Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

"You already paid in full this morning." She said, setting her bag on the floor, a small smirk on her face.

Yukimura walked with her to the apartment he shared with Sasuke, unlocking the door and stepping inside. "Here we are." He said, slipping off his shoes.
Motochika winked, "I will personally restock your food supply." He told her

Akihime removed her shoes and smiled softly, "I'll go get the notes and things ready...would it be rude if I asked for something to have as a snack?"
"Arigatou, Captain." She said, giving him another kiss on the cheek.

Yukimura removed his own shoes and shook his head. "I'll see what we have in the kitchen!" He said before leaving to check the cupboards for food.
Motochika grinned and revved his engine before driving off to Nana's house

A medium sized bag of large marshmellows stared Yukimura in the face. Sasuke must have bought it when he went to the store the other day. Akihime set up her text books and notes for Yukimura
Once at Nana's house, she let Motochika's crew in to raid the kitchen, changing into her swim trunks and wet suit shirt, grabbing her surfboard. And heading out to the car to attach her board to the top of Chosokabe's car.

Yukimura eyed the marshmallow bag before he whipped out his phone and snapped a quick picture of the bag, sending the snap to Masamune: "Masamune, do you accept this challenge!?"
The crew packed up the food and drinks needed for everyone at the beach before packing up the cars. Motochika smirked and looked to one of he crew, "Ren! Can you and a couple of the others head back to the house and get the surf boards? You know where mine is, yeah?"

A little bit after he sent the snap, he got a response: Masamune had his thumb down with a smirk, "Time and a place, Sanada!" Akihime was sitting on the couch, tapping her pencil against her book
A small man jumped to attention, nodding. "Aye! I'll be but only a short while, Aniki!" She said and hurried off with two others to retrieve Motochika's board.

Yukimura returned after a short amount of time with a plate of onigiri. "Gomenasai, I did not mean to take so long!"
Motochika got in and revved his engine before driving down to the beach with everyone.

Akihime perked and smiled, "Its alright, senpai! I'm ready when you are!"
Nana had rolled the window down, arm hanging out of the car, a smile appearing on her face when she smelled the salty sea air.

Yukimura moved forward to set the plate down, but at the same time he tripped over his two feet, toppling over and landing on top of Akihime on the couch.
"I love the smell of the sea..." Motochika said fondly, "I wish I could live in the sea and not by it...what a life that would be..."

Akihime squeaked and braced her hands on his chest, face flushed at how close he was, "S...Senpai..." She muttered shyly, "D...Daijoubu...?" Before getting a response, the door opened and Masamune stepped in. He stopped and smirked, "Maybe I'll come back in an hour~"
"We could always quit going to school and sail the seas." She joked, spotting the ocean as the rounded the bend.

Yukimura's face flushed dark red, stumbling over his words. "N-No! You got it wrong! I only fell and-!" But it looked pretty bad. Yukimura's knee was pressing Akihime's skirt up, and when he sat up, his knee brushed against her womanhood, making his entire face to red.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Motochika said, "You'd be with me, right?"

A weak noise sounded from Akihime when his knee brushed against her and Masamune grinned darkly, "Oh, yeah. We'll come back~"
"Of course, only the Siren's song can sooth the Ogre's rage." She said.

Megohime poked her head over Masamune's shoulder, glaring at Akihime. Yukimura felt utterly embarrassed as he tried to explain to Masamune what was really going on.
Motochika gave a hearty laugh and burned rubber to the beach parking lot

"I-It isn't what it looks like...! H-He tripped and-!" "Nah, nah, we're just joshin'." Masamune came inside and looked to Megohime, "You can come in, she doesn't have the plague."
Once they pulled up, Nana got out of the car and started to untie her board from the roof, getting it off just as Ren pulled up in a dark gray Sting Ray, Chosokabe's surfboard on his roof. Getting out of the car, he untied it and brought it over to Chosokabe, wearing a sports bra and swim trunks. She had changed on the way there out of her school uniform and chest wrappings.

Yukimura sat awkwardly on the couch beside Akihime as Megohime sat on the arm of the love seat beside Masamune, not even looking at Akihime.
"Arigatou, Ren." Motochika took the purple and indigo colored board with a picture of a blue oni weilding a spiked iron club.

"A-Ano...wh-why are you here, Masamune-senpai?" "Chubby bunny challenge~" Masamune answered. Akihime looked to Yukimura quickly, "Senpai!"
"Aye, Aniki!" She said, grinning happily before jogging off down to the beach. Nana moved to Chosokabe's side; her surfboard had a picture of a blue siren holding a drowned sailor in her scaly arms. "Ready?"

Yukimura stiffened. "It was an offer I could not refuse to give!" He said, still embarrassed.
Motochika grinned at her, "I was born ready."

"You got the 'mallows, kid, or do I have to do everything?" Masamune asked. Akihime sighed faintly and closed her books, "I guess this can wait.."
Nana grinned and headed out across the sand, entering the surf and once at a good distance, she got onto her board and started to paddle out, waiting for a good sized wave.

Yukimura ran to the kitchen and returned with the bag of marshmallows. "Try not to choke." Megohime muttered to Masamune.
Motochika hurried to his car trunk to change into his spare trunks before following after her

"I tell you the same thing ever night, but you don't listen so I don't see a point in listening to you." Masamune said. Akihime blushed heavily and covered her face.
Nana was sitting out on the water, waiting for Motochika on her board. "The waves are nice today." She said, looking up at the clear skies. "Good weather, good waves."

Megohime's entire face went red and she smacked him hard across his shoulder, glaring death. Yukimura entered with the bag and opened it, dumping the marshmallows out on the table.
"Aye, I love days like these. Open sea and sky..." Motochika looked so a peace; he always seemed so intimidating when he was at school or at home, but now he seemed so calm.

Masamune chuckled and grabbed a marshmellow, putting it in his mouth, "Shubby bummy. Yor up, Shanada."
Nana smiled contently, bobbing up and down on her board, just enjoying the view. "Maybe we could go sailing sometime soon."

Yukimura picked up a marshmallow and stuck it in his mouth. "Shubby bummy."
"Will you sing me a shanty as our ship crests the waves~?" He pured

Masamune shoved another in his mouth and smirked, "Fuhhy 'ummy."
"Aye, Captain." She said, flashing him a kind smile.

Popping another one in his mouth, Yukimura tried to make room to speak. "Shubbeh bunny."
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