In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Steve nodded, agreeing with Tony. "she will be okay." Loki promised, examining her neck. "you'll be bruised and sore. you'll have a bit of a hoarse voice but i've fixed all the broken bones. i can't do dermal work though." he admitted. "so the bruising's going to have to stay unless you can heal yourself?" he asked, trying to keep calm, as well as keep her calm. Grant uttered a whine when he was told to rest, a garbled, frightened sound. he didn't want to rest. he had tried to kill her. he was scared he would try to again. "Tony is right Kyra." Loki warned softly. "if he attacks you again, we might not be able to stop him, and he'll feel twice as horrid if he manages to hurt you a second time. go and tell Skye and Phil that he's started displaying will you? i promised Phil to keep him updated, and he might target Skye still. we're not sure if he will or not but she needs to be aware."
"No. It'll have to heal on its own. The great irony of the world,is I can heal others but not myself."Kyra made a face before sighing staying calm because they were being calm."...I know." "It'll be fine. You just can't be alone with him. We'll be careful kyra."Tony said watching them hating to see them torn apart like this. "Yea...I can do that..."kyra said as she left looking heart bruised and tired. Knocking lightly on phil'phil's door."phil?"

Tony sighed shaking his head before looking at loki as Natasha and Sam came in."now. You are going to go rest now."Tony said staring at the sorcerer
Loki chuckled a little. "you know, i know exactly how you feel." he admitted. "i went to school for Spell and magic creation, not healing so all i can really do is trauma and emergency healing, but it would be nice to be able to fix my own broken bones." he admitted. "i've some books you could read if you wanted to try and harness your powers a little more." he admitted. "right now you shouldn't be around him at all, not until ii can get the protective spells on you and Skye." he admitted softly. "i should be okay to do some major spellwork after a nap." he promised, not wanting to force her to be away from Grant for that long. Phil opened the door after a pause and blinked at her. "Kyra? what's wrong?" he asked, looking concerned at the look on her face. "it's Grant isn't it?" he asked softly.

Loki winced at Tony's command and shook his head even as he slunk out of the room and headed for Tony's bedroom, knowing Tony would be pissed if he went back to his own room. Steve just sighed as he watched the Godling leave. "i should have said something sooner... i thought he was just sulking." he admitted before heading over to Sam and Nat, explaining the problem.
“it would be nice....not being able to speed my own healing is a weakness, especially since I heal slower then normal.”She muttered before tilting her head, smiling slightly. “I would like that. Maybe I could.”he said biting her lip worriedly, before looking at the sedated grant, whimpering slightly but nodding.”Okay. I’ll...go. And wait till you set the spells.”She said swallowing hard as she considered that before swallowing hard as she looked at phil, nodding tightly. “He attacked me.He’s...he came out of it quickly, but...”She swallowed hard trying not to cry.

Tony huffed watching the man leave before looking at steve.”I should have noticed. But with everything, my memories and trying to help grant...I hadn’t.”Tony muttered hating himself for not noticing before hand before swallowing hard, “Explain then come to my room.”He said before heading for the bedroom, shaking his head as he looked at loki. “You could have come and got me you know. I could have offered some help along with trying to build the stupid toy I’m working on.”he said twitching a little in annoyance.
he nodded. "i don't know if you'll ever be able to do that, sometimes powers don't work that way, but i can give you the tools to try at least." he promised. "once we have the spells set, i think i should be able to alter them slightly to allow you guys to touch so long as he's calm but it's not something you test when he's as volatile as he is." he admitted. "i'll need other test subjects before i can fiddle with spells as fickle and as life saving as this one." he admitted. "and i'll need more sleep than i'm going to get today." he'd need a good few days of rest and good food before he could start playing with spells again. it was stupid of him to let himself deteriorate so much. "oh Kyra." Phil sighed as he pulled her into a tight hug. "i'm so sorry. come inside and sit down. i'll make you some cocoa." he promised. going all paternal on her again. he was good at that. he was like everyone's father. "it's okay to cry you know. i know i did when i realized i'd never be able to see Clint again. i'm sure he cries a lot even now." he admitted as he held her. offering her all the comfort he could.

