In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

he smirked. "of course i am, a half naked, sweating, cursing Tony is my favorite Tony." he paused. "aside form all naked, sweating and cursing Tony." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't fuss over Tony." he scoffed. "unlike Grant, Tony needs a constant babysitter or he'd never eat, never sleep, and would thusly, die locked in his lab." he pointed out. "not to mention his behavioral problems." Grant snuffled his laughter and nodded. Steve was right, he still fussed, but it was sort of a necessity. "yes, upstart." he stated, leaning out of the way of her punch before hooking her foot with his own and sending her to the floor. "always be aware of your feet." he suggested, might as well make a lesson of it. "and don't forget. i've been getting into fights since i was six. i know all the tricks, dirty and otherwise."

James watched Tony ramble, he didn't understand a word the other was saying. was this how Steve felt when he started talking about led zepplin and Apple Computers? "Steve's shield? so it has the same vibration control qualities?" he asked, looking around for something to punch that wouldn't break. "how will it stand up to bullets? do you have a gun? better yet, let me punch Steve's shield, i'm curious to see what will happen if two vibration dispersing items slam into each other." James admitted with a lopsided grin. proving that while he wasn't as smart as Tony, he was no dummy. curious as a cat too. he just shrugged. "i've never been anything more than an experiment." he admitted simply. "i guess i never realized you'd be different from them." he admitted. "i know better of course, but the way you get around tech... it was silly, i know but..." he huffed, annoyed at being unable to express himself properly. "thank you, Tony. for doing this for me." but it wasn't just thanking him for the arm. James was thanking him for letting him stay, for letting him be himself instead of a machine.
"...I'm going to beat on you for teasing me. Not fair when I cant have sex...and unlike tony, I'm sure I can hit you."kyra smirked a little before laughing."yoj fuss but you're right. Grant doesnt need it as much as tony."she snickered a little smiling wider at grant's laughter. Every laugh to her,was a sign he was still there.that she hadnt lost him. Wincing as she hit the floor she glared up at the man her angr at everything and the knowledge that steve really wouldnt hurt her making her more careless then she'd normally be. "Well you were also barnes' best friend. Of course you fight dirty."she huffed as she got up.

"Yep. I used some in the gloves on my suit so I didnt rattle the shit out of my hands every time i punch something. Figured same principle was good for your arm."tony smiled before wincing."it'll stand up to anything short of a thermal nuclear blast. It'll hold for whatever you throw at it."tony smiled a little wincing only a little as he realized james probably didnt get the joke about thermal nuclear bombs."you'd have to see steve about punching it. I've been forbidden from 'burroiwng' the shield to test things on."tony snickered before growing serious tilting hi head a little."its fine."he said relaxing as he realized the reason james hadnt seen him before before shrugging at the thanks."its nothing.if you havent noticed stark tower's become the home for strays and misfits."he smiled.
Steve just smirked and watched her. "i'm pretty sure you can't. total greenhorn." he teased with a snigger. "and Grant obeys doctors orders. he'll rest when he gets tired." he admitted with a grin. "Tony keeps going until he drops." he admitted with a smirk at her once she hit the mat. "Greenhorn. like a little baby lamb. wobbly and never sure what to do with their feet. never relax your guard when in a fight, even in a friendly spar. that's when people get their ego's tromped on. come on, let's see what your REALLY made of hmm?"

he nodded, pleased with his new limb. very pleased. "i imagine that thing is like a massive amplifier otherwise." James agreed, examining a suit that was getting worked on. "thermal nuclear huh? so i'll die, but my arm will survive huh?" he asked with a snicker. "relax Tony. i've been on and off the Ice so long that i know a lot more than Steve does." he admitted. "i also don't have the technology Aversion that he seams to have. of course, with fingers as big as his he can't hit just one button on that tiny ass phone you gave him anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "you know. that's extremely selfish of him." James admitted. "fortunately, i have not been denied the right to 'borrow' it. which is surprisingly short sighted of him." he admitted with a wicked smirk. "it is. yeah. honestly i've never felt so safe before. so at home." he admitted as he flexed his fingers before pulling on his shirt. he hesitated and then decided to leave the glove off. he couldn't hide forever.
“I can!”Kyra snarled, anger making her way way careless, but it was allowing her to work on getting stuff out, attacking him with a utter single mindedness, not so much watching herself, or trying to hurt him, simply trying to pound on him, after awhile slumping a little, for the moment anger exhausted as she looked up at him tiredly, smiling slightly.”Thanks steve.”She panted as she pushed off the floor tiredly, smiling a little. “I feel better now.”

