In Plain Sight (moon/lady)

"You have a thing for stubborn women dont you?skye,may...and left them with a desire to hurt you. Despite you're earlier words,I'm doubting your skills at sex."she mused shaking her head a little flirting, teasing him. But for some reason,for her,it had never progressed further then that"still doesnt make me feel better."she muttered hating she hadnt thought that something had been really wrong before frowning a little." is that even possible?I mean,he was involved in some pretty big operations...the avengers dont know?"she looked startled at the idea before nodding already mentally preparing for what they'd face. For the most part,more worried about the avengers then coulson for the moment "I'd be more worried about Rogers' reaction to james, then your teams."she pointed out as she drove through new york looking worried the closer they got to the tower not sure what to expect.

"He is...and said that h3 was going to ground. Regrouping. Leaving shield."skye said looking utterly helpeless and feeling it, hating she couldn't explain what was going on with shield without outting coulson. And she wouldnt do that,not without permission. Hoping her team showed up with directions on how to handle this."no..grant did. And kyra. Rumors were flying when we left,but he stayed out of sight."natasha said looking worried about where this was going to go,if james really had returned to hydra of his own free will.
he grinned. "i like Dangerous ladies." he admitted with a shrug. "that's all i have to say on the matter." he admitted with a grin. "besides, me and Skye never fucked, just a kiss. and she loved it." he huffed, pouting before he smiled at her. "and even if you had known, had suspected, what could you have done about it?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i don't know. you have to remember, the Avengers are in a separate organization entirely. they operate outside of government ties, which is why they are Earth's mightiest Heroes, and not America's greatest heroes." he pointed out. "besides, Phil has been actively hiding himself from them, why? i don't know." he admitted before grimacing at the mention of Steve Rogers. "it's... going to go badly. just. if he starts hitting me, don't get involved." James ordered as Stark Tower came into view.

"...he. left Shield?!" Steve demanded, looking confused. "if he left Shield then who the hell is running it!?" he demanded before brightening. "it must be Agent Hill." he decided before he hesitated. "are you sure he wasn't just... getting you out of the way?" Steve asked. "you said that Grant was a prisoner, before this mission. are you sure he didn't just make you leave so he could rejoin Hydra without having to worry about you causing problems for him?" he asked before looking up as Jarvis piped up. "Sir. there is an unknown Car asking permission to enter the building."
“I’m sure she did. If your a virgin, any kiss is amazing.”Kyra said smirking at him before nodding a little. “Very true. They’re separated. I’m sure there’s a reason.”he frowned a little thoughtful before sighing quietly, “I’ll get involved if it’s to much. OKay. Let’s do this.”she said swallowing thickly. Nervous about this.

“He did.”Skye said looking anxious, worried. “...I...I can’t tell you.” “What do you mean, you can’t tell us?”Natasha said looking annoyed. “I...I was told not to. At least, not without the Director here.”Skye said biting her lip before frowning. “I...I don’t know.” “No. He was geniunely in awe of the Soldier. I don’t think he could have faked that much emotion over his presence.”Natasha said after a moment, “WEll, that’s got to be your ride home. Let them in the garage, we’ll be right down.”Tony said as he picked up a few gadgets, handing steve his shield as they headed downstairs, pausing at the door at the sight of not only grant waiting for them, but kyra cruel and james barnes.
he snorted. "Skye isn't a virgin." he scoffed. "i'm just that good." he admitted with a sniff. "...yep. let's do this." he agreed as he rolled down his window, pressed the call button and asked for permission to enter. he smiled, strained as they where allowed in and he slipped out of the car, James following him, looking around. "damn. this is impressive."

