In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Steve grinned. "you are pretty. gorgeous and sexy, lithe and sly. just like a little Vixen on the prowl. beautiful to look at, but mischievous and dangerous." he praised with a grin. "i pushed him too hard. he wasn't ready." Steve admitted, wondering if Tony would ever have been ready. it didn't hurt so much now. he could see what had happened. Tony hadn't been ready for that kind of step was all, he could wait, even if he hadn't taken out the nipple ring. "it wasn't your fault Tony. and it wasn't mine either. just a lack of communication and understanding." he promised, kissing Tony's forehead. "all people have those." it hurt to hear Tony so willing to blame himself though. he knew he'd always done it, but hearing Tony verbally acknowledge it hurt. "Loki shouldn't even be doing magic here." Steve growled. "it's his fault and he'll suffer the consequences." Loki already was. he was so concussed he was acting drunk. he hadn't forgotten anything though which brought up the question of why Tony had. Steve handed Tony a large grilled cheese and then handed Clint a basket of fries and a grilled cheese as well. Steve did have one nefarious plan to exploit Tony's amnesia. he was going to see about changing some of those bad habits Tony had, like not eating for days in a row, and not sleeping for days at a time. any chance to put a dent in those nasty habits was one he was going to take. god he needed a joint.

"i know. it's going to take Steve a long time to convince Tony." he admitted as he sighed as Grant grinned, Bruce snickering. "uh. i don't think i know enough about smart people stuff to flirt like that." he admitted sheepishly as he smiled at her before watching as Bruce realized that they where talking about him and Skye! "oh! no! i wasn't flirting i swear!" he babbled, worried that the might have been angry with him for 'poaching'.
"....oh. well you're fairly pretty yourself then."tony said blushing brightly at the praise as he ducked his head "yea. I guess. I don't know for sure."tony said snickering a little because he really didnt remember anything. "Probably not but tony told him he could. Dont break the magican,it'll upset tony."clint said looking amused with the idea that steve was going to try and break some of tony's nastier habits while he couldn't remember anything

"Hm but we could flirt over knives and sheaths. I mean, I've met some of the people you've slept with. Rumors of big weapons."she teased stealing a kiss responding crudely just to make him blush. "This wasnt flirting!i was just correcting him.skye protested just making kyra laugh."dont look so freaked out. Its flirting the way tony flirts. Smart people flirting."she teased.

Over the next few days they got a glimpse of the child had to have been before howard scarred him, even more then normaln the man was finding utter delight in his lab. More open and easy about telling them things and how he was feeling. A utter relaxed man as he stepped into loki's room looking nervous to be talking to the man."loki? How are you feeling? Thank you for protecting me. From what I understand I wouldnt have survived being hurt like that."tony said unconciously rubbing at his chest having discovered the arc reactor scars, but hadnt been brave enough to ask anyone about them yet.biting his lip a little."I dont know if anyone told you,but I cant remember anything..."
Steve smirked. "i'm too big to be pretty." he teased as he shook his head. "o wo;; break the magician." he grumbled. "he shouldn't be here anyway."

he smirked. "May doesn't need weapons. she IS a weapon." Grant admitted with a snicker even as he flushed before he snorted. "flirting is okay so long as it doesn't evolve into more." he admitted. "people flirt. it's fun. i flirt with Tony all the time." he admitted with a grin as he snuggled into his girls.