Steve sighed. "you where traumatized Tony. and Loki does that sometimes, hole up with a new spell or whatever. he's not usually... you know. you." he teased with a soft smile. because Tony, if he didn't have a good babysitter like Steve or Clint, would waste away like Loki had. Loki had stripped to his boxers and was sitting on the bed, waiting for Tony. he hung his head when Tony chastised him and he swallowed thickly. "i didn't want to have to see you choose him over me." Loki finally whispered. "i couldn't... couldn't stand to be abandoned again, so i thought i would do the abandoning... only i was too scared to leave..." his lip trembled, fighting back tears. "please don't make me leave Tony. i swear i won't ever ask you to help me again, i'll leave you and Steve alone and i won't bother you ever... i don't have anywhere else to go..." Loki had such ingrained abandonment issues even Tony could see them now.
“I know, but it’d be nice to try.”He shrugged a little before sighing, shuddering a little. “That would be nice...but even not...we can still see each other. You gave clint and phil that ability, and if that’s all I have...well I can live with.”Kyra said shuddering a ltitle hating it, but she coudl do it before nodding. “Don’t hurt yourself to help, loki. Rest. We’ll be fine.”She said watching him. Whimpering quietly when phil pulled her into a hug, she shuffled closer pressing close, cuddling, “Cocoa would be good.”She sniffled as she moved to the couch and watched him start to make it. “But you can see clint. You see him alot you know. I know he sleeps on your couch half the time...”She sniffled rubbing a hand over her face.

“Yea, I guess I was.”Tony huffed, amused a little that for once he’d been well taken care of on his science binge while it’d been the usually behaving loki who had wasted away. “Hey!No need to be insulting. I don’t look that bad.”He huffed making a face because he had indeed always been that bad about taking care of himself. Frowning at loki he tilted his head, looking confused. “...What...?”He looked utterly confused before looking pissed, “Did steve say I was leaving you?Did he?”He growled sounding utterly angrily pissed, and having every intention of yelling at his captain for upsetting loki so much. Not realizing loki had assumed it, not that steve had told him
he nodded. "i'll do my best." he promised. "i won't make myself sick." he promised. "i'll make sure you have the spells in place before you go to sleep tonight. you won't be able to touch, but he'll at least be able to be with you, even if other people are there with you." he admitted. Phil smiled as he shook his head. "yes. i do see him a lot. sometimes it hurts more to see him though." he admitted. "you'll see Grant before too long, once Loki stops being stupid he'll have the spell on you too and you can be around Grant all you want." he admitted as he made the Cocoa. "it's hard. being this way. so very hard, but i hang in there, for Clint. because i know someday i'll get this figured out, i'll learn to control it, or figure out how to remove it." he smiled at her. "everything will work out out in the end i'm sure." he promised as he handed her a cup of Cocoa. "besides, Loki's actually been sleeping on the couch lately. Clint typically sleeps int he vent over my bed because he's a creeper."

"oh, don't lie Tony. you're terrible at taking care of yourself." he scoffed, shaking his head. "what?" Loki asked, cowering away from Tony's rage. "no. it wasn't... no. not Steve..." Loki promised, swallowing thickly as he looked away, because he didn't want to admit that Pepper had talked to him. or 'warned' him really that Tony would always leave him because he wasn't good enough for Tony and other various thing that Loki knew to be true.
"....How do you do it?I mean, see him without...I can...'see' him, but it makes my head the DNA cut off my ability to see grant..."She bit her lip because it did indeed kill her. because she hadn't really put it together, but ever since he'd gotten the DNA, her ability to predict what grant was going to be, or be able to see, had been cut off. leaving her without any way to figure out how he'd act, leaving her lost, because it made her feel like she had n oidea how to help him, or do what he needed. "...We'll figure it out. Tony and Loki are still working on it, and bruce and skye. Though Tony's been going a little off the deep end with trying to get a talking thing to work for's not working, and it seems to be driving him insane."Kyra sighed softly before nodding, sipping her cocoa. "...I'm sure it will work. I hope so."She muttered before frowning."...Why is loki sleeping on your couch, and why is clint such a creeper?The vents, really?"

