The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

She looks over at him still wilting and hears a ring in her Pocket seeing the message. Rosaline didn't really check and just sat there still a moment before she took his hand and stood up starting to laugh. " hmmm didn't know your little MBI covers sekerei dates too..." She says teasing him again. " what's next maybe being married too?" Rosaline started laughing again. " ok then let's just go." She let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around one of his, leaning her head on his shoulder and walking out.
Laughing himself, a little glad this was a closed off area, Akio lets her wrap around his arm start to walk. "MBI will cover all of my expenses. Marriage would be nice yes." He teases back then walks through the restaurant main. A minute later, they are back out onto the street. "So split up and do what ever, or are we going searching together. You should be pretty safe, Trix will be here with you." Akio says, willing a large dog to appear then come out from behind a few boxes and take a place next to them, looking up at Rosaline with a happy look on her face.
"Well if yor busy we could just meet up later, though if not then... I'll just do it alone for now...I'll call or something if I need you..." She looks around for a moment then backs upa. But when she hears a bunch of boxes but sighed when she sees the dog again. " I could take et got a walk too if you haven't then." Rosaline shrugged and let go of him crossing her arms, " we can meet back here or something later, I'll just start now then." Rosaline then turned and started walkng.
As Rosaline starts to walk away, Akio runs up to her and keeps pace for a moment. "Trix here will follow your orders except to leave you alone. She is your guard while I am away. Ok, and with that I am gone." Akio says, walking towards the large tower to do his work and get the details of his new life.

Trix on the other hand walks by Rosaline like a trained dog, keeping right by her side so not to get Rosaline in trouble for having a loose animal in public. Anytime Rosaline stops moving, Trix brushes on Rosaline's leg like she is asking for attention and love.
She continues to waking quielty just listening with crossed arms and not really caring. Rosaline looks around for moment deciding to relax for now while she thought of what to do next. After a few more moments of walking, she headed into a store to get a small snack for her and maybe share some with trix stopping and leanjng down to pet and offer a piece then start walking again. " hmm...I don't think there's nothing for now..." Rosaline felt bored and felt like resting for a moment, picking up trix in her arms and holding her while still walking down for a little longer before she eneded up where all the shops were deciding to sit and relax again for a little moment.
A young white haired man walks out of one of the shops. His clothes weren't over the top in the way of fashion choice, but they weren't really what normal people would wear. He looks over at Rosaline, sitting by herself with a dog in her lap. It had been a small while since he had tried to talk with anyone. He approaches the young woman and tries to start up a conversation. "This is such a cute dog. Do you know her breed?" He asks, starting with something they should both have in common.

Trix nuzzles up to Rosaline almost protectively, and doesn't let this boy out of her sight. Rosaline can almost feel a low growl resonate from the dog, but no noise escapes the dogs lips.
The young girl sighed boredly and leaned back more against the bench, running a hand through trix's fur, "you really are cute..." She said with a smile cuddling with the dog a bit. Rosaline looked up to see the busy shops and streets around her, but didn't care deciding to stay a little longer before she would just go for now and not look anymore. She turned slowly noticing a boy looking at and asking her about the dog. "'s a..." Rosaline was kinda off guard all ready just for a moment. "Who are you anyway?" She asked the young girl scooting away a bit, just being careful like she always was.
"Number......I mean, friends call me Nate." He answers hoping to be making some progress. She really was cute and his body was starting to feel a little hot. There was a chance she could be an Ashikabi. "What's your name?" He asks, trying not to sound desperate and lonely.
Rosaline didn't really feel scared of him with that word alone, she raised a brow with a smirk and pretended not to hear, "Nate....well ummm...the names Rosaline but no one really calms me by my nickname, rose..." She shrugged and crossed her arms, " so much for the choice of his first word...he's a sekerei...but who's?" She thought still keeping that smirk.
"Well Rose...It was nice to meet you." He says, offering a hand, though he is hesitant to do so, his body heating up rather quickly now. Under his breathe he whispers to himself "She is an Ashikabi, I need to get her to trust me." Nate looks at the dog in her lap, feeling some power emanating for her.

