The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

rosaline sighed and went on with the day like normal, after school she walked out to put her book and other stuff like usual. she opened it and saw a little piece of paper unfolding it and reading the note, standing up and closing her locker. " look who came crawling to me for no real reason....desperate are we for a little change...' she said crossing her arms and walking out. Rosaline just threw the note behind and walked home.
Feeling that she won't answer him that day, Akio heads straight home and quickly finishes his homework. He sits around with nothing to do, waiting for some of the other Sekirei to break something so he would have something to do. After a few hours of doing nothing, he decides to go out and roam the city a little. After an hour or so of wandering, he finds himself in front of Rosaline's apartment again. He just looks up at the windows then looks around. He notices a woman walking into the building. She, like the last strange woman he had seen, was scantily dressed in a weird fashion. "Great, here's to this being not a problem." He then follows her into the building.
Rosaline arrived home, going up to her apartment and setting her stuff down. It was tiring as always so it was time to relax before she would go do her home work and maybe out to eat again depending on what she decided to do later anyway. She turned on the tv then took of her shoes and walked over to the bathroom, walking out and onto the couch to lay down and just relax again with tv. She closed her eyes for a moment and just sighed wondering about the rest of the week.
After watching tv for a small amount of time Rosaline hears a stern knock on her door. After a few seconds the knock returns again, and again, and again until until the door gets opened. The woman behind the door has an angry look on her face and and and a similar tone. "Where is number 13, Its time for your recruitment." She then grins evilly before cracking her knuckles.
Rosaline soghed and opened her eyes suddenly hearing some knocks, but not bothering to get it, maybe...they might know no ones home. She turned to her side and stayed quiet to watch tv until she saw the door swing open and the women. She stood up then went over behind the couch and started to back away slowly. " oh no...not recruitment?" She said with a shaky voice backing up more before her back hit the wall. "Stop!! Get away from me! I have nothing to do with this...who the hell would have the name of number 13 anyway!!" She said grabbing a nearby chair and placing it in front of her. " who the hell are you!!!" She said closing her eyes and looking away, her facial expression looking like she was gonna cry.
Rosaline feels a weight at her side as Trix materializes behind the chair as a large dog. Akio then appears behind the woman in the door way. "Tell your master to stop bothering the public, or I will have to punish him. She is not in the game, so you can't touch her." He takes a fighting stance, "I would say you can't fight me either but you won't listen to that."

The woman stares at the dog then whips around to look at Akio and changes tactics. Her tone lightens and a small smile comes across her face. She looks back at Rosaline then back to Akio. "She still hasn't winged you, how do you hold out. I had kissed my Ashikabi after mere minutes of meeting him. The Draw was too strong, by body's reaction to much for me to fight." She walks towards the young man before her, her body swaying but still able to attack at a moments notice. "She really is a cute one though, most men aren't so lucky."

"You aren't that sly, your trying to distract me. You did get one thing right though, most men aren't so lucky." Akio smiles a little as he glances at Rosaline then back at the woman. "You have also made a grave mistake." He makes a small cue to the dog at Rosaline's feet that only Trix would recognize and most anyone else wouldn't even notice.

"Oh, and what is that." Her tone still pleasant. but her stance looking more and more battle ready.

"You haven't noticed that I'm a distraction." Trix then jumps at the woman, her teeth aimed at bare skin.
She decided to look then see akio, "well of course...." She thought with a sigh at least somewhat glad he was here. " I'd love to see who the stupid ashikabi of yours is..." She said trying to show that she was fighting back even a little."wait....why the hell would your ashikabi send you after me?! Does he want something? Or is it he just wants to take out aiko..." Rosaline just stood back quielty against the wall, "no I haven't kissed him yet...but that doesn't matter!" She said continuing to try and be strong.
The woman merely turns and smacks the dog away. Trix for the first time either of them has known, whimpers as she hits the wall, making a sizable dent. She looks at Akio and chuckles at him before saying the heartless. "Your little pet doesn't worry me, I am fully winged and heavily trained. Your distraction and run techniques don't work in small spaces like this either." She chuckles. "You just got lucky with the last one my master sent, but not with me." Again she changes tactics and keeping turned towards Akio, backs towards Rosaline. "I think i will just take this one, force your hand a little."

