No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She picked up her head and gripped the bars. "Can she have the chicken?" She asked, mouth practically watering.
38x2 whined loudly and stared at the chiken as though she might be able to make it move closer with her mind.
"Hai!" She nodded eagerly, a sparkle in her eyes.

The next year went by smoothly, 38x2 didn't leave the lab and was behaving the best she could. Her hair had grown down past her back and was still as wild as ever. She finally had regular Arrancar clothing, which consisted of a long sleeved, form fitting shirt that went all the way down her wrists and fingerless gloves that ended just below her wrist , black wicker sandals and white hakama. She seemed nervous all day, pacing endlessly. "Tou-sama.. Something seems off, this one doesn't like the presence of the orange haired girl... Something had is going to happen.."
She whined softly, but sat down at the small desk he had cleared off for her so she wouldn't sit by his while he worked. She had various doodles - most of which were either cartoon chickens or Szayel - spread across the desk along with books and jars full of different bodily parts. "She has a bad feeling in her tummy..."
She nodded and started doodling to pass the time of the day, then an alarm went off on one of Szayel's monitors, showing two beings had entered his wing of Los Noches.
"Can she show proper hospitality too?" She asked, getting to her feet, practically bouncing over to him.
Szayel frowned softly and shook his head, "No, you stay here with Lumina and Verona." "Szayelapporro-sama!" "Szayelapporro-sama!" The two ball shaped fraccion bounced up and down as Szayel pat 38x2's head on his way to the door
38x2 watched Szayel leave before moving over to the monitors, watching him walk down the hallway to great both of the intruders.
"Tou-sama... Be careful..." She murmured, then chewed her thumbnail, turning and heading for the lab door.
38x2 scurried down the hall, stopping in the corridor just outside of the battle, gnawing on her thumbnail. "Otou-sama..." She whined softly.
Szayel looked back and his eyes widened curiously, "38x2?" "Pay attention!" Renji yelled and attacked with his shikai, cutting Szayel's sleeve and his arm. Szayel hissed and glared at the red head.
"Otou-sama!!" 38x2 stared in horror before a look of absolute rage crossed her face. Getting in front of Renji with the help of sonido she punched him hard in the chest, sending him flying across the room.
38x2 turned away from Renji and moved over to Szayel, hanging her head. "This one was worried about you...@
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