In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

“And then it went missing. Don’t complain when you got to rescue it, Agent.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before nodding. “He did. He was pissed he ended up with a tattoo.”He snickered a little shaking his head, “And I have. You are evil.”He agreed amused.

“...Good. And I’m telling everyone. I mean, it’s not every day you get to see captain america be clumsy enough to bit himself.”Tony snickered, only teasing, they all knew tony wouldn’t embarass steve like that since steve asked him not to. “they’re fine. Loki’s triggered to the magic, should it fuck up and fail, he can be there in a moment, and the spells wont fail. You saw. It stopped him from touching. They’ll be fine.”Tony said before pouting, “I can handle anything you got me.”he huffed as he started to unbutton his shirt, pausing at the other’s words. “Do I look like a doctor to you?”He said rolling his eyes, “say ahhh.”He ordered eyes widening at the tongue ring, eyes latching onto the iron man nipple ring, staring at the other. “ got a piercing. Two piercing...and that’s iron man...”he said sounding shocked and closed off, retreating to deal with the emotions the sight brought up even as he hardened to the point of pain. Even reeling from the emotions the sight caused, that was hot as fuck and made him watch to jump the other. Edging closer he brushed his fingers over the other’s nipple, rolling the ring between his finger, biting his lip. “This is amazing.”He muttered.

“He’s not so bad....he lets me beat him up when I need to...or tony or steve aren’t around and I need a way out...”he muttered shuddering a little as the other sat next to him, leaning towards him a little, because he wanted so badly to touch, even if he knew they couldn’t. “I know. But it’s fine. You’re here now...”He muttered before smirking, “If anyone’s taking advantage, it’s me in indulging my utter need to be able to tell you that yes, Captain America is amazing, phenomenal at sex, and that Tony Stark might be a slut, but he knows what he’s doing, no matter how much you used to complain about him.”He teased a little before growing serious. “They treat me like they treat each other. Well and loved, though I’m going to get hit by tony I think. Might need you to protect me when he sees what Cap did.”clint snickered, knowing that such a utter claim to his good captain was going to freak tony the fuck out.
Phil huffed. "i will complain! i spent two thousand dollars getting it fixed!" he complained, sulking. "and it's all your fault... do you think Steve would sign it? would it be weird to ask?" he wondered.

"i wasn't clumsy i was pushed!" he lied. "Clint's secretly trying to kill me." he teased with a grin. "okay. good. so long as they can stop Phil if it fails or something." he muttered before smirking at Tony. "no you can't." he teased, because he knew he was pushing the limits a bit. but he was tired of 'playing it safe'. he wanted to have Tony for himself. he wanted to keep Tony. even if it meant sharing Tony with Loki, he wanted to have Tony in ways that no one else would, even if it was just a collar around the others neck. "yes you do. and i'm your sadistic nurse who makes you obey my every command." he admitted with a grin. "it is Iron man." he agreed. "i thought you might like to claim me." he admitted, grinning. "it was Clint's idea and i thought it was brilliant. the Iron Man addition was my idea though. you like?" he asked, smiling at Tony. he'd give the other the collar later. when he wasn't so emotional over the piercings. he gasped, arching against the fingers on his nipple. "Fuck! Tony. Jesus..." Steve sounded surprised. he had sensitive nipples to begin with, but that had... holy shit. "that felt amazing! do it again!"

he blinked, surprised. "does he really?" he asked, a little bit impressed that Loki would let him do that. "it's not fine. not at all." he admitted. "but it will be i'm sure. someday." he muttered as he offered Clint a small smile. " are a cruel little bastard." he complained. "do you think Steve would let me watch? when i'm not. you know. homicidal?" he asked hopefully. "i bet the look on his face when you cry is..." he sighed, closing his eyes, picturing that in his head for a moment. "isn't it because he's a slut that he knows what he's doing?" Phil asked with a smile. "good. i'm glad you have them." he admitted as he chuckled. "what exactly did the good Captain get him? a red white and blue dildo or something?"
“It was my collectible. I could do with it what I wanted.”Tony made a face before laughing, “He would probably sign it, and as long as you don’t like, interrupt my sex life to ask, it’s not to weird to ask.”He snickered.

