In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

Natasha smiled evilly as she looked at her boyfriend, “Can I pay you in blow jobs?”She muttered refering to their bet that pepper would actually get sick at hearing everything that had been going on. Amused as she looked up at james, leaning into him a little before sighing quietly,tensing as she watched loki. Worried for him. “Come here.”Tony ordered glancing towards the door to make sure pepper wasn’t coming back before shifting to wrap a arm around loki, drawing him into his side, before pushing the man around until he was sitting between him and steve, cuddling him, before pressing a kiss to his head. “You don’t have to if you’re not ready.”He muttered concerned loki was pushing himself. “Then we’re more then ready to be here for you.You’ve listened to us have problems, and helped us carry the burden. Its our turn.”Kyra said her eyes soft with sympathy and worry as she watched loki, the look on her, natasha and skye’s features almost identical, surprise and shock at being counted as among the people loki trusted.
James snorted. "no you can't you slut." he scoffed. "that's not a proper payment, considering you can't keep your mouth off my dick anyway." they had an odd relationship. "Jarvis? let us know if Pepper heads this way, okay?" James demanded, the AI agreeing while Loki snuggled into Tony and Steve, the Super Soldier wrapping his arm around Loki. "i need to. i know you all think about it. wonder about it. i'd rather... you know the truth." he admitted before smiling at Skye, amused by her reaction. "the Chitauri are not a... race..." he admitted. "they are an.. infestation, really. like... parasites." he admitted. "they go from world to world. infesting the planet, destroying everything." he admitted. "they don't take prisoners. they... they do worse. the only people they leave alive are..." he swallowed thickly. "they can't.. breed, on their own. they have to impregnate other races." he admitted. "the process is... extremely unpleasant. most only survive giving birth to their maggots once." Loki admitted, closing his eyes. "they came into Yggdrasil. the nine realms looking for a weak target so they could take a foothold here. in order to.... insure the compliance of one who would... know the weakest target they kidnapped three young half Aeser while they where searchign the Abyss for me. my sons." he admitted, shuddering. "while each was born of a different Father, they where my life." he admitted, voice trembling now.

"the Chitauri swore that if i complied, they would let my sons go despite their good breeding stock. an Aeser, even a half Aeser can give birth to five or six broods before they die from it. as strong as my sons where, they could have given birth to a dozen or more broods. but what's one Broodmare to a dozen?" he asked, voice choked with horror. "i knew the stories my brother had told me of Earth and the strength they had so i pointed the Chitauri here, hoping that somehow... the earthlings might be able to protect themselves. win somehow. but they didn't want me to just lead the way. they wanted me to ensure victory. how could i do anything less when my sons lives where at stake? to be raped to death by Chitauri scum, or be torn apart by Chitauri Maggots?" he was trembling now. "i even showed Dr. Selvig a way to build in a fail safe to make sure there was a way to cut off the connection if i could only just get my sons away..." his lip trembled. "when i was sent home, to 'suffer my crimes' Odin realized what had happened and sent search parties to find my sons in the Abyss but..." he shook his head. "the Chitauri had already raped them to death before i even landed on earth." he admitted softly. damn. no wonder he had so many issues. four kids, whose fathers abandoned him and then to loose all three of his sons in one go. ouch. no wonder Odin had never really punished Loki.
“I can to. I’m not blowing you for days now, just to prove a point.”Natasha huffed. So, so odd really. Tony frowned, knowing he wanted to know, but this was going to be bad. Shifting, he pressed a kiss to loki’s hair, tensing as he realized what had happened. Holding onto him tighter, shifting, putting them both into the circle of steve’s arms, knowing he’d protect them both as tony cried silently for the other’s pain. This...this he couldn’t fix. Closing his eyes as he listened, he glanced up at the furious sounds that filled the room, watching the avengers reacting to the news and pain, snarling anger that only needed a target. Knowing that if any of the woman snarling angrily at each other in a effort to cage some of the rage, thought to turn on pepper, it was game over. There’d be nothing he could do to stop any of them from ripping her apart for hurting loki after he’d done so much.

