In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

he smirked. "i love making you cry." he admitted, chuckling a little as Clint protested. "leave it in. you look amazing with it in." he admitted with a grin. "like some sort of punk kid, a rebel." he admitted with a chuckle. "if you really hated it, you would have taken it out already." he teased, smirking at him. the tiny arrow earring perfect for the Archer. "oh. no. if i'm getting a nipple ring, it's going to be a red and gold bar." he admitted with a snicker. "that'll really turn my Vixen inside out." because Tony, to him, didn't come across as a cat. he was more like a fox. aloof, mischievous but adoring human contact once he trusted you. Loki seamed to agree because he had a fox tattooed on his ass. "that's it. such a good little Sex pet. working yourself open so you can take my cock." he murmured happily, slipping his own finger in there along Clint's. seeing how loose he had managed to work himself.

Loki snorted. "must you call me that?" he demanded, sulking. he never should have Told Tony that he loved to lounge in the form of a cat. he tended not to shapeshift while on earth, but he did so love to lay about while as a cat. "you do get a bit more talkative." Loki admitted. "it's not that you say more words, it that... hmm, your more open with them. the words seam to mean more somehow." he admitted. "i like it." he admitted. "you talk more like yourself, instead of hiding with science." he admitted with a smile before he shook his head. "you trained me." he pointed out, looking amused a he let Tony pull him in for cuddles. "no working." he ordered, pulling Tony's hand back down. "you should go tell your Captain what you discovered." he pointed out with a smile. "he'll probably be most impressed." he admitted as he smirked at Tony. "are you capable of dominating me in this condition?" he asked, looking amused. "i'll be your naughty student later." he promised.

he relaxed again and nodded. "okay." he agreed before he paused, head tilted, thinking hard about what to do, what would be best, what the other girls would like the most. "Movie theater." he decided. it was intimate, but not too intimate like the bedroom would be. and neutral without running the risk of being interrupted like the living room would. "and something romantic. girls like Romance movies." it was the first decision he'd made on his own without being urged. he was improving already.
Clint whined a little at the order, though they both knew he’d listen to it, and since the earring was still in, he wasn’t as annoyed with it as he made it sound like he was. “I am a rebel.”Clint snickered a little before laughing. “I’m dragging you out to get your nipple pierced after this. I’ll get a shield, you get a bar.”clint snickered, even as far down as he was, he was planning things, and marking cap like that, amused him because he knew it would totally derail whatever tony was thinking. Clint smiled a little at the praise, eyes widening as he felt steve’s finger slipping in next to his, squirming a little, moaning as he pressed against their hands, making that cute little demanding whimper that said he wanted more. “please, cap.”He whined looking down at the other.

“Yes, I must. Just be glad I haven’t fucked up, and called you it in front of the others.”Tony grinned at him, even if they both know he was more careful then that, he’d never tell the others it unless loki said it was okay. “...You would. You and everyone else in the world, seem to think I need to talk more.”Tony grumbled smiling a little as he cuddled the other, whining as his hand was pulled away. “He would be impressed wouldn’t he?I think I will.”he muttered but made no move to move just yet, to far down to make his own decisions quickly before making a face. “I’m totally capable of dominating you anytime, LoKitty, but later would be better.”he snickered a little, moving away, stealing a kiss. “We’ll watch a movie later, Kay?Celebrate being awesome, and discovering this.”Tony grinned as he stood, nudging the other. “Want to come with? You did say you’d escort me to him if I needed you to.”Tony said, simply because he didn’t want to be alone, even for the few minutes it would take him to get upstairs. Even if he’d never admit to it, he really, really hated being alone.

Kyra smiled watching him, so glad to know that he was thinking on his own, making his own choices. “I’ll go make popcorn, you two decide on a movie. Romantic is fine.”Kyra grinned as she headed for the kitchen, after giving grant that pleased ‘I’m happy and pleased with you’ smile for his decision. Skye grinned before nodding, “We’ll go get things ready.”She said heading down to the threater with grant, thinking on what movie to watch before smiling. Setting up to watch what’s your number Skye smiled as she lounged onto the comfy huge couches tony had put in instead of the movie chairs, smiling as kyra brought in a huge bowl of popcorn. “So what movie?” “What’s your number. Cute and chesy. Perfect.”
he smirked at him. "yes you are, naughty boy." he growled playfully. "sounds fine to me." he admitted, pulling the other down for a kiss. "we'll do that after i defile you." he promised, kissing him again before smirking as he wiggled his fingers inside of the other. "oh? begging already Bird?" he asked with a grin. "you want something? you beg so nice, but i can't tell what you want."

he snorted. "asshole." he complained, but his voice was warm and affectionate and he was smiling. "you don't need to talk more Tony, you need to open up a bit more." he admitted. "you need to let people in a bit more. trust them. let them see who you are." he admitted with a smile. "he will be impressed. but then, he's normally quite impressed with you." he admitted with a smile. "later would be better." he promised with a smile as he stroked Tony's hair. "alright. something fun. with explosions." he ordered with a smile as he chuckled. "yes, i'll take you back to your kinky captain." he promised with a smile as he wrapped his arm around the others waist as he lead the other off, back to the fornication.

