In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

“Hm, not yet. But I probably will be eventually. Getting collared usually gets me sex.”Tony muttered frowning up at the two as he pressed his face into steve’s chest, snuffling a little, getting comfortable. “There is no such thing as a just tony. I’m amazing. Totally.”Tony huffed snuggling as close as he could, starting to relax indeed now that steve was there, and he could get snuggled. “Bruce collared me, stevie, and didn’t offer sex. I feel cheated.”He huffed a little before giggling at bruce’s choke, nodding. “I like cap the rebel. It’s quite amusing getting him high.”Tony grinned a little calming slowly, falling into that space that was usually reserved for quiet time with steve, being fairly adorable all in all as he shifted and snuggled. By the time he started to come up, he poked steve in the ribs. “Want sex.”he demanded.”And check on clint.”He added after a moment.

Kyra bit her lip as she studied him, dipping her head to stare at his chest, biting her lip to keep from lowering her head and bite that awesome curve of muscle simply because she could. “...That’s not...I...”she sputtered sounding frustrated. “I can’t handle life without you.”She sighed quietly. “But...I saw you. With Skye. For years....I’ve...I’ve avoided this, because I were supposed to be with her. I always saw you...with her. Never me.”
Bruce chuckled. "well i'm not having sex with you." he admitted with a smile. "you'll have to go to Steve for that." he admitted as he carefully undid the collar. "you are totally amazing." Steve agreed. "don't worry, you can have sex later. i didn't know you where into collars though. might have to send someone out to get me one." he admitted with a grin. "you'd look adorable in a pink collar with little hearts on it. maybe even a little bell." he mused. teasing Tony. "i like being high." he admitted with a chuckle, Bruce snorted. "you can leave. Jarvis can monitor Tony's behavior and look for anything i might need to know." Bruce admitted. "Jarvis? would you ask Natasha to come down here?" he asked, fully intending on dosing her up too. she was used to being his guinea pig too. "alright, let's get Clint and we can have a threesome." Steve agreed as he carried Tony, well aware the man would bitch, whine, and complain if he didn't.

Loki and Clint where chattering at each other, Loki was actually working some protection runes onto Clint, so Clint was laying on his belly, bare naked with Loki painting symbols onto Clint's back, shoulders and the backs of his thighs with a paintbrush. "...uuuh. is this some new age Kink i'm unaware of?" "no. it's protection." Loki explained calmly, not really paying attention to who was there. "this particular brand of magic has to be specifically personalized but it will do what needs doing. if Phil attacks him, he won't be able to. the blows will just slide away." Loki admitted. "oh..." he paused, hesitating as he realized it was Steve before ignoring it. "you'll have to wait. i'll vanish once i'm done." "no. take your time. this kind of thing is important... will it only work on Phil?" "yes. personalized." Loki admitted. "if i wanted, i could make it general, but it's against touch completely. not pain or attack. if i made it general no one could touch Clint." he admitted. "this way, Phil cannot touch Clint in any manner, and i can remove it once things have been settled. this will allow them to interact without having to worry so much."

he blinked at her, looking confused. "i don't understand." he admitted as he examined her. "your future sight thing saw me with Skye and that's why you want me with her?" he asked, his head tilted. "that doesn't make any sense at all." he scoffed as he resumed snuggling her, wondering if he was going to have to have an awkward conversation with Skye. actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea. maybe then he could make sense of Kyra. "come on. up. let's go get some food."
“Fine, fine. I’ll go see the pinnacle of human perfection for sex. A good match for my awesomeness.”Tony muttered smiling happily as steve agreed that he was awesome, shuddering a little. “...”He stared at the other, not about to admit why he liked the idea of a collar, of being restrained, because while he was submissive to both clint and steve, it was only for steve, when steve was with him and clint, that the man was utterly submissive and this quietly pliant and adorable, the idea of proof showing that he belonged to steve, even if steve didn’t want him like that, made him a little weak kneed.. “...Would not. Has to be iron man colors.”he pointed out making a face as he nodded. “Kay.” “Of course.”Jarvis said as tony and steve left.

Clint raised his head a little, raising a eyebrow at the billionaire cuddled into steve’s arms. “He high?” “Nooooo.” “uh-huh.”Clint snickered a little shuddering a little under the paintbrush, smirking at steve. “Though this might be a kink. This paintbrush feels odd.”Clint added smiling a little relaxing, pleaased that at least he could see phil, and wouldn’t have to worry about phil losing control and killing him or making him stop the other. “Good. That’s good.”Tony said smiling, dark eyes gleaming as he looked at the jotun sorcerer,”You should stay. Have sex with us.”He word vomited after a moment. “It would be totally epic, and amazing, and hm-” “Tony. That’s not a good idea.”Clint said gently cutting off the man’s rambling before tony managed to really piss off steve.

