The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"I never said about being anyone's ashikabi, they only reason I'm talking to you is because....well I don't really know actually other than you just liking me..." she crossed her arms and shrugged. "how do you even be an ashikabi anyway, and as one that means I get to basically have something that can't really die protect me? Well...actually that seems kinda cool..."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Looking back up from the ground and back towards Rosaline, Akio continues with an explanation. "It's not really something you do, its something you are really. Ashikabi's have a......gene in their genetic makeup that allows allow us Sekirei to unlock then use our full power. While we are drawn to our natural Ashikabi's any one of them can claim us." Akio sits back in his chair again and looks at the clock. Lunch was nearing an end and was almost time to return to seats. "We can talk more later." Akio says as he gets up and takes his seat. He was sure she wanted to know more, and in a more private place, he could explain a little more.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"fine I guess." she said with a shrug, standing up and wiping anything off her shirt and shorts. Rosaline sighed and turned to walk back into the class, going to her seat and just waiting to start. "first time we have an exchange student who isnt human and happens to like me all of a sudden...." she thought just being quiet for now.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

The day passed rather quickly for Akio, and before to much longer the final bell was ringing. Out of habit he was the first one out of the room, down to the lockers, and he waited by the street for Rosaline. As she approached he calls out to her and asks her, "Want to go finish our homework at my place?" He motions towards the MBI building in the middle of the city. "We can get something to eat on the way back to your place." Akio also suggests.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline just continued with school again, ignoring everyone around her like always. When the bell rings she walked out, already heading home and not really wanting to stay for anything. She turned to see him again and sighed deciding to see what he wanted....again. "wait what...well sure I guess...but make up your mind..I don't really like anyone coming over to my place unles theres something special though...and I didn't expect it either."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Shaking his head slightly and starting to walk home, he explains. "We are going to study and do homework at my place. Once we are done there and you are ready to go home, we can eat as I walk you home. I probably won't see the inside of your building let alone your actual apartment." He guides them the shortest way there, while he talks with Rosaline, looking around to see if they are being followed as they walk. He doesn't see anyone at the moment, but that didn't mean they weren't there.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

She crossed her arms and sighed wondering why he would want to study alone with her or something. Even if he was human Rosaline would bet he would be still clingy as hell like right now. "well sure I guess that's fine...." she said not minding it much knowing it was him that was gonna pay for her food if she got that part too. "well I'm not an ashikabi, and I don't really care if I have a sekerei, so why do you seem to like me so much? Are you wanting to be my personal guardian or something?" she asked with a slight smirk.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Actually, you are only half-right in that statement. You have the gene's to be an Ashikabi, my natural Ashikabi, though since you haven't.....claimed me or any of my kind you aren't." Akio looks over at the girl and notices the smirk. He considers the second question for a moment then and answers. "If it means I can be around you more, then yes, I would be happy to be your guardian." He smiles a little and turns a corner, walking down the main street. For a moment he holds his hand out and from between some boxes a small black cat jumps into his hand and runs up his arm to rest on his shoulder.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

She jumped a bit, seeig the cat come out of nowhere, "well..though I bet there's something I have to do, like an agreement or something right?" She shrugged and looked around. " Hmm..." She said having a weird feeling it has to with something she wouldn't normally do to anyone like kissing them or anything weird like that. " please don't tell me it's something samn weird or I swear whoever made sekerei's or this game might be just a weirdo."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Chuckling at both the jump and the remark, Akio looks over at Rosaline with a small smile. "Minika likes to call it 'The Game of Love.'" He takes another moment to let that sink in then just answers the question right out. "To sign the contract and enter the game it is a kiss. Not really all that weird, but still personal. You should consider yourself lucky that it is me that has a draw for you." He takes a few steps forward and opens the door to the large building, "After you my lady." He says and motions inside.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"yup I was right....' she said with a facepalm, " I bet he was a perv when he came up with the idea of kissing a guardian to get one....though I guess that would be like a thank you kiss since have something protecting you...' Rosaline laughed a bit and crossed her arms, " your calling me lucky? well hey I wasn't the one who asked for sekerei to protect me all the time.' she rolled her eyes with a smirk and walked into the building.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"No, I'm calling you lucky because any other...."guardian" would have more or less forced themselves on you." He follows her into the building and is a little surprised that no one is in the main lobby nor in the close by and open elevator. "Also, its our genetic make up that requires the kiss, nothing that Minika decided." He chuckles a little as he steps into the elevator and hits his floor button, which was just below the main penthouse.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"What's that supposed to mean, it's not my choice if you want me as an ashikabi or something..." She looked over at him and rolled her eyes thinking that it was funny that kissing was in their gene. Rosalind continued to follow him and leaned back while they elevator took them up. " what can you do then.."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"Well, once i am reach my full potential i become much stronger but...." He waves his hand in front of the cat still on his shoulder and behind his hand the cat starts to disappear. After the cat had completely disappeared he points over at a corner of the elevator and a small dog materializes then changes into a cat, then a mouse, then back to a dog before running up to Rosaline and trying to jump into her arms almost like the animal was trying to love on her. "I have control of spiritual animals but at the moment i can only control this one and she is restricted to small sized animals."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

