Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Nana's back arched and she dug her nails into his shoulder, biting back another moan, but this time it slipped out. "Motochika-sama..~"
Nana moaned in delight when he dug his nails into her hips, rocking her hips more roughly than before, biting down on his shoulder.
Nana's back arched again, pressing her chest against his and gripping his hair, moaning weakly.
Nana felt her own release growing close, breathing labored as she picked up the pace again. "Motochika-sama..~!"
Nana bit his shoulder hard and let out a loud moan, her climax hitting hard and making her tremble with pleasure.
Motochika moaned loudly as he, too, reached his end, grateful he had remembered the protection. His breathing was labored as his chest rose and fell hard, hands moving up her hips to rest on the small of her back as he held her
Nana rested her head against his chest, her own body covered in a layer of sweat. She kissed his chest weakly, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Daisuki."
Nana removed herself from his lap and fell into the seat next to him, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
Nana nodded, reaching into the front seat to grab her panties and bra, slipping both on before pulling on her shirt, working on buttoning her shirt up. "You going to class today?" She asked, looking over at him as she pulled on her vest, then her skirt.
Motochika was redressing as well, pulling on his pants after he disposed of the condom in a couple tissues to get rid of later. "Yeah, I'll come in today...might as well, I don't wanna leave you.." He told her with a smirk
Nana leaned over to kiss his cheek, brushing her hair out with her fingers. "Well I'm glad you're joining your Siren today..~"
"Aye." She said and moved into the front seat again, fastening her seatbelt and checking her hair one last time.
Motochika got inthe driver's seat and sped off to school, making sure they got there just in time. When he walked up to the doors with Nana, he kicked them open and whistled loudly, gesturig to Nana, "Make way, ye bilge rats, for the most tempting Siren of the sea! Chosokabe Nana! Do her wrong and you'll feel the Ogre's wrath!" He announced
Nana's cheeks flushed slightly, but she bowed her head respectfully. "Motochika-sama, must you do this every morning?"
"You're the Ogre of the Western Sea, it's not my presence that should be announced." She said, twining her fingers with his.

Yukimura arrived at school with Sasuke, parting from his companion to meet up with Akihime, his tutor of almost a month now.
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