No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She didn't seem to exactly pick up on his sarcasm, cheeks flushing from his false praise. "Though, he doesn't like when she calls him Otou-sama.."
38x2 winced and tried to move away when he reached out, thinking she had done something wrong, but when she realized he wasn't hurting her, she blinked and stood awkwardly.
38x2 glanced up at Gin, meeting his barely-open eyes. A cold shiver ran down her back and she stiffened, quickly shuffled away. "N-No..." She choked out, feeling like cold hands had wrapped around her neck.
The girl stumbled back and fell onto her rear, back pressed against the wall. "H-Hai.." She stuttered, feeling like the very air had been sucked from her lungs.
She looked at his hand like it was a rotting, maggot filled limb, terror in her eyes. She looked just about ready to take off down the hall, but hesitantly took his hand and stood.
She nodded vigorously at the mention of food, stomach growling loudly. "She wants the chicken with the small fires on it." She said, meaning jerk chicken.
Gin looked confused again, "Chicken wit' tha small...? Oh! Nnoitra's spicy chicken, eh~? Let's go see if we can't talk Tesla inta makin' ya some~"
Gin smiled and took her to where he knew Tesla was, not even bothering to knock before entering, "Tesla, we have a favor to ask~!" He chimed. Tesla glared, "I don't owe you anything." "Nah, but after I tell ya about tha interestin' thing's I see goin' on in the monitor room, ya'd reconcider~" Gin said. Tesla's eye widened, "You what...!?" He gasped. He growled, "What do you want?" "Kawaii-chan wants some maor jerk chicken~" "Fine." Tesla growled
38x2 looked from Tesla to Gin, blinking in confusion. "She wants to know the interesting things." She said, tugging on Gin's sleeve.
She frowned softly but didn't ask again, Szayel hated when she pressured him, so she got into the habit of not asking questions more than once, but it was easy to forget. "Is the pincher bug gonna be there, cuz last time he made it so she couldn't walk.." She rubbed her back with a small whine.
She let out a soft sigh. "Good, she still aches..." She grumbled as they entered the kitchen.
Gin chuckled softly and gently pat her head. He stood off to the side with her, watching as Tesla made the jerk chicken for her, grumbling angrily
"Where is the scrawny ones eye?" 38x2 whispered to Gin, cupping her mouth to try and make it so Tesla couldn't hear, but she wasn't exactly all that good at being stealthy.
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