machine’s not in here.”Tony demanded. Well, at least it was obvious their tony was starting to remember things, because in the two weeks he’d not known anything, he hadn’t mainlined coffee at all, or drank it as soon as he woke this, this was tony starting to come back.
he smirked. "there is." he admitted, letting her pull his pants own, letting her see the bullet wound just above his hip. "see? that ones my favorite." he admitted with a grin before flushing. "sorry. i can't help it." he muttered, offering her a smile to show he didn't mind her teasing him. "i killed him for you, you know." he admitted softly. "so he could never hurt you again." he admitted as he nuzzled a particularly vicious burn in the shape of Christians initials. one of the first things the sick bastard had ever done to her. Grant had once had a matching mark, you could see it anymore because he'd carved it off. "i love you too." he whispered as he pulled her in for a deep kiss.

Steve smiled at him. "it's really alright." he promised Tony. "i'm just..." he frowned and then. "my emotions are in a blender, that's all, and the memories are coming bad." he admitted. "like waking nightmares. sometimes they get bad enough i'm not sure what's real and whats dream, but it's been a while since that happened." he admitted as he shook his head before he smiled. "you always take care of me." he admitted, kissing the others forehead. he groaned as he was pinched and did what he always did. he reached around Tony and smacked Clint on the thigh. "go make Tony Coffee." Steve ordered sluggishly. too asleep to realize this was the first time Tony had demanded coffee since the accident.
“That’s amusing. Really.”She snickered a little at the idea of natasha shooting him, smiling a little.”It’s okay. I intend to tease you more.”She smirked a little before her eyes widened, even if she had known it, it had been a surprise for her to hear him admit it, flinching as he nuzzled christian’s intials, hands resting on his shoulder as he nuzzled the burn that was bone deep over her hipbone, whining quietly at the touch. Because while she’d never deny him the right to let him touch her anywhere he wanted, sex for her, had always started with bone melting pain, christian always reburning the mark into her skin, at times burning it deep enough bone peeked through. "I wouls have never asked you to....but thank you. For being brave. For dealing qith him when i couldnt."she muttered,Swallowing thickly she smiled, relaxing utterly at his reassurance of love, moaning as she kissed him back, leaning into him, squirming a little, nudging him towards teh bed.

“...Oh. Okay. As long as you’re okay.”Tony muttered still worried, but willing to let steve deal with it for now, since the man knew better then tony did at the moment, how he was doing and how to best help. “Good. I want to take care of you.”Tony muttered. Tony whined as steve moved to smack clint, snickering sleepily as clint simply burrowed deeper into the bed. “You go make it.”Clint whined even as he slumped out of bed to go get them coffee. Returning in a few minutes before his sleepy mind caught up.”Tony?” “Hm?” “You want coffee?” “Yes!”Tony demanded holding out his hand for the coffee cup, drinking it with his usual gutso for coffee.
He smiled at her, his eyes alive with his devotion and adoration for her. "I used to have a mark just like this one." He admitted, kissing the initials. "I hated it so much that one day, I carved it off. Garret found me bleeding out in the bathroom." He admitted. "I think you could hide it now, with a tattoo if you wanted." He admitted. "Your free of him now, we both are. We never have to fear him again." He sounded almost amazed by the idea. "Of course you didn't ask me too. I did it anyway because we deserve to be free." He admitted with a smile. "We deserve to have our happiness now." He admitted as he kissed her again, humming happily as he slipped into bed with her. "Just lay back and relax. I will show you how it's really supposed to feel." He promised as he gently kissed his way down her body and then back up. Lavishing her with the attention and devotion she deserved. He was a bit wary of removing her pants, he didn't want her to panic after all. So he kissed and licked and stroked what she offered u til she was ready for more.