Steve stared at her for a long moment and then. "it's alright. i think the Director is watching us. didn't she claim to have Stark Tech?" he asked, gently opening Skye's eye, examining the contact lens. "either he'll show up. or we'll keep her." he decided. "i'm not about to follow the orders of someone i don't know." he admitted. "it's in no way anything against you." he assured her before lifting an eyebrow. "i'm a bit concerned about someone who is in 'awe' over a madman assassin who nearly destroyed all of D.C." he admitted, not about to admit to a total stranger that the Winter Soldier was an old friend who he hoped to recover. it was killing him that he might not be able to recover his best friend. his big brother. he picked up the Shield and headed down, blinking at the sight of Grant, Kyra and... James. "...yo." James greeted. "we blew up the building." Grant admitted. "and i blew my brothers brains out. so. don't have anywhere else to go." Grant admitted as he examined Skye.
Skye swallowed before nodding, as she let him examine the contacts, eyes widening slightly as natasha and clint removed their own contacts.”Yea. We do.”He said before nodding. “I know its not. And considering what’s going on, I understand.”She smiled slightly though she wasn’t so sure phil would actually come, not with them not even knowing he was still alive, had been for months. “Me to. He’s a little odd and creepy.”Skye said making a face. “You’re only saying that cause you don’t want to admit still wanting him.”Clint snickered as they headed downstairs, staring. “...Yo?that’s how you explain this?”Skye sputtered staring at the three. “Yea. Well, I wish I could claim the explosion messed up his brain or something, but its not. There is no excuse for his idiocy.” “....And you three just came here?” “Barton invited Grant. We just extended the invite to us to."
Steve glanced at Skye's earring. "i need to have a word with your superiors about using Stark Tech too." he admitted with a huff before he smiled at her. "in our defense, if he doesn't show up after a select number of weeks, we're probably going to let you go." he admitted. "Grant Ward. he does come off as a little creepy." Steve admitted as he headed down the stairs, snorting at James. "he's always been like this." Steve admitted as he moved over to James, examined him and then punched him, hard, in the face. "That's for trying to Kill me!" "Fuck! Steve! That hurt! it's not like i knew who you where!" James complained, standing up only to be punched out again. "That's for Leaving!" Steve declared unhappily as James fell to the floor again. "Fuck! Goddamn PUNK! i liked you better when you where scrawny!" James complained. "i didn't have anywhere else to go. even a plastic cell where people hate me is better than being on my own or in the streets." Grant admitted with a shrug, ignoring the drama going on behind him. "besides. i made a promise to keep you safe. i intend to follow it through." he admitted, sitting on the hood of the car. "oh... and, uh. Kyra stole this... so you might need to get rid of this thing."
“Well, it is the best. Of course they want to use it. I make awesome spy gadgets.”Tony grinned smirking a little. “You’re like Q, so does that make Cap, James bond?” “Oh no. Phil is...was....James bond. I once saw him beat someone with a tie.”Clint said swallowing thickly, smirking at Steve’s admittance that grant was a tad creepy. Smirkign a little as he watched james get beaten up. “Well. There aren’t plastic cubes here, the prison cells are much better then that.”Tony said smirking, like the others, ignoring the drama happening between the two friends. “You did....I didn’t think you meant to survive to see it through though.”Skye said looking up at Grant, for once something soft in that look, maybe the beginnings of forgiveness? “He didn’t. I still have uses for him. Need him alive.”Kyra said smirking a little at grant’s words that the car was stolen. “Clint?” “Yea, Tony. I’ll see to it.”Clint grinned smirking as he slid into the driver’s seat and backed out, intending to return the car. “Should we stop this?”Skye said looking concerned as she looked towards the super soldiers. “Cap?You done?”Tony called looking thoughtful.
"....huh..." Steve muttered, pulling out his little leather notebook and wrote down James Bond. "A Tie? really?" Steve asked, looking amused. "how in the world did he manage that?" "that's nothing. i've seen him take down a couple of thugs with nothing but a bag of flour and some powdered doughnuts." Grant admitted with a shrug. "well. if the Cells are less boring i'd be more than willing to let you keep me prisoner." he admitted. ".." he didn't say anything to Skye's accusation and glanced away. which was answer enough. he had intended to just stay there and die for his crimes. he stopped leaning against the Cr as Clint headed off with it and examined James, amused that the Winter Soldier was getting his ass kicked. "yeah, i'm done. all of you upstairs." Steve ordered with a huff. "you. Skye, was it? do you think this guy needs to be in a cell?" Steve asked, jerking his thumb at Grant. "he doesn't need a cell. he was mentally 'prepped' to follow loyally to Garrets every whim. sort of like how that guy hypnotized you and every time i said 'kalicazoo' you clucked like a chicken, remember that?" "...nope." Steve lied, flushing a little. "yeah well, looks like this guy has a 'Submissive Complex'. he's gotta have someone telling him what to do." James explained as he accepted a rag from Steve to wipe at the blood spilling out of his nose. "i do not have a Submissive Complex!" Grant protested. "sit down and shut up." James ordered, and much to probably everyone's amusement, Grant did exactly as he was told.
“Yes, a tie. It was epic.”Clint smiled a little, before snickering. “I remember that. Slept through the whole thing, was most disappointed when he woke me up after and told me about it.”Clint sulked a little. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”tony smirked, raising his eyebrows. Enough comfortably pan-sexual that he’d flirt with anyone and everyone, a reflex to simply make himself comfortable with everyone around him. Skye sighed quietly at his silence, shaking her head a little, sadness in the look as she watched him before laughing a little as she watched the super soldiers. “Yea, it’s skye.”She said before studying Grant, before looking at James as he answered for her. “I agree. He’ll be okay.”She said before laughing outloud as gabe sat down. “You do realize, that it might just be you James, that are to dominate for anyone’s good. It might not be a cute little submissive who just likes taking orders.”Tony said looking at Grant thoughtfully, ignoring the bristling Kyra who despite making no move to actually showing she wanted Grant for herself, didn’t like tony flirting either. Wincing as her stomach growled. “....Can we get some food?”
Grant blinked. "you where there when it happened?" he asked, looking amused. "you actually slept through that?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow before smiling at Tony. "i would like that, yes." he admitted. "of course if pandering to your sexual desires is a deal breaker then i'll be taking my chances with Skye and our Team Leader." he admitted, which was a polite way of saying 'i don't care if you flirt but if you try to honestly seduce me i'll cut your cock off and make you eat it. "i'm trusting your word on this." Steve warned Skye before deciding to trust her word, chuckling as he realized Gabe would do anything he said so long as he did it in a firm enough voice. "oh shut up." Grant ordered, sulking at the laughter. "so i have mind issues... nothing a good diary won't fix..." he muttered, looking up as both Kyra and Steve bristled at Tony's flirting. "i'm more dominant than a subby like you could handle." James teased Tony right back. "yes. i agree, i'm starving." James admitted, Grant nodding as well. "prison food sucks." he admitted with a shrug as he stood up and followed Steve up the elevator to the more secure areas. "Jay? would you order enough Pizza for everyone?" Steve asked hopefully as Bruce walked in, glancing at them all. "...i don't want to know." he decided. "by the way, Loki was here. again. he turned all my lab rats into slugs." he growled, annoyed. "and i think he turned your Iron Man suit pink."
“Yea. Past out in the back of the car. I was tired okay?”Clint huffed as natasha snickered. “...I’m feeling insulted you’d rather sleep with a pint sized girl-” “Tony, you’re fairly pint sized yourself.”Natasha pointed out, simply to watch him freak out, because tony was incredibly sensitive about his height. “I am not!Shut up.”Tony scowled easily accepting that grant would let him flirt, but wouldn’t sleep with him. After all, he was sleeping with a super soldier, a godling, and a occassional archer when the mood called for it, so he was totally okay with not sleeping with grant. “You don’t have the tone to make that order work.”Kyra said breezily smirking a little, not realizing Skye was watching both her and skye thoughtfully. “I am not the sub!”Tony growled glaring at James. Tony grinned at bruce, smirking. “No no you definitely want to know. You do!”Tony grinned at him, before laughing. “Slugs?Slugs are awesome.”he grinned amused, totally unconcerned about the slugs before sputtering.”WHAT!? LOKI!What the fuck?!Loki!”Tony howled as he stomped towards the elevator. “ this a normal thing?”Kyra said looking utterly bemused as they all headed upstairs, vaguely amused at the sound of tony’s utter fury at the idea of being pink.
Grant smirked. "Melinda may was anything but Pint-sized. there's rumors that she's even better than Romonoff is. of course, they say that Kyra is better than Romonoff is. might have to suit up for a Chick fight and set the rumors straight, eh?" he asked with a grin before watching Tony wig out over being called Short. "he's not short. he's travel sized for your convenience." he teased as he watched James pull out another Kretek and light it up for another smoke. "i have to tone to make any order work." both James and Steve said at the same time. "you are SO the sub." James admitted, patting Tony on the head. "i'm very sure i don't." Bruce admitted, glancing over hen Tony wigged out again over the pink suits. "rather normal. yes." Steve growled. "Loki is the guy who led the invasion of Manhattan. unfortunately, he keeps slipping out of prison and coming here to piss me the hell off before going back to prison." he snarled, looking up as Sam, A.K.A Falcon walked in, attracted by the word Pizza. "...Fuck! Fuck!" he yelped, diving behind a counter and coming back up with a gun aimed for James. who moved just as fast, snapping the gun in half with his metal arm. "don't aim guns at me firefly or i'll snap you like a twig."
“No one is better then me. You know the first rule of shield, Ward.”Natasha said simply. “...You just want to watch us wrestle, you pervert. I’m not taking part in whatever kinky fantasies you have, Grant.”Kyra rolled her eyes a little smirking a little as tony laughed. “You are my newest favorite person, travel sized. I like it.”Tony snickered. “You two might, Grant doesn’t.”Kyra said smirking, because even if the order was simply shut up, he couldn’t make it work. “I am not. Don’t pat me.”Tony whined squirming away from the man as Natasha snickered. “If you don’t keep your hands to yourself, Barnes, he’s going to take it as open season to seduce.”She pointed out in amusement. Tony paused mid-rant as Falcon and James freaked out, staring at the two. “firefly?”He said raising a eyebrow, wincing as he heard the slide action to a handgun, knowing without looking kyra was armed and protecting james, sighing as he realized this was going to be bad. “Stop!All of you. No shooting people in the tower. It’s messy, and is going to ruin sexy fun time with the god. Now behave all of you.”Tony ordered, having every intention of shocking the men with the idea of his sex life, in return for simply getting them to stop.

