In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

“Hm, maybe later. Now that I know I wont hurt you, or mess up.”Tony said smiling a little, shifting to let the other get comfortable against him, closing his eyes. Not sleeping, simply enjoying being with him in sleepy contentment.

Clint laughed a little at the look steve gave grant, laughing quietly. “You know, for once I’m glad I’m not the one getting that look.”he snickered. “You’re a asshole.”Kyra rolled her eyes at james, and shrugged. “Everything has to do with sex, but mostly if he thinks I cheated him, he might not want to have sex with me. I mean, would you forgive a woman for making you look foolish?”Kyra smirked. “Wait, sorry, forgot who I’m talking to. Your girlfriend makes you look foolish all the time.”She smirked, having seen natasha and james together, she knew they were good together, even if she enjoyed teasing him about it. “And Skye is with Natasha, having a girl’s day of shopping....with tony’s credit card and his blessing..”Kyra said shuddering at the idea.
he nodded. "you've seen the recordings." he reminded the other with a chuckle. "it's not that different." he admitted. "actually, i think Jarvis has a few recordings of us laying around." he admitted. "it would be pretty hot if we fucked while listening to one of those." he admitted.

Steve huffed and gave Clint the exact same look as James snickered. "i am an asshole." James admitted. "i thought you knew that from our lessons." he pointed out before he sat upright, his eyes glittering with evil amusement. "Natasha made Bruce go with her.... ten bucks says you Bruce is getting an enforced makeover." Steve laughed, he couldn't help it. "that poor, poor bastard." he stated snickering as Grant snorted. "it's amusing at Kyra looks as horrified at the idea of going on a shopping spree as Bruce did when Natasha was dragging him off."
“Hm, we’ll have to do that. It would be hot.”Tony said swallowing thickly at the idea, nuzzling the other a little, pressing a kiss to his head, sighing softly. Because while this had been amazing, and utterly awesome, he still wanted to sleep with the two who were resisting the most, leaving him feel heart bruised at their resistance.

“I did, but it needs repeating.”Kyra snickered a little before laughing. “...Oh god. That poor, poor man.”Kyra giggled a little before making a face at her boyfriend, poking him in the side. “If you’re not nice to me, I wont show you what I bought for you when I went out yesterday.”She said vaguely, huffing as she leaned over to kiss his cheek, sneaking a look at his cards, just to see if he’d notice, resting her head against his cheek. “It is quite amusing she’s that horrified. Also, just so you know, don’t expect tony or loki for dinner. They’re to busy doing the horizontal tango to consider food.”Clint said with that amused contentment that said he had reasons for just dumping this in his lap, because he really did simply want to make steve jealous enough that the man dealt with the billionaire who’d been propositioning them for days.
James smirked. "you're just trying to stroke my ego so you don't have to run the laps again." he scoffed before he sniggered at Bruce's plight. ".oh, a present?" Grant asked, looking delighted, completely unaware that she was looking at his two of a kind hand. he recoiled though when Steve stood up so fast the chair clattered to the floor. the super soldier didn't say a word, he just left and Grant sighed. "and we just got him back into a good mood." he grumbled, James examining Clint. "that was incredibly mean of you." he admitted as he glanced at Steve's cards. "damn. i was going to win this round..." he grumbled before he got up, righted Steve's chair and then followed after his Brother, looking amused. he was going to spar with Steve until he calmed down and then watch the fun.
“Well, as long as you’re aware of why I’m being nice.”Kyra snicked a little, nodding. “I present.”She said blushing at the idea, but willing to give it to him. After spent a afternoon with tony and loki, so it would be interesting whatever she got him. Clint winced a little before nodding. “I know it was. But tony wants to have sex. If he knows Tony and Loki are screwing like bunnies, he’s liable to give him what he really wants. Which is steve.”Clint shrugged a little, a little worried, but willing to let the conversation go until for now, at least till steve was calm again. Muttering a goodbye to the two lovebirds he smiled as he headed for his nest to get some sleep. “....We live with some emotionally repressed people.”Kyra snorted amused, before pressing a kiss to grant’s cheek. “You want your present now?”She muttered stretching.