“It would be. First suit I made, it totally rattled me to the bone to punch anything.”Tony shuddered a little before nodding seriously. “Yep. Arm’s gotta survive, it’s stark tech. To important to lose.”Tony said seriously before laughing, showing he was teasing before relaxing. “Oh. That’s true. I hadn’t considered that....and he is avoiding it. But it’s so cute when he tries to work things.”Tony snickered a little before twitching, “I asked him if he wanted me to make a bigger one!But he said no.”Tony huffed annoyed that steve wouldn’t let him make a new one to replace the other before smirking. “It is. I keep telling him using it would be for the good of humanity, but he doesn’t listen to me.”he said before grinning. “Oh yes. Extremely short sighted. WE shall have to go get it now.”he said nudging the other after he got dressed heading for the door before shrugging. “Well, as long as your happy, its okay. I mean.Totally awesome to have everyone here.”he said looking vaguely uncomfortable with where the conversation was going
Steve smirked as she finally let go. good. not much skill or style but she was certainly letting out her aggressions. he even let her hit him a time or two. he was shaking his wrist out once she was done, since that was where he'd taken most of her punches was in the hand. "no problem." he agreed with a grin. "one of these days we'll have an actual spar. where you're actually trying to fight, instead of pummel me into a paste." he teased with a grin as Grant clapped. "laugh it up Tinkerbell, your up!" Grant just grinned and bounced his way into the ring for a lesson of his own. he was no slouch in the fighting department, but he was a gun specialist, not a fighting specialist so it was always good to brush up on his skills.

he nodded. "makes sense." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting at Tony. "if you put 'property of Stark' on my arm, i'm going to turn you inside out." he grumbled, looking more amused than anything else. "yeah, unfortunately Steve's not smart enough to realize that's what the problem is, he just thinks he's doing it wrong." he admitted with a shrug. "he is pretty cute though, always was. if i had been even the slightest bit gay, i totally would have tapped that." he admitted. "...kinda wish i was a little bit gay, just so i could tap that." he admitted. "oh well, Natasha's a firecracker and i hear Stevie doesn't bottom. ever." he admitted. "besides, it's a pride thing, for him. he wants THAT Phone to work, because you made it just for him." he admitted with a grin. "just make him a new one and give it to him. he'll appreciate it, he's just too stubborn to admit he can't work the one you gave him." he admitted before he studied the other. "seriously Tony." he stated, gently squeezing the others shoulder. "i mean it. you gave us a home here. you gave us, all of us, a Family. we can never thank you enough for that." he admitted, smiling at him. "now. come on. Steve keeps his Shield in his room."
Kyra smiled a little, watching him rub his wrist, making sure he was okay, even with the serum she still had worried about hurting him, realizing he was okay she smiled softly. “That would be great. We’re going to have to. That was fun.And very stress relieving.”She said smiling slightly as she looked over at grant, “Tinkerbell?”She smiled even as she climbed out of the ring to let grant take her place, settling on the bench to watch them spar.