“Sam, he’s here as a guest. We have a few guests from hydra, that have turned.”Tony said sighing softly. “Now, is everyone going to stop for the moment?” Kyra swallowed hard, shuddering a little as she closed her eyes, needing to focus to ‘see’ through what she was getting, the moments to tangled, to many people crowding her to think clearly. “Stop. Everyone please.”She said putting the gun back in the holster, stepping back with a soft sigh, slowly regaining her control.
Grant huffed. "it's also the first rule of Hydra." he admitted, sulking. "anything you can do... Natasha can do better, unless you are the Soldier." he grumbled before he smirked. "i do wanna see you wrestle." he admitted. "i bet i could talk Mr. Stark into loaning me a mud pit." he admitted as he smirked. "there. see? i'm Mr. Starks favorite, means you have to like me." he stated smugly. "except Skye. she's exempt." he admitted. well aware she was probably never going to forgive him. not that he could blame her. "i'm a follower not a leader." Grant admitted with a shrug. "i can give orders but they fall pretty flat." he admitted. "i think i wouldn't mind that, Natalia." he admitted, smiling at her. "i'm sorry i tried to kill you. i wasn't in my right mind." he admitted. "i didn't recognize you." he admitted, smiling at her. "you have grown into a good Agent." he praised. "you have used my training well. and for good purposes. you should be very pleased with yourself." he admitted.