When clint ventured down to the gym, he shook his head at the sight of the two bloodied super soldiers, “Cap. I gotta talk to you. You left before I got a chance.”Clint said moving over towards them, biting his lip as he considered how to go about the emotional talking when he realyl was fairly horrible at it.
James chuckled, amused by his 'apprentice' and Grant looked delighted. he'd never gotten a present before. even if it was a weird present he'd treasure it for always. "i didn't say it wasn't the right thing to do. i just said it was mean." James admitted. "this is exactly what Steve needed to get his head out of his ass." he admitted. "we do." Grant agreed before beaming. "yes. i do want my present." he agreed. "i've never had one before." he admitted. "what did you get me?"

Steve huffed at Clint but wiped his face off with a damp towel and shook his head. "sorry. i just didn't think it would be good if i went down there and beat the shit out of that god damn evil thing that Tony seams to have been ensnared by." he growled, annoyed by Loki's ever continuing presence.
Kyra smiled happily at his look of delightment, finding it heartwarming to know it could please him so. Hopefully he’d like it. “Well, as long as we’re all aware he’s being a ass about it.It’s good for him.”Clint snickered a little as he left. “It’s saddens me you’ve never had a present before, and also pleases me to be the one to get you the first one.”Kyra smiled happily, “You’ll have to wait and open it. I’m not telling you.”She said smiling happily before getting up and walking to their room, before returning, the smallish box cradled almost protectively in her hands, like she wasn’t sure he’d like the leather bracelets inside, that to her, was both a claim on him, and a way of protecting the venerability of his wrists, both bracing them to keep someone from breaking them, and to offer a way to turn a knife away if he was slashed at. Having asked loki and tony because it had been a way to claim him, that wasn’t as overt as the collar she’d heard rumors about steve getting, or the nipple rings. So...this was her, wanting him. Giving him the box she shifted nervously, before explaining, then adding, “And because I know you still worry about not having a way to have a way of getting orders, or being out of touch with me and skye...the metal studs, can fold out to a keyboard, and a mini phone, so you can get ahold of us if you lose your phone or something.....”She rambled a little nervously, having spent a afternoon last week harassing a amused tony into helping her make them.

“I know. And I’m going to remind you, Tony’s a grown man. And despite his somewhat manic-ness, and utter disregard for his own safety, he still is a good judge of character. Loki might be a evil bastard, but he, and I, have reasons for tolerating Loki’s company. He’s redeemable, steve. You of all people should understand that.”he pointed out, not about to make the obvious goad even more obvious by naming Kyra, Grant, and James. Because they could all be termed under the same as loki...maybe not to the utter scale of loki’s evil, but they were all working for redemption. “...You’re just annoyed cause he got to have sex with a virgin tony, before you did.”He sighed quietly. “Steve, you do know tony’s been rediscovering his sex life since he’s forgotten it right?He knows what he wants. Not to mention, even without his memories, tony stark is a touched starved, physical person. Sex is his way of connecting.”
"i grew up in Hydra. and i had crappy as hell parents." he admitted. "of course i've never had a present before." he admitted as he smiled a little. "but i want to know!" he complained before blinking at the box and opened it, swallowing thickly at them as he stared. he picked one out and examined it before holding it out to her with one hand and offered her his free wrist, unable to speak because of the emotions running rampant through him, but wanting her to put them on him. so he could really be hers, forever and always. they weren't heavy into BDSM like the boys where, but the idea of always being hers, always being able to do anything she said warmed him. "it's wonderful." he managed to choke out. "Kyra its wonderful." he whispered, horrified to realize he was crying. how horrible was that?b he was happier than he'd ever been in his entire life and he was crying.