Steve hated it. hated how open Tony was. how happy Tony was. how Tony never argued, never protested and never insulted anyone. he hated how much he missed Tony, his Tony. he hated how much he was furious at Loki, no matter the man was completely bedridden from taking the force of the explosion to save Tony. Loki smiled at Tony as he came in, covered in bandages but recovering quickly. "hey Tony. come on in. yeah, they told me." Loki admitted. "and i have a few theories but i can't be sure without working Magic on you to see what happened." he admitted. "i'm sure you would have survived." he admitted. "your a fighter." he admitted with a chuckle before examining where Tony was rubbing. "you used to have shrapnel in your chest." he explained. "there wasn't any medical way of keeping the shrapnel from killing you, so there was a small electro magnet type thing installed into your chest. it held the shrapnel in place so it couldn't dig deeper." he explained. "you recently had it removed when advances in medical technology allowed for you to have the shrapnel removed safely." Loki explained. "you're rather sensitive about it." he admitted.
“What;s your theories?I don’t...this is horrible. I dislike not knowing why the Captain just stares at me sadly, and clint ruffles my hair like I’m a kid, and ignores my efforts of trying to steal kisses. I miss sex.Even if I don’t know how good sex is, I want to.”Tony said sounding tired and frustrated before tilting his head, looking down at his hand, swallowing thickly. “...Oh. Well. That makes sense of why no one thought to tell’s just...weird not remembering getting hurt.”he sighed quietly, biting his lip.

“Cap?You okay?”Kyra said as she walked into the gym, pausing next to grant, the two having come down to get their daily workout, but the sight of steve beating the hell out of one of the gym bags, made her want to give him a target that’d hit him back, so he could work out some of that frustration. Wondering if he’d spar with her, or if she could go find james.
Loki smiled. "he stares at you because you freak him out." he admitted. "he misses you. the you he used to know." he admitted. "it's not that he doesn't like you as you are. he's delighted that your happy, eating anything he gives you and sleeping like a proper person. but he misses who you used to be too and that makes him feel bad. he also doesn't want to take advantage of you like this." he admitted. "so that's why he's resisting your attempts at sex." he admitted. "i'd have sex with you, but some of my bones are still broken." he admitted with a smile. "not a lot of people know." he admitted. "out of all the people in the tower, the only ones who know what happened are me and Phil." he admitted. "Clint and Steve know parts of it." he admitted as he held a hand out to Tony. "come cuddle with me." he offered. "i'll tell you funny stories about yourself." he offered with a smile.

Steve was beating on a punching bag. one that even he couldn't destroy. "...i'm fine..." he muttered sourly. "just fine. i'm not completely furious because Tony is with Loki right now. not at all." he growled as he resumed wailing on his punching bag, Grant raising an eyebrow as he looked at Kyra. "...i'll go get James." he offered. "i'm not taking him on when he's like this."
“Oh....Should I avoid him?I mean, if it upsets him....I don’t want to make him feel bad for something that’s natural. I miss being myself to. Even if I didn’t know me, I still know somethings different.”Tony sighed before grinning, “I’d have sex with you to. When you’re better, we’ll have sex.”he smirked at the other, smiling a little. Hesitating for a moment before smiling happily as he walked over, crawling in bed next to the other and cuddling close, resting his head on the other’s shoulder gently, sighing quietly as he relaxed and cuddled.

“...Yea...I was going to offer, by he’ll break me if we take him on now.”Kyra muttered nodding a little, “Jarvis?Can you send James down.”she said smiling a little when the AI agreed before moving over to the sparring ring, pushing grant a little. “We might not be able to fight him, but we can still have our spar.”she smiled, the unsaid words ‘so we can keep a eye on the two’ there, and vaguely made her wonder where clint was, before wincing a little, realizing the archer was probably hiding out either in his nest or with phil
Loki smiled. "don't avoid him. it will only make him worse." he admitted to Tony. "from what i can tell, magic seeped into you. you couldn't control it so it acted on your strongest desire. as the magic fades out of you, you'll start getting your memories back." he promised Tony. "alright. we'll have sex." he promised with a smile. "you do know the kind of sex you typically have don't you? will you be able to handle that kind of sex when your... you know. happy?" he asked with a smile as he wrapped his good arm around Tony, holding him close and easily ignoring the throbbing ribs the action caused. he'd missed snuggling with Tony more than anything, he wasn't going to stop just because of a little pain.