James just stood there, holding half the sniper rifle in his hand and making no other threatening motions. "yes. Firefly, because he flits like one but he's slow as dirt." "hey!" Sam protested, relaxing as he realized that 'Bucky' wasn't evil... at the moment. "he started it." James stated with a shrug. "get out of the way Dragonfly." he ordered. "i see a wet bar that needs drinking." he admitted, Sam blinking "i thought i was firefly?" "nah. they aren't annoying enough. might as well call you mosquito." Sam just scowled as James poured a glass of good whiskey and, instead of drinking it himself, slid it into Kyra's hand. "here. drink. relax. you'll get migraines."
“Don’t sulk. The rule applies to me to.”kyra said snickering a little, smirking as tony looked at them. “It’s tony. And I’m more then willing to lend a mud pit.” “Tony, do you remember the last thing I told you about stuff like this?” “That Clint was-ohhhh. Sorry. Can’t lend the mud hole. You’ll have to find one on your own.”Tony said making a face. Skye raised her eyebrows, vaguely amused that she was except to his ruling on being liked, even if she hated him, there was a part of her that still liked him to, still rebelled at the idea of never being with him. Shaking her head a little to clear the thought she laughed quietly. “Which is amusing, since you totally suck at the whole group bonding thing.”She teased the field agent lightly. “......oh god. This is going to be horrible. I just figured out how to get him to stop having sex in public places. Don’t encourage him, James.”Natasha said at james words before nodding a little, “I thought so. When...when you attacked me, and didn’t know steve...I knew something was different. It’s okay....well, its not, but it’s as okay as things are ever going to be.”Natasha sighed softly, blushing slightly at the praise. “Thank you.”She said.

