In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

He nodded a little. "Yeah Tony's been pissy all his life." He admitted with a smile before he frowned, looking confused. "Tony's different when he's with me?" He asked, looking confused. "Why would he be different with me? That doesn't make any sense Clint..." inside, it made him hurt. Did Tony not trust him or something? He stared when he realized Tony was totally dominating Loki...Loki who was practically a master dominant was nearly begging for Tony to fuck him up. It was hot as fucking hell. "Loki doesn't want people to know does he? That's why he tries, no, succeeds in hiding it so much. Why hide it though?" He wondered, trying, and failing to ignore how much that was turning him on.

Loki whined as he was called Kitten. Much as he pretended to hate it, he truly loved being Tony's kitten. Either as a human or a feline. "I'm sorry Sir." Loki whispered, voice breathy and eager. He moaned as he felt the sting was wrapped around his cock. It wasn't so much of a sting as it was hundreds of tiny symbles woven tightly until they became a solid string. He arched into the flogger, leaning into the pain. God how he had needed the pain. How he t rusted Tony to stop before it was too much. It took a lot to reach that point though. Loki didn't feel pain like humans did after all. "Please! Tony! Please! I need! I need" loki mewled, hips thrusting into empty air. "Please! Please!"

Bruce smiled and nodded. "I can understand. I thought I loved Tony for a good while you know." He admitted. "Being unable to have sx at the time, I was unable to so anything about it so I never, you know, told him. It never affected him because he never knew.. ." He admitted with a smile before fowning, realizing that Grant was either up to something, or taking a runner. Apparently, it was the latter. "Oh hell. He must have heard us talking..." he whispered, swallowing thickly. "We have to find him. He's not emotionally stable enough to be on his own.'
“...Yea.He’s dominate when he’s with me or Loki.And yes it does, I promise. I mean, tony fights dropping into subspace, you’ve watched him fight it. But he does, for you. Because he trusts you to take care of him, where if its just me, or loki, no matter how much he likes it, or trusts us, he can’t give up control.”Clint pointed out, seeing the slightly hurt look on steve’s face, laughing softly at steve’s words. “because, he doesn’t trust us to not make fun of him, or take advantage of the fact that he’s submissive to tony.”Clint shrugged a little.

Tony smiled a little stroking his hair for a moment, a reward for apologizing. “Good kitten.”He muttered before starting to lash loki, smirking as the other arched into it. Grinning as he watched the other thrust into the air he smirked, going for awhile longer, until his arm was tired before dropping it to the floor, and wrapping a hand in his hair, pulling him to his feet before pushing him into the work bench.”So needy.”He muttered smirking as he prepped the other, and undid the cock ring, pressing a kiss to loki’s shoulder as he fucked him hard and fast, trusting the other to tell him if it was to much, the anger and frustration still obvious in a man who was still thinking to hard about what had happened when he forget everything.

Skye smiled a little, “I think everyone’s thought they were in love with tony at one point or another.”She teased lightly before shrugging.”And he does love you you know. He’s your science bro. You and him, are amusing. And definitely who fitzsimmons needed to find. At least now they’ll stop trying to explain sciency-things to the rest of us.”she snickered before paling as she realized what had happened. “Jarvis, his bracelets. They have a tracker. Where is he?”She asked wincing as the AI informed them that he was blocking the signal, or at least something was. They’d need tony to help figure a way around that. Wincing a little at the look on kyra’s face as she studied the two, “What were you two talking about?”She said her voice starting to go cold as she got up, not waiting for a answer though as she headed for tony’s rooms, figuring steve and tony was in bed still since she hadn’tseen either of them, and having every intention of dragging them out of bed to help. trying so hard ot not panic
Steve frowned as he considered that, nearly leaping to his feet with delight as he realized that Clint was right. Tony only trusted him to go into subspace with. Only trusted him not to hurt Tony when he was helpless. Tony did love him, he was just too scared to admit it! That was more brilliant than words could ever express. "But he hides it even from Thor. And you know that he would never mock Loki. I think it's something more." He admitted, watching the scren before yelping as someone knocked on the door. "Jarvis! TV off!" Steve ordered, yanking the covers up to hide his arousal as Kyra came in.