“I would never do that. Ever.”He huffed looking offended, smirking a little. “I’m serious, I thought about it, but knew you wouldn’t appriciate it, so your star and stark free this time.”He snickered a little.”Ah. That explains it. I’ll just have to make the phone and show him.”Tony said perking up a little before smiling softly. “...You do know you’re talking about my boyfriend right?It seems wrong to listen to you want to ‘tap that’ and not just because you’re using slang or dating natasha. Which really, is so much scarier then sleeping with steve, you should get a medal or something....and no, he doesn’t.”Tony smiled softly before frowning. “but I could just fix it, I mean, I still would make the new one.”He said frowning a little looking confused before trying to squirm away from the emotional talk it seemed he’d found himself in. “...”He sighed softly. “Yea, well. You’re going to go steal cap’s shield for me. That’s enough. Let’s go.”he said already heading for steve’s rooms, brushing off the thanks that really did mean alot to him, but he couldn’t admit to the heartfelt feelings or figure out how to respond.
he chuckled a little. "it's fine." he promised. "just a bit sore. i'm not used to catching punches after all and you have a hell of a left swing." he admitted. "of course it was stress relieving. i'm the most annoying asshole on the planet when i want to be, hitting me is more cathartic than cookie dough and a chick flick." he admitted with a grin. "yeah, Tinkerbell, frail, feminine, helpless. Tinkerbell." he stated, indicating Grant who just smiled. "...or maybe Brain-dead would be a better term?" he mused, trying to get Grant angry, which wasn't working at all.

"you totally would." he scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "i'm going to wake up one morning and me, Stevie, Loki and Barton are all going to have that Tattooed across our left ass-cheeks." he admitted with a smirk. "thanks Tony. seriously. getting rid of that goddamn star, that alone was totally worth it." he admitted with a smile. "exactly. and yes. i know." he admitted. "you'll understand my plight more than anyone. i mean come on. he's perfection!" James scoffed. "you Gay guys have all the luck." he scoffed before grinning. "being terrified out of my mind is what makes the sex so good." he stated with a snicker. "besides, i have medals. impressive ones too. they're in that museum in DC." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "it's okay Tones." he promised. "not everyone can be as tenderhearted as me." he promised with a snicker as he broke into Steve's 'locker' and took the shield and headed back to the lab with it.
“Ah, sorry.”Kyra winced but glad that he was okay, before laughing.”Well, I don’t know. James is fairly annoying when he wants to be to. Though it’s usually for the same reason actually.”She snickered a little before smirking as she watched steve try pissing off grant, “It wont work. He doesn’t get angry easily.”She said not even sure what would piss the other off, though she knew if Steve started in on her, grant would probably go angry protective over it.

“...I would not.....Steve’s already got a nipple ring to claim him as mine, loki’s got a tattoo, and barton isn’t mine to keep. Neither are you, so you wont get tattooed.”Tony said seriously smiling a little. “WElecome.”He grinned looking amused. “He is. Truly. That ass...”Tony’s eyes glazed for a moment as he thought about his boyfriend before snickering. “I know. All your shit and steve’s stuff is there, courtesy of good old dad. If you want anything, I could probably get it back though.”He said thoughtfully before snickering.”You’re such a softie, barnes, truly.”He snickered watching him go before laughing as he returned with the shield.”Oh man, he’s going to kill us. Give it here, I’ll hold it.”Tony said lifting the shield and bracing, smirking at james.”Come on, take a swing. You know you want to try and hit me, everyone does.”
he chuckled. "it's fine. it's not even bruised." he promised. "and trust me, James is nothing compared to me when i'm in a strop." he admitted. "both our Ma's said so." he admitted with a grin. "and that's sayin." he admitted before he frowned at Grant, studying the man. "well. maybe i just aught to go over there and play with yer Gal then if your going to be so... oh shut up! i know. i'm gay!" he complained as Grant just laughed at Steve. "get angry you pussy footed, yellow bellied, cunt!" he demanded, Grant just shrugging. "oh never mind. just hit me." Steve ordered with a roll of his eyes as he started showing Grant how to throw a proper punch, since that 'fancy shit Shield teaches isn't worth shit unless you want a broken wrist.'

