The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

"So I guess we just hang out then..." She sighed and looked over at him, "did that minaka guy give you stuff like this? A service that gives anything. That is I guess...awesome and weird." Rosaline didn't really know what to even think about this right now, she sat down and just decided to watch for a little while
Akio pauses his game and turns back around "Well, what a lot of people don't know about this building is it used to house over one hundred people and you don't exactly have them fend for themselves when that hundred people can be hungry at any time and have the ability to take it when they wish. So Minaka hired a full time cooking staff. They make great food, only the best for Minaka after all." Akio smiles at Rosaline then decides its time to bring back Trix, who had disappeared shortly before the portals opened.

Not really thinking about an animal to bring up a raven appears in the room and give out a slight caw. "What......what is this, Trix?" Realization hits him as he remembers some words from the past. "Rosaline, start naming off animals of all sizes...........wait, nothing bigger then that bed."
"Wow, I guess he cared about you guys to letting you have the service and being able to call them I guess...." She sighed and nodded, "yeah that makes sense then.." Rosaline sat up on the bed and turned to glance at him then at the tv again continuing to just watch. She jumps a bit hearing a crow and turns to see it appear, "umm...o...k..." She said feeling awkward again, ""
As Rosaline named off the animal's Akio willed Trix to become what she named. Some he was never able to get Trix to become before, others where already familiar to him and Trix become a more powerful version of them. Stopping after a dozen or so animals of both of their imaginings Akio leans back in his chair, breathing a little heavily with his whole body slumping a little. "I knew was going to get stronger after the winging, but this is stronger then I had expected." Akio smiles at Rosaline. "Mind if I come lay down, this chair is a little uncomfortable." He asks, curious to her answer.
" I guess you were practicing werent you?" She asked looking over at him and leanjng back with her arms on the bed behind her. "Unmm sure..." Rosaline scooted over a bit, " so how does this game end?" She asked remembering about it again and wanting to learn a bit more. " I have a protector...but from what and why?"
Akio gets up and walks over to the bed before laying down making sure not to get too close to Rosaline for her sake. "Yea, I still need to get stronger before I can contend with the big guns." He says with a slight laugh, then answers her question. "The game is over when only one remains," he says, somewhat cryptically. "I am here to protect you from the other ashikaba's in a sense. They all want to win the game to gain power, and they would use you to make me do their bidding. This is going to seem creepy but you need to know." He leans around so he is looking into Rosaline's face, though still having a good distance between them. "The second your lips were on mine, you became my entire world. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you."
"So now everyone wants me dead then...that's cool..." She said sarcastically. Rosaline laid on we stomach and looked over at him for a momeny, wondering what he ment by creepy. " umm...yeah that is a little creepy..but thanks I guess..." Rosaline stretched and yawned wondering what else to do now. " well I hope I'll be Safe then.."
Chuckling a little Akio says, "Oh no, they will want you very much alive. I've anyone killed you......I could likely destroy the city looking for them." He says sarcastically himself, but there is an undertone of serious in his voice. "And I will protect you with my life." Akio says, his tone completely serious now. "Cliché but true." Akio turns onto his back now hands, but since he is farther back on the bed his arms are over bed as opposed to Rosaline's head. Basically if Rosaline scooted up she could put her head on his arms.
Rosaline looked over at him, "it's cause you have a crush on me." She said with a smirk sticking her tongue at him, but also cause well cause of before..." She stood up and went to the bathroom for a moment then came back out when she was done, " we should go out somewhere, I'm bored.."
(edit bump)

"Yea, sure.....a crush." Akio says, chuckling a little as he looks over the girl and sticks his tongue out in response. He doesn't do much as she heads for the bathroom, and just goes back to his games as he waits for her to come back out. He listens to her as he continues his games, as he talks, "Well, there is plenty to do in the city, did you have anything in mind?" He asks, then waits for her response, finishing a level then saving and turning the game off.
Rosaline came back out and stuck her tongue out at him again, " other than...not trying to be killed but otherwise everything is normal&.... I don't really care, jeez I'm always so bored..." She laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling trying to think for a bit
Akio looks around the room, thinking of things for them to do. "Well, the movies are an obvious choice, but I feel a little to....straight forward for you. The zoo is redundant consider my power. Hm, there is a theme park that opened up recently. That could be interesting." Akio suggests, thinking of random things that were in the city limits. "I'm happy to do what ever you want though."
(>.< been so busy srry)

Rosaline sighed again with her hair shining a bit golden in the bright light since it was directly above her. "Maybe we could go out to eat or something...hmm I was thinking of going on a little walk and just seeing where we end up. Isn't that better don't you think?" She turned to her side and looked over at him with her deep blue eyes witht the gaze of such an innocent little girl look on her face.
(Its fine) Chuckling a little at the look on her face, Akio nods. "That sounds great. I'm happy to just be with you." He says as he stands and looks at his clothing. Realizing he hadn't changed clothes since the fight. Without much thought, he takes off his shirt and digs around in his dresser for a good looking fresh shirt. His body is very well muscled, but not overly so. His 4 pack abs bends a After picking a shirt and putting it on the dresser he looks up at his jeans and decides they need changing as well. Grabbing a pair of plain jeans he walks towards the bathroom. "Ill be right back." He says as he walks towards the bathroom and quickly changes.