he beamed at her smile. it was so hard to get that smile. well, it wasn't, but it seamed like it was. "i want extra butter!" he ordered. because while he had issues making decisions, he did know what he liked to eat if he could choose. "never heard of it." was Grant's only comment, pleased that Skye had picked. not only because he would have freaked out, being that there was about five hundred thousand movies there, but also because he knew nothing about Romance movies. it was just as boring as he anticipated and he fell asleep after a half an hour into the movie.
“We’ll go after this.”Clint moaned, squirming a little, shuddering as he was kissed, moaning, eyes wide as he looked down at him, blinking hard to try and focus, to actually beg better.”Steeeeeveee. Fuck me. please.Please.”he whined.

“Yes I am.”Tony snickered a little, before sighing softly. “...I’m fine with people.”Tony huffed, because opening up, meant that he had to let others see him, and he ewas utterly unwilling to let people have the chance to see what howard had seen, take the chance his team would hate him.”He’s easily impressed. But he rewards me so well when he’s even more impressed.”tony snickered a little, “He is kinky. So so kinky. He wants to collar me.”He informed the other, leaning into him, snuggling loki even as he opened the door, pausing at the sight on his bed, sulking before smirking a little. “I’m just gonna watch from here.”Tony muttered quietly-well not so quietly, but he thought it was quiet- as he stopped in teh door just to watch steve and clint together, that quiet pleased smile as he looked them over, showing just how far down he was, because he normally wouldn’t ever show that much emotion over simply seeing two of his lovers together and happy.

“Kay, extra butter it is.”Kyra snickered a little as they settled in to watch the movie. And by the time it was over, skye smiled leaving the two alone. Because she’d had her first tiem alone with him, it only seemed right to let kyra have it, when she’d been waiting so much longer. “Grant, time to get up sweetheart.”Kyra said gently stroking his hair out of his face, looking amused at how utterly relaxed he looked.
"your worse with people than i am." Loki pointed out with a chuckle. because he was pretty damn bad. he was frightened of people though, frightened that they would turn on him once they knew things Loki had kept hidden for his entire life. "he's not as easily as impressed as you think he is." Loki admitted with a smile. "does he? and do you want to accept that collar? you know he wants to keep you." Loki admitted. "you and he would be perfect together." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "you left two horny men in your bed. what do you expect?" he asked with a smile at Tony and shook his head as he stepped away and left Tony in capable hands.

"oh? you want me to fuck you?" he looked over at Tony, grinning. "what do you think Tony, should i fuck him?" he asked, smirking a little, wiggling his fingers again inside of Clint. his pupils blown wide and so turned on he didn't even mind that Loki was there. "should i sink my cock into his tight ass, and then make you ride the sloppy seconds?" he asked with a grin. "or would you like to put your dick in the pretty birdie?"

Grant groaned as he was woken and snuffled in protest as he sat up. "'s movie over?" he asked, wondering where the hell the time had gone. he stood up and stretched and blinked when he realized Skye was gone, looking even more confused. "did Skye not like the movie? was it terrible? i think it was terrible." he admitted with a chuckle as he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up a little bit.
“Am not.”Tony huffed making a face at him even though he knew he was. “He is to. He’s been frozen for years. Sorta lends itself to constant amazement in my near vicinity.”Tony snickered a little before biting his lip, squirming a little under the other’s gaze, swallowing thickly. “I don’t know....and you know nothing. He doesn’t want to.”Toyn said nervous at the idea before snickering. “True. But I thought they’d be nice and wait.”Tony snickered a little.

“As if.”Clint snorted a little, before nodding quickly, “I do. Please.”Clint begged as steve wiggled his fingers, turning his head to look up at tony as the billionaire walked closer, leaning into tony’s hand as the man stroked his hair. “My turn first. Though I think I’m going to fuck him while he’s laying on you.”Tony smirked as he nudged and pushed clint into where he wanted him before settling against his back, smirking as each thrust sent the archer squirming against steve’s front, the two men moving together, and a tangled mass of limbs writhing on top of steve, and it wasn’t long before both were coming, both subs making cute little helpless snuffles as they did, slumping down onto steve, tony rolling to his side, waving a hand at steve.”You get sloppy seconds.”He slurred a little.

“Yea, it’s over. You fell asleep sweetheart.”she said smiling, gently stroking his hair, flushing a little. “It wasn’t terrible, she went to get a shower. Said I should just get some time with you, since I mean...we’ve never really tried the whole dating thing.”She said blushing as she looked at him, because she had no idea how to do the whole dating thing.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "good point. he's adjusting very quickly for a man his age though." he admitted with a chuckle. "i know everything." he admitted. "i can see into peoples hearts, remember? find their greatest weaknesses and use it against them." he smiled at Tony. "you are his greatest weakness. and yet, you are his greatest strength. remember that." he ordered with a smile. "and they are horny men. you wouldn't have waited." he pointed out.