she looked over listening for his reply then looks over to see the cat then just watching quietly to see what he was gonna show her. Rosaline just watched quietly looking like she was starting to understand a bit now. "hmmm you could make a neverending swarm of animals as a good distraction if you wanted to right? she looked over at the dog and backed a bit managing to catch it in her arms now. " well even if you control her, she could useful in a lot of things other than fighting. I actually thing she's so cute' Rosaline started cuddling it in her arms a bit.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Chuckling a little at the comment. "Yes, she is indeed very cute." He pets the dog as the door opens to an empty hall way, which wasn't as surprising but still a little worrisome. "Please tell me they didn't" He whispers to himself as they start to walk down the hall, the numbers counting down from 20 with a large girth to each room. "Well, I could probably do that eventually, but like any other being, we get stronger over time. I'm not sure how strong I would be after the contract is signed." He says the last part more or less to himself.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

she walked out with him with a sigh still holding the dog in her arms, and waiting to follow him again. rosaline ignores him for a bit just looking around then leans against the wall a bit. "well cause of that stupid kiss you get stronger which of course is just plain stupid because your hearing it from someone like me.'
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"What do you mean by that?" Akio asks, after walking down the hall a little ways then notices the girl is still behind him near the elevator. He waits for her to start walking again and leans against the wall himself. The dog in her arms licks at her face a little before snuggling up to Rosaline, the dog sighing in content at its current place.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

" I don't really know how to explain it much, but.... I just don't know if I can really believe that I can have someone protecting me all the time. Well now I kinda do want my own sekerei but Im still debating with myself whether I should actually join these games that you call.. but I don't want anyone trying to kill me just cause I might have you as my guardian...' Rosaline sighed and smiles a bit when she sees the dog lick her face, " if you still don't get what im saying I don't really know how to explain it much other than I want a guardian to protect me when I need it but that means that ill be a new target like how that girl tried to attack me earlier.' she started to pet the dog and scratch its ears softly
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Moving next to Rosaline, Akio resists the need to put an arm around her and settles for leaning towards her but still not quite touching her. "Claimed or not, no one will ever touch you if i can help it. I'm sorry i got you involved in this but i can't help that now." He smiles at her then pets the dog in her arms again, funneling some of his draw into the dog so that he didn't just kiss her forcefully. He takes a deep breathe and and speaks again. "Since you know who I truly am now, let me fully introduce myself." He takes a slight bow and starts," I am number 13, named Akio Himora, Sekirei of the Wilds, and Guardian of the Public."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline just looked at him quietly, " your the 13th sekerei and you have power over animals and nature if im right?' she asked finally having a better idea of sekerei's now. "well how do this little game end. I bet its a fight to the death and the sekerei who cant find an owner are weaker, so they wouldn't stand a chance. and slowly the count of you would go down only leaving the stronger surviving ones...I think I get it now...' she sighed and smiled a bit, "well if you desperately want to survive and become stronger...I guess I' she asked debating about that again in her head.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Akio straightens up and looks at Rosaline, this face and tone serious. "I don't want to force you into anything, if you really aren't comfortable with this, I would understand. This is hardily a game you would be entering." Akio then breaks the serious look with a gentle smile, "You don't need to decide now either, you have time to think it over."
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

"well now that you told me this it sounds kinda cool to have something cool like what you are... and besides it seems like a long time I hung out with you and i would kinda feel a bit guilty to see someone that i know die like that....' she shrugged and sighed. "it might be weird for me more than you but...I wanna be useful in something at least....Ill be your ashikabi if you really need one then.' She put the dog down and crossed her arms looking around for a moment.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Willing the dog to go back into the shadow, and watching Trix disappear, Akio returns his attention the the girl in front of him. With Trix gone, all of his draw was returned to him and he, again resists the urge to just jump her now. "Well, you know how to sign the contract, but remember you only get one decision. Once its made, you have to live with it." He cautions her gently. "Come on, my room isn't much farther, you can decide there." He says and takes a few steps down the hall again, waiting for the Rosaline to follow.
RE: The 13th and his Ashikabi

Rosaline crossed her arms, "what you think I cant handle anything dangerous? well that's....sometimes true but most often its not!' she sighed and looked back at him. " well your the one that came crawling to me and not the other way around anyway.' she said with a smirk. Rosaline laughed a bit and started to follow him slowly.
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