The 13th and his Ashikabi (Sirix and Wiki)

Feeling the pressure leave his arm and hearing the somber tone from Rosaline, Akio looks over at her and realizes he said something wrong. "It seems that I have...miss spoke. It was the devotion thing wasn't it." Akio sighs as he realizes his mistake, and something that he knows has set his relationship back to step one. He again looks like he is about to speak, but again decides against, not sure what to say.

He continues to guide her towards a restaurant until they finally arrive to the place he thought of. "Well here we are." It was a small Italian place, not quite fancy but still high end. "We can go somewhere else if you don't want to eat here." Akio says
"It just feels weird when you say that, but I'm not really bothered by that cause we're just friends now I guess and...I don't see you like that..well right now I think so..." She leaned against his arm a bit and followed him in, " I'm fine with it, most of the time I love Italian pasta and stuff..." She giggled and softly punched his arm, " just be careful what you say though..." Rosaline looked around and went inside with him waiting for someone to show them to a table.
"Don't give me impossible questions then." He teases back before looking at the host. "Table for two, and I associate with MBI." Akio says, to the man, who just nods curtly and motions towards a set of tables. "Thank you," Akio says as he offers his arm to Rosaline before walking after the man. He leans down and whispers to Rosaline, sensing the question. "Just so that they instantly charge MBI. We don't have to deal with checks this way." He explains.

The host then proceeds to show them a table. "Here take a seat." He says and pulls a chair out for Rosaline, motioning towards the seat before pushing it in for her as she sits down. "Your waitress shall be around soon with your menu's" The man says before hurrying back to his stand.

"Thank you." Akio says as the man walks away before returning his attention to Rosaline. "Too much?" He asks.
Rosaline just watxhes as everything happened keeping quiet the whole time and just going with it. She sits down and leans back, laughing at him for all that. " maybe...but I also did find that cute I have to admit..." She said giving him a wink. " have you ever dated anyone before?" She asked throwing another question to it, " I wouldn't mind being with a boy who can protect me without using a gun or anything, and maybe knows a little something about knowing how to treat someone like that..." Rosaline giggled and gave another teasing wink again.
Chuckling slightly, Akio just clears his throat a little before speaking up. "No, you're aahh...You're a lot of firsts for me." Akio says as he looks over at Rosaline. The more she talked, the more she puzzled him. Some moments it seemed like she wanted something, only to turn around and change her mind. "What about you. Anyone ever been special to you?" He asks, as the waitress comes over and introduces herself before giving them their menu's.
She looked over at him, "oh..well might know a lot of them already,," she leaned back a bit, crossing her arms boredly. "Well no, I've met a lot of boys and...well they don't really interest some boys are just all the same. Yeah they might do something like what you did but in the end they mess up bad or do something....I want that special one, can be smooth like this, knows when to back the hell off or help when I'm mad or something...I don't really know how to explain its mostly just the general stuff but it's the thought that I like...." Rosaline sighed and shrugged, " personally I wouldn't see you really bad or not likeable for a girl." She looked over and took a menu, "I think your pretty cool though.."
"Well thank you. I try to be.... approachable, though I wouldn't describe myself as 'cool'" Akio shrugs himself. He looks over the menu a second before deciding on an option and setting his to the side. "I'll try not to be another disappointment. Though I make no promises" He says simply, waiting for Rosaline to make a decision and for the waitress to come back to take the order.
Rosaline rolled her eyes and giggles, " well it's cool you work for an organization with what you are helping people right? It seems like your assigned to someone when you were born weren't you...and it was just a matter of finding them....well it seems like that at least.." Rosaline looked over at the menu then set it down on the table in front of her. " I think...your really...nice besides...trying to protect me...." Rosaline put a little thought into saying that.
Akio chuckles as she says "assigned to someone" before keeping quiet while she talked. "Well, sort of. There are multiple people that we react to, its just we react strongest to people we are the most compatible with. Its not like they scrolled down a list and thought, 'hhhmmm number 13 will love Rosaline.' Its much then that." Akio tries to explain. As Rosaline calls him nice and thanks him for protecting her he reaches around the small table to find one of her hands. "I will do whatever you need me to do." Akio smiles before seeing the waitress come over.
" I wonder how I knew you were gonna say that..." She smirked and leaned back a bit, feeling his hand under the table hold hers and not really minding at the moment. Rosaline Pulled her hand away slowly when the waitress came and turned to look the menu again for a second before she ordered. She sighed and sat up a bit, crossing her arms.
Akio grinned a little as he felt her not let go of his hand. He relishes in the few moments that she allows it to continue before having to let go and order himself. The waitress is quick to take their orders and leave. "So, do you have anything to talk about?" He asks, giving her a chance to talk.
Is being an ashikabi having only one partner? Is there like a something I have to do like a contract sorta thing....beside the kiss. Like in order to keep the contract I have to do something?" She was more curious with how everything worked with being a sekerei. She had never thought of being a master or boss to someone who was willing to do anything like him. " it would be cool to have like a team of sekerei there just protecting you....and I wouldn't mind building a harem full of cute guys....with you included if that's possible though..." She giggled and winked teasingly just joking a bit for the moment unless it was actually true.
Akio giggles himself as she asks these questions but lets her continue to the end before speaking up. "Yea, you can have multiple partners, but that comes with it's own problems one being all of us clamoring for your attention, then if we make it that long, we all will end up fighting one another for the right to ascend." Akio chuckles a little at this, before awnsering her other questions. "Well there could be certain.....physical responsibilities you now have towards me." He pauses to see her reaction
"Hmm well I've always wanted a harem of monster boys that are cute..." She said with a smirk kinda serious about it herself actually. She looked over at with him with a raised brow, " you sound like your a dog or something....and what do you mean by physical..." She said seeing that it was. More than a kiss. " Hmm maybe we should even see if there's any single left which I doubt but I wanna find out anyway."Rosaline shrugged and sighed. " why didn't I think your were gonna say that."
Akio again chuckle at some of her comments, but lets her finish still. "A harem you can surely get, but I'm really the most monster boy your going to get." He chuckles again as he says this. "Well, I do have a closer connection to animals then I do to most people, other then you of course, so I'm not surprised you think that." Akio fakes a devious smile before stifling a laugh. "I'm kidding. Other then the occasional kiss so I can use my contract power, you don't have anything physical you have to do. Other points....may be, I plan on asking if I can just stay at the tower instead of me having to live with you as is the norm." Akio explains. "If it is your wish to seek out other partners, then we certainly can do that."
" I never said you had to live with me anyway, it would be kinda weird... You can stay at the tower then if you want." She shrugged not really caring though a bit confused why he thought she would make him stay with her. "I'm fine with being myself accept if another of those damn things try to kill me..." She sighed and brushed her hair back a bit, " Hmm well then I wanna do it then, I've always wanted a harem and I'll try it."
Realizing a small mistake in his wording, Akio speaks up. "You don't understand. Its policy for Sekerei to live with their Ashikabi. Its so that it doesn't seem like MBI is showing favoritism towards anyone and remain the neutral judges. Its not really your choice if I live at the tower. With you yes, but at the tower, no." He clarifies. Just as he is about to comment on the "gather a harem" the waitress arrives with food.

