In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

he nodded. "agreed. but for now. we won't say a word. agreed?" he asked with a small smile. "good. as long as your alright." Steve agreed and sighed as he started to cook. James and Phil, things where going to hell in a hand-basket and Steve had no idea what to do about it. coking soothed his jangled nerves and because of that he ended up cooking twice as much as he meant to.

he smirked. "once he's finished being terrified of me." he agreed with a chuckle. "alright." he agreed as he nudged her. "by the way, i threatened them so they wouldn't say anything." he admitted. "so they probably won't say anything." he admitted as he followed her into the kitchen, Grant looking relieved to see that she was okay, Steve offering James a scowl. "don't attack people James." he ordered sternly, Grant twitching. "...we never said he attacked us." "didn't have to, what else would shake you up like that? hungry?" he asked Kyra. "i made... more than i intended..."

"that could be." Loki agreed. "females tend to get sick differently than males." he agreed. "that could very well be it. or maybe she just hasn't been triggered yet." he muttered. "it could be a time thing, or it could be a specific thing that has to trigger it. there's too many unknowns at the moment. i need more data before i can make an appropriate supposition." he admitted before he chuckled. "Tony. your so stupid. he doesn't like me, because i take up a good chunk of your attention and because i annoy people." he admitted. "he's jealous." he explained simply. "and for good reason." he admitted playfully. "i am prettier than he is, after all. of course, he's probably running under the assumption that i'm as dominant as Thor is." he snorted. "it's silly how you humans seam to think that just because i'm a god i like to be in charge." he scoffed, grinning. "perhaps you should offer him a threesome. let him see just how you turn me inside and out." he mused, arching into the nuzzling. Loki was really like a giant cat. any affection offered was eagerly accepted. until he didn't want that attention anymore and you got scratched. so far, Tony was the only one who hadn't gotten scratched.

May nodded. "he has. this is the first time he's been like this." she muttered, watching Bruce work. "whatever is wrong with him, it's not physical." Bruce stated. "i tested his blood. you can't see a damn thing in his bloodwork. or in Skye's... it appears to be completely mental in nature." he admitted. "i'll have to run some cat scans, CT scans, EEG...." he muttered as he gently set Phil's ribs and then wrapped them so they wouldn't shift while healing. "Tony's always unbearable to live with." Bruce reminded him with a smile. i'll take care of him Clint. we'll do everything we can, and if we run out of options we'll look for other people to help. we won't rest until he's cured, or at the very least, in control of himself." he promised, watching Clint. "we won't give up." he promised Clint before watching him leave. Steve did notice him walk past, but Clint needed Tony for moments like this. "Fuck! Clint." Loki protested, frowning at him. "i was sitting there you lap thief." he complained, though his tone was more affectionate than anything. he liked Clint. "do you need to beat me up again or do you need me to leave?" Loki asked, worried about the state the archer was in.
“Agreed.”Skye muttered nodding a little.

“,....You’re going to make Steve cry. I mean, threatening people?Definitely not Captain approved.”Kyra snickered a little though she looked relieved to know that they wouldn’t be talking. Swallowing thickly she looked at grant, tilting her head a little. “Hey.”She muttered skitterish as she eased into seat, swallowing thickly. “Food sounds amazing....and I’m sure if you eat nearly as much as James does, the food will be gone soon enough.”Kyra said teasing him weakly relaxing as she sat next to grant, even if she was twisted up with her emotions and feelings with the other, the woman still found him relaxing to be around.