"..."Tony swallowed thickly to keep from lashing out at the man, swallowing hard as he fought to not yell more. "Then what in the hell is this about? I never said I was leaving. Or that steve was going to make me. He said he was fine. Unless he said something..."He frowned. "Wait. Who did say something?"
he shrugged. "i tell myself that someday i'll be able to hold him in my arms without being afraid." he admitted. "because i am afraid." he admitted. "terrified even, that someday i might... succeed." that last word was whispered, giving no illusions about what he meant. he was terrified he was going to wake up one day and find that he had murdered Clint. "i know that someday i can touch him without having to worry about hurting him." he admitted. "we're all working on it." he admitted with a smile. "and we all need to take the time to enjoy life too." he ordered. "so go on dates with Grant, hang out with your friends. the more things feel normal, the more Grant will feel okay. it works well for me, the 'Displays' are less when i'm calm." he admitted. "the more i interact with people without anything bad happening the calmer i am. i even managed a date with Clint the other night. we didn't go anywhere of course, just had a picnic here in the tower, but it was normal." he admitted with a smile. "i don't know why Loki is sleeping on the couch. he's lonely i think." he admitted. "and Clint likes to sleep in enclosed spaces where people can't sneak up on him. and the Vent us much closer than the couch to me."

Loki trembled on the bed as he pulled his legs into his chest and wrapped his arms around them, hiding. something he only did when he was feeling very off kilter, frightened and upset. usually, he only did this when a subspace was going south. "i shouldn't say. you'll be mad at me." Loki whispered, worried that Tony would hurt him if he told. it was a worry he usually had when Tony was angry. he'd had too many Doms who took their anger out on him. logically he knew Tony would never hit him when angry, but Loki wasn't capable of being logical when he was like this. "Tony, you need to calm down. your scaring him." Steve ordered gently, running his hands over Tony's shoulders, soothing him. "what's going on?"
“...I’ll tell him that. It’s very...different. Weird not being able to reassure him, I think I mean...he’s never been able to simply believe.Even when I order him.”She sighed quietly, sipping her cocoa, because the woman hated not being able to predict things, even if it was only a few moments, she hated being totally blind to grant, grant who she’d always known was safe and there, she hated this. “...Okay. I can do that. Help things be normal.”She said already planning a quiet date for her and grant. “Huh. Well, steve was goign to get tony to check on him, so hopefully he’s okay.”She said looking worried before snickering a little. “Your boyfriend’s weird. I wonder if he ever sleeps in tony’s vents?”She giggled a little, the stress releasing in quiet stressed giggles.

Tony swallowed hard watching the other, frowning as he watched him.”Loki, I’m mad someone upset you. Not you. Just tell me.”he said running his hands through his hair, frustrated before yelping a little as steve touched him, swallowing, shoulders relaxing, slumping a little, sinking a little into his own headspace at the sound of the captain gently ordering him. “Someone’s been upsetting loki saying I was leaving him for you. You didn’t say anything did you?”He said sounding annoyed, but not that he really thought steve had now that he’d thought it through. It wasn’t the captain’s way. Stevem ight have had issues with him seeing loki, but he’d never been anything but upfront about it, not sneaking around and hiding it
He nodded. "Grant never really had anything worth fighting for before, no one to trust or believe in besides you and Skye." he admitted. "you can't make someone have faith you know." he admitted. "he has learned from a very early age to trust nothing and no one. faith will grow in time, he's still working on trust right now." he admitted as he sat next to her with his own cup of cocoa. "i think Tony was actually handling the Loki issue when Grant snapped." Phil admitted. "so they're probably working on that again now." he admitted. "Loki really looks like shit. i think he's ill actually." he shook his head. "he does. if he needs to be close to Tony but can't bring himself to bother Tony he'll usually camp in Tony's Lab." he smiled. "he's extremely possessive of that one. he won't let me up in that one." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think he has smut up there or something."