When he comes back out he looks at Rosaline and says "Ok lets go. Lead the way."
Rosaline rolled her eyes with a smirk, he looked over at him and just shrugged, turning to watch tv and just wait then. She didn't really go out much even with something she's stuck with forever now. And the fact that she almost got killed not even a long time ago. Rosaline stood up and stretched still waiting for him to be doen already.
Akio motions towards the door as he walks over and opens it, holding the door for Rosaline to come out and for them to start roaming the city. He started to think about where they could go and what they could do out in their walk after dinner. Akio quickly checked for his wallet then closes the door behind Rosaline and starts to walk her down the hall and to the elevator beyond.
(Reminds me of black butler...)

Rosaline sighed and crossed her arms, following him down the hall as they walk next to each other. She gave a small yawn, but didn't really care if she looked tired or not she wanted to do something anyway. She pressed the button to get the elevator then stood in with akio as they were brought down to the lobby. Leaning against him a bit she slowly walks out into the lobby with both her arms wrapped around one of his as if they were a couple, but of course she would never see that as true between them.
Just as the elevator starts to slow and stop, Akio feels a pressure around his arms and looks down to see Rosaline wrapped around his arm. He chuckles a little and asks. "And you want us to look like a couple because?" The doors to the outside open as they walk towards the center automatic doors so they can continue to walk straight through with no need to stop. "Not saying I don't like it, but I didn't peg you as much of a.....physical type."
"What? I never said that!" She told him rolling her eyes, " I'm not looking for a guy and I'm not desperate for one either thank you very much.." Rosaline just kept her arms around his as they continued walking out until they were finally outside with the street in front of them. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked with a pout that little girl would do.
Chuckling at her reaction, he shakes his head and continues to walk and talk. "I never said you were looking for a guy, that doesn't change the fact we look like a couple at the moment." He turns a corner randomly and keeps walking, guiding Rosaline around the sidewalk so hey didn't walk into other people. "When I say a physical type, I mean someone who holds onto someone else. I thought you would be more of a hand holder." He explains with a slight shrug, not sure what else to say on the point.
Rosaline raised her brow, " you want it don't you..." She said poking him on the side still holding his arm with both her own, "well I woulda asked to maybe carry me, and I don't really like holding hands personally, it's just not my thing...its a little weird even for me." She finally walked outside with him and looked around for a moment, "Hmm so what can we do now?"
"Want what exactly?" He asks, slightly confused but listens to the rest of what she has to say. "To each their own then. As your sekirei, any contact really is enough for me, though the more the better." He chuckles a little at his words then returns to what she was asking. "Well we could wander the streets, I doubt we will run into anyone. We can go check up on your apartment, see how much longer of a wait that will be." He pauses a moment then opens his mouth like he needs to say something, but changes seems to change his mind and recloses it. After a few moments he starts to talk again. "I can take you on that dinner I owe you. Seems like you could use it after the day you have had. And if none of those interest you, we can do what ever pops into your mind." Akio says, looking at Rosaline and waits for an answer.
She sighed as Rosaline laid her head on his arm, " sure I guess if you feel like being alone for a while then I guess we can check..." She said teasing for a moment. "Never mind the other thing I just said before about wanting, hey..akio...would you be like this if you were how your treating me right now..I feel kinda spoiled, but in a good way..I know it didn't seem we really did much together but I have my little soft Side sometimes..." Rosaline giggled and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, holding it for more than just a few seconds before she pulled away, "I've had a little fun I have to admit...maybe I'll accept your dinner then..." Rosaline looked up and nodded with a smile quielty walking with him.
"Dinner it is then." He says then Akio contemplates the question for a moment, then starts to talk as he walks in a seemingly random direction. "I would like to think I would be this way, but who knows. I might not have the same level of devotion towards you, that is..."hard coded" into my DNA. The rest though, I'm sure would be similar." He answers, content with his answer and the way he had it worded.

He then rounds back to the wanted question. "Your not allowed to do that, what did you mean by "want it"? And how would us being alone at your apartment be different then us being alone in my room. We would be just as bored?" He asks, making it quite obvious now that he is as innocent as a child.
Rosaline just sifhed, "so it was only becasue something was apart of him that's why he would keep me safe out of anything else to go." She thought quielty just looking at him, " just forgot what I said before akio..." Rosaline let go of his arm and crossed her own arms, continuing to walk down the street to see if there was a good place to eat nearby then. " yeah probably, just forget everything back there.." Rosaline repeated
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