“...Heh. That’s amusing.”Kyra snickered a little amused and already moving towards the bar even as James ordered sam to move. “Mosquitos are just lawyers. Find a new annoying insect, James.”Kyra teased a little reaching for the glass as he handed it to her, sipping the alcohol, and nearly moaning out loud. “Hm, trust Stark to know good alcohol.” “Hm, if there’s one thing Stark men know, it’s alcohol and good whores.”Tony said watching the two, looking interested in the idea of kyra getting a migraine, even if it was a normal thing, james seemed to think something was going to cause one, and the inner engineer, the one that needed to know how things worked, demanded out. “...Loki, my suits better be back to normal.”He said without turning when he heard the godling walking in, to interested in watching james and kyra to pay attention to the trickster yet
"Tony." Grant agreed with a smile before blinking. "that Clint is?" he asked, hoping for more than that. "so... no naked mud wrestling?" he asked, blinking a little. "i was trying my damnedest to not get emotionally attached." Grant admitted with a shrug. "it failed. spectacularly." he admitted with a sigh. "i was supposed to be helping? i'm sorry. i thought i was an agent of evil chaos?" James asked, looking amused before he looked at her, worried. "do you want to hit me? it made Steve feel better." he admitted. "oh! before i forget. Natalia. this is Kyra. she is my second apprentice." he explained. "she's almost as good as you." he admitted, grinning. "she might even be just as good as you."

"hmmm... maybe a Cicada? they whine extensively and are terrible fliers." he mused as he poured a second glass for Stark and handing it over. he himself didn't take a sip. bad things happened when he drank. bad, bad things. oh how he missed the taste of alcohol but oh well. he examined Kyra to make sure she was calm before turning to examine the Godling as he walked in, dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a loose green long sleeved shirt. "why, i would never desecrate such creations of masculine glory." Loki declared, setting a hand over his heart. well, one of them anyway. he apparently had two. "i feel hurt that you would accuse me of such a thing." he admitted, smirking. "i feel more hurt that i am not at the center of your attention, Man of Steel." he admitted. "whoever could possibly be more interesting than i?" he asked, ignoring the way Steve was gritting his teeth and the way Bruce was turning green.
“Clint is deadly and prone to crawling in air vents.”Tony supplied before smirking. “No, no mud wrestling. At least not with my help, cause you know. Birdman would totally kill me while I was working in the lab or something.”Tony snickered a little. “You are a agent of evil chaos.”Natasha said primly before shaking her head. “Maybe later.”She smiled before studying Kyra. “We’ve met. Even did a few missions together.And we still debate over who’s better.”Natasha smirked a little.