Steve snarled and slammed his fist into Jame's metal one, the assassin looking almost bored as Steve pounded that metal fist again. "Loki is... Loki is!...." "Loki is broken." James stated simply. "you know i saw him a few nights ago, curled up in one of the abandoned bathrooms on the fifty sixth floor. no cameras. he was just sitting there crying." he admitted and Steve paused, looking startled. "he was crying? why?" "i don't know. i didn't think i wanted to interrupt." James admitted. "...i know." he finally sighed, slumping onto a bench. "i know Clint if i... it's like i'm... cheating." he admitted. "it's like if i sleep with him, i'll be admitting i like Tony more like this and that's not true... i hate it. i hate how he looks at me with such open adoration when he refused to let me love him before this. i hate not knowing the man i love..."
“...That’s true. I hadn’t thought of it like that before..”She smiled before laughing as he complained, looking nervous and fidgety as she explained and watching him examining it. While they weren’t into BDSM as much as the boys, both their handlers and thomas having left them both scarred enough to not see the appeal in it, they did enjoy the thought of the idea of belonging so completely to the other. Something that had been totally lost on Skye when she had tried to explain it to her. Which had resulted in a arguement that had made tony and loki separate them to keep them from coming to blows. Taking the bracelets she gently put them on, fingers stroking his skin, swallowing thickly. Relaxing utterly when she realized he liked them, her eyes widening, looking anxious. “You’re crying!Grant, what’s wrong?I didn’t mean to upset you!”She said sounding worried as she stroked her fingers over the leather, the bracelets a touchstone already to reassuring herself.

“Because he misses tony to. And tony is...tony. He gives loki something the godling needs, without him I think Loki’s feeling lost.”Clint said having tried to get the man to talk to him to, but for the first time ever, he’d been shut out by the god. Watching steve he sighed a little. “It’s not cheating.”Clint sighed quietly, biting his lip. “He’s going to be back to himself soon, loki says probably a week or two more of no memories, then the magic will be gone. Shouldn’t we simply enjoy him being this utterly open and happy, because he’s never been hurt before? Steve, soon, he’s going to revert to our tony, who’s so broken and hurting that he can’t understand things. This tony...he’s precious because we can show him how he deserves to be treated, without having him freak out on us. Shouldn’t we simply enjoy that as long as it lasts, even knowing our tony’s going to be pissed and angry when he realizes just how together he’s been?”Clint sighed looking aroudn the room before sighing again, realizing he was going to have to tell steve, to make him realize something. “I talked to Loki. I wanted to know why tony forgot things, when he wasn’t hurt. The magic, because he can’t control it, simply gave tony what he wanted for that moment, when he was so upset and anxious about you trying to date him. You know he said? It’s cause tony himself wanted to not be ‘the one who ruined everything’ anymore. He didn’t want to be himself. He’s going to be that man soon enough again, enjoy this moment, precious and fleeting, steve.”
he shrugged. he didn't mind, he had a good life now, he had a life period, now. "i d.. don't know! i'm s..sorry!" he managed to heave out between sobs. "i'm just. so happy!" he finally managed to figure out, just sitting there, crying because he couldn't handle all the good feelings inside of him. "i d.. Don't have anything for you!" he protested as he wiped his eyes, already calming down now that the surge of emotion was over. "you need something too don't you?" he asked, sniffling. "and we should get something for Skye." he was working so hard to make his girls happy. and he doted on them both so much. struggling to make sure neither woman felt neglected or disfavored. it was really hard.