"you always do. you're such a horny birdie." Steve teased as he pulled the other down for another kiss. "alright. your turn first." he agreed, moaning eagerly as he watched the others fucking right on top of him. that was hot as hell. he had to laugh at Tony's comment and arranged both men out so he could take turns fucking them both. sliding his cock in and out of Clint before switching a moment later and fucking Tony before going back to Clint, teasing them both before finally letting them both cum once more and spilling his seed across their backs, looking quite pleased with himself. "there. don't you guys look perfect?" he purred, pleased with himself.

he huffed. "i did not. i was just so bored i decided to daydream instead of watch the movie." he lied happily before he blinked at her. "oh." he muttered, looking a little baffled. "uhm. well i've never dated anyone before." he admitted. "and i don't think having sex counts as dating so..." he flushed. "i shouldn't have said that." he admitted as he smiled at her. "want to go try and cook food? i'm kind of hungry." he admitted.
“...I’ll remember that.”Tony muttered blushing slightly, biting his lip a little as he thought about it. He had problems remembering it, but he’d remember it. By the time they were done tony and clint were a quiet relaxed mess of limbs, both men blinking up at steve stupidly at his words. “So pleased with yourself.”Tony muttered even as he shuffled around to snuggle down into the bed, the progress he’d made with the map, forgotten for the moment in his post coital relaxed bliss. “we are very perfect.”Clint said snickering a little as he stretched, looking utterly relaxed and content, raising a eyebrow. “You ready to go do that thing?” “What thing?” “Not a thing for you. Its for steve and me. A surprise for you.”Clint snickered having every intention of driving tony insane with not knowing what was going on. “..Oh. Surprises are good.”Tony smiled sleepily, getting comfortable, to blissed out for the moment to try and and figure it out.

“uh-huh. It wasn’t that bad.”She teased smiling a little, before her eyes widening at his words, biting her lip a little. “no, not totally.”She sighed softly, “Yea, food sounds good.”She said smiling tugging him to his feet, leaning up to kiss him softly, leaning into him. “Don’t look so confused. We’re trying to figure out how to be a couple with all of us, so we’re having a few private moments to...just be together. “She shrugged sounding awkward herself, smiling softly.
Loki smiled. "see that you do." he ordered. "i'll have it Tattooed on your ass otherwise." he taunted as he vanished in a swirl of green smoke. "i am pleased with myself. look at you both, dripping with cum." he purred, grinning as he snuggled them. "very perfect." he agreed with a chuckle. "hmmm. are you mentally capable of doing it?" Steve asked, looking amused. "i'm not sure i should trust you right now." he admitted as he chuckled. "it was my idea so you know you'll love it." he promised, kissing Clint's forehead. "nap first, then the other things." he decided.

"it was awful." he admitted. "but i'm a guy so of course my taste is of a poorer quality." he admitted with a grin before he took her hand. "okay." he muttered softly, looking a bit more relieved as he kissed her and headed for the kitchen, blinking as he realized Bruce was there, monitoring Hunter, Triplet and Sam as they wobbled and smiled happily. doped to the gills. "hmm. yes, this one seams to work the best." Bruce muttered as he wrote it down on his clipboard. "...i'm very afraid of him." Grant admitted, staring at mad scientist Bruce, who looked up at them. "they volunteered." he admitted. "it's for Phil."
Tony laughed softly, smiling at steve, content as he watched the other. Trying so hard to not think about loki’s words, because if he let himself believe that he had a chance, then he’d really believe it, and he couldn;t. “Hm, not yet.”Clint snickered a little. “Don’t trust him. Let him sleep it off, then you can go do whatever.”Tony snuffled a little snuggling into clint. “Lay down to.”Tony demanded after a moment, pulling steve down with him, snuggling inbetween the two and settling in to sleep.

Later clint smirked a little as he looked down at the sleepy genius, smirking as he gently stroked tony’s hair out of his face before getting up, looking at steve as he dressed. “You sure about this?”He said willing to let the piercing go if steve didn’t want, but the more he thought about it, the more he wanted some sign he belonged to them to. Even if he wanted phil back, needed phil desperately, the emotional upset of what was wrong with phil, and their relationship was leaving him reeling, needing steve and tony to steady him. And the piercing, tony’s archery earring, and soon to be shield nipple ring, just gave him the touchstones to reassure himself. “....You want me to come with?”Tony yawned cracking a eye to look at both men, though he had every intention of going to tell phil about the progress they made, he was willing to set things aside if clint still needed him.

