The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Not denying it Akio looks at her with an eyebrow raised. "You make it sound like a crime. Is there something wrong with that?" He asks, relieved that he didn't have to really hide the obvious anymore. He puts his hands in his uniforms pockets and continues to walk with her, after waiting for Rosaline to catch back up the few steps he had taken before realizing she was behind him.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline just sighed, crossing her arms and walking to the library just deciding to ignore it, "what makes me so interesting then." She said going to a table and taking stuff from her bag
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Given the head way they were making, he decided to stay with her at the library for a while. He takes a seat at the same table and leans back in the chair, his full attention on Rosaline now. He didn't want to give the real reason so he quickly comes up with a half-truth to tell her. "The fact you present a challenge for me to figure out. The air of mystery around you is appealing, and I love a good challenge." He says matter-of-fact-ly. He looks around and is surprised by the fact that the library seems to be almost empty. Only one person was in view and he was browsing the books.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"so it's a fun challenge just cause you don't know me much or even at all?" Rosaline wasn't wven surprised anymore, he just thought of him saying just a really stupid explanation, it seemed sure as hell she didn't really like him back like that at all.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio just shakes his head and admits defeat. His draw was just getting to strong for him to resist much longer and he needed to leave. "You can't understand and I can't explain. Hopefully I'll see you at school tomorrow. You have a good night Rosaline." And he gets up and walks away, resisting the urge to touch her as he pasted by and walked out of the door.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline just rolled her eyes and turned back to study a bit more, "well ok then bye..." She sighed and looked over at the window seeing it was already dark, packing her things and walking out. Rosaline crossed her arms seeing how quiet it seemed

(Can she still go home or not?)
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

(Yea, she can)

"Damn my morals" Akio says as he steps outside, the draw and heat from his body dying down as he leaves Rosaline's presence. "If i didn't want our relationship to form at least semi-naturally I wouldn't have to play this game." Akio looks around and seeing the coffee shop from earlier he disappears into the shop and gets his favorite drink. He rather liked the outside at night so he decides to drink outside, picking a seat near the shop and drinking slowly, enjoying the relative calm and the cool night air.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline turned and walked Down the sidewalk to go back to the apartment. She went upstairs and went to her room, putting hwr backpqck down. Rosaline decided again To go out and buy skmeyhing to eat since she didn't really each much at lunch since it was pretty bad. Rosaline put on a white dress with a matching color how and ribbons, going out again to find a place
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Seeing Rosaline walk out of her building, Akio contemplates trying to talk to her again but decides against it. He was about to head home when he sees someone jump across the buildings. Fearing for Rosaline's safety, Akio follows her discreetly, mostly jumping from the buildings and keeping an eye on the girl. She reaches her favorite restaurant untouched but Akio waits outside on the roof, wanting to make sure she got home safely.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

She looked around for a moment then put her hands in her pocket dexiding to go and eat first since she was out and she was gonna get hungry later. Rosaline turned and opened the door walking in and waiting for a bit before a waiter went in to show her a table and give her menu so she could choose what she wanted. Rosaline leaned back and relaxed a bit just trying to decide.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio just waits up on the roof for his future Ashikabi to come back out. The movement from early might very well be nothing but t was better to be safe then sorry. He looks around ever few minutes or so just to make sure there wasn't anything that would jump out and attack really anyone. The coast was clear, at least for a moment, but he wasn't go to take any chances.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline sighed and ate her food after she was done ordering and it came later. It was always quir lt around her beside the other people talking but that was it. When she was done, Rosaline pad and walked out driving to just turn and walk home again seeing it was just late now.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Watching her come out, Akio follows her again from the roof top. He looks around and watches as a fairly busty woman walks up to her, her outfit a little revealing and certainly not normal normal clothes for.....well anyone. Akio stops and listen's as she talks to Rosaline, more then a little suspicious, at least to Akio.

"Hello, are you Rosaline?" She asks, he voice a little rough, almost like she feels Rosaline is wasting her time.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline continued walking down suddenly seeing a women that knew her? "well...yes..what do you want from me and how do you even know my name!" she says backing up a bit and holding her ground. "I don't think we've met and I don't really trust offense.."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"You shouldn't, my master has sent me here to make sure that you know work for him. Where is your partner? I would love to teach you both the lesson at the same time." She looks around expectantly then smiles as Akio jumps down from the buildings. "Aaahhh, there you are."