Steve nodded. "I'm not 'okay' per say. But I'm stable enough to know I need help. That's why Clint asked Jarvis to get Sam. Usually you help me through these things." He admitted as he stroked Tony's knuckles. "You helped a lot when you didn't yell at me last night." He admitted as he smiled rather weakly at Tony. Apologizing for not being able to have sex. In the morning he groaned at the snickering, wanting to go back to sleep. "Coffee addict." Steve grumbled affectionatly as he kissed Tony's forhead. "I'm going to go down to the gym for a while. Punching the bags makes me feel better and I wanted to talk to Loki a bit." He admitted. "You want to sit with me when I talk to Sam?" He offered both Clint and Tony. He felt better when they where with him. He liked Sam but he always felt skittish when they did the whole therapy thing.
Kyra whimpered a little watching as she watched his lips touch the initials, biting her lip as she considered that. Except it would upset him more then it was probably worth if he caught her doing it. Gently stroking his hair she smiled a little. “...I could get a tattoo. We’ll go get one.”She said perking up at the idea, liking that before nodding, looking equally amazed at the idea. “No, we wont ever have to worry about him again.”She muttered smiling as she laid back and relaxed as ordered, though tense at the beginning, with each press of his lips, every stroke of his finger, she relaxed and was pretty much jelly in his arms. Whining as she pressed a hand against his shoulder, trying to get his attention, but a little to strung out to focus. “...please...Grannttt...”She whined quietly as she squirmed.

“Oh....I’m sorry I’m not doing so well helping...”he muttered before relaxing as he realized that he did indeed help the other somehow.”Can’t be upset about that. Wanted you to enjoy it to.”He muttered snuggling with a equally weak, slightly hurting smile. Because while he understood, it still had hurt. Whining as he shipped his coffee, he smiled slightly. “Am not. I’m in control of my need for coffee.”He snickered a little making a face at him before smiling. “Don’t upset Loki and have fun at the gym.”he said looking a little nervous, but willing to let loki and steve try to talk. “Yea, I’ll come meet him. I want to.”Tony said looking interested
He grinned at her, pleased that she liked his idea of getting a tattoo. They could erase Christian ward completely if they could. He was even more pleased as she staryed to relax with every pass of his lips. It was going to be okay. They trusted eachother. They loved each other so it was going to be fine. He chuckled at her whining and slowly eased her pants off, not wanting to startle her or frighten her. Once they where off he repeated the process, kissing from her ankeles up to her hips and back down again u til she felt safe enough to let him remove her panties. He kissed hef everywhere there too before he took the chance in running his tongue where she wanted it the most. He didn't stop until she had her first orgasm and once she nad stopped trembling as he sat up and smiled at her. "How are you feeling?" He asked, wondering how she was handling it.

Steve smiled a little. "Just having you close is helping." He promised as he kissed Tony's forhead. "Maybe when I'm not having waking nightmares... hallucinations, we can try again?" He offered. He knew if he just waited a few more days Tony would be himself enough to give actual concent. And maybe he'd stop seeing a dead Tony everytime he saw the other sleeping. "It'll ne interesting. You've never met Sam before." He admitted as he slid out of bed and stretched, giving Tony a kiss before leaving to talk to Loki. Loki was looking at star charts in one of the empty rooms, trying to compare Phil's drawings to them so that he would feel useful. He stopped doing his 'work' when he realized Steve was there. They spent an hour in the room, not even Jarvis knew what happened. Whatever went down, they seamed to have come to an understanding.
By the time she came, trembling ever so slightly as she laid back in the mound of pillows, blinking slowly, shuddering a little as she was quiet and blissed out. For the first time in forever, she was so utterly alone in her head, unable to see beyond the moment she was living in. Grant had always held the power to give her a few moments peace, but this, a pleasure so intense and new that it managed to dull out the world, made it a hazy afterthought while grant was the only in focus thing in the world. Looking up at him stupidly, she swallowed hard, smiling. “Good. I’m okay. Promise. I want to...forget everyhing about him. This is just me and you.”She muttered shoving the thought of skye away, refusing to think about grant and her having sex even as she drew him down for a kiss, hand resting on his hip, tugging him closer.