“...That sounds about right.I like it.”Kyra snickered a little as she sat down on the barstool, sipping her drink slowly. “Thanks.”Tony muttered as he drank it, just cause he was a borderline alcoholic, didn’t mean he had to stop drinking totally. “...I’d believe that if you didn’t find such amusement in changing cap’s shield to a picture of my little pony last time you were here.” “...what?”Natasha stared. “Oh. Oops. Meant to tell you about that before. Made him change it back, shield’s fine.”Tony reassured Steve because he’d totally never was going to tell him about that. “How’s the tattoo, reindeer?”Tony said before smirking at kyra. “I’m not superman. It’s man of iron, not steel. And a beautiful woman is more interesting then you, especially when she’s doing odd things.” “...I’m not odd. Stop.”Kyra grumbled squinting ever so slightly, the migraine starting to set in, even as the alcohol numbed the precog enough to not be overwhelming, even if she was still catching glimpses of grant, grant who, no matter who or what was going on in the room, if he was with her, he was the one she predicted the most clearly. Which totally freaked her out most of the time.

“...Phil. Tripp and I can go now. Any thoughts on how to handle it?”May said as she stepped into his office, because while she would go as he asked to get Skye, she also wasn’t above trying to get him to go to. She knew what the last months of silence and death had done to him, even more so as they all watched the loss of phil bloodlessly gut clint.
he blinked. "air vents?" he asked. "so we can't have super hot chick wrestling because he won't like it? that doesn't seam fair." he complained though he looked more amused than annoyed. he'd never try to talk Kyra, let alone May or Romonoff into such a thing. they'd skin him alive. "have you? good." James agreed as he nodded, pleased that the only two apprentices he'd ever taken on and lived through the first week got along. in total, he'd had ten apprentices. he'd killed the other eight for various reasons which usually was a result of the apprentices not being worthy of James attentions.

"yes. he is a Cicada." "i am not going to sit here and be insulted." "then why are you here?" James asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i like My Little Pony. the Twilight Sparkle and the Fluttershy are pleasing to me." Loki admitted with a smirk as Steve's eye twitched. "Silence. the Tattoo appears to be completely permanent. nothing i do, magical or otherwise, appears to remove it." he grumbled unhappily. "there are worse things to have printed on my ass i suppose." he admitted with a huff before he lifted an eyebrow. "there is a difference?" he asked, clearly not convinced that Tony was right. "you are a woman. everything you do is odd." Loki stated simply as he smirked and nibbled on Tony's neck, Steve snarling as he finally couldn't take it anymore and started to chase after Loki, intending on beating the shit out of him. Loki just laughed ad vanished in a puff of emerald smoke and black shadows.

"...there's been a change of plans." Phil admitted as he examined his favorite gun. the one he'd blasted Loki with. "Loki is at the Tower." he explained to May. "we have to contain him before everyone dies." Phil had gotten one look at Loki through Skye's video feed and nearly lost his mind with rage and terror before settling on 'i have to save Skye and Clint' and started to get ready for the battle and the emotional trauma of facing Clint.

going to bed ^^ g'night.
“No, no we can’t. Clint scares me more then you think he should. And it’s completely fair.”Tony snickered a litle. “I can’t beleive you actually know their names.”Tony said snorting a little. “Good. You look good with a tattoo.”he smirked amused at loki’s words before smirking. “You have...a tattoo on your ass?”Kyra stared at the god, not sure if she believed him or not. Yes, yes they are.”Tony moaned softly as he was nibbled on, shuddering a little, yelping as steve started for loki.”Hey, hey hey stop!What is wrong with you?”Tony said looking worried about steve, wondering if he was okay or if he’d messed up again. “Hey, everything’s okay. He wasn’t doing anything.”Tony said smiling slightly, resting a hand on his chest, looking worried.

