The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline ignored everyone and went back to being alone and doing what she needed to do. Her mood always seemed the same but she was fast enough to move from a different thing when she wanted to. After class ended, she packed up and walked to her locker putting her book away like she always did then turning to walk home again.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

After class finished, Akio got up and left quickly as well, dodging the other students and leaving the building quickly. He decides he doesn't want to deal with the roads today and finds the closest alley way. Checking to make sure the coast is clear, he starts to parkour his way home with the strength of a Sekirei giving him unnatural distance.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline continued to walk home, heading inside to do her homework fast and going up to relax, though she was thinking of going out agin if she got bored which happened all the time because it sucks. After a while of just watching some tv and hanging around, she decides to put on a blue and black jacket, walking out to the town right now.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"No, no no no no" Akio panics as he jumps from building to building. He was being chased by the twins, Hibiki and Hikari. He dodges yet another bolt and jumps again. "Come on ladies, your breaking rules here." Akio tries to scold but is more focused on not getting killed.

"Nothing personal kid, we are just cleaning up the field before the games begin." Hibiki says as she fires another bolt, trying to run him out of building so he has to turn and they can get a free kill.

Akio looks back for a moment then looks back forward. Nothing but street below and he was still moving. "Well, looks like i can't stop now," he says and jumps down to the street and blends into the crowd. Luckily he still had his school uniform so he wouldn't be easy to find. Akio looks around quickly and notices Rosaline. He moves next to her quickly but doesn't talk.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline sighed with her hands in her pocket then turning to see him running toward her, "ummm what are you doing?" She asked feeling weird that it looked like he stalked or something, though she doubted that wouldn't be really the case thinking about it right now.. She turned and continued to walk seeing as he didn't really wanna talk to her then,that was fine with her either way. Rosaline shrugged and didn't really think about it anymore
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio looks around a little then drops the tense look that had been about him. "Damn them." He whispers as he doesn't see the twins anymore and is for the moment relatively safe. "Sorry to sneak up on you like this, i just...needed to hide from some people." He says, hoping she gets the idea, and won't make him leave immediately. He looks Rosaline over as she isn't in her uniform now and rather likes what he sees.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Well that's not really my problem though..."she told him crossing her arms, "and where I am your almost always there..."yeah he needed to run away...but when he saw her he would run toward her, maybe there was something about but he could always hide in a different crowd. Rosaline sighed, her hair blowing gently.. "Well I'm just gonna go then..."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Not yet at least," Akio chuckles and whispers again. "This is just a happy coincidence, nothing more." He says clearly, and looks at the street name, trying to get his bearings. "I should be heading home anyway. Don't want to get jumped again just to wander a little. Have a nice day." He says as he turns towards the MBI building, happy to be just a few blocks away and being able to get home quickly to safety.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline dighed and ddidn't really care what he ment, well it was just time to walk home then since she already felt tired and she didn't really want to do anything. Rosaline turned to go back and up to her room to do her homework then rest now
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio walks into school later then usual for him, but still early by class standards. When he gets to school there are already students in the hallways making idle chat and teachers in room preparing for the day. Akio takes his usual seat and waits for class to start or Rosaline to actually talk to him. This was much harder then he had expected, though he had known it was going to be far harder then just walking in and having her claim him on sight.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosine woke up and got prepared for school again with nothing special, she arrived early and decided to sit and wait in the class rather in the hall again walking in and see aiko there. She turned and sat down putting her pack back down, leanings back a bit and fixing the bow and ribbons in her hair, not really seeming to talk to him right now.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Seeing she didn't want to talk, Akio stares out of the window again and waits for class. He spends the day as normal, paying attention to his teachers and doing well on the work. He is quickly proving himself to be fairly smart. At lunch most everyone tries to talk to him again and he decides to make small talk today, not really getting to know anyone, just being polite. He does look over at Rosaline fairly often during lunch though, not expecting anything just doing it because of his natural draw towards her.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline just went not ally with her classes like always. When lunch started she got what she wanted and decided to sit alone her back facing him, but now the boy had a clear view of how her now and ribbons were positioned perfectly to make her have even cuter hair. She might have not known, but it seemed she could even be in the yearbook of the school as the most cutest looking girl in terms of what she wore and her hair. Rosaline sighed and ate alone not really having mind to really think about at all
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Chuckling at the girls unconscious ability to make herself cuter, Akio continues as he has been, though now he had a little better idea about how the girl liked her hair. The day after lunch went by as normal and the last bell finally rang. Akio was out of his seat quickly as he made his way to the door. He looked back at Rosaline one last time before heading down the hallway, and towards the door. Today however instead of walking down the road instantly he looks around a little and waits at the gate for a little while, still looking around.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline walked back to class after and just continued till the day was finally over. She went to her locker the turned to walk out to the gate and walk home was just boring as hell all the time but sometimes it was good to learn something new at least. She walked out and looked around seeing the cars coming over and students walking around, not really caring since she just decided to go and walk home already
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Seeing an expensive black car, Akio walks out a bit onto the road as the car comes to a stop and picks him up. He rides in the car to an site of a fight, right next to Rosaline's apartment. The place looks charred and one of the walls leading into the lobby has been blow out. Many of the MBI black trucks are already there, quickly repairing the damage. The man that had drove Akio to the site tells him as Akio gets out of the care, "Minaka wants you to keep everyone calm until the men can make it safe to enter. It shouldn't take more then an hour or two."