“True.though you have good taste in women.”Kyra teased smiling a little, blushing as she kissed him. So easily embarassed at finding herself in a relationship. Staring at bruce for a long moment before nodding, agreeing with grant. “It might be for phil, but it’s still weird.”she said watching htem, smirking at grant. “Just be glad he’s not asking for us to volunteer.”She pointed out
Steve chuckled a little as he wrapped the note he'd written around Tony's wrist so it would be the first thing Tony noticed. "yes i'm sure." Steve admitted. "are you sure? it's a big step." he admitted, watching Tony sleep. the note was simple, it read 'Tony, went out with Clint to get you a present. Be back home soon. Steve'. "fuck! Tony. you scared the hell out of me! stop popping awake like that!" Steve demanded, pouting at the billionaire. "i made you a note." he whined. "and i'm sorry but you can't come with, it's a surprise for you." he admitted, patting the others head. "and you have work that needs doing i think." he admitted with a smile. "go do it okay?" he asked, kissing the other before heading out the door. "and don't blow anything up Tony!"

he smiled. "do i?" he asked with a grin. "i can't tell." he admitted with a snicker before he blinked at Bruce. "do you want to volunteer?" Bruce asked, still watching the three men. "no she doesn't." "pity." Bruce muttered. "oh well. i have the Data i need i think. i just have to get Tony to wire the whole thing properly...." "why not ask Fitz?" "who?" "...uh. Phil's guy, small, mousy, stutters..." "oh! yes he is very brilliant." Bruce admitted. "good idea, i'll go talk to him." Bruce agreed, heading off. "...he is a creepy, creepy man." Grant muttered. "hey... hey... Grant." Tripp whispered. "you look... so cute. i could just... i totally forgive you, you know? you where... it wasn't all your fault..." "uh.... thanks... i think... me and Kyra are leaving now." "okay... be careful of the sparkling stuff... it gets everywhere." "uh. yes. we'll do that." Grant promised as he backed himself and Skye out of the kitchen.
Tony snuffled a little, whining as steve tied the note to his wrist, whining at being disturbed. Clint snickered quietly looking amused, smirking. “Tony’s going to lose his mind when he sees it.”clint smirked laughing as steve jumped. “Sorry. You two be safe okay?”He muttered not moving more then it required to smile at the two, looking interesting, whining in vague annoyance as steve patted his head. “Hm, Ido.I should work.”Tony muttered kissing him back before crawling out of bed. Dressing before going in search of phil, and trying hard to not wonder what the two were up to. Not wanting to worry about it, they said it was something he’d like, so he was trying hard not to worry it was something weird.

“...So weird. And creepy.”Kyra agreed before laughing quietly at the boys apologizing to grant nodding a little. “Yea...we’re just going to go now.” “Weird yes? So glad we weren’t up here when they were first drugged.”kyra snickered a little as she snagged a plate of the food, carrying it towards the bedroom with them, smiling quietly as she handed it to grant, pausing, biting her lip a little. “Hey grant. You care if Isleep with you?”she asked, because while she usually ended up in bed with him if she dreamed or couldn’t sleep. She knew the dating thing, changed things, so she was nervous about sleeping with him, even if she was looking forward to it.
Steve chuckled at Tony's cute little morning whines. it was adorable, the noises Tony made when he was too asleep to censer himself. "we're always safe." Steve paused. "okay, i am always safe and i'll make sure Clint doesn't cause problems." he promised, looking amused. "don't work too hard." Steve ordered, kissing him again. "you'll love it, i promise." he murmured with a grin as he headed off into the city to get his nipple pierced. and to buy a collar for Tony.

Phil was in his room, working on more carvings, much more calm today. "morning Tony." Phil stated with a smile, setting the knife down. "it helps." he admitted. "letting it out whenever i feel the need. it helps me keep control a bit more." he admitted. "it's beautiful isn't it? whatever it is."

"very weird and creepy." he muttered as he chuckled and followed her after snagging his own plate of food. "they're going to start making out up there any minute now." he admitted before he blinked at her. "course i don't mind." he promised her, smiling at her. "you sleep with me all the time, why should that change now?" he asked, well aware that they both hated to be alone.
Tony snickered sleepily at the promise they were always safe. "Know better then that. No problems."tony snickered a little amused as they left. Clint smirked a little as he took the good captain to get his nipple pierced looking over tattoos even as his nipple ring was put in,shuddering at the eight of the shield dragging it down."I dont know how you carry the real thing cap, if this one is this heavy."he teased a little looking at the man thoughtfully."I know your body will push out bullets and dirt,but you ever try a tattoo?"not that he thought tony would handle a tattoo well, the nipple ring was going to batter him enough as it was,but he was still curious about steve's healing. Smirking he watched the needle slide through steve's nipple,shuddering."that is really hot..."he muttered.

"Morning."tony smiled as he walked n,settling on the floor with a slight smile."its like a idea coming to me. Easier to let it out instead of fighting it."tony smiled a little,a little twitchy because he was very very aware he'd just been buried inside the man's lover, even if clint wssnt currently with him, tony knew clint wanted to work things out. If they could."thats what I came to tell you. Its a map of the stars. I have no idea why,but its stars."tony shrugged a little his smirk just daring phil to ask how he'dcome up with it.