“Well, staying here with them, will give you all the data you need. And I’ll talk to Phil about actually being in the room with him. Video can only tell you so much.”Tony sighed softly before frowning, “...You are not prettier. He’s like the poster boy for WASP breeding and human perfection.”Tony snickered a little refusing to admit steve’s dislike had anything to do with him, because that meant looking at their relationship and yea, tony was being a coward about it. “I know better. I enjoy you on your knees,godling.”He snickered a little smiling slightly as loki arched into the nuzzling, biting down gently on his neck. “....I’m telling him that. Seriously. I will.”Tony threatened, looking up startled as Clint darted into the room, letting out a startled gasp as he was elbowed in the stomach, sighing softly as he looked down at the archer as the man snuggled into him, “Clint?”He muttered when the other didn’t answer loki right away. “...Don’t care. It’s my lap now.”Clint muttered pressing his face into tony’s stomach. “...Stay. You can stay. Just holding onto Tony.”He muttered relaxing even more as tony stroked his hair. “Hey loki. Steve’s making lunch...will you please go snag us some food?”Tony muttered, hating to ask, but not about to go get food himself.
James snorted. "you'd be shocked at how many people that 'precious' Captain America has threatened." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Grant and Skye. "sorry." he apologized. "i'm twitchy." Steve looked pleased that he'd apologized at least. "good point. and i know Thor and Loki eat nearly as much as i do. i'm sure it'll be fine. leftovers never last long anyway even if there are any." he decided, looking up as Loki appeared, grabbing a tray and three plates, acting for all the world as if the good Captain didn't exist, plating up food for himself and the other two before vanishing once more. Steve just huffed.

he nodded. "i could always examine him while under an invisibility weave." he admitted. "then he wouldn't see me. might be easier to examine him that way as well." he admitted. "i am totally prettier." he admitted before he frowned. "what does a flying insect have to do with anything anyway?" he asked, his head tilted before humming. "and i like to kneel for you." he admitted with a smile. he knew if anyone else told him to kneel, he'd go completely ape-shit all over them, but there was no need to tell Tony that. "hhhmmmm. tell him." Loki gasped, arching into the bite on his neck. "wouldn't he look so gorgeous, holding me down. his tan skin and pale hair, pressed against my pale flesh and dark locks?" Loki asked, squirming at the image in his mind before he was distracted by Clint. "Thief." Loki complained again, smiling at him as he hesitated before stroking Clint's hair. "you got it." Loki agreed, vanishing, returning shortly after with more than enough food for all of them. "here. Clint." Loki offered, slipping a bite sized piece into Clint's mouth before doing the same for Tony, feeding them so they didn't have to let go of each other.
“I probably would be.”Kyra snickered a little, slightly amused that steve looked so pleased that james apologized. Startling a little at loki’s appearance, she raised her eyebrows as he disappeared again. “...This place is so weird.”She muttered rolling her eyes, trying to be calm and normal, simply relaxing with grant at her side. Skye tilted her head a little as she ate, before nodding.”Weird. Definitely.”She agreed.

“...Might. Go for it.”Tony shrugged shaking his head a little, huffing. Because magic totally annoyed him, in that he couldn’t understand it. “Are not.”Tony rolled his eyes before smirking. “WASP was the breeding program of the nazi’s, trying to develop their master race of Aryan soldiers.”Tony explained before rolling his eyes, shuddering at the mental idea of loki and steve together. Maybe he could convince them to do it? Looking vaguely amused as clint nuzzled his hand into loki’s hand without even really being aware of it.“Thanks.”Tony muttered as loki brought food back, glad to be fed even as he calmed the archer.

By the time loki and tony emerged from the bedroom, tony looked utterly tired, exhausted as he ran his fingers through his hair. “You’re sure that monitoring spell will tell us when he wakes?”He muttered to loki, because he’d eased the archer down to sleep, and while clint had wanted cuddled while he was dozing, he rarely liked people there when he was truly asleep, so they’d come to a compromise on tony’s need to take care of him. The archer slept in his bed, where he could easily take care of him, and be there if clint needed him, but also giving the man space to handle things on his own. Because while he enjoyed being with tony, and steve, the man still was a loner by nature, and clint had requested to be left tony was going to obey. At least for now. Poking his head into the living room he smiled slightly at the sight of mostly everyone watching a movie. “Hey.”he said casually walking into the room and pulling loki with him, having every intent of easing the man into social gatherings, even if it upset steve, cause more then anything, tony liked loki, and liked having him around. So he wanted the others to be comfortable with him.
he chuckled. "so many people seam to forget that Steve grew up in brooklyn during the great depression, and then in the war." James admitted. "of course he's good at what he does." he admitted with a grin before staring at the sudden appearance of Loki. "That's just Loki. god of mischief." Steve assured them. "just ignore him. he will probably prank you, but he's mostly harmless." he promised. "didn't he try to take over the world?" "well... yes. but his older brother, Thor, assures us that he's been well punished for it." he promised. " live with Gods?" "yep. plus a meta-human who turns into a massive green rage monster when he gets too angry." he admitted, looking amused. "we fit in well here, people like you and me." he admitted to James, who looked rather pleased.