"No, you stay away from her." Akio yells and charges her, a fist flies for her face but it is easily caught and twisted behind Akio's back, the woman then takes her other hand and wraps it around his chin. After she turns to face Rosaline, Trix continuing to whimper by the wall.

"You see, we want you, so we can control him. He would rather have number 13 here working for him, rather then fighting against him." She grins evilly again, and continues. "Well, you see, if you had kissed him already, he could have saved you. And himself." She looks at Akio as he struggles to get free, then back to Rosaline. "But given your earlier reaction, may be i should just.....make it so you don't have to play the game." She then starts to twist Akio's head, until it won't go no farther, then tries to slowly force it.
Rosaline looks away and flinches a bit, leaning back a bit to dodge the punch but seeing that akio block it, "dammit!!" She says running toward the women and trying to push her away hoping he she would at least loosen or let go altogether. "Well I guess I have no choice!!!" She thought seeing if she could grab him by his shirt and quickly pull him close to her. Rosaline sighed and looked away for a moment, giving a small blush then leaning in to press her lips against his and kiss him.
Hearing the girl say she had no other choice, she lets go of Akio's face, and Rosaline hears a relieved deep breath as the pain is removed from his neck. Just as the pain ends, Akio's body is filled with immerse pleasure as Rosaline's lips, and DNA there with, connect with Akio's. A slight wind is felt as air seems to be pushed away from Akio. "No, no no no... This is bad for me." The woman fully lets go of Akio as she stumbles away, fear evident on her face and she tries to rush from the room.

After Rosaline had broke the very small kiss, Akio's eyes open, every color was evident in them and his voice sounded like animals of all kinds were talking alongside him. "By the strength of my Contract, My Ashikabi's troubles will be trampled." WIngs emerged around him with tons of feathers on each, but instead of regular feathers, each on looked like the skin, hide, scales, or fur of different animals from around the world. Instead of the wings disappearing back into the body as most Sekerei's did, Akio's instead collapsed into 2 sorts of portals, one on each side of the now fallen woman. "Turn around, I don't want you to see this." Akio says, his voice still sounding like animal sounds turned words. He then turns around and yells, "STAMPEDE."

From the portal pours every creature, both real and mythical, to have ever lived and walk this world. Dog, cats, horses, even creatures like small dinosaurs, small dragons and unicorns and even a human pour from one portal and run to the other, not caring for what might be under foot. The portals only stand for 1 minute, but the damage caused is still termendous. The woman lays on the floor, obviously not getting up anytime soon...if ever. As the portals close, Akio sinks to the ground on one knee and he breathes deeply like he had just ran miles without stopping.
Rosaline let go and and ran behind him, crouching down, closing her eyes and covering her ears. "Just why!" She thought with a sigh not really caring. She kept like this the whole time, seeing as she was stuck with him now as an ashikabi
After Akio regained his strength, he walks forward and carefully picks up the lifeless woman. "I'm sorry it happened this way." Akio says, his tone back to normal but somber and he walks out to stand outside with the body in his arms. Not long after, the sounds of helicopters and trucks are can be heard outside.