he nodded. "yeah and then he'd feel even worse." he admitted. "do you speak... whatever he's speaking?" Steve had dissolved into snarling in French as he wailed on the bag. he nodded and followed her into the ring as James appeared and responded in french, making Steve laugh, a startled sort of laugh. then they where trading blows much like Grant and Kyra where about to be. Steve looked a lot less pissed off already and Grant had relaxed into sparring with Kyra now that the danger seamed to have passed. he was too used to being the target for a beating when people where in bad moods to be calm when Steve was acting so viscous.
“...As long as you’re sure it’ll just make him worse.”Tony frowned a little before staring down at the blankets, frowning. “...Why would I want to forget who I was?That doesn’t make sense. For everything I’ve heard, I was...okay with who I was.”Tony frowned but looking relieved that he’d get his memories back, tilting his head as he snuggled into him. “...There’s different kinds of sex?”He said after a moment looking interested and happy with the idea, actually really just wanting to go ask steve what kind of sex they had, just so he could convince the man it really was okay to have sex.

“French. And yes, I really hadn’t thought the good captain had it in him to curse that much.”Kyra snickered a little, relaxing as james arrived, glad that the two were together, and it had helped steve. Grinning as they worked out, intent on sparring, before frowning a little, tilting her head as she caught his wrist to stop a blow, leaning in to steal a kiss before moving back. “You okay?”She said recognizing that he still seemed a little tense at the idea of steve being angry.
Loki smiled as he stroked the others hair. "you had a very hard past Tony. i know that James told you some of the things he suspected." he admitted. "no one really knows how truly horrible your life has been. when Steve admitted to his feelings to you, you panicked. at the time i suspect you didn't think you deserved such things. i imagine you wished you where someone else, someone who didn't, as i'f heard you say before 'ruin anything i've ever loved'. i know you a lot deeper than most people ever did. you trusted me more, shared more." he admitted. "the only person you trusted more was Steve, but Steve didn't understand the things that I understand." he admitted before he chuckled. "yes there are different kinds of sex. you where very heavy into a BDSM style lifestyle." he admitted. "Jarvis? would you bring up the stuff Tony suggested to me when i first started with BDSM?" he asked, handing Tony the Tablet once it had come up.

he blinked. "Captain America is cursing?" he asked, looking a bit amazed. "he can curse?" he asked again before grinning as he watched her, more flirting than sparring with her. "i'm fine... just... Garret used to beat me when he got angry like that. it's... it makes me a bit nervous." he admitted with a shrug before smiling at her. "i'll be okay. it's just conditioning. i'll get over it." he promised her.
Tony nearly purred under the other’s hand as the man petted him, responding to the petting like he did when it was steve or clint petting him. While he dominated the hell out of loki, he still enjoyed being petted himself, didn’t matter who it was, as long as it was one of his chosen people, he purred like a goddamn kitten. “Oh. I think I’m glad I don’t remember if no one but me knew for sure...”he muttered hating that idea frowning slightly. “...that makes a weird sort of sense...”Tony muttered thinking on that before blushing a little at the other’s mentioning of sex, looking interested. Blushing and utterly adorable in a sexy way as the man settled in to read, biting his lip as he did so. He was so wanting to go test out these things with steve and clint,(he’d include loki if the man hadn’t been hurt) if only he could convince them to actually have sex. “...How do I convince them it’s okay?I’ll be fun having sex like this. I have no idea what its like.”Tony said after a long moment.

