No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

When they found him, he was covered in a clear slimey liquid, looking perturbed. Szayel snickered behind his hand, "Well, well~" "Shut up." "Someone got a little carried away~" "Shut up." Grimmjow growled
"Yeah, no shit! I got drooled on!" Grimmjow growled. Szayel chuckled and helped him stand, "How are you?" "I can fucking walk, if that's what you mean." "Excellent! Then you can go back to my lab by yourself." "Yeah, yeah, yeah.."
38x2 turned her attention off of Grimmjow, sniffing the air again. "There's... No that one is stale.." She frowned, smelling a peculiar scent that smelled rather familiar. "Kitsune-chan.." She disappeared, leaving Szayel alone with Grimmjow.
"38x2?" Szayel asked curiously. Gin laid in the sand weakly, trying to crawl with one arm, "Sh-Shimatta..." He groaned in pain, but his smirk was still present, "This sucks.."
38x2 had moved further into the dunes of Hueco Mundo, sniffing out the Shinigami with little effort, that and she spotted him almost instantly. "Kitsune-chan..!"
She moved over with a small frown, crouching down in front of him. "What happened to Kitsune-chan? He smells stale.."
She smiled and nodded, picking Gin up carefully and hurrying back to the lab. "Otou-sama! This one found Kitsune-chan!"
"But this one doesn't know how to fix things..! Otou-sama please? He's this ones friend!" She said.
She kept talking, even if Gin was fading in and out. "That's why this one had to stay inside for a long time. Otou-sama got worried about me."
"Oh." She frowned softly and looked over at Tesla, then Grimmjow, whining softly. "Tou-sama... Why did those people destroy our home?" She asked quietly.
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