Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Yukimura frowned heavily. "You don't fall down the stairs and only get a split lip." He said, entire demeanor changing.

Nana laid in Chosokabe's bed, head resting on his shoulder and an arm over his stomach; she had decided to join Motochika in one of his lazy days, tracing the muscles on his stomach with one finger.
"I missed the last step and fell on my face." She said, keeping her gaze downward, "Really, senpai, I'm ok."

Motochika held her tight against him, completely relaxed and at peace
Yukimura frowned more, but didn't pressure her. "You should go and get cleaned up." He held out a hand. "I'll take you to the bathroom, or the nurse if you want?"

Nana was humming softly a nameless tune, occasionally kissing his collarbone.
Akihime glanced at him shyly before gently taking his hand, "J-Just the bathroom..."

"Havin' fun, lass?" Motochika asked, smiling softly
Yukimura nodded and took her down the hall to the bathroom. "I'll wait out here until you're done, then I'll see if I can get you some ice for your cheek."

Nana made a soft noise. "Well, I did have something planned for you today, and I was just deciding if you'd like it more than this..~?"
Yukimura shook his head. "You're my dear friend, Akihime-dono, how could I not help you?" He said with a smile.

Nana leaned up to kiss him before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom, pulling out the outfit she had stashed under the sink. She returned not five minutes later, standing in the doorway in lingerie. It consisted of black thigh high stockings kept up by a dark blue garter belt as well as a rather revealing and tight sailors dress and black heels. The skirt was short, short enough to where her rear was already showing, blue lacy panties exposed.

Akihime's heart shattered into a million tiny pieces but she still forced a smile anyway. "Arigatou." She said before sinking into the bathroom to silently sob as she cleaned her face.

Motochika sat up and whistled, "I'm already hooked."

Yukimura waited outside of the girls bathroom, standing awkwardly by the door.

Nana moved over, hips swaying as she slowly moved on top of him, sitting on his lap. She ran a hand through his hair and leaned in close. "Do you know what I want you to do to me~?" She purred. "I want you to bend me over the bed," She licked the shell of his ear, whispering into his ear. "And I want you to fuck me nice and hard~" She purred, hand rubbing his collarbone.
Akihime decided that she should just suck it up. If he didn't return her feelings, that was fine. She hoped he would find someone better suited to be with him. When she was cleaned up, she left the bathroom and stood by Yukimura, "Arigatou, senpai, for looking out for me.."

Motochika grabbed her hips and smirked darkly, "That, I can definately do~"
Yukimura nodded and scratched his head. "Of course! Now, we should go and get you some ice, I'm sure that lip looks as bad as it seems."

Nana slowly licked up his neck before biting his ear gently. "I'm just trembling at the thought~"
She nodded and followed him to the nurse for ice.

Motochika flipped her so she was on her back and ran his hand up her thigh, "I can tell~"
Yukimura headed to the nurse, knocking before entering. "Tenkai-sensei?"

Nana spread her legs slightly, watching Motochika with a small smirk.

The door opened and a tall thin man stood over them, smirking behind his medical mask. "Why hello, Sanada-dono~ Akihime-dono~ my, that's a nasty cut~"

Motochika tugged off her panties and rubbed her clit with his thumb as he insterted a finger into her core gently. He kissed her neck gently before nibbling and biting

Yukimura shifted uncomfortably. "Akihime-dono took a nasty spill down the stairs and is in need of some ice." Yukimura said.

Nana wrapped her arms around his neck and let out a soft sigh of pleasure, spreading her legs more for him as her eyes fell half-closed.
"Oh, you poor creature. Come, I'll get you fixed up~" Tenkai gently took Akihime's hand and she grew nervous as she stepped in, "This won't take long, Sanada-dono~"

He pushed another finger into her and moved them faster, purring seductively in her ear
Yukimura nodded and followed them inside, waiting and watching, concerned for Akihime.

Nana moaned weakly, biting her lip to quiet her noises as she rocked her hips slightly, face flushed.
"Ah-ah-ah~" Tenkai pushed Yukimura out, "No peeking~" He said and shut the door

"You know I dislike you bein' quiet, Nana~" He said teasingly
Yukimura stood outside of the door for a moment with a slightly stunned expression before moving to stand beside the door again.

"Gomen-ah~!" Nana arched her back when his finger brushed against her special bundle of nerves. "-sai, Captain..~" She moved her hand away from her mouth and dug her nails into his tattooed back.
The door opened a bit later and Akihime stepped out, her lip looking like it was never even busted. "Good as new~"

Motochika hissed and bit her neck, "I'll forgive you this once~ next time, however, I'll have to punish you~"
Yukimura gawked in surprise. "How did you do that..!?" He asked, moving a bit to close to Akihime.

Nana tried desperately not to cover her mouth, but the more she moaned, the louder it got and the louder it got, the more embarrassed she was. She squirmed under him, gripping the bed sheets before she felt a particularly loud moan coming on, and she didn't even try to stop the hand that clamped over her mouth.
Akihime inched away from him, blushing darkly, "S-Senpai..." She muttered. Tenkai chuckled softly, "Its my little secret~"

Motochika toock both of her wrists and held them above her head, "Come on, Nana, the Ogre wabts to hear his Siren scream his name~"
Nana nodded, cheeks flushing even darker as she moaned his name. "Motochika-sama, Please forgive me~?"

Yukimura bowed his head to Tenkai, though the nurse still made him rather uncomfortable. "Arigatou..!" He said.
"We better go." Akihime said, "Arigatou, Tenkai-sensei." "You're very welcome~" Tenkai replied

"I'm all out of forgiveness~" He stated huskily
"Hai!" Yukimura bowed to Tenkai once more before leaving with Akihime.

Nana swallowed the small lump in her throat. "And how much punishment does the Siren have to endure from the Ogre..~?"
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