“So glad I blew them up. It was a epic explosion.”Tony muttered into loki’s hair, closing his eyes as he tried to calm himself, knowing this was going to be bad, but knowing they could handle it. They’d be okay. “...Loki?Thank you.for telling us. For trusting us.”Kyra said squirming around the table to kneel at his side, offering a small sad smile, tensing, worried about grant’s reaction, but needing to do this.”Can I hug you?”She asked quietly, afraid grant woudl react to her showing affection for someone else, but needing to offer despite her worry.
he smirked. "go for it." he shrugged, knowing she couldn't do it. and even if she could, he didn't mind. his libido was only active for as long as she was offering really. Loki was crying now as he told his story, silent tears trailing down his face. "i'm just glad i was right." Loki admitted softly. "glad that you destroyed them. most of them anyway." he admitted. "my son's didn't die in vain. the Chitauri didn't win and that... that matters a lot to me." he admitted softly. "more than you could ever know." he admitted. "it was an epic explosion." Loki admitted with a smile as he sniffled and pulled a hankey out of his pocket and wiped his eyes. "i figure you guys deserved to know. i didn't... i wanted... i didn't want you to think i did it just because or something... and... and it's right for you to know that you didn't murder anything that didn't deserve to be exterminated or something." he admitted. "i... okay." Loki agreed softly as he wrapped his arms around Kyra, just holding her as he closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort as the others all gathered around, giving him a hug. even James. because if anyone deserved a hug, it was him. "thank you. for letting me stay here." Loki admitted as he wiped his eyes. "i know it wasn't easy for you, i appreciate it so much." he admitted, chuckling as Grant practically glomped him. "i think i'm going to go to bed now... i'm tired." Loki admitted softly.
“No, they didn’t. We blew them up, Loki. We won, and avenged them all. Like I said, we had a hulk. It didn’t matter you had a army.”Tony muttered teasing him a little, sounding strained and utterly having no idea how to help. “Awesome.”Kyra smiled as she hugged him, laughing softly as it became a group hug. “Well, beyond amazing sex, you’re a fairly likable guy you know. Glad to have you here.”Tony teased a little smiling a little, snickering as grant pretty much glomped the other. Looking up at steve, he nudged him. “Go with him. I’m fine. He needs someone to cuddle while he sleeps.”Tony muttered not wanting to leave loki alone, even if he was bunking in clint and phil’s rooms/
Loki smiled. "we did win." he agreed with a nod. "and. you know... i don't even mind that Hulk turned me into a paste." he admitted with a chuckle as he let them all hug him. he felt so warm, so loved, so... welcome. like he finally had a Family he could truly be proud of. not that he hadn't always been proud of his sons and his daughter, they had loved him just as much as he'd loved them. but this. this was the family he'd always wanted growing up. "i do have fairly amazing sex don't i?" Loki asked with a trembly sort of smile. "alright." Steve agreed, scooping Loki up, ignoring the Godling's protests that he was neither a baby nor a weak damsel. "calm down. you're going to make yourself look like someone else and in the morning pretend you where my one night stand." Steve teased. "then me and Toy will stage another epic fight. it'll be fun." Loki chuckled and nodded as he made himself look like a Tony substitute, winking at Tony. the face was only just different enough that they couldn't be called twins, but similar enough that if Tony and Steve where fighting it would have wigged Tony out.
“You do. Sort of addicting really.”Tony teased smiling a little looking relieved that the two men he loved were going to be looking after each other. Eyes widening as he realized what loki had done. “We’re totally going to have a fight over this one night stand, Cap. This is wrong for a man who tastes like apple pie!”Tony yelled after him, snickering though. “You are so weird.”Natasha rolled his eyes as they all headed for bed, knowing the morning’s fight was going to be interesting.

Pepper looked up startled in the morning as she heard before saw the two men arguing, wincing a little as she realized they were once again yelling in german, but glancing at the man walking in with him, she guessed they were arguing about steve’s sex life. “UH, gyus?You want breakfast?”She offered, hoping to break up the fight before it woke the whole tower.
"good. i should be addicting. i am a God after all." Loki admitted with a smirk as Cap snickered at Tony. "i'll even really fuck him! then you can have revenge sex with me!" he teased with a laugh as Loki sniggered, feeling so much better now that he had told them. "and Stop saying i taste like Apple Pie! OUCH! Loki! what the fuck! no biting!" "i wanted to see if you really did taste like apple pie!" Loki protested with a smirk.

in the morning Steve was screaming at Tony that he hadn't actually fucked Loki because the man had been too tired, but that they had enjoyed a nice blowjob and that there was one waiting for him as soon as this fight was done. "i would." Loki admitted to her, watching the fight curiously. "i have a flight in two hours, can i get something to go?" he asked, blinking at her, his voice thick with an accent that she might place as Austrian. "Steve! it was nice... meeting you." Loki purred with a grin. "call me if your ever in Austria, yeah?" he offered with a grin as he sauntered away, wincing as he realized he's just made the 'argument' escalate. "sorry. i didn't know i was going to cause problems." he admitted, which was a lie, but Pepper didn't need to know that.