A man walks into the room and with a gentle tone and an out stretched hand he addresses Rosaline. "Can you come with me please, we need to clean up this area. We will replace everything that was broken. We can make it like this fight never happened." He waits for her answer, a gentle smile still on his face.
She uncovered her ears and looked around in shock? "You...killed her.." She said covering her mouth and panicking a bit. "I wanted her to just go away, maybe capture and take back or something..." She said not really knowing how to explain it. She slowly stands up and sees a man in front of her. "What the going on...I never wanted this to really happen..." She said running out past him into the wall and leaning back. Sliding down it and sitting down on the ground. She covered her ears and tried to calm down a bit at least
Akio returns and waves the men on to their work. He looks to see his love crying against a wall and walks over to her. "I didn't want to kill her, but she was threatening both of us. Instinct took over and I use my trump move as it became available. I will try to never do that again." He tries his best at this apology. He knows that it didn't make her any less dead, or the situation any better but it was what he would want to hear, so he decided to try it. "Can I do anything to make you feel better?" He asks sincerely.
Rosalind was still shaking a bit, still hearing him with her ears covered. "I was just scared as hell....I panicked too much..that all...." She sighed again to calm down a bit at least, then stood up and lost her balance suddenly, falling toward him. She closed her eyes and tried to maybe catch herself unless he would. Instead she fell into his arms and looked up at him, "I'm sorry..." She said deciding she actually felt a little safe for the moment being here with him. " I'm...I don't want to be alone now.." Rosalind looked down and blushed a bit.
With an uneasy smile, Akio replies to the girl in his arms. "And you won't have to if you don't want to be." he stands up and holds her close to his chest as he walks away from the room and eventually ends up outside. "Want to go hang out in my place while we wait for your apartment to get fixed up?" Akio asks looking at the large MBI building a short distance away.
"well I guess...' she said laying her head against his chest with a soft sigh. "would...would you mind' she asked her body still not recovering from the shock, it would last a bit longer before she was completely ok. " im not always as bad like before...where I didn't care about anything...your one of the few people that's seen my soft side..'
Still with the uneasy smile, Akio looks down. "Then I seem to have received a rare gift." He continues to carry her towards the MBI building until she is confident enough to walk on her own. They cover the few blocks quickly since the majority of the street was shut down from a "gas leak". As they walk in the building however a Strange Man is standing in the empty lobby.

"Welcome to the game my dear children."
Rosaline sighed and crossed her arms deciding to walk then, but ignoring what he said.' She quielty just followed and walked in seeing someone who seemed dressed with a costume look at her weird, " ummm...who..are you..." She said backing away a bit from him so she was on the other side of akio.
"Father Minaka....This is a surprise." Akio says, a hint of shock in his voice and body language. He quickly give a respectful bow, then looks back at Rosaline while motioning to the man. "This is Minaka Hiroto. You know him as the owner and CEO of MBI." He then looks back at Minaka and motions towards Rosaline. "Father, this is Rosaline, my newly appointed Ashikabi. But you knew her already."

"Why, of course my child. I watched you more closely then most of the other players of this game. I have enough vested interest in you to claim you as mine after all. I have been watching this delicate flower since she first caught your eye Akio." Minaka throws his arms around dramatically, like he is on a stage for some great audience putting on the fakest and most over acted show ever. "Fate has chosen a rocky start for you, but now that the start is over, I see clear seas for you now. Love will blossom and you will become great players in this game," He then starts laughing like a crazy person as he walks towards the center pillar, which turns out to be a hidden elevator. He enters and quickly is whisked away to where ever.

"Well that is Minaka for you. He isn't........all there, but when he is entertained he is a nice guy." Akio explains, knowing the shock Rosaline must be going through.
"Hmmm." She said staying quiet and deciding to let them have a little talk, she stepped back a little more, "creepy.." Rosaline didn't know how to really react to him, but she knew that means he was the one running this game and it seemed that he was akio was special in particular with him. " well..I still don't trust anything about this...lets go already." She said turning to walk toward the elevator and press it.
"Oh I agree entirely, but yea, lets head up until your place gets done." Akio says, following Rosaline to the door and into the elevator. He hits his floor button again and leans back against the wall as the elevator starts to ascend. "Need to do anything while we wait. Might as well make the best of our time together." Akio asks, curious to what she might want to do.
Rosaline just sighed quielty and followed, waiting in the elevator then following into the hall. "Hopefully we don't have much then..." She said wanting to just go back. Rosaline looked around, "I'll just relax and watch some tv or something then, unless you have something..." She liked staying home the best and not really at anyone else's much. It was just better to be on her own when she wasn't doing anything and not be attacked by anyone else now.
They quickly make it to his room this time not stopping to talk. He opens the door and motions inside then follows Rosaline inside. "Well there is the tv and the remote is on the bed." Akio says as he motions towards the tv in front of the bed. The black remote sitting on top of the blankets. Akio sits at his computer but turns the chair to look over at Rosaline. "If you need anything, just use the phone on the wall and hit 0. Its connects to the services and they will bring you almost anything you could want. Don't worry about paying for anything, it goes on my tab." Akio then turns back around and turns on the computer, starting up some random things to occupy his time until Rosaline wanted to do something.
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