No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She smiled happily, turning to face her opponent and bouncing on the soles of her feet, fists at the ready.
She stared back at him, a curious look on her face before she appeared before him. "The man with the red hair has no eyebrows." She murmured, touching his face, looking concerned for him.
She made a face and stared up at him. "Unpleasant desu." She said, turning her head away.
38x2 looked back to where Szayel had left, making a sad noise. "Otou-sama takes so long.."
38x2 twitched and vanished, appearing a ways ahead of him. "Bad bad." She muttered to herself, taking up a fighting stance again.
She dodged the large blade and worked on slowly moving closer to him, but she was only toying with him, clearly not really interested in fighting.
38x2's eyes widened as her blood was spilled, and she held her heavily bleeding shoulder, tears welling up in her eyes. She let out a small wail, moving forward and punching Zabimaru, snapping off two of the "fangs" on the blade, grabbing the blade itself and pulling hard with her good arm, pulling Renji closer.
38x2 swung her fist aimed for his head, but she only had her bad arm free. Missing his head by an inch, and leaving a good sized hole in the floor, crying out in pain and stumbling back. She fell on her behind, holding her bleeding shoulder, whining softly. "Itai..."
"Otou-sama made this one... He says she's perfect.." She smiled weakly, feeling woozy from bloodloss, but the bleeding of her shoulder was slowing and clotting.
"Otou-sama!" The young girl turned her head to face Szayel, sitting on the ground before Renji, shirt soaked in blood. "This one is sorry she failed you.."
"You're fine,, drink this juice and your shoulder will get better." He told her and handed her a small vial of crystal clear red liquid, "It won't taste very good but it'll help."
She took the vial and unscrewed it, drinking it with a grimace. "She doesn't like it.." She mumbled before moving back toward Szayel, the wound slowly closing.
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