James smirked. "you so would. in bright pink to make it all the more humiliating." he teased with a snigger. "besides, Barton might not be yours to keep, but he keeps going to you anyway." he admitted. "and when Phil's not insane, he seams to not care in the least." he admitted. "honestly i think he thinks it's hot. which is kind of creepy you know?" he asked with a grin. "nah. i don't need any of that shit. just brings back bad memories." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i ever get the urge to look at it, i know where it is." he promised with a grin. "he is going to kill us, but it's well worth it. we should hide it. he does maintenance on it every night so he'll totally freak out." Barnes was an asshole. a mischievous little asshole. what was really weird was that Loki hadn't shown up, the godling could smell mischief from a mile away. "Tony, if i hit that thing, your going to get hit through a wall." he warned, examining the other. "don't you have a robot or something? i'm not going to have a pissed off Steve Rogers after me because i broke his boyfriend."
“Hm, I want to watch you two get into a strop together. It’d be amusing watching the bitch fest.”kyra snickered a little smirking at steve’s words. “You can’t even pretend to be straight. It’s horrible.”Kyra smiled watching them amused, smiling softly as she realized even voiceless, grant was still laid back relaxed grant, and was going to simply go through a work out because he could. “You know, you should teach shield’s classes, not who they have. I mean, if it’s so useless.”

“...Hm. Maybe.”Tony snickered a little before smiling, ducking his head, hiding the soft smile for a moment before nodding.”True. And of course he thinks it’s hot. I’m to hot for anyone to not want to sleep with, if they swing that way.”He grinned a little. “We should totally hide it. It’d be great.”Tony said with wide eyes at the idea of what bucky was suggesting they should do. And actually amused that loki hadn’t shown up yet to investigate what mischief they were getting into. “...I totally have a robot. Hold on.”Tony grinned widely, delighted at being able to show off his newest suit as he scampered away before returning in a few moments totally suited and ready, looking utterly insane with captain america’s shield clenched in iron man’s fist. “Come on then.”He said raising the shield.
he grinned. "it's something that always dissolves into a fistfight with us. of course, i always throw the first punch, and when we where younger all he'd have to do was sit on me." he admitted. "but if you insist i'll see what we can do." he promised with a chuckle. "oh... shut up." he grumbled. "i can pretend to be straight! i did it for almost twenty years you know!" he complained, rolling his eyes. "i would, but i get frustrated with the assholes who think that just because i was born in the twenties that my fighting is outdated." he admitted. "not to mention the fact that Fury doesn't like it when i kick the shit out of his recruits. yes Grant, exactly like that, it lends power as well as stability." Steve praised as he showed Grant how to position his feet so a hooked foot couldn't take him down.

"i think if Phil could get away with it, he'd ask you for a threesome." he admitted with a snicker. "or better, a foursome." he admitted. "he'd pay money to get his hands in Captain America's pants i bet." he admitted. "i dunno. if i was topping. and you wore a wig i could pretend you where a girl long enough to get it up i think. you are rather feminine." he admitted with a grin as he watched Tony suit up. "okay. that's cool." James hadn't actually seen the Iron Man suit in action yet. "you look ridiculous you know, holding that thing." he admitted with a laugh as he slid his feet apart, tensed and then swung with all his might, fist hitting the middle of the shield, filling the whole tower with the sound not unlike a ringing bell. the entire tower trembled and it was actually James that found himself flying through a wall. "....wicked!"
“That’s fairly amusing actually. And I might, if it gets really boring around here.”Kyra said smiling, simply enjoying the thought in favor of worrying to much. “Hm, in the 30s, when people wanted you to be straight. These days we know you want to screw the damaged genius downstairs more then you want any girl.”Kyra snickered a little before smiling.”Ah, that makes sense.”She said smiling happily that grant seemed to be learning, and happy before yelping, going for a weapon as the bell sounded, covering her ears at the high sound. “Fuck!What is that?”