“Ha!I’m totally having revenge sex with you.”Tny snickered a little before laughing harder as steve was bitten.”He does. And american dreams.”Tony snickered amused.

Tony growled yelling back that it was stupid that he’d brought a look alitke home simply just to fuck and make tony jealous, not to mention weirded out. “You can. There’s some toast and eggs. You could take that.”Pepper said as he got up to make some food before wincing as the fight escalated even more. “its okay...they were going to argue all day know matter what.”Pepper sighed tiredly getting up to get the other two’s attention. “Steve!Tony. Sit eat. Now. Then try to talk to each other. This isn’t helping anyone.”She said reasonably, watching the two fight.
Steve glared at him, snarling that he wasn't a look alike! that Tony was seeing things and trying to make it personal because he was a jealous little bastard. his eyes glittering with laughter as he basically flirted with Tony right in front of Pepper's face. "Toast and Eggs would be perfect." Loki agreed as he watched the fight, his head tilted curiously. "very passionate. they'd be better off if they just admitted they where in love with each other." he agreed, mostly to fuck with Pepper's head. because Steve and Tony had already admitted that. mostly. Steve glared at Pepper so furiously she might have burst into flames before turning on his heal and leaving as Loki, who had never offered a 'fake name' accepted his egg on toast, kissed pepper's cheek, offered her 'thanks babe' and 'left', heading for Phil and Clint's room and adopting his Liam appearance. Grant was the first person in the kitchen after the fight, taking Tony's hand and leading him out of the room, signing that they where going to go have some 'fun time'. he intended on kicking Tony's ass in the sparring ring, but she would see him return flushed and sweating. lending to the illusion that they'd just had sex.
Indeed by the day was done pepper was convinced he was sleeping with everyone in the tower. Glaring as she walked into the lab she stared at the genius hovering close to kyra as he fitted the earpiece into her ear, lips hovering close as he made sure it was placed just so."tony! What are you doing? I thought you weren't going to sleep with any of your team,and here you are screwing all of it!" Tony looked up from where he was helping kyra frowning a little."what?I'm not sleeping with any of them." "Yes you are!multiple times today."pepper yelled looking annoyed. "No he's not."kyra 'said' the mechanical voice slightly off but making both genius and assassin crow in happiness that it was working. "What?"pepper stared."I'm not sleeping with any of them. Go ask. I'm hurt you'd think that."tony said giving her that wounded puppy stare until she left before cracking up knowing she was going to go talk to the team to see if he'd been lying or not.
Liam was with them as they worked on Grant's speaking mechanism. he cringed away from Pepper when she stormed in and scuttled out of the way, acting just like the abused godling he was pretending to be, timid of shows of temper. not to mention Pepper scared the piss out of Loki to begin with. he would have cheered at the victory of mechanical genius as well, he hadn't had to magic Tony's device at all. he'd just helped with the wiring a little. Grant started at her when she asked him and signed that they'd sparred that morning. it was important for his physical recovery to have exercise everyday and Tony was the only partner who didn't kick his ass. Clint stared at her like she was stupid and reported that just because he liked to cuddle with Tony when he was upset didn't mean he was fucking the genius, and that if she ever indicated he would ever cheat on Phil again he'd gut her. Phil just laughed in her face. as if he'd ever touch Tony Stark. ever. James just sneered at her and told her that what he taught Tony in the privacy of his rooms was his own business. ignoring that Natasha explained that James was teaching Tony how to play the violin. which was true. Liam just stayed silent when she spoke to him, hunched up and staring at his shoes until Phil rescued him, stating that she wasn't to ever speak to Liam in that tone of voice ever again or he'd make sure she couldn't speak to anyone ever again before gently easing Liam into the safety of his rooms. all in all, Pepper was well told off by pretty much everyone.
Tony was nearly dying of laughter as he watched everyone turn on Pepper, before walking into the living room, quiet and sober, tilting his head.”Pepper, I think you better go. It seems you can’t help but piss off everyone in my life, and I don’t want things to be this way.” “But tony- I love you. I want to be here.” “No you don’t. You just don’t want me to be happy. Which I am, even if I’m fighting with them as much as I’m simply talking to them.”Tony said sounding tired and worn out simply by being in the woman’s company, two days there, and the genius was utterly exhausted. “...Tony, I love you.” “You love the idea of me. Go, pepper. You’ve done enough damage with telling Loki what you did. Just go.” “What?I didn’t-?”Pepper stared at the genius, who looked so utterly exhausted as she tried to protest, before realizing she couldn’t.”Tony...” “No. You drove him away, and if he hurts himself before I can find him, let it be on your head. This is my home.Go.”He said slumping down onto the couch tiredly, closing his eyes simply listening to her stare at him before leaving.