"Yes sir, I will do my best." Akio says, then turns towards the majority of the crowds. "I'm sorry everyone, but we can't let anyone in the building just yet. We just need to make sure the building is stable. Once it is safe to enter, you can all go in. It shouldn't take too long, an hour, 2 tops for them to have the hole blocked off the the building sound again. MBI thanks you for your cooperation." He goes around the block off line telling every group this. Most people, though still upset at not being able to go home walk off to go where ever and waste the few hours.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline walked back to her house, "wow guess something stupid finally much for homework done early." She sighed and sat down against the wall putting her backpack down And watching, able to hear what they were saying. She rolled her eyes and leaned back against it a bit, not seeming to care much right now
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio looks over and sees Rosaline sitting against a wall. Most everyone had left and his job was done, so he could leave the rest to the guards already there. He walked over and started to talk to her. "This is your building, isn't it?" He asked, though it was screaming obvious that it was. "Well, There is a library right around the corner if you still have work that needs to get done." He suggests, trying to help her out in the situation. He knew much about the city and could direct anyone anywhere.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"So it looks like you have a special job too..." She said not really surpsied or caring. Rosaline stood up and took her backpack, "Well just the homework..." Rosaline was statting to wonder why kind of family he was even from, he was foreign but that really wasn't really much not really knowing him that well either
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Well, my father uses me as MBI's Public Relations officer. Says i have the correct demeanor for it or something." He clarifies on the 'job'. "Well, I'm done here, i can walk you to the library and hopefully we can get to know each other a little more." He asks, hoping she will say yes. It was getting harder to resist the pull she had on him and the more he was around her, the more he was reacting. Soon the heat coming from his body would be hot enough she could feel it around him easily. It was noticeable now if anyone got close enough.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Well...if you want anyway I don't really care." She said with a shrug. Rosaline turned and just started walking with her hands in her pocket quietly, something was different about him when he was around her and she felt weird about but she didn't really know If it was only her or was always offering is to someone else...Rosaline just didn't really care and still wondered why he wanted to know her a lot so so much, it didn't really make sense to her though
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Is that like your catchphrase, 'I don't really care?'" Akio asks, it really seemed to be the only words he ever heard her say. He lead the way to the library, it wasn't far, just around the corner and down the block a small ways. He was almost surprised she had never been there. "Is there anything you do care about? Sorry to be so blunt, your just.......hard to figure out." He says, not expecting anything anymore.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Well I really don't about anything, I just worry about myself mostly." She shrugged and kept walking, "we why do you always wanna hang out with me anyway then?" She asked with a raised brow. "Like we met once cause you were stupid, then I saw you again and again when I was at my locker..just wondering though.." Rosaline really wanted to know why
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"It goes back to that demeanor of mine. I can tell very quickly if i can become close with someone. You can almost say I feel a draw towards certain people. As to why we see each other a lot. We are in the same class, our lockers are near each other as is the rest of the school bodies', and we live in roughly the same direction. Its mostly just coincidence that we run into each other." Akio says and takes a second to look around. He spotted a coffee shop he wanted to go to after dropping off Rosaline, but that could wait till after. After taking the moment to catch his breath, he continued. "Others would call it fate, or even destiny. I personally don't believe in either, just coincidence and planned events." He speaks truthfully.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Become close..." She said staring at him for a moment before finally figuring out a small thought, " does..that mean you like me or something..."Rosaline crossed her arms and sighed feeling a bit weird and maybe surprised. "Cause it sounds like that's wat your saying no matter how you put it now with fate or destiny or whatever else." Rosaline then started walking again, "admit it then...hmph..." It seemed Rosaline was a bit more serious than usual, though she always seemed to get mad or be really surpsied so easily.
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