Loki shook his head again, hiding his face in his knees, worried Tony would attack him for saying no, flinching when Tony yelped and peeking at Steve. "what?" Steve demanded, outraged. "i would never!" he protested before wincing as he realized Loki was trembling even more. "fuck..." he muttered, shaking his head as he moved over to Loki and gathered the Godling into his arms, ignoring the way Loki had gone as stiff as a board. "i don't like you, Little Godling. in fact, you annoy the piss out of me. but then again, Tony does too." Steve admitted. "i don't much like Tony most days, especially when he's being stupid and ignoring me because i told him he couldn't have Coffee after his fourth cup." Loki chuckled. that was always fun to watch. "but you need Tony, and Tony needs you. you both match, very well together and i could never make you two stop being together, just like i would never tell Tony to stop sleeping with Clint." Steve promised, pleased when he realized Loki was relaxing in his arms.

"you, me, Tony, we can make this work. but we have to be open with each other. we have to talk things out, even if it leads to screaming fights we need to work on things like this instead of hiding it and hurting all of our feelings. Tony's not going to leave you, we're not going to abandon you." Steve promised, stroking the godlings hair as Loki began to cry, great heaving sobs wracking the frail body. "Pepper. she said Tony would leave me because i was worthless. and a murderer. she said he would send me back to the abyss where i belonged... she said it would only serve me wright, because i was nothing but a whore, use me and then throw me away."
“I know that. It’s just..hard. I mean. I have no faith either, and it’s hard on me to not no he’s just as off as him.”She sighed softly before smiling. “Good. Loki needs handled. And damn. I’d hoped he was okay....sounds like he isn’t.”She sighed quietly looking worried before laughing, “So, so weird. And he does know tony wouldn’t care if he was bothered right?With clint’s luck, he’d probably get dragged in on a project or something.”Kyra snickered before smirking. “It might. I really wouldn’t be surprised considering the lab nest is above tony’s stuff, and we all know he has smut.”

“I know I know.”Tony winced at steve’s anger, sighing softly as he looked at the two, looking startled at steve holding the other, frowning slightly as he moved over and sat down next to him, sitting on the edge of the bed, before frowning. “...What?You don’t like me?”Tony said looking wide eyed and startled, knocked off balance for a moment before twitching, angsting himself now into a corner, he really really needed help...or someone to go back and beat the shit out of howard for inflicting such emotional harm onto his son.

“I’m not going anywhere, godling.”Tony reassured the other, gently stroking loki’s hair before stilling, frowning at the top of the other’s head before swallowing hard, moving to stand up.”Excuse me.”he said ebfore walking out. Within moments clint was poking his head into the room. “Uh, guys, why is Tony suiting up and looking ready to catch things on fire?Do I need to stop him?”
he nodded. "i know. having Faith is hard. but you can trust the people who are working on it. trust Tony, Loki, Bruce. even Thor is taking the problem back to Asgard with him, he's getting smart people up there to look at the designs and see if anyone knows what it is." he admitted. "Loki does need a handler." Phil agreed with a chuckle. "i know, but sometimes Clint wants to be close to people without having to interact with them." he admitted with a smile. "i think that he's possessive of that Nest because it's a place for him and Tony." he admitted. "he has a nest that only i'm allowed into as well." he admitted. "i don't mind. i'm glad he has Tony and Steve to depend on when i can't be trusted." he admitted. "plus, when i'm not so homicidal, i might be allowed in on a threesome with Captain America, how cool would that be?" he asked with an impish grin.