"You get away from her. She isn't part of this...yet." Akio says, standing in front Rosaline with a defensive posture. "To attack us would be to break the rules of the game. Don't make me call in Father Minaka on you and your Ashikabi." Akio threatens, his voice serious. All of a sudden a black cat is standing next Akio, and it hisses at the woman.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"partner?..." she was confused but she had a feeling she was gonna get hurt by her, the women's next words already confirming it. Rosaline stepped back a bit when suddenly she saw akio in front of her. "you must know her!" she snapped, "who is she and what does she mean by master, and part of what!?!" she was totally confused and scared at the same time
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"I'll explain later, Rosaline, now is not a good time." Akio looks back at her for a moment then gets side blinded by a blow to the head, sending him into the wall. He shakes his head like it was just a headache he was trying to clear, only a small cut is showing where his head hit the wall. "RUN." Akio yells, before turning back to the woman. "Trix, shepard." He barks quickly at the cat, and the small animal then grows into a full sized German Shepard. The former black cat, now black dog, growls at the woman and also starts to run at her.

"HAHAHAHAHA, she hasn't winged you yet. You have been around her for days. How pathetic." The woman laughs away before batting at the boy again, only to get raked by the dog.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"dammit!" she says as she turns and runs, "what the hell is this?!" Rosaline doesn't really care and decides to take care of herself and hope that she doesn't follow. Rosaline sees her apartment and runs for it, taking her key and opening the door, locking the door when she's inside. "well that's one way to get back from eating somewhere." Rosaline sighed and laid down to rest for a bit.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio ducks under the blow and uses it to look back and watches as Rosaline runs. "Finally the girl listens." He says to himself. "Trix, bird" Akio barks again and the dog becomes a small bird, flying into the woman's face distracting her.

"Stop this and fight me." She demands, batting away at the bird.

Looking back and seeing that Rosaline was gone and probably home, Akio jumps back, "Stop, ok. Trix, retreat" He orders then disappears, running for his own home.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline didn't really bother anymore and didn't think about it at all. She crossed her arms and just relaxed, when she saw it was late she took a shower and went to sleep when it was already late and nothing to do. The next day arrives and she wakes up to start normal again and forget about yesterday, deciding to change first and make something to eat before going.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio came to school the next day day with a bandage on his head just as the bell rang. He gave the simple excuse of "I hit it against a door, I'll be fine" when asked about it. Every once in a while he would look at Rosaline, expecting her to want an explanation of what was going on or about what happened last night. He wasn't going to hide really anything, though he would want to make sure that she actually wanted to know. At lunch, he ate quickly and went and sat next to Rosaline. "Want to get an early start on our homework?" He asks, though Akio hopes that Rosaline will get that he wants to talk with her.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline sighed and got ready, going to school and walking intohw class quielty and sitting down like usual. She looked over at him and rolled her eyes, "don't believe him..." Rosaline didn't care if they listened to her or no and just thought about herself forgetting what happened yesterday. Rosaline got lunch when class was over and say down against the wall quietly. "Not when I saw what happened. First I want you to explain to me what the hell happened. She hit you so hard that it would kill a normal....human?" She scooted away from him a bit, "your not human! And what the hell what she talking about a game!" It seemed she was mad and shocked wanting to know what he ment with what they were talking about.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Sensing her unease, Akio scoots away a little as well, to make her more comfortable and starts to explain his voice quiet so that only the two of them could hear. "Firstly, no one else can know about this. I'm only telling you because your going to hear about it eventually. No, I'm not truly human, I'm what is called a Sekirei. That is why I could take that hit so easily, we are.......stronger then any human. The game we were talking about is called the Sekerei Plan, and it is not really a game. Father Minaka just likes to call it that for some sick reason. What you saw last night was a rival trying to force us to help them win this 'game.' I really can't tell you more then that right now. Any questions about what I just talked about?" Akio asks, knowing what he just said was probably a shock to her, a shock to anyone really.

As Akio sits there, he listens to her intently, and covers her mouth if she starts to talk much louder then a loud whisper.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Just....what the hell." She said looking still confused. "But how does she even know me, and what's with the master thing then." She crossed her arms and sighed leaning back a bit. Rosaline didn't really know what to do now, "I bet this is gonna kill people then."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Well, the master thing is what she calls her partner. For a one of us to reach our full potential, we have to find our ashikabi......our partners to say the least, she just calls her's Master. How she knows you......I'm not sure, her ashikabi might be having me followed and made a guess at who they think is mine." Akio says, still talking in a low whisper. He listens to her next question and gets a sad look on his face. "Yes, some will die. Most won't though, we will just fall into a coma like state after being defeated." still looking down, Akio asks, "Anything else?"
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