Loki moaned happily as he was praised ans stroked, shuddering into the lashes. Begging because that was all he could so. The pain was so good, just what they'd both needed. He staggered to his feet and over the bench at Tony's insistance, bavbling pleeds and thanks in a mad rush of words. He fell silemt only once Tony was fucking him, fast and hard, his tight little shapeshifter ass loose and wet around Tony's cock as Loki rode waves of pleasure, trembling as he came, hard, all ober Tony's floor. Mewling. Too far under into subspace to talk now. Too content and sated to so anything but let Tony so anything he wanted. Even if it was another hundred lashes or another round of sex or nothing at all. Loki was lucky enough that his subspace wouldn't sour even if he was left all alone or was screamed at. He'd been abused for his entire life after all and such things just rolled off him.

Bruce chuckled. "You know. Your probobly right." He admitted with a not. "Tony's just one of those kinds of people." He admitted. "I know he loves me. I love him too. He's like the little brother I didn't want but had to have anyway." He admitted with a grin. "And fitz has really thrived here. He's been improving everyday." He admitted with a nod. "He and simmons are worse than rabbits though, and they always forget to lock the door." He admitted with a snicker before frowning, worried as hell. "He knows there was a tracker. He probobly disabled or destroyed them himself." He admitted, rubbing his face. "Shit. This is bad..."
Skye nodded thickly, looking pale at the idea of what grant had done. This was going to be bad, so much worse then any screaming fight could have been.”Yea. Jarvis?See if you can find him somewhere.”Skye requested even as she reached for her tablet to start looking.

Clint smiled, glad that the other had gotten it. That tony loved him. Shrugging a little he sighed. “I don’t know then.”He said before smirking as the tv flicked off, looking up at kyra as the woman walked in.”Grant’s gone, and disabled his trackers. I nee-Tony’s not in here. Where is he?”she demanded so coldly in charge that you knew inside she was falling apart.

Tony groaned as he came, shuddering as he wrapped a arm around the other’s waist, sighing quietly as he eased out, before picking up the other up, and moving them to the small cot he kept in the lab, before frowning as jarvis spoke. “Sir?Lady kyra needs you upstairs. Sir Grant has left.” “What?”Tony sputtered frowning, before looking worriedly at loki,gently easing his fingers through the other’s hair. “Sweetheart, I need you to come with me okay?”He said urging the other to get up, knowing he couldn’t carry the other all the way to the bedroom, but not wanting to leave him alone as he went to see what was going on.
Steve smiled, delighted that he was trult loved. Everything was really going to be okay. Right? Apparently not considering Kyra sounded like she was going to murder them all. "Tony's having an emotional breakdown. We'll have Jarvis call him up" Steve promised. "I'll get dressed and send out a missing person's report." He promised, sliding out of bed, already struggling with his phone as he pulled on his pants. He managed to send a text without messing it up for once. "Phil's working on a missing person's report. Grant won't go far." He didn't think so anyway. "Clint. Your the best tracker, see if you can't get Jarvis's help to follow his trail. Any video we can get of him will help."

Loki moaned as he felt the other cum. He'd never admit it, but he loved that feeling. He mumbled, quite discontent with the idea of facing people while he was like this. Still he managed to get his clothes on and followed Tony upstairs where Phil was snapping orders into a phone and Bruce was watching a tv screen so that he could track Grant. "He went into the subway. It's very likely he's going to duck out into the maitanance tunnels." Bruce explained to clint, handing him the tablet he'd been working on. "...Uh, Loki? Are you okay?" Steve asked, looking at the godling, who looked rather dissconected. "Meds." Loki lied. He often used odd medication for odd alien afflictions to explain away his subspace. Steve had never realized that before.
Kyra frowned, looking concerned as she swallowed. Trying to not freak out at the idea of tony having his own breakdown before swallowing hard, relaxing a little as she realized that they were in control, that they could do this. “I’ll grab Barnes on my way out, he’s fairly good to. See what we can do.”Clint said gently hugging kyra as he walked out, already settling down to see what they’d need. Kyra frowned swallowing hard, she was good at interrogations, at dealing with things, but she was horrible at this part of things. Looking at steve, needing help. “What can I do?”She asked, treating him like the captain, the one in charge, needing help to get through this.