“....Yea. Years ago. I saw you...with her. I thought...she’d make you happy. That she was who you were supposed to be with, no matter how I felt about it.”She said blushing slightly biting her lip a little before smiling, “Food sounds good.”She said as her stomach growled and getting up, glad that they were okay.
Bruce snorted. "and you sound so put out by that." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head as Steve examined Tony, picking out the little emotions Tony couldn't hide. "nope. it's going to be Captain America color's." Steve corrected as he carried Tony off. "he's not High actually. Bruce is working on a way to make Phil harmless and Tony is testing it." Steve admitted as he watched the pair, Loki snorting. "Barton if you spring a Stiffy i'm leaving." Loki warned as he dipping his paintbrush into the ink once more before drawing a symbol right on the tailbone. "there." he muttered, running his hand over the skin, making emerald smoke sink into the markings, making them glow. though how black ink could glow was a mystery. "roll over please." Loki ordered, dipping his paintbrush again before painting marks on Clint's face, the forehead, the chin and both cheeks before marking his chest, shoulders, biceps, stomach and both thighs before he went very tense at the idea of having sex with captain America, who while very gorgeous, Loki refused to be helpless in front of. and Clint, who was very much not on Loki's list of 'Let's go fuck.' he knew Tony couldn't control his mouth, but it took a lot of effort not to snap at Tony to shut up. "that's enough Tony." Steve ordered, voice tight because he was willing to share with Clint, he would not watch Tony submit to Loki.

he blinked at her, startled. "Years ago!?" he demanded, stunned. "you can see that far forward? god that has to suck." he admitted. "do they ALWAYS come true?" he asked before frowning as he realized hat Kyra DID want him. great, now he was even more confused. he urged her into the kitchen where most of the group was eating the food Steve had already cooked and left on the table for eating, looking up at Skye. "Kyra! great! hurry and eat, i want to test your sparring skills." James admitted as he munched on some sort of white fish.
“I am, truly. It truly depresses me to hav esex with Cap.”Tony said that put on pout so adorable, shifting his eyes away from steve, not willing to do the emotional thing while he was high. “Hmmm.Captain America colors would be okay.”He decided smiling at clint. “I’m testing it, and it’s amazing. It got Cap to carry me around.”Tony smiled watching clint and loki. “Hm, good thing it’s not that nice. Though watching those two cuddle are enough to spring a stiffy anywhere.”Clint smirked even if he wasn’t, he just enjoyed teasing loki. Carefully rolling to his back he closed his eyes, tensing, before cracking a eye to look at tony. “Shut up tony.” “But-but it would be amazing!They’re so pretty. We’re all so pretty. It’d be a like a real life porn-”Tony stuttered to a stop at captain’s order, frowning slightly. Because while he would have understood why he shouldn’t have said anything when he was more in control, for the moment he was to jittery to really understand, frowning slightly as he realized they were upset with him. Ducking his head a little, he nodded a little.”Sorry.Being quiet here, no one will be as quiet as me. I’m awesome, and quiet.”Tony rambled resting his head against steve’s shoulder.

“Yea...and sometimes. It’s not common, but I do see somethings.”She shrugged, not about to admit they were always about him. Biting her lip before nodding. “So far they have.”She said quietly, smiling a little as she walked to the kitchen, grinning as she got some food, rolling her eyes at james. “why?Don’t you have someone else to spar with?”She huffed slanting a look towards natasha. “He’s already taught me either he can. Its your turn.”Natasha said simply smirkign.
Bruce chuckled and shook his head. "that's right. Captain America colors. we're talking about this when your not high." he pointed out. "i'm not entirely sure i trust your cognition like this." he admitted with a smile. "you'd bitch if i put you down." Steve teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "they are sickeningly sweet aren't they?" Loki asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he watched Tony. "Tony i don't think your capable of being silent." "offer him a blowjob. that usually shuts him up." Loki suggested, Steve lifting an eyebrow. "you suck cock huh?" "sure. it's my favorite pastime." Loki admitted as he ran his hand down Clint's body again, making those black marking's glow.