"Are too." he teased with a smirk. "it's not my fault you don't have the intelligence to understand magic." he teased with a chuckle. "oh." he muttered, pondering that. "was he in the breeding program?" no, thank god. Captain Germany just didn't sound right. "no problem." Loki promised.

Loki nodded. "it will alert me instantly." he promised. "as soon as he starts slipping our of... what do you call it, Rem?" he asked. "as soon as he comes out of the deep dreamless i will know." he promised as he followed Tony, pausing at the sight of all the people and tried to backtrack only to find he couldn't. Thor looked amused, Steve looked like he wanted to shoot him but he didn't say anything. Loki sighed and shook his head as he let Tony pull him into the room. instead of settling with the others though, he parked himself down in a kitchen chair at the edge of the group and refused to move from there, much to Steve's delight. still, Loki was participating. sort of. it was a compromise at least.
Kyra stared after the god, before nodding. Trusting steve’s word if he was mostly harmless. “...This place is very weird, and odd.”Kyra muttered but relaxing a little as she realized that her powers, weren’t going to be to odd. She wasn’t going to stand out horribly. She could relax.

“I’m plenty smart, and it’s your fault for not making magic follow rules of science.”He huffed before shaking his head. “No, he just fits their ideal beautiful person. It continuely amuses me that he does.”Tony snickered.

“Good. And yes, it’s REM.”Tony smiled looking relieved before smirking as thor blocked loki from leaving. Tugging him a little more into the room, making a face as loki refused to settle with them, but willing to stay in the room with a chair. Slumping into the seat next to steve he settled easily into the couch, snuggling into it, resting his head on steve’s shoulder. “Clint’s sleeping.”He muttered wanting to reassure the other that clint was at least resting well, closing his eyes, finding his own comfort in being with the super soldier. “Can I stay with you tonight?”He muttered knowing he really didn’t have to ask, but asking anyways.

Kyra smiled as she yawned, slumping into grant, having not really strayed from his or james’ side, even though seeing skye fawn over grant sickened her, she hadn’t been able to leave him alone either. Not now that james had gotten her to see that she deserved a chance, she just had no idea how to bring it up. And tired enough that she was simply enjoying just how very warm he was, snuggling a little against the man.
"yeah well. we're the Avengers. remind me to tell you about the killer robot unicorns sometime." he offered. "this is a place for freaks to be sure. but if we're all freaks, then we're not really, right?" he asked with an impish grin. "

"Magic does follow the laws of science. you just haven't discovered that kind of science yet." he admitted with a smirk. "it is amusing." he admitted.

"Rem." he agreed before glaring at Thor and settled himself daintily into his seat. Steve just smiled as he was his chosen seat for Tony, wrapping an arm around the man. "good. he needs a good rest." Steve admitted. "turns out Phil went a bit... insane. attacked him and Melinda because she touched him." he admitted. "that's why he was so upset." he admitted before smiling at him. "course you can." he promised, looking quite delighted before hesitating. "we did get...uh, everyone, a room right?" that was his way of asking of Loki was situated. as much as he hated Loki for taking up Tony's attention, he did feel a bit bad for the Godling, getting kicked out of your home had to suck.

