No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Otou-sama can make them like he made this ones hand!" She held up her hand to prove her point.
"Chicken is good, but scrawny man with the eyepatch makes it better." She said, tugging at her short hair.
"Why can't Otou-sama make chicken taste good?" She kept on pestering him with questions, bouncing her leg out of boredom.
"You aren't allowed to leave for a while." He told her, "This is the second time I've let you out that something has happened to you that I had to repair."
"Well, this one doesn't understand a lot of the words... But some words she can!" She said proudly.
She didn't really seem to understand his disappointment, so she just sat grinning happily in her cage.
38x2 was locked in her cage for two weeks, and when she was finally let out, she was beyond excited to go out into the halls again. "This one can go walking now?" She asked, bouncing up and down, in a fresh experiment gown.
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