Steve stared at them, feeling a bit annoyed that they where taking Loki's side. not that he could dispute them. he felt a bit bad for the God too. when he wasn't hating the little bastards guts. "i guess your probably right." Steve grumbled with a sigh. "there is a reason why Loki always does what Tony tells him to i suppose." Steve grumbled unhappily before huffing. "i hate you." he grumbled, sulking at Clint. "why can't you let me be hateful and miserable?" he complained, realizing Clint was right. he might as well enjoy Tony the way he was for a while. "your right of course. we should treasure him. he's still Tony." he muttered. "it's just... hard." he admitted as he shook his head. "i'm scared. what if... what if he hates us for taking advantage of him like this?" he asked, worried. "what if he thinks we're horrible monsters for it?" he asked, frowning. "...." he stared at Clint, horror etched on his face as he realized that Tony's amnesia was his fault! if he hadn't pushed, hadn't pressed.... "fuck..." he pressed his hands into his eyes and bit back another sob even as he tried to stop the tears that where trailing down his face. "Tony doesn't ruin anything. it's people that ruin Tony." he whispered, wiping his eyes before stalking down to where Loki and Tony where napping and much to the Godling's stunned amazement, crawled into bed with them, simply holding Tony as the man slept. Loki didn't say a word.
Kyra stared at him with wide, startled eyes, before wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his hair as she held him ever so gently. “That’s okay. You don’t have to get anything. I just saw these, and knew I had to get them for you.”She smiled nuzzling him a little, swallowing hard at the mention of skye, stomping down on the spurt of anger at it. Skye hadn’t understood why Kyra had gotten him the bracelets, hadn’t wanted her to give them to him. So she didn’t want to share the moment with the other woman, but well, it made him happy. So she would live with it. “We could do go out now. Go gift shopping for Skye, and maybe you’ll find something for me to.”She said gently stroking his hair, glad he was calming down, drawing away for a moment to make sure he was okay, before kissing him lightly.

“Don’t look at me like that. If anyone has the right to hate him, and then forgive him, it’s me.”Clint said twitching a little before sighing, “Because you hating loki, upsets tony.”Clint said tilting his head a little before smiling a little. “He is still tony. And if he hates anything, its going to be himself, not us. You know that. He’s going to hate that he was this utterly....naive about everything. He knows what he wants, and he wants to have sex with all of us.”Clint said before wincing at the look on steve’s face, “Hey, hey hey I didn’t mean for you to blame yourself. Just wanted you to know why Tony can’t remember anything. Because of everyone, tony hates the way he is more then anyone else.”Clint sighed quietly, wincing a little as he rested a hand on the other’s shoulder, gently stroking his tears away. “You should tell him that, when he’s back to being himself.”Clint muttered watching the other man, looking interested and concerned as steve stalked out of the room. Tony snuffled a little as he was held, shifting to snuggle more, content to be with the two men holding him.

When he woke he frowned a little, yawning tiredly, squirming. “...Cap?”He muttered sounding confused as he raised his head to look at the man he was laying on. Because while he’d been around the others, he hadn’t slept in bed with clint or steve, the two having been finding it to weird to sleep with him. Snuggling closer, feeling confused at suddenly finding the man with him, but looking utterly delighted at it. Having missed him like a missing limb, even if he wasn’t aware of the memories of being with him, he knew he utterly adorable steve and clint, had missed them horribly, and was sad at their missing. So suddenly finding the man with him, was making him show utter delight at it.
he smiled as he snuggled into her. "i want to." he admitted as he closed his eyes. "they're wonderful Kyra." he whispered happily. "and they're functional too." he admitted with a smile. he loved using things that where as practical as they where pretty. "i'd like that." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her. "Kyra?... i love you." he admitted, eyes glittering happily as he kissed her again before wiping his eyes again and standing up. "come on. i already have an idea of what to get you." he admitted happily as he held her hand. "should we ask Skye if she wants to come with or should it be a surprise?"

Steve huffed again, mostly because he knew it was true. if Clint had forgiven Loki then who was he to complain? he was right too, Tony did get upset when he ragged on Loki. "but it is my fault isn't it?" Steve asked. "it's my fault Tony was thinking that when Loki's spell exploded." he muttered, smiling at Clint. "i will. i'll tell him that." he promised, giving Clint a small kiss before he left. "he'll be fine." James promised, clapping Clint on the shoulder. "wanna learn how to completely dismantle an AK47 so that it fires automatic?" he offered. "or maybe how to use a bomb using pipe cleaner and some bug spray?"