Grant had his arms looped around the shoulders of both girls because it was the only way he could sit comfortably with them both snuggling them like that. he was half asleep anyways so no one could accuse him of being a womanizer. he was snoring too. or rather, snuffling sort of, making cute little noises in the back of his nose that no one seamed to mind. "that is ten kinds of adorable." James admitted, lifting an I-Phone of all things and recording it. because he was a dick that way.
“So I heard. Seems the hologram shield works by the way, so you’re getting one to.”Tony muttered smiling a little. “He has no idea what to do, he’s torn between avoiding him, and wanting to be with him....don’t be surprised if he comes finds you when he gets up.”Tony muttered smiling a little, simply glad to be allowed into steve’s room, before nodding. “yea. He’s staying in the room next to mine, since it’s the furthest away from the rest of you.”Tony muttered knowing steve would probably hate it, but having chosen it not just because loki entertained him nearly as much as steve and clint did when he couldn’t sleep, but because it really was the furthest away from the others who didn’t want to be near him. The fact that tony was choosing to stay with steve tonight, instead of a room across the hall from him own probably said just how much tony wanted his own comfort after dealing with comforting clint and loki, not that he’d ever admit he needed it, but the quiet tension to his body said he did.

Looking across the room tony snickered a little as he realized james was recording grant and the girls he smirked a little. “it is, and if you show that video to him later, you’d have some great blackmail material to get him to do whatever you want.”Tony snickered shaking his head a little amused at just how adorable the three were looking
he nodded. "i expected nothing less." he admitted with a chuckle before sobering, worried. "i'll take him anytime he wants me." he assured Tony. "if he needs me, i'll give him anything he needs." he admitted as he gently kissed Tony's forehead. "if he needs us, of course we'll let him into our bed, right?" he asked with a smile before he grumbled about Loki being so close to Tony. again, he didn't complain. it never helped, Tony would just bull up and dig his heals in if he complained. at least they where going to Steve's room tonight. he didn't have to worry about Loki listening in or anything. "i was wondering." Steve admitted, as if discussing the weather. "i was wondering what would look better on you. whip welts, flogger welts or cane welts." he mused. "oh, and, just so you know, Clint has a thing about Canes. don't bring them up." he stated calmly.

James just smirked. "what do i need blackmail for? he'll do anything i say anyway due to his unnatural hero worship of me. not to mention he's terrified of me." he admitted with a chuckle. "this is more of embarrassment material for Kyra. she blushes like a doll." he admitted with a snicker.
“I know.”Tony smiled a little, nuzzling his cheek against the other’s shoulder, nodding. “Of course.Would have stayed with him, if he hadn’t thrown a fit about not wanting to be asleep with other people.”Tony muttered knowing steve knew that clint hated sleeping with people, like really sleeping. “Hm?”Tony hummed a little at steve’s wondering, before jolting, leaning melting in place as he shuddered. “we should find out, soldier boy.”he muttered before nodding. “Kay. No canes.”he muttered curious but not about at ask the archer.

“...Not unnatural hero worship, everyone should worship you’re hot ass, barnes.” “is there anyone you wont flirt with, Stark?”Kyra muttered sleepily as the talking and the credits for the movie rolling woke her up, blinking sleepily. “No, not really.”Tony snickered shrugging a little. “Grant. Come on, time to sleep.”Kyra muttered smiling slightly at the cute little snuffles as she shook his shoulder, just needing him to wake up enough to get him to their rooms, feeling inordinately pleased that he was sharing a room with her and james instead of skye. Well, maybe. If he didn't want to stay with skye....would it be wrong to order him to stay in their room instead of skye's?
he smiled. "we're making a hell of a progress though." he pointed out. "he's letting us in Tony, and that's a good thing." he admitted. "he's just overly skittish right now, that's all." he admitted as he stroked Tony's hair. "someday he'll trust us to be in the same room with us when he's asleep. we just need a bit more time." he promised before chuckling. "we should. i love marking you." he admitted with a chuckle.