“Oh, really?Well, I’m sure there’s a good reason to try and kill Cap.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “They will.”Tony promised before frowning a little as he studied the other man. “I can to.”he huffed. “Oh gods...if you tell me you bought a nurse outfit, i’m going to not leave bed for the next like, day.”Tony grinned raising a eyebrow. “but I thought the doctor was the one who gave orders?”He muttered biting his lip though as he grew serious, studying the other man, features shuttering as he considered the nipple ring. “I-I do like them.”Tony muttered shying away from claim, swallowing thickly, not able to even admit to himself that he wanted the other like that. Grinning as steve arched under his fingers he smirked a little, “I will, if you give me what else you got.”he demanded twisting the ring between his fingers a little, wanting to know what was in the bag, even if he was nervous with the emotions attatched to the pierces, he wanted to know what else he’d gotten. Neatly avoiding the question of whether he wanted a claim or not. To emotionally compromised, and feeling to much like he’d stepped on a patch of emotional ice and skidding, to realize he’d probably upset the other by not claiming him.

“Yea. Then we talk, and then tony’s a dominating little shit, and everyone’s happy.”Clint snickered a little before nodding, smiling slightly. “Yes, it will be. Someday.”He muttered before laughing. “He would let you watch. He doesn’t mind a audience, though if you’re really interested, Tony has it recorded, most of the time, just as jarvis to show you the video.”He grinned a little, offeringm because it was a way for phil to have some pleasure, but not have to be in the room with him, in case it caused a homicidal rage. “...well, yea. But he does have some restrictions and limits, which I didn’t know existed until recently. Did you know he only bottoms for cap?”Clint snickered a little before blushing a little before smirking. “Oh no, something better. A bondage collar just for him, and two piercings. The good captain has a tongue piercing, and a nipple ring that has iron man on it. Tony’s going to go insane.”clint snickered a littel
Steve huffed. "there is no good reason to kill me. particularly when i'm supplying both of you with sex on a regular basis. and food." he reminded them. "as well as clean clothes." he grumbled. because yes, Steve did do all the laundry. "i thought about it." he admitted with a grin. "but they didn't carry my size at the store." he admitted as he licked his lips. "not in this fantasy." he teased. "you better like them." Steve grumbled, knowing Tony just needed time to adjust. where other people would have been deeply hurt by the shock on Tony's face, Steve simply understood that it was because he had never had anyone who had truly wanted him before. he groaned eagerly into the touch on his nipple before he snorted. "your not ready for what's in the bag yet. give yourself time to get used to the Piercing first." he ordered with a grin, refusing to pay attention to that bit of hurt that was curing up inside him as Tony didn't admit to wanting Steve. had he been wrong? was it just sex after all?

he snorted. "so, Tony dominates you, Steve dominates you and Tony. who do you dominate?" he asked, grinning playfully. "and don't tell me it's Natasha because i'll laugh in your face." he teased with a smile before blinking a little. "recording?" he asked, sounding quite excited. "i'll have to look into that." he admitted. "...Tony Stark only bottoms for Captain America... that sounds about right." he admitted with a smile. "....Tony's going to do more than insane..." Phil admitted softly. "he's probably going to panic." he admitted before smiling at the earring dangling in Clint's ear. "i like that. by the way. it looks gorgeous on you." he admitted, smiling. "i wish i could kiss you." he admitted with a sigh. "
“Hm thats true. Sex and food are a good reason to keep you around.”Tony grinned at him, teasing a little. “Damn. I’ll have to ask natasha if she can sew. I mean, I totally want sexy nurse.”Tony smiled a little amused as he looked at the other, tilting his head to look at the other, pausing, his hand resting against the other’s chest, studying him. “....what’s wrong? I mean, you didn’t have to do this. I didn’t ask for it....”Tony said frowning a little as he absently toyed with the nipple ring, starting to panic. Had he upset the other?Had he messed up? Listening to the other man grumble he pulled away, features shuttering even more as he struggled to deal with the emotions sweeping his feet out from under him, hiding what he was feeling as surely as if he’d pulled on the iron man mask. To upset by the nipple ring, even if he was enjoying it, and enjoying steve’s reaction to him playing with it, and really wanted to test out that tongue ring, the man was trying hard to figure out why steve was grumbling and seemed moody. Whining a little as he leaned up for a kiss, he curled his tongue around the barbell, smirking slightly. “Definitely liking these.”He muttered.