“Yea, he is. In french. Which seems wrong from a american icon.”Kyra snickered a little, “Ah. It makes me nervous to.”She said swallowing thickly at the memory, because it did indeed remind her of thomas, even if she was okay with Grant, the memory of his brother had left soul deep scars that still had her scrambling to be comfortable with angry people, or at the idea of sex, or relationships. Having avoided sex with him, simply because she had no idea how to explain the utter abuse at thomas’ hands, and she knew he understood, it just was hard on her watching him and skye together, knowing they’d had-and were still- having sex. Even if she said she was okay with them having sex, it still made her twitchy when she couldn’t joi nin. “Just think about it this way. If we goad him enough, we might get to see james get his ass kicked for once.”
Loki smiled a little as he stroked Tony's hair. he loved the way Tony adored physical contact with him. even when Loki was blue, he still loved for Loki to touch him. he never flinched, never recoiled, just accepted him. "you didn't like to talk much." Loki admitted. "it's sort of freaking everyone out how open you are right now." he admitted with a chuckle. "especially since you're going to be completely enraged we all saw you like this when you get your memories back. for some reason you think that your emotions are a weakness." he admitted before he smiled at Tony and kissed his forehead before settling into a doze. healing was hard work, he mostly slept. "you have to talk to them. start with Clint." he murmured sluggishly. "Steve is too conflicted to give in, he'll think he's taking advantage of you." he admitted, offering the other a smile. "if they say no, then come here again in two days. i'll be fully healed then." he admitted. "i'm submissive only. but don't tell anyone." he ordered. "they all think i'm Dominant and i don't want them trying to push me around." he admitted.

"very odd." he admitted. "why does he even knew French?" "his mother was french. or at least, half french." was James sudden contribution into the conversation. "half." Steve supplied. "her father was a Frenchman who fled France and married her mother." he admitted as he ducked and rolled under a wild swing from the metal arm. Grant was watching them now, eyes wide and amazed as he realized that they where sparring at a whole other level than what he and Kyra where capable of. "i don't think i want to goad him." he admitted.
Tony butted his head against loki’s hand like a touch starved kitten, before huffing a little. “I can tell. It’s odd. You guys all stare at me when I start talking about stuff.”Tony muttered before twitching a little. “I wont. At least, I’ll try not to be angry.”he said shrugging as he settled into starting to sleep himself, before nodding. “I’ll talk to clint then.”he said looking eager before smiling as he shifted to get comfortable, having every intent of sleeping next to him.”I wont tell anyone.”he promised easly smiling as he drifted to sleep.

“...Yea. Definitely don’t want to piss either of them off.”Kyra said looking amazed and wide eyed herself as she moved settled in to watch, glad that at least james was giving steve a chance to get out of his head, to not think about tony.

“Loki!They’re both avoiding me now!”Tony scowled as he stomped into the other’s room two days later, having paused long enough to get invited in before walking in, not about to risk interrupting him to soon again, looking utterly pissed and frustrated. Even without the memories goading him into having sex as a release, a way to ease the pressure of being himself off, even without them the man was still tony at heart, memoriless, he still enjoyed the thought of sex. At least, he wanted to enjoy sex!And he had spent alot of the last two days reading everything jarvis could suggest to him, even watching some of the videos that had been titled ‘captain inspires’ but still, it was hard for him. He had no idea what to do, except turn to loki, who had promised to help.

“Phil, it’s weird. Seriously. I’ve been propositioned more in the last two days then Tony ever did before. Usually he just walks in and seduces, he’s been wheedling and demanding about it now.”Clint sighed as he slumped onto the floor as he watched the other carved, huffing in utter annoyance. “And he talks. Like all the time. About himself. Not projects, or tech or anything really, he just talks!”
Loki smiled as he shook his head. "we're not used to it." he admitted. "you where hurt so many times, so often that you built strong shells around yourself. you talked a lot, but never about yourself." he admitted. "you didn't let people in, so they couldn't hurt you anymore." he admitted, smiling happily when Tony stayed with him instead of tearing off to find Clint.

he chuckled as he sat in bed reading. he liked this new Tony, just as much as he liked the old Tony. to him, they weren't much different because Tony had always been so much more open with him. probably because Loki had been so very broken when they had started sleeping together. Loki had wormed his way into Tony's shields by being even more broken than Tony was. Loki had regrown his own shields, but Tony had seen the raw, aching, oozing pain that was Loki's true self. perhaps that was why he had forgiven him for what he'd done to Manhattan. "alright then. do you want to try your hand at domination or submission? while i prefer submission, in fact submission is the only thing i really like, i can dominate you well enough to let you feel how it will feel." he admitted. "i doubt either of us will..." here his lips fluttered with amusement. "'get off' but you will be able to feel Subspace and some pleasure." he admitted.