"You know I wish you were kidding but I could totally see them making out."kyra snickered smiling slightly as skye walked in after them, settling onto the bed with kyra, looking easy and happy simply to be with grant as they ate. "I dunno.just felt polite to ask."kyra said blushing a little at his question
Steve watched curiously as Clint got his nipple pierced. they didn't have stuff like that when he was a kid. women had earrings. that was it. nose rings, lip rings, other things didn't exist. and only girls could have their ears pierced. Tattoos existed, but only ruffians and military men had them. never women. "it only feels heavy, you'll get used to it." the tattooist promised. "Tattoos don't work." Steve admitted. "the ink is pushed out. i can keep a piercing in so long as i never take it out." he admitted. "abd even then they have to be 'anchored' sort of. the barbel style works well." he admitted. "because my body can't push it out." he admitted as he leaned back. "i want a tongue piercing too." Steve decided, looking at Clint. "barbell or snakebite?" he asked, looking amused. Tony was going to cream his pants. "feels pretty nice too." Steve admitted, making the Tattooist snort.

Phil nodded. "i imagine so." he admitted. "the urge to carve it comes earlier and earlier now." he admitted. "and the... thing, inside me. the part that makes me mad, insane... it's getting stronger. i'm..." he sighed. "i'm scared." he admitted softly. "how is Clint?" he asked. "i attacked him, i think. i can't remember." he admitted. "of the stars?" he asked, startled. "what, like. a GPS for where the blue alien lived?" he asked before he gave Tony a suspicious look. "have you been picking on Captain America again?" he demanded. "i'd tell you to stop, but considering the state of your back, i think he punishes you himself." he admitted, looking amused.

he snorted. "Tripp and Hunter are whores." he admitted. "Hunter sleeps with anything that shows interest." he admitted. "i wouldn't be surprised if he announced a sheep or a dog as his next boyfriend." he admitted, mostly just to see her wig out. he smiled as Skye came in and felt something inside of him settling. he had his handlers. he had people he could rely on. these girls would help him, complete him, make him whole. it was all going to be okay.
“No, I’m fairly certain it’s the responsibility that comes with having a shield. Cap, I blame you for this.”Clint teased snickering at the tattooist’s promise, making a face. “That sucks. Really. And I doubt you’re ever taking it out. Tony’s going to lose his mind.”Clint snickered before his eyes widened a little, shaking his head. “You’re trying to make him insane, really.”He said thoughtfully, “Just the single barbell. Tony’s going to be distracted as it is, don’t need to totally break his tiny little mind.”

“well, you are near the person you love the most. It might be getting stronger because of that.”He said before sighing, nodding a little. “Fine. He’s fine, worried about you, glad he got to test out my new shield hologram for me, but he’s okay.”Tony said twitching a little, because really, it was so weird that phil was being so calm knowing tony and steve were sleeping with clint. Shrugging he smirked. “I don’t know. Maybe. It was stars. That all me and loki have for now.”he said before his smirk widened, giving phil that innocent look. “I would never dare make fun of him. Humming ‘star spangled banner’ in the middle of oral sex, does not count as making fun.”

“...A sheep....”Kyra stared at him, trying to figure out just how serious he was being about it. “He might draw the line at sheep. Or animals.”Skye snickered a little as they ate, the two settling and just as content as grant was.
Steve snorted and rolled his eyes as the Tattooist snickered. he had been all a twitter when THE Captain America had come into his shop, but he was a professional and would say nothing of Steve's visit. "it only sucks a little." he admitted. "Bruce is working on it. i want the Howling Commandos insignia but i can't get it until we salve the whole 'the ink gets pushed out' thing." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "i am trying to make him insane. he makes the funniest noises." Steve admitted with a chuckle before picking out a simple silver Barbell and stuck out his tongue since the Iron Man nipple ring was in place. "there. oh. wow. that feels weird as hell." Steve admitted with a grin as he wiggled his tongue, already healed, as was his nipple. perfectly formed around the bars in his skin. if he took them out, they'd heal completely through in an hour or less.

he nodded. "i thought the same thing. it's not even anger. it's just... possession." Phil admitted. "he's MINE." he smiled wryly. "i know he isn't. Clint is his own man. he does what he wants. but the thing inside me... it wants to break him apart, piece by piece until there's nothing of him left. nothing left to tell me no. nothing left to even think, just laying there for me to feed and fuck as i please. it's horrific." he admitted. "i'm find. Bruce set my ribs. they're healed already. whatever is inside me leads to faster healing. not as impressive as the good captains, but good enough to heal cracked ribs in a few days." he admitted. "...i don't understand something." he admitted. "Loki is an evil villain. he's shown time and time again that he hates us, all of us. yet he rolls over for you. it's like you've tamed him." he admitted. "how did you do that?" he asked. because Loki did roll over for Tony. he was evil, mischievous, playful cruel and many of his pranks showed it. yet one word, one Look from Tony and Loki reversed the Prank with a sheepish look. "...that was too much information Tony."