Trix growls lowly again, snuggling up to the Rosaline again.
She glances at trix, and scratches behind her hear softly letting her relax against her lap while she was still trying to figure things out, " good trix..." She said looking back up at him, " ummm nice to meet you too." Rosaline slowly leaned in, deciding to shake his hand then lean back again, " well, hey if you want you too." Telling him while she scooted a bit with a slight friendly smile. She was just wondering if he was a sekerei and even if he was who the hell sent him or...was he like akio..
"I think I will take you up on that." Nate says, taking a seat next to her. "Do you mind?" He asks, motioning towards the dog on her lap like he wants to reach out and pet her.
Rosaline smirked and sat up a bit stretching her arms with a yawn. "Sure, she's really cute and I just love her..." She let him try and pet her and looked over at him, he sorta looked like him but she didn't really care. " so what are you doing here?" She asked trying to start at least something.
As he reaches out to pet the dog, he only gets a small touch before trix retracts from him, not wanting more contact then that. He smiles as his limited power tells him all he needs to know, though it isn't even close to everything he could. "Would you believe me if I said I was looking for love?" He asks, his voice serious.
Rosaline just watches for moment seeing how trix was with him. She didn't really trust him either but she was ready to run when she wanted to and she could stay calm in a situation like that. She started to pet the dog and scratch her neck softly looking over when he asked. She blushed but hid it by turning away for a moment, pretending to give a cough away from him, " umm...well...yeah I guess I wouldn't see why someone like you or me would want someone to meet one day that they could get to know more and maybe like.."
He chuckles a little as he hears her last sentence. "I would be surprised if you didn't have all the boys falling all over you." He says, before leaning in close. To others, it would could look like it was going to be a kiss on the cheek, but she quickly hears soft spoken words into her ear. "You are a special one aren't you. Claiming such a number. 13 is nothing to laugh at." He pulls away, a small grin on his face as he awaits her reaction.
Rosaline looked over at him, "I'm not that popular with boys..." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms but leaned a bit away from him wondering what awkward thing he was gonna do maybe kiss her. Rosaline suddenly freezes in her place and her eyes grow wide. " wha-wha-what?" She asked, feeling a shiver down her spine.
Speaking low, so not to be heard by passerby's, Nate explains himself. "Trix here told me. I may be unwinged, but I can still tell the number and power of any Sekerei I touch. 13 is fairly powerful, far more powerful then me." He looks around a little then continues. "Since I have ousted myself, I'm number 54."
Suddenly she didn't really feel surpsied anymore, well she already knew he was like him just by how they met ealier. " need an ashikabi then..." Rosaline sighed feeling somewhat annoyed by trix telling him, " you made the mistake of introducing your number beforw that name, so I knew you were one of them." Rosaline didn't really care, " well...I guess your looking for someone aren't you...and since trix told you about me now apparently I already know what you want."
"On the contrary, I know nothing about you. I only know Number 13's number and power of control over this spirit animal. You are a complete mystery to me. But yes, I do need an Ashikabi." Nate comes right out and says. "I am not, however, one to force. If you don't want me, you don't have to wing me."
"Hmm guess you already met him..." She shrugged and and stood up "well maybe...we can hang out for a bit and get to know each other more before you can really ask that question, well if you want anyway." She offer standig up as the wing gently blew on her hair making it flow in the wind. " I have nothing right now so um, if your not busy then."
Nate looks up into the sky, an orange color dominating it. "It's not to late, sure. Anything you really like to do?" He asks, standing up and stretching slightly.

Trix as Rosaline stands takes her place by your leg again, acting like a trained dog again.
Rosaline crossed her arms, "Hmm maybe in a coffee shop or something. I always like that when I wanna be somewehre but dot really do anything." She gave a small smile thinking about it then laid her hands in her pockets now and turned to walk. " guess you can tell I'm stuck with him..." Rosaline wondered what he was even Dojng but didn't care since she had to see him again to make sure trix came back.
"To the shop then. I know of a place near by." Nate says, his legs taking him in the general direction of a shop that she was walking towards. "Unless you have somewhere else in mind." He says, more then expecting Rose to have a place in mind.

Trix does as she has been told to do. Walking right next to Rosaline as they go where ever.
Rosaline put her hands in her pocket and sifhed and the wind blew her log hair behind her as the night slowly grew. "Ummm no, I don't really get out much unless there's something I really need to do or maybe get, I was thinking for now we could walk around and just go through the different shops and see what's there until...I have to go..well if that's fine.." Rosaline wasn't really someone to start things, more like maybe try it or not at all, being bored a lot pretty fast in General. After a moment she arrived at a store that was selling various kinds of clothes, it was pretty random but it had other things besides being an all clothing store like shoes and different kinds of bracelets and things.
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