“Tony sighed softly, kissing his head.”I know. I’m sorry. But I don’t want to leave you alone.”Tony muttered as they got upstairs, wincing as he watched the screens and watched skye working on her video hacking, “Skye, search the outlaying city. He wont resurface in the inner city. He knows we’ll track him that way. Find the outer sections.”Tony sighed settling in to work, glancing at loki for a moment worried. “He’s fine.”he said making the godling sit down next to him as he worked, “You have any better way to find him, loki?”He asked the sorcerer.
Steve nodded. "Good plan." He agreed. "James is the best tracker I know. I want you watching them on the screens. Youknow Gramt best and you'll be better able to direct them if Grant lays traps or tricks." He admitted. "We can't forget that Grant is amazing at what he does." He admitted. "We'll have to have you watching because I don't know how skilled Clint and James are compared to him. Plus if they find him, you might be able to talk him into coming home through the phone. Or, if he comes back we don't want you not here." He admitted watching Skye leave. "Why did he leave? Does anyone know?" He was a bit startled when Bruce of all peole winced. Lomi watched all of this with his spaced out detachment and it took him a moment to answer Tony. "I'd need something he's emotionally attached to. Unfortunetly, I doubt he's left anything here. And no, I can't use people so Skye and Kyra don't count." He admitted, leaning his head against Tony because he liked to touch. He didn't bothere being wary of Steve, too far under to remember that Steve didn't like him being around Tony. Not that Steve had the time to be annoyed. Especially as James and Clint lost the trail when Grant switched from subway to sewer. Again. Grant had done that three times already and now they couldn't find his trail at all. "I so believe we where just played..." phil admitted with a sigh.
Kyra nodded a little. “Me to. James is the best I know to.”She said, relaxing slightly at the idea of her teacher, the best hydra had ever produced, tracking grant. “I can do that.”She said, pleased at the idea of having a job, of being able to help that way. Nodding tightly as she settled down on the couch to watch, staring at bruce.”Don’t know.’Kyra said coolly detached, for the moment, not wanting to figure out why, just wanting him back. “Dammit. Well, there goes that idea.”Tony muttered as he worked on getting grant again, absently stroking loki’s hair as he did, taking comfort in the touch. “....Very well played actually.”James mused sounding pissed and frustrated, “We’ll find him.”The assassin said self assured, and very worried about just how utterly out of it Kyra was going to be by the end.

And yet, it took nearly two ulcer inducing weeks to track down the former hydra agent, two teeth grinding weeks of tony’s temper threatening to break at both his inability to find grant, and at being as emotionally compromised as he still was. Because for the last two weeks, while he dealt with this, he’d refused to deal with the problems of finding his memories again, simply working out the aggression and anger in the worst way possible for him. Having extreme amounts of sex between lab time and everything, Grinning wildly as he raced into the room, he paused at the sight of everyone eating. “I know where he is.”He said looking as manic as he ever was. “What?Where?”Kyra said nearly knocking her chair over as she stood, nearly falling over herself in her need to get up. “Circus Circus. Las vegas. Quinjet’s ready to go and waiting for us.”
Steve nodded. James was one of the best. Unfortunetly, Grant would prove to be better. At least in the loosing his stalkers part of the life. In the two weeks, Loki made himself available to Tony and only called his safe word once the entire time, and that was more because he had a panic attack from a nightmare than from pain or an actual limit being reached. Steve gave Tony all the space the man wanted, but made sure Tony was eating as much as he was able. Of course, that was true of most of the tower though. Particularily Skye, who spent most of her time trying, and failing to track down Grant.