"oh? you like my ass Stark?" James asked, smirking as Steve scowled. annoyed that Tony was flirting with James of all people. "what do you think Natalia? do i have a nice ass?" he asked with a grin before chuckling at Kyra. "you're drooling a little bit there Kyra." he teased with a smirk. "drooling all over Grant for that matter. and isn't he cute, all snuggled up and snoring?" he asked her with a smirk. "huuuhng..."he groaned, batting at her hand and trying to slide away from the annoying thing that was interrupting his sleep, only to end up on the floor. "uuunnnnnng." he whined again as he managed to get to his feet and followed, not Kyra or Skye, but James to the bedroom.
“”I know. Its good, I know. I just don’t like leaving him alone.”Tony muttered even as he butted his head up against steve’s hand as his hair was stroked, shuddering at the promise of marking. That sounded amazing. “I do. Super soldiers have the nicest asses. Nothing compared to Cap’s, but yours is nice.”Tony agreed. “...I think you like being a ass, James, though you do have a nice one.”Natasha rolled her eyes knowing that james at least, knew just how close steve was to explosion. Playing with tony was like playing with fire these days.

“I was not. I don’t drool.”Kyra said eyes widening as she wiped her mouth, blushing brightly as she realized she’d indeed been drooling, looking down at grant, blushing ever so slightly at how cute he was, laughing as he batted her her hand and slid to the floor. “....”Kyra sighed staring after grant in amusement as she got the sleepy skye to her own room before heading for her bedroom, smiling slightly at the sight of grant in bed, biting her lip. Wanting to crawl in next to him, but...swallowing hard she climbed into her own bed, smiling slightly.”Goodnight james."She muttered quietly knowing grant was still mostly asleep.
he nodded. "i know. but we're right close to him if we stay in my room. he'll be able to find us." he promised, grinning as he examined Tony. "well it's a little unfair to compare asses to mine." Steve admitted. "even before the Serum i had a perfect ass." "it's true. he did." James admitted, smirking. "it was almost, almost enough to turn me gay." he admitted. "...wait. your not gay?" Tripp asked, looking almost betrayed. "i flirted with you for hours!" "sorry. i'm willing to flirt, but i'm touching no cock but my own." James admitted with a grin, Steve snickering. "oh. i'm as lovable as a porcupine darlin." and for a moment, all Steve could see was Bucky, flirting with a dame at the bar. Loki suddenly sat straight up. "Clint is coming out of the Deep Dreamless... uh. Rem." he warned. "he'll be waking up soon." Steve stared at Loki, wondering why in the hell the godling knew that.

"you do drool." James teased. "i have video documentation." he teased, wiggling the phone at her. "wanna see?" he asked, smirking. as he watched her handle Skye, much to his complete and utter amusement. "goodnight Kyra." James agreed.
“Yea.Not to far.”Tony muttered shrugging a little before laughing. “Are you serious? IT seems unfair that even as a pipsqueak, you had a perfect ass.”Tony teased running his fingers through blond hair before staring at James, smirking at tripp’s complaint. “Hm, I’d keep flirting if you hadn’t threatened me already if I did.”Tony snickered a little before looking at Loki.”Thanks.Come on Cap, we’re going to go snuggle Clint.”he said tugging steve towards his bedroom, careful not to startle clint as they walked in, looking up at the archer, and not in the least surprised as the man simply tugged them into bed so he could snuggle. He’d deny it to his dying day, but clint loved cuddling.

“Shut up. I do not.”Kyra frowned knowing that james had taken video, he wouldn’t threaten with anyone else, shaking her head a little as she got skye to sleep before heading to bed herself.”Don’t look so pleased with your self james, you look ready to laugh out loud.”She grumbled as she climbed into bed, huffing as she went to sleep.
he smiled a little and nodded. "yeah. i was thin, stickish and sick all the time but i had a great ass." he admitted. "James and me used to do this thing, where i'd dress as a dame, and we'd go out as a fake couple." he admitted with a smile. "because it made me feel good and he liked to flirt, even if he wasn't gay." he admitted. "all the guys used to comment on how pretty i was and what a nice butt i had." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh! i'd forgotten all about that!" James admitted, grinning as he headed off with Kyra. "i won't shut up." he stated. "and i am pleased with myself." he admitted. "now stop talking i'm tired."