“Natasha. I totally dominate natasha.”Clint snickered before shrugging, “No one really. You know I prefer bottoming over topping anyways.”He said smiling a little before nodding. “Yea. They’re labeled as tony’s personal collection of ‘captain america inspires’ videos. Says if he’d given this to the public when he was selling war bonds, the war would have been over long before it actually was. Cause cap would totally inspire people into making love, not war.”Clint snickered before sighing. “I know. And I knew it when I sugggested it, but I’m tired of both of them pussyfooting around this thing between them. If he panicks, they might actually, like, talk.”Clint rolled his eyes, before blushing. “Thanks.”He said raising a hand to finger the small arrow in his ear before smiling. “I wish I could kiss you to. Even more when you see what I got done.”he smirked raising his shirt to show off the shield hanging from his nipple, “Figured your fanboy love would like to see this.”Clint snickered because that hadn’t been the only reason, but it had been one of them
Steve snickered a little and shook his head. "and clean clothes. i do your laundry." he stated simply. "maybe i aught to pour itching powder in the wash next time?" he mused. "i think Clint does." he admitted. "or maybe Phil, one of them has to considering the amount of Halloween costumes they have." Steve didn't understand the concept of Cosplay yet. "you didn't ask for it." he agreed. "i just. wanted you to have it." he admitted softly. "i... i want to be a part of your life Tony. on a... you know. permanent basis." he admitted softly. "i like you Tony. a lot. i want to be. i don't know. your boyfriend." he admitted, arching into the nipple touching again. Tony as making it very difficult to focus. "Fuck Tony." he growled, tangling his fingers in the others hair, holding Tony's mouth to that nipple. "your such a naughty little Vixen." he growled. "i should have gotten my cock pierced too." he growled. "then you'd be sucking that wouldn't you?" he asked with a grin. "i'll get on that." he promised.

he snorted. "your full of shit." he admitted with a chuckle. "so is Steve really that kinky?" he asked curiously. "getting his nipple and tongue pierced? impressive." he admitted. "i got my balls pierced for a mission once. hurt so bad i actually cried. a little bit. one or two tears." he admitted before he smirked. "oh he would have really sold War Bonds." he agreed. "good point. Tony Stark is not a chatty fellow." he agreed as he smiled at the other before his breath caught in his throat, eyes darkening with lust as he saw that nipple piercing. "oh. my. Captain America." he breathed, that eager, possessive, mad gleam in his eyes once more as his hand snapped out, intending to grip that nipple, or the ring maybe. whether he wanted too touch it or yank it out was a mystery even to Phil. fortunately, his hand glanced off before he even got close and he blinked several times. "sorry. sorry..." he muttered, shaking his head hard. "you should leave. that 'thing' is awake again and it's not happy." he admitted, licking his lips. "god that nipple ring looks good on you." he breathed before forcing himself to crawl back away from Clint. "you need to leave." he muttered, sounding as if he was struggling rather intently against that thing inside of him. "i'll see you later, okay?"
"Well thats cause you got tired of me sending it out when I owed perfectly good washing machine."he snickered a little because it had been a on going fight, tony sending his laundry out to the dry cleaners because he wouldnt do it himself. He'd never learned how to."I'll ask.I'm sure they wouls."he snickered enjoying the thought of introducing steve to cosplay. Before his eyes widened in startlement and panic, looking utterly lost to what the other man was saying. Even if he wasnt pulling away, or running yet, it was obvious he was moments away from bolting. Whimpering as steve held his head he bit down around the ring, flicking his tongue over it. Moaning loudly at the idea of a ring in cap's cock he straightened again, looking at the man, who looked like he was s strai c ht out of tony's fantasies marked and begging to be part of his life. And even with as horny as he was, he couldnt forget the screaming panic the word boyfriend had drawn to the surface.biting his lip as he looked at the blond and it was obvious the only reason he hadnt bolted out of the room yet was that he wanted to crawl all over steve, sheer force of will the only thing keeping him where he was."...i"he swallowed sounding disjointed and lost, trying to talk through the panic as he backed towards the door.

"Yea he's that kinky. You realy qoulsnt think so looking at his innocent act, but he gives tony a run for his money with sheer perversity."clint snickered before wincing."ouch. And it wasnt so bad. With his healing ability it stopped hurting after a few minutes. Mines still tender but its not bad."clint sighed before reeling back from the hand reaching for him,eyes wide as he looked at him."phil?"he muttered as he dropped his shirt to cover the piercing, his eyes sad as he swallowed hard."I'm sorry phil..."clint hating that he'd drawn the 'thing' to the surface swallowing thickly as he stood."thanks. I was hoping you'd like."he smiled looking upset even as he left, wandering a little before eading to tony's room wanting comfort since he couldnt do anything for phil,before frowning as he heard the other two as he got closer. Shit. That didnt sound good.
he snorted. he and Tony had a lot of fights actually. mostly about Tony's cleaning habits, eating habits, sleeping habits, alcoholism... they'd reached an understanding that Tony wouldn't leave his crap laying willy nilly in the communal areas and would eat when given food. sleeping was a lot easier when Steve just fucked him to sleep and Tony had really cut back on the drinking too. plus he'd stopped blowing up his lab. "...Tony..." Steve whispered, looking honestly hurt now as he stared at Tony. "i'm not asking you to stop seeing Loki or Clint. i'm not asking you to only fuck me. i just want to be a part of your life. i want you to be a part of mine." he explained, swallowing thickly. "i want to be the person who holds you after a nightmare, and the person who nags you about birthdays and remembering to take showers." never mind that he already did that. "i want to... i want to be yours, just as much as you are mine... please... don't abandon me now. not when i finally got the courage..."