he snickered. "you think so?" he asked Skye with a grin. "i don't. i bet he'd fuck green tentacle monsters if he could." he admitted with a snigger. "or maybe even ooze monsters." he mused. "i bet he'd even sleep with talking raccoons!" he admitted with a grin. how he knew about tentacle monsters and slime creatures was a mystery. probably Garrets fault.
“You do realize, after this stunt, if you tell tony you want a tattoo, he’ll put all that broken brain to work on getting the ink. Just so he can tattoo his name on your ass, just so all the world knows that your his. Cause you know, you are, even if you wont admit it.”Clint smirked, sharing a look with the tattooist. “No telling anyone, but since you did such a good job with this, I’ll tell you, my teammates are having a twisted kinky courtship thing going on, that neither of them will admit to. Though you probably figured that out with the iron man ring.”Clint snickered smirking as he watched steve, groaning as he leaned over for a kiss, taking a kiss for a long moment before leaning back. “Come on, you wanted to go buy him a collar to.”he smirked as he paid for their piercing and rings, before leaving with the other.

“He is yours. Any time you want him. Well. Except when he’s in my bedroom. Or the steve’s. Or the nest. Cause I gotta tell you, it’s really, really awesome he finally invited us into the nest.”Tony rambled before tensing, waiting for the anger at his rambling words, blushing ever so slightly. Even if he knew he probably would lose the sex with clint, he still loved him enough, to let him go. Simply willing to do what the man wanted. “.....I don’t think that’s just the thing. Cause I totally have the urge to do that to steve sometimes....then he reminds me who’s in charge.”Tony snickered a little looking relieved that the other was okay. “good. I’ll tell him. He’ll be glad to know he didn’t hurt you to badly.”He said before staring down at the floor, a quiet, happy look on his face, biting his lip a little. “...No tame. He’s as liable to bite me as the rest of you.”Well, not really. But he was aware loki could turn on him. “...Part of that answer is to much information, phil. We just...we fit. It’s weird, really realyl weird, but I enjoy taking care of him.”Tony shrugged a little, because he was totally enjoying the eneromous amount of sex he was having, and he did indeed enjoy taking care of loki, but more then anything, it allowed him to avoid thinking on his feelings, by both taking care of loki, and allowing steve to take care of him. Being taken apart and doing this, taking care of loki, allowed him to utterly avoid thinking to hard.

“Yes, I think so.”Skye said laughing a little. “...Green tentacle monsters, huh?”Kyra said eyes wide, laughing as she considered that, before giggling a little. “Did you watch Guardians of the Galaxy, talking raccoons and all.”She giggled leaning over to kiss his cheek, amused that he was so happy.
Steve chuckled a little. "i do want a Tattoo. i might let Tony work on it." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, he's already tattooed himself all over Loki's ass." he grumbled. "i think he's had enough of having himself in others." he grumbled as he let the Tattooist work on his tongue. "i kind of figured." the man admitted with a chuckle. "i won't say a word." he promised, eyes gleaming. "if you'll sign my vintage Captain America action Figure. it's a single digit." he admitted, showing Steve one of the very first Cap Am action figured ever made. as expected the serial number was indeed 08. Steve rolled his eye but signed it obediently before kissing Clint. "i did." he admitted. "i want it custom made though." he admitted as he headed for the store that Jarvis had directed him to.

Phil shook his head. "he's not mine. i would never control him like that." he admitted with a smile. "i can't be trusted with him right now anyway. he needs you and Steve." he admitted before he blinked, surprised. "he really let you up there?" he asked, looking amazed. "i've been allowed into some of his nests." he admitted. "they really are very cozy." he admitted. "and don't worry. the... whatever it is is mostly asleep." he promised Tony. "Jarvis wouldn't have let you in if i wasn't perfectly stable. he promised." Phil admitted. "no. Tony. this is..." he struggled to make him understand. "i don't want Clint to be just mine. i want him to be brain dead so he can't even think of anything but me. i want to carve my name into his skin." he looked troubled. "it's not me. i've never wanted to actually OWN Clint. claim him, yes. but never own." he admitted before blinking. "he didn't hurt me at all, i hurt myself." he admitted with a smile before he looked at Tony, curious. "...he submits to you." he muttered, it was the only thing he could think of that would involve too much information. "that's why he does what you say, because he trusts you." he pondered that. "interesting."

"yes. green tentacle monsters." he agreed with a smile before frowning, looking confused. "uh. no. i don't watch TV." he admitted. "Garret was way into Hentai." he admitted as he settled into the bed with a content little sigh.
“Hm, you should.”Clint snickered a little before laughing. “That was a accident. He really hadn’t thought a tattoo would stick.”Clint snickered, amused at steve’s sulking. “I don’t think tony will ever have enough of himself in others. Though I must admit, I find it amusing you put it like that, when you never bottom.”Clint snickered a little rolling his eyes a little as Steve signed the action figure, kissing him as he left before smirking as they walked towards the store. “Hm, you better use my credit card, instead of the one tony gave you, otherwise he’ll guess what you bought before you give it to him.”He pointed out in amusement as he followed, because while tony hadn’t said anything, he’d set up cap’s accounts to just pull everything out of his bank account, so the bank usually sent him a notice when it was used, just a security check kind of thing, so it was going to be amusing to be able to surprise tony for once, as he’d paid for everything this time around, just cause he wanted to see utter, total shock.