in the morning, Phil was back, pale and shaken but in his right mind again, though now he had Jarvis telling him anytime he tried to enter the same room as Clint and stop him from doing so. he had wanted to be locked up, but Bruce vetoed that. instead, Phil was wearing a small metal circle on his forehead that took constant brain scans for Bruce's tests. Loki was standing in the room with the carvings, just staring at them as if he could discern their meaning if he was closer. with him was Bruce, who was looking for patterns, and Jarvis, who was also looking for patterns or similar images on the internet. so far, there was nothing.
Tony walked in as he ran his fingers through his hair, and with the slightly stiff way he was moving, you just knew that his back was stripped with marks, even if nothing was visible he had that loose limbed slightly bracing walk of a man well fucked and worked over. “Anything yet?”He said as he crossed the room to look at the patterns himself, eyes moving over it. Having spent the morning tied up and relaxed under steve’s and clint’s care, because the two liked tag team dominating him some times, and well, tony was to much of a submissive to pass up watching clint utterly relaxed at taking care of him.

“Grant?”Kyra muttered warning him, waking him up a little before slipping into the bed with him, because it wasn’t common, but it wasn’t unknown either if she had nightmares, she’d climb in with him, trusting him to keep her safe. And well...she needed to know what he was thinking, how he was feeling. Needing to simply make sure they were okay really.
Steve looked very pleased with himself too as he cooked breakfast for everyone. it always surprised him to see that Tony's flesh remained unmarked. always unmarked, so this at least, was something only Steve did. something only Steve was trusted to do. he was on Phil watch duty for the moment and he looked up at Skye and others when they walked in. greeting them entirely too cheerfully. the Avengers would all know that meant Steve had gotten laid. he was usually calm, all the time.

"nothing." Loki admitted, glancing at Tony, away from the open book in his hands. "nothing yet." he admitted. "this thing... it doesn't seem to follow speech pattern algorithms." he admitted. "it's not a language as far as i can tell. but then again, it could be because there are a couple of insect like species that use motion as a language and perhaps this could be a physical representation of a motion based language. then again it could be... art! or, just gibberish." he admitted, snapping his book shut. "there are pattern clusters." Jarvis informed them, bringing up hologram circles. "but none of them match. perhaps it is a code of some sort?" "it could be. then again it could also be, i don't know. a treasure map. a brain pattern, a Genetic system. i don't have a damn clue." Bruce admitted. "the good news is. i might have solved out 'Phil tried to kill someone' problem, but i need it tested in a controlled environment." he admitted. "i'm going to need to borrow your brain too, Tony. i have the 'slurry', but i don't have a way to make the administer react to the brain scans i'm taking."

Grant snuffled as he was woken and wrapped his arms around her, just as he always did. holding her after a nightmare. "d'ju nig'mare?" he asked, voice heavy with sleep as he struggled to wake up enough to give her the attention she needed.
Skye stopped and stared at the blond for a long moment before raising a eyebrow looking amused as she sat down."good morning." "Ycap you're never all owed playing poker. You'll lose. Absolutely no poker face."natasha teased smiling at the man as she sat down,glad to see that he was at least accepting that the three people tony slept the most with, were actually living with the man. At least steve was happy with tony.

" looks like somethkng. Its to uniform to be simply a drawing or gibberish but I have no idea what it could be either."tony sighed frustrated but still to strung out still have keeping up with a super soldier, to really be upset that the failure yet. "You did?good. Phil and clint will be glad to hear it."he said though he sounded sad knowing that he was going to lose the archer. He wasnt in love with him or anything like that, but he enjoyed clint's company. Even if he was utterly happy that clint would have him back,it still made him sad to lose him to phil to. "You can burrow my brain anytime bruciebear,you know that." Really getting laid made him even more hyper then normal.