he snickered. "it's always the quiet ones." Phil teased, that statement even funnier because HE was one of the quiet ones. "well i suppose the nipples aren't as bad as the balls are." he agreed. "doesn't help that i had an inexperienced person doing the job." he admitted before he smiled at Clint. "there's nothing to be sorry for." he promised. "this thing? whatever it is, wakes up over the stupidest shit." he admitted. "i'm still mostly in control." he assured the other, sighing as he set his face into his knees, just sitting there once Clint was gone. he wouldn't cry, even if he wanted to. he wished he could have just stayed dead. maybe then Clint wouldn't be so upset.
Tony looked at the other man anxiously,a thin sheen a sweat across his foreheadn so close to hyperventilating that it was a good rhing he didnt have the arc reactor othewise he would have caused some serious damage to himself."you have that already? Why did you have to go and actually claim it? cant do this. Nope. Im going...somewhere..."tony said bolting, his courage and will shattered in the face of such feelings from his captain,barely aware of nearly running into clint on his way in."cap?"clint said looking at the blond worriedly as he walked in.

"...says one of the quiwt ones."clint snickered though he still looked upset it was easier."well..we're okay then.I'll see you later."he promised as he left.

"Loki!loki where are?"tony said as he bolted into the others rooms for once totally oblivious to the do not disturb signs or take into account loki might be doing magic. To upset and worried to be thinking clearly thag interrupting loki might get him killed
Steve stared at him, looking for all the world as if Tony had just laughed in his face and then stabbed him with a dull knife right through the heart. he said nothing, he was being rejected. abandoned. alone. always alone. he just stood there, tears welling up as Tony left him there. "...i was stupid. stupid to think anyone could ever want me for anything other than a good fuck." he whispered, turning to look at Clint. "that's all i'm good for you know. fucking and fighting." he admitted before turning and heading into the bathroom, intending on taking out the piercings. he couldn't bring himself to though. he just stood there, staring at himself with rears rolling down his cheeks and wondered why he was crying? he wasn't worth love anyway. then the entire building shook and fire alarms started to blare.

Loki was in his 'magic room' working on something when Tony rushed in, startling the jotun so badly he actually cursed. Loki never cursed. "Tony! you fucking Idiot!" Loki raged, glowing runes in the air getting brighter and brighter as Loki rushed over to Tony when whatever he had been working on, detonated. a pulse of light and then a bright light exploded outwards like a massive orb spreading outwards. that slipped through them and then the explosion imploded. sucked back inside itself before detonating again, this time with a massive BANG, spilling fire and heat and air everywhere. the second explosion hit Loki so hard that he was immediately concussed from the force. the sudden flight through a cement wall certainly didn't help. thanks to his fast thinking and faster actions, Tony had been shoved out of the way. if Tony was hurt at all it was probably a bit of a singe, maybe a few scrapes from being shoved. the room behind Loki burned brightly, the flames slowly spreading, and Loki lay there, unconscious, bleeding from being impaled on a spike of rebar and from massive scrapes and cuts. Loki wasn't in too much danger, so long as he got Help quickly, which was already there. Bruce and Simmons already there and carefully pulling Loki off the tangled Rebar mess while May, Gabe and the girls focused on getting Tony looked at. unhurt as he was.
Clint winced as he saw the lok on cap’s face, sighing quietly. “You are more then that. To me, to tony. Do you think he panics everytime someone voices the want to date him?You matter- of course this induced a utter panic-”Clint said before yelping as the building shook, the hologram shield flairing to life even as he found his spare bow that he kept in tony’s room, “Cap?If tony blew up something cause he panicked, I’m killing you both.”Clint said even as he waited for the other, knowing steve wouldn’t be able to resist the need to make sure tony was okay.

Kyra cursed quietly as she saw the room, leaving the dazed and slightly smoking genius in grant and skye’s more then capable hands even as her and may worked on keeping the fire from spreading. And they weren’t really concerned, as bruce was taking care of loki and was hopeful he’d be okay, and tony wasn’t hurt. At least, kyra hadn’t been to worried until Skye tried to get his attention.