"...hmmm... this is the tricky part." he admitted as he examined Clint's feet. "i'm going to have to restrain your ankles." he warned Clint, waiting for accent before wiggling his fingers, glowing lines wrapping like straps around Clint's ankles and the space just under the toes, holding Clint's feet perfectly flat and making it impossible for him to jerk or twist his feet, even if the rest of his body was capable of it. he stroked the ink onto the soles of Clint's feet before he made those markings glow as well. "there. all done." Loki promised, clapping his hands, the ink slowly sinking into Clint's skin until there was no sign of it at all. "the son of Cole won't be able to touch you at all." Loki promised Clint before vanishing in green smoke once more. running away from the awkwardness.

he nodded. "makes sense." he agreed. "so you usually only see a few minutes into the future?" he asked curiously before helping himself to piles of food. "your still in training. Hydra bastards took you away before your done. it's time you completed your training." he admitted simply. "i'm sparring with Natasha later. she's clearly gone soft." he scoffed. "i beat you far too easily on that bridge. even if i didn't know who you where at the time."
“okay. I’ll talk about anything you want, as long as you keep talking.”Tony muttered nuzzling his head against the other’s shoulder, before frowning. “Would not.”he he huffed. “Coma inducingly so.”Clint said watching tony for a long moment, shaking his head. Because it upset him to know that the two were avoiding talking about what they felt, simply keeping it fuck buddies, when everyone else knew it was more. “I can totally be silent.”Tony frowned before his head whipped down to look at loki, raising his eyebrows. “You want to blow me?Or..oh, cap you want to?”Tony said having not really been listening, craning his head back to look at him. “You both could. I like that idea.”he hummed sounding pleased.

“Fine...”Clint swallowed thickly, twitching a little, because it wasn’t like he didn’t trust loki, otherwise they would never have done this, it still made him twitchy to be restrained by the other man. “Thanks loki.”Clint smiled looking at the other, utterly relieved at the idea of being able to be around phil before looking at the other two, shifting to let steve sit down on the bed with tony, absently stroking the billionaire’s hair. “Did you two want something?” “Sex, lots of sex. I totally want sex.”

”Usually. Just enough to give me a heads up if something’s happening.”Kyra said smiling a little before frowning at james. Sighing as she nodded.”Fine. Training it is then.”She said willing to just go with it if he said she needed it. “I am not. And I was more focused on not letting you kill Cap, then beating you. I beat a alien army, I’m not soft.”natasha huffed.
Cap chuckled a little at the comment. "would too." Steve scoffed. honestly, it bothered Loki too that the two where dancing around each other, mostly because it upset Tony. he would be the first to admit that he was a selfish fucker. but Tony was special. if Loki had to give Tony up so Tony could be happy? then he would in a heartbeat and do it happily. he could always find someone to trust. it might take another three thousand years, but Loki would be happy for it. "Tony i always want to suck you, and i am never, ever having that kind of sex with your good Captain." he stated simply. he couldn't be that helpless in front of anyone but Tony. not even Clint or Thor had seen him in that kind of state and they where as close to friends as he had ever had. even if Thor didn't really count.

"it's alright. Captain America won't let me do anything to you." Loki promised with a smile. "no problem. go fuck Tony so he shuts up." he ordered before vanishing, Steve huffing. "he's a bastard." he growled. "i hate him." he admitted before smiling at Clint. "i was hoping you'd be willing to help me work Tony over." he admitted. "he needs a good dose of cock." he admitted. "thought you could use a cheer me up and hey, sex with Tony always cheers me up." he admitted with an impish grin.

he nodded. "that's kind of cool. like a Spidey sense." he admitted with a grin. "no wonder i can never win spars against you." he complained playfully before looking quite relieved that James didn't want HIM to 'finish his training'. "you where moderately useful in the invasion but you could have done better." he admitted simply. "and you where next to useless in D.C. if you wanted me to stop, you should have shot me in the head the way i taught you." he stated simply.
“Damn. It could have combined my two favorite things. Wait, clint, you’re in on sucking my cock to, so that would be my three favorite things. Apple pie, ice, and motor oil.”Tony snickered quietly, because well, to him steve smelled like apple pie, loki like the first frost of the season, and clint smelled like oil, which was the oil he used on his bow, but it was always there, lingering. “We’re definitely going to fuck tony so he shuts up.”Clint grinned at the other, smirking a little. “You hate him cause of the hyper little bundle your holding, not cause he’s a bastard.”Clint said knowing when he was more coherent, tony wouldn’t remember most of this, he never did remember everything when he was high or drunk. “Sex with tony would cheer anyone up.”Clint snickered as they headed for tonys’ bedroom, smirking as he gathered what he wanted to play with, fitting the handcuffs on the billionaire before tony was aware he was on the bed, smirking as tony yanked at his hands. Because he knew just how unsubmissive tony was when steve wasn’t involved, he was going to enjoy totally dominating the man as much as he could, for as long as he could. “You look like you need someone’s cock, Stark. I totally want to see you blowing cap.”clint said, snickering as tony nodded eagerly.