Steve hummed, still mostly asleep when Tony woke up. Loki had been watching them intently while they slept and was very pleased to see them working things out a bit more. "morning." Steve muttered as he linked sleep out of his eyes. "i'm sorry." Steve muttered. "i didn't realize how much i was... hurting you." he admitted softly, completely ignoring Loki, who was laying on the other side of Tony. "it just..." Steve sighed and wrapped his arms around Tony, tucking his face into Tony's chest, just holding him because he couldn't think of anything else to say. Loki took this chance to gently slip out of the room so he wasn't interfering in such an emotional moment.
"Im glad you like them."she smiled pressing a kiss to his air."and they are. Tony grinned like a loon when I told him I needed them to not just be pretty. With your luck there's probably more in there then the simple keyboard for texts and the phone function. You'll have to ask him."kyra snickered before blushing ducking her head a little blushing."love you to."she smiled before nodding following him towards the door."we'll surprise her. She's not back from shopping with natasha yet and I want to go now."kyra said excited to see what he was going to get.

"Uh...maybe?except I'm fairly certain tony thinks some version of that all the time."clint said watching steve leave worriedly before smirking at james. "Can't we do both? I'm fairly certain our significant others are going to be busy for awhile. Natasha's still shopping."he pointed out with a smile as they settled into work.

Tony frowned a little smiling."it hurt to be turned away...but I knew why. I'm not your tony.but I still love you. Still want you. Even if your tony never says it,i doubt I'd feel this way if he didnt love you to."tony said smiling as he gently stroked the others hair,barely glancing up to look at loki as he left simply to delighted to snuggle against steve to be worried about him leaving.
he smiled at her and nodded. "we should get you something like that. tracking chip at the very least, so i can always find you even if you go missing." he admitted with a nod. "i'll make sure to ask him." he agreed with a smile as he examined the bracelets. "okay. we'll go now." he agreed with a laugh as he snagged his jacket and Tony's credit card that Tony insisted they all use. he didn't have any money of his own anyway so he didn't mind using Tony's. Tony had ordered and Grant was too used to obeying to care.

James just snickered and set about showing Clint how to turn a gun into a fully automatic murdering machine and how to make what amounted to a pipe bomb on steroids.

he shook his head before tensing at the words. rage fluttering through him. how dare this Tony imposter tell him that he loved him when Tony, the real Tony, obviously didn't! then he thought about it and realized that Tony was still Tony, just without shields. Tony loved him. Tony freaking loved him! the thought made him dizzy with delight. now if only he could get the real Tony to say it. "Sorry. that's my fault." he muttered as he watched Loki leave. "i don't like him much." he admitted. "he tends to avoid me as much as possible because he doesn't like to upset you." Steve admitted as he snuggled Tony. "i should fix that." he muttered, too busy snuggling Tony to really care what Loki was doing. what he was doing was clear when a few moments later, Clint appeared.
"Good idea. We'll have tony add one to both our gifts. And skye's. So we can be found anywhere."she grinned following him happily simply glad to be with him, and directing him towards stores she thought he'd like when it looked like he was going to be overwhelmed with choices. After a few stores she tilted her head squeezing his hand."where you want to try next?you dont seem to be finding anything you want."she said sounding worried,hoping having so many options wasnt overwhelming him.

Tony's eyes widened at the look on steve's face, hurt flairing across his features before they shuttered,and like phil pedicted it was that first hurt,that first instinctive reaponse to anger to hide from him." long as you two have a understanding I guess I cant really aegue on it cause I dont know everything."tony smiled before grinning wider as clint walked in. "Does this mean we're going to have sex? Cause tou two have been driving me insane."the billionaire said looking at the two eagerly."cqp?"clint tilted his head willing to let him make the final call on sex. Not sure if the man would be able to actually go through with it even if he wanted to.
he smiled at her, beaming really. pleased that she liked his idea. hours later though, he was frustrated and upset. he wanted them to be perfect. "i don't know. nothing is good." he grumbled. "i want them to be perfect and people keep trying to sell me this crap." he grumbled as he followed her before his eye caught something. it was a rather dinky little shop that had no one coming in or out like the others he had tried.he headed for it, and once inside he was delighted at the array of beautiful bracelets and jewelry. finally he had found what he was looking for, and offered Kyra one Bracelet that looked like something Tony might have personally made had he gotten the chance, but suited Kyra so perfectly. the other Bracelet he tucked into a box for Skye, looking so delighted to have found what he was looking at, it might as well have been contagious.

