No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

38x2 twitched slightly every time he reattached her nerves and muscles, new tears falling from her closed eyes. "Tou-sama.."
It took 38x2 three days to come to complete consciousness, and when she finally did, she was in her cage on her bed. Sitting up slowly, she looked around, hair a complete mess, but she was clean now, all the blood washed from her body.
38x2's tired eyes found Szayel hard at work, staring at him blankly for a moment before looking down at her new leg.
38x2 didn't seem to realize he had spoken, laying down again, but keeping her eyes on Szayel.
Three hours later, 38x2 was still just staring at Szayel, laying still on her bed, but now she was murmuring to herself, which was odd because she would have bugged him about lunch an hour or so ago.
38x2 stopped murmuring, staring at Szayel silently before returning to her mindless muttering, perhaps she had a concussion?
When he got closer to the cage, her words became audible. "Otou-sama, I'm scared." Was all she was saying, over and over.
Szayel made a face and crouched before her, "What are you scared of?"

(( :O Was she thinking that before she died!?
((*cackles loudly*))

Tears fell down her face. "This one doesn't want to die... She wants to be with Otou-sama.."
38x2 reached a hand through the bars of her cage, tears still streaming steadily from her eyes. "This one loves Otou-sama."
38x2 held onto his hand, closing her eyes to rest, mind still working hard to regain full capacity.
The girl woke later that same day, sitting up and yawning before looking around. "Tou-sama..?"
38x2's expression grew sad and she hung her head. "Okay.." She muttered.

((It's too late Szayel, she's imprinted on you.))
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