“Yea, it is....”She swallowed thickly, not about to tell him just how bad it could be at times to before snickering at his relief he wasn’t continuing his training. “Call it misplaced sentimentality, in not shooting my teacher.”Natasha said rolling her eyes, huffing a little. Kyra smiled rolling her eyes at the assassins flirting, “Would you two get a room already?”She teased a littel.
Steve had to chuckle. he couldn't help it, Tony was way into the whole foursome idea. it was never going to happen, what with Loki protesting so clearly. "yeah he really needs to shut up." Steve grumbled. "your delusional." he stated simply. "i don't care who Tony fucks. who cares if he likes Loki more than me. not me! that's for sure." he scoffed even as his heart clenched painfully before he snickered as he realized Clint had handcuffed Tony. "you know. as much as he fights being dominated, i can't understand what he wants with Loki at all." he admitted with a small scowl as he undid his own pants and stripped off his shirt, leaving himself in his Iron Man boxers. he'd intended them to be a surprise but this was certainly worth it. he slipped his cock out through the opening and smirked at Tony, leaving it up to him to squirm closer.

he nodded. "must really suck." he admitted. "i don't think i could handle something like that." he admitted as he gently kissed her temple. "sentimentality." he scoffed. "i was trying to kill you. you should have defended yourself appropriately." he stated simply as he blinked at Kyra. "just for that, you get two laps." his preferred method of punishment was making them run. two laps was two floors, down, and back up twice on the stairs. he was basically making her run four flights of stairs. if he'd ordered three laps, she would have had to run up and down three flights of stairs, three times. so he was being rather nice. considering that was his usual number.
“Tony whined a little. “I know. It wont happen, but you three are my favoritest guys. I can enjoy the thought of us all together.”Tony whined a little. “...Yea, whatever.”Clint rolled his eyes a little at steve’s continued denial, smirking as tony yanked at his hands. “...”Clint stared at steve, his mouth falling open a little. He hadn’t realized steve had no idea tony didn’t submit unless he was in the room. Because while tony still fought going down, made steve fight to dominate him, he still allowed it, when in privacy, when he was away from steve, tony stark utterly dominated anyone that got near him, well...”You are so so blind sometimes.”Clint muttered rolling his eyes.”You should ask him sometime.”He snickered a little. “So who’s fir-Hey, are those iron man boxers?”Tony said eyes widening as he stared at the boxers, swallowing thickly, even handcuffed, making grabby motions with his hands, trying to squirm closer, whimpering when the handcuffs kept him from getting closer.

“It does sometimes.”She muttered a little, blushing at the kiss to her temple, ignoring the look skye was giving her. She’d deal with that later, for now, she was just enjoying knowing she hadn’t lost her friend. “...And now who’s the sentimental one?”Kyra teased smirking at james, shrugging, because really, she just couldn’t help teasing him sometimes, and she’d missed him while he was gone.
Steve snorted and rolled his eyes. damn right it wouldn't happen. "i am asking him nothing. it's not my business." he grumbled. "yes, they are Iron man boxers." Steve admitted with a smirk as he watched Tony. "look at you, so helpless." he teased, studying the other. "come on Tony, don't you want it?" he asked, wiggling his cock. "come on now. you wouldn't want me to get bored would you?" he asked playfully. "you can inchworm your way over here, i know you can, i've seen you do it."

he smiled a little as he shook his head. "Four laps." four stories four times. god he WAS a dick. "and while your doing that, i will be in the gym, making out with Natalia." he decided. "march it." he ordered. he'd cut her off at two laps of course, even he wasn't that mean, but it was fun. "hey Skye?" Grant asked, looking at her. "cn we talk? i need... help." he admitted. "i'm more than a little confused, and i'd ask Kyra but she just makes my head spin when she tries to explain things." he admitted sheepishly.
“...You could make it your business.”Clint said rolling his eyes. They were going to drive himself insane really. “You look good in my colors, Cap.”Tony groaned whimpering quietly as he growled. “you are such a dick.”He growled shifting to do exactly that, growling in both annoyance and lust the whole way, shifting to get comfortable as he slid his mouth down over steve’s cock, yelping a little as clint caught his jaw in his hand, putting pressure just enough to make him open and bruise. “Hm, you should fuck his mouth like this, simply use him to please yourself.”Clint muttered using his free hand to stroke tony’s hair, wondering just how far they could push tony, because they hadn’t found a limit to how much tony would submit to the good captain, and clint was utterly interested in seeing how far the billionaire would go, just to have whatever little crumbs he allowed himself, not realizing he could have steve to himself, tony was bending, breaking himself, and rebuilding himself in the effort to keep what he did have.