"i'll be seeing you out." Clint informed her, sounding angry as he stared at her. "you and i need to have words about the way you treat Tony anyway." he admitted, gripping her arm as he forced her out of the room, hissing at her that she was treating Tony like an object and was doing little more than verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusing him. then he tore into her about hurting a man, Loki, who had already lost everything he'd ever held dear and that if she ever interfered in what went on in this tower again he would kill her, no matter how upset Tony would get if they killed her. he told her she was damn lucky Grant and Phil had never found out about her being the reason why Loki had left or she'd be dead already.

upstairs Steve and Loki both settled on either side of Tony and snuggled up to him, both of them sighing, relieved to have Pepper out of the tower. that had been long and entirely too much. it had been entertaining the first day, playing jokes and pranks on her but after that she just got more and more shrill and demanding. "we should have kicked her out yesterday, ugh." Loki grumbled as he melted back into his own appearance.
By the time pepper got on her plane, she was utterly frightened and scared, and having every intention of staying far away from the people in the tower.

“We should have.”Tony muttered closing his eyes, resting his head on steve’s shoulder, sighing quietly. This was tearing him apart, this was so hard on him. “...Did I do this?I mean, make pepper like this?”he said looking worried and hurting, raising his head to look at the other, biting his lip a little.
Loki shook his head. "of course not." he scoffed. "People don't just suddenly become like that Tony." Steve agreed. "she's been that way since before she ever even met you. Jarvis hacked her school records. she's been bossy, overbearing and verbally manipulative since elementary school." he admitted. "you know, she was expelled from three different middle schools for instigating fist fights?" he asked, looking amused. "she is the way she is because she is that way, nothing more, nothing less." he promised Tony. "besides, you make all the people in this tower feel like people even when we're not." Loki admitted with a smile. "by the way... i've made headway in the star charts." "what!? seriously?!" "yeah." Loki admitted looking quite pleased. "it was Grant's that made it work. it's literally, a star chart. but it's from all the nine realms, which is why each set of drawings is different." he admitted. "it's leading to a specific world outside of the Nine Realms."
“...Oh. I know. But...Everyone’s like that around me. At least before you guys showed up.”Tony muttered frowning a little before sighing quietly. “No, I didn’t know that.”he muttered sighing softly, before raising his head to look at the other,”What?Of course you’re people. Stop being riddculous.”tony huffed before his eyes widened, staring at loki. “What?”He sputtered before frowning. “How can a world be out of the realms?What kind of people would they be?”He said sounding worried.
he smiled. "that's because all the people around you where chosen by Pepper or Howard." Steve pointed out with a snort and a shake of his head. "technically. i'm a Frost Giant." Loki pointed out with a smirk. "and i highly doubt Bruce sees himself as a person." he admitted. "we're not all human Tony, but you make us feel as if we are. and that means a lot." he admitted with a smile before he smiled at Tony. "Yggdrasil, the Nine realms, is just that. nine realms. these are the closest livable realms who are all interconnected through various dark energy paths. not unlike a tree, which is why this part of the universe is known as the Nine Realms. we are, literally, a small cluster of life in a very, very large sea. not unlike seeing a single coral reef in all the worlds oceans. the Chitauri for example, originated int he realms of Foothai. the Dead realms because they destroyed everything and the once hospitable lands are now dead." he explained. "there are over fifty three known 'clusters' where our Alien could have originated from." he admitted. "i'll need the Star Charts from home before i can be sure, but i am fairly sure that the star maps that Grant and Phil are carving are pointing to one of five realms that are in the..." he paused, thought hard and then. "i suppose you would see those stars as the Big Dipper. you can't see the light of those realms yet, but that's the direction they lay in." he admitted. "most of the life you come across that far out are very, very old." he admitted. "the Kreya for example have been intelligent since before Asgard was even a planet." he admitted. "they are vastly superior, but are extremely peaceful. they find even a raised voice to be abhorrent and speak in soft tones, even when they are angry." Loki admitted with a smile. "and then you have the Morathgul. who live their lives in a constant state of war, fighting amidst each other for the right to rule their peers and such. like humans, every race is different, and can be good or evil individually."
"Oh...that makes sense."Tony said thoughtfully before makign a face at loki. "That doesn't count. If we were going to breat things down like that, Steve's simply a super soldier, and our resident assasins, simply that, assassins."Tony frowned before looking utterly enthralled at the idea of the aliens and the world. "You know, you might want to take his toys away, otherwise he might want to go flying to the stars in his suit."Kyra said laughing quietly as she walked in with Grant, "Tony, you have a present for grant."She said intending on distracting the genius from being to traumatized by pepper. "Oh!I do. Here."Tony said looking nervous as he got the box that held grant's speech gadget, holding it out towards the man, both bracelet and small earring, the earring the scanner, and the speaker built into the bracelets kyra had given grant nearly a month before. Perfect since he never took the bracelets off.