“Tony?Are you okay?”Skye said even as her hands ran over his skull and arms, looking for broken bones, before frowning when the man didn’t look at her. “Tony?”She said her voice coming out sharper, relieved when the genius looked at her, even as fear tightened her stomach at the look on his face, glancing towards steve and clint as they ran in armed and worried. “....Tony?That’s me?”Tony said staring at her. “Yea. That’s you. Tony Stark.” “Oh.”
he snorted a little. "i'm not. obviously. or he wouldn't have just told me to fuck off... i never should have said anything. i should have just stayed a coward." he whispered, staring at himself in the mirror. "he panics over everything." Steve growled, annoyed that he had followed Clint's advice. annoyed that he had let his emotions dictate his actions. just plain annoyed. "fuck off Clint. if Tony blew himself up it wasn't my fault. he hasn't even been gone for a full minute. even Tony can't get into trouble that fast." he scoffed as he headed to where the fire alarms where sounding. at a rather fast clip. he just couldn't help himself. he had a feeling Tony really WAS in danger. well. what do you know. he was right.

Steve moved to help with the fire, knowing he couldn't help medically. he was in the middle of spraying the room down with a fire extinguisher when he heard Tony respond. "...fuck." he whispered, kneeling next to Tony. "Tony? what do you remember?" he asked, offering a glare at Loki before pausing as he realized the Jotun was pretty mangled. the only logical explanation for him being so hurt and Tony not even having a scratch was that Loki took the explosion head on to save Tony. he had to admit... he hated the god quite a bit less now. "Jarvis? what happened?" James demanded, watching as his tablet came to life revealing the last moments. "damn. Tony scared the hell out of Loki and whatever he was working on... exploded. twice..." James explained. "looks like Loki shoved Tony out of the way and took the full force of the explosion himself."
“Urgh. He tells everyone to fuck off when he wants them away. He didn’t. Just give him space.”Clint growled before laughing a little, even if he was worried. “A upset tony?Of course he can get in trouble that fast.”He scoffed shaking his head a little.

Tony looked up at steve when he knelt down next to him. “....Who are you?”he asked, sounding curious. Which was a answer in itself. Because for tony stark, steve rogers was a part of his life no matter how far back you’d gone into his past, he’d always known who the Captain was. Blinking slowly he shrugged.”My name is tony.” “Tony...we just told you that.”Kyra said. “I know.but it’s all I remember.”The billionaire frowned at her, looking fairly adorable and utterly cuddly as he sat on the floor, the emotional wounds that made him lash out at everyone forgotten, the brazen ego trips. “Oh my god..this is so weird. He’s not talking or protesting us looking after him.”Natasha said with wide eyes as she watched the video over james’ shoulder, staring at tony. Because it was so weird, she’d seen tony protest getting looked at with a concussion and broken ribs, to have him not protesting at all when he was fine, was so weird.
he huffed, but the hurt had uncurled a little. Clint was right. Tony pushed people away, it was what he was good at. well Steve wasn't going anywhere. he was selfish enough to keep going after Tony. eventually the man would give in. eventually Tony would let Steve love him. "shut up and keep moving Clint." he ordered.

"...i'm... i'm Steve Rogers." Steve whispered, looking dismayed before chuckling at the quip as he gently stroked Tony's hair, feeling the tears welling up again. Tony didn't remember him. Tony couldn't love him now. he couldn't have Tony now. because taking advantage of this was one wrong too many for Steve to handle. he let out a single strangled sob before he managed to get himself under control again. "are you hurting anywhere?" he asked Tony, needing to take care of Tony. needing to focus on the man he loved. he turned to glare at Loki when the godling moaned, eyes fluttering open. "Tony... where's... Tony?" Loki asked, gasping through his pierced lung. he knew he was hurt bad, but that was fine. he could recover from this in a matter of a week at the most. he had to make sure he'd gotten Tony away from the blast. Loki only relaxed and allowed himself to go back to sleep once he was certain Tony wasn't hurt.
“Oh.Hello.”Tony said looking up at him, bumping his head against steve’s head, responding to the touch even without really being aware of it. Looking worried, openly worried, without the guards and shields in place, every emotion plaining written on the other’s face as he looked at steve, “Are you okay?”He said at the other’s sob before frowning, thinking on that. “No. I feel fine.”he said. “Loki, tony’s fine. Rest. We promise, he’s not hurt.”Kyra said as the godling moaned, reassuring him. Not about to tell him tony had no idea who any of them where, until he was able to be up for longer. “Come on. Let’s get loki to bed.”Kyra said looking at grant, smiling slightly as the man helped her and bruce get loki into bed, biting her lip. So worried about what to do with the amnesiac genius.

Tony was quiet as he let steve and clint fuss over him, his stomach growling. “Can we get some food?”He asked sounding hopeful, every emotion on display, not noticing as clint flinched. As much as the man could find the scarred, defensive tony annoying, this oddly open, relaxed and utterly happy with them tony was even weirder. He had no idea how they were going to get through this, if tony was utterly this open the whole time he didn’t remember things. It was to weird.
Steve smiled at him, stroking Tony's hair since the man wasn't protesting it for once. "i'm... i'm f...fine..." he whispered, choking on his tears. "just g.. glad your okay." he whispered, wiping at his face. "it should be safe to move him. i'll monitor him." Bruce promised, letting them move Loki, watching the Godling very carefully for any hint of added pain or more bleeding.