Kyra rolled her eyes a little snickering as she left to run. Natasha raised her eyebrows smirking a little.”You will, will you?”She smirked. “Hm?Yea.What’s up?”Skye said looking worried about him before nodding towards the living room.”Come on. We’ll talk in there.”
Steve smirked. "you look better in mine." he teased before snickering, pointedly ignoring Clint's comment. "no. my dick is what you want. it's not my fault you want it more than i want to give it to you." he admitted, simply sitting there, lounging by all appearances. he wouldn't look out of place on a beach waiting for a Daiquiri. save the fact that his cock was hanging out. he smirked a little and glanced at Clint. "what do you think i'm doing?" he asked, snickering before he did just as Clint suggested and started to thrust, slowly, carefully. if Tony snapped his fingers he'd pull away, if Tony gagged he'd slow down. as much as he was in control, ultimately, Tony was the boss.

he smirked at her. "i will." he admitted as he watched her leave. "Jarcis is it?" "Jarvis Sir." "right. tell her to stop once she's run up and down once." he ordered. "As you wish Sir." James chuckled a little and followed Natasha to the gym as Grant followed Skye and told her about how he had liked Kyra and how he liked her too but how Kyra had told her to go to Skye but then told him about the see into the future thing and how he didn't know what to do because he didn't want to hurt either girl by choosing one of the other because that was just wrong and he was too broken to handle it if they started fighting each other, or worse, took it out on him.
“I look amazing in everything.”Tony huffed. “tease. Horrible horrible tease.”Tony whined a little amused at the other lounging there, amused that he looked so utterly relaxed like that. “Hm, just laying there by the looks of it. Though you do look good like this.”Clint snickered a little before moving away, finding the toy he wanted, smirking as he snapped the riding crop across tony’s back, smirking at the way he jumped, amused as he slid his lubed fingers into the other, “So careful, Cap. You know he likes it when you’re rough with his mouth.”Clint muttered smirking a little as he watched tony starting to come undone between them, watching the half of his face he could see, and knew the moment he dropped into subspace, the man going utterly pliant and quiet under his hands.”Hmm, think his mind gave out on him.”he smirked a little before pulling his fingers out, tilting his head. “So, how do you want it?”

“Skye’s eyes were wide and startled as he talked, biting her lip as she tried to figure out what to tell him, before swallowing hard. Getting up she wrapped her arms around him, hugging grant. “Hey, hey. There’s a simple answer you know. Just date us both.”She pointed out,gently stroking his hair, wanting him to calm down, disliking seeing him so upset.
Steve smirked. "you ike me when i'm a tease." he stated simply. "i'm using Tony for my pleasure. why should i have to work for that pleasure? i like making him do all the work." he admitted, smirking. "he likes it too, don't you little Vixen?" he asked, tugging on Tony's hair. "go on, suck harder." he ordered. "put that mouth of yours to proper use." he ordered before smirking at Clint. "well excuse me for enjoying this the way it is. i happen to like teasing myself. it lasts longer and he's a lot more silent too." he admitted. "yes it did. it amuses me to no end that he fights it until he can't fight anymore." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Dealers choice. pick your poison i'm happy either way." he admitted. "and admittedly i'm still learning about stuff so bring in something new okay?" he asked with a grin.

he stared at her. "i don't think that's allowed." he admitted, sounding quite baffled by the idea. " that allowed? you wouldn't mind?" he asked, looking a bit more upset at the idea of upsetting Skye. "would that really be okay? i don't think you'll like it." he admitted, chewing on his lip because the pain helped him focus. "okay. we can do that." he agreed. "that would be okay. we could all date each other..."
“True.Tony’s so good at giving it.”Clint snickered a little, laughing as tony moaned like a whore at the name, it was fairly adorable really, just how utterly shameless tony was, even more so with steve, but even alone, the man was utterly shameless in how much he enjoyed sex. Tony growled at the order, teeth sliding along steve’s length as he sucked harder,. Clint snickered a little, “He is fairly silent isn’t he?For once in his life.”Clint snickered leaning over to kiss steve, just so the other knew he really didn’t care how steve used tony, simply enjoying teasing him. “It is fairly amusing, yes. So beautiful like this.”Clint muttered stroking a hand down tony’s back as he thought. “Kay. Sounds good for me.”Clint said shifting, dragging tony’s hips up, changing the angle of things, smirking as he watched tony deep throat the good captain now that the angle was different, moaning as clint slid into him. Starting to hum and clint smirked as he rolled his hips slowly, taking his time fucking him slowly, before starting to laugh as he realized what tony was humming. “Only you Stark, would hum the star spangled banner during a blow job.”Clint teased as he slowly fucked him, yelping as tony jerked up, eyes wide. “What?What’s wrong?”Clint asked looking panicked as the man pulled away. “Jarvis!Have loki meet me downstairs.Now.”Tony said sex forgotten as his eyes gleamed with that look of a genius who’d just thought of something. “Sorry, gotta go.”Tony said stealing kisses even as he searched for his clothes, not even bothering to get his pants all the way on before he was hopping out the door, still pulling the jeans on. “.....Did we just get abandoned in the middle of sex?”Clint stared dumbfounded. Cause he was used to tony leaving afterwards if a idea came to him, but in the middle?Really?