"He's in the circus?" Phil asked, worried as he glanced at Clint, hopint the other wouldb okay with a slap in the face of his horrible past. It only took an hour for the jet to get there, but once there, none of the people there wanted to hand Grant over. Apparently Grant was pretty bad off. So lost inside his own head that he wouldn't even eat, sleep, or piss if he wasn,t instructed to every single day. He'd been with the circus a week, cleaning t he animal pens, fixing the sets, helping feed the animals, fixing any electonics, doing the dishes, anything he was asked to so, sort of like a multi porpose handyman. In return he was paid and got free room and board. The ring master ans managers where all worried that these people where going to take advantage of Grant. Espciqlly since Grant had gone pale at the sight of them. They'd never heard Grant utter a word, most of them thought him a mute.
Glaring at the rest of the avengers when they arrived, Kyra paced and looked around, angrily trying to figure out how to do anything, before nodding tightly when tony instructed her to take her time. “Hey. We’re all going to go gamble....yes, including you, Skye. We’re going to let Kyra try talking to him, and give them space.”Tony said as he nudged steve, looking at grant worriedly, before sighing. “Right?We’re going to go, and spend some time amusing ourselves.”Tony muttered as he headed for the casino floor, glancing worriedly as kyra as she approached teh man cleaning the cages.

“..Grant?It’s kyra. Hey....can we talk, sweetheart?”Kyra said as she eased closer, keeping a eye on the tiger who was lazily watching her approach grant. Trying hard to not be as hurt and confused, utterly lost on how to handle this. Because she’d never had a relationship before, she had no idea how to help him, beyond trying to talk.
Steve nodded and gave Kyra a squeeze to the shoulder, a silent offer of luck before he followed Tony and Skye to the rest of the Casino, grimacing as he realized how much attemtion they where all getting as they spread out. Most of the Agents where settling themselves in strategic locations. So they could be on the lookout for dangers. Steve on the other hand, was walking the perimiter.

Grant had always been good with animals. He showed no fear as he scrubbed the Tiger cage with the Tiger within smacking distance. "I guess." He finally muttered, still scribbing the floor with a long handled bristle brush. Several of the circus folk watcjing looked very stunned that he had said anything at all. "I didn't know he could talk." The Ring master admitted. "Don't get too close. Sasha doesn't like women." He admitted, indicating the massive white tiger.
Tony sighed as he smirked, grinning as he pulled skye with him, having every intention of showing her how to play craps, even if he knew he was drawing attention, he knew if they were watching him, they might leave the others alone as they kept a eye out. Frowning as he played, shaking his head a little raising a hand to turn on the ear piece he was wearing to get to Cap.”We have company. Hydra’s here.”He said quietly, knowing the earpiece would pick it up, already starting to make his way through the crowd, looking worried as he headed back towards the circus to get grant and kyra, knowing that between them and james, they had people hydra wanted.

“....Okay.”Kyra flinched at his answer, swallowing thickly as she watched, moving back, careful not to get to close even as she looked at grant. “Grant, I know Skye messed up. But you shouldn’t have run. She wanted to talk to you...and I need you...Grant...”She paused struggling to form the words even as she glanced across the mostly empty ring, sensing more then seeing the hydra agents that had found them.
Steve frowned as he heard Tony and flicked his own comm to talk. "Everyone get into position, get ready for a fight. Someone find a fire alarm and pull it as soon as Hydra becomes aggresive. We want all of these people out of here." He instructed. "Tony, make sure your suit is on hand, James, get to a high location and see if you can't take them down with tranq's, Clint you so the same. Skye, fitsimmons, find a secure location where you won't get targeted, stay out of danger and so what you can to get some backup in there. Tony, get Kyra and Grant. We're out of time."

Grant paused and finally looked up at her. "What could she have to talk about? She already said she doesn't love me. I'm a disgusting thing. I don't deserve to be loved. I'm not human anymore, so it only makes sense that someone as good as you and Skye would be better off without me." He admitted softly. "I can't even bring myself to tale a piss without being told to now. It's better for you if you don't have to spend your time trying to fix me." So, that was it. He left because he thought he was trapping kyra. "You don't need me. You'll be better with someone who isn't broken."
“I got the fire alarm.”Natasha said as she moved into position, watching the agents even as tony headed for the circus, suit in hand, along with james and clint moving into higher spots to find places as skye and fitzsimmons foound a spot to hide in, and still be able to observe and watch. “I’ll get them. But he might fight us to not leave with us.”Tony said even as he headed back into the ring.