Loki smirked. "bu don't you see Tony? that's how all of us where seen before now. Steve was only a Super Soldier, i was only a Jotun Monster, Natasha and Clint where only cold blooded murderers. that's all we where to the people around us." Loki admitted. "you made us people again." he admitted with a smile. "oh, it would take Tony about 3.5 billion years to get to the closest realm using Earths current technology." he admitted. "better if i take you myself using the Dark Energy trails." he admitted with a grin as Grant blinked, his head cocked as he realized he had a present. he looked a bit confused at the equipment in his hands, looking up at Tony after letting Loki pierce his ear for explanation. which was showing a hell of a lot of trust in Tony being as he had the earring in his ear before he asked for an explanation.
“...Well. You made me someone again to.”Tony muttered before sulking at the idea of it taking that long. “I could totally get places on my-you’d take me?”Tony stopped turning to look at grant, mouth falling open, grinning at the idea of going, looking like a kid who’d been given the world’s best present. “Not yet tony. Maybe for your birthday.”Kyra teased amused that he looked ready to demand a trip right in that moment before focusing on her boyfriend, smirking a little that he trusted tony enough to let him put the earring in before asking for a explanation. “You put that much trust in him, you’re going to find yourself as his guinea pig more often.”Kyra said before laughing quietly, delightedly, as grant’s answer came, not in the coldly mechanical sounding voice, but in grant’s own voice, jarvis having been able to mimic the tone so well.
Steve smiled and nodded. "everyone is a person here." he agreed. "of course i'll take you." Loki promised with a smile. "i'll take you to meet my daughter." he offered. "to start with." he admitted with a grin. "i'll have to ask permission to take you to Asgard since technically i'm not allowed to be up there." he admitted with a chuckle. "honestly, i'm glad Odin made me stay here." he admitted as he leaned against the other with a smile. "Hey, I'd rather trust Tony than James... Holy shit i thought that and it came out as words! i can talk! this is awesome! no i don't want an overly technical explanation that i'll daydream through... i didn't mean to say that..." Steve laughed a little and shook his head. Grant was going to have to work on 'speaking' and thinking.
“Awesome!And I don’t know about that....I mean, what if she doesn’t like me?”Tony muttered looking upset at thet idea of meeting hel. Not because he didn’t want to, but he didn’t want to upset loki by having his daughter not like him, unwilling to upset the other for anything.And self hating just enough to know that others wouldn’t accept him easily. “Yea, I think everyone would trust Tony over james.”Kyra laughed grinning as she nodded, “You can.” “and it’s a amazing explanation though. You sure you don’t want to hear?”Tony pouted at the man cutting him off before he could even get started before laughing. “you’ll have to work, it’ll adapt to you, so you’ll have to ‘speak’ to it and to think separately. It’ll take time till it does, but it will fit itself to work for just you.”Tony grinned looking quite pleased with himself, for the moment pepper forgotten.
Loki chuckled. "you make me happy. she'll love you. you blew up the Chitauri, she'll love you even more, your not dumb, dead, or scared of her. your not going to try and rape her or accuse her of trying to kill someone. trust me, you'll be fine." he promised. "exactly, James still scares me to death." Grant admitted with a grin, lips not moving but voice carrying easily. "oh i could have a shit ton of fun with this. think of the ventriloquism! and the pranks! and no thank you, i already had to listen to Bruce try and explain why his Crow is actually a Raven and why it can talk." Grant shook his head. "i still don't get it." he admitted before he offered them all apologetic looks. "i'm very sorry, but it has to be said. Tony Stark is the most brilliant man in the world!"
“...You’re making me sound better then I am. She’s not going to like me.”Tony said determined because really, he really, really he was worried about hel liking him. Grinning as grant ‘spoke’. “This is sorta creepy, even if its great. I mean, I can hear him without his lips moving.”Tony said grinning, to happy about having gotten it to actually work that he was okay with skipping out on the explanation on how it worked. “What needs said?”Tony said looking interested before laughing, grinning. “Ha!I’m buying a tv slot, so you can say that on national tv, and all the stupid other people. Namely. Reed. Osborn. Xavier. I’m amazing, tehy need to know it.”Tony said so excited, not only because grant could talk, but with this tech, he could help other people to. It was going to be a good day for him, because it was just another step away from the man he’d once been
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