“Why not?If we all are okay with it, and like each other.”Skye shrugged a little. “I like you. And she’s not so bad. We can work it out, I mean, she wants you to. Why make any of us miserable?”Skye shrugged looking up as kyra walked in. “What?You guys look serious...”Kyra said frowning a little as she looked at the two
he smirked a little at Clint and nodded. "he really is very good at Sucking cock. such a good little sucker." he never called Tony a whore or a slut. he didn't like the way Tony looked when he did that. so he called him other things. flirt, tease, incubus, Vixen, good little cock sucker. such things like that didn't make Tony look like he wanted to cry. and making Tony cry was a good thing, so long as it was certain kinds of tears. "it really is hard to get him to shut up, sometimes he even talks around my cock the little bastard." he groaned, sounding oddly affectionate and he smirked at Clint, letting the other know he didn't care what Clint said. that it was all just words to make the sex better. "Vixen." he growled at Tony again, chuckling as he shook his head jumping as well before he snorted. "he's never done that to you before?" he asked, looking amused. "Subspace gives him ideas. about every one in three 'playtime's' he'll run off to do something and then come back just a skipping like a two year old." he admitted. "it's probably something to do with Phil." he admitted as he yanked Clint down into the bed. "so then. let's continue shall we?" he asked with a grin.

Loki appeared in Tony's lab, lifting an eyebrow at him. "are you aware that your naked?" he asked, looking amused. "you asked for me? i was in the middle of something you know. magic is delicate work." he complained as he examined one of Tony's trinkets. Loki never, ever came into Tony's lab unless Tony specifically invited him down there. it was a courtesy thing. just like Loki didn't want people in the room he'd claimed for his 'magic room' and had asked Jarvis to keep it locked from people, particularly people who would fuck with the stuff there. like Clint, who wouldn't be able to help himself.

he smiled at Skye, looking so relieved it almost hurt. "well. i suppose, if you really think it'll be okay." he muttered as he smiled at her again. "i'm glad i know you." he admitted. "you make everything so much simpler. easier." he admitted before looking up at Kyra. "we where. uh... talking... about... maybe. uh... having a three way relationship... with you... and Skye. and me..."
Tony whined a little making a desperate little whimper at the name calling, rolling his eyes up to look at him."he is a mouthy little bastard. I'm amazed his not protesting us talking about him."clint snickered a little amused that was just contentedly sucking cock instead of trying to protest. Clint slumped to his side as tony grabbed his clothes watching him go in worried amusement before looking up at steve."no. He's done it to you?"clint looked startled wondering if it took a special sort of place to get tony there. Even when he bottomed for him, tony was still undeniably dominant in their sex. Maybe it was just steve tony let go that much for,to let problems work themselves out? Snickering he laughed a little. "So weird."clint smiled yelping as he was pulled down kissing the other slowly."we shouls. Totally serves him right for running away. Us having sex in his bed without him."clint snickered squirming closer.

"Yea I know. I was in the middle of sex."tony twitched a little as he slid his dress shirt on simply leaving it open, and finishing up doing the jeans. All in all, looking like he'd interrupted sex to come down."shush. I thought you'd want to see this more. J? Show the carvings and a map of the night sky from last night."tony said grinning happily as the stars and linesnand circles fell into place correctly. "Its a map of the stars. No idea why,but its stars....think steve would be pissed if I told him I'm only listening to star related songs now to get inspiration?i was humming star spangled banner when I thought of this."tony snickered a little.