“I know. And he knows that.”Tony smiled a little before nodding, glad the other was reasonable. “He does. He’s happy, I promise.”He said smiling before blushing more, nodding a litle. “He did. He usually just let us give him food before shooing us out, but..we got to stay up there and nap yesterday....nest is in the lab, so that might be why we were. I mean, lab space is my space to.”He smiled a little before relaxing at the reassurance the other was stable before frowning. “....That’s horrible. HAs to be bad, to know you want to do that.”Tony said shying away from the mental thoughts of even feeling like that, the inner dominate hating to even consider thinking about loki or steve like that. “....Yes. He does. Don’t know why, but he does. So I take care of him when he needs it, and he entertains me when Cap or Clint can’t, and makes sure I don’t blow up the lab or something.”Tony smiled.

“....that’s disturbing and amusing all at once.”Kyra said as skye took their plates back to the kitchen before returning. The two women settling into the bed next to him, sighing as they got comfortable. “Sleep grant.”skye ordered softly, nuzzling him a little as she yawned, settling in to sleep.
Steve snorted. "i'm sure." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "we all know Loki could magic it away if he wanted to. Thor can't get Tattoos either." he reminded Clint. "Loki could eliminate that damn Tattoo if he wanted to, but he wont." he grumbled before he shrugged. "tell me Clint. the first time you ever had sex. hurt like hell right?" he asked. "now. think about my healing rate. every single time i have sex? i'm a virgin all over again. i can't be worked open enough to take a cock." he admitted with a smile. "it hurts too much to feel good. i don't mind a finger once and a while but i have to really be... what is it you say 'chill?'. i'm just not wired for submission." he admitted. "you want to top, talk to Tony." he ordered with a chuckle. "thank you. yes." he agreed as he bought the Collar with Clint's money. he'd pay the other back later.

he nodded. "i know." he admitted. "even if he comes back to me, i'm sure he'll still go for 'snuggles' with you." he admitted with a smile. "he's not going to just abandon you, just because i'm back doesn't mean you can't touch him." he promised. "i just have to stay away when you do. that... thing, hates it when others touch Clint." he admitted, grimacing. "even a hand on his shoulder drives 'it' into a rage." he admitted. "i'm glad he's happy. i worried about him so much once i remembered him." he admitted. "but i couldn't come back. even though i didn't know why at the time, i knew i was too dangerous." he admitted before he chuckled. "he used to have a nest in my office." he admitted. "it took him two years to let me go up there anytime i wanted to talk to him." he admitted with a smile. "it's.. hard." he admitted as he swallowed thickly. "right now, i could easily kill Clint just so no one else could have him." he admitted, voice broken. "i would do it. i know i would." he admitted before he smiled at Tony. "some people just need to give up control." he admitted. "have you asked Thor? he might know." Phil admitted as he paused in his carving and turned to really look at Tony. "thank you. by the way... for being there for Clint."
“...True.”Clint snickered a little, smiling slightly before wincing as he considered that, nodding. “Yea it did.”He said shaking his head, “Never considered that. That’s gotta be horrible. Its a good thing you’re wired to dominate, cause bottoming would totally suck with that.”clint snickered. “Welcome. Now come on, let’s go break the genius’ mind. And I want to check on phil to.”Clint said wanting to see if loki’s magic really would allow him to see him as often as he wanted.

“...Probably. Maybe.”Tony smiled pleased at the idea, before smirking. “I like snuggles.”He admitted before nodding. “Easily done. I’ll snuggle him in the lab, and you totally don’t come down there, after I desecrated one of the captain’s shield to build my machine.” tony snickered remembering phil’s face when he’d used the shield to even out the tubing when he built the new element for the arc reactor. It had been priceless. “He wasn’t perfect, we had some bad days there at the beginning, but we’re good. I even convinced him to wear a earring with stark tech in it, it’s awesome. He whined the whole time.”Tony snickered a little before laughing as he realized clint chose his nest spots close to people that mattered to him. “Not so easily. Loki laid magic in his skin, you can’t touch him, even casually, and he has the shield and repulsor, so even if you work around magic, he’s well armed, Phil.”Tony reassured the man, before nodding. “Some people do.”he said blushing a little at the reminder of submitting so nicely to steve. “No I haven’t. It seemed wrong to ask thor, when loki didn’t want to tell me.”He shrugged before blushing a little at phil’s words. Because in the beginning, before he’d gotten to know him, he’d taken care of him for phil...because the agent mattered to him. But it had soon become because he cared for clint. “You’re welcome.”He said before tilting his head back to look at the two men walking into the room, frowning slightly at the plain bag steve was holding. “...That’s not a big surprise. I thought you said you were getting me something. That’s not huge and awesome.”Tony said frowning a little as he tried to figure out what it was. “The best surprises come in the smallest packages, you should know that tony.”Clint smirked at the smaller man, amused that despite years of working out as iron man, the genius still managed to stay on the slender side. “Hey phil.”Clint smiled looking at the other man worriedly, reassuring himself that the other was okay.
he nodded. "precisely." he admitted with a chuckle. "not to mention even if you could get a cock up there i'd be liable to snap it off." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

