The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Chuckling, Akio retorts with, "Well I wouldn't say crawling," He chuckles again and turns a door handle, the number on the door 13. "Welcome to my room" Akio says while gesturing into the room and holding the door for Rosaline. The room looks fairly simple, except the fact everything in the room at least looks like it's the best money can buy, as well as being large, with a fairly sizable desk in one corner with a dual screen computer sitting in the middle. A bed is in the opposite and an entertainment center with a rather large tv and multiple gaming consoles sits not to far from the bed.

"Make yourself at home" Akio says as he walk towards the desk after following Rosaline in and puts his bag down on it before turning back towards Rosaline.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

she just looked at himi and rolled her eyes, walking in when it was open. " hmm..' Rosaline seemed surprised but also not really, going over and sitting on the couch, and putting her bag beside her. Rosaline then opened it and took out whatever she needed from it for now. "well I don't want to really stay long so come on then.' she took out the notebook and pencil and started to open and look through it
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Pulling out the books from his own bag, Akio gets to work on his needed work again, sitting at the desk not to far away. He works diligently and efficiently and before much longer he is done with his work. He looks up and watches Rosaline for a moment, then says, "If you need help, just ask." He says this as kindly as he can, his tone implying that this is just a friendly offer, not in anyway saying that she needs his help.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline sighed and leaned just trying to study and finish what she had. she glanced over at him then at her notebook. "well im good then.' she said already finishing a moment later. "it was just a lot but I think im done.' Rosaline stood up and stretched with a yawn turning to look at him. " well ill back for a moment...' she said turning and walking to his bathroom, going in and closing the door behind her without even asking him.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Chuckling a little as Rosaline just excuses herself, Akio gets comfortable in his desk chair and turns on the music on his computer. He keeps it low so it doesn't bother Rosaline and he just sits and listens until he hears the door open and close again.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline fixes herself up in the mirror a bit when she was done then turns and opens the door turning off the light and walking out. She walked back into the room seeing that he was just relaxing and waiting for her. "well if theres nothing else here then I think ill just go home...and...ill think about your offer...' she walked up to him and looked down at the ground for a moment, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek and turning to walk to the door. "and...thanks for trying to help me study...' Rosaline smiled at him and opened the door turning to walk out and down the hall, into the outside and down the street back to her apartment.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Your welcome, anytime." Akio says then freezes a little at the kiss on the cheek. As she walks away he lightly touches his cheek where her lips had been still a little surprised she had done that. As she walks out the door he remembers something and hurries to the door himself. He quickly scans the hall looking for Rosaline but she was already gone. "Should I go find her........ Nah, she will think I'm being clingy." He says to himself as he turns and re-enters his room and goes about getting ready for tomorrow.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline sighed and walked into her building, going up to her room and walking inside when she opened it. she put her bag down beside the door and locked it behind her, deciding to go take a share then get something to eat, and make sure she had everything for school. Rosaline finished and laid in her bed closing her eyes to sleep. When the next day came she got up and just got ready, getting her clothes on, getting her bag, and getting something to eat before she walked out and turned to walk to school quietly
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

As always, Akio is in his seat, looking out the window with a somewhat bored look on his face. He looks over to the door at the sound of it opening and smiles as he sees Rosaline walking in. "I owe you a dinner." He says and waits for her reaction.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline walked into the class wearing a black and orage skirt with a black bow. she didn't really care if it didn't seem like smeting ordinary to wear but she liked it so she didn care either. she walked and sits down in her seat with a sigh just looking around. " why?' she asked quietly not really knowing or caring.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Smiling a little more at her decision of outfit for the day, Akio sits back in his chair a little. "I promised to take you to dinner on the way home, neither of which I did, so i owe you a dinner." He clarifies, and and looks at Rosaline for a few more moments before looking out of the window again. Out in the distance a small dust cloud can be seen, though Akio doesn't know what caused it, it probably meant work for him again after school.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline put her head on top of her arms and looked around boredly, "well sure I'll accept your offer then..though I might be staying after school today for something..." She said with a shrug turning to look out the window and seeing a smoke cloud in the distance to. " good luck out there then." She said knowing that it probably was a sekeri who did that
"I don't think it is anything major, or they would have called me already. I'll just have to clean it up after class." He says, more or less just to himself as he suspected that Rosaline really didn't care. Shortly after class started and Akio turns his attention to the teacher. Just before lunch starts however, he is called to the office for a phone call. He comes back to the room for his bag and is gone for the rest of the day.