“...He should. I might have to bring it up sometime. It’d be great.”Tony grinned at the idea before twitching. “...No thanks. I don’t bottom for just anyone.”he snickered a little before smirking as james marveled at the suit. “I’m always cool. This is a masterpiece.”He smirked a little before nodding. “Yea I know it is. I’m always cool.”he smirked a little before wincing, flinching even as the tower trembled, whimpering a little as he flipped up the helmet, hustling over and looking down at him. “You okay/”he asked setting the shield down, and holding out a hand for him
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "you know, the rest of the world doesn't." he admitted. "makes me wonder if i'm subconsciously repressing myself or if they're all just blind." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "though, watching Tony foam at the mouth when i'm swarmed by women is hilarious." he admitted before wincing as his ears where assaulted. "that. is two men who are going to get their asses Kicked." he snarled. "TONY! JAMES!!!!" He raged as he headed for the Lab access. well aware that Jarvis was transmitting his voice to the Lab. "MY SHIELD HAD BEST BE BACK IN IT'S LOCKER BEFORE I GET DOWN THERE OR YOUR BOTH LOOSING YOUR DICKS!"

James grinned. "i kinda figured." he admitted. "just for Steve right? he's that kinda special." he agreed with a chuckle. "especially when he's in military mode." he admitted with a grin as he examined the suit. "careful there Tony. your Ego might get crushed when it get's too big to fit in that thing." he teased before coughing as he was flung back into the wall. "oh i'm fine. Steve hits harder than that." he promised with a laugh before paling as he heard Steve yelling through the intercom, glancing at Tony before grabbing the Shield and running off with it to put it back in the locker. because while Steve wouldn't cut off Tony's cock, he liked it too much, he had no reservations about castrating Bucky.
“Hm, probably a bit of both. And you just find it amusing to watch tony freak out to much to tell them that your gay.”she snickered a little before rubbing at her ears, raising a eyebrow. “His he using it in the name of science again?”she said, having heard the stories smirking a little as she wrapped a arm around grant’s waist. “I think this means trainings over for the day.”

“Yea, something like that.”Tony blusehd a little, shuddering as he considered his captain kink, having not quite be brave enough to ask steve about having sex in the suit, cause that was a kink that was amazing. “Hm, I built room in here for me and my ego. It’s fine.”Tony snickered a little looking pleased the other wasn’t hurt before paling, yelping as he dismantled the suit and rushing after bucky to make sure he got the shield back into place before panting, looking over at james as they closed the locker door. “We should go get food. Pretend we weren’t using it.”He decided heading for the kitchen
he smirked. "i do find it amusing." he agreed. "actually, i plan on coming out on the Ellen show." he admitted with a grin. "i like her. she's fun." he admitted before scowling. "somehow. i doubt he was the one who instigated this little science project. fucking Bucky." he grumbled as he stormed out, Grant snuffling his quiet laughter as he nodded, kissing her forehead before jerking his head to the door, silently asking her if she wanted to go watch the fun.

James grinned a little. "you know. all you have to do is ask him." he pointed out with a grin. "he might be the big cock in your relationship, but you definitely wear the pants." he teased with a smile. "well, as long as there is room." he teased with a snigger before taking off with the shield, frightened out of his skull, a pissed off Steve was never, ever a good idea. "it took a lot to actually piss him off. "yes. pretend..." James agreed, slinking out of the room after Tony, yelping when Steve cleared his throat right behind them and started going all 'Military' on them. he didn't yell, he didn't have too. he didn't even raise his voice, he just made them feel very insignificant indeed and warned them if they ever, ever touched his shield without his permission again he was going to make them suffer in very interesting ways that included urethra rods, chastity belts, and the lopping off of balls, as well as some very inventive torture methods that used pliers and a mini saw. "Have I Made Myself Clear, Gentlemen!?" Steve demanded, mouth pressed into that thin line that said he was well and truly pissed off.
“You’ll cause riots in the streets if you do that.”She said smiling a little. Wincing a little as she realized the captain was well and truly pissed, smirking slightly. “I take it tony knows better?”she said snickering a little as she watched him go. Leaning into grant for a moment before nodding, glad that they had figured out how to have conversations even without words. Smirking as she followed after steve, hiding around the corner as they listened to steve go all military on his boys.

