No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Szayel whirled on her and smacked her for her rebellious actions, "You will eat what I make you or you will starve. Do I make myself clear?"
Nieve held her cheek, her rampant behavior stopping as she stood there stunned. Her lower lip quivered and she whined lowly, a loud wail begging to rise from her throat.
38x2 didn't seem to like the look he gave her, or perhaps she just didn't like him, but regardless, she yanked away from him and let loose the loudest scream she could, the tears that had welled up in her eyes streaming down her cheeks as she stumbled away from him, absolutely refusing his orders.
Szayel fumed, anger reaching a boiling point. He grabbed her and began to beat her hard and relentlessly in an attempt to daze her long enough to quell her shrill screams
The girls screams grew louder before they quieted, and it nearly took five minutes, but soon the only noise that echoed in the large lab was the sound of Szayel hitting the poor experiment. She had squirmed her way onto her stomach and was now unmoving, eyes partially closed. She lay in a daze, head throbbing and she was unable to make clear thoughts or keep attention on anything for long, but she could still register Szayel standing over her.
The girl moaned weakly and closed her eyes completely, hand twitching slightly as she mumbled something to herself, which sounded vaguely like 'bad' but he couldn't be sure. A small ammount of blood was trickling from the split on her ear, and her lower lip was split deeply and bloody. She wasn't dead but she surely had a nasty concussion.
After around three hours, the small figure stirred before rising to her feet, wobbily and still a bit groggy. Her stomach growled loudly again and she headed toward his equipment, trying to sniff out anything remotely edible, but the only things that seemed edible were inside of liquid filled jars. "Munchy munchy..." She muttered and reached out toward a jar containing an odd looking organ.
Szayel smacked her hand hard and grabbed her wrist, dragging her off toward the door and shoving her out of his lab once it opened, "Go bug someone else, I'm incredibly busy." He spats and shut the door behind her, locking down his lab once again
38x2 stood in the hallway for a good minute before she turned back to the door, trying to open it, but it didn't budge. Then her nose twitched. Turning her head she smelled the air, her mouth starting to water. Whatever it was, it smelled delicious and it only made her stomach growl louder. Turned her attention away from the door she started down the hall after the mouthwatering smell, stopping just outside of a single door. Opening the door she peeked inside, looking around to see what was inside - them she saw it. It was a large plate of steaming white meat, peppered with many small black spots. Jerk Chicken. 38x2 entered the room and came before the chiken, stopping and staring down at it like she had just found something extremely beautiful, and to her, it was. She didn't bother with utensils, she ist tore the chiken apart with her fingers, not bothered at how hot it was as she started to scarf it down as fast as she could, barely even chewing the pieces she tore off.
When she was about halfway done with the meat, the door opened and a powerful reiatsu flared madly. "What the hell are you doing!?" A blonde man with an eyepatch stared furiously at her, eye gleaming his boundless rage, "Do you have any idea what you've done!?"
38x2 stopped eating, mouth full of the delicious white meat, turning to look at the man who was glaring murderously at her. She made eye contact with him for around ten seconds before she resumed chewing and returned to scarfing down the chicken, eating even faster this time.
38x2 took one last big chunk out of the chicken before growling lowly at Tesla, just like a dog. She scarfed down the last chunk she had removed, leaving only a small ammount of chiken left on the plate. She swiped her tongue over her lips and quickly cleaned her fingers, looking around the room for another way out. "Food, food, food." She muttered under her breath, stomach giving another small growl.
Tesla was fuming, body shaking with anger. But that didn't matter once he heard a familiar voice. "Tesla! Where the fuck is my chicken!?" A voice called. Tesla paled slightly, "Menos..."
38x2 stopped moving as well, looking around for the source of the voice, which had seemed to come from down the hall somewhere. It didn't sound familiar at all, but for some reason the male before her was now scared, perhaps he wasn't a sight to behold?
The door was thrown open and Tesla moved away quickly. A tall slender man stood in the doorway, his only eye glaring death at 38x2, "You filthy little bitch. I'm going to kill you."
38x2 tugged at the metal collar around her neck, looking back and forth with nervous eyes. "Bad, bad." She whined, seeing the kitchen only had one door. "Granz.."
Nnoitra scowled heavily at the name before taking long strides and grabbing her by the neck, throwing her so hard into the wall that she left a crater
The young girl hit the wall with a sickening crunch, barely able to make out a weak cry as she collapsed to the ground. She lay in a crumpled heap, head bleeding heavily from a deep gash on the back of her head, tears falling from her pain-clouded eyes. She shakily tried to get up, but it only resulted in her falling back onto the ground with a cry of pain. Her legs wouldn't move and her back was broken.
Nnoitra looked to Tesla and nudged his head, "Make me some more food." "H-Hai!" Tesla went to make another batch while Nnoitra moved to grab 38x2 and drag her back to Szayel's lab door
The poor girl didn't really struggle much, she couldn't really, the only thing she could do was try to claw at his hand and moan in pain from her broken back. "Hurts.."
"Shut the fuck up, I ain't got time for your bitchin'..." He grumbled. He soon reached Szayel's lab and beat on the door, "Hey!! Apporro!! Your dumb fuck experiment or whatever is broken!" He yelled. The door opened and Szayel stood with an unamused expression before glancing at 38x2. He groaned and took her from Nnoitra, slamming his lab door and taking her to the table
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