The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

Nate tries his best to remain by Rose's side, not wanting to look creepy. A little hard to do when you have no idea where your partner is going to turn. As she turns into the store, Nate walks a few more steps unknowingly before realizing that the girl he was trying to get to know had walked into a store. He quickly doubles back, and walks into the store, catching up to Rosaline before really looking around. "This is an odd choice." He says, looking at the girls side of the store before them and then looking over at the lacking selection for the boys side.
She simple have him a smirk, looking over and seeing him behind her of course. " I mostly like buying new jackets and maybe hats sometimes...cause of the design mostly." Rosaline leaned against his side a bit, " well actually I didn't really bring much money, but I also didnt really plan on buying, just taking her out for a walk mostly...well I guess we can just head back now, would you...if it doesn't bother you anyway if you could walk me back to my his apartment?" She asked standing up straight and wondering.
Nate looks around out side and sees no light left in the sky. "It is getting late. I would happily walk you home. I would like to meet number 13." He says, turning and opening the door for Rose, then following her down the street in what he believes to be where Rose lives. "Lead the way." He says.

Trix joins them at the door, taking her place at Rosaline's side and walking with her.
She sighed knowing that he would already say that, he was more like a stalker than anything knowig already about him just wth his powers. Rosaline turned and walked out looking over at trix then walking down the street until they finally saw a light seeing that it was the right place. " well his is where he lives not me." She turned and walked inside going into the elevators and going up to the floor where the room was. The girl gave a knock and crossed her arms feeling weird just having two of them together.
"Come in." Akio's voice rings out. Rosaline notices now that Trix is gone, most likely having disappeared when you entered the building. As She comes into the room, she notices a fairly large box, holding the most of what the room had held before. "Bad news......yea, they said I had to move out now that I am winged." Akio explains, folding the last of his clothes into the box. "I see you have found an other." He comments motioning towards Nate.

"Hello number 13." Nate says, extending a hand to shake with Akio. "I'm number 23, but I just go by Nate. Quite the impressive trick you have." Nate comments as Akio shakes his hand. "Trix is a real special treat."

"Thank you, she certainly is my pride and joy." Akio says, putting his hands in his pockets. "Call me Akio." He then says, continuing to talk with Nate.
Rosaline walks in with him noticing the box herself, "unmm..." She says about to question it before he already knows to answer. The girl simply raised her eyebrow in a "the hell is going on." Way. Rosaline turns and back up a bit so they could fully see each other for a moment before she leans back against the wall for a moment. " you guys...know each or something, it just sounds like it..." Rosaline gave a yawn and looked around at the now empty room again, " you need a place don't you.." Rosaline didn't know why she was offering but it boring anyway and she did like playing with trix before when she could. " could..stay with me then.." She turned away and blushed for a moment being weird and thinking of nate being boud to her too for some reason.
The boys look over at Rosaline in the same moment, answering together. "Not really."

Akio clarifies. "We can recognize other Sekerei, we do each give off a certain power that only others of our kind can feel."

"I only know who he roughly is because of my power." Nate clarifies himself, then lets Akio take the lead again.

"Yes, I do need a place to say." He says, then blushes himself as Rosaline suggests with her. "I would love to come stay with you." He says, then looks over at Nate. "Will you be joining us?" He asks, switching between the two others in the room.

"I am still unwinged, so no, not unless she claims me." Nate answers.
" that's....weird but I guess it kinda makes sense, though also creepy too..." She shrugged and moves some hair away from her face. She looks over at Nate and blushes a bit harder, "blunt much?!" She decides to think abor that but not actually say. Rosaline just glances over at Nate and thinks what to do right now. They just met, but she also wants to have her little harem though it would be weird to just get him right now.
Nate picks up on the awkward situation rather quickly. "Well, I only promised to walk her home for you. I will excuse myself. It was nice to meet both of you." He says, walking towards then out the door. A minute later, the two still in the room hear the elevator door ding.

"He seems nice." Akio says, looking over at Rosaline, before closing and tapping the box shut. "He would be a nice fit for a team." He says, sitting on the now naked bed.
Rosaline decides to let him go for now. She waits for a moment then looks back at him, "maybe...though it did feel a little weird just seeing you talk and I don't really know why." She shrugged and opened the door. "We night him again or something. Let's go already then."Rosaline turned and sleoly walked out into the hall.
Picking up the box and following Rosaline easily, Akio is the first out of the door and is standing next to the Elevator as Rosaline makes her way to where Akio is. "So we need to come up with a story for your house attendant. I doubt very much that they are going to like a random boy moving into your place without some kind of good story behind it." Akio brings up, the doors opening and him walking to the elevator quietly, the box causing him no trouble.
Rosaline looked over at him, " im actually by myself, so theres no one with me..' she shrugged " no one really comes so it wont be any trouble...' She sighed and pushed the elevator, " your dad is stupid, and creepy...' She didn't really understand even still why he was so suddenly kickced out of where he was, " how and why the hell were you even kicked out anyway?' she asked crossing her arms and walking into the elevator
Akio just shrugs as he carries his box into the elevator. "I was told I had to live with my Ashikabi. Its one of the core rules I guess. Plays up the love story aspect." Is all that comes from Akio's mouth as he settles into the elevator as it starts to drop. "Not much we can do about it." He says flatly, not sure really what else to say.

"How was your night?" He asks, trying to gauge how you feel about the other boy.
" is this some weird game dating game or something?" She asked as she heard him saying the love aspect. " jeez you say stupid things more often than when you seem smart..." She crossed her arms thinking to herself but leaning back and looking out through the doors. " I swear whoever made this is the most stupidest person ever..." She glanced at him and sighed, " oh wasn't snything special, he was actually like exactly like you and how you were around me at first Aleays being that one nice guy lot his girlfriend or something but it wasn't a date or anything like just felt lke that..."

Rosaline shrugged and walked out as the elevator opened up. " I was wondering if he was gonna be at least different..or something.." The girl continued to walk until they were outside then turned and headed down the street he the apartment where she went into the lobby and up an elevator to a hall with a green door. After a moment she got some Keys and opened it up.
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