"I reay do think it'll be okay."skye smiled running her fingers through his hair. "I'm glad I know you to."she muttered. "...what?you so we can be together to?"kyra said staring at him looking startled at the idea,and unsure if it was really okay but wanting him to much to not to try,if thats what he wanted
Steve snickered a little. "you know. i'm a bit surprised too." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting. "he does it all the time." he admitted. "i don't mind." he admitted. "i just finish off make him some Coffee and wait till he's done. it's not like i have a refractory period." he admitted. "not that weird. he's a genius after all. their supposed to be odd like that." he admitted with a chuckle. "it would serve him right." he agreed before shoving his tongue down Clint's throat. because Steve was Steve, and he subbed for no one. ever.

Loki didn't think anything at all of Tony getting dressed. Tony was never fully naked in front of Loki, so Loki just assumed he was that way with everyone. he never realized that if Tony had been naked when he appeared that it meant he was fully naked for Steve and/or Clint. " god. Tony." Loki breathed, amazed. "you really are a genius." he admitted as he examined the stars and the map, running his hands over it. "you should show this to Phil. it might trigger something else." he admitted. "or better yet, stop his episodes entirely. though that's doubtful." he admitted before he snorted a little at Tony. "i don't know what that song is." he admitted, shaking his head. "but i'm sure it will annoy the good Captain." he admitted with a chuckle. "Jarvis? will you copy this onto my bedroom wall?" he asked. "some of the stars are covered and some of them are circled. it has to mean something." Loki muttered.

he smiled at Kyra and nodded, looking a bit worried about her reaction to such an interesting thing. "yeah... because i like you both a lot and i don't want to hurt either of you by choosing so..." he fidgeted. "it was Skye's idea. she's really smart so i know it'll work." because he trusted Skye to know it would be okay if they did this. "would that be okay?"
"For you,yea. You really do need to talk to him sometime."clint rolled his eyes a little smi4king. Because it took a special kind of guy to not get mad when you're abandoned in the middle of sex for a project. Groaning as he was attacked he squirmed pinning the other to the bed,smirking."who said you got to be on top?"he asked as he squirmed just the motion saying he was teasing and wanted steve buried in him.
"I know.its amazing. Sex brings out the best. I should totally have sex all the time just to make sure I keep coming up with awesome things."he snickered a little shaking his head in amusement as jarvis agreed to put it in loki's bedroom,running his fingers through his hair trying to not feel as uncomfortable as he was. Having not considered that coming straight from bed with steve and clint would give loki a whole new view on him. Afraid the other would think less of him for being so utterly taken apart by thr archer and captain.even if logically he knew that was stupid he still worried. "Its the countrys song. Like the song that represents us. As does the captain."he snickered a litfle.

"Oh...yes. that would be okay."kyra said leaning down to kiss his cheek to nervous about a audience to kiss him really but mentally sighing knowing she'dhave to get used to it. While she didnt know if this would work,she wanted him to much to not try
he blinked a little. "there's nothing to talk about." he growled, shaking his head. it never occurred to him that most people would be annoyed by the fact that they kept getting ditched in the middle of sex. "i do. because i don't bottom. ever." Steve admitted, smirking as he tangled his fingers in Clint's hair and pulled the others head back. "now. if your a good boy, i might let you ride me." he admitted with a smirk. "but you have to be a very good boy."

"yes. and you'd keep ditching in the middle of it too, wouldn't you?" Loki asked with a snort. "of course, you just like sex." he admitted as he smiled. "thank you Jarvis." Loki chirped before smirking at Tony. "how deep into head-space are you anyway? i've never seen you so relaxed before." he admitted. "it's nice." he admitted. "country?" he asked, looking a bit confused. "what is a country and why does it need a song?" he asked, wondering if Tony had lost his mind when Steve took him apart. he had no idea that Tony was worried about how Loki would react to Tony being a subby. but how could Loki when he'd known all along about Tony submitting to Steve? not to mention Loki adored submitting himself.

he smiled at her, looking so relieved. "you'll really be okay with it?" he asked, biting his lip a little as he examined her, taking her hand as he took Skye's. hoping this would really be okay. "we should. uhm... have a date..." he suggested, looking a bit nervous about making such an offer even if he knew they wouldn't smack him if he made a poor offer.
“I’m sure I can convince you to bottom. It’ll be fun.”Clint said gasping as his head was jerked back, eyes going wide and tearful, more then tony, clint was always on the verge of tears when he bottomed out. “I can be good. What do you want me to do?”He said squirming a little, looking at him, the grey in his eyes lost in all that blue.