Phil chuckled as he worked. "it's Tony, Clint. even if he doesn't have the Scars anymore, sex has always been a very deep part of his life." he admitted. "Sex is his way of connecting, being close to the people he likes the most." he admitted. "he is a sexual creature but he doesn't remember how to have sex. he's acting like a virgin who wants to have sex." he pointed out. "and in a way that's exactly what he is. he hasn't been hurt yet either. not in a big way. he has no masks, no shields." he looked at the other. "he doesn't know he needs to be careful, just like a child who hasn't had their first hurt." he admitted. "he's never been betrayed, never been punished too harshly. never been denied and never been heartbroken. how can he know to protect himself when he's never been hurt?just enjoy him like this while you can. Loki says the magic has already started to dissipate. in a week or less Tony will start regaining his memories."
Tony smiled as he walked in, smiling at the other. “...I’d like to see you on your knees. I mean, if you want.”Tony said, while there was a dominating gleam to his eyes, that said he wanted to see the other under his control, the man hadn’t had the years to gain the sharp edge of near cruelty that had characterized every act of dominance, hadn’t been hurt, had earned the sharp edges yet. “I think I want to be in charge. If it’s okay.”He said, because despite saying he wanted to be in charge, he wasn’t sure, still innocently kind, and happy. So he was asking, instead of demanding.

“Yea I know. But it feels like I’m taking advantage if I take him up on his offer to be submissive when he’s like this. Tony never bottoms. At least not for me.”Clint sighed a little, biting his lip. “.....Tony Stark a virgin...”He trailed off, his eyes glazing, because he hadn’t considered that angle. While he’d known tony was without the sexual knowledge that had been blatant and edgy in every action the real tony did, it hadn’t hit him that this tony was a utter virgin. “...I am enjoying it. It’s weird and nice, hearing him talk about thing. It’ll be something to remember when he’s back to normal....but I still miss old tony.”He sighed sounding frustrated and aroused still, both angry at the knowledge they’d lose this tony when he liked him, and embarassed at the desire, the man was glad he’d come to talk to phil, because phil always managed to make him feel better.
Loki's eyes brightened a touch, delighted to be in the favored position and he settled onto his knees in front of Tony, crossed his wrists behind his back and bowed his head submissively. his hair pulled back into a ponytail magically because Tony hated it when his hair hid his face. "you don't ask." Loki gently coached. "you are the..." he paused, looking for the right word. "Master? here." some of the terms still confused him. Tony didn't typically like being called that though because it upset Loki. who had entirely too many 'masters'. he usually called Tony Sir, or occasionally Sire. "you are the one in charge. you demand. you command. you read about safe-words?" he asked, eyes still lowered. "mine is Oranges. if you hear that, you back off immediately." he explained. "or if i cannot speak, because you have this unholy fetish for gags, then i snap my fingers." he smiled. "now, control me." he whispered breathlessly.

he chuckled. "and how do you know he wants to Submit to you?" he asked. "have you asked him or did you just assume he knew nothing about anything? keep in mind, he has spoken to Loki, who has no compunctions about telling Tony anything he wants to know." he reminded the other. "Tony's probably done all the research he needed. i know he was watching the video recordings." his grin turned sharp. "i notice you still cry." he teased, pleased that Clint could trust Tony and Steve to submit like that. "Tony knows what he wants, and so long as you go slow with him and let him control the pace, why shouldn't you have sex?" he asked, pausing to examine his carvings before continuing. "we all miss the old Tony. that doesn't mean we can't love the new Tony."
“...Oh.Okay. I can demand. Totally.”Tony said tilting his head, gently stroking loki’s hair as he knelt, “I did.”he said before nodding.”Oranges or snapping....I do like the idea of gagging you. After you suck my cock.”Tony growled as he undid his pants, before sliding ah hand into the other’s hair, easing the other’s mouth down over his cock, and while he was in charge and demanding a blow job, the man was still gentler then normal, trying to figure out the lines he could cross and the ones he couldn’t. Rocking his hips a little he sighed softly, closing his eyes to just enjoy it.

