Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

"I love hearing you sing..." He muttered as he looked out at sea, "Truly a Siren's enchanting voice you posses."

Masamune shoved another in his mouth and said something that sounded like chubby bunny. Akihime sighed softly and ate a riceball, offering one to megohime with a kind smile
Nana's cheeks turned red and she smiled more. "You flatter me, Captain." She said affectionately. "I'll have to sing for you again, perhaps tomorrow night when I stay with you?"

Yukimura did the same, trying to cram the marshmallows as far as he could into his cheeks; Megohime glanced at Akihime. "Did you make them?"
"I would enjoy that." Motochika smiled, "I would enjoy that a lot..."

Akihime frowned and shook her head, "N-No, they were already prepared when I got here. I think Sasuke-kun made them." Masamune was doing the same, cheeks full of marhmellows, 'Shit...fuck...'
"Oyakata...sama...this could be the end..." Yukimura put another mad mallow in his mouth and tried to say chubby bunny, but it was muffled and only sounded like gurgling. He had lost.
Yukimura slammed his fists down on the table, chewing his own marshmallows in defeat. "Wow," Megohime piped up. "Looks like you're really good at taking a lot in your mouth, Masamune."
"Says the woman who beds with the Azure Dragon~" He teased. Akihime put the riceball she tried giving to Megohime and pat Yukimura's back, "You did well, senpai..."
"Shut up." Megohime elbowed him lightly, crossing her legs. "My best was not enough for Masamune-dono, I have failed."
Masamune laughed and hugged her waist. Akihime's entire face turned red before she kissed Yukimura's temple quickly before rushing out of the room to hide in the bathroom. Masamune smirked teasingly, "Well now~"
Yukimura's cheeks lit up bright red, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "Oh jeez." Megohime rolled her eyes, resting an arm on Masamune's shoulders.
Yukimura blushed once again. "I don't understand, she's only my tutor, why do you poke fun at her and I?" He asked, Megohime looking at her nails.
"Why do you even bother, they're perfect for each other." Megohime said, but it wasn't said nicely. "I'll go and check on Akihime-dono." Yukimura said, standing up and heading to check on Akihime, knocking on the bathroom door. "Akihime-dono."
The door unlocked and cracked open, Akihime peeking out shyly, "H-Hai, senpai...? I-Inhope I didn't offend you...I-I wasn't thinking and I-I'm really sorry if I crossed a line.."
Yukimura shook his head, showing her a bright smile. "Don't worry about it Akihime-dono! Now why don't we go and entertain our guests?"
Akihime blushed heavily and hid more, "O-Oh, I don't know...I-I'm your guest, as well...I-I have to help you study and thigs of that nature..."
"Well then perhaps we can continue to study in their presence then!" He said with a grin. "Maybe they'd like to join us?"
Yukimura returned with Akihime, Megohime having moved from sitting on the arm of the couch to on Masamune's lap, watching Akihime and Yukimura come in.
"W-We're going to study now...i-if that's ok..." "That's cool." Masamune said. Akihime nodded and got everything ready, pulling on her wire frame reading glasses.
Megohime watched as Akihime and Yukimura took their seats across from them, a devious smile crossing over her face. "Watch this." She whispered into Masamune's ear. "Oi, Otani."
Megohime made sure that she made eye contact with Akihime before grabbing Masamune's manhood through his jeans, saying absolutely nothing. Yukimura was too stunned to say anything, staring with his mouth gaping open.
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