Kyra shuffled closer resting her head on his chest as she sighed, closing her eyes as he held her."yea."she muttered glad he wasn't treating her any different, simply accepting.
Steve smirked. "i'm awesome at Poker." he admitted. "you think i don't know how to play Poker? i grew up in the slums, and then i went and fought in the war. of course i know how to play Poker." he scoffed, shaking his head. "now then. who wants food?"

both Bruce and Loki sighed, Bruce glanced at Loki, amused and Loki pretended the 'monster' wasn't even near him. "Tony. you are a part of Clint's life now." Loki stated calmly. doing that annoying thing he did where he seamed to know what Tony was thinking. "you offer Clint a good source of comfort, and he holds close to the people he likes. even if he never has sex with you ever again, he'll still come to you, quite often, for cuddles." he admitted. "good. i want to borrow it now. come along." he ordered, hooking his arm in Tony's and leading him off, Loki chuckling as he headed back to his own assigned bedroom where Thor had unloaded every single thing Loki owned. he needed to do more research. Bruce took Tony straight to his lab where he showed Tony what looked like a metal collar, which had small needles that would insert directly into the jugular veins and release a chemical composition of various natural drugs like oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine mixed with Melatonin and adenosine. it would make him happy and sluggish, sleepy. at least, that was the plan. they had to test it first, and get the collar to react to Phil's mental state.

Grant smiled as he rested his chin on her head, so very glad that she wasn't abandoning him completely. "are you going to be okay? do you need to talk about it?" he asked gently.
"...I want to play poker with you now."natasha said looking thoughtful now that she thought about it.

"....urgh.i hate it when you do that reindeer. Makes me worried you're reading my mind and know what I plan for your ass later."tony snickered though showing he really wasnt upset about it,and really really happy he woulsnt completely lose clint. Looking over the device he swallowed nervously,not sure about this but trusting beuce."okay. But if this does something odd,I'm letting you explain to cap why I'm testing things on myself again."tony snickered settling in to let bruce do what he wanted.

Kyra sighed quietly cuddling into him going quiet as she thought." guys...figured out I'd make the perfect bodyguard...always able to see things...I was just the weapon to use to beat everyone else...I...i cant do that.."she swallowed the unspoken 'not again' there though
Steve smirked. "go for it. we'll invite the whole crew." he offered. "i could use a little spending money." he admitted.

Loki smirked. "it's a mild 'bond' of sorts." he admitted. "when a sorcerer like myself forms a high emotional bond, like the one i have with Thor, i can sense the major emotions." he admitted. "Thor, for example, is sleeping right now and is extremely aroused. indicating that he is dreaming of Lady Jane, offering me the perfect material for embarrassment." he admitted with a smirk. "Clint on the other hand, while asleep, is sleeping rather poorly. indicating he is having more nightmares." and wasn't it sad that the only people Loki had bonds with was his brother, an asshole and Clint. "Bruce chuckled a little as he strapped the collar around Tony. "well it worked on the Rabbits." Bruce admitted. "have you ever smoked pot?" he asked curiously as he gave Tony the shot. "it should feel a bit like that, only you'll be tired." he admitted as he examined his watch, waiting to see how long it took for it to kick in. then he'd start timing to see how long it took to wear off while he took notes on Tony's behavior. something akin to drunk, high on pot and doped on a sleeping pill.

"....fuck." he breathed, tightening his arm around her. "never." he promised her. "never ever. i'll kill them all before i ever let you go through that again." he promised, holding her tighter. "i won't let anyone hurt you ever again Kyra. i swear it." he promised softly.
“...Thanks.I could have done without knowing thor’s having a wet dream.”Tony made a face at him, shaking his head a little before biting his lip.”Check in on Clint will you, later?”Tony said smiling slightly, because it saddened him to know loki only had bonds with two people. It was sad. Twitching a little as the collar was settled around him, and even if it wasn’t steve, and wasn’t even the right sort of collar, his eyes glazed ever so slightly. “Yea, I have.I don’t think there’s a drug invented, that I haven’t tried at least once.”Tony muttered absently, rolling his eyes. “Yea, definitely going to explain this to Steve.”he muttered as he shuffled around the lab, to much of a alcoholic to eb disturbed by the feeling, but he couldn’t get comfortable, and couldn’t settle either. Frowning a little as he looked around him, he brightened. “Jar-Jar!Oh hey, I could totally change your name to that, and we could have a star wars moment, and I’d totally be Anakin and-” “Sir, did you need something?”Jarvis said with the tone of long suffering tolerance. “Oh!Yea. Will you send steve down here?”He said as he slumped down onto the couch.