"of course we can get you some food. sit up slowly." Steve ordered. "stop if you feel any hint of pain okay?" he asked, gently helping Tony to sit up, teats still falling down his face because he just couldn't stop crying. "okay. come on." he agreed once he'd fully checked Tony over for damage. "we'll get you a hot meal. any preferences? oh. this is Clint Barton." Steve explained. "you have sex with him a lot." he teased, waiting to see how Tony would react to that.
“Oh. I’m fine. Really.”Tony said frowning though.”Except for you know, not knowing anything.”The genius said watching loki go, understanding that the other was hurt badly, but so confused over everything, he wasn’t asking just yet. “So bossy. You boss me around alot?”Tony said smiling slightly at steve even as he let the other help him up, looking relieved as the movement came easy and well, not hurt at all. “...french fries and vinegar?Homemade ones?”Tony said tilting his head, voicing the one food he’d always eaten as a kid....well. When he could. Maria had forbidden her son from eating alot of junk food...or food in general, so tony had simply gotten into a lifetime habit of not really eating food alot, forgetting to eat unless steve told him to. It seemed, even without the memories, or the emotional scars to go with it, his basic wants and desires were still there, the foods he’d allow himself to indulge in when he was asked if he wanted something specific. Looking up at clint he tilted his head. “We do. FAirly kinky sex.”Clint grinned smirking at the other, waiting to see how tony would react, bracing for the utter, blanant sexual teasing he would have gotten in a normal scenario.

“...He is cute. Are we dating?”Tony said tilting his head as they headed into the kitchen unaware of just how much clint was gaping at him. A chance to pass on sexual teasing?unheard of. Only more proof that the child genius had used sex and humor as a way to keep people from getting close emotionally, only getting close to satisfy his need for touch. And since the emotional scars that had created the habit were gone, so was the reactions.
Steve smiled, a shaky fragile thing but still a smile. "i do boss you around a lot." he agreed. "you don't do things your supposed to if i don't. like eat. or sleep. or put on clean clothes." he admitted with a smile. "yeah we can do french fries. but you have to eat something healthy too." he ordered. "how about some grilled cheese?" Steve decided. that was easy enough to shell out a dozen at a time. he choked at the word 'boyfriend' and felt the hurt curling in tight again. "no. not dating." Steve managed to admit. "he just needs sex and you give it to him." he explained. "you and i, and you and Loki often have sex too." he managed to explain. "me and Clint often have sex, but Loki only ever sleeps with you." he admitted. "unless.. do you?" he asked Clint, curious rather than accusing. but no, Loki never slept with Clint. they either did the whole beating up thing, or they talked.
“....I sound like a pain in the ass. I’m sorry.”Tony said simply, easily. The apology coming so much easier then it did normally, when apologies normally were like pulling teeth, razor wire that cut him apart even as he tried to speak the words. “Grilled cheese sounds good to.”Tony smiled easily agreeable and happy, despite where he would have normally protested eating healthy things when he just wanted french fries. Frowning as steve choked he settled at the kitchen table, watching the other two. “No, loki only wants tony.”clint said shrugging a little, before studying the billionaire as he chewed over those words. “I sound unhappy. To need that many people.”Tony frowned a little trying to think, trying to remember, the confusion and utter frustration showing on his face at not being able to know.

“...This is going to be bad.”Kyra muttered as she joined Grant in the living room, most of the team having retreated into the living room, simply so they could hear the three talking, without hovering over tony .Wrapping her arms around his waist she leaned into him, closing her eyes, just taking comfort in knowing he knew her, that she hadn’t lost him. Even if he hadn’t been involved in the accident, it had been enough to remind her that she could have lost him so many times, that she was having a hard time simlpy being calm.
Steve paused and stared at Tony, wide eyed. it felt wrong to hear the other apologize. "it's fine. i like taking care of you. it's not really your fault anyway." he admitted. "you where conditioned as a child to behave that way." he admitted. "you had a rat bastard for a father." he admitted. "and i have to admit, arguing with you was always pretty fun too." he admitted, trying to make Tony feel better. "g...good. uh, yes. good..." he muttered, floored by Tony's easy acceptance of other food. he had to scowl at the information that Loki only slept with Tony. that was... annoying. "well. not unhappy per-say. you've just never had a stable relationship with anyone before." Steve admitted softly, sounding quite torn up about that. he had wanted to be that for Tony. someone stable. now he's never know if Tony would have accepted him. now he had to let Tony go... "hey. don't make frowny face. you'll get wrinkles." Steve teased, trying to make Tony feel better.