“...Let’s go then.”May said looking concerned for phil, not sure how this was going to go, but knowing it wasn’t going to be pretty no matter what anyone said. Sighing quietly as she climbed into lola, she leaned back as he drove, swallowing thickly. “Any plans on how to subdue teh god?”she asked, wondering if the man was thinking at all, or if they were just going to make it up as they went.
Grant shrugged. "the winter soldier is scarier than Hawk-eye is." he stated simply. "i do know their names." Loki stated. "Twilight sparkle, applejack, pinkiepie, Rainbow dash, fluttershy and Rarity. we of the 'Brony' will someday rule the world with our friendship magic." Loki stated with a Superior sniff. "i do not you heathen. you have desecrated my body." Loki complained. "it is the man of steel's fault!" Loki complained, sulking at Kyra. "i did not know Midgardian ale would taste so pleasant, nor that it would have such a strong punch to it." of course, trying every drink on the menu at one of the worlds most stocked bars in America was probably why he had gotten drunk. even Steve and Thor would have succumbed to alcohol poisoning at that point. not Loki, he just got really, really drunk. "Nothing!" Steve snarled, looking enraged as he spun on his heal and stormed out of the room, Grant lifting an eyebrow. "your not... really THAT oblivious right?" he asked Tony. "i mean, i'm brain damaged, and even i know whats going down here."

Phil nodded as he settled into Lola. "Contain? oh, i plan on shooting him in the head." Phil admitted. "Many times. at least fifteen times." he decided. "and then i'm going to shoot him in the chest. he has two hearts you know. have to destroy both of them. just to make sure." well. that was. sort of a plan. Phil never even twitched when both Hunter and Tripp joined them in the backseat, holding God Grade weapons of their own.
"Oh my god. You'd scare me with the idea of friendship magic if I didnt know you found it as utterly ridiculous as I do."tony snickered rolling his eyes a little."I am not superman!"tony scowled at loki's continued use of 'man of steel' even if he suspected the man did it because it bothered him so. "Hm well at least you know better now."kyra snickered a little amused that the man had gotten drunk before frowning after the blond super soldier. "....he said he didnt care! I sleep with everyone. I'm not stupid enough to not ask my best friend if I slept with a god."tony huffed looking fairly annoyed himself. "...oh my god...he really is THAT oblivious."kyra said sounding shocked at the idea.

"No I didnt know that but its good to know."may said looking a little wide eyed as they left and nervously fidgeting as they were allowed knto the garage to wait.

"Sir,there is a....person...saying that he is Agent here to speak to you."jarvis said sounding unsure as he spoke. "What?but...okay. stupid people have to stop coming here. J, tell steve i dont care how pissed he is, I'm going to need him downstairs as Capnnot steve rogers for a few minutes."he said as he headed for the door frowning as clint and natasha followed."stay birdbrain." "No. I know theres only one person you call...called...Agent. I'm going." "No youre not. Grant? Do me a favor. Make sure he stays here."tony asked before leaving with natasha to meet the agents downstairs.
Loki chuckled. "i did research. found the most annoying thing possible, yes." he admitted. "it is quite silly." he admitted with a grin before blinking at Tony. "what is the difference?" he asked, as he always did. "i learn my lessons well. what this lesson was, i am not sure. it is either to never trust the Man of Steel, or it is to never drink huge quantities of midgardian ale even though i can out-drink Thor." that caused some surprise, particularly since they had SEEN Thor getting drunk. it was a lengthy and difficult process even on the strongest Asgardian mead. "...and here i never thought anyone could be more socially awkward than Fitz..." Grant muttered before looking up at Jarvis and swallowing thickly as he turned his attention to Clint, setting a hand on his shoulder. "i'm sorry, Agent Barton. i would have told you, but..." he took a deep breath. "Phil died. and it... did things, to his head. we don't know exactly but... we think whatever they did, to make him forget? we think it really fucked him up. just... keep that in mind, okay?"