About 20 minutes after class is called, Akio shows up to the school, and finds his teacher. His jacket sleeve looks a little bulky and he has a bandage on his head.
"don't be so need some training with your powers..' she says casually with everyone looking at her a bit weird. Rosaline didn't really care and just turned back to continue class again seeing that he already left a moment ago. After school, she heads to her locker to put things away and head out again not really thinking about what happened earlier about him leaving so early from class today
Akio grabs his missed work from the teachers and heads home, walking past Rosaline's house to get there today as he was trying out a new route. Noticing her building he quickly scans the windows. Not seeing her in any of the windows though, Akio just starts to head home again, thinking she was probably safe and wouldn't want him around today given how much time he had taken yesterday.
Rosaline sighs and walked out, turning down to a street and walking back home. It seemed a bit late now but she didn't really care. Finally she got home and went upstairs, opening the door and walking in with her bag down against the wall and the door closed behind her. Rosaline just sat down a don relaxed, watching tv
As usual at school the next day, Akio is in his seat early. His clothes match yesterday, a bandage on his head and his sleeve looking a little tight around his arm. His head rests on the opposite hand today, since his usual hand has the probably bandaged arm. As people enter the room he smiles at them and waves them away from their questions of "what happened?" and "Are you ok?"
Rosaline walked to school again wearing the same black and orange dress she wore. It seemed this would be her new normal clothes and it actually seemed to suit her too. She walked in class carrying a notebook and her backpack, setting her stuff down and opening her notebook, to a few drawings she had of gun and other drawings. She opened up to a new page and decided to draw a clock that looked like an eye
He scans the pictures that she had drawn and smiles a little at the quality of the drawings. The first weren't as good as the later pictures, but that was to be expected given that the more someone draws the better they usually get. She finally gets to a fresh page and Akio watches as she draws the new picture. As she finishes up, Akio speaks up a little, "wow that looks really good, how long have you been drawing?" He fugured that it had been a while, but he still felt like asking.
(The pic for my character is my avatar)

She sighed and looked around boredly deciding to just continue to draw and ignoring everyone. " what kind of stupid question is that...obviously a long time..." Rosaline really hated when people stated the obvious. That was one thing to piss her off and that was stupid people who acted like him sometimes
"Ok, ok you don't need to bite my head off, it's just a simple question." Akio says and sits back, giving Rosaline space and moderate privacy. Akio looks around a little to distract himself before just materializing Trix and having her be a small mouse. He picks her up and watches her scurry around his arm and hand adorably. He stops ever minute or so to stop her so he can pet her.
Rosaline just sighed, "you already know my personality.." She said continuing her little drawing for a bit then closing her book when she was done and looked around. She didn't really care that he was playing with his pet, but now she kinda wanted one... Rosaline put her hand under chin and looked out the window again deciding to daydream a little
Just before the bell rang to start class, Akio put Trix down and materialized her. Akio then just watches Rosaline for a moment as she daydreamed, wondering what she was thinking about. As class started how ever he turned his attention to the teacher and started his work.

Later at lunch everyone collectively looks at Akio and one person asks for the rest, "how did you het hurt?" He gives a simple explanation, "I was working on a construction site and a wall fell." He shrugs slightly and that answer seems to placate everyone as they all go about their daily lunch routines. Akio then ate alone, giving Rosaline some space if she wanted it.
Rosaline sighed and yawned, glancing back at him then deciding to take out her notebook seeing the class did start a moment after. She went over with class today then walked out to lunch when it was time. She notices him and the usual questions. " yeah right...sure I believe you." She muttered with a grin. She sighed and leaned back against the wall while she sat down and ate lunch.
The rest of the day passes normally, and before they know it, school time has passed and Akio is out the door. As he passes by Rosaline's locker, he slips a note through a crack and continues on his way hardly needing to stop at all. He then starts his walk home at a leisurely pace. The note just simply reads, "I need an awnser soon."
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