Steve snorted a little. "Tony, no one likes you when your in a mood." Steve admitted. "but we all adore you anyway. and we certainly trust you and love you." he promised, giving the other a deep kiss. "remind me to build a time machine so i can kill Howard." Steve ordered calmly as he nuzzled Tony and pulled him into his arms as well, holding them, cradling them both. "you promise?" Loki whispered, sounding so broken now that he had finally given in and told all. "sure Tony." Steve muttered, watching the other leave, still holding Loki. "...Fuck! Yes! Stop him! he's gonna go beat the shit out of Pepper. Jarvis! Executive override two two three nine Alpha! don't let Tony leave in that suit!" he ordered, Loki looking a bit startled. "and tell him Loki's too fragile for him to go haring off like that!" "hey! i am not!" Loki protested, a rather pathetic protest really.
“I do. Good people.”She agreed, smiling softly, softly smiling, before smiling. “Grant does that to. He’ll go down to the lab to watch Skye work on tony’s computers, or watch me do stuff. It’s reassuring really.”Kyra said sounding amused at the idea before snickering. “It is good he has them. Quite amusing watching tony interact with all of them. Clint, loki and steve, he fusses over clint and loki and is submissive with steve. Fairly adorable really...”she muttered before laughing, looking amused. “Well, of course you’ll get invited. Cause you know tony won’t ever say no to sex, and he knows you have a thing for his captain.”She teased.

“Oh. Well, fine. See if I’m nice to you later.”Tony huffed making a face, hiding his bad reaction as best as he could, groaning as he kissed the other back, before smiling slightly. “I’m fairly certain you wont be the only one going back for that task.”he muttered sighing quietly as he was held, relaxing, before nodding. “I promise.”He muttered. “”Clint said bolting for the lab again even as steve overrode the suit, knowing tony would still be trying to leave shouting over his shoulder.”Do you really want to give tony a reason to leave, instead of staying?”He called back before growling as he ran into the lab, grabbing tony’s arm as the genius tried to pull on his newest suit and get it to fit back on, even as the override command was keeping it from slotting into place, the suit trying to keep off the genius
he nodded. "it is rather nice, just hanging out and knowing they're nearby, content to just watch you do your thing." he agreed with a smile. "it's astonishing that Tony submits to Steve really. i never thought he would ever submit to anyone." he admitted. "and Loki was really surprising. i never imagined he was a purely submissive but he is." he admitted. "it's kind of weird actually." he admitted before he smirked. "i do have a thing for the captain." he admitted with a chuckle. "a shame he's in love with Tony." he admitted with a grin.

Steve grinned at him. "of course your going to be nice to me, i'm going to be sucking your cock later." he pointed out as he grinned at the other. "nope, you don't get to go. just me and Loki, it can be a bonding adventure for us." Loki just snorted before wincing as he realized Tony was really trying to leave. "Tony?... don't leave... please." Loki begged. "you'll get arrested if you attack her and then they'll take you away... please..." Loki pleaded, knowing Jarvis was transmitting him through the Comms into the Lab. "please don't leave me..." Loki pleaded, Steve gently murmuring reassurances to Loki that they wouldn't let Tony leave.
“It is. Very.”Kyra said as she finished her drink, leaning back into the couch with a sigh, for the moment her problems forgotten, simply enjoying talking to him. “it is. But its good for him to. Steve’s good for him. So is loki.”Kyra muttered looking amused before smiling, “It is a shame, but they’re so very good together...besides. I think your archer would have a problem with the captain being a permanant fixture in your sex life.”She pointed out with a smile.

