No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

A heavy blush settled over her cheeks. "She doesn't want to."she said, turning her back to him.

((Black mail is harsh. xD))

38x2 whimpered and her eyes teared up. "Please don't throw her out to him! He hurts this one!" She cried, wringing her hands nervously.
38x2 blinked when she heard nothing and turned around, blinking in surprise when he had returned to work, crestfallen. "Oh..." She murmured softly. "This ones chest hurts.." She said, rubbing the pink fuzz that was growing in on her head.
"Can Otou-sama fix it? Can he fix it like he fixed her hand?" She asked, chewing at her nails again.
She frowned softly and hung her head, rubbing her chest.

((Shall we skip ahead a little to when she can leave for like half an hour a day to start working her muscles more?))
38x2 was now four weeks old and her hair had gone from almost non-existent to short shaggy hair. She had gained some muscle mass, but did not grow in height. Her broken back had healed nicely and was now only a thin scar on her back. Trotting around the lab impatiently, she gnawed on her thumbnail, which was chewed down to a nub. "Otou-sama, this one is hungry." She said for the fourth time, hanging around him like a dead goose.
38x2 hummed softly, leaving Szayel's territory and making her way into the common grounds of Los Noches.
A small humming sound filled the hallway as the echoing of wicker sandals meeting stone in simple strides followed behind the tune. It was coming from a ways ahead of her.
The noise instantly caught the girls attention, stopping to listen to it for a moment before she scurried ahead, curious to see where the noise was coming from, her own bare feet pattering softly on the ground.
As she rounded the corner, a tall man with silver hair and the same kind of clothes as Szayel nearly bumped into her, "Whoa!" He grabbed her arms gently, "Wha'cha doin', li'l bunny rabbit~? Ya gotta be more careful runnin' through tha halls~"
The Pinkette blinked and stared up at the tall man before her, who wasn't as tall as the one called Nnoitra, but taller than the one named Tesla. "This one... Is not a member of the rodent family... At least she doesn't think.." She mumbled, looking a bit confused.
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