Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

He glared hatefully before stretching out more, bringing the bill closer with his tongue before grabbing it with his teeth. He moved away from her and slipped the bill into his boot, attempting one last escape
Megohime was relentless. "Oh, Sarutobi, I almost forgot," She looked to Akihime. "I wanna buy our friend here a lap dance." She said.
"Wh-What...!? N-No...! S-Sasuke-kun, you don't...!" Akihime stopped as tears filled her eyes before she rushed out of the building. Sasuke glared more at Megohime before walking off stage
Nana hurried out after Akihime to calm her down and make sure she was okay, Megohime following after a few minutes. "Sup Buttercup, can't handle being a woman?" She asked Akihime.
"How could you embarrass him like that...!? I can understand you going to great lengths to make sure I'm as miserable as I can possibly be, but Sasuke-kun didn't deserve that!" Akihime wept. She didn't even want Megohime to rebuttle in that bitchy tone and manner she always used; she held up her hand before Mego could speak before bowing to Nana, "Gomen, Nana-chan...but I think I will walk home...I need to be alone to think..." She said before turning and walking down the street.
Megohime watched Akihime leave, heaving a sigh, which earned her a glare from Nana. "You really did go overboard." "I gave him like fifty bucks!" "That's not the point, c'mon, I'll drop you off at home." "Hai."
"Poor Sasuke-kun..." Akihime muttered weakly.

Later on that night - around one o'clock in the morning - Sasuke walked through his front door with a tired sigh. The apartment was dark so he knew Yukimura was asleep.
A soft snoring noise came from the couch, and when Sasuke turned on the light, Yhkimura could be seen sprawled out on the couch. He had tried to stay up and wait for Sasuke, but like always, he ended up falling asleep.
Sasuke blinked andsmiled softly, "Oh, danna..." He muttered. He moved and draped a blanket over Yukimura before heading off to his room, turning off the light in the room as he left
In the morning, a woman with back length, pale golden hair accompanied Kojurou on his early walk to school. She was frail and deathly pale, but she had warm, honey colored eyes. "Kojurou-senpai, I'm still thankful you were able to walk me to school today, it's been a long time since I've been out walking."
Kojurou smiled softly and shook his head, "It was no trouble. We all miss you at the book club, and I wish to make sure you're always well enough when you're able to leave."
"Arigatou." She smiled and continued down the street with him, holding a few of her lighter books in hand, a soft wheezing noise occasionally sounding from within her chest.
Kojurou's eyes held worry, but he was sure that she would be alright today. Today would be a normal day for this poor girl that he was so attracted to. He looked when he saw Mitsunari making his way down the street in their direction. Maybe he was heading back home because he forgot something important, Kojurou thought
As Mitsunari drew closer, Jingu's wheezing had become a bit more noticeable, and she raised a hand in greeting. "Good morning, Mitsuna-" Her eyes widened as her chest tightened and she tried to clamp her hand over her mouth, but it was too late. With one heavy cough, blood was sent splattering on his crisp white shirt and across his face. Jingu staggered, finally having her hand clamped over her mouth, trying desperately to apologize and breathe at the same time. "G-Gomen...asai..!"
Mitsunari's eyes widened in horror and disgust, body going rigid. The hand that held his book bag rose high before connecting with her face, causing Kojurou to explode with rage. Before Mitsunari could strike again, Kojurou grabbed his wrist and sent him stumbling down the sidewalk so he could leave. "Jingu-dono, daijoubu desu...!?" Kojurou asked worriedly. Maybe she had to go back to the hospital, he could already see her face swelling up from when Mitsunari hit her with his books
Jingu had hit the ground, scraping her hands and knees, flinching when she saw Mitsunari raise his arm again. When she felt no strike again, she wheezed a sigh of relief. "Hai..." She cleared her throat, chest starting to slowly loosen up. "I'm fine." She held the side of her face where she had been struck, feeling the skin hot to the touch as it started to swell. "I-I just need to run home to change.." Blood had stained the front of her shirt, and some was still running down the corner of her mouth. "Please, go on ahead of me, I don't want you to be late because of me."
She gave him a weak smile, even though her eyebrow and cheek had swollen some. "Thank you.." She said, then covered her swollen side of her face, blushing. "I must look like a mess.."
Kojurou shook his head, "I think you still look vey lovely." He told her as he carried her home.

As Mitsunari stalked down the sidewalk to get home, Akihime was on her way to shool. Her eyes widened when she saw the blood and grew worried, "M-Mitsunari, are you all right!? Do you needto go to the hospi-!?" She was cut off when he swung around and clocked her hard in the face. "Shut your mouth and show no concern for me! My business is mine alone!" He spat. Akihime hid behind her books, "H-Hai! G-Gomenasai!"
Jingu's cheeks flushed red and she wiped her mouth on her sleeve, resting her head against Kojurou's chest.

Yukimura was already at school with Sasuke, sitting beside the slender man as they waited for school to start. "You were out late again, Sasuke, are you sure you don't want me to part time with you?"
Kojurou brought her home and helped her to her room, waitin outside patiently for her

"I'm sure, wouldn't like the work I do..." Sasuke replied softly, "Its not something I can" His speech slowed when Akihime walked in, head down as she walked quickly to her desk. She sat down and brushed her hair back with shakey hands, revealing a busted lip and swollen cheek. "Otani, what the hell!?" She jumped and trembled hard, lowering her head more
Jingu washed up her face and took a puff from her inhaler, changing her shirt quickly before heading back out to Kojurou, her face already starting to bruise.

Yukimura got to his feet and moved around to face Akihime, eyes widening when he saw what condition she was in. "Akihime-dono!? Daijoubu!?"
Kojurou smiled softly and escourted her to school, keeping a good eye on her

"D...Daijoubu da..." She answered meekly, "I-I tripped down the stairs th-this morning...I-I'm so clumsy.."
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