“...I asked him. After I realized he was talking to Loki about it, I did ask him what he wanted to try. Seems he’s more willing to be submissive when he doesn’t have the emotional trauma to back up the idea of not wanting to be vulnerable.”Clint smirked a little groaning a little, because he was getting turned on thinking about it, wondering if he should bully steve into joining him, or if he wanted to just be with tony....though considering the good captain’s mental state, it was probably a good idea to talk to him before he seduced tony, otherwise he might get his ass kicked. “...So does tony.”He said blushing a little ducking his head at the teasing, before sighing softly, watching the other carve for a long moment before nodding. “...You’re right. I should enjoy this while it lasts....”he sighed smirking. “You know, you’re also being better about this conversation then I thought you’d be. I’re not having any issues with discussing me and this progress, or simply because it’s tony?”He said looking thoughtful, wondering if it was because phil knew tony didn’t want to keep him like that, while tony enjoyed sex, it wasn’t the same for him and tony as it was for tony and steve.
Loki sighed, leaning into the hand, eyes fluttering shut. it felt so good to be in his proper place after weeks of celibacy. he moaned at the order to suck cock and opened his mouth, taking Tony's cock into his mouth and down his throat with a practiced ease. simply taking what Tony offered. he did take Tony's hand and set it in his hair though. Loki loved having Tony yank on his hair. holding his head in place, fucking his throat and mouth until Loki could hardly breath.

he chuckled a little. "tell him you don't feel right dominating him when he never let you before. you have to be honest with him Clint." he admitted. "tell him you feel like your taking advantage of him, or manipulating him and i bet you he'll back off quite a bit." he admitted. "Steve's the biggest milestone. if you can get Steve involved it will be fine, but he won't because he's too noble." he scoffed before he smiled a little. "yes he does. it's really very pretty." he admitted before shrugging. "avoiding direct Eye contact with you helps." he admitted. "plus 'It' is less aware of my surroundings when we're carving." he admitted. " 'It' is too focused on making the lines." he admitted. "not to mention that Bruce's machine is working well." he admitted, lowing the line of his suit to show off the simple black band wrapped around his neck. "anytime my brain wave patters or my testosterone levels rise it injects me with a serum composed of things that make me happy and sleepy." he admitted. "with the levels of testosterone that flood my body when 'It' pops into play the collar basically makes me calm down." he admitted. " 'It' doesn't seam to be able to make distinctions between people aside from you. 'It' hates anyone who gets too close, or worse, touches you. even Bruce." he admitted. "i'm able to manage it, mostly, now. i'm still dangerous, very much so, but i can control myself long enough for others to get to safety now." he admitted.
Tony sighed, closing his eyes as he fucked the other’s throat slowly and gently, hand threaded through the other’s hair, taking his time, finding the boundaries of what he could do, shuddering as his fingers tightened. “Oh god...loki...I’m gonna...”he said shuddering, moaning as came with a shudder, his self control in shreds, simply coming without fighting it, simply relaxing. Shuddering as he stroked the other’s hair, closing his eyes as he slumped a little.