“True. And hey-he’s not the big cock in this relationship. I am AND I wear the pants.”Tony huffed. Nodding in agreement before yelping, freezing as steve cleared his throat, turning to look at the other man. Eyes wide and tearful, the man being dumped straight into subspace listening to the other without warning, having not been prepared for one of his biggest kinks, seeing steve as the Captain, even if he hadn’t mentioned it to steve, it was still a kink that got him in subspace faster then anything else, a kink that ignored his normal rules of fighting the whole way down, and needing privacy,it made him simply want to beg for forgiveness. “Y-yes, sir.”He stuttered a little .looking up at the taller blond
he smirked. "precisely." he admitted with a snicker before he scowled. "he does know better." he growled, Grant just shook his head. Tony just couldn't help himself. he grinned at her and watched the man go Captain on their asses. it was rather amusing, listening to some of the threats Steve was coming up with.

"...he is totally the big cock in your relationship." he scoffed. "you forget, i've SEEN that thing! and he was big BEFORE the Serum! it was always unfair that the scrawny punk was bigger than me even when he weighed half as much as i did." he admitted, looking amused before cowering in front of Steve. "...Tony?" Steve asked, looking a bit worried now as he reached out, cupping the others face, head tilted. "well damn. isn't that something?" he muttered. "where are you sitting Tony?" he demanded, shooting James a glare. "fuck off Barnes." "you got it." James stuttered, scampering off obediently. "Go into the bedroom Tony. i think you need a bit more punishment for being so naughty. strip down and get the kink bag and kneel in front of the bed until i get there."
Kyra bit her lip to keep from laughing as she leaned against grant, pressing her face against his shoulder to keep from laughing, nuzzling him a little. “You wanna go lay down?”She muttered wanting her own snuggles as she listened to tony and steve for a moment before heading for their room, not wanting listen to the beginnings of kink foreplay.

Tony’s head raised up a little at the sound of steve’s voice, frowning slightly before leaning into his hand, sighing quietly. “....low.Fairly...”He muttered nuzzling the other for a quiet moment, struggling to come up enough to answer the question before whining a little at the sound of james being sent away, he’d been having fun causing mischief with the other. He wanted to stay. “...okay, sir. I can do that sir.”he muttered little nodding as he pulled away, moving to the living room, stripping down and getting the bag, and kneeling as he waited for steve. Trying hard to not twitch and squirm, or search through the bag, resisting looking for the toys, knowing he’d get punished if he did.
Grant nodded, he was tired now and was quite ready for a nap. and some soup. maybe soup in bed? he tugged her to the kitchen for a seeping bowl of soup to eat in bed before taking a well deserved nap.

he nodded. "too low." he agreed, shaking his head. "oh and Tony?" Steve demanded, smirking. "keep the Sir. i like it." he admitted before following Tony at a much more sedated pace. "so." Steve mused as he walked in, pleased to see Tony had followed his orders perfectly. "you want to confess something to me Tony? it was strangely easy getting you into Subspace just now. a dangerous drop really. is there a kink you've been hiding from me?" he asked with a smirk as he grabbed the bag and moved it out of Tony's sight and reach so he wouldn't be tempted. "what shall i use on you today i wonder? any suggestions Vixen?"
“Kay. Time to nap and eat.”Kyra decided, smiling softly as they headed for the kitchen, getting a bowl of soup for him before heading to the bedroom, snuggling into him as he laid back, sighing softly as they got settled. “eat and rest.”She said pressing a kiss to his forehead, smiling a little.

“Hm?”Tony hummed a little at the sound of his name, looking up at him, before blushing a little. “Yes sir.”He muttered raising his head a little when the other walked in, swallowing hard as he listened to him, shuddering as he listened to the other, whining slightly as steve moved the bag, looking up at him. “...Nope. I’m good. Nothing to confess. Didn’t even use your shield. That was all Barnes.”Tony muttered, like such a child, who’d lie about eating the chocolate chip cookies when you could see the evidence with chocolate smeared all over his face. One of those lies that everyone knew was a lie. “...Crop?”he said raising his head a little. “And gloves?Your gloves?”He requested shuddering at the idea of the smooth leather and Kevlar gloves of the captain’s suit. Even if he was resisting admitting to what had dropped him into subspace, he wasn't able to reveal small clues on what it was.
Grant nodded as he gulped down his soup and then settled in for his nep, holding her as he slept. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to exhibit any signs like Phil had been. He was sure he was safe. Still, he had taken the precaution of moving his weapons stashes so he couldn't find them as easily if he wasn't in his right mind.