“...maybe.”Tony said smiling a little though, amused. “...Fine. Go bond over that then.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little. Within a few moments tony was back in the room, even if he was still trying to put the gauntlets on, he looked torn and upset. “But she had no right loki!I wont beat her up. I promise. I’ll just yell at her. And deal with this. This was ridciulous!And utterly insane. I don’t get it!”Tony said sounding stressed and oh so confused, because well, his own emotions confused him. Trying to figure out someone else’s motivations and reasons to doing things left him even more confused
he nodded a little. "yes, we're really all good for each other. a lot of the people here in the Tower have family here when they've never had one before. even me." he admitted. "you probably don't know this, but i was an orphan growing up. by the time i was fifteen i was on a bad road headed for worst places. i was in this little gang, the Bleeding Skulls." he admitted. "we where mostly cocain dealers but we dabbled in the sex trade too." he admitted. "Fury found me after a drug deal went south. he adopted me." he admitted, shooting her a grin. "shocking, i know. until i found and took in Clint, Fury was the only family i ever knew. then Clint, and now everyone here. it's... a little frightening actually, having so much love and support." he admitted. "before me, i know Clint had no one he would call Family. Skye too, Grant and Natasha. before us, before the Avengers, before we found ourselves here we had nothing and no one." he admitted, smiling at her. "now we have a very extensive Family. and your right, Clint wouldn't mind once, maybe twice, but he's rather possessive of me." he admitted with a chuckle.

"we will. you watch. i bet Loki knows all kinds of interesting ways to make that man suffer." "...actually... we don't have to go back in time... my Daughter is the queen of the under-lands. the realm of the dead, you know?" Loki muttered. it was the first time he'd ever offered up personal information. well, to people other than Tony anyway. "please... Tony don't leave right now." he pleaded as Steve tugged Tony into his lap, looking amused as Loki clung to him, trembling. "i knew i shouldn't have said anything. now your angry. please don't be angry." Loki pleaded, voice a bare whisper. "Tony... she's angry because you moved on." he explained softly. "she expected you to come crawling back to her by now and you haven't. she figured getting rid of the weakest part of your relationships. which is Loki, would make you go back to her. we'll deal with her together, it wasn't just Loki she hurt, for now, your frightening Loki and he needs you to be calm right now."
“I never had one before. James was the closest it came, and even then....I only saw him a few years growing up, training, then I was gone again.”She sighed softly before tilting her head, eyes widening at that. “No, I didn’t know that. Does tony know that? I think he’d stop teasing you for being such a...a agent all the time.”She teased a little before smiling. “It is a little frightening. I don’t want to trust it...I mean...its not easy to believe.”She smiled a little glad he understood before laughing a little. “He is very possessive.”

“I’m sure he does.”Tony said rolling his eyes before looking startled that loki was offering information. Pressing a kiss ot loki’s promise in praise. “I know. And I’ve told you its not worth it.”Tony muttered sighing softly before letting the iron man suit settle onto the floor as he shifted to sit closer to steve, sulking at not being able to leave, taking a deep breath. “I’m not angry with you, Loki. I promise. Pepper’s just confusing me, and it’s making me angry.”Tony said sounding utterly at a loss closing his eyes as he struggled to calm and not frighten loki, trembling a little, hating that he wasn’t able to be calmer, hating that he was upseting the other and frightening him. “Well, he’s not the weakest link. She should have known I’m the weakest link in any relationship I have.”Tony muttered calming slowly as he slumped back into the bed.
he nodded. "people like us? we knew only ourselves for so long that it's very hard to have trust in others. but that will come with time." he promised kissing her forehead. "and no. Tony doesn't know that. no one does actually. it's not something i really like to talk about too much." he admitted. "besides, Tony has to tease me about something or his head will explode. i'm proud of being 'super agent'." he admitted with a smile. "i'm good at it." he admitted. "yeah. it's frightening to trust so many people when you've never been able to trust people before. but it really is okay to be scared." he promised her with a smile. "everyone scared of family, even the well adjusted ones."