“...That makes sense. I’ll have to do that.”Clint said sounding thoughtful, having never been great with emotions and telling people, he’d always relied on phil to help him figure it out. “...He wont, and in reality, its probably what tony needs the most. But steve wont do it.”Clint said even though he had every intention of getting steve on board, maybe he could convince him it was okay. “...Ah. Carving is so demanding, ‘it’ needs to concentrate.”he looked happy, grinning. “I’m glad Bruce figured that out. Though it was amusing to watch the others get high using it.”He snickered a little before smiling. “I’m glad you’re safe.”he smiled before moving to get up. “Want to come talk to steve with me? Maybe between the two of us, we can bully a all american hero.”He snickered a little
Loki sucked and slurped and swallowed around Tony's cock, eagerly doing everything to could to make Tony cum. he moaned eagerly as he swallowed down the spurts of semen erupting from Tony's cock. he pulled away with a whine when Tony finally moved, his own cock hard in his pants. "Sir... please... i want." he moaned, blinking at Tony, strands of his hair pulled from it's tie hanging around his face. "please. fuck me. Sir. Tony... please." he panted, mostly because he liked to beg.

he nodded. "you do need to do that." he agreed. "oh, i'm sure once Steve realizes Tony and Loki are fucking right at this moment he'll break down and give Tony what he wants." he admitted with a sly smile. "it's not just carving. i don't know what else it's doing but it's not just carving." he admitted as he carved some more lines. "he tested this on other people?" he asked, sounding extremely amused. it was kind of odd, seeing him so focused on something, and yet completely unconcerned with it. 'It' apparently was the one doing the work, so Phil could just relax and let 'It' work while he focused on other things. like Clint. "no, i need to finish this. 'It' won't let me stop until it's done and people tend to get cut when they try to interrupt. myself included." he admitted. "if you wait ten minutes though 'It' should be done by then if you really want me to go with." he admitted.
Tony panted blinking slowly as he looked down at the other man, blinking stupidly, biting his lip before nodding. “I will. Don’t rush me.”he ordered, though the tone was off, just enough to show that he was still out of sorts. “...Do...prepare yourself. I don’t know how to, and I don’t want to hurt you. So. Lay back and prep yourself.”He ordered watching the other as he finished undressed, laying down on the bed.

“...that’d be evil.Telling steve about loki and tony.”Clint said snickering though he knew the other would indeed break down as soon as he told steve about it. “...Between loki and tony, I’m sure they’ll figure out what it’s doing.”Clint said before smirking. “He did. Most notably the ever cuddling genius, before he became so cuddly, and hunter and tripp who are fucking like bunnies sense.”Clint snickered, before smiling, because it was so good to see phil relaxing, even if it was odd to see him so disconnected. “Nah. It’s okay. He might respond better if it’s just me.”He smiled as he stood, wanting to kiss him, the urge showing on his face before sighing as he realized he couldn’t.”I’ll see you later.”He smiled before going in search of steve.
he whined at Tony, pouting but he did as commanded, fingers slick with wetness as he banished his clothes. he made a big show of it too, moaning as he fingered himself, taking his time and showing off for Tony who rarely let him do this because Loki was entirely too devious to be trusted to do it without tormenting Tony in some manner. "for. mmm future reference. you can't hurt me." Loki admitted, panting happily. "i am a shape-shifter and a sorcerer. even if you did it improperly i could just magic myself ready." he admitted. "please. i'm ready NOW. fuck me please?" it was a lot more tame than Loki was used to, but he still enjoyed it immensely. this slower gentler Tony was a nice contract to their usual sex. granted, he'd get frustrated if it was like this too often, but for now he was content.

