No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Morning, Tou-sama.." She got to her feet, a bit sore and looked around on the ground. Usually she would find some left over parts that had yet to be discarded and she simply intertwined herself with that, but today the lab seemed especially clean, so a small whine sounded from her throat, wandering off to search the lab, but to no avail. She returned and sat on the floor near Szayel, watching him.
"I told you not to call me that.." He said. He sighed and looked to her, "What are you doing? You look like a lost puppy, sitting there with your huge eyes."
She touched her cheek below her eyes. "Huge eyes..." She repeated, not understanding, but simply because there was a lack of mirrors in the lab, she had never seen herself before. "Should this one.. Not have large eyes?"
She blinked, then squealed happily at the compliment. "Tou-sama thinks this one is perfect." She wiggled happily, jumping to her feet in her excitement, and bumping the table. She didn't notice the acid on her flesh until the bones of her pinkie were completely exposed. When she saw the red and white of her dissolving flesh she stopped moving, holding her hand up and watching as her hand was quickly being dissolved by the vile chemical. She screamed once and fell on her rear end, shaking her hand - or what was left of it - trying to shake free of the acid as it made it's way up her arm, eyes wide with fear and agony, but she knew better than to scream.
Szayel cursed loudly and grabbed her arm, yanking her up and forcing her hand into a beaker of water, diluting the acid before moving to wash the rest off, "Baka." He hissed, "You should be more careful...!"
"G-Gomenasai.." She said, staring at what remained of her forearm; one thirds had been eaten away by the acid, leaving small amounts of bone jutting out from the rest of her arm. Her lower lip quivered and she whined quietly. "I-Itai...!"
She nodded chewing on her lip so she wouldn't cry, though it didn't stop the tears that dripping down her cheeks. "She will be good." She strained.
She winced every so often and whined softly, but she kept quiet and as still as she could, letting him work.
Szayel took four hours to reconstruct her hand, but it was done. He sled proudly and released her wrist; having it strapped down so she couldn't jerk away
She looked at her hand, turning it over to inspect it. It was flawless work, and you couldn't even tell just hours ago it had been burned away. "Otou-sama is amazing!" She smiled brightly, flexing her hand a bit.
38x2 suddenly had her arms around him, hugging the slender Espada tightly. Her cheeks were red and she looked embarrassed herself, but she didn't let go.
Szayel's entire body tensed harder than stone as he stood stock still. His eyes were wide in silent horror but he made no motion to move, even barely breathe
The child did not try to kill him, nor wound him, she was simply showing her affection in the only way her fragile mind could; an innocent hug. After a moment she let go, cheeks still flushed as she squirmed in her seat, eyes downcast.
"U-Um..." She fidgeted more, glancing up at him several times. "I-I..." She squeaked and quickly stood, hurrying back to her cage and laying down, face as red as a beet.
((Now that I think of it, she probably hasn't properly bathed yet..))

Nieve sat nibbling fiercely on her thumbnail, cheeks still flushed pink, even though he didn't return her affections.
((She'll hate baths at first~))

38x2 glanced at him, shifting before turning away from him. "This one does not wish to say.."
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