Steve grimaced as he realized he'd hurt Tony. "sorry... my emotions are... i don't handle stress well." he admitted softly as he stroked Tony's face gently before shrugging. "i don't know if purposeful and complete avoidance and ignoring counts as a understanding." he admitted. "we'll work it out. i'm admittedly not being very fair." he admitted. talking to Clint about it had helped him realize that. "....hey Clint." Steve muttered. "you can shut up about being right or i'll put itching powder on all your underwear again." he ordered before fidgeting at the mention of sex. he was horny. he was always horny thanks to Tony, the little jerk. "i could go for some sex..." he agreed.
"I know. I'm sorry. I didnt think it'd be this hard finding something."she said lacing her fingers through his looking upset herself hating to see him like this. It hurt her heart to see him trying so hard when she didnt care if he got her something or not,only if he was happy. Following him inside her eyes widened at the perfect bracelet going a little misty eyed because it was perfect. So perfect. dor both her and skye."thank you."she said looking about ready to cry herself as she realized He'd been serious about claiming her,something restless and worried settling jn her chest as she realized they were okay. Smiling as he paid she leaned over for a kiss."come on. I wanna see how skye reacts to hers."she said so excited that she didnt even consider the other woman's reaction to her giving grant bracelets, didnt consider she might not like this.

"Oh...thats okay. I mean...I get why I'm not who you want. I'm not tony-tony."tony muttered sadly sounding hurt,even if his face wasnt showing it,his shields were in shreds,not even capable of defending himself. "Well..maybe you should try to be fair cap.isnt that one of the things about being cap you need to do?"he teased the hurt forgotten for the moment before giving the two a beight smile. "Okay i5ching poqder. I promise to behave."clint smirked. "Sex?really?"tony said sounding so so happy that it was a crime that simple sex coule make him sound that happy....until you realized just how much he'd missed clint and steve. A moan escaping as clint caught him in a kiss,smirking as he glanced at the other. Looking up at steve."just some sex?you're like the energizer bunny. You should have been having alot of sex these days. We gotta make up for this travesty of you not having sex."tony rambled panting and turned on
he nodded. "it has to be perfect." he admitted as he stroked his own cuffs. he had to beam once he found just the right thing and he kissed her eagerly. "your welcome. now we belong to each other." he murmured happily as he let her pay because he couldn't figure out how to swipe the card. "yeah! she should be done with her shopping trip by now!" he agreed with a grin as he followed her home, smiling happily at the box in his hands and the bracelet on her wrist. it was perfect. they where perfect. life was utterly perfect.

"hey... your still Tony." Steve promised with a smile as he stroked Tony's hair. "your just. not what i'm used to." he admitted. "i love you, no matter who you are." he promised softly before he sulked. "i don't want to be fair. i want to be greedy and selfish." he grumbled. "besides. i'm not supposed to smoke pot either apparently. or be into BDSM, or play poker, but i still do it." he admitted with a grin. "yes. sex." Steve agreed, sounding amused before his brain stuttered at Tony's words. he sounded so much like Tony. his Tony that for a scant second he almost pulled away. "shut up and suck my cock." he ordered with a grin as he tugged Tony in for his own kiss. he hadn't realized how much he'd miss this.
Skye smiled looking curious and amused when the two walked into the apartmenttiting her head as she sorted through the bags of stuff she'd bought,biting her lip to keep from yelling about the bravelts on grant.wNting to scold kyra for it but knowing better then that."hey you two. You look excited." "We went shopping. Got you something."kyra grinned at grant as he handed over the box, hiding a wince as she saw skye's reaction, hating the lightening quick anger that showed on her face as she picked up the bracelet before it was hidden."its lovely grant."

