No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

38x2's eyes unfocused and she crumpled to the ground, making a weak noise as she hit the floor.
"Rest well, 38x2...I'll see you soon enough."

When 38x2 awoke, the entire area was covered in rubble and debris. Szayel and Renji were also missing.
38x2 was, miraculously, alive and unharmed. The rubble had managed to somehow miss her completely, only being covered in dust. She sat up and rubbed the back of her head, looking around. "Tou-sama...?" She began to crawl out from under the large slab of wall that had saved her from being crushed, making her way out and on top of the large pile, shielding her eyes from the artificial sun and looking around.
"Otou-sama?" She called, turning around a few dozen times, the scent of blood hung heavy in the air and hung on the wind. It wasn't just one scent of blood, but many; Shinigami, Arrancar, and some other foul smelling blood. Making her way over the rubble, she headed out in search of Szayel, not happy about how bright it was.
She seemed to walk for days before a somewhat familiar figure was standing frozen in the distance. The closer she got, the more details she could make out. The first being pink hair.
She stopped and stared at the figure for a good minute or so before he eyes widened and she ran forward, a grin on her face. "Tou-sama!" She moved around to face him, and her smile instantly vanished at the sight of the broken blade sticking out of his chest, and the small amount of blood coming from his mouth. "Tou....sama?" She grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Otou-sama! Wake up!" She cried.
"Tou... Sama.." She hiccuped, sinking to her knees and gripping at the fabric of his hakama. "Don't leave her... Don't leave this one all alone!" She sobbed, hugging his legs tightly. She cried for a good hour of so before she called down, wiping her tears way. "This one won't let Otou-sama die.." She picked him up easily, hurrying back toward Szayel's destroyed wing. Once there she set him down and started working on removing the rubble from the lab entrance, it taking nearly three hours before she was able to open the door. Grabbing Szayel again she brought him into the lab hurrying to where he stored everything and she began to hurriedly rummage through everything, whining softly. "She doesn't know what to look for..!"
Szayel laid in his statued form, frozen. "I can't believe...this is how I die..." He strangled to say, eyes locked forward, "38x2...she's alone now...poor greatest creation..."
She was careful with removing the broken blade from his hand and chest, grabbing the red clear liquid she had been given to heal her own wounds, unscrewing it and forcing it into his mouth, making sure he swallowed most of it before sitting back and waiting, hoping it did something.
Szayel eventually began to twitch, first his finger then his hand. Soon he took a loud gulp of air and began to breathe heavily, "N-Nani?"
"Otou-sama!" The girl practically crushed him in a hug, sobbing as she held Szayel tightly. "She was so scared you had left her all alone..!"
She nodded and didn't let go; her hair was covered in dust and had a bit of dried blood on it, but other than the cut in her shirt, she was fine. "She missed you..." Her lower lip quivered. "She was so scared!"
Half of the lab was destroyed, but most of the important materials survived. "She's sorry she wasn't much help.."
She smiled happily at his praise, cheeks flushing pink. "She's glad she didn't die either."
"This one smelled a lot of blood." She said, pointing back out towards the sands of Hueco Mundo.
"Hhmm..." Szayel moved to his computer and checked if it still worked. It didn't, makig him sigh, "Looks like we'll have to look the old fashioned way."
38x2 nodded and headed out toward the entrance, squinting as she entered the sun. "The ball of light hurts her eyes."
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