Kyra whined a little as he held onto her tighter, snuggling into him, swallowing hard as she tried to relax, tried to shake the dreams, turning his head into his chest, hands clinging to his shirt. “.....Are you okay?With it?I mean. I know its weird.”she muttered needing to know they were okay, even if it wasn’t exact;y what she wanted, she had no idea how to tell him about what she wanted, what she needed,d knowing now that he could be the grounding force that allowed her to survive everything, if she gave it a chance.
Loki chuckled a little. "if i have to know, you have to be scarred by the information too." he ordered before smiling a little. "i will." he promised. Bruce just chuckled at Tony's reaction to the collar. "that's not a good thing Tony." Bruce pointed out, looking amused. "now then." he muttered as he studied the other, writing down every reaction. his sharp eyes noticed everything, from Tony's ability to cope with the odd sensations to the fact that he couldn't sit still. he continued to write as Tony staggered around, just letting Tony do what he wanted. "...your using him as a lab rat again?" "it won't hurt him. i ran tests on that already." Bruce promised as Steve groaned. "i wish you'd stop." "well who else am i going to use? all the others here have meta-human genetics. Phil is completely human." "you think." "...good point. still this could be used to control prisoners too so i need a human sample. he seams to be handling it very well." he admitted. "i don't see any reactions that i wasn't expecting."

he smiled as he held her, closing his eyes. "hmm? okay with what?" he asked,confused. "you snuggling me? i don't mind. it's nice." he admitted. "makes me remember when we where younger and things weren't all fucked up." he admitted with a shake of his head. completely missing what she was talking about. he'd all but forgotten that she could see into the future.
“Yes it is, I mean, I’m not taking or addicted to any right now.”He pointed out swallowing hard as the collar settled on, twitching a little. “You don’t get to laugh at me, bruciebear. Just cause you get to collar me, doesn’t mean you get to laugh.”he whined a little turning to look at steve happily as the other man walked in.”Stevie!Stevie, pipsqueak, I’m fine. Totally okay with bruce doing this, by the way, but I told him he had to be the one to explain to you. I mean, I’m totally doing okay.”He whined bullying the other to sit down on the floor, shifting, squirming as he settled onto the couch next to him, snuggling close. that was what had disturbed tony. More then anything, anything that had worried him about being high, it was the fact that he got really whiney, needy and cuddly when high.

Kyra was quiet for a moment, wondering if she should remind him, before smiling a little. “It is. It’s nice not to remember everything that happened after.”She muttered before raising her head, looking down at him, biting her lip. “...Grant...I...I’m sorry for before. Pushing you towards Skye....I...”she trailed off, sighing quietly.
he blinked. "good point." he agreed as he watched the other. "oh i'm not collaring you, i'll leave that to Steve." he promised with a grin. "i'm just amused at how conditioned you are. your not hard right now right?" he asked, still writing. "....god. he's hyper!" "yes. that's unexpected." Bruce admitted. "he's supposed to be mellow. then again, this is Tony. or there's not enough melatonin." he admitted. "i'll have to alter that." he admitted, examining Tony. "hmmm. i wonder if that's just a Tony thing?" he muttered, Steve chuckling. "it's a Tony thing. when he get's high or drunk he needs to snuggle. same with his subspace. he'll calm down here now that he's got his cuddling." Steve admitted now that he was sure Tony was really okay. "hmmm." Bruce muttered, writing that down. "how long does his subspace usually last?" "on it's own? between two and three hours." Steve admitted. "same with when we smoke pot." Bruce choked and turned to stare, wide eyed at Steve. "you... smoke weed?" "sure. it's great. why?" "'s illegal." " is? well we had them in the war all the time, Joints i mean. we got well used to them and i like them still so i'm not stopping." "wow. Captain America, the rebel."

he smiled a little. "yeah. i don't know if i can ever forget though." he admitted as he yawned. "'s okay." he promised her. "you don't want me. i can understand, and i'll certainly respect that." he promised her. "i'm just glad i didn't ruin our friendship." he admitted as he cuddled her. "i don't know if i could handle a life without you." he admitted.
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