Tony smiled quietly butting his hand against steve's hand as he was petted enjoying it."loki tells me I'll be back soon...I'm sorta sorry I will be..."tont muttered blushing at the admittance before laughing. "Well smoking pot and playing poker are appropriate vices for the good captain."tony snickered. "Lots of sex indeed."clint smirked swallowing hard at just how much like tony he sounded for a moment. Whining as he tightened his hands in steve's shirt sensing he almost pulled away. Looking up at the other with lust blown eyes."stay please please stay."he whimpered
Grant grinned as he bounded into the room, chirpy and happy and almost hyper. he was as bad as Tony was sometimes. only without the intelligence level of the billionaire. he was unaware of Skye's annoyance at the cuffs wrapped around Grant's wrists and he grinned as he held the box out to her. "it took me hours! but i finally found one that would be perfect for you!" he admitted happily before he paused, looking confused. "Skye?... do you not like it?" he asked, looking worried that she didn't look as happy as Kyra and he did. was it the wrong kind? maybe the wrong metal? some people had metal allergies, maybe she had one too?

Steve smiled a little. "don't be sad." he ordered. "me and Clint... and Loki, i guess. will love you no matter what." he promised. "even when your pissed at us for letting you day it back." he promised before he chuckled a little. "somehow Tony, i think your the only one who thinks that." he admitted with a grin. "shh. Tony. it's okay." Steve promised. "i won't leave." he promised, feeling his heart clenching tightly. because that was Tony too, even if Tony had never said it aloud, being left was his worst fear and even if Steve was no longer horny, he couldn't bring himself to leave.
Skye smiled a little looking strained not wanting to upset him but not finding the same reassurance in being 'owned' as the two former hydra operatives."its beautiful grant.really."she promised even as she put it out,swallowing thickly as it settled against her skin. Maybe she could just see it as a bravelet and not a claim? "You really dont like it do you?"kyra said eyes icing over as she considered the other woman. Angry because she was upsetting grant. " said it was a mark of ownership...your bracelets to grant. I dont...want to belong to anyone. I belong to no one." "You belong to us."kyra daid even if she wasnt in love,or even like the woman, it hurt to be so rejected. "No.i dont.i belong to myself."skye said saring at the two feeling frustrated because she knew she was making a mess of what had been a long thought out gift.

"..okay."tony said studying the two. "I promise.even when you yell at us for letting you be like this, we'll love you."clint smiled knowing when tony was back to himswlf he was going to freak. Smirking a little as he squirmed down towards steve's cock he smirked as he palmed the other through his jeans starting to undo his belt."good.cause I totally want to have sex."and again that sounded like tony,his need to not be alone hidden in his need for sex.
Grant frowned, confused as his eyes flicked from woman to woman. "it's not any different than a wedding ring." he stated calmly. "or, no a wedding ring is not quite right..." it was more like a promise ring, or an engagement ring. a promise to stay together. a promise to never leave each other, a promise they would never be alone, but he didn't know how to express that. "you don't have to wear it..." he promised, looking upset that Skye didn't understand, but willing to let it go because he hated to see Skye so upset.

Steve had to chuckle. "actually. it's going to be kind of hilarious when you remember everything. you're going to throw a temper tantrum." he teased with a smile before groaning as he was palmed through his pants. he himself didn't really feel like sex. too many conflicting emotions. his cock didn't seam to have gotten the memo because it hardened very nicely for Tony. "Vixen." he growled, tipping his head back as he let the pleasure pick him up and carry him away from troubling thoughts and emotions. for now. "Clint. suck Tony's tight little bottom. i love watching him squirm when you have your tongue up his ass."
"It just seems...different. i dont know guys. Its just not."skye said looking frustrated before shaking her head."no.I'll wear it. It is pretty." " dont get to."kyra snarled angry and upset with her as she reached out and took it off the other woman ignoring her fighting to keep it looking angry as they devolved into a fist fight over it. While it was stupid,the fight had ben coming for awhile. Kyra jerking back eyes wide as she heard something snap, staring at the piece of the bracelet in her hand and the other half in skye's, eyes filling with tears as she realized she'd ruined grant's gift before rushing out of the room,not waiting to see his reaction." so sorry. I didnt mean to break it..."skye said eyes wide and tearful as she looked at him.