"Oh, nothing to confess at all? Even if you got you got caught red handed hmm?" He asked, smirking. "You really think that I don't know better that that? He asked, stroking Tony's face gent,y before smacking him, not hard, he wouldn't even feel a sting. "Your a bad boy Tony. And I don't think naughty boys should get the pleasure of having sex, hmm? I think I should just punish you, leave you all tied up for the rest of the night u til you feel like confessing, and apologizing." He admitted even as he went to the closet and grabbed the gloves, making a show of sliding them on. "So. Private. Don't you have something you want to confess?"
Tony’s eyes went even wider as he looked up at the other man, whining softly as the other stroked his face, leaning into the touch before yelping, startled at the slap, tears filling his eyes. Even if it hadn’t been a hard slap, it was still startling to the man. Whining quietly as he squirmed, shifting, pressing his cheek against the other’s thigh as the other man came back, nuzzling against him as steve slid the gloves on, “N-no.”he stuttered whining softly. He might not be able to fight his reaction to the captain persona of his boyfriend, but he would still fight the whole confession, because he knew it was a major weakness.....or at least he saw it as a weakness, so he fought it, even if he was pressing closer and whimpering at the need to please the other.
Steve stared at Tony, smirking a little as he watched Tony. "now now. don't be stubborn." he ordered, licking his lips as he finished pulling on the gloves before moving back over to Tony, stroking the others lips with kevlar covered fingers. "suck." he ordered, smirking. "you like those gloves don't you 'Boy'? you like the way i look in it, the way i act in it." he purred, staring at him. "what i can't understand is why you are trying to pretend that you're not so fucking turned on by my acting like the good Captain that you dropped into Subspace without a struggle. it was delightful." he admitted, pressing a foot against Tony's crotch, applying just a little pressure. just enough for him to feel the gentle pressure of the beginnings of pain. "why deny it Tony? hmm? why hide it? from me of all people. are you scared of what i could do to you when your like this? or is it something else? stop sucking and answer."
Tony whined a litlte at the order, wanting so much to obey, equally as much as he wanted to not obey and hide. Whimpering as the fingers stroked over his lips, whining as he slid his mouth down over the other’s fingers, sucking like he was giving a blowjob. Shuddering at the captain’s purring, he whined a little looking up at him, before dropping his eyes again, hiding the feelings that were showing in the utter panicking in his eyes as he whined at the pressure on his crotch, blinking back tears as he shuddered, shuddering a little at the questions, shoulders hunched in, as if expecting a hit. The man so very upset that he was starting to come up from the subspace, blinking hard as he pulled his head back and stopped sucking. Shifting a little, butting his head against the other’s hand for a moment, nudging it till he could cuddle against his hand, reassuring himself with the touch, staying quiet as he tried to think of a answer that wasn’t going to piss off his captain. “....Stark men never get the best. The Captain is the best, always has been. Always been the standard I couldn’t meet....didn’t...didn’t want to use him in my dirty sex games...”He muttered, the words sounding so hollow so hurting, that it meant it’d been a common insult between father and son when howard had realized that tony had a thing for the captain as a teen.
Steve watched Tony intently, aware the other was getting upset, but this was something that needed answering. especially since this was a serious problem, or could be in the future. "...oh Tony..." Steve breathed, realizing what was wrong. "Tony how silly you are." he murmured softly, looking amused. "haven't we already proven that Howard is a filthy liar? Captain America is the kinkiest son of a bitch on the planet and if you want him to come into sexy playtime then fuck anyone who says otherwise." he promised, stroking Tony's hair. "we're going to sully any notion of goodness out of the Good Captain." he promised as he kissed Tony, massaging the others neck. "your such a good boy for me you know. Stark Men deserve only the best. and you, Tony Stark, have the best, now and forever." he promised, stripping off his shirt. "whose face is that, attached to my nipple Tony? who do i belong to? who owns Captain America?"
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