Loki smiled at the kiss, he loved getting 'praise kisses'. "of course it's worth it." Loki mumbled before snuggling into Tony, nodding as he was promised that Tony wasn't angry with him. didn't make him feel too much better but he was sure Steve would protect him if Toy started swinging. not that he thought Tony would, but some lessons where too hard learned to be forgotten even with the people you trusted most. "Tony. that's not true." Steve stated, catching Tony's chin. "your the strongest link in my life. your the only reason why i didn't try again." he was referencing his attempts to kill himself. "your the reason i get out of bed, the reason i live, the reason i'm happy and i'll fuck up anyone who tries to claim your the weakest link in my relationship with you, including you yourself, got that?" he demanded with a smile. "your stronger than you might think, and i won't let Pepper fucking Potts risk Loki's sanity and my life just because she's a jealous Cunt." "mewling Quim." Loki muttered, making Steve chuckle. "...can i plant spiders in her hair?" Loki asked hopefully. proving that he was, at least, feeling better if he was planning mischief.
“It will....I’m just worried for grant. He’s so very...he doesn’ well without orders. Just how bad is this thing going to mess him up?I mean, if he’s like this, how badly is it going to screw him up in trusting himself?He had just started to make decisions for his own...”She sighed quietly before grinning a little. “You are super agent. It amuses me when tony blames something weird or odd happening to him on you and your super agentness.”She snickered a little before swallowing hard, nodding. “Its okay...we’ll be okay.”She sighed quietly, closing her eyes. She could do this.

Tony yelped a little as steve caught his chin, looking up at him, eyes wide and tearful as he watched the other. “...Yes it is. I’m not...I’m not all that Steve. Really. I know just how screwed up I am, I’m not the one thats the strongest here...”Tony muttered sighing quietly, wiping his eyes, to emotional by everything to not be crying, biting his lip a little as he considered the other, before smilign slightly at the good captain insulting pepper. It was amusing. “...Never thought she’d go this far actually...”he muttered before laughing at loki’s words, nodding. “You can....I think I’m going to invite her to new york actually...”He said not sounding sure, but wanting to, and planning mischief.
Phil nodded. "he's broken, but he's getting better. he actually decided what he wanted for breakfast this morning and made it without asking permission first." he admitted with a smile before sighing. "it's going to mess with him, but he'll get better again the longer you don't hate him. i was pretty bad for a long while. it was only thanks to May that i stayed together so much when i didn't trust myself at all." he admitted. "the longer she believed in me the more faith i found in myself." he admitted with a smile. "this is a setback, yes. but it's not a failure and it's not a loss." he promised her before he smirked. "everything odd that happens to Tony IS my fault." he bragged with a grin as he patted her hand. "it will be okay." he agreed. "you should rest for a bit. i'll wake you up if Grant wakes up before you do." he promised.

"Tony. just because your screwed up and broken doesn't mean your not strong. it takes a strong man to put together a man whose suicidal. it takes a strong man to risk his life to save the world. it takes a strong, strong man to stay here with us when he wants to go and protect someone he loves." he admitted. "never underestimate your strength Tony." he ordered. "i have big muscles, but i'm not the strong one here." he admitted with a smile as he kissed the other. "i'm a bit surprised she did too." he admitted. "oh? are we inviting Pepper in?" he asked with a smirk as he stroked the tense Loki's hair. "are we going to make her suffer a little for this?"
“Really?That’s awesome.”she grinned, so happy to hear it. Even more so because she’d been still in bed when he’d done it, so he really had made the decision to get up and get something to eat. Biting her lip as she swallowed, looking down before nodding. “I don’t hate him. I’m scared for him, not of him.”Kyra said before sighing, before laughing. “Well, don’t tell him that. You’ll make tony even more paranoid then he already is.”she snickered before nodding. “Okay.”She said handing him her empty mug, to tired to argue as she shifted snuggling down into the couch and drawing the blanket over her, quite content to trust him to protect her and make things were still safe, and that if grant needed her, she’d be there.