"going to be?" Grant asked, looking rather unnerved as he wrapped his arms around her. "i wonder... he looks so at peace with himself right now. i wonder if it will help him, or make it worse once he regains his memories... if he regains his memories." he muttered as he held her. "i wonder if it would help me if i forgot everything?" he wondered as he held her. "but then i'd have to forget you and Skye. i don't know if i could willingly do that..." he paused as he heard Bruce complaining. "you did NOT just compare a bio-molecular transition phase to hacking!" he complained. "it's not even close and i feel insulted!" he complained, sounding amused rather than annoyed. he was obviously speaking to Skye. "tippy tapping at a screen is no where near as complicated as the things i can pull off." Grant snorted and he shook his head. "oh, he's going to regret that."
“...Then maybe its a good thing I don’t remember right now. Seems I’m better off not knowing my father.”Tony said sounding amused before smiling at the other, “Well, as long as you didn’t mind so much about arguing.”Tony smiled a little, simply happy that steve didn’t mind arguing with him. Even if he didn’t remember, something relaxing at the idea of steve being happy. “....That seems sad.”He said before frowning at steve, tilting his head. “I’m sorry...I couldn’ that for you.”Tony said sounding upset at the idea that it seemed steve was upset at the idea of his relationships. Startling a little at the teasing, tony made a face at him. “I’m not old enough for wrinkles. I have to be young since you two are young.”Tony reasoned smiling a little. “...Okay. This is to weird. He’s being weird...he’s going to kill us all when he remembers who he is, for witnessing this.”Clint said nudging steve, trying to make the other feel better.

“okay, so it’s already bad, but its going to be worse if tony thinks we liked this tony better then him, when he does remember.”She sighed quietly before nodding. “he does look at peace. More open,’s odd. And I doubt he’s going to forget forever...I mean, there’s not explanation for it, but there’s not injury that caused it either. Whatever happened, it’ll fade with time, even injury inflicted amnesia fades with time.He might forget a few things, but he’ll come back.”She muttered before wincing. “Probably worse, cause you know he’s going to overthink everything.”She said pressing her face against his chest, simply taking comfort in his hold, before smiling a little. “probably not. I mean, you love us. Can’t forget us.”She smiled a little. Before laughing softly at bruce’s complaining. “I did. It’s just as complicated, and I feel insulted you don’t think so. I’d let you to tell Tony that hacking jarvis is not complicated at all, and I can totally pull off things you can’t.”Skye said sounding just as amused.
Steve nodded. "maybe it is. but then again, maybe it isn't." he admitted. "can't be sure yet." he admitted. honestly, if Tony was happy then he was happy. but he would rather have HIS Tony. "Arguing with you makes me feel accomplished." he admitted. "like i'm the only one who can properly take care of you." he admitted. "because even if you argue nonstop, you still eventually let me do what i need to." he admitted with a smile. "plus you look absolutely gorgeous once you give in." he admitted with a smile. "especially during sex." he admitted. "it's fine Tony. i knew coming into this relationship that we could probably never have anything solid." he admitted. "i... it's my fault your like this. i pushed too hard and you panicked." he admitted as he set the fries into the deep frier. "i hate to tell you this Mister Stark, but me Clint and Loki are actually a lot younger than you. by like, what, ten years?" he asked Clint. "i know in earth years Loki is the youngest. he'd be, what, nineteen? then your, what, twenty four? twenty five? and i just hit twenty two myself." he admitted. "or ninety seven." he admitted with a smile. "your hitting your late thirties early forties. lots of wrinkles." he teased. "he is going to kill us all, but if he gets his memories of us back it will be well worth the death." he admitted.

