No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Then why do you wear that ugly patch?" She asked, rubbing her forehead scar and staring at Tesla, sitting on the counter beside Gin, swinging her legs and chewing on her lip.
38x2 was on a role though, and honestly, she didn't find anything she was saying to be particularly a problem. "His head looks like a glans..." She commented quietly, seeming to have found something more interesting to focus her attention on, either that of she had spaced out.
Gin suddenly erupted into laughter and Tesla whirled on her, punching her hard in the face as he seethed with rage, "You shut the hell up about Nnoitra-sama, you useless whore!!"
38x2 was sent sprawling off of the counter and onto the floor, holding her broken nose as blood gushed between her fingers, eyes watering up as she stumbled to her feet. "This one... Is not a whore...!" She snapped back, though her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.
"Do not ever speak of Nnoitra-saa that way again or I will do more than just break your nose!" He spat. Gin stood snickering as he watched
38x2 looked like she was going to throw a tantrum, but instead, she vanished with the help of sonido, leaving a small crater in the floor where she had been standing, along with a small puddle of blood.
38x2 appeared about a mile outside of the kitchen, tears of anger and pain streaming her face as she tried to fix her nose, but it would need to be reset by Szayel. She wiped the blood off her hand on her white dress, plopping down onto the ground and wiping her tears away with her arm, smearing blood across her face. "Stupid eye patch man." She sniffled.
Her shoulders slumped and she rested her chin on her knees. "Otou-sama will get mad at this one again.."
38x2 evaded eye contact with the silver haired man, chewing her thumbnail. "Would Kitsune-chan really do that for this one?"
Her cheeks flushed and she stood, following Gin back to Szayel's lab, nose still dripping blood.
Gin took her back to Szayel's, knocking on the door, "Apporro~! I have a gift for ya~! She's small and bleeding~!" "Bleeding?" The door open and Szayel stood confused before looking to 38x2. His eyes narrowed, "What happened?"
"This one... Was hit by the scrawny man with the ugly eyepatch.." She mumbled, shuffling her feet. "Gomenasai, Otou-sama."
38x2 sat down on the table, swinging her legs nervously. "I'm sorry Otou-sama, she ruined her dress.."
38x2 didn't move much at all, being completely under as he worked, the occasional tear falling from her closed eyes.
38x2 groaned in her unconsciousness, stomach rumbling at the same time as she winced slightly.
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