Phil stepped out of the car and checked his gun before charging it up, looking up as Captain Rogers, dressed as Captain Rogers stepped in. his Dress Blues contrasting perfectly against blonde hair and blue eyes. it always made Phil amused when he thought about how Steve was practically the perfect Aryan. Hitlers idea of a perfect human. and yet Steve had almost single handedly destroyed Hitlers war effort. "Captain." Phil greeted. "Dead man who i'm very annoyed with right now." Steve greeted back, making Phil shrug sheepishly. "not so dead after all. i'm here to help with your pest problem." "Loki. yeah he's a fucking menace." Steve agreed. "unfortunately, he's not a threat. he shows up every couple of weeks. causes chaos, color changing tricks mostly, and then leaves. so we can't kill him." Phil's eye twitched and Steve shrugged. "unless you want to cause an inter-galactic incident that would lead to war with Asgard?" Phil cursed, sulked and threw the gun back into Lola. "so. care to explain?" "'s a long story." "i imagine so. your not leaving." "i know."
“the metals different, and how it’s made.”Tony huffed a little twitching a little before smirking at loki. “You should never trust me loki.” “Or trust the alcohol.”Kyra snickered a little looking amused at the thought that the slender sorcerer could outdrink the bulky huge thor. “...I am perfectly social.”Tony frowned as he left. Clint stared at Grant, swallowing thickly as he watched tony go, before realizing that yes, phil was there for real. “...I’m going to Tony’s lab, if anyone asks.”Clint said as he stepped away and without a word slid into the venting system that tony had completely redone, simply to make it a little easier for clint to get place to place by his preferred mode of transportation. Retreating into the small venting nest tony had set up in the lab for him, simply because he knew it was the safest place in the tower.

Tony tilted his head as he walked into the room, hands slid into his pockets, looking for once, like the utter bastard that the world made him out to be, because he was going to set his heels down and refuse to play nicely, even if he was glad to see that the man was indeed alive. “The only pests we have here, are you agents. We could let you have them. Though you might have problems dealing with who came with them.”Tony smirked enjoying the mental thought of turning James loose on phil. “You’re also not seeing Clint.”Tony said tilting his head a little.
he blinked. "there's a difference in metals?" Loki asked, looking honestly surprised by that. "i thought it was just the color." he admitted, though when Tony looked away he smirked, proving that he was, in fact, just an ass. "your completely un-socialized." Grant stated with a roll of his eyes before focusing on Clint. "i'll tell Tony." he promised. "i won't tell the others." he promised, watching him leave before settling into place, well aware if HE went anywhere he was gonna be in deep shit.

Phil paused and swallowed thickly. "yes well... The Winter Soldier is your problem." he decided. "you can keep that traitor Ward too if you want him." Hunter offered. "least you won't have to worry about him stabbing you to death in your sleep." "that's enough out of you." Phil ordered, Tripp chuckling. "can we keep Kyra? she's damn hot." "Enough out of you as well." Phil ordered, causing both men to pout. "...i doubt Clint wants to see me..." Phil admitted. "in any case, i can't be near him. i'm not safe." he paused, as if startled and then brushed it off as if he hadn't said anything at all. he was doing that more and more lately, though only Skye and May seamed to have noticed.
“Yes, there is. I’ve told you this before.”Tony growled looking annoyed before sighing quietly. “....So. It seems we’re stuck for now.”kyra muttered looking around her, just slightly drunk, rubbing a hand over her face, glancing at james. “So, that went better then we thought it would.”She said wanting to think about anything except what she kept torturing herself with. “You okay?You went after your brother. Are you hurt?”Skye said as she slid onto the barstool next to grant, looking worried despite herself, for the moment ignoring the other two.

“Well, Cap’s got that handled. And I don’t want ward. He’s not nice and wont sleep with me.”Tony sulked a little though the amusement in his features saying he wasn’t really being seriou. He’d let them stay if they wanted to. “She is really hot, so no. You can’t have her. Besides, I think your boy Ward would be having words with you if you tried seducing her.”Tony snickered, proving that despite his own obliviousness to his romantic fuck ups and that it wasn’t cool to sleep with a god, his best friend, and a emotionally unstable archer who had seduced him first, he understood that ward wanted kyra. Raising his eyebrows at Phil’s words, studying the man for a long moment before nodding a little. “Come upstairs. It’s a long story, and I want to hear about how you got here, but I want to do it from the comfort of my bar and couch.”
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