"I'mso glad you find me amusing."tony rolled his eyes a little because he had a feeling they were right. He was going to have a temper tantrum. Grinning at steve's growled nickname he undid the other's pants moaning as he started giving him a blowjob. Clint smirked."of course captain."he smirked as he got down to business of licking tony open rinning at the way he squirmed and worked steve's cock with such bumbling innocence, because it was so adorable listening to him trying to give his very first blow job. Tony raised his head after he choked looking at steve with wide tearful eyes,resting his head on his hip."I'm sorry I can'!its to big. And i really want to but...I'm sorry..."he sniffled a little before swuirming up for a kiss,leaning against the blond even as clint worked him open."love you."he muttered nuzzling the blond a little.
Grant looked mortified as the two girls started fighting and he tried to break it up, he just didn't know how to without hurting one, or both of his girls. in the end he had a black eye from a wayward fist. he jumped at the snapping sound and he stared at the broken bracelet, picking it up after watching Kyra leave, staring at it for a long moment before sighing. "it's okay Skye." he promised. "i know you don't understand." he admitted softly. "these... it's not just her owning me." he admitted. "it's... safety." he admitted. "she owns me, i trust her to keep me safe." he explained. "you don't need that. don't need to be safe from people. you've never... and that's a good thing." he admitted as he settled it in her hands. "me and Kyra. we've never had a choice. we've never had an option. this is us, choosing who we want to belong to." he admitted. "and i know you don't need that... but i do... because i've never..." he shook his head. "it's stupid, to you. i know... but. it makes me feel,a little bit more in control." he admitted.

Steve smirked. "i always find you amusing." he admitted with a chuckle before moaning as he felt that mouth on him and god if that didn't feel glorious. Tony's mouth, so shy and hesitant on his own. it was like the first time and and James had tried sucking cock. it startled Steve to realize that this WAS Tony's first Blowjob. fierce possessiveness welled up inside him as he realized that Loki hadn't defiled Tony just yet. "it's okay Tony." Steve promised. "your trying too hard is all. you just have to let your body relax. it knows what it wants to do." he promised. "a muscle memory, like how you know not to touch the stove because it's hot. instinctual." he purred, kissing the other. "here. i'll show you." he purred as he slid Tony's pants off and devoured the others cock, showing off his hard learned skills as he used a lubed finger to carefully slip inside of Tony, gently, so as to not frighten his lover.
Skye looked at the man, wide eyed and trying not to cry, nodding a little. “I don’t...I’m sorry. I tried...when she first explained it. I just...don’t get it.”She said biting her lip, looking down at the broken bracelet, holding it ever so gently, before nodding. “If it helps you. Then okay.”She said smiling sadly, gently stroking the leather at his wrists.”Must admit, you do look good in them.”She muttered before sighing slowly, glancing towards the door. “You beter go see if she’s okay.”She said kissing him lightly.

Tony blushed brightly at steve’s promise, whining quietly, because he wanted so hard to do it, but it didn’t work.”Okay. I’ll try again.”tony said looking determined before moaning as the other sucked his cock, whimpering, squirming as he rocked his hips, hands tangling in the other’s hair, yelping in surprise as the other slipped a finger into him, screwing up his face as he considered it. “...weird feeling...”He muttered. “You okay?”clint raised his head to watch him, looking bemused as he realized tony really didn’t know what bottoming was like. So. He had been right. Tony really did dominate the hell out of loki. Smirking as he smirked at steve,”How’s it feel to be the first, captain?I mean, you totally get to be his first time...”He muttered stroking a hand over tony’s side, smirking a little as the billionaire whined and squirmed under his hands.
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