No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Szayel made a noise and looked to the chicken he had attempted to synthesize. Making a face of annoyance, he went to go bug Tesla to make food
A few minutes after Szayel had left, the girl stirred before sitting up, feeling her stitched up nose, eyes blank. "Munchy munchy..." She murmured and slid off the table, heading toward the door.
Szayel moved to find Tesla walking back to his room, "Tesla. I have a request." "Hai, Szayel-sama?" Tesla asked. Szayel brushed his hair back, "I need you to make food for 38x2." He stated. Tesla made a face, "Hai..."
Said girl was wandering down the hall, stopping to snuff every so often, but otherwise, she kept on her way without running into anyone. Eventually something caught her nose and she followed that, the mouthwatering aroma making her stomach growl, but she barely seemed to notice it in her dream-like state.

There was a blurr of white and pink beside Tesla, a fist connecting with the side of his face hard enough to send him into the wall and send cracks up the stone. 38x2 stood before the chicken, eyes half lidded as she sniffed the air, grabbing the half done chicken and scarfing it down quickly, not registering what was really going on as she crouched on the ground, tearing the meat appart with her fingers and teeth. She wasn't even really awake, it was only her primal instincts that she was acting on, and right now, they told her to eat.
38x2 simply continued to eat, only stopping to growl like an angry dog at him before returning to eat, dried blood still on her face and dress.
As soon as Tesla got within arms reach, she panicked. Dropping her half eaten raw meat, she lunged for Tesla, hand balled into a fist for another powerful strike to his head. Her good eyes were feral, but dull, as though she were still asleep.
She brought her leg up and kicked Tesla into the ovens, making the glass shatter and the metal bend under the force of the Arrancar hitting it. Her teeth were bared at him, standing in front of the raw meat that lay on the floor, protecting it from him, not that she really needed to.
Szayel sonido'd into the room, gold eyes glowing with his rage and disapproval. "That's quite enough." He growled and pointed a small remote at her, hitting the button to give her a tiny shock.
38x2 jolted and fell to the ground at Tesla's feet, the collar shocking her into a stunned state and leaving her unable to move.
"Munchy munchy..." She whined to him, holding onto his shirt. "He tried to take her munchy munchy and her tummy hurt so much..."
38x2 was confined to her cage, punishment for destroying the oven in the kitchen, picking unhappily at the gray mush he would give her to eat, though she did eat a little of it.
"Otou-sama is a bad cook." She mumbled in response, forcing down another small spoonful.
"38 wants chicken." She pushed the barely eaten plate of food away and leaned against he bars. "Why not bring the chikens here?"
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