Phil smiled. "i like snuggles too." he admitted with a chuckle before he scowled at the other. "it wasn't 'a' Shield Tony! it was THE Shield!" he protested. "and you totally scuffed the paint on it!" he complained. "and of course he wasn't good. he's not supposed to be perfect." he admitted with a smile. "i saw that. he looks really good with an earring." he admitted. "it's really nice, seeing him so comfortable with himself." he admitted before he frowned. "Loki can do that?" he asked, looking rather relieved, part of him relaxing at the knowledge that he couldn't hurt Clint at all. he couldn't touch him either but that was worth it. so long as Clint was safe Phil was willing to do anything. he smirked at Tony's blush before he nodded. "good point." he agreed. "i'll ask Thor then." he decided. "i have no such moral compunctions." he admitted before tensing as he stared at Clint.

"it's bigger than you might Think." Steve admitted with a smirk, his words a little stiff from trying to figure out how to talk. "...did Clint try to bite your tongue off?"Phil asked, examining Steve curiously as the man shrugged. "no." he admitted looking amused as he shook his head. "you'll love it Tony, i promise. the thing in the bag is more for me though." he admitted with a snicker as Phil drank in the sight of Clint. "hello. how are you feeling?" he asked, looking worried about Clint. "i'm sorry Clint but i have to be sure." he admitted, reaching out to touch the other, blinking when his hand slid away. "lord. it works." he whispered, eyes wide as he reached out again, and sliding off as if there was something smooth in the way. "i can't hurt you now." he sounded so very relieved.
“It was a shield!in a box, that SHIELD had from my dad. It was just a prototype!I mean, the real thing was still in ice with the capsicle. Don’t be so dramatic.”Tony huffed though you could tell he was laughing inside. “He does. And it is. So much. For awhile there, I didn’t think he’d ever relax after....New york. But he’s settling. And being breathtaking as he keeps showing off things I didn’t know.”Tony snickered before nodding. “Oh yea. If he can keep me from touching my tech for a day cause I pissed him off, he can stop you from hurting Clint.”Tony snickered a little before his eyes widened, laughing. “You are a evil evil man.”Tony said though he didn’t try to tell the other not to ask.

“....lots of things about you cap, are bigger then I think. What’s wrong?”Tony said smirking as he looked over the man, frowning as he realized the captain was talking a little slower, a little more stiffly then normal. “....Okay.”Tony said studying the other man, before getting up. “Come on. We’re going to go give these two time alone, and you’re showing me my present.”He demanded as he headed for the door. “I’m okay. Looking forward to Steve totally breaking Tony, but good.”Clint snickered tensing as the other reached for him, before grinning widely, realizing loki really was as good as he thought, and could keep him from getting hurt. “No, no you can’t.”He said looking utterly relaxed as he settled in to simply be with the other, simply wanting to be with him.
he glared. "it was an authentic Shield! the first one that Steve rogers ever used! he took it on those silly theater tours and then saved Bucky Barnes with it and you scuffed it!." and, it had gone missing shortly after. looks like Phil had... 'rescued' it. "he kept you away from your own tech!? all day!? that IS impressive." he admitted with a smile. "i am an evil man. us Shield Agents have to be." he admitted with a smirk. "ask anyone." he ordered.

"nothing's wrong. i just bit my tongue." Steve lied. "it's still healing." he admitted. "don't tall anyone but i tripped. n the stairs. nearly bit my tongue in half. hurt like hell but it's not bleeding anymore." he lied, quite effortlessly too. "are you sure it's okay to leave them alone?" Steve asked, looking highly worried as he followed Tony. "i'm not sure you could handle your present right now." he teased with a grin as he headed for the bedroom, eyes glittering. "tell me to say 'aaaah'." Steve ordered even as he started unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off, letting Tony see the Iron Man nipple ring and his tongue ring. just letting him react to that.

Phil smiled a little. "it bothers me on so many levels that it's Loki who did this." he admitted with a snort as he picked up his knife and finished his last carving before closing it and setting it to the side, sitting next to Clint, as close as he could get without actually touching. "i'm sorry." he whispered. "i wish i should be there for you, the way i should be." he admitted. "Steve and Tony are treating you well? they aren't taking advantage right?" because he had to be sure. even if he knew Tony and Steve would never manipulate Clint into things, he had to be one hundred percent certain.
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