"is that really going to stop you from doing it?" Phil asked, looking amused. "i'm sure. in the meantime, i'm stuck here." he admitted wryly. "it really kind of sucks, having something else in control of your body." he admitted. "that's hilarious. i'm assuming Jarvis has the video recordings? that could be some very nice blackmail." he admitted. "alright. be safe." he ordered with a smile. "i'm sorry." he admitted. "i'm still too dangerous for me to feel safe with Loki removing the spell." he admitted. "we'll have this solved soon i'm sure." he promised, watching the other leave before returning to his carving, ignoring the things twisting anger that Clint was off to seduce someone else. he soothed it back down with a practiced ease and wondered how soon it would be before he could be free of 'it'. whatever it was.
Tony settled back with a smile as he watched the other, swallowing thickly as he watched, “...Well. I’ll have to remember that. For later.”Tony grinned a little watching before tugging the other over for a kiss, before settling inbetween the other’s legs, pushing his way into the other with a slow smile, eyes wide and startled as he did so. It was...utterly odd and amazing, to be doing this. Whimpering as he fucked the other he shuddered as he buried his face against the other’s neck, taking his time, moaning quietly as he came again, hand stroking over the other’s cock, swallowing thickly as he held the other oh so gently for once, instead of clinging.

“No, no it wont. But it’s good to know when the evil plans are there.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, wincing away from that thought. “It is.”He said swallowing thickly at the idea of loki controlling him again before laughing. “Of course. There’s plenty of blackmail for tony and the others. We’ll be well taken care of for awhile now.”Clint snickered. “I know, it still sucks. Hate not being able to kiss or touch.”he muttered smiling a little as he left. “Steve?”Clint called as he wandered into where jarvis had directed him the other man was, pausing at the sight of him playing cards with kyra, grant, and james. “...Should I be worried you four are playing poker?”
Loki grinned and nodded, moaning into the kiss. he moaned eagerly as he felt Tony slipping inside of him, inch by inch. god it felt so GOOD. he moaned and arched, feeling Tony hitting his prostate dead on made him mewl. "Fuck! Tony! Fuck! Yes!" he moaned as he felt the other cu, his own orgasm getting milked out by a hand that knew exactly what it was doing even if the owner didn't. "....that was kind of awesome." Loki admitted with a smile.

Phil chuckled a little as he worked before he grimaced. "i'm sorry. that was tactless of me..." he muttered, hating that he had, even for a moment, forgotten how much Clint had suffered at the hands of the god they all seamed to be accepting. "it does suck. but we'll be okay." he promised. it had to be okay.

Steve looked up at Clint and then back down at his cards. "these fools think they have a chance against me. i'm proving them wrong." Steve admitted, his face a very careful blank mask as Grant scowled. "he PLAYED us!" he complained. "he pretended to have a tell and then used it against us because he's an ASS!" he complained. considering Grant only had a few chips left, his annoyance was to be expected.
Tony grinned as he shuddered, laughing quietly as he pulled out and slumped to the side, cuddling against the other. “It was awesome. Definitely something I want to do over and over.”Tony snickered before yawning, stretching as he got up to go in search of a wash cloth, gently cleaning the other up and himself before climbing back in bed with him, cuddling close.

“..Well. Playing Grant at least. I think you three are ganging up on him.”Clint snickered as he looked at the big pile of chips in front of steve, and the modestly sized ones in front of the kyra and james. “I would never do that. I do want to have sex with him sometime, and making him look like a fool is counterproductive.”Kyra said innocently, looking up at both grant and clint with wide innocent eyes, even if they hadn’t had sex, her and grant had slowly been making their way to that end, and driving the rest of their friends insane with underlying sexual tension that had been developing for years.
Loki chuckled a little. "well. i do like it a bit rougher usually." he admitted with a grin as he let Tony wash him off and snuggled into him, humming happily. it felt nice. just laying there with Tony. Loki couldn't help but imagine the bed was a bit too big though. he sighed and snuggled tighter against Tony. what did he care anyway? he had Tony, that was more than enough.

Steve smirked a little. "he's just bad at Poker." he stated simply. "he never folds." "i never give in!" Grant grumbled, Steve rolling his eyes and giving Grant that pointed look that he got when he thought someone was being particularly stupid. usually it was reserved for Clint's shenanigans. "besides, what does poker have to do with sex?" James asked curiously which made Grant pause and look confused. James was such an asshole. confusing grant on purpose like that. "where's Skye anyway?" Steve asked curiously.
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