“...Okay. I guess...”he swallowed hard staring down at the covers, swallowing thickly. Because he didn’t believe that he was strong, but he wasn’t willing to argue about it, when he knew steve believed it. And for a few moments in time, he could believe it to. And it was worth letting steve believe what tony viewed as a lie, to be able to believe it about himself for a few moments. Moaning quietly as he kissed the other he smiled softly as he looked at the other two, he nodded slowly. “We are. She’s probably thinking I’ll be calling her soon to beg her to come back...which is what I’m going to do. But not for the reasons she thinks.”He smirked. “And we will. It’ll be fun.”He muttered stroking loki’s hair
he grinned. "yeah. we actually all stayed out of the kitchen because we didn't want to spook him." he admitted before smiling at her. "yes, i know that. but he doesn't. he did just try to kill you after all, he'll be certain you hate him, or are afraid of him." he admitted. "you'll just have to prove him wrong." he admitted with a smile. "that's the plan, of course." he admitted with a wink. "he outbid me on an authentic WWII We Want You, Captain America War Bonds poster. the little rat." he grumbled. "i have to make him pay somehow." he admitted with a chuckle as he let her get comfortable, sitting in an armchair nearby with a book so he could watch over her and still hear news of Grant.

Steve smiled at him, knowing Tony didn't believe him all the way yet, but that was okay. Steve would work on it. "so. we make her believe Loki left and your all torn up about it and what, i left because i think you love Loki more than me or something? we can't just have her in here, most of the tower is going to want her dead when hey find out she hurt Loki like this. i mean christ, look at him! and you know we won't be able to keep it a secret." he admitted. "Clint's a blabbermouth and even he can connect the dots."
“That’s adorable.”She said looking amused at hte idea of them staying away to keep from spooking grant, before sighing softly. Nodding, “I know. And I wont. I could never hate him...afraid yes, some. But soon I know loki will have the spell, to keep us both from getting hurt. So it’s okay.”She smiled before laughing, shaking her head. “You could just ask him for it. You know he’d probably give it to you for a gift, just a ‘glad your alive’ sort of fthing.”She giggled a little as she fell asleep.

“Yes, yes that’s exactly what we’re going to make her believe....and we’re not telling the rest of the tower yet. CLint can keep his mouth shut if we give him a reason to. And telling him why he needs to, will do that. He’s going to be angry at her for messing with loki, that’s going to make all of them want to get her back....we can keep it a secret for a bit. At least, the real reason she’s here. I’ll tell them after.”tony sighed softly, frowning. “We’ll tell everyone she’s hurt to do stuff for SI that had to be done in person. She’s usually here every few months anyways, just to check in and give me work to do. It’ll be easy enough to convince her to bring work with her, when she’s going to be super excited about ‘getting back together’.”Tony said shuddering at the idea, disliking the idea of even for a moment pretending to want to get back together.
he grinned a little. "i know. we where all too worried he'd stop, or worse get scared if we went in, so we didn't." he admitted. "i know." he promised her. "Loki's just a little ill i'm sure. he looks like shit. probably a flu bug." he admitted. "i don't want to ask him for it, i want him to suffer for stealing it from me." he complained with a sniff.

Steve smirked a little. "are you gonna fuck her?" he asked, looking amused. "because if you do, i want you to record it so i can watch. angry Tony sex is always worth watching." Steve admitted, Loki nodding his agreement. personally neither really cared who Tony slept with, they knew he was a horny shit. they wouldn't do anything to nip that in the bud when they loved watching him fuck people so much. they where really rather well suited. "i'll make sure to tell him it's a secrete right now then." Steve decided before blinking as Loki tightened his hold on the man. "write a letter, i'll send a shadow to deliver it." Loki promised. "what are we going to do to her once she's here? we can't hurt her Tony we'll get in trouble, you know she'll raise a fit about you being abusive or some awful shit. especially when we do pain play so often." he admitted, stroking the welts on Tony's back with a grin. "i like it when Tony hits me." Loki agreed, he was half asleep.
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