he nodded. "he's going to assume that anyway." he pointed out. "we'll just have to make him understand that we like him no matter his mental state." he admitted. "it's very odd. it's... i don't like it, no one is that open." he admitted. "he's setting up for some great big hurts being as open as that." he admitted. not that any of the Avengers would take advantage of him like this, but some hurts couldn't be helped. "not all amnesia fades." he admitted. "but i do hope he gets his memories of the people he loves back at the very least." he admitted before smiling as he watched Skye make friends. "you can hack Jarvis!?" Bruce demanded, looking stunned. "no one hacks Jarvis! he LET you hack him!" he stated with a sniff. Jarvis, the traitor, stayed silent. because he had let her, but he also knew she could have forced her way into his programming if she'd wanted to and had enough time and equipment.
“Well. I’ll just have to let you keep taking care of me.”Tony smiled at the other, relaxing at the idea. Tilting his head he smiled, for once not jumping on the idea of having sex right away, studying the other man. “We should have sex. You are very pretty.”Tony said reasonably, tilting his head as he studied the other, frowning slightly. “...No. I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have run away if you’re telling me the truth.”Such suspicion in that look, as if the real tony was there, and just starting to be supicious of the people around him. Even as open and happy as he was, he was intelligent enough to have finally thought he might not be able to trust them. “I am not!I am not that old.”Tony huffed even as he scrambled over to the toaster to look at himself in the shiny metal, making clint snicker. “Something like that. 19, 20. And hey, I’m a very respectable 26, I’ll have you know.”Clint snickered before smirking at steve, “No no, you can’t do your age like that, when you were born in 1918.”Clint smirked as tony stared at them, looking utterly confused at the discussion of steve’s age. “...You can’t be 97.” “He is.” “It will be worth it, but he’s still going to kill us.”Clint grumbled, just praying they’d get their tony back. Even as interesting as he was finding this newly open tony, he perferred their quiet, scarred genius who was prickly and nasty at times, but loved. Hopefully loki would have a idea what was wrong.

“We will. Though I think steve will be able to convince him the best of that. Maybe.... As long as he doesn’t freak out and think steve’s in love with him like this.”Kyra muttered thoughtfully, before nodding. “No, no one is. And if we’re not careful, he’s going to get hurt.”She agreed, because while none of them would deliberately hurt him, with tony being this open and happy, he was going to get hurt in ways they wouldn’t consider. “I can. I can totally hack was awesome, and tony howled for hours when I told him.”Skye said sounding utterly pleased. Kyra smiled against grant's chest listening to the two, squeezing him a little."jealous?That sounds like some nerdy flirting."She muttered nuzzling him a little.
Steve smiled at him and nodded. "i'd like that." he admitted softly before he laughed. "i'm not a girl!" he protested with a smirk. "if anyone is pretty here, it's you!" he stated simply before he shook his head. "no. it's my fault. i was selfish and pushed you too much. i knew better." he admitted as he flipped the grilled cheese and pulled the fries out of the deep frier and lightly salted them before dumping them into a basket lined with paper towels and slid them over to Tony with the vinegar. "you are that old, though you never give us a number." Steve admitted with a snicker. "your still gorgeous though. i like the wrinkles." he assured Tony. "and if we're talking purely linear, then yes. i'm ninety seven." he admitted. "there was an accident and i ended up deep frozen for a good number of years. it was actually thanks to you that i was found at all." he admitted. "of course, we hated each other when we first met." he admitted before shrugging at Clint. "he can't kill me. i give him sex, food, and clean clothes." he pointed out. "remind me to kill Loki for causing this though, the filthy bastard." he grumbled.

he nodded. "probably." he admitted with a smile. "i think Steve is in love with Tony no matter what state Tony is in." he admitted. "i don't think we can stop him from getting hurt." he admitted with a sigh before he chuckled. "you lie! it's Inconceivable!" Bruce protested and Grant suddenly sat up. "that word. i do not think it means what you think it means." he quoted back, making Bruce blink at him before breaking out into a wild grin. everyone loved the princess bride. it had just been proven. "...that's flirting?" Grant asked, looking entirely unconvinced.
“I am not pretty.”Tony said making a face, without the normal rewording that changed to ‘devilishly handsome, a sex icon, sexy’, simply correcting the pretty term. He really was without the emotional scars that goaded him into reassuring himself that he was utterly awesome and good looking. “...Hm, you might have pushed him. But he didn’t push you away, Cap. Simply tried to get some space to think.”Clint muttered worried that the blond was still upset. “...Nope. Can’t be that old, since I can’t remember.”Tony huffed even as he started to eat, grinning happily, utterly relaxed. “...Really?I don’t hate you now, and I just met you. It must have been my fault.”Tony said with a utter seriousness that you would have never found in tony, willing to admit he was guilty of something, even when he did indeed blame himself for it, normally he would have never admitted it. “Can’t kill loki, Tony likes him, and tony’s the one who panicked and ran into the room. It wasn’t loki.”Clint said rolling his eyes a little, watching the billionaire as he ate happily, like such a kid that all clint wanted to do, was cuddle him.

“Probably, but if you try to convince Tony of that, you know he wont believe it.”She muttered sighing quietly, hating they wouldn’t be able to stop him from being hurt, but wanting to, giggling at grant’s words. “It definitely doesn’t mean what he thinks it means.”She agreed smirking. “And yes it is. Nerdy flirting. Shall I flirt with you?”she said looking up at him, smirking a little, brushing his dark hair out of his face, liking the slightly longer then normal length of his hair.
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