"Enjoy your meal" She titters as she walks away.

Akio takes up his fork and starts to eat. "We can search for un-winged Sekerei when ever your ready. Though that does mean we have a chance to get into fights over them or just randomly.
It shows favoritism when a sekerei is being by himself? Jeez that's so stupid...whoever you work for is stupid. It's like their afraid to get into conflict because they could lose one or two..." She sighed and leaned back glancing up and seeing the food. Rosaline sat up a bit and started eating, " Are they supposed to protect people or are they like an adoption thing sending out sekerei's to fight for he selves unless they're claimed cause that's what it sounds like." Roslaline hates when logic seemed to be messed up even with a huge company. " Hmm mayeb we could find one while we I after then." Rosaline just continued eating thinking of what kind she could get.
"I don't truely work for MBI, and the awnser is closer to the second. By the end of the game, odds are I'll be dead. MBI wants to protect the public and the Ashikabis, the lives of us Sekerei are not important. Its not that they are afraid to lose one or two of us. They are wanting to lose 107." Akio explains dryly, shaking his head slightly as he sets his fork down then continues to explain. "I protect you because you are important to me. True, MBI would have consquences if you died at the hand of another Ashikabi or his Sekerei, but they don't care if it's anything less then that. They wouldn't send a team to save you if you got kidnapped, it's on me to save you because I care about you. This is much deeper then what you have given thought to. As Father says, this is a game of Love and Death. And a lot of death it will be." Akio gives her a moments to let that sink in.
This so bullshit!!!" She said pissed off by hearing that, Rosaline was mad at the idea but not at him. " I swear they call this a damn game and they release something like you to kill someone who has the same thing and for what?! Fuck the MBI then and fuck your crazy dad as you call him I guess." Rosaline sighed and crossed her arms looking disgusted at the idea of a sick thing they call a game like this. " know...I want a cute boy harem not because of them fighting for me but for protection. Let's go find some who need help...." Rosaline seemed serious and pissed, stretching and standing up once she was done. "Let's hurry up and go after we pay..." Rosaline told him opening her bag.
"As you wish." Akio says, eating quickly though still with class. He looks over at Rosaline and speaks up. "We do have time to eat, your harem isn't going anywhere." Akio chuckles as he continues to eat. "It's still fairly early, many of us are still unclaimed." He explains, hoping to slow her down a little and return to a reasonable pace. "This is also a city of thousands, do you really hope to find another right off the bat."
She looked at him and smirked, " harem isn't going anywhere?" She started laughing then stopped after a moment when she was done and sighed. "Well i want the strong cute ones and fast." Rosaline shrugged. "Some girl is gonna take them, well it's a random encounter, maybe I should be alone and be saved by someone or something like that..." Rosaline thought of pretending to be helpless as the easiest way right now but she didn't really care. " I think it's a better chance if no one sees me with you just for now until I can get more though we can meet up somewhere if your bored. Just text me or something if you have my number.."
"I do not, but I will probably head back to the tower, then if that doesn't work out, I'll be waiting near by your building." Akio explains as he nearly finishes eating. "If that works for you, that is what I will do. If you want me to do otherwise, just let me know." Akio says then leans back in his chair, his plate empty.
She sighed and smiled with a nod. "Sure ok...though hopefully it will work..." She said looking at he groud for a moment with a light blush. Rosaline sighed to calm herself and finish what was left on her plate before standing up and stretching. " here...ummm...I'll just text you with what happens for now ok..." She handed him the napkin with her phone number and sat back down waiting for the check.
"Thank you" Akio says, taking the napkin before taking out his phone, a rather new and high end one, and putting the number into his phone. He sends her a text simply saying "This is Akio" before putting his phone away and standing up. "MBI will cover the check, we are free to go." He tells Rosaline, stretching a little before offering Rosaline a hand up. "Ready to go?" He asks a smile across his face.
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