Tony frowned a little before nodding.”I guess that’s okay.”he said sulking, hating he couldn’t do more, but was okay. Perking up he grinned at the other. “Yea, I’d like that.”he smiled.”Well, I’m sure you’ve talked about me. Definitely going to be a surprise for him.”Tony snickered a little looking vaguely worried about steve and loki, but willing to let them figure it out. After a hour Tony knocked on the door, frowning.”Steve, Sam’s here.”Tony called having waited to go introduce himself to the other for steve, and he was hyper and really, really want to go introduce himself to Sam.
He smiled as he watched her orgasm. It was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. "Okay." He agreed softly, letting her guide him into p,ace, his lips catching hers in a kiss as he slowly, carefully slipped inside of her, moaning eagerly as he slipped I to her completely, whispering to her, lips brushing her ear as he told her how much he loved her. How much he would always love her. He moved slowly until she demanded more, and had only the senss of mind to slip out of her before having his own orgasm, painting her belly with his seed. That at least would prevent pregnancy, which neither was ready for.

Steve had been in the gym when Tony came to get him, beating on a nag as he considered the things loki had told him. He didn,t really believe the tricky godling, but the only person who could confirm those things was Tony. Who couldn't remember the things that needed confirming. "Coming Tony!" Steve called back as he paused to wipe his face off and pull the tape off his hands before grinning as he stepped out, examing Tony. "You can't be that excited to meet Sam?" He asked with a grin as he headed out to greet Sam with Tony, pulling the 'paratrooper' into a hug. "Hey, man. Jarvis said you where having problems?" Sam asked, worried about Steve before focusing on Tony."hey! You must be Tony? It's nice to meet you, I'm Sam Wilson! Steve never shuts up about you." He admitted with a grin. "Only half of it is bitching about your work, eating and sleeping habits." Sam promised, looking utterly gleeful as Steve blushed.
Kyra whined moaning quietly as he slid into her. Watching his face the whole time, simply mazed at how utterly different and amazing this was compared to thomas. Tears misting her eyes at his words, simply feeling loved as she clung to him, moaning as she came, eyes widening as she felt the seed spilling over her stomach, whimpering in pleasure and amazement at how utterly hot he was as she looked down at herself, blushing as she leaned up to kiss him.”Love you.”she muttered, panting as she closed her eyes.

“No you’re not. I mean, you’re still dressed and all.”Tony said, his normal sense of humor coming through as he teased steve about the different meanings of ‘coming’ before growing serious, pausing as he looked up at him.’...I am. Why not?He’s your friend, and I’ve never met him. I want to.”Tony said sulking a little smiling slightly as they headed for the living room before grinning at the man. “Yea, I’m tony. And Of course he doesn’t shut up about me, everyone should always talk about me.”HE said snickering a lttle.
He smiled, resting above her, head resting on her shoulder as he tried to catch his nreath. That had been the most amazing thing ever. Well and truly. He had never felt so connected to someone before. Never felt so safe and so loved and so trusted. Not even with Skye. He loved Skye of course, but sex didn't mean the same thing to her as it did to Sarah. "I love you." He whispered, kissing her wrist around the bracelet before slu ping onto his side next to her, ready for a nap.

Steve smiled at him. "Good point. I'll go get undressed then. Though, Sam might go blind if I walked I. There naked." Steve admitted with a snigger. "I guess I didn't think about it. I should have gotten you two together some time ago. He is my best friend. And you are my lover, it only makes snense." He agreed smiling at Tony as sam shook his hand. "It is great to finally meet you. Your a lot taller than I thought you would be. Then again when compared to Steve everyones short." Sam admitted with a chuckle. "I was hoping I could ask you for a room for a few days though. Steve needs more than one session if I'm really going to help. Not to mention I was hoping you might take a look at my wings?" Sam asked hopefully. "The winter soldier tore them up and I can't get them fixed up properly." Now that was agood y to get on tony's good side. Appeal to his scientist, genius, inventer side.
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