“I would not. I’d totally come up with a way to work and have sex at the same time...I should totally do that anyways. It would be awesome.”Tony mused as he flung himself into his comfortable work chair, twisting a little as he looked up at the godling. “...Enough to be a danger to myself if I tried working...probably shouldn’t be anywhere without my keeper. I mean, I’m totally dangerous like this.”Tony frowned, because he was high enough, and coherent enough to know that he was a danger to himself when he subbed out hard, not so much because of the cuddling or his utter pliant and content state, but because his shields were down, the guards he kept up to keep him from thinking about howard stark’s words about his only son were smoldering ashese, and if given enough time to think, tony would start turning on himself. “But in all seriousness, I’m okay.”he said not wanting the other to worry before smiling. “A country is a place within our world. Unlike asgard, the land here is split into different rulers and places, and the country here has a song.”Tony shrugged a little smiling slightly.

“Yea, I’m fine with it. We both want you, and you know us both. We can figure out how to work out together.”Kyra smiled a little. “We’re fine.”Skye said squeezing grant’s hand, smiling a little before tilting her head. “we can do that. Do you want to stay here and do a inside date, or brave the city?”Skye said smiling slightly.
Steve grinned as he watched the other. "yes. you are good. and you like to cry for me, don't you Clint?" he asked, watching the other as he played with a nipple. "you know you'd look so cue with a nipple ring here to match the one in your ear." he teased, smirking. "a nice cute Captain America shield dangling off your nipple, hey?" he asked with a grin as he forced Clint's head back a little more so he could bite and nip and suck on that pale flesh, marking him simply because he liked to make Clint bruise. he always colored so pretty. "prep yourself." he ordered. "use your fingers, work yourself open for my cock.

he snorted. "i would pay to see that." he admitted with a chuckle as he smiled at him. Tony looked so loose and happy and content. it was wonderful to see Tony so at peace with himself. "wow. that was a very definitive answer." he admitted, looking impressed. when Loki hit the midway point, he stopped being able to reason. it didn't help that Tony was the one who had pretty much taught Loki about, everything. safe-words and subspaces and kinks. Loki had been having sex like this for centuries, but never with someone who had Loki's best interest at heart. "don't worry. if your Space starts turning i'll take you up to the good Captain." Loki promised. "i know what a bad space looks like, and feels like." he admitted. Tony had actually helped Loki through one. it was why they had started fucking. Loki had appeared, bruised, bleeding from a bad experience with an even worse Dom. Tony had taken Loki apart and from then on, anytime Loki needed it, and he did need it, he went to Tony. he stared at Tony and then. "Jarvis? assign me reading material to learn more about this please." "of course Sir."

he relaxed at the reassurance that Kyra was on board as well. "okay. yeah. we can work together." he agreed with a small smile. "i'd rather stay in. i don't think me or Kyra are ready for crowds... sorry." he admitted sheepishly. "is that okay? we could. uh... watch a movie together?"
“Yes, yes I do. You look so pleased when I do.”Clint muttered, whimpering as his nipple was rubbed, squirming a little, eyes falling closed as he shuddered. “I’m taking that fucking earring out.”Clint whined shuddering, because despite the protests of getting his earring pierced, he still hadn’t taken it out. If anyone asked, it was cause he was enjoying having the stark tech mic close, not cause he liked the earring. “...definitely not the one who should be wearing a shield. You should. Scare the crap out of the kitten if you did.”Clint snickered at that mental image even as he moaned as he was bit, whimpering as he worked his body open, shuddering in the captain’s lap.

“You would, wouldn’t you?It’s totally a kink there, LoKitty, to want to watch me have sex with others.Or you. I could totally go for sex marathons.”Tony hummed a little before snickering at loki’s impressed look. “Only because I get more wordy and inane when I’m subbing. Steve tells me I talk even more when I’m down,even if I don’t notice.”Tony said and it was true, well more...cute talking anyways instead of simple science. Tony got cuddly and cute and all you wanted to do was cuddle him when he was down. At leaast till he hit that point when he’d stayed down enough to start thinking about Howard. “You should. You were well taught.”Tony smirked a little tugging the other closer so he could cuddle him even as he reached out to find a project to work on, despite his words that it wasn’t a good idea to work. He was in his lab, well, he wanted to work. “...I feel like I’m a teacher, giving you homework...does this mean I can get you to be the naughty student?”Tony hummed looking amused.

Kyra smiled pressing a kiss to grant’s cheek, gently nuzzling him a little. “It’s okay. I gave you options for a reason, grant. Choosing whatever is okay.”Skye smiled. “...we could watch a movie. Tony’s got a movie threater here, or we can settle in the living room to watch, or one of the bedrooms.”Kyra said letting grant decide, simply giving him the options, making the choices easier for him. Unlike skye, kyra understood just how hard it was for him, and james was right. Skye would enable him, kyra would work on getting him better, easier in his own skin.
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