“Grant, she doesn’t love you like she thought she did. But she does love you, like a brother. She was trying to figure out how to tell you, without hurting you. She messed up, but no, I wouldn’t be better off without you, you dick. Do I just get no choice in what I want?”She growled angry with him for breaking her apart with his disappearance, and trying to say it was for her own good. “Sorry guys. I know you have things to talk about, but we have company.”Tony said as he walked back in, wincing even as he registered the man nearing grant, the knife pressing into his throat as the hydra agent pulled him back and kept him still”Now Ward, we’re going to leave together, or do you see this? I’ll blow this building, and your pretty little girlfriend to a billion pieces.”The agent said as he showed the other a dead man’s switch, having every intention of leaving with grant.
"Good. Natasha pull it on my mark not a second before hand. Clint, James. Sound off,are you in position? The..." A smirk fluttered across his lips. "Squints, are out of sight." He had gotten that from a favorite tv show, Bones. Simmons had promised to chop his balls off if he called the 'scientists' that again. "Then tranq him too." Steve informed Tony.

Grant just stared at her, looking confused and hurt as well. Pain in his eyes before he hessitated. "Of course not. Of course you have a choice. I just... I thought... I'm sorry." He whispered, realzing she was quite angry with him. He looked up at Tony, surprised before turning to look at the man who was stupid enough to think him incopacitated. He didn't even twitch when the fire alarm went off. "Yes sir." Grant stated to the man. Acting as complient as ever even as he focused his eyes on Kyra. There was a glint there that she'd recognize. He always got it when he was about to enjoy killing someone. He was going to kill the Hydra man for daring to threaten the women he loved. Even if they didn't love him back he would protect them no matter what. Every Hydra agent would die for trying to hurt his lovers.
“Got it.” “We’re in place. Ready for anything.”Clint said, soon seconded by james as the two snipers settled into place. Snickering at steve’s use of the word.”She’s going to kill you you know.”he teased the other amused because he knew simmons was going to yell at him for calling them ‘squints’

“”I would have liked to have had the choice before you sent me searching all over the fucking country.”She growled annoyed, before staring at the hydra agent, swallowing thickly as she watched Grant tilting her head. “Well, always knew you’d go back. You always were good at following orders.”She said the answering look in her eyes saying she was playing along as to not get him hurt until he made his move. “Let’s go.”The agent growled already stepping towards the door, the idiot missing the brush grant had been using, knife slipping as he tripped, cutting open the side of grant’s throat even as he stumbled into the other, the hydra agent barely registering the bullet that hit him as james fired, even as kyra rushed towards him, hand closing around his to keep him from letting go of the switch, holding his hand around the trigger as she counted on tony to help grant. “Bruce!We need you in here now.”Tony demanded as he he tried to stop the bleeding, glancing at kyra was the woman held the bomb in her hands, even as she watched them worriedly."Tony?" "It's deep, but didn't hit his catroid, I don't think."Tony said trying to keep her calm, not because he actually believed it. they needed bruce, now. Otherwise grant was going to bleed out under his hands without being able to help him.
Steve just snickered before frowning. "Pull it, now!" He ordered. "Ready for battle!" He ordered as he saw the Hydra agents pulling out their guns.

He cowered as she yelled at him before snapping into himself as he had a knife pressed to his throat. "I can't help it that I'm loyal only to Hydra. Humanity just can't be trusted with itself. We all will be much happier following orders. Obeying, serving." Those where the things he had always hated most about being a hydra agent. He gasped as the man slipped, knife cutting deep. He choked as blood splattered and he collapsed, holding his neck and wondering if he was going to die. "K.. K..." he struggled to speak. Wanting her to know that he oved her and that he was sorry. Sasha the Tiger was currently ravaging two Hydra agents who had tried to come in and finish the job. Downstairs, the Avegers where kicking ass, giving Bruce the room he needed to race up the stairs to attent to Grant. He had only minutes to live, the corotid had only been knicked so he had longer than one would hope. Still, as deep as he had been cut, his vocal cords had been cut. If he survived he would probobly never speak again. "We need someone to transfer blood!" Bruce called as he yanked open his medical case and got to work trying to save Grants life. "He's an type O. He has to have a type O donation. Is anyone here a type O!?"
“You sound like a megalomaniac godling we all know and love.”Kyra muttered tense and waiting. Hand tight around the dead agent’s hand as she shifted to look down at grant, “I’m here, I am, I’m not going anywhere. Love you to.”She said eyes so worried and scared as she used her free hand to touch his cheek even as tony tried to keep him from bleeding out. “I am. I’ll be right there.”Skye yelled over the comm even as she raced into the room, barely looking at kyra as she knelt at grant’s side, looking at bruce. “Here. What can I do for you?”Skye said holding out a arm for him, looking down at grant. “I’m here Grant. We’ll save you.”She smiled sadly, worriedly as she waited for bruce to do what he needed to do, not even considering what would happen with the alien DNA in her system, only knowing they needed to save grant.
Grant's lip twitched, amused. Made him wonder if Hydra had copied Loki or if it was just a coincedence. Probobly a coincedence. He smiled at her again as she promised him that she loved him too. Good. He could die in peace now. He let his eyes close, going lax because it was too much work to try and keep breathing, keep living. He didn't fight as Bruce fitted him with a breathing mask and made simmons breath for him. His heart still beating, barely so nut still alive as Bruce slid a needle into his vein, letting Skye's blood flow into his system even as Bruce used a needle to sew up his artery, ans then his neck. By the time Bruce was done, Skye was dizzy fro bloodloss and had. To be helped to her feet. Thankfully emergamcy medical personell had arrived with more blood. He was taken back to the tower where Bruce did even more work, trying desperatly to keep Grant alive while the rest of the Avengers arrested the Hydra bastards. By morning, Bruce had done all he could. Grant had fallen into a bit of a coma but he was alive, even if his lungs where too weak to work on Their own he was still alive.
When grant woke, kyra was by his side, curled up on the edge of the bed with him, looking at him utterly exhausted when he blinked. “Grant?Don’t try to talk okay?You’re okay. Just rest.”She said, her tone and features tight still with fear and worry as she looked down at the man she loved, feeling utterly torn apart, and it had only been by both bruce and tony’s intervention she hadn’t turned on skye in a bloody vengence for the girl’s screwup in making him run. Only her need to be with grant had kept her from testing the avengers protection and trying to kill skye.

“...Fuck. Fuck!”Tony cursed as he threw the piece of metal and tech he was working on, wincing as it smashed into the glass, wincing as he realized he’d nearly hit steve with the throw.”Sorry.”he said frowning angrily at the ground, rubbing a hand over his face as he glanced at the other. Having spent the last two days while they waited for grant to wake, mostly in the lab. avoiding both his own emotions over the injury, and his emotional response to forgetting everything. definitely not dealing with anything.
Gabe tried to gasp and promptly choked on the breathing tube that was down his throat, making half choked desperate half sounds that was all his mangled vocal cords could manage. Tears sprang to his eyes as he looked at her, frightened by the look on her face as he uttered a stangled whine that cracked and shuddered. At least he wasn't trying to tear out his breathing tubes or IV's. He raised a shakey hand and set it on her face, trying to ask her what was wrong and why he hurt so much. Bruce had to ressesitate, so his whole chest ached. Mostly it was his throat that hurt. Hurt so much even if it was healing faster than Bruce had anticipated.

Steve watched the thing sail past him and shook his head. "God, don't apologize. I hate it when you apologize." He admitted. "You have no idea how much I want to smack you everytime you apologized to me." He admitted as he moved over to Tony, wrapping his arms tightly around him, just holding him. "It's okay tony. I have you. I have you now. It's going to be okay." He promised, sitting on the floor and simply holding Tony, cradling him. "I've got you, and I'll never let you go. Not ever." He promised.
“Easy, easy. You have a breathing tube, relax, otherwise you’re going to kill yourself trying to breath around it.”She said looking worried swallowing hard as she forced her face to relax, knowing she was freaking him out. Leaning into his hand, she sighed quietly. “You were hurt badly, Grant. Bruce had to revive you, that’s why your chest hurts, and the wound cut your vocal cords so you can’t talk...I’m so sorry Grant...”She said hating to tell him even as she asked jarvis to get bruce to come down and look him over.

“Well, then I’ll do less of it. Though I would think you would like me taking responsiblity for some things.”Tony muttered frowning a little, huffing as he was pulled into a hug, huffing as she was pulled to the floor, settling against the super soldier’s chest, whining a little.”Well, you have to let me go sometime. I have to figure out that fucking piece of shit for Grant. I just can’t get it right.”he said sounding pissed and annoyed at his inability to get it working, but knowing he almost had it....if only he wasn’t so tired and upset, he could do this. at least he thought he could. maybe.
Grant did relax as soon as she started explaining and her face smoothed out a little more. So, he had died. He had thought that he had but he certainly hadn't expected to wake up. He carefully reached up and stroked her face before wiggling his hand, indicating his desire for a pen and paper. Once he had it he managed to write in shakey letters. Still very tired and weak. 'I love you. Don't be sad. I'm still alive. We'll be okay.'

Steve snorted. "Tony making you apologize is like pulling teeth." He teased with a smile as he helf the other tightly. "I missed you so much you know. It. Felt so wrong, having you so innocent and open. All I wanted was for you to argue with me aboue whether tomantoes where a fruit or a vegatible or the proper prononciation of caramel." He admitted with a smile. "And no I don't. I'll have you in my arms forever now that I have you here. We'll just have to so everything together. Pissing, eating, sleeping, working." He teased before shaking his head. "You need a nap, some butter rolls, and a strong cup of coffee. Your too exaughsted to even work Dum-E right now."
Kyra smiled a little as he relaxed, able to relax even more as he did, swallowing hard as she closed her eyes, leaning her face into his hand, enjoying the touch, before moving away to get the pad and pen, nodding as she watched him write. “I love you to. And you are. I know. I’m sorry I couldn’t fix this...but you’re okay. We’ll be okay.”She said closing her eyes before shifting to lay down with him, carefully resting her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his waist, closing her eyes as she held him. Even knowing there was things that he needed to know, or do handle, she was mentally to exhausted to do it yet, simply content to be with him. “Rest Grant.”She ordered quietly, gently.

“...It is not. I’m better then I used to be.”He sulked a little sighing softly as he shifted to get comfortable, even if he tensed a little at the direction of the conversation. Having avoided it for nearly 3 weeks, he didn’t want to talk about it. “....It’s a fruit.....and don’t lie. I know you had to enjoy me being like that...I mean. You said it yourself, apologizes are pulling teeth, like that I had to be so much easier to deal with. Easier to express things to.”Tony muttered staring at the floor before twitching. “Well, as long as you’re including sex on that list of things to do, I’m sure we can figure something out.”He muttered before frowning, making a protesting noise in his throat. “I can work. Need to. Bruce said he’d be up soon. Gotta get this workign.”he muttered, even though he did sound a little slurred in exhaustion.
He shook his head when she tried to apologize, making a strangled, pained noise at the action. He wasn,t going to be shaking his head again, that was for sure. Instead he wrote. 'Don't be sorry. It's not anyone's fault but Hydra's. They will pay for their crimes soon enough. It will be okay, I've had worse injuries than this. You know I have. I can still fight. I can still live, I can still live a perfectly fullfilling life.' He promised her with a smile. Laying there, simply enjoying being held.

Steve smiled. "That's true." He admitted before he frowned. "It's a vegtable. And I don't lie. Not to you." He stated with a growl. "I fell in love with you, tony. Stubborn, selfish, manic, coffee addicted you. I hate the way you where, so innocent it hurt to even look at you. Too perfect for someone like me. I don't want you to be submissive.I like watching you fight me, feeling the thrill of watching you finally give in. I love to argue with you about how much sleep you really need and how many meals you should have. I don't like it when you just so as I say, I like to struggle against you. I like to fight with you and make you give in. Besides, I don't need you to say things, to know you love me too. You have no problem expressing yourself. I just need to lesrn the same language as you, that's all. And I am learning it you know. I'm learning how to speak Tony." He admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "Even if Grant wakes up, he won't have the strength to handle whatever it is that your making for have at least a week Tony. You need to take care of yourself too. Grant